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Dr. Murray AP U.S.

History, 2013-14

Unit 2 Essay Question Question 2: To what extent did the American Revolution actually produce a new society? In what sense did it overthrow an old regime and replace it with a new regime? id a different set o! "elie!s# attitudes# institutions# and practices emerge !rom the experience o! the Revolution? $r was there a great deal o! continuity "etween the political# economic# and social systems o! the colonial period %say# &'()* and those o! the Revolutionary era %say# &'+)*? ,e sure to use speci!ic examples to support your position- note: in the interests o! simplicity# restrict yoursel! to the years &'()/+)- 0top with the Treaty o! .aris o! &'+)# which recogni1ed American independence !rom the ,ritish 2mpire- on3t consider the events leading up to the adoption o! the new constitution in &'+'-* The political# economic and social developments "etween the 4olonial .eriod and the Revolutionary 2ra caused the American Revolution produced a new society-

5rom the 4olonial .eriod to the Revolutionary .eriod# America was characteri1ed "y a loosely organi1ed coalition o! states that sought to !ree themselves !rom ,ritish control- 6hile these states had en7oyed moderate amounts o! !reedom in the past# 8reat ,ritain "egan to tighten its grip on the colonies in order to "ene!it economically !rom American trade and goods- 9owever# these un7ust measures to gain !urther control threated the colonists and were the impetus to split !rom 8reat ,ritain- As a result# ma7or political# economic and social change was "rought a"out "y colonists during The American Revolution in "ecoming independent and creating a new order-

Political The American Revolution caused comprehensive political change. Of course, the greatest political development was the establishment of the United States. In addition, whereas colonial society had been characterized by monarchy, with the colonists under control of the English King, a new republic was formed where the people of the American colonies were each given a voice. Instead of being far isolated from power with no chance to bring about political change, the Americans were not included in the political process. This meant that the middle and lower classes of American society, which included the farmers, merchants and laborers, had political power and would not be at the complete mercy of the elite and wealthy classes. The American Revolution sought to rid the colonies of a British Aristocratic culture. Whereas in the past authoritative positions were hereditary, changes came about so that there were no longer privileges for noble birth. Titles were taken away from the elite class in an effort to make the wealthy appear more equal. While before, political participation was reduced, this increased during the Revolution. Political groups were established and people from lower social classes began to hold office. Many more Americans were involved in the political process by the end of the Revolutionary Period. Social 6hile the American Revolution was not as radical as the 5rench Revolution# it still majorly altered the social order- Whereas before the American Revolution only a small portion of the American population could vote, voting requirements were changed so that a greater number of people were given the right to vote. Women were also given a greater and more prominent role in society. Women took part in boycotting British goods, running businesses and farms while their husbands were away at war and making

goods to help those at war. In fact, women even stood up for their rights against male dominance inside the family. Americans placed greater value on the role of the mother in the American family because they realized that the women were responsible for raising a child with revolutionary ideals. Changes occurred in the slave trade, where many states began to abolish slavery. In the Northern Colonies, slavery was either abolished or on the pathway out. However, these Northern States had the fewest number of slaves, meaning that they did not play an integral role in the Northern economies. Where states played a greater economic role, in the Southern Colonies, slavery was not abolished. In fact, even when slaves were freed, they were not given the same rights as white colonists. Economic 0igni!icant economic change occurred as a result o! the American Revolution- 0ince the war had "een very costly !or the colonists# they were le!t with a large de"t- As a result# they did not have the money to pay the American troops !or their service and sold "onds to 2uropean countries to compensate the troops- The 4ontinental 4ongress too: the next step o! printing it3s own currency "ut printed too great an amount o! currency- This created in!lation# which was a harsh "low to the American economy- $n the other hand# American ships were no longer legally "ound to trade with 8reat ,ritain# which gave them more trading partners# while the ,ritish still remained it3s largest trading partner-

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