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All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhubaneswar-7510 19

(A statutory body under the aegis of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)

Advt No.AIIMS/BBSR/Nursing/01

Dated: 13/07/2013

Online-Applications are invited for fillin up the followin posts for !olle e of "ursin and #ospital Services at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences$ Bhubaneswaron !ontractual%&eputation% 'ransfer % &irect (ecruit)ent*
Sl. No. Name o t!e "ost "a# S$ale %rade "a# "a# Band No o "osts& R'S'R(A)I*N&& Mode o Re$ruitment *B S, S) , &irect


1 2 . /

Staff "urse +r II (s* 9.00,Sister +rade II./000%Staff "urse +r I (s* 9.00(Sister Grade I Nursing Sisters)

(s* /$100%(s* /$000%(s*5/00%(s* 5/00%-

2 2 . .

150 50





./000%(s* 15100.9100%(s*15100.9100%-

1. 15 05
!ontractual% &eputation !ontractual% &eputation

7 2 -

. 1 -

27 0 /

Assistant "ursin Superintendent &eput3 "ursin Superintendent

/ 1

*The number of Post(s) is tentative and is liable to change, based on the Institute's requirements ** Reservation Policy as per overnment of India Rules

,Abbreviations4 +R 5 6n reserved$ *B, 5 Other Bac7ward !lasses$ S,- Scheduled !aste$ S)Scheduled 'ribe-

,i-Re-uirements or De.utation or )rans er a- 8ersons holdin analo ous post on re ular basis with )ini)u) five 3ears of service in the i))ediatel3 precedin +rade 8a3 and possessin the re9uired 9ualification : e;perience* b- &ocu)ents to be sub)itted at the ti)e of Interview4 i- <i ilance !learance !ertificate$ Inte rit3 !ertificate and =ast >ive 3ears A8A(s* ii- "O! fro) the parent depart)ent* c6pper a e li)it for transfer%deputation is 51 3ears* ,ii- )enure o ,ontra$tual 'ngagement: 'he en a e)ent shall be for a period of 11 ,eleven)onths e;tendable up to three 3ears or a e of 15 3ears$ whichever is earlier* ,iii-'ligi/ilit# $riteria and Instru$tions for applicants at Anne;ure - I *nline$ation s!all o.en at t!e o i$ial 0e/site o AIIMS1 B!u/anes0ar www.aii)sbhubaneswar*edu*in0.e. . 12/07/2013 10.00 am. ,andidates are re-uested to ill in t!e$ation orm1 ta3e a .rint out and su/mit it /# s.eed .ost/registered .ost onl# to )!e Administrative * i$er1 AIIMS1 Si4ua1 "* 5 Dumuduma1 B!u/anes0ar 5 761017. )!e envelo.e s!ould /e su.er8s$ri/ed 5$ation or t!e .ost o :::::::::::::.; <ast date or re$ei.t o $om.lete online$ation along 0it! .rinted $o.# and t!e re-uired$ation ees is 07/0=/2013>06:00 .m?
Administrative Officer


AdvtNo.AIIMS/BBSR/Nursing/01 'ligi/ilit# ,onditions Age <imit Dire$t Re$ruitment 6pto .0 3ears

Sl. No. 1

"ost Name

@uali i$ation

Staff "urse +r II
,Sister +rade II-

Staff "urse +r I
(Sister Grade I Nursing Sisters)

'ssential: i-Matriculation or its e9uivalent fro) a reco nised universit3%Board* ii-!ertification in +eneral "ursin and Midwifer3 fro) a reco nised Institution or ?9uivalent 9ualification for )ale nurses* iii- Should be a re istered @A@ rade "urse and Midwife with a State "ursin !ouncil or e9uivalent 9ualification for )ale nurses* 'SS'N)IA<: ,i-(eco niAed BSc*"ursin % 8ost Basic BSc*"ursin &e ree ,ii- <alid re istration as "urse and Midwife ,or alternate re istration for )ale nurses in lieu of )idwifer3-* A"& ,iii- Mini)u) of 5 3ears as "urse +rade 5 II % Staff "urse in a tertiar3 care % teachin hospital with a )iniu) of 200 beds*

6pto /0 D'SIRAB<': ,i- 8ost +raduate &e ree in "ursin ,MSc* "ursin % Master of Bears "ursin ,ii-8ost +raduate &iplo)a in #ealth care )ana e)ent % #ospital Ad)inistration% "ursin Ad)inistration fro) a +overn)ent reco nised universit3% institute* ,iii-+ood wor7in 7nowled e of co)puters* . / Assistant "ursin Superintendent &eput3 "ursin Superintendent Sister +rade I with 5 3ears of re ular service in the rade 6pto 15 3rs for Assistant "ursin Superintendent with 5 3ears of re ular service contractual: in the rade 51 3rs for deputation

%'N'RA<,*NDI)I*NS 1* *nline$ation s!all o.en at t!e o i$ial 0e/site o AIIMS1 B!u/anes0ar www.aii)sbhubaneswar*edu*in0.e. . 12/07/2013 10.00 am. ,andidates are re-uested to ill in t!e$ation orm1 ta3e a .rint out and su/mit it along 0it! t!e re-uired demand dra t /# s.eed .ost/registered .ost onl# to )!e Administrative * i$er1 AIIMS1 Si4ua1 "* 5 Dumuduma1 B!u/anes0ar 5 761017. )!e envelo.e s!ould /e su.er8s$ri/ed 5$ation or t!e .ost o :::::::::::::.; 2* 'he applicants appl3in in response to this advertise)ent should satisf3 the)selves re ardin their eli ibilit3 ,?ssential : 6pper a e li)it- for the aforesaid post and )ust fulfill all the eli ibilit3 criteria b3 .1%07%201. >or fillin up of Online application$ candidates )ust have the followin pre re9uisites read3 <alid e-)ail I& a* Scanned 8assport siAe photo raph ,in C8+ for)at siAed less than 507b*b* Scanned si nature of the candidate ,in C8+ for)at siAed less than .0 7b*.* Individual application and application fee is re9uired to be sub)itted%re)itted for each post,s,in case of candidates appl3in for )ore than one post-* /* 'he On-line (e istration and application will be ter)inated b3 05400 8M on07%00%201.* 'he candidature of such applicants who fail to co)plete the online re istration alon with application b3 the stipulated date and ti)e will not be considered and no correspondence in this re ard will be entertained* 5* A candidate )ust be a* A !itiAen of India$ or b* A SubDect of "epal$ or c* A subDect of Bhutan$ or d* A person of Indian ori in who has )i rated fro) 8a7istan$ Bur)a$ Sri =an7a$ ?ast African countries of Een3a$ 6 anda and 6nited (epublic of 'anAania ,for)erl3 'an an3i7a and FanAibar-$ Fa)bia$ Malawi$ Faire$ ?thiopia$ and <ietna) with the intention of per)anentl3 settlin in India
"ote4 -

1* A candidate belon in to cate ories ,b-$ ,c- and ,d- shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eli ibilit3 has been issued b3 the +overn)ent of India 2* 'he candidate in whose case a certificate of eli ibilit3 is necessar3 )a3 be ad)itted to an e;a)ination or interview conducted b3 the institute but the offer of appoint)ent )a3 be iven onl3 after necessar3 eli ibilit3 certificate has been issued to hi) b3 the +overn)ent of India .* !andidates who ac9uired their 9ualif3in nursin de ree % diplo)a outside India )ust produce the proof of reco nition b3 +overn)ent of India for the 9ualif3in nursin de ree % diplo)a ,as the case )a3 be- at the ti)e of Interview$ without which the offer of appoint)ent shall not be )ade* .

1*$ation Aees BNon 5 Re unda/le?: +eneral%OB! !ate or3 4 Rs.600/8 S!%S' cate or3 4 Rs.200/8 'he application fee should be sub)itted as &e)and &raft in favour of GAIIMS$ BhubaneswarH pa3able at Bhubaneswar alon with the hard cop3 of application* Note: )!e "!#si$all# Candi$a..ed -uota $andidates are not re-uired to de.osit an# ee. 8h3sicall3 #andicapped ,O=-4 One le ,O=- affected$ left or ri ht cate or3 persons would onl3 be considered under 8h3sicall3 #andicapped 9uota* !andidates will be considered for selection to such post b3 eneral standard of )erit* 8ersons sufferin fro) "ot =ess than /0I of disabilit3 alone will be eli ible for the benefit of reservation and other rela;ations as per)issible under the rules* A certificate of disabilit3 %8h3sical handicap fro) co)petent authorit3 to be sub)itted. 7* 8review of the candidate 8hoto and Si nature )ust be clearl3 visible to candidate$if photo%si nature i)a e is co)in s)all or not visible in preview on website online then it )eans photo%si nature is not as per the AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar in the prescribed for)at and 3our application will be reDected* So$ be careful while uploadin 3our photo and si nature* Both )ust be visible clearl3 on (e istration >or)* 0* 6pper a e li)it is rela;able b3 5 3ears for S!%S' candidates and +overn)ent ServantsJ$ . 3ears for OB! and 10 3ears for the 8h3sicall3 #andicapped 8ersons* 'he upper a e li)it shall be deter)ined as on the last date of re istration of application as specified above* Note: Government !ervants means "ermanent (#egular) em$loyees of %entral&!tate Government&%entral or !tate Autonomous 'rgani(ation& )nderta*ing. 9* Selection Methodolo 3 for &irect (ecruit)ent4 A- >or Staff "urse +rade I : Staff "urse +rade II 4 Kritten test will be held atBC+BAN'SDAR *nl#* ,'he date and ti)in of written test will be posted in the website of AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar b3 12%00%201.* 'he candidates are advised to download their Ad)it !ard fro) AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar web siteaii)sbhubaneswar*edu*inas no ad)it card will be sent b3 post* 'he Ad)it !ards alon with Instructions for written test will be hosted on AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar website b3 12%00%201.* &ate for the written test is tentative and applicants are adviced to refer to official website of AIIMS Bhubaneswar ,aii)sbhubaneswar*edu*in*- for updates ,if an3-* Kritten 'ests for Staff "urse +rade I : Staff "urse +rade II 'he !entre,s- for Kritten tests will be atB!u/anes0ar *N<E i* &uration4 90 )inutes ii* Ma;i)u) Mar7s4 00 iii* ObDective t3pe % Multiple !hoice Luestions* iv* "o ne ative )ar7in * Dritten )est or Sta Nurse %rade 5 II: 'he S3llabus for the written e;a)ination will be based on the S3llabus % !urriculu) of &iplo)a in +eneral "ursin : Midwifer3$ +eneral 7nowled e$ ?n lish and Basic !o)puter applications* /

Dritten )est or Sta Nurse %rade 5 I: 'he S3llabus for the written e;a)ination will be based on the S3llabus % !urriculu) of Bsc*"ursin and !o)puter applications in "ursin * On the basis of the )erit of written test candidates 5 ti)esthe nu)ber of 8osts advertised will be short listed for Interview* Interview shall be of 20 )ar7s wei hta e* Appearance in the interview is )andator3* &ate and 'i)e of Interview will be inti)ated to such candidates in the due course* B-Aor t!e .ost o Assistant Nursing Su.erintendent ,A"S- :D#. Nursing Su.erintendent ,&"Sonl3 shortlisted candidates will be called for personal interview * 10* !andidates appl3in under an3 of the reserved cate or3 viA* S!%S'%OB! will be considered subDect to sub)ission of !aste certificate on a prescribed for)at issued b3 the co)petent authorit3* OB! candidates should not belon to !rea)3 =a3er* 'heir caste should be tallied with the !entral =ist of OB!$ failin which their candidature will not be considered under an3 of the applied reserved cate or3 and will be treated as 6(* 11* All the ori inal certificates%docu)ents will be verified at the ti)e of Interview* On the basis of written test$ the shortlisted candidates )ust brin all ori inal certificates ,relevant to the post,s- applied- alon with one set of photocop3$ dul3 attested$ viA*4 a* !op3 of downloaded (e istration Slip of on-line application for)* b* !op3 of downloaded Ad)it !ard* c* !ertificate showin the &ate of Birth* d* !ertificate of passin #i h School or its e9uivalent fro) a reco niAed 6niversit3%Board* e. !ertificate of &iplo)a in +eneral "ursin and Midwifer3 % BSc* "ursin fro) reco niAed Institution ,for nursin posts-* Other relevant 9ualification certificates for other posts* f* (e istration certificate as GA rade "urse and Midwife fro) State "ursin !ouncil* * !aste certificate if applied under S!%S'%OB! cate or3issued b3 the co)petent authorit3* h* &isabilit3 !ertificate$ if applied under O#-,O=- cate or3* i* D* "o ObDection !ertificate if in re ular e)plo3)ent* ?;perience certificate*

12* 'he offer of appoint)ent when )ade will be provisional and subDect to verification of credentials ,?ducational : 8ersonal- b3 co)petent authorit3* 1.* 'he period of 8robation shall be of 2 3ears* 1/* 'he vacancies are provisional and subDect to variation* 'he &irector$ AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar reserves the ri ht to var3 the vacancies includin reserved vacancies* 15* "o 'A%&A shall be ad)issible for appearin in the written test or Interview*

11* Appoint)ent of selected candidates is subDect to his%her bein declared )edicall3 fit b3 co)petent Medical Board* 17* 'hose who are in re ular e)plo3)ent )ust sub)it a G"O OBC?!'IO" !?('I>I!A'?H fro) the e)plo3ers at the ti)e of Interview* 10* 'he candidates )ust ensure that the3 fulfil eli ibilit3 criteria and that the particulars furnished b3 the) in the application are correct in all respects* Mere appearance for the written e;a)ination b3 a candidate does not i)pl3 that the candidate is eli ible for the post* If at an3 sta e it is found that the candidate has furnished an3 incorrect infor)ation or has suppressed )aterial fact,s-$ his%her candidature will stand cancelled* If an3 of these shortco)in ,s- is%are detected even after the appoint)ent$ his%her services will be su))aril3 ter)inated as well as other necessar3 le al proceedin s )i ht be initiated* 19* &ecision of the AIIMS$ Bhubaneswar in all )atters re ardin conduct of e;a)ination$ interview$ verification of docu)ents and selection would be final and bindin on all candidates* "o correspondence whatsoever would be entertained in this re ard* 20* !anvassin in an3 for) shall lead to the dis9ualification of the candidate concerned* "o co))unication4 telephonic % in-person% postal or whatsoever in this re ard will be entertained durin an3 ti)e of the selection process* 21* &irector AIIMS Bhubaneswar reserves the ri ht to fill an3 or all of the advertised posts or not to fill the sa)e without assi nin an3 reason* 22* In case of an3 assistance or clarifications please )ail toinfoMaii)sbhubaneswa*edu*in8lease 9uote 3our application I& : 8ost Applied in the SubDect line of 3our e)ail*

Administrative * i$er

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