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Abuse--request for appraisal - Yahoo!

RE: Texas School Survey of Substance

Ws4ft*h ThursdaY, June 18,2009 7:52 AM

Abuse--request for appraisal
Rf;,: Texas schoor $urvey of substance
$"rn|-ttl "Tony Black" <tblack@tsl'state'tx'us>
Tcrr "Craig lohnson" <craigdj0T@yahoo'com>
es: "Chris LaPlante" <laplante@tsl'state'tx'us>

part of a larger category of

Mr. Johnson,
Management officer for DSHS did identify these rec-ords for us, as
As a matter of fact, the Records iR" (to," archival review uy irre Texas state Archives)'
which already had an archivar code

consuttants & committees-Non-Glinical)

?T;.9r"t,!|r".f;j#l"J[:Hffii"]lnon-riscat) (Nonctinicat;
Retention period= 3 years . , rerevance
--t-..^-^^ and
^^^ aanr the state
to fha
sent ra Archivist for review aat the end of the
state Archivist
Archivar code: R (Report may have historicar
retention Period )
Thanks for asking,
Tony Black
Appraisal Archivist
Archives and Information Services
Texas State Library and Archives Commtssion
Voice matl: (512) 475-3799
e-mail: tblack@tsl.state'tx'us

-----Original Message-----
From : Lraig :oh ns-on Ima ilto : craigdjOT-@yahoo'com]
Sent: ThuridaY, June 18, 2009 7:17 AM
To: TonY Black
Cc: Chris LaPlante
Abuse--request for appraisal
subject: RE: Texas schOol survey of substance

rooking into this.

you mentioned rast week that the Texas school $urvey
Mr. Brack, thanK you and your office for in your Tuesday
records were nor posted on the DSHS
,*"oiiJr*t*ntion schedure. Did DSHS address that
were required by state law to post them'
meething with them? i irrought that they

Craig Johnson

On Wed, 6t17109, Tony Black

<fbtaclr@fsl'sfate'tx-us> wrote:

From: Tony Black <tblack@tsl'state il-ul"

Abuse--request for appraisal
subject: RE: Texas SJooisr*ey of substance
i'Craig Johnson" <craigdj0T@yahoo'com>
tx us>
Cc: "Chri! LaPlante" <laplante@tsl'state
nate: WeOnesdaY, June 17, 2009' 3:49 PM

Mr. Johnson, and becoming familiar

hours yesterday, gathering further information
I had a productive visit of nearry two

Mail Page 2 of3
of Substance Abuse--request for appraisal Yahoo!
RE: Texas School Survey

an open mind, especrally while I am in the
with the records themselves. l always keep
be done and a decision
I cannot predict when my report will
archivrst. since I also have other duties, in secure'
Health Services will be keeping these records
made. Fortunately, ho*"ulr, the Dept. of were requested'
climate-controtteo coJitions'for one additional year, from the date they
many e-mails' all
our progress' Thanks ever so much for the
Iwill keep you rn the loop and let you know
of which add to my knowledge of the

Best wishes,

Tony Black
Appraisal Archivist
Archives and Information Services Division
Texas State Library and Archives Commisston
Voice mail: (512) 475-3799
e-mail: tblack@tsl.state.tx us

-----Original Message-----
From : Lraig Johnson fmailto :craigdj0T@yahoo'com]
Sent: WednesdaY, June 17, 20Ag 7:24 AM
To: TonY Black
Cc: Chris LaPlante
for appraisal
Subject: Re: Texas school Survey of Substance Abuse--request

yesterday morntng steps State Archives willtake to preserve them?
Craig Johnson

*- On Fri, 6112109, Tony Black <tbtack@ts1'sfate'tx'us> wrote:

From: Tony Black <tblack@tsl'state tx us>

Abuse--request for appralsal
subject: Texas school suiley of $ubstance us
io: iaviO. takey@dshs state'tx' us, Lisa. Hernandez@dshs'state'tx
"chris LaPlante"
cc: Nancy.Edwards@dsr,,,
<laplante@tsl. state'tx. us>
Daie: FridiY, June 12,2A09, 10'04 AM

Dear Commissioner Lakey and Ms Hernandez:

Commission's statutory responsibility to

It is the Texas State tibrary and Archives
archivally valuable records' We
acquire, preserve, and mafte available the state's
Johnson, concerned that
have been contacted Ly i*"u. ciirzen, craig
" Reports for the,biannual
one series of records i,i vow cusiody, Technical
of substance Abuse, 1988-2006' might be lost to
statewide Texas Scrrool'survey
for its archival value by archival
future researchers oJor* it can be appraised
and lnformation
p|"ot",,ion,|s' The State Archrvist and Director of the Archives

Page : or :

I appraisal
Laptante, has asked me to handle this duiy' since "*.?i:.:i,:1- to their
,,apprais-ai:*- o" not referio any monetary value, simply
archivrsts. iny
Mr. Johnson has made an
appoinim:"tj-T]l':Monday to
r understand that to make an
the records in your
p*"'**uio"' Would it be possible for(i"e Tuesdav)' to see these
hlu visit
u"u o*rffo'Jli in*o"y toilo*i'ig I figure
appolntmenr, tJyour work as possible' and
records? I want ro ""u-"* uu flexible about any
you put il;;Ji";"y' I could take a peek? I am
that before schedule
;;il;;;t that fits vour asencv stafrs

talk to someone
records, but I probaoil;;
to see lheT
lvseli ''",91:^?::flv
volume. I haven't had a
,ecirJ,to o*t*r*ine theiiextent tn
who knows tt,ese
versions)' or
l-**oro* (uni for their.electronic
for these
what the retention perio'd is o*uE"ilot of "R" (for archival review-l
whether they alreaoy have an
susPect not Yet)'

to answer
so I may not be in my office
with a two-year building renovation Otof1,1i'
replY is just fine"
about this issue soon'
l look forward to talking wiih someone


TonY Black
APPraisal Archivist
d;;iv*t and lnformatton Services Division
Texas State Library and Archrves
Voice mail: (512) 475-3799
e-mail. tblack@tsl state tx'us

o/o2520stateoh2520Archives&sort:dat"' 612212009

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