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%123456 78 495 :55412; 95<= 72 +93>6=?@ A
)7B5:C5> DEFG ?4 AH: 12 495 -7::3214@ -524>5
I>56524J SLan Amey (Chalrman), Ldward Mackay, (vlce Chalrman), 8arbara !appy, (1reasurer), enny
kane (SecreLary), Malcolm 8romley, Alllson Cowle, aul ParrlngLon, Cerry Wood
Counclllor uelrdre Mackay
FK (H7<7;156J
2. I7<1L5 >5H7>4J 38 lncldenLs: 13 road Lrafflc offences, 1 LhefL (resolved), 4-3 dead deer on road, 2
81As. no ma[or lncldenLs. A few medlcal call ouLs for e.g. depresslon, falls eLc or Lo asslsL when no
ambulance lmmedlaLely avallable. 8eporLs/referrals always made Lo Lhe correcL agency. k Lo
emall Lo underllne no meeLlng ln !anuary. 8ad weaLher comlng, people are remlnded Lo drlve
carefully, dress senslbly and carry wlndow scrapers eLc
3. (HH>7B?< 78 %123456 78 .L47C5> :55412;J roposed by Malcolm, seconded by 8arbara
MK %?445>6 (>1612;:
SL !ohn's Well fooLpaLh. MeeLlng beLween uelrdre, MaLL uenL, aul and enny. 1he paLh and
Lhe Well need professlonal assessmenL Lo see whaL work needs Lo be done Lo smooLh ouL Lhe
bumpy bedrock near Lhe well and Lo draln Lhe very weL area around Lhe well lLself
1he fooLpaLh from Lhe sporLs club Lo Lhe sLaLue ls Lhe besL LhaL we can have glven Lhe paLh ls
badly dralned and sub[ecL Lo rabblL aLLack
k has conLacLed Campbell SLuarL re new loo seaLs and beLLer clsLerns. k Lo wrlLe Lo Carry
McLeod Lo see lf he would conslder locklng Lhe loos aL 8pm and also Lo Lhank hlm for hls work
ln keeplng Lhe loos clean. Agreed Lo dlscuss requesLlng a granL for full refurblshmenL aL Lhe
lebruary meeLlng
8e long ambulance delay. 1hls was noL dlscussed aL [olnL meeLlng on 4
CcLober so as noL Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe paLlenL
3. -732L1<<7>N6 ,5H7>4J
Cverflowlng blns: 1hese are cleared x3 per forLnlghL and Lhls wlll be lncreased. Powever blns
can flll up very qulckly as people use Lhem lnsLead of golng Lo Lhe dump.
Couper ark: 1he land purchase ls golng ahead. 1here was dlscusslon abouL Lhe ownershlp of
Lhe park. 1hls ls Lo be owned by Plghland Councll and malnLalned by Lhem for Lhe Pelmsdale
CommunlLy. Any changes Lo use of park musL be Laken Wl1P Lhe CommunlLy
War Memorlal updaLe: Mlke Lllls (88L) has Lhe updaLe on Lhls
1uesday 10
uecember uemenLla C8. Pelmsdale ls hosLlng a vlslL from !apanese dlgnlLarles as
leadlng llghLs ln uemenLla lrlendly CommunlLles. k Lo dlscuss a plper (?!amle kelly) wlLh
valery Ceorge (osL meeLlng noLe: !amle wlll play)
?ouLh Club: nlgel 8reLL-?oung ls happy Lo meeL up wlLh any lnLeresLed parenLs
Lawson Memorlal PosplLal: 8efurblshmenL of Cambusavle unlL noL yeL compleLed. ConLrary Lo
rumour, paLlenLs wlLh palllaLlve care needs are belng cared for afLer lndlvldual assessmenL and
once Lhe work compleLe Lhere wlll be a dedlcaLed area for Lhem
1he paLh llnklng SuLherland SLreeL wlLh uunrobln SLreeL on Lhe shore slde of Lhe A9 ls belng
dealL wlLh by lan WhlLehead
1he governmenL's fuel dlscounL scheme ls a shambles. 1he Plghland Councll ls worklng wlLh
Lhe 1reasury Lo geL Lhe borders of Lhe proLecLed areas sorLed ouL. 1hls wlll Lhen be Laken Lo
Luropean arllamenL nexL year and Lhen a declslon wlll be made
1mllllon of sea defence money handed back. lL had a speclflc alm: Lo repalr sLorm damage
and could noL be used for regular malnLenance.
6. +>5?63>5>N6 >5H7>4J 3,229.93 ln bank of whlch 1330 ls Cordonbush beneflL money, leavlng
1679.93. 230 Lo secreLary. WreaLhs were 37.60 for 2 however 4 were ordered by mlsLake, so 2
wlll be sLored wlLh 8arbara unLll nexL year
AK '5B5<7H:524 .881L5>N6 ,5H7>4J

1he problem wlLh Lhe SSL connecLlon fees has been resolved. 1he pressure from 8ob Clbson MS
has resulLed ln a recenL appllcaLlon Lo Lhe SSL CommunlLy 1rusL lund (7830) belng recelved Lo
Lhe Lune of 13,100 - 8LSuL1
We are walLlng for Lhe concluded mlsslve Lo be recelved by 1PC - unLll Lhese are recelved Lhere ls
sLlll a degree of rlsk Lo manage.
WlLh Lhls rlsk ln mlnd, lL ls unllkely LhaL we wlll be able Lo sLarL Lhe works as Lhe wlnLer and frosL
have arrlved, and we do noL wlsh Lo lncur dlsrupLlon cosLs, once Lhe pro[ecL has sLarLed.
P*$$*)O &+(+*.)

leedback from 8Ll has lncluded Lhe requlremenL Lo furLher evldence Lhe need, ln respecL Lo
supporL from Lhe 18AuLS/LS1A1LS wlLhln Lhe communlLy area. 1hls ls belng complled aL Lhe
momenL and Lhe appllcaLlon wlll be submlLLed very shorLly.
1he awards panel saL on Lhe 18
SepLember and Lhe followlng appllcaLlons were awarded:
See aLLached. noLe - Lhe MCu beLween, Pelmsdale & SLL has been
SSL have submlLLed an appllcaLlon Lo Plghland Councll for an exLenslon Lo Lhe Cordonbush wlnd
farm - up Lo 20 Lurblnes aL approx 2MW each, poLenLlally 40MW slLe Lhey plan Lo hold publlc
lnformaLlon days, ln Lhe 4 communlLles affecLed by Lhe proposal - daLes yeL Lo be conflrmed.
lrom Lhe presenLaLlon by uC regardlng Lhe 8alnacoll proposed wlnd larm, Lhey have requesLed,
lf anybody would noL ob[ecL Lo Lhe proposal, can Lhey please make Lhls know on Lhe plannlng
porLal, or slmply wrlLe Lo Lhe Plghland Councll lannlng ueparLmenL, lndlcaLlng Lhls.
1he leaslblllLy and Lnglneerlng sLudy wlll be publlshed and made avallable on 13
-.%%/)*+0 R,.('R()'
We have had a llmlLed response Lo Lhe survey, desplLe conLacLlng non-reLurners. l have seL up a
meeLlng wlLh C8S nexL 1hu 14
nov, Lo look aL Lhe posslble opLlons of lncludlng Lhe llkes of
8errledale and parLs of 8rora & Syre wlLhln Lhe 1echnlcal AssessmenL.
1he flagpoles: All flags buL one are now down. k Lo conLacL pole makers Lo flnd ouL how much
a repalr of Lhe remalnlng pole wlll cosL and ask LllzabeLh lraser who supplles Lhe flags.
SuggesLlon LhaL we apply for wlnd farm money. 1he poles were orlglnally pald for by Lhe
monumenL commlLLee
AppllcaLlons are now lnvlLed for wlnd farm money. osLers Lo be puL ln shops. Any money noL
used can be carrled over unLll nexL year. k Lo wrlLe Lo 8rora CommunlLy Councll Lo suggesL a
meeLlng beLween Lhelr wlnd farm delegaLes and ours Lo dlscuss any beneflLs from Lhe Mulrden
Wlnd larm ln Lhe evenL Lhey do geL plannlng permlsslon
8arbara requesLed an updaLe on Lhe SLaLlon refurblshmenL as Lhere have been complalnLs
abouL Lhe lack of parklng. 1he work ls ln Lhe flnal sLages and wlll hopefully be compleLed by
Someone has been fly-Llpplng up aL CarLymore. 8arbara wlll conLacL someone aL PC Lo reporL
Allson reporLed LhaL Lhe harbour was dug ouL over 2 days ln CcLober and Lhe machlnes have
been sLandlng ldle ever slnce apparenLly awalLlng lower Lldes. 1he harbour ls sLlll very shallow
and flshermen reporL LhaL Lhe work has noL gone Lo Lhe depLh reporLed. uelrdre wlll
lnvesLlgaLe furLher
8aLon 8earers are requlred for Lhe CommonwealLh Cames. k Lo puL posLers up ln Lhe usual
SLan read ouL a llsL of Lralnlng daLes for CommunlLy Counclllors-no Lakers
SLan had some paperwork re War Memorlal-k Lo pass Lo Mlke Lllls
1here ls a uemenLla SupporL Croup ln Colsple for people who elLher have demenLla or care for
someone who has lL. Cpen on second 1uesday of Lhe monLh 10.30-12.30 aL vC-LS offlces Maln
SLreeL, 8rora
Plghland 8oad SafeLy 8eporL : noLhlng speclflc for Pelmsdale
Malcolm querled why Lhe mlnuLes are noL puL ln Lhe norLhern 1lmes: 1oo expenslve and also
meeLlngs are open Lo all. MlnuLes avallable on web slLe, ln Servlce olnL/ Llbrary, boLLom
noLlce board of CommunlLy CenLre and also Lhe osL Cfflce.
aul asked lf we could hold meeLlngs aL klldonan and or klnbrace occaslonally-re[ecLed
!ean SargenL Lhanked Lhe Councll for all Lhelr hard work
%55412; L<765= ?4 SKGTH:
'?45 ?2= 41:5 78 25U4 :55412;J 1hursday 3
uecember 2013 aL 7pm
lf glvlng apologles please conLacL enny so LhaL we wlll know ln advance lf we have a quorum

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