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DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

Actual DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 compiled by Tony Miller (Or ani!ed by "istorical c"ronolo y#
$art A (DBQ# 1. Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. hy did this difference in develop!ent occur" #1$$%& (n what ways did ideas and values held by )uritans influence the political, econo!ic, and social develop!ent of the New England colonies fro! 1*%0 through the 1**0s" #'010& (n what ways did the +rench and (ndian ar #17,-.*%& alter the political, econo!ic and ideological relations between /ritain and its A!erican colonies" #'00-& 0o what e1tent had the colonists developed a sense of their own identity and unity as A!ericans by the eve of the 2evolution" #1$$$& 0o what e1tent did the A!erican 2evolution funda!entally change A!erican society" (n your answer be sure to address the political, social and econo!ic effects of the 2evolution fro! 177, to 1300. #'00,& +ro! 177, to 13%0, !any African A!ericans gained freedo! fro! slavery, yet during the sa!e period the institution of slavery e1panded. E1plain why /405 of those changes took place. Analy6e the ways that /405 free African A!ericans and enslaved African A!ericans responded to the challenges confronting the!. #'00$& 7iscuss the changing ideals of A!erican wo!anhood between the A!erican 2evolution #17708s& and the outbreak of the Civil ar. hat factors fostered the e!ergence of 9republican !otherhood: and the 9cult of do!esticity:" Assess the e1tent to which these ideals influenced the lives of wo!en during this period. (n your answer be sure to consider issues of race and class. #'00*& ith respect to the federal Constitution, the ;effersonian 2epublicans are usually characteri6ed as strict constructionists who were opposed to the broad constructionis! of the +ederalists. 0o what e1tent was this characteri6ation of the two parties accurate during the presidencies of ;efferson and <adison" #1$$3& 2efor! !ove!ents in the =nited >tates sought to e1pand de!ocratic ideals. Assess the validity of this state!ent with specific reference to the years 13'0.13,0. #'00'& 0o what e1tent did the natural environ!ent shape the develop!ent of the est beyond the <ississippi and the lives of those who lived and settled there" 5ow i!portant were other factors" #1$$'& (n what ways and to what e1tent did constitutional and social develop!ents between 13*0 and 1377 a!ount to a revolution" #1$$*& Analy6e the ways in which technology, govern!ent policy, and econo!ic conditions changed A!erican agriculture in the period 13*,.1$00. (n your answer be sure to evaluate far!ers? responses to these changes. #'007& 1%. 1-. 1,. 1*. 5ow successful was organi6ed labor in i!proving the position of workers in the period fro! 137, to 1$00" Analy6e the factors that lead to the level of success achieved. ##'000& 0o what e1tent was late nineteenth.century and early twentieth.century =nited >tates e1pansionis! a continuation of past =nited >tates e1pansionis! and to what e1tent was it a departure" #1$$-& 0o what e1tent did econo!ic and political develop!ents as well as assu!ptions about the nature of wo!en affect the position of A!erican wo!en during the period 13$0 @ 1$'," #1$$7& (t was the strength of the opposition forces, both liberal and conservative, rather than the ineptitude and stubbornness of )resident ilson that led to the >enate defeat of the 0reaty of Aersailles. Assess the validity. #1$$1& 1 AP U ! "istory

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Tony Miller

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology


Analy6e the responses of +ranklin 7. 2oosevelt8s ad!inistration to the proble!s of the Breat 7epression. 5ow effective were these responses" 5ow did they change the role of the federal govern!ent" #'00%& hat were the Cold ar fears of the A!erican people in the after!ath of the >econd orld 5ow successfully did the Eisenhower ad!inistration address those fears" #'001& ar"


1$. '0. '1. ''.

Analy6e the changes that occurred during the 1$*08s in the goals, strategies, and support of the !ove!ent for African A!erican rights. #1$$,& Analy6e the ways in which the Aietna! ar heightened social, political, and econo!ic tensions in the =nited >tates. +ocus your answer on the period 1$*- to 1$7,. #'003& Analy6e the international and do!estic challenges the =nited >tates faced between 1$*3 and 1$7-, and evaluate how )resident 2ichard Ni1on8s ad!inistration responded to the!. #'011& (n the post@Civil ar =nited >tates, corporations grew significantly in nu!ber, si6e, and influence. Analy6e the i!pact of big business on the econo!y and politics and the responses of A!ericans to these changes. Confine your answer to the period 1370 to 1$00. #'01'& Analy6e the causes of growing opposition to slavery in the =nited >tates fro! 177* to 13,'. (n your response, consider both underlying forces and specific events that contributed to the growing opposition. #'01%&


$art B% (&tandard 'ree (esponse Essay )uestions# 1. Analy6e the e1tent to which religious freedo! e1isted in the /ritish North A!erican colonies prior to 1700. #1$$3& '. Analy6e the differences between the >panish settle!ents in the >outhwest and the English colonies in New England in the seventeenth century in ter!s of 0 4 of the followingC #'00*& )olitics 2eligion Econo!ic 7evelop!ent %. Early encounters between A!erican (ndians and European colonists led to a variety of relationships a!ong the different cultures. Analy6e how the actions taken by /405 A!erican (ndians and European colonists shaped those relationships in 0 4 of the following regions. Confine your answer to the 1*00s.#'003& New England Chesapeake >panish >outhwest New Dork and New +rance -. Co!pare the ways in which religion shaped the develop!ent of colonial society #to 17-0& in 0 4 of the following regionsC #'00'& New England Chesapeake <iddle Atlantic ,. +or the period before 17,0, analy6e the ways in which /ritain8s policy of salutary neglect influenced the develop!ent of A!erican society as illustrated in the following. #1$$,& Eegislative asse!blies Co!!erce 2eligion Tony Miller 2 AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

*. Analy6e the cultural and econo!ic responses of 0 4 of the following groups to the (ndians of North A!erica before 17,0C #'000& /ritish +rench >panish 7. Co!pare and contrast the ways in which econo!ic develop!ent affected politics in <assachusetts and Airginia in the period 1*07.17,0. #'00,& 3. >ettlers in the eighteenth.century A!erican backcountry so!eti!es resorted to violent protest to e1press their grievances. Analy6e the causes and significance of 0 4 of the followingC #'007& <arch of the )a1ton /oys 2egulator !ove!ent >hays? 2ebellion hiskey 2ebellion $. 5ow did econo!ic, geographic and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an i!portant part of the econo!y of the southern colonies between 1*07 and 177," #'001& 10. Analy6e the ways in which /ritish i!perial policies between 17*% and 177* intensified colonials8 resistance to /ritish rule and their co!!it!ent to republican values. #'00$& 11. Analy6e the political, diplo!atic, and !ilitary reasons for the =nited >tates victory in the 2evolutionary ar. Confine your answer to the period 177,@173%. #'010& 1'. Evaluate the relative i!portance of the following as factors pro!pting A!ericans to rebel in 177*C #1$$'& parlia!entary ta1ation restriction of civil liberties /ritish !ilitary !easures the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas 1%. Analy6e the degree to which the Articles of Confederation provided an effective for! of govern!ent with respect to any 0 4 of the following. #1$$*& +oreign relations Econo!ic conditions estern lands 1-. Evaluate the e1tent to which the Articles of Confederation were effective in solving the proble!s that confronted the new nation.#'00% 1,. 0he /ill of 2ights did not co!e fro! a desire to protect the liberties won in the A!erican 2evolution, but rather fro! a fear of the powers of the new federal govern!ent. Assess the validityF #1$$1& 1*. Analy6e the e1tent to which the A!erican 2evolution represented a radical alteration in A!erican political ideas and institutions. Confine your answer to the period between 177, to 1300. #1$$7& 17. Analy6e the i!pact of the A!erican 2evolution on both slavery and the status of wo!en in the period fro! 177,.1300. #'00-&

Tony Miller

AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

13. Evaluate the relative i!portance of do!estic and foreign affairs in shaping A!erican politics in the 17$0?s. #1$$-& 1$. Analy6e the contributions of 0 4 of the following in helping establish a stable govern!ent after the adoption of the Constitution. #'00'& ;ohn Ada!s 0ho!as ;efferson Beorge ashington '0. Analy6e the ways in which 0 4 of the following influenced the develop!ent of A!erican society. #1$$-& )uritanis! during the seventeenth century 0he Breat Awakening during the eighteenth century 0he >econd Breat Awakening during the nineteenth century '1. Analy6e the e1tent to which 0 4 of the following influenced the develop!ent of de!ocracy between 13'0 and 13-0. #1$$*& ;acksonian econo!ic policy Changes in electoral politics >econd Breat Awakening estward !ove!ent ''. (n what ways did the >econd Breat Awakening in the North influence 0 4 of the following" Abolitionis! 0e!perance 0he cult of do!esticity =topian co!!unities ''. Analy6e the i!pact of the !arket revolution #131,@13*0& on the econo!ies of 0 4 of the following regions. #'003& 0he Northeast 0he <idwest 0he >outh '%. 0he ;acksonian )eriod #13'-.13-3& has been celebrated as the era of the 9co!!on !an.: 0o what e1tent did the period live up to its characteri6ation" Consider 0 4 of the following in your response. #'001& Econo!ic 7evelop!ent )olitics 2efor! <ove!ents '-. (n what ways did the early nineteenth.century refor! !ove!ents for abolition and wo!en8s rights illustrate both the strengths and weaknesses of de!ocracy in the early A!erican republic" #1$$%& ',. 5ow did 0 4 of the following contribute to the ree!ergence of a two party syste! in the period 13'0 to 13-0" #1$$$& <aGor political personalities >tates8 rights Econo!ic issues '*. Although historically represented as distinct parties, the +ederalists and the higs in fact shared a co!!on political ideology, represented !any of the sa!e interest groups, and proposed si!ilar progra!s and policies. Assess the validityF #1$$1& '7. 7iscuss the i!pact of territorial e1pansion on national unity between 1300 and 13,0. #1$$7& Tony Miller $ AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

'3. Co!pare the e1pansionist foreign policies of )residents 0ho!as ;efferson and ;a!es H. )olk. 0o what e1tent did their policies strengthen the =nited >tates" #1$$%& '$. Analy6e the ways in which supporters of slavery in the nineteenth century used legal, religious, and econo!ic argu!ents to defend the institution of slavery. #1$$,& %0. Analy6e the effectiveness of political co!pro!ise in reducing sectional tensions in the period 13'0 to 13*1. #'00-& %1. Analy6e the social, political, and econo!ic forces of the 13-0s and early 13,0s that led to the e!ergence of the 2epublican )arty. #'00$& %'. Assess the !oral argu!ents and political actions of those opposed to the spread of slavery in the conte1t of 0 4 of the following. #'000& <issouri Co!pro!ise <e1ican ar Co!pro!ise of 13,0 Hansas.Nebraska Act %%. 0o what e1tent did the debates about the <e1ican ar and its after!ath reflect the sectional interests of New Englanders, westerners and southerners in the period 13-, to 13,," #'00,& %-. Analy6e the ways in which controversy over the e1tension of slavery into western territories contributed to the co!ing of the Civil ar. Confine your answer to the period 13-,@13*1. #'010& %,. (n what ways did develop!ents in transportation bring about econo!ic and social change in the =nited >tates in the period 13'0 to 13*0" #'00%& %*. Analy6e the econo!ic conseIuences of the Civil =nited >tates between 13*, and 1330. #1$$7& Agriculture Eabor (ndustriali6ation 0ransportation %7. +ollowing 2econstruction, !any southern leaders pro!oted the idea of a 9New >outh.: 0o what e1tent was this 9New >outh: a reality by the ti!e of the +irst orld ar" (n your answer be sure to address 0 4 of the following. #'003& Econo!ic develop!ent )olitics 2ace relations %3. 5ow and why did transportation develop!ents spark econo!ic growth during the period fro! 13*0 to 1$00 in the =nited >tates" #'001& %$. Evaluate the i!pact of the Civil regions. 0he >outh 0he North 0he est +ocus your answer on the period between 13*, and 1$00.#'00%& -0. 7iscuss the political, econo!ic, and social refor!s introduced in the >outh between 13*- and 1377. 0o what e1tent did these refor!s survive the Co!pro!ise of 1377" #1$$'& ar on political and econo!ic develop!ents in 0 4 of the following ar with respect to any 0 4 of the following in the

Tony Miller

AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

-1. Although the econo!ic develop!ent of the 0rans.<ississippi est is popularly associated with hardy individualis!, it was in fact largely dependent on the federal govern!ent. Assess the &alidity o' this state(ent )ith s*eci'ic re'erence to )estern econo(ic acti&ities in the nineteenth century +1991, -'. Co!pare the debates that took place over A!erican e1pansionis! in the 13-08s with those that took place in the 13$08s, analy6ing the si!ilarities and differences in the debates of the two eras. #1$$'& -%. E1plain why and how the role of the +ederal govern!ent changed as a result of the Civil respect to 0 4 of the following during the period 13*1.1377C #'00*& 2ace 2elations Econo!ic 7evelop!ent estward E1pansion ar with

--. 5ow were the lives of the )lains (ndians in the second half of the nineteenth century affected by technological develop!ents and govern!ent actions" #1$$$& -,. Co!pare and contrast the attitudes of 052EE of the following toward the wealth that was created in the =nited >tates during the late nineteenth century. #1$$-& Andrew Carnegie Eugene A. 7ebs 5oratio Alger /ooker 0. ashington (da <. 0arbell -*. Analy6e the i!pact of any 0 4 of the following on the A!erican industrial worker between 13*, and 1$00. #1$$3& Bovern!ent actions (!!igration Eabor unions 0echnological changes -7. Analy6e reasons for the e!ergence of the )opulist !ove!ent in the late nineteenth century. #1$$,& -3. Analy6e the ways in which state and federal legislation and Gudicial decisions, including those of the >upre!e Court, affected the efforts of any 0 4 of the following groups to i!prove their position in society between 1330 and 1$'0. #1$$%& African A!ericans +ar!ers orkers -$. Choose 0 4 of the following organi6ations and e1plain their strategies for advancing the interests of workers. 0o what e1tent were these organi6ations successful in achieving their obGectives" Confine your answer to the period fro! 137, to 1$',. #'00$& Hnights of Eabor A!erican +ederation of Eabor >ocialist )arty of A!erica (ndustrial orkers of the orld

,0. Analy6e the roles that wo!en played in )rogressive Era refor!s fro! the 1330s through 1$'0. +ocus your essay on 0 4 of the following. #'010& )olitics >ocial conditions Eabor and working conditions Tony Miller AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

-3. 0o what e1tent did the role of the federal govern!ent change under )resident 0heodore 2oosevelt in regard to 0 4 of the followingC #'007& Eabor 0rusts Conservation orld affairs -$. +ro! the 13-08s through the 13$08s wo!en8s activities in the intellectual, social, econo!ic, and political spheres effectively challenged traditional attitudes about wo!en8s place in society. #1$$1& Asses the validity . . . . ,0. 7escribe and account for the rise of nativis! in A!erican society fro! 1$00 to 1$-0. #'001& ,1. Co!pare and contrast the progra!s and policies designed by the refor!ers of the )rogressive era to those designed by the refor!ers of the New 7eal period. Confine your answer to the progra!s and policies that addressed the needs of those living in poverty. #'00-& ,'. Assess the relative influence of 052EE of the following in the A!erican decision to declare war on Ber!any in 1$17. #1$$,& Ber!an naval policy A!erican econo!ic interests oodrow ilson8s idealis! Allied propaganda A!erica8s clai! to world power ,%. 0o what e1tent did the =nited >tates achieve the obGectives that led it to enter the +irst #'000& orld ar"

,-. 0o what e1tent and why did the =nited >tates adopt an isolationist policy in the 1$'08s and 1$%08s" #1$$3& ,,. (n what ways did econo!ic conditions and develop!ents in the arts and entertain!ent help create the reputation of the 1$'08s as the 2oaring 0wenties" #1$$$& ,*. 5istorians have argued that )rogressive refor! lost !o!entu! in the 1$'08s. Evaluate this state!ent with respect to 0 4 of the following. #'00*& 2egulation of business Eabor (!!igrants ,7. )residential elections between 1$'3 and 1$-3 revealed !aGor shifts in political party loyalties. Analy6e both the reasons for these changes and their conseIuences during this period.

,3. Analy6e the ways in which the Breat 7epression altered the A!erican social fabric in the 1$%08s. #1$$*& ,$. (dentify 052EE of the following New 7eal !easures and analy6e the ways in which each of the three atte!pted to fashion a !ore stable econo!y and a !ore eIuitable society" #1$$%& Agricultural AdGust!ent Act >ecurities and E1change Co!!ission agner National Eabor 2elations Act >ocial >ecurity Act Tony Miller . AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

*0. Analy6e the ho!e.front e1periences of 0 4 of the following groups during the >econd orld ar. African A!ericans ;apanese A!ericans ;ewish A!ericans <e1ican A!ericans

*1. 7escribe 052EE of the following and analy6e the ways in which each of the three has affected the status of wo!en in A!erican society since 1$-0. #1$$%& Changing econo!ic conditions 0he rebirth of an organi6ed wo!en8s !ove!ent Advances in reproductive technology 0he persistence of traditional definitions of wo!en8s roles *'. (n 1$-, inston Churchill said that the =nited >tates stood at the su!!it of the world. 7iscuss the develop!ents in the thirty years following Churchill8s speech which called the global pree!inence of the =nited >tates into Iuestion. #1$$'& *%. Analy6e the influence of 0 4 of the following on A!erican.>oviet relations in the decade following the >econd orld ar. #1$$*& Dalta Conference Co!!unist revolution in China Horean ar <cCarthyis! *-. Co!pare and contrast =nited >tates foreign policy after the +irst orld orld ar. Consider the periods 1$1$.1$'3 and 1$-,.1$,0. #'00'& ar and after the >econd

*,. 5ow do you account for the appeal of <cCarthyis! in the =nited >tates in the era following the >econd orld ar" #1$$7& **. Assess the success of the =nited >tates policy of contain!ent in Asia between 1$-, and 1$7,. #1$$$& *7. Analy6e the successes and failures of the =nited >tates Cold ar policy of contain!ent as it developed in 0 4 of the following regions during the period 1$-, to 1$7,. #'00-& East and >outheast Asia Europe Eatin A!erica <iddle East

*3. Co!pare and contrast =nited >tates society in the 1$'08s and the 1$,08s with respect to 0 4 of the followingC #'00%& race relations role of wo!en consu!eris! *$. 0o what e1tent did the decade of the 1$,08s deserve its reputation as an age of political, social, and cultural confor!ity" #1$$-&

Tony Miller

AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology


hile the =nited >tates appeared to be do!inated by consensus and confor!ity in the 1$,08s, so!e A!ericans reacted against the status Iuo. #'00*& Analy6e the critiIues of =nited >tates society !ade by 0 4 of the followingC Douth Civil 2ights Activists (ntellectuals

71. Although the 1$*08s are usually considered the decade of greatest achieve!ent for /lack civil rights, the 1$-08s and 1$,08s were periods of eIually i!portant gains. Assess the validityF #1$$1& 7'. 5ow did the African.A!erican Civil 2ights !ove!ent of the 1$,08s and 1$*08s address the failures of 2econstruction" #'00'& 7%. (n what ways did the Breat >ociety rese!ble the New 7eal in its origins, goals, and social and political legacy" Cite specific progra!s and policies in support of your argu!ents. #1$$'& 7-. 91$*3 was a turning point for the =nited >tates.: 0o what e1tent is this an accurate state!ent" (n your answer, discuss 0 4 of the followingC #1$$3& National politics Aietna! ar Civil 2ights 7,. 7iscuss, with respect to 0 4 of the following, the view that the 1$*08s represented a period of profound cultural change.#'000& Education Bender roles <usic 2ace relations 7*. Analy6e the e1tent to which 0 4 of the following transfor!ed A!erican society in the 1$*08s and 1$708s.#'00,& 0he Civil 2ights <ove!ent 0he anti.war !ove!ent 0he wo!en8s !ove!ent

77. JEandslide presidential victories do not ensure continued political effectiveness or legislative success.J #'007& Assess the &alidity o' this state(ent by co(*aring T01 o' the 'ollo)ing *residential ad(inistrations 2ran3lin 4oose&elt +19#-, 5yndon 6ohnson +19-$, 4ichard 7i8on +19.2, 4onald 4eagan +19/$, Tony Miller 9 AP U ! "istory

DBQ and Essay Questions 1991-2010 by chronology

73. E1plain the causes and conseIuences of 0 4 of the following population !ove!ents in the =nited >tates during the period 1$-,@1$3,. #'010& >uburbani6ation 0he growth of the >un /elt (!!igration to the =nited >tates

7$. 7escribe the patterns of i!!igration in 0 4 periods listed below. Co!pare and contrast the responses of A!ericans to i!!igrants in these periods. #'00,& 13'0 to 13*0 1330 to 1$'1$*, to '000

Tony Miller


AP U ! "istory

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