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WAKEFIELD SECTOR, MUNICIPALITY OF LA PECHE, 28 January, 201 DEAR MAYOR !USSIERE, ""# C$un"%&&$r L$u%' R$()r*+ M*',a(*'-M*''%*ur' &*' (*(.r*' ,u C$n'*%& Mun%"%)a& ,* La P*"/*+ M0 C/ar&*' R%"ar,+ M0 Mar"*& Mar"/%&,$n SU!JECT# HAMILTON 1ARDENS CONDOMINIUM DE2ELOPMENT, "/ RI2ERSIDE The undersigned are members of Wakefield Ensemble (which as you know is a chartered not-for-profit organization formed in 2002 which includes in its mandate the protection of the heritage nature of the village of Wakefield ! We are writing to call for a more transparent and public process for discussion of the proposed "amilton #ardens $ondominium %e&elopment! 'embers of the Wakefield Ensemble (oard would be pleased to come and see you to discuss this further! )n the summer of 2012* a small group of citizens including members of Wakefield Ensemble* $ouncillor +ouis ,ompre and 'arcel 'archildon of the 'unicipality* met with the de&eloper of "amilton #ardens* '! --. .oulin of %e&core! We proposed a broader consultati&e process to reassure residents that the de&elopment would respect the heritage character of the &illage! /lso discussed were issues related to design* traffic flow* parking* use by seniors and families with young children and the place of the pro0ect in the ..1! These discussions were inconclusi&e and &illage residents ha&e recei&ed no further formal information from the $ouncil or the de&eloper! "owe&er* it would now appear that the proposal is mo&ing 2uickly through the procedural process and our councillor has told us that there will be an opportunity for 2uestions at a council meeting ne3t month prior to the zoning bylaw changes being passed in council! We wish to register our concern o&er this plan which we do not belie&e constitutes effecti&e public consultation! 4uch consultation would normally take place o&er time and would in&ol&e communication and e3change of information in&ol&ing the de&eloper* interested and affected citizens as well as municipal officials! /ppropriate and sustainable de&elopment* including a substantial increase to the housing and ta3 base of the community is in all our interests and the current site is one place to do this! (ut there are important issues to consider before mo&ing ahead! ,esidents will li&e en permanence with any decisions made now! (ecause of the location* interest in this pro0ect cannot be restricted to the council nor e&en to the immediate neighbours! We will /++ be the neighbours!

)t is standard procedure in 5uebec and across $anada for building pro0ects which will ha&e a ma0or impact on the life of the community to be the sub0ect of consultations with community members! The de&eloper is engaged in 0ust such discussions in $helsea* so why not in Wakefield6 /n additional 2uestion in this case is7 where is the PPU and should it not be used as a framework for discussion about a critical and highly visible development on the main street of Wakefield? WE RESPECTFULLY RE3UEST THEREFORE# 1 that the $ouncil launch a public process of consultation (to be defined on the pro0ect8 2 that the $ouncil now re-assure the public that all of the procedures for pro0ect appro&al* including consultation* re2uired under pro&incial regulations ha&e indeed been followed8 and 9 that the $ouncil ad&ise why there continue to be delays on the ..1! We look forward to discussing this with you! :ours 4incerely Car$&yn M"A'4%*, K*n !$u"/ar,, !$. 1%.'$n, T$( R*%, E5*"u6%7* C$((%66**, Wa4*8%*&, En'*(.&* wakefieldensemble;gmail!com

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