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Artifact 2 British Literature: A Blended Learning Experience

Program Description
In the summer of 2012, I created a hybrid course as a project for Distance Learning which used Blackboard as a shell. In spring, 2013, students enrolled in my British Literature elective course at Keaau High on the Big Island of Hawaii used Course Sites as a platform for this blended learning course. The course blends both face-to-face meetings as scheduled by the school registrar, with online supplemental resources and required interactive assignments. A new half-credit elective class is paired with Expository Writing completed in the fall semester. The textbook is a comprehensive British Literature text published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, The Language of Literature; British Literature. The essential content for this course

is the unique messages of the literature and informational writings from pre-1800s Britain. Some of the selected readings were Beowulf, The Origins of the English Language and selected 18th century poems. Additional readings and web resources, some affiliated with the texts, were used to examine these pieces. Other than scheduled computer lab time, access to the schools computers with internet was available to students between classes, during recesses and after school for two hours. The learning objectives were predetermined by the Common Core and Hawaii Content and Performance Standards, but as instructor arrangement and combinations were determinable. The textbook was assigned but readings and activities to meet the standards were designed by the instructor.

One other objective that is beneficial for these rural students is the development of web 2.0 skills in research, communication and collaboration. Integrating wiki research and collaboration and discussion board formats to the instructional experiences established the confidence these students need to participate in distance learning at the higher education level. I chose this project to represent proficiency in the majority of the ETEC standards for multiple reasons. I had conceived of a plan to develop an online course which I could actually use with my students in 2009 when I first began working toward this Masters. It became a goal in closer focus once I had developed competency in instructional design with multiple technology options. I narrowed that focus once I saw my teaching assignment included two sections of seniors in the spring 2013 for British Literature. Bringing the plan into action brought considerable personal and professional satisfaction. Excitement expanded as flexibility with the Blackboard tools for distance courses increased, but the implementation semester was one of the highlights of my last few years as a teacher. Student success was not even, but the feedback received from all students and parents was positive and appreciative. The recognition of the rare opportunity to experiment with online courseware inspired many students to expand their course options in their fall course registration at the state university, In this project, I used multiple media and multiple internet links to provide as much support for my learners as possible so that our class discussions were deeper due to better preparation of the majority of students. Implementing required more flexibility than I had anticipated, and schedules were frequently adjusted, but the learning experience for me was as exhilarating as it was for my students. At first, students kept me on my toes with usability and

access issues, but solving those felt like peeling a pomegranate; little seeds of sweetness appeared as students went beyond exploring and began creating information. For me this project is an exhibition of my competence as an educational technologist, specifically the capability to independently create curriculum which is high-interest and engaging as well as designed to meet the criteria for depth of knowledge and complexity of ideas expected for college-bound students. The confidence built during this learning experience is my foundation for a new aspect of my career.

Program Identification
Throughout the development of this online segment of the elective class, I was able to meet many standards and sub-standards due to the volume of materials needed and the stability of a course cartridge to transfer all files to a user friendly platform for high school students.

Design Sub-standards Met

1.2 Demonstrate ability to integrate into practice multiple instructional strategies.

The strategies used to instruct and guide students were reading while annotating, questioning values and motives, comparing and contrasting using a T chart, Power Point slides as models and as products, team responses and presentations, group discussions in class and online, written responses both formal essay and informal reporting. Student products ranged from short essays and reports, interactions on the discussion board, a personal achievement power point presentation and a group novel presentation which examined the cultural significance and impact

of a novel on literature and British society. Student groups were also responsible for creating and revising wiki content on the origins of English words and analysis of selected poems. The blended format allowed for students to prepare for class more individually; students needing more background knowledge were encouraged to access the web resources prior to class. All students made use of the Course Sites tutorials and textbook supplemental resources to support their learning. All six levels of Blooms taxonomy were addressed in different aspects of the student course work. Integrating the practice of sharing and modeling, paired practice and then both independent and group opportunities to exhibit their creations or compositions as these lessons are designed demonstrated the abilities implied in design sub-standard 1.1. 1.3 Demonstrate ability to identify and create instruction for various learning styles. In designing this course, certain information about my group of learners was utilized at different points in the design process. My senior students had the experience and consciousness of their own learning strengths as well as their unique skills and talents which could benefit any small group project. Required to use a learning styles inventory in grade nine for guidance toward personal awareness, Keaau High students are taught to manage learning tasks through reliance on personal style strengths. In the introductory session of this school year, students submitted their personal essay and current resume for review. I created a spreadsheet which included fields such as students combination(s) of perceived learning style, academic strengths and weaknesses, sports and extracurricular involvements, college major or goals and contact information. I referred to this document when forming small groups for projects and for writing. To address the different learning styles of my students, I employed a variety of options for student access to the resources and materials. For example, the Beowulf text was presented in audio and visual formats; students could use e-readers, audio recordings available with a

cassette player and personal headphones as well as online through various websites and the printed words in the textbook. Providing these various formats assures me as the instructor that auditory learners have stimulating access to the epic poem as well as the visual learners having quiet access. Slow readers can avoid the struggle of decoding new words and adjusting to the unusual rhythm which could impair comprehension through the audio supports which have pauses and intonations to create broader accessibility. Images of ships, swords and armor from the textbook as well as from the movie accessed through Course Sites are used to connect the students to the artistic aesthetic of the time period. The video clip of the poem being recited in Old English in the Beowulf folder also provides the visual and kinesthetic learner a contact point to stimulate interest. Benjamin Bagby accompanies himself on an Anglo-Saxon stringed instrument, but is alone on stage. The viewer hears the Old English but sees the modern English translation as subtitles while watching a dynamic and dramatic reading. Repeated or extended viewings allow for study of his movements while comprehending the oratory techniques rooted in the text itself. Full sensory stimulation commonly engages students on multiple levels. Specific directions and rubrics for most assignments were provided orally in class for the auditory learners while always being available in print on the whiteboard and online for the visual and kinesthetic learner. A paper copy of the rubric or assessment criteria, also available online, would be offered to visual learners upon request. These options allow students to use their own judgment in deciding how to meet their own learning style needs responsibly. Kinesthetic learners and students with attention deficit rely on the multiple sources to refresh focus throughout the unit independently.

Seniors had four years or more with the same group of classmates inviting confidence to allow small groups to make the wise choices in assigning roles. My design responsibilities were to assure an even mix of talents within each group and to define the responsibilities of each role to fit the overall objectives. Referring to my student identifier spreadsheet, I formed groups which had a balanced mix of talents. I provided each group a checklist for determining task priorities and parameters. In a whole class discussion we parsed the terms and differentiated criteria levels so the expectations were clear and consistent. Student groups managed member responsibilities and timelines using the checklists. The high level of industrious engagement was evident in every group as expected for the top students of this school. The artistic students were enthusiastically assumed the role of layout designer for the groups slide shows; the more musical students accepted the responsibility to find appropriate music to accompany slides and express the appropriate tone, and the kinesthetic learners became either the maestro of the presentation by controlling the slide progression and transitions or the researcher and fact-checker, while the student with strong speaking skills became the script-writer and main presenter. Research for content was chosen based on interest of prior knowledge. Role-switching and supporting roles occurred spontaneously. Most groups consisted of only four members so the balance of work and the opportunities to manage one area were equal. Whether it was the cultural and historical influences on morality found in group novels presented in slides or video, or the wikis created to show influences on the English language students engaged in learning and demonstrated proficiency by relying on personal style variations and team values to create quality products and performances. All students felt valued and integral to the success of the group project. All students in each group were responsible for equal input of the content and answers to audience questions.

Group grades reflected group cohesion and product qualities. In support of Common Core Standards for teamwork and quality evaluation, groups self-evaluate the production process and reflect on ways they could have improved the product and the process. In this debriefing, members acknowledged each others contributions and the strategies learned from one another. Diversity was embraced. Another way which diverse learning styles were acknowledged in this blended course was the access to multiple resources for communicating with fellow students. Students were engaging in online discussion board forums without being monitored by the teacher; they were engaged in pre-class and in-class peer-to-peer discussions and trainings without teacher input. In class large group discussions increased in depth and participation following a discussion board forum. Students who hesitated to engage orally in class engaged in online chatting. Students who got hung-up on taking the first step proceeded after oral or online discussion verified direction. Students had more confidence and were more prepared after interacting with fellow learners on the common themes and topics of the course. The blended format for the course is a design feature that accented the viability of multiple communication streams for rural learners. Students had a group email list which included students from both sections; Google + hangouts were used to manage time and facilitate progress through weekends. Students were thrilled to be enabled to use technology for academic communications along with social connections. Some reported feeling more mature when online for leaning instead of gossiping. Resources, specific small group forming factors and communication accommodations for the students self-identified academic strengths as well as learning style were factors in design decisions for this course thus demonstrating my abilities in design sub-standard 1.3.

1.4 Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate delivery methods for instruction.

Instruction was delivered in class, but most often the class time was spent in discussions, drafting compositions, peer reviews or formal assessments. The Course Sites instructions were delivered synchronously during computer lab visits or through projecting the site onto a screen for full class viewing. This was deemed necessary after results of the internet access survey showed a disparity within the group. A majority had internet access only through their smart phone which does not meet the criteria for active online participation. To ensure all students had the time to access course files uniformly in order for the curriculum to move steadily, the delivery of online curriculum was managed on special lab days. Making these accommodations to the balance of online and face-to-face instruction is one aspect of my demonstrated abilities to use appropriate delivery methods for student success as referred to in design sub-standard 1.4. The dual method for delivering the instructions online and in class remained viable until the middle of April. At this point the demands for testing eliminated our computer lab time so that all subsequent lessons could not be initiated or completed online. Therefore, the Course Sites instructions were minimized or used via projection for whole class access. Knowing what the status of computers and their mandated uses in late April and May, prepared me to change the delivery methods before it impacted student success (grades.)

Development Sub-standards Met

2.1 Demonstrate the appropriate use of print materials to enhance the learning process.

The text book, The Language of Literature; British Literature, was the main source of print materials but there were also graphic organizers reproduced from the teacher resource book and quizzes from the teachers formal assessment library and textbook resources of Holt, Rhinehart and Winston. Some of the mini-read assignments, designed for lower level readers, were employed to increase the knowledge base of my English Language Learners. In addition,

the extension activities for further research options were created for the advanced learner. With so much thematic and skill-related materials available through the texts publisher, teacher made materials for this content were negligible. Student engagement with different handouts was determined by analysis of student written responses or general misconceptions expressed in discussions. Implementing quick remediation through grammar and usage worksheets or mini-reads provided immediate supports to those who are at risk of falling behind as well as provides practice for the more skilled. Graphic organizers assisted students in organizing their thoughts, responses and essays. Group notes, vocabulary lists and concept maps were reproduced for study when there was an obstacle to a students learning process. Students were required to include one print source for their wiki entries in order to provide authentic library search activities. The unabridged dictionary was the most frequent choice for students as that is the most appropriate source for word origins and history. This enhanced the process of applying root and affix knowledge for decoding new words. Searching from the assigned origin culture created a synthesis challenge; students must consider multiple factors when searching for words to trace. The timelines discussed and assigned were specific for each wiki, crossing into another period invalidates that entry. These considerations expanded the complexity of the task and subsequently the learning experience. Library time was used for independent research and group research depending on the assignment. Students were encouraged to use the non-fiction and reference materials to develop their understanding prior to composing. Extensive research, both print and internet, into the assigned cultures and their impact on the British people, as well as language, was performed by some students who had emerged as group leaders. These students used this opportunity to

enhance their own learning which in turn enhanced the final group product and both sections over all learning about the Danish Geats, Celts, Romans, Normans and scientific revolution of the 1700s. Print materials include the final set of wiki pages created by the two classes. Individual students took it upon themselves to be editors for sections which needed additional work prior to the deadline. These efforts produced a publishable work which was printed for the three editors to keep for their portfolios. In this blended learning course, most of the materials used in the classroom were print materials which were used appropriately to meet the individual needs of my struggling learners to develop proficiency in all students and used to enhance the learning experience of the advanced students. Online materials were frequently printed, student work was submitted both in print and digitally, and the digital group-work, the wiki, also was printed. My ability to use print materials appropriately is evidenced by the variety of uses for print materials and the conscious direction to customary print resources for student research. In these ways the ETEC Development sub-standard 2.1 was met throughout the British Literature course.

2.2 Demonstrate ability to integrate instructional materials that utilize two or more forms of media The home page for this course includes the NBC Learn video channel which has been selected to show Language Arts news to broaden students news sources beyond the local news. Students are free to ignore this video news source but most active students had tuned in. The introductory lesson for the epic English poem, Beowulf set the tone of the study of the origins of the English language by including an audio clip of an actor reading from the Old English version of the poem while students are looking at a piece of the original text. This experience prepared students for their readings about translators chore when creating a

translation of an orally preserved poem. Another instructional material which is integrated with this lesson including another form of media is the student made response to Beowulf video clip. Linked to School Tube rather than You Tube, students were able to view how other students felt about the poem. These media pieces were integrated to support answering the essential questions, Why do we need to read and what are we supposed to get from reading Beowulf? Integrating the audio and visual forms of media illustrated a contrast for the students between the oral tradition of sharing stories and the modern tradition of sharing stories. This also demonstrates my ability to integrate media forms as referred to in development substandard 2.2 for the benefit of the learner. The online course management system is in itself a form of media which has been arranged by the instructor for academic achievement integrating various other media easily. 2.3 Demonstrate ability to create visual materials that enhance the learning process. One of the visual materials which I created for my students was the introduction Power Point slide show which has a video I made to personalize the greeting. Found on the Instructor Information page, students were told they should use my slides and movie as a model for their own personal-achievement slide show assignment. The students were able to follow my model for display and lay-out guidelines while creating their own multi-media presentation. This visual guide enhanced the student learning process through model and demonstrated my ability to create such video materials as specified in development sub-standard 2.3. Another set of visuals which I created to enhance students learning process were the course syllabus, course expectation Wordle and the British Literature Concepts Map Wordle. These items served to set the tone for the class as unique from other classes thereby catching the seniors before they drifted away. They enhanced the learning by providing a clear set of

objectives with guidelines for obtaining supports, academic success and achievement. Students responded to these visuals with surprise and curiosity. Before the end of the semester one student had won a prize for creating a poster for a slam poetry event at school by incorporating a Wordle. Student use of simple digital art programs was encouraged but some more advanced creative applications were also explored based on both teacher experience and student initiatives Visual materials were implemented to engage and inspire students creative product development which displayed their learning throughout the course. Those specifically created by me were used as models to enhance students grasp of the Common Core Performance standards for higher level taxonomies such as create, explain, evaluate, compose and illustrate. These visual materials could be examined and evaluated against ADDIE and own style criteria to plan ones own visual product. Through this process of modeling visual literacy is demonstrated my ability to enhance my students learning process as described in development sub-standard 2.3 2.4 Demonstrate ability to use Flash and/or similar types of computer-based software to create interactive media presentations.

While I did not use Flash to create any interactive presentations, through the use of the computer labs SMART board, I made the Power Points which I used into interactive learning tools. Students were asked to go to the board to underline key words or to check the sentences which match or have similar criteria. Involving the students in the presentation kept them from being passive sponges; the SMART pens and eraser which had been off-limits for three and a half years, now toys to fight over, created an energetic mood. I have created a series of powerPoints on the Early-Modern British poets, Pagan values and the History of England which I use in class as appropriate.

The blended learning concept, a form of flipped learning, created many new and exciting formats and process for the students. Though these were challenging steps for them to take, not a single student chose to give up or cry foul. The general idea that these technology tools, skills and competencies were necessary in their world was not questioned; in fact I believe that the online activities were the most engaging activities I have ever monitored in a senior spring semester. Engagement with the online material was higher than the in class materials; students preferred the audio and video to the text whenever available. Interactive media utilized by students for instructional purposes demonstrated my ability to engage students with interactive media as implied by the development sub-standard 2.4

Utilization Sub-standards Met

3.1 Demonstrate ability to utilize and implement various media. For the course introductory materials I prepared a Power Point with a self-made movie.. I used Wordle to create a variety of posters and displays to stimulate thought and discussion regarding course expectations. My course syllabus visually informs students of the course basics. My course includes various web links (Catalyst, Google+), video clips (Benjamin Bagby), and audio clips to support comprehension of the Old English Beowulf need for translation to modern English before we could read. All of these various media were designed for implementation with this course, demonstrating the abilities to utilize and implement various media of utilization sub-standard 3.1 3.2 Develop Web-based Project for Dissemination of Media-based Learning Course Sites is an affiliate of Blackboard, both are course management systems for webbased learning. This British Literature blended course has specific components, such as web 2.0 communication and collaboration tools, based on the web. Other content and instruction is face-

to-face, though the dissemination of media-based learning is all done online. Student engagement in all projects stemmed from the inspiration and instructions from the project I had created as a course cartridge in order for my curriculum to be transferable. This demonstrated my ability referred to in utilization sub-standard 3.2.

3.3 Demonstrate ability to develop and implement effective policies related to the utilization, application, and integration of media-based learning in a specific institutional or organizational context.

Policies specific to the British Literature Course were developed based on classroom and academic behavior guidelines set with student input at the start of the school year. Since this was a new course format, the new policies added to assure the media-based lesson from the internet were utilized. Students were required to have any course work from Course Sites completed prior to missing a class day in the computer labs. Students who worked ahead of pace would not be penalized, students who got behind were offered time and access to netbooks in my classroom. The deadlines set in Course Sites were somewhat flexible. If the majority of students requested more time, then additional days would be granted to all students. I used a critical mass formula for deadlines. Once 65% or 27 students had completed the assignment, I would grant two more days for the rest to finish without consequence. An important policy for web-based assignments refers to plagiarism. While citations are always part of my rubrics, students often ignore these details of integrity. It was not an issue for the group projects, but I realize more instruction is necessary before I can penalize for some types of plagiarism such as borrowed photos and screen shots. The more flagrant copy and paste without credit to source violations were dealt with severely in the first semester, so there were no incidents testing that policy in second semester.

All images within the Course Sites curriculum were prepared for visually impaired by adding descriptive text; the video and audio clips were chosen because they had closed captions or there was a text available in print for the hearing impaired. Section 508 guidelines were used and criteria met for the site artifacts self-created or linked whenever possible. Alter-abled access was a consideration in design and development of this course. In addressing the issues of organizational context (our high school) for policies related to web-based and media-based learning, there was little need to develop policies as I had the support of administration and the technology coordinator to pilot this system with students. For the students of these two classes of seniors the policies we agreed upon were simple to implement; these particular students wanted to learn using the new format so there were no reasons to revisit the policies once set. This demonstrates my abilities as referred to in utilization standard 3.3. 3.4 Demonstrate ability to identify and address barriers impacting the utilization and implementation of media-based learning methods. The course expectations were designed to provide a summary of the policies of our school computer use along with the specific course policies for media-based learning. These guidelines were established early on, but as the semester progressed, issues surfaced which showed either ambiguity of the two policies or an area which had not been addressed. These problems were resolved through analyzing the intent of the policy, then determining if the policy needed revised, rescinded or amended. Ensuring that these utilization and integration polices allowed for effective use of the internet and web 2.0 tools required some negotiation with the administrator who initially felt that the discussion board was a chat room so not permitted. As stated in a previous paragraph, when the schools computer labs were scheduled for various mandated testing from April 12 through May 15, it became my duty to acknowledge that

access to the internet for my students would be strictly limited to the few computers available in the library during school hours. This barrier to implementation was managed by projecting the resources for the whole class thereby shifting the responsibility for reading and writing assignments to independent outside of school tasks. Identifying and addressing these barriers demonstrates my abilities listed in utilization sub-standard 3.4.

Management Sub-standard Met

4.4 Demonstrate ability to implement and manage various delivery systems of instructional technology. This includes the ability to attend to hardware and software requirements, technical support for both users and developers, and process issues such as guidelines for learners, instructors, and support personnel.

The course materials were online but while in the classroom I would access Course Sites to deliver specific instructions, discuss objectives and rubrics and walk through access issues for students. On these occasions I would display the computer screen through a projector onto the white board to support students interactions as well as to explain how to upload assignments. Most often I would have additional web sites ready to share or a sample student essay to examine to make the most of the tools which engage students most effectively. When possible, I would have students scheduled for computer labs twice per month for two days in one week. This permitted me time to provide individual instruction and guidance for different applications and solving file transfer problems. Many students had only minimal experience with programs like PowerPoint and Windows Movie Maker so these class sessions were valuable. This regular schedule provided crucial online access time for students who did not have internet at home. One facet of successful lab use and effective learning in either of the above situations required coordinating with the technology support crew for the current upgrades to be performed

for students who want to use other more advanced software such as Photoshop and other Adobe Products. These are only available in one area of campus, so rigid guidelines about online behavior, time management and equipment and file protection were set in order to keep those independent students accountable. The digital media teacher was open to integrating our expectations and curriculum.

Evaluation Sub-standards Met

5.1 Demonstrate ability to use both formative and summative strategies to evaluate the quality of instruction. As the semester progressed, students completed a variety of formative assessment assignments such as the discussion board posts, the paraphrasing practice and drafting a rough response to a prompt. These were formative in that the instructor gathered information in order to determine if students were ready to move on to more independent or advanced work. This also provided the evaluative information regarding the effectiveness of the instruction and instructional strategies used. The discussion board posts formed a base for forming a thesis statement for the essay. When there were many students who had difficulties perceiving the differences in the value systems in Beowulf as evidenced in the discussion posts, a mini-lesson exposed the more social-based hierarchies of the Anglo-Saxons. The summative evaluation strategy was the end of course survey which allowed students to critique the components of the instruction. The results are still being analyzed for clues to improving the blended learning experience. Evaluation sub-standard 5.1 evidence for demonstrating the abilities can be found in the attitude of the instructor; this is a pilot meant a a tool for improving the course before re-implementing.

5.2 Demonstrate ability to identify and implement appropriate learning measurements or assessment instruments. The course includes many evaluative strategies to ensure the content and the delivery will meet the objectives stated for each assignment. I relied heavily on the students completed work to determine if what was learned correlated with the objectives. When the majority of students rose to the challenge and met objectives, though at different levels of proficiency, I knew that my instructions and delivery had hit their targets. But when the majority of students found some other avenue of learning which did not meet objectives or expectations, then I knew that changes must be made to either the delivery or the resources or even the content. Frequent checks for understanding as well as careful monitoring of student use of Course Sites materials allowed me time to prepare to re-teach, evaluate projects in progress and coordinate group interactions if needed. Discussion board posts were evaluated by the quality and depth of the responses as well as the quantity of interactions between students. The wiki assignment was evaluated based on a formula of word count over median word count ratios. Students who did not meet the average word count were given an alternate research product to deliver within a small window. Alternate assignments were also provided for students who had internet access issues. Students were given ample opportunities to exhibit and improve on proficiency levels. Projects were designed with rubrics to be the guiding document for quality and completion criteria. Presentation rubrics used were developed by AVID for college-ready performance assessment. Assessments made by the publisher of the text were used when identified as appropriate for the skills and standards taught; Beowulf, Morte DArthur and The Green Knight. All of these learning measurements and assessments, identified, chosen

and implemented in this blended course were appropriate for the learners and the objectives, therefore demonstrating my abilities to meet evaluation sub-standard 5.2 5.3 Develop an Assessment Plan to Show Evidence of Problem or Growth Paraphrasing is a skill which seems simple but becomes trickier when using the inverted form of English found in Beowulf. To assure students would be successful in this skill, I developed a plan for peer assessment, then self-assessment and revisions before sharing with the whole class. As students became more flexible in identifying the connections between the adjectives and nouns and the verbs, the peer assessment step was eliminated, but self-evaluation and reflection on the meta-cognition involved were added. In the third set of lines to be paraphrased, the assessment used strict criteria of all words or ideas remain the same but in shifting the lines become clear. Growth in comprehension and flexibility were expected over time. As the third set of lines came due, more and more students were asking for feedback. Their confidence in their interpretations was minimal though we had practiced extensively. I encouraged those students to try the paraphrase out without the context of the poem to see if there was sense. Small additions of prepositions and articles solved their problems. This skill was then transferred to the realm of research with success. In designing and developing the course, attention to measurable growth and learning was focused. Integrated with every unit are multiple means of evaluating progress and obstacles so that students could be successful, thereby building confidence. The above noted paraphrasing assignment was just one example of how I plan assessments which can inform my instruction to better meet the needs of my students. In this process is demonstrated my abilities to meet the evaluation sub-standard 5.3.

Educational Reflection
Nothing breeds confidence like success! The success of the implementation of this course, though groaning at times with all the adaptations and accommodations needed, has inspired me to use Course Sites for more of my classes, to develop other courses which could be offered through the Hawaii Virtual Learning Network and to share my skills with my colleagues who want to expand their use of internet resources but have not yet learned how. I am not an expert, but I do feel the flexibility in this course development process needed to support others, as they develop courses in a variety of fields. It is not the content that I concern myself but with the objectives being met using diverse strategies and materials which are current, relevant and integrated for maximum learner access. Integrating the various media formats to maximize student engagement was the most fun part of designing and developing this course. Learning to use so many different types of media production tools empowered my creativity which had been dormant for a while. Inspired by the simplicity of many tasks considered only for professionals at first, has led me to believe that this is my professional calling. Yes I am a teacher, but I am also a professional instructional designer who can use multiple media formats and processes. I can create media projects as well as high quality visual material for students to use but I can also teach students and colleagues to create their own high quality visually balanced multi-media presentations. The skills developed for this project built the confidence needed to discover new tools and take risks with new applications and programs. The dinosaur teacher is dead; the new teacher is more relevant to, exuberant about and engaged with the digital natives who I teach.

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