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Efeito Fotorefrativo: fundamentos e aplicaes

Larissa Nunes da Costa

Departamento Ps-Graduao CPGI, Universidade Tecnolgica Federal do Paran v! "ete de "etem#ro n$%&'(, Curiti#a P), *rasil Abstract This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of an IEEE conference. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. Keywords efeito fotorefrativo, mudan a do !ndice de refra "o, fot#nica

$ont %i&e 4

8 12 11 0/

I. INTRO !CTION T"is document is a template. #n electronic cop$ can %e do&nloaded from t"e conference &e%site. For 'uestions on paper (uidelines) please contact t"e conference pu%lications committee as indicated on t"e conference &e%site. Information a%out final paper su%mission is availa%le from t"e conference &e%site. II. *#+E L#,O!T #n eas$ &a$ to compl$ &it" t"e conference paper formattin( re'uirements is to use t"is document as a template and simpl$ t$pe $our te-t into it. ! Page +a,out ,our paper must use a pa(e si.e correspondin( to #/ &"ic" is 012mm 34.0567 &ide and 085mm 311.9867 lon(. T"e mar(ins must %e set as follo&s: Top : 18mm 32.5;67 <ottom : /=mm 31.9867 Left : Ri("t : 1/.=0mm 32.;967 ,our paper must %e in t&o column format &it" a space of /.00mm 32.1567 %et&een columns. III. *#+E >T,LE #ll para(rap"s must %e indented. #ll para(rap"s must %e ?ustified) i.e. %ot" left@?ustified and ri("t@?ustified. ! Te-t Font o. /ntire Document T"e entire document s"ould %e in Times Ne& Roman or Times font. T$pe = fonts must not %e used. Ot"er font t$pes ma$ %e used if needed for special purposes. Recommended font are s"o&n in Ta%le 1. *! Title and ut0or Details Title must %e in 0/ pt Re(ular font. #ut"or name must %e in 11 pt Re(ular font. #ut"or affiliation must %e in 12 pt Italic. Email address must %e in 8 pt Courier Re(ular font.

'ppearance (in Time )ew *oman or Times+ *egular ,old Italic ta%le caption 3in reference item >mall Caps7) 3partial7 fi(ure caption) reference item aut"or email address a%stract a%stract "eadin( 3in Courier7) %od$ 3also in <old7 cell in a ta%le level@1 "eadin( 3in level@0 "eadin() >mall Caps7) level@= "eadin() para(rap" aut"or affiliation aut"or name title

#ll title and aut"or details must %e in sin(le@column format and must %e centered. Ever$ &ord in a title must %e capitali.ed e-cept for s"ort minor &ords suc" as BaC) BanC) BandC) BasC) BatC) B%$C) BforC) BfromC) BifC) BinC) BintoC) BonC) BorC) BofC) Bt"eC) BtoC) B&it"C. #ut"or details must not s"o& an$ professional title 3e.(. Dana(in( irector7) an$ academic title 3e.(. r.7 or an$ mem%ers"ip of an$ professional or(ani.ation 3e.(. >enior Dem%er IEEE7. To avoid confusion) t"e famil$ name must %e &ritten as t"e last part of eac" aut"or name 3e.(. Eo"n #.F. >mit"7. Eac" affiliation must include) at t"e ver$ least) t"e name of t"e compan$ and t"e name of t"e countr$ &"ere t"e aut"or is %ased 3e.(. Causal *roductions *t$ Ltd) #ustralia7. Email address is compulsor$ for t"e correspondin( aut"or. C! "ection 1eadings No more t"an = levels of "eadin(s s"ould %e used. #ll "eadin(s must %e in 12pt font. Ever$ &ord in a "eadin( must %e capitali.ed e-cept for s"ort minor &ords as listed in >ection III@<. &2 +evel-& 1eading: # level@1 "eadin( must %e in >mall Caps) centered and num%ered usin( uppercase Roman numerals. For e-ample) see "eadin( BIII. *a(e >t$leC of t"is document. T"e t&o level@1 "eadin(s &"ic" must not %e num%ered are B#cGno&led(mentC and BReferencesC. 32 +evel-3 1eading4 # level@0 "eadin( must %e in Italic) left@?ustified and num%ered usin( an uppercase alp"a%etic letter follo&ed %$ a period. For e-ample) see "eadin( BC. >ection Headin(sC a%ove.

%2 +evel-% 1eading4 # level@= "eadin( must %e indented) in Italic and num%ered &it" an #ra%ic numeral follo&ed %$ a ri("t parent"esis. T"e level@= "eadin( must end &it" a colon. T"e %od$ of t"e level@= section immediatel$ follo&s t"e level@ = "eadin( in t"e same para(rap". For e-ample) t"is para(rap" %e(ins &it" a level@= "eadin(. D! Figures and Ta#les Fi(ures and ta%les must %e centered in t"e column. Lar(e fi(ures and ta%les ma$ span across %ot" columns. #n$ ta%le or fi(ure t"at taGes up more t"an 1 column &idt" must %e positioned eit"er at t"e top or at t"e %ottom of t"e pa(e. +rap"ics ma$ %e full color. #ll colors &ill %e retained on t"e C ROD. +rap"ics must not use stipple fill patterns %ecause t"e$ ma$ not %e reproduced properl$. *lease use onl$ "5+ID FI++ colors &"ic" contrast &ell %ot" on screen and on a %lacG@and@&"ite "ardcop$) as s"o&n in Fi(. 1.

Fi(. 0 E-ample of an unaccepta%le lo&@resolution ima(e

Fi(. 1 # sample line (rap" usin( colors &"ic" contrast &ell %ot" on screen and on a %lacG@and@&"ite "ardcop$

Fi(. 0 s"o&s an e-ample of a lo&@resolution ima(e &"ic" &ould not %e accepta%le) &"ereas Fi(. = s"o&s an e-ample of an ima(e &it" ade'uate resolution. C"ecG t"at t"e resolution is ade'uate to reveal t"e important detail in t"e fi(ure. *lease c"ecG all fi(ures in $our paper %ot" on screen and on a %lacG@and@&"ite "ardcop$. I"en $ou c"ecG $our paper on a %lacG@and@&"ite "ardcop$) please ensure t"at: t"e colors used in eac" fi(ure contrast &ell) t"e ima(e used in eac" fi(ure is clear) all te-t la%els in eac" fi(ure are le(i%le. /! Figure Captions Fi(ures must %e num%ered usin( #ra%ic numerals. Fi(ure captions must %e in 4 pt Re(ular font. Captions of a sin(le line 3e.(. Fi(. 07 must %e centered &"ereas multi@line captions must %e ?ustified 3e.(. Fi(. 17. Captions &it" fi(ure num%ers must %e placed after t"eir associated fi(ures) as s"o&n in Fi(. 1.

Fi(. = E-ample of an ima(e &it" accepta%le resolution

F! Ta#le Captions Ta%les must %e num%ered usin( uppercase Roman numerals. Ta%le captions must %e centred and in 4 pt Re(ular font &it" >mall Caps. Ever$ &ord in a ta%le caption must %e capitali.ed e-cept for s"ort minor &ords as listed in >ection III@<. Captions &it" ta%le num%ers must %e placed %efore t"eir associated ta%les) as s"o&n in Ta%le 1. G! Page 6um#ers, 1eaders and Footers *a(e num%ers) "eaders and footers must not %e used. 1! +in7s and *oo7mar7s #ll "$perte-t linGs and section %ooGmarGs &ill %e removed from papers durin( t"e processin( of papers for pu%lication. If $ou need to refer to an Internet email address or !RL in $our paper) $ou must t$pe out t"e address or !RL full$ in Re(ular font.

I! )e.erences T"e "eadin( of t"e References section must not %e num%ered. #ll reference items must %e in 4 pt font. *lease use Re(ular and Italic st$les to distin(uis" different fields as s"o&n in t"e References section. Num%er t"e reference items consecutivel$ in s'uare %racGets 3e.(. J1K7. I"en referrin( to a reference item) please simpl$ use t"e reference num%er) as in J0K. o not use BRef. J=KC or BReference J=KC e-cept at t"e %e(innin( of a sentence) e.(. BReference J=K s"o&s LC. Dultiple references are eac" num%ered &it" separate %racGets 3e.(. J0K) J=K) J/KMJ9K7. E-amples of reference items of different cate(ories s"o&n in t"e References section include: e-ample of a %ooG in J1K e-ample of a %ooG in a series in J0K e-ample of a ?ournal article in J=K e-ample of a conference paper in J/K e-ample of a patent in J;K e-ample of a &e%site in J9K e-ample of a &e% pa(e in J5K e-ample of a data%ooG as a manual in J4K e-ample of a datas"eet in J8K e-ample of a masterNs t"esis in J12K e-ample of a tec"nical report in J11K e-ample of a standard in J10K IO. CONCL!>ION> T"e version of t"is template is O0. Dost of t"e formattin( instructions in t"is document "ave %een compiled %$ Causal *roductions from t"e IEEE LaTeP st$le files. Causal *roductions offers %ot" #/ templates and !> Letter templates for LaTeP and Dicrosoft Iord. T"e LaTeP templates depend on t"e official IEEEtran.cls and IEEEtran.%st files) &"ereas t"e Dicrosoft Iord templates are self@contained. Causal *roductions "as used its %est efforts to ensure t"at t"e templates "ave t"e same appearance.

Causal *roductions permits t"e distri%ution and revision of t"ese templates on t"e condition t"at Causal *roductions is credited in t"e revised template as follo&s: Bori(inal version of t"is template &as provided %$ courtes$ of Causal *roductions 3&&&.causalproductions.com7C. #CFNOILE +DENT T"e "eadin( of t"e #cGno&led(ment section and t"e References section must not %e num%ered. Causal *roductions &is"es to acGno&led(e Dic"ael >"ell and ot"er contri%utors for developin( and maintainin( t"e IEEE LaTeP st$le files &"ic" "ave %een used in t"e preparation of t"is template. To see t"e list of contri%utors) please refer to t"e top of file IEEETran.cls in t"e IEEE LaTeP distri%ution. REFERENCE>
J1K J0K J=K J/K J;K J9K J5K J4K J8K J12K J11K J10K >. D. Detev and O. *. OeiGo) +aser ssisted 8icrotec0nolog,) 0nd ed.) R. D. Os(ood) Er.) Ed. <erlin) +erman$: >prin(er@Oerla() 1884. E. <recGlin() Ed.) T0e nal,sis o. Directional Time "eries4 pplications to 9ind "peed and Direction ) ser. Lecture Notes in >tatistics. <erlin) +erman$: >prin(er) 1848) vol. 91. >. A"an() C. A"u) E. F. O. >in) and *. F. T. DoG) B# novel ultrat"in elevated c"annel lo&@temperature pol$@>i TFT)C I/// /lectron Device +ett!) vol. 02) pp. ;98M;51) Nov. 1888. D. Ie(muller) E. *. von der Ieid) *. O%erson) and N. +isin) BHi(" resolution fi%er distri%uted measurements &it" co"erent OF R)C in Proc! /C5C:;;) 0222) paper 11.=./) p. 128. R. E. >orace) O. >. Rein"ardt) and >. #. Oau("n) BHi("@speed di(ital@ to@RF converter)C !.>. *atent ; 994 4/0) >ept. 19) 1885. 302207 T"e IEEE &e%site. JOnlineK. #vaila%le: "ttp:QQ&&&.ieee.or(Q D. >"ell. 302207 IEEEtran "omepa(e on CT#N. JOnlineK. #vaila%le: "ttp:QQ&&&.ctan.or(Qte-@ arc"iveQmacrosQlate-Qcontri%QsupportedQIEEEtranQ F+/<C0ip "ignal Processor =8C'>&?(@D2) Dotorola) 1889. B* C#10@52 data s"eet)C Opto >peed >#) De..ovico) >&it.erland. #. FarniG) B*erformance of TC* con(estion control &it" rate feed%acG: TC*Q#<R and rate adaptive TC*QI*)C D. En(. t"esis) Indian Institute of >cience) <an(alore) India) Ean. 1888. E. *ad"$e) O. Firoiu) and . To&sle$) B# stoc"astic model of TC* Reno con(estion avoidance and control)C !niv. of Dassac"usetts) #m"erst) D#) CD*>CI Tec". Rep. 88@20) 1888. 9ireless + 6 8edium ccess Control =8 C2 and P0,sical +a,er =P1A2 "peci.ication) IEEE >td. 420.11) 1885.

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