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Rektor: (024)8508081 Fax (024)8508082, Purek I: (024) 8508001 Website: - E-mail: FORMULIR SOAL UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER, AKHIR SEMESTER, DAN UJIAN SUSULAN No. Dokumen FM-02-AKD-05 No. Revisi 01 Hal 1 dari 2 Tanggal Terbit 1 September 2012


Mata Kuliah : Second Language Acquisition Kode Matakuliah : Jur/Prodi /Semester : Pend Bhs Inggris S2 Hari/Tanggal /Jam Waktu Dosen Pengampu : Senin 06/01/13 : 10.00 12.00 : Dr. Yan Mujiyanto, M.Hum.


Instructions: 1. Choose ten out of the following 15 questions. 2. In your own words, briefly answer questions. 3. Submit your work not later than 04/11/2013 to cc. 4. Write <SLA Final><Monday or Tuesday or Thursday or Tegal R or Tegal E Class><Your NIM><Your name> as the subject of your email.

1. Richards (1971) , Lott 1983), and Burt (1974) separately distinguish sources or causes of competence errors in SLA. Synthesize suc errors so as to construct a new assumption of your own. 2. A the early stages, the natural settings of errors are characterized by (1) a silent period, (2) the use of formulaic speech, (3) structural simplification, and (4) semantic simplification. Briefly explain the for terms. 3. Research has shown the effects of three different aspects of context: linguistic, sociolinguistic, and psycholinguistic aspects. Explain the three aspects providing SLA in Indonesian setting. 4. Ellis (1994: 169-71) presents a table on Survey of studies of interlanguage requests consisting of 15 exerts . Pick one out then consider its applicability in Indonesian setting. 5. Social factors influencing SLA may include age, sex, social class, and ethnic identity. Show the significance of these factors in Indonesian setting. 6. According to Schumann (1978), there are a number of factors affecting social and psychological distance in SLA. Briefly explain the factors including some adequate examples. 7. Figure 7.2 in Ellis (1994: 260) shows Problematic communication types. In your own words, briefly describe the essence of figure.

8. Figure 8.2 in Ellis (1994: 331) shows three stages of development in SLA. In your own words, briefly describe the essence of figure providing Indonesian setting. 9. According to Ellis (1994), there are at least 6 general constraints on L1 transfer: language level, sociolinguistic factors, markedness, prototypicality, language distance and psychotypology, and developmental factors. Briefly consider these factors in Indonesian setting. 10. Ellis framework (p. 349) shows a number of stages through which learners generally acquire L2. Briefly explain these stages. 11. According to Tarone (1977), there are at least seven typological strategies of communication. Briefly explain the strategis providing the ones of Indonesian learners of English. 12. According to Willing (1987), there are four main learning styles used by adult ESL learners: concrete, analytical, comunicative, and authority-oriented learning styles. Briefly explain the notion of the strategies. 13. There are a number of different types of motivation significantly influencing SLA. Show such types along with their explanation. 14. Ellis (1994: 547-8) presents a table on studies of the good language learner consisting of 8 exerts . Pick one out then consider its applicability in Indonesian setting. 15. Studies on SLA may be focused on psychometric, interaction analysis, discourse analysis, or ethnography. Pick out one of these type of study, then elaborate its application in Indonesian setting. Good Luck!

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