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Observation In this project report we are observing about physical, psychological & environmental factors impacts on job satisfaction

of non- managerial employees. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work groups, pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers. Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job; an affective reaction to ones job; and an attitude towards ones job. This research report completed based on analyzing the impact of physical, psychological and environmental factors on the job satisfaction of non- managerial members who are working at garments firm. Preliminary Information gathering Literature Review Different kind of definitions, theories and perspectives was viewed by numerous authors and management scientists, with respect to satisfaction. Also through this literature survey, we described what are the factors affected to the job satisfaction, outcomes of satisfaction and previous researches related to the job satisfaction. For the completion of project report I collect information by different sources e.g. Interviews

Books Libraries Reports Internet Firms website

Evaluation of literature review I found that factors influencing on Job Satisfaction are: 1: Psychological Factors and Job Satisfaction i) Health and Safety: Managing safe and healthy work environments is one of the most important environmental challenges facing organizations. Good health and safety brings more benefits that are healthy workers are more productive and can produce at a higher quality. ii) Job Nature: The main source of satisfaction is, of course, job itself.iii) Job Security: Job security is the assurance that a particular employee will have their job in long term due to the low probability of losing it potentially. iv)Job promotion: Companies provide promotion to their employees considering experience, service and some companies reward promotions through measuring employees talents and capabilities. 2: Physical Factors and Job Satisfaction i)Payment: Money rewards are multi complex and multisided job satisfaction factor. ii) Working groups: Working group serves for a single worker is a source of support, comfort, advice and enjoyment. iii) Welfare Services: Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. iv)Use of skills and abilities: The company should identify which skills and abilities are available in the employee and should give opportunities for improve them.

3: Environmental Factors and Job Satisfaction i) Working conditions: One more factor imposing moderate impact on job satisfaction is working conditions. If conditions are good (e.g. offices are neat, clean and engaging), staff could easier manage their job. ii) Management style & Organizational culture: is the organizations pattern of beliefs, expectations, and values as in company and industry practices.

Problem Identification & Formulation Problem statement of this project report is how do physical, psychological & environmental factors impact on job satisfaction of non- managerial employees?

Theoretical Framework In theoretical framework I identify independent & dependent variables. o Dependent Variable Job satisfaction is our dependent variable. o Independent Variables 2: 1: Psychological Factors Health and safety Working responsibilities Job Security Promotion Physical Factors Payments Co-workers Welfare services Use of skill & abilities

3:Environmental Factors Good working environment Management style & culture

Diagram of Theoretical framework Independent Variables Psychological Factors Health and safety Working responsibilities Job Security Promotion Physical Factors Payments Co-workers Welfare services Use of skill & abilities Environmental Factors Good working environment Management style & culture Job Satisfaction Dependent Variable

Hypothesis formulation H1: If we increase the chances of job promotion then job satisfaction of employees will be increased. H2: if we offer more salary then job satisfaction of employees will be increased. H3: if we provide good working environment then job satisfaction will be increased.

Research design: The research design taken for the study is Descriptive study, which is concerned with describing the characteristics of different factors or variables.

Population All non- managerial employees at Garments firm at the production level has a counting of 1200 heads. Sample In obtaining samples of people for the evaluation, total non- managerial employees must me classified in to strata such as Machine Operators, Cutters, QC Checkers, Printing Operators and Helpers. For this, the stratified sampling method was used. Once the total of 1200 nonmanagerial employees were divided in to strata, random sampling method was used in selecting a portion of employees from each strata for further analyzing. Following shows the randomly selected sample per strata.

Table 3.1:

Sample Employee Allocation Total Employees 500 200 200 100 200 1200 No. of Sample 25 08 06 06 05 50 % from the Total 5% 4% 3% 6% 2.5%

Designation Machine Operators Cutters QC checkers Printing Operators Helpers Total

In evaluating, each employee will be questioned through questionnaires for their current job satisfaction level, those factors which have influenced their job satisfaction currently, those factors which could positively/ negatively affect the current satisfaction level potentially and etc.

Data Collection As a measure of data collection, I have made use of a structured questionnaire which includes closed questions in retrieving data and current status of factors affecting job satisfaction at Garments firm.The questionnaire consists of two sections where section (A) consists of 6 questions which collect data upon demographics factors of employees such as age, gender, salary distribution & etc. Under section (B), it accommodates 10 questions which further collect data upon factors which has a direct relevance to physical, psychological and environmental factors

which affects job satisfaction of the employees. Questionnaires were distributed personally among 50 employees selected from the total of 1200 where they were given a duration of 1 day to fill in the questionnaires. None from the 50 questionnaires were eliminated for disqualified answers where all 50 questionnaires were used in the research. In collecting them back, they were asked to hand them over to their department supervisor from where I collected the questionnaires for analyzing.

Table 3.2:

Sample Questionnaire Question, Section (B) 1 2 3 4 5

1. Are you satisfied over health and safety measures of the organization? (Quality of the equipments, awareness for preventing accidents, level of health and sanitary facilities)

Data Analysis Data are being analyzed in identifying the relationship and impact rate of physical, psychological and environmental factors on job satisfaction of non- managerial employees at garments firm. Therefore, the analysis is more Object Oriented.

Psychological Factors Employee Attitudes towards Health & Safety Table 4.7: Level High Moderate Low Total Health & safety data grid No of Employees 48 2 0 50 % 96% 4% 0% 100%

Figure 4.7:

Health & safety chart

Health & Safety

4% 0%

High Moderate Low 96%

According to the collected data, 48 employees had high attitudes towards health and safety and they represented 96% of the total sample. There are two employees who had moderate attitudes and represented 4% of the total sample. No employees seem to have low attitude on health & safety of the organization. Employee Attitudes towards the Working Responsibility

Table 4.8: Working responsibility data grid Level High Moderate Low Total No of Employees 42 3 5 50 % 84% 6% 10% 100%

Figure 4.8:

Work Responsibility chart

Work Responsibility
6% 10% High Moderate Low 84%

Work responsibility denotes employee attitude towards work performed. According to summarized data, 42 employees had high level attitudes with work responsibility and they represent 84% of the total sample. There are 3 employees were moderate level and 5 employees were low level attitudes towards the working responsibility. They were represent 6% and 10% accordingly of the total sample. Physical Factors Employee Attitudes towards the Payments Table 4.11: Payments data grid Level High Moderate Low Total No of Employees 35 4 11 50 % 70% 8% 22% 100%

Figure 4.11:

Payments chart

22% High 8% 70% Moderate Low

This component indicates employee attitude towards the payments scheme. According to collected data, 35 employees had high attitudes and they represent 70% of the total sample. Out

of the sample, 4 employees were moderate and representing 8% of the sample. 11 employees had low attitudes and they represent 22% of the total sample.

2 Employee Attitudes toward the Co-workers Table 4.12: Co- workers data grid Level High Moderate Low Total No of Employees 47 01 02 50 % 94% 2% 4% 100%

Figure 4.12: Co- workers chart

Co- workers
2% 4%

High Moderate Low 94%

According to collected data, 47 employees had high attitudes towards their co-workers and they represented 94% of the total sample. There is one moderate employee and who represents 2% of

the total sample. In the third category, two employees had low attitudes were they represent 4% of the total sample.

Employee Attitudes towards the Welfare Service Table 4.13: Level High Moderate Low Total Welfare Services data grid No of Employees 36 06 08 50 % 72% 12% 16% 100%

Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.13:

Welfare chart

16% High 12% 72% Moderate Low

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component indicate that employee attitudes towards the welfare service provided by the company. According to the collected data 3 employees were high attitudes and they represent 72% of the total sample. Out of the sample 6 employees were moderate attitudes and they represent 12% of the sample. 8 employees were low attitudes and they represent 16% of the total sample.

5 Environmental Factors 4.5.1 Employee Attitudes towards the good working environment Table 4.15: Working environment data grid Level High Moderate Low Total No of Employees 42 4 4 50 % 84% 8% 8% 100%

Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.16:

Working environment chart

Working Environment
8% 8% High Moderate Low 84%

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component represents those employee attitudes towards good working environment. In that situation, 42 employees had high attitudes and represent 84% of the total sample. Out of the sample, 4 employees were moderate and other 4 employees had low attitudes where each represents 4% of the total sample.

Employee Attitudes towards the Organizational Style and Culture Table 4.17: Organization style and culture Level High Moderate Low Total No of Employees 42 02 06 50 % 84% 4% 12% 100%

Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.17:

Organization style & culture chart

Organization style and culture

4% 12% High Moderate Low 84%

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 42 employees had high level attitudes and represent 84% of the total sample. 2 employees moderate and they represent 4%. Out of the sample, 6 employees had low attitudes about the organizational style and culture and they represent 12% of the sample. Conclusion Above is a research done based upon analyzing the impact of physical, psychological and environmental factors on job satisfactions of non- managerial employees of garments firm. A sample of 50 employees was randomly selected from five stratas which were selected through stratified sampling technique. Questionnaires were distributed among these employees in

gathering data with based on physical, psychological and environmental factors affecting their job satisfaction. Recommendations Management should pay their attention on providing satisfying salary for employee contribution. Also they should be concerned about providing additional benefits (especially financial benefits) to its non managerial employees. Management should pay attention on providing employee welfare services, health and safety, job security, working responsibilities and good working environment for worker level employees. Management should give more opportunities for promotion and develop their skills and abilities of non managerial level employees.

1. Amstrong M. (2006) Human Resource Management Practices, 10th edition, Kogan Page Limited. 2. Cleveland State University 2006, Job Satisfaction and Promotions, [PDF], Available at: [Accessed: 8 August 2012] 3. eHow 2012, What is Job Security?,[Online], Available at: [Accessed: 1 August 2012] 4. Griffin R.W. (2004), Management, Houghton Mifflin Company, U.S.A. 5. Hill, B. 2012, What Are the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction?,[Online] Available At: [Accessed: 10 August 2012] 6. Hackman J.R. (1977), Perspectives on Organizational Behavior,New York McGraw Hill Book Company.

7. Sharon, A. et. al 2003, Compensation and Working Conditions, [Online], Available At:, [Accessed: 10 August 2012] 8. Sheikh A.M (2007)., Human Resource development and Management, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Limited

Appendix 1: Questionnaire

Section (A)

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age: More than 16 less than 20 Between 21-30 Between 31-40 More than 41 3. Civil Statues: Married Unmarried Widow

4. Educational Qualifications Up to year 08 Up to year 10 G.C.E (O/L)

G.C.E (A/L) Technical Qualification

5. Number of years served in the company Bellow 1 year Between 1-3 Between 4 -7 More than 7 years 6. Salary Scale Rs.6500 - Rs. 7500 Rs.7501 - Rs. 8500 Rs.8501 - Rs.9500 Above Rs.9501

Section (B) Please rate the following criteria from the range of 1 5 where 1 signifies the lowest rating and 5 denotes the highest rating.

1 1. Are you satisfied over health and safety measures of the organization? (Quality of the equipments, awareness for preventing accidents, level of health and sanitary facilities) 2. Are the work load and responsibilities allocated fair and equally distributed? (freedom given by the company to plan your job, Job responsibilities, Salary and responsibilities)

3. What is your attitude towards the current job security? (Social factors, Other jobs, Job security) 4. Are you satisfied over the existing promotion strategies? (Performance evaluation, Opportunities for promotions) 5. Do you think the payments made are at satisfactory level? (Salary, Basic needs, Knowledge, skills & abilities, Performance evaluation) 6. What is your attitude towards co- workers? (relationships with co-workers, other department members and supervisors)

7. Do you consider the current welfare service has addressed your needs? (Food provided by the company, Medical facilities, Death donation) 8. What is your attitude towards using employee skills and abilities? (Encouragements for innovations, Opportunities for creative ideas, Quality of training programs) 9. Are you satisfied over the working environment? ( Influences for mental & physical health, Location of work, Illumination level) 10. Do you agree to accept organization style and culture? (Management systems, Organizational Factors include nature and size, formal structure)

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