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SECTION 08550 WOOD WINDOWS *************************************************************** This section includes high quality residential and commercial quality ood

indo s o! "roduction quality# site !inished or "lastic or metal clad !inished# !i$ed or o"era%le sash& glass and gla'ing& o"erating hard are& and insect screens( This section could %e edited to create custom !a%ricated ood indo section( This section uses )NSI*NWWD) +0+*I(S(, standards %ut can %e edited to utili'e other standards& %e edited to "ro"rietary "roducts& or %e used as a %asis !or monumental or other high quality indo s( -e!er to S.ECTE/T Section 08,0, !or Sliding Wood Doors sometimes associated ith Wood Windo s( 1lass is ty"ically !actory installed in residential and commercial quality indo s& here used !or monumental indo s& re!erence to S.ECTE/T Section 08800 is a""ro"riate( )ir %arrier and 2a"or retarder continuity !rom ood indo s !rames to ad3acent construction is critical to success!ul %uilding air tightness# s"eci!y com"ati%le materials in con3unction ith S.ECTE/T Sections 04,00 and 04,40( 5anu!acturers listed in this section ere identi!ied %y )rchitects6 7irst Source& Inc( 8)7S9 as re"resentati2e and not as an endorsement !or meeting this s"eci!ication( Contact )7S at 800:;<5:+<88 !or "roduct listing( This section includes "er!ormance& "ro"rietary& and descri"ti2e ty"e s"eci!ications( Edit to a2oid con!licting requirements( *************************************************************** .)-T + 1ENE-)= +(+ S>55)-? +( Section includes !actory !a%ricated @@"lasticA @metalA cladA ood indo s ith @!i$edA @andA @o"eratingA sash @& including in!ill "anelsA& !actory gla'ed @including in!ill "anelsA& o"erating hard are and insect screens(

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : + Wood Windo s


-elated SectionsD ,( Section 00++, : 7raming and SheathingD o"enings( ****** @O-A ****** ;( E( 5( 0( 4(


Section 00++E : Wood FlocGing and Cur%ingD Wood "erimeter shims( Section 04,00 : Ha"or -etardersD .erimeter 2a"or seal %et een indo !rame and ad3acent construction( Section 04,40 : )ir FarriersD .erimeter air seal %et een indo !rame and ad3acent construction( Section 04<00 : Coint SealersD .erimeter sealant and %acG:u" materials( Section 0<<00 : .aints and CoatingsD Site !inishing ood sur!aces(



*************************************************************** =ist re!erence standards included ithin te$t o! this section( Edit the !ollo ing !or .ro3ect conditions( *************************************************************** F( ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(, 8)merican )rchitectural 5anu!acturers )ssociation98National Wood Windo and Door )ssociation9 : )luminum& Hinyl 8.HC9 and Wood Windo s and 1lass Doors( ))5) +50;(+ 8)merican )rchitectural 5anu!acturers )ssociation9 : Test 5ethod !or Thermal Transmittance and Condensation -esistance o! Windo s& Doors& and 1la'ed Wall Sections( )SCE 4 8)merican Society o! Ci2il Engineers9 : Calculation o! Wind =oads( )ST5 D+48E : -igid .oly 8Hinyl Chloride9 8.HC9 Com"ounds and Chlorinated .oly 8Hinyl Chloride9 8C.HC9 Com"ounds( )ST5 D;050 : Insect Screening and =ou2er Cloth Wo2en !rom Hinyl:Coated 1lass ?arns( ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : , Wood Windo s


D( E(


1( I(

)ST5 E,8; : Test 5ethod !or -ate o! )ir =eaGage Through E$terior Windo s& Curtain Walls& and Doors( )ST5 E;;0 : Test 5ethod !or Structural .er!ormance o! E$terior Windo s& Curtain Walls& and Doors %y >ni!orm Static )ir .ressure Di!!erence( )ST5 E;;+ : Test 5ethod !or Water .enetration o! E$terior Windo s& Curtain Walls& and Doors %y >ni!orm Static )ir .ressure Di!!erence( )ST5 7588 : -esistance o! Windo Entry E$cluding 1la'ing( )ssem%lies to 7orced


C( J( =(

1)N) 81lass )ssociation o! North )merican& !ormerly 715)9 : 1la'ing 5anual( N7-C 8National 7enestration -ating Council9 +00 : .rocedure !or Determining 7enestration .roduct Thermal .ro"erties 8Currently =imited to >:Halue9( SI15) 8Sealed Insulated 1lass 5anu!acturers )ssociation9 : Sealed Insulating 1lassD 1lass to Elastomer Edge& 1lass to 5astic Edge& S"ecial 1lasses(




*************************************************************** >se this article care!ully# restrict statements to descri%e com"onents used to assem%le system( Do not re"eat statements made in S>55)-? )rticle# KSection includesL "aragra"h( *************************************************************** N( Wood Windo sD Wood @metal cladA @"lastic cladA @"rimedA sections& !actory !a%ricated& 2ision glass& @in!ill "anels&A related !lashings& anchorage and attachment de2ices( Con!igurationD @7i$ed& non:o"era%leA @andA @out ard "ro3ecting %ottomA @in ard "ro3ecting to"A @out ard o"ening& side hingedA @out ard o"ening& to" hingedA @in ard o"ening& %ottom hingedA @hori'ontal slidingA @2ertical "i2otingA @hori'ontal "i2otingA @hori'ontal slidingA @dou%le hungA sash(


** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : ; Wood Windo s



*************************************************************** >se this article care!ully# restrict statements to identi!y system "er!ormance requirements or !unction criteria only( Delete "aragra"hs not a""lica%le to .ro3ect( S"eci!y the !ollo ing ith caution( 5any "ro"rietary indo "roducts are marGeted ithout "er!ormance data in their literature and there!ore may not ha2e %een tested !or "er!ormance characteristics( Consider "otential costs o! requiring the !ollo ing "er!ormance criteria( The !ollo ing "aragra"h o!!ers method o! s"eci!ying "er!ormance criteria !or "roducts o! this section( When this "aragra"h is selected& delete or care!ully edit su%sequent "aragra"hs( -e!er to ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(, and manu!acturer6s literature !or a2aila%le systems& listing %elo is limited to most commonly a2aila%le ty"es( Heri!y a2aila%ility o! IC:Iea2y Commercial and )W:)rchitectural %e!ore s"eci!ying( *************************************************************** .( .rimary .er!ormance -equirementsD ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(, Designation @-+5 -esidentialA @=C,5 =ight CommercialA @C;0 CommercialA @ICE0 Iea2y CommercialA @)WE0 )rchitecturalA or %etter( ****** @O-A ****** *************************************************************** The !ollo ing "aragra"hs re"resent suggested listing o! "er!ormance criteria( When more stringent criteria is %eing considered& re!er to )ST5 test methods and associated documents !or guidance( )2oid guessing at design ind loads& use a""lica%le %uilding code or ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(,( *************************************************************** M( System DesignD Design and si'e com"onents to ithstand dead loads and li2e loads caused %y "ositi2e and negati2e ind loads acting normal to "lane o! all @as calculated in accordance ith a""lica%le code(A @as calculated in accordance ith )SCE 4 : Calculation o! Wind =oads(A @to design "ressure o! @NNNNA l%*sq !t ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : E Wood Windo s

8@NNNNA G.a9 and suction o! @NNNNA l%*sq !t 8@NNNNA G.a9A @andA as measured in accordance ith )ST5 E;;0A( -( 5em%er De!lectionD =imit mem%er de!lection to @!le$ure limit o! glassA @+*+45A @+*,00A ith !ull reco2ery o! gla'ing materials( =intel De!lectionD )ccommodate de!lection o! lintel ithout damage to com"onents& deterioration o! seals& or mo2ement %et een indo and "erimeter !raming( )ir and Ha"or SealD 5aintain continuous air %arrier and 2a"or retarder throughout assem%ly& "rimarily in line ith @insideA "ane o! glass @and inner sheet o! in!ill "anelA and heel %ead o! gla'ing com"ound( System Internal DrainageD Drain ater entering 3oints& condensation occurring in gla'ing channel& and moisture occurring ithin system to e$terior %y ee" drainage net orG( Thermal 5o2ementD Design sections to "ermit thermal e$"ansion and contraction o! com"onents to match "erimeter o"ening construction(





*************************************************************** Only include one or more o! the !ollo ing "aragra"hs hen .ro3ect conditions require criteria( >se 0(,E "s! only !or IC: Iea2y Commercial and )W:)rchitectural indo s hich also may not %e a2aila%le( *************************************************************** W( )ir In!iltrationD =imit air in!iltration through assem%ly to 0(;; c!m*sq !t 85 cu%ic meters* hour*sq meter9 o! all area& measured at re!erence di!!erential "ressure across assem%ly o! @+(54A @0(,EA "s! 8@45A @;00A .a9 as measured in accordance ith )ST5 E,8;(

*************************************************************** Select !rom one o! the !ollo ing three "aragra"hs& 2a"or& thermal "er!ormance& or ater leaGage criteria a""ro"riate to the .ro3ect( The test "ressure di!!erential !or ater "enetration testing should %e +5 "ercent o! design "ressure !or ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : 5 Wood Windo s

indo s e$ce"t those intended !or monumental use or installation in con3unction ith curtain alls here "ressure di!!erential should %e ,0 "ercent( ) minimum di!!erential o! ,(80 "s! 8+;5(85 N*sq m9 is recommended and a ma$imum o! +,(00 "s! 8545 N*sq m9is also recommended( *************************************************************** /( Ha"or SealD With Interior )tmos"heric .ressure o! + inch 8,5 mm9 s"& 4, degrees 7 8,, degrees C9& E0 .ercent -ID No !ailure( ****** @O-A ****** ?( Thermal .er!ormanceD Condensation -esistance 7actor 8C-79 Class o! not less than @CE5A @C50A hen measured in accordance ith ))5) +50;(+& and ma$imum >:Halue Class o! @>00A @>E5A @>,5A hen measured in accordance ith @))5) +50;(+(A @N7-C +00(A ****** @O-A ****** O( Water =eaGageD None& hen measured in accordance ith )ST5 E;;+ ith test "ressure di!!erence as de!ined %y ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(,( 7orced Entry -esistanceD )ST5 7588 1rade @+0A @,0A @;0A @E0A& !or assem%ly ty"es indicated(

))( +(5


*************************************************************** Only request su%mittals needed to 2eri!y com"liance ith .ro3ect requirements( *************************************************************** FF( CC( Section 0+;;0 : Su%mittal .roceduresD Su%mittal requirements( Sho" Dra ingsD Indicate o"ening dimensions& !ramed o"ening tolerances& a!!ected related orG# and installation requirements( .roduct DataD Su%mit com"onent dimensions& anchorage


** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : 0 Wood Windo s

and !asteners& glass& internal drainage details and !or indo hard are and accessories( *************************************************************** Include the !ollo ing "aragra"h !or su%mission o! "hysical sam"les !or selection o! !inish& color& te$ture& and other "ro"erties( *************************************************************** EE( Su%mit t o sam"les NNNN$NNNN inches 8NNNN$NNNN mm9 in si'e illustrating indo !rame section @mullion sectionA @screen and !rameA& !actory !inished sur!aces& @glass @unitsA&A @in!ill "anels&A @gla'ing materialsA( Su%mit t o sam"les o! e$"osed o"erating hard are( indo

77( 11(

5anu!acturerPs Certi!icateD Certi!y "roducts meet or e$ceed @s"eci!ied requirements(A @"er!ormance criteria tests(A 5anu!acturerPs Installation InstructionsD Su%mit s"ecial "rocedures and "erimeter conditions requiring s"ecial attention(A



M>)=IT? )SS>-)NCE II( .er!orm WorG in accordance ith the !ollo ingD 8( Windo sD 7a%ricate 588 assem%ly in accordance ith ))5)*NWWD) +0+*I(S(,( <( Insulated 1lassD 7a%ricate insulated glass units in accordance ith @SI15)(A @1)N) 1la'ing 5anual(A

*************************************************************** Include the !ollo ing "aragra"h only hen cost o! acquiring s"eci!ied standards is 3usti!ied( *************************************************************** CC( +(4 5aintain one co"y o! each document on site(

M>)=I7IC)TIONS JJ( 5anu!acturerD Com"any s"eciali'ing in manu!acturing @residentialA @commercialA ood indo s ith minimum

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : 4 Wood Windo s

three years @documentedA e$"erience( ==( InstallerD Com"any s"eciali'ing in "er!orming @residentialA @commercialA installation o! ood indo s ith minimum three years @documentedA e$"erience(


.-E:INST)==)TION 5EETIN1 55( NN( Section 0+;00 : )dministrati2e -equirementsD .reinstallation meeting( Con2ene minimum one section( eeG %e!ore starting WorG o! this


DE=IHE-?& STO-)1E& )ND I)ND=IN1 OO( ..( Section 0+000 : .roduct -equirementsD .roduct storage and handling requirements( .rotect !actory !inished sur!aces ith @ ra""ingA @stri""a%le coatingA( Do not use adhesi2e "a"ers or s"rayed coatings that %ond hen e$"osed to sunlight or eather(

+(+0 ENHI-ON5ENT)= -EM>I-E5ENTS MM( Section 0+000 : .roduct -equirements(

*************************************************************** When dry gla'ing methods are utili'ed& delete this article( *************************************************************** --( SS( Do not install sealants hen am%ient tem"erature is less than E0 degrees 7 85 degrees C9( 5aintain this minimum tem"erature during and a!ter installation o! sealants(

+(++ W)--)NT? *************************************************************** This article e$tends arranty "eriod %eyond one year( E$tended arranties increase construction costs and O ner en!orcement res"onsi%ilities( S"eci!y arranties ith caution( ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : 8 Wood Windo s

*************************************************************** TT( >>( Section 0+400 : E$ecution -equirementsD .roduct arranties and "roduct %onds( 7urnish @t oA @!i2eA year manu!acturer arranty !or insulated glass units !rom seal !ailure& inter"ane dusting or misting& and re"lacement o! same( WarrantyD +0( Include co2erage !or degradation o! color !inish( ++( @Include co2erage !or delamination or se"aration o! !inish cladding !rom indo mem%er(A


.)-T , .-OD>CTS +(+, WOOD WINDOWS *************************************************************** In this article& list manu!acturers acce"ta%le !or this .ro3ect( *************************************************************** WW( 5anu!acturersD +,( @)nderson Windo sA 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +;( @Classic Windo s Inc(A 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +E( @Duratherm Windo Cor"(A 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +5( @=oe en Windo sA 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +0( @5ar2in Windo s Q DoorsA 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +4( @.ella Cor"(A 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +8( @-icGetson Sah Q Door Co(& Inc(A 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( +<( @NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA 5odel @NNNNNNNNA( ,0( Su%stitutionsD @Section 0+000 : .roduct -equirementsA @Not .ermittedA(

*************************************************************** Edit the !ollo ing descri"ti2e s"eci!ications to identi!y "ro3ect requirements and to eliminate con!licts ith manu!acturers6 8"roducts9 s"eci!ied a%o2e( *************************************************************** //( .roduct Descri"tionD @Iigh quality residentialA @Commercial qualityA @.roduction qualityA ood indo s& site !inished @.HC clad !inishedA @metal clad !inishedA& !i$ed @andA @o"era%leA sash& glass and gla'ing& o"erating hard are& @and insect screenA(

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : < Wood Windo s

+(+; CO5.ONENTS ??( WoodD Clear @.ineA @CedarA @7irA s"ecies& clear "reser2ati2e treated& o! ty"e suita%le !or @trans"arentA @o"aqueA @o"aque e$terior& trans"arent interiorA !inish( .HC Cladding 8E$terior Sur!ace9D E$truded .HC& lo sheen sur!ace& !actory !it to "ro!ile o! e$terior e$"osed sur!aces# )ST5 D+48E .HC& minimum ;5 mils ith @integralA @orA @sur!ace elded


)))( 80(8< mm9 thicG&

FFF( a""liedA ultra:2iolet degradation resistance# corners(

CCC( )luminum Cladding 8E$terior Sur!ace9D 7ormed aluminum !actory !it to "ro!ile or e$terior e$"osed sur!ace# !actory !inished( DDD( >nit 7rame @and Intermediate 5ullionsAD ConstructionD Wood ith @mortise and tenonA @do eledA @slot mortiseA 3oint construction( *************************************************************** Where 2isual glass di2iders and muntins are acce"ta%le include in )CCESSO-IES and delete requirement !or true di2ided lites( *************************************************************** EEE( 7i$ed and Sliding 7rame ConstructionD Wood ith @mortise and tenonA @glued and steel "innedA 3oint construction @& !urnish true di2ided litesA( *************************************************************** Sliding ood indo s are not ty"ically !urnished ithout gla'ing( *************************************************************** 777( Insulating 1lassD Sealed @dou%leA @tri"leA "ane units# con!orm ith requirements in Section 08800D ,+( Outer .aneD @ClearA @1ray tintedA @Fron'e tintedA @=o EA tem"ered !loat glass( ,,( Inner @and 5iddleA .aneD Clear tem"ered !loat glass( ,;( .ane ThicGnessD @5inimum @+*8A @+*EA 8@;A @0A mm9 thicG(A @Determined %y si'e or ind and suction ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +0 Wood Windo s

,E( ,5(

loads(A 5inimum Total >nit ThicGnessD @5*8A @+A inch 8@+5A @,5A mm9( 1la'ingD 5anu!acturer6s standard con!orming ith requirements s"eci!ied in Section 08800 : 1la'ing( ****** @O-A ******

111( Single .ane 1lassD Single "ane o! @clearA @gray tintedA @%ron'e tintedA @=o EA tem"ered !loat glass& @+*8A @+*EA 8@;A @0A mm9 thicG#A @thicGness go2erned %y si'e or ind and suction loads#A con!orming ith requirements in Section 08800( ,0( 7urnish !i$ed single "ane ith additional @outerA @innerA !ramed remo2a%le "ane( ,4( Con!orm ith requirements s"eci!ied in Section 08800 : 1la'ing( *************************************************************** Do not s"eci!y thicGness o! aluminum sheets in the !ollo ing "aragra"h hen thicGness is to %e determined %y ind and associated loads( *************************************************************** III( In!ill .anelD 5inimum @+*EA @+A inch 8@0A @,5A mm9 thicG @aluminumA @aluminum !aced sand ich "anelA( ,8( CoreD @1lass !i%erA @ -igid "olystyreneA @-igid "olyurethaneA insulation core( III( 1lass @and .anelA Sto"sD @Solid oodA @7ormed e$truded .HCA @)luminumA to match indo s& slo"ed !or ash( @7orm eather sto" !lange(A CCC( SillsD @WoodA @.HC clad oodA @@E$trudedA @FraGe !ormedA aluminumA @5etalA# slo"ed !or "ositi2e ash# !it under sash to "ro3ect +*, inch 8+, mm9 %eyond all !ace# one "iece !ull idth o! o"ening( JJJ( StoolsD @WoodA @.HC clad oodA @)luminum clad oodA# !it under sash to "ro3ect +*, inch 8+, mm9 %eyond interior all !ace# one "iece !ull idth o! o"ening( ===( Windo Iard areD

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : ++ Wood Windo s

*************************************************************** Care!ully select and edit the !ollo ing "aragra"hs to suit o"erating hard are a""ro"riate to indo o"eration( *************************************************************** ,<( Sash locGD =e2er handle ith cam locG( 7urnish "ole handle o! si'e to allo access to sash locGs and o"era%le indo s here o2er 5 !eet 8+(5 m9 a%o2e !loor( ****** @O-A ****** ;0( ;+( O"eratorD @=e2er action handleA @1eared rotary handleA !itted to "ro3ecting sash arms ith limit sto"s( Iori'ontal Sliding SashD @E$truded .HC inter!acing tracGsA @Nylon rollers in @aluminumA @steelA %racGet& scre ad3usta%leA& ith limit sto"s in head and sill tracG( Dou%le Iung SashD 5etal and nylon s"iral !riction slide cylinder& each sash& each 3am%( .ro3ecting Sash )rmsD @CadmiumA @OincA "lated steel& !riction "i2ot 3oints ith nylon %earings& remo2a%le "i2ot cli"s !or cleaning( .ullsD @5anu!acturer6s standardA @)s selectedA(

;,( ;;( ;E(

555( Insect Screen 7rameD @WoodA @.HCA @@E$trudedA @-olledA @aluminumA @steelAA !rame o! rectangular sections# !it ith ad3usta%le hard are# nominal si'e similar to o"era%le gla'ed unit( NNN( Insect ScreensD )ST5 D;050& Class ,& +8 %y +E mesh& @charcoalA @grayA color( OOO( O"era%le Sash Weatherstri""ingD @Wool "ileA @Nylon "ileA @-esilient .HCA @NNNNNNNNA# "ermanently resilient& "ro!iled to e!!ect eather seal( +(+E )CCESSO-IES ...( )nchorsD @Stainless steelA @Iot di" gal2ani'ed steelA @Corrosion resistant steelA( MMM( Hisual 1lass Di2idersD @Solid oodA @7ormed "lasticA

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +, Wood Windo s

@E$truded aluminumA& !itted against interior o! gla'ed sur!ace& secured ith @s"ring loadedA steel "ins into "lastic socGets( ---( Hisual 1lass 5untinsD @Solid oodA @7ormed "lasticA& @E$truded aluminumA a""lied to @interiorA @e$teriorA glass sur!ace( +(+5 7)F-IC)TION SSS( 7a%ricate !raming @& mullionsA and sash mem%ers ith @mortise and tenonA @do eledA 3oints( 1lue @and steel "inA 3oints( TTT( Ensure 3oints and connections are !lush& hairline& and eather:tight( *************************************************************** >tili'e the "aragra"h %elo !or ood sur!aces scheduled !or natural !inish( *************************************************************** >>>( @Scar!A @7ingerA 3oints "ermitted hen ood matches in color and grain te$ture( @7inger 3oints acce"ta%le in "lastic clad units(A @7inger 3oints not "ermitted in units intended !or trans"arent !inish(A HHH( 7orm sills @& a"rons&A and stools in one "iece( sills !or ash( WWW( 7urnish Slo"e

eather sto" !lange !or "erimeter o! unit(

///( 7a%ricate com"onents ith minimum clearances and shim s"acing around "erimeter o! assem%ly& yet allo ing installation and dynamic mo2ement o! "erimeter seal( ???( )rrange !asteners to %e concealed !rom 2ie ( OOO( .ermit internal drainage ee" holes and channels to migrate moisture to e$terior( .ro2ide internal drainage o! gla'ing s"aces to e$terior through ee" holes( ))))( )ssem%le insect screen !rame& miter and rein!orced !rame corners( 7it mesh taut into !rame

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +; Wood Windo s

and secure( 7it !rame "inA retainers( FFFF( CCCC( @Dou%leA @SingleA

ith @!our s"ring loaded steel eatherstri" o"era%le units(

7actory install glass @and in!ill "anelsA in indo units in accordance ith manu!acturer6s standard method con!orming ith 1)N) 1la'ing 5anual and to achie2e "er!ormance criteria s"eci!ied(

+(+0 SIO. 7INISIIN1 *************************************************************** 7inishes %elo assume acce"tance o! manu!acturer6s standard !inishes( Heri!y a2aila%ility( *************************************************************** DDDD( E$terior Sur!acesD @Wood sho" !inished ith @trans"arentA @o"aqueA materials as s"eci!ied in Section :0<<00(A @.lastic clad o! @ hiteA color @as selectedA( @Clear anodi'ed aluminum claddingA @Color anodi'ed aluminum cladding to @medium %ron'eA @darG %ron'eA color @as selectedA( @.rimed !or !ield "ainting(A Interior Sur!acesD @Wood sho" !inished ith @trans"arentA @o"aqueA materials as s"eci!ied in Section 0<<00(A @.lastic clad o! @ hiteA color @as selectedA( @Clear anodi'ed aluminum claddingA @Color anodi'ed aluminum cladding to @medium %ron'eA @darG %ron'eA color @as selectedAA( @.rimed !or !ield o"aque "ainting(A @>n!inished !or !ield trans"arent !inishing(A ScreensD @@FlacGA @WhiteA @1rayA !rames ith matching screening(A @)s selected(A @5atch indo !rame color(A E$"osed Iard areD FaGed enamel color as selected(




.)-T ; E/EC>TION +(+4 E/)5IN)TION IIII( Section 0+;00 : )dministrati2e -equirementsD

** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +E Wood Windo s

Coordination and "ro3ect conditions( IIII( Heri!y all o"enings and ad3oining air and 2a"or seal materials are ready to recei2e orG o! this section& and o"ening dimensions and clearances are as indicated on @sho" dra ings(A @Dra ings(A

+(+8 INST)==)TION CCCC( )ttach indo !rame and shims to "erimeter o"ening to accommodate construction tolerances and other irregularities( )lign indo "lum% and le2el& !ree o! ar" or t ist( 5aintain dimensional tolerances and alignment ith ad3acent orG( Install sills& @stools&A @and a"ronsA( .ro2ide thermal isolation here com"onents "enetrate or disru"t %uilding insulation( .acG !i%rous insulation in shim s"aces at "erimeter o! assem%ly to maintain continuity o! thermal %arrier( Coordinate attachment and seal o! "erimeter air and 2a"or %arrier materials( Install o"erating hard are(


====( 5555(


+(+< E-ECTION TO=E-)NCES ....( MMMM( Section 0+E00 : Muality -equirementsD Tolerances(

5a$imum Hariation !rom =e2el and !rom .lum%D +*+0 inches e2ery ; !t 8+(5 mm*m9 non:cumulati2e or +*8 inches "er +0 !t 8; mm*; m9& hiche2er is less(

+(,0 )DC>STIN1 ----( SSSS( Section 0+400 : E$ecution -equirementsD Testing& ad3usting& and %alancing( )d3ust hard are !or smooth o"eration and secure eathertight closure(

+(,+ C=E)NIN1 ** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +5 Wood Windo s


Section 0+400 : E$ecution -equirementsD 7inal cleaning( -emo2e "rotecti2e material !rom !actory !inished sur!aces( -emo2e la%els and 2isi%le marGings( Wash sur!aces %y method recommended and acce"ta%le to sealant and indo manu!acturer# rinse and i"e sur!aces clean(

+(,, SCIED>=ES *************************************************************** Include schedule hen unit si'es 2ary& !inishes 2ary& glass ty"es or s"ecial glass is required& or hen identi!ication o! ty"es o! units 2ary( Consider the !ollo ing e$am"les hen de2elo"ing .ro3ect schedule( *************************************************************** ////( West Ele2ation 8O"ening No( W+9D Fro n enamel !inish# ;0 $ 00 inch 8<00 $ + 5,0 mm9 nominal si'e including arch# %ron'e tint glass( Other Ele2ations 8O"ening No( W,& W; and WE9D Natural stain !inish# E, $ E, inch 8+ 000 $ + 000 mm9 nominal si'e# clear glass( END O7 SECTION


** S.ECTE/TB <<& Co"yright +<<< ** ** The Construction Sciences -esearch 7oundation ** -e2ised Can( +<<< Issued Can( +<<< 08550 : +0 Wood Windo s

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