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Rahu Ketu - The Shadow Planets The Moon's Nodes in Vedic Astrology

Komilla Sutton Note: All planetary positions in this article refer to the sidereal Zodiac which is currently 23 degrees 49 minutes and 30 sec. ehind the !ropical Zodiac. "a#shatras are fi$ed stars or lunar mansions.

The Mythology Understanding Rahu & Ketu in Our Natal Charts Vedic Hymn to Rahu Rahu and the Nakshatras Ketu Vedic Hymn to Ketu Ketu and the Nakshatras Kal Sarpa oga Transitions

Rahu Ketu is the name gi!en to the Nodes o" the Moon# Rahu is the North Node and Ketu is the South Node# They are points on the ecliptic $here the Moon is in alignment $ith the Sun and the %arth# They indicate the precise point o" the harmony $ith the three most important in"luences in our li"e& the Sun' the %arth and the Moon# This relationship plays an important part in the en"olding o" indi!idual consciousness# Their role as Karmic indicators o" our li"e is connected $ith their po$er to cause eclipses# The eclipses occur in the !icinity o" Rahu Ketu during the (ull Moon and the Ne$ Moon# )*uring Ne$ Moon $hen it is +,& -. degrees "rom Rahu Ketu' the Solar eclipse takes place# /t the "ull Moon +,& -- degrees -01 "rom the nodal position' the 2unar eclipse takes place#3 /s they sym4olically eclipse the Sun )consciousness3 and the Moon )the Mind3' they ha!e a great part to play in darkening our perspecti!e in order to 4ring in ne$ light# They deal $ith the concept o" death and re&4irth' trans"ormation and regeneration# *uring the eclipses the light "rom the 2uminaries is darkened# The energies created are po$er"ully psychic' pregnant $ith ne$ in"ormation and occult po$er# The period a"ter the eclipse is considered a re4irth o" the Sun and the Moon# The role o" Rahu Ketu in this po$er"ul alignment o" the Sun Moon and the %arth gi!es them the role o" the ultimate controllers o" the destiny# The prime importance gi!en to Rahu Ketu in Vedic /strology is one o" it1s key "eatures# They ha!e 4een gi!en the status o" 5lanets to emphasise their signi"icance and the importance placed on eclipses# They are kno$n as Chayya 6rahas )shado$ planets3# They ha!e no su4stance and are physically non&e7istent# et their in"luence is "ull o" potency and spiritual signi"icance# They $ork in unison -.8 degrees apart' t$o opposite points in the 9odiac $ith a mission to churn our li!es in order to e7ternalise hidden potential and $isdom# :n keeping $ith their shado$y nature' they $ork on a psychological le!el# :t is al$ays di""icult to gauge their e""ect 4ecause their main concern is $ith our emotional makeup# They e""ect us internally# ;e are una$are o" $hat e7actly is happening to us at the time# :n Vedic /strology' the concept o" the Soul1s <ourney through di""erent li"etimes is central to it# The "inal goal o" the soul is to 4reak this cycle o" li"e and death# 2ike the 4eads on a necklace' !arious li"etimes are <oined together to "orm a necklace' each li"e 4eing di""erent 4ut interconnected 4y an in!isi4le thread# The in!isi4le thread is Rahu and Ketu# The purpose o" the soul in this li"e to act out his gi!en Karma' destroy the illusions o" the materialistic li"e and mo!e to$ards the pursuit o" sel" realisation# To li!e on the astral planes $here pleasure and pain do not ha!e the capacity to hurt' the mind is still and at peace# The soul1s <ourney in a particular li"e time and it1s connection $ith eternal li"e is indicated 4y the position o" Rahu and Ketu# Ketu deals $ith the past Karma and Rahu $ith the "uture# The "i!e instincts that keep us attached to the materialistic purpose o" li"e are Kaam )*esire' passions3 Krodh )/nger3 Madh )into7icants& drugs' alcohol etc3 Moh )/ttachment3 2o4h)6reed3 and Matsaya)=ealousy3# ;e need to control our instincts rather than allo$ing oursel!es to 4e controlled 4y them# >oth Rahu and Ketu ha!e the a4ility to keep our mind "ocused on these instincts& Rahu 4y e7aggerating and Ketu 4y o4scuring or 4locking# ;e are tied do$n to the cycle o" unhappiness and dissatis"action as $e cannot 4reak a$ay "rom our lo$er sel!es# ;e are 4orn again and again to e7perience the pleasures and pains o" the earthly li"e until $e recognise them to 4e the illusions that they are# On a su4conscious le!el $e are a"raid that i" $e gi!e up these desires' $e $ill lose out# Once $e start understanding the principle o" letting go' en<oying $hat li"e has to o""er 4ut not getting attached' then $e are a4le to gro$ spiritually# Rahu Ketu deals $ith the inner "ight $ithin us' the moral and the social choices $e ha!e to constantly make and the inner dilemmas#

The Mythology
There are many Myths and legends attached to Rahu Ketu# The most $ell kno$n one is o" Rahu Ketu as the Naga Vasuki& the ruler o" the 5atala 2oka )the nether regions o" the earth3# Nagas in Vedic literature are not ordinary snakes 4ut Serpents $ith much hidden kno$ledge and $isdom# There $as a great $ar 4et$een the gods and the demons "or the control o" the uni!erse and at the centre o" it $as the ocean $hich $as 4eing churned to "ind the hidden treasures and the /mrita& the nectar o" immortality# Vasuki helped the gods in their mission# He $as the rope tied around the spiritual mountain Mandara' $hich $as the rod' used 4y the gods to churn the ocean# ;hen the /mrita $as "ound the gods $anted to keep it "or themsel!es as they "elt that the demons $ould use it "or the $rong purpose# Vasuki 4eing a demon' his instincts $ere "or personal glori"ication and materialistic happiness rather than uni!ersal good# )Sacri"icing sel" "or

others is considered the godly impulse3# Vasuki' $as more intelligent than the other demons' he $as not $illing to 4e distracted 4y the gods# He drank the nectar o" immortality secretly# The Sun and the Moon complained to 2ord Vishnu' the creator o" the Uni!erse' $ho $as !ery angry at this deception# :n anger he thre$ the Sudharshan Chakra at Vasuki and cut him into t$o# Vasuki had drunk the /mrita and $as immortal' there"ore could not 4e killed# He remained in the skies as Rahu)the head3Ketu )the lo$er hal"3' a permanent reminder to the other planets)gods3 o" the darker side o" li"e $hich $e ha!e to de"eat in the pursuit o" immortality# Rahu Ketu are considered great enemies o" the Sun and the Moon 4ecause they told 2ord Vishnu a4out them# They sym4olically s$allo$ the t$o luminaries during the eclipses# Their capacity to darken the Sun and the Moon make Rahu Ketu the most po$er"ul in"luences in the ?odiac# The Sun around $hom the other planets and the solar system re!ol!es' the Moon $hich controls li"e on earth' are o4scured 4y Rahu Ketu during eclipses# Rahu Ketu represent Cosmic 2a$ $hich e!eryone including the Sun and the Moon ha!e to o4ey# This allegory has to 4e understood as li"e# The 6ods $ithout the help o" Vasuki )Rahu Ketu3 could not "ind the secret o" immortality# :n the same $ay $e as humans cannot "ind our higher sel!es $ithout understanding the lessons o" Rahu and Ketu# They represent the darker side o" our nature $hich $e need to o!ercome# Our inner emotions are like the ocean 4eing churned# ;ithin this ocean lie a num4er o" treasures as $ell as poisons and nasty things# ;e ha!e learn to recognise the precious "rom the dross and "inally "ind /mrita& the secret o" immortality or true happiness# The con"lict 4et$een our attachment to materialistic achie!ements )this gi!es us momentary happiness $hich is a "antasy as it has no real 4asis' the domain o" Rahu3 and li4eration o" the soul' "inding 4liss and tran@uillity $hich is eternal and e!erlasting )Ketu is the Moksha karaka signi"icator "or spiritual realisation3# The gods needed the help o" Vasuki in the /mrita manthan and in the same $ay $e need the kno$ledge pro!ided 4y the $ise nodes to gi!e direction#

Understanding Rahu and Ketu in our Natal Charts

To understand the in"luence o" Rahu Ketu in our chart $e must learn a4out their shado$ nature# This is the most important "actor in $hen dealing $ith the in"luence o" the nodes# They are only points in the ?odiac there"ore they are una4le to enact their e""ect on their o$n# The nodes take on the characteristics o" their dispositor as they ha!e no su4stance themsel!es# :t is !ery important to study the sign' position and placement o" the depositor# Here it is important to understand that although the nodes are in"luenced 4y their depositor' the depositor itsel" carries "or$ard the in"luence o" the nodes# The 4asic results o" Rahu& Ketu are modi"ied 4y their location in your chart# The signs, houses they are placed in# The aspects they recei!e and the aspects they thro$ out# /lso i" they are in con<unction $ith another planet )note in Vedic /strology a planet in the same house is considered con<unct# The closer the con<unction the stronger the in"luence#3 they $ill thro$ out it1s in"luence# (or e7ample i" Rahu is in con<unction $ith Mars it $ill thro$ the aspect o" Mars along $ith that o" it1s depositor# Rahu Ketu are the personal eclipse points# There"ore they are areas $here you need to $ork out your Karma' past as $ell as "uture# They are our Karmic responsi4ilities# ;e ha!e to learn to look 4eyond the momentary darkness that Rahu Ketu represent# They highlight the negati!e side o" our nature $hich $e need to o!ercome to mo!e to$ards the spiritual gro$th# They $ork psychologically' there"ore it is hard to pin& point their e""ect# They are the a7is o" li"e $hich indicates the path o" spiritual gro$th "rom past li"e ) Ketu3 to the (uture )Rahu3# Kno$ledge o" 4oth the past and present are needed "or true understanding o" li"e# The past shapes the personality $e are no$' the negati!e and the positi!e Karma $e are going to e7perience# :t shades our psyche to ho$ $e are going to tackle the present# The "uture is al$ays uncertain there"ore can seem like darkness and carry "ear and uncertainty $ithin it# ;e ha!e to really come to terms $ith our past to 4e a4le to not get a"raid o" the "uture# Rahu is sho$ing this direction' Ketu is sometime 4locking due to our actions o" the past# Rahu Ketu ha!e t$in purpose' one in the mundane li"e and another in the spiritual li"e 4ut it is intert$ined' like their shado$y nature# Their actions in the material realm are meant so that $e change our thoughts and ideas a4out $hat $e $ant and desire# ;hat is darkness to a person enmeshed in materialistic am4itions can 4e po$er"ul spiritual energy "or those on the path o" Moksha and spiritual enlightenment# The nodes al$ays ser!es opposing purposes& good and 4ad' lots and nothing' gi!e and take# Rahu gi!es' Ketu takes 4ack# The are no straight rules a4out them# They operate in so many di""erent colours $hich can lead you to the highest spiritual pinnacle to the greatest "inancial achie!ements or !ice !ersa# They can gi!e contrary results# ou can ne!er gi!e predictions dealing $ith surety# They can create "ear o" the unkno$n# They can create sudden and une7pected results# The saying is that Rahu Ketu al$ays take a$ay $hat they gi!e 4ecause they ha!e a special reason "or granting you your $ishes# To realise that $hat they gi!e is not necessarily $hat you $ant once you ha!e achie!ed it# They highlight dissatis"action $ithin oursel!es#

RAHU Vedic Hy n to Rahu

1Rahu is snake shaped' 4orn o" a lioness and a de!ourer o" the Sun and the Moon1 Rahu is the head part o" the celestial snake# This hymn re"ers to Rahu 4eing snake shaped# The snakes are gi!en great importance in Vedic mythology# 2ord Shi!a has a snake around his neck' 2ord Vishnu1s throne $as Shesh Naga & the %ternal Serpent# Shesh Naga represents the cycles o" time and space $hich the seed o" cosmic creation# The Nagas are shaped like snakes 4ut stand tall# The Nagas are highly e!ol!ed 4eings# They are $ise' 4ut their $isdom can 4e used "or 4oth good and 4ad# The Naga sheds his skin' this sym4olises trans"ormation're&4irth# The snakes in Vedic literature remind people o" their mortality# The 1de!ouring o" the Sun and Moon1 are $hen Rahu eclipses the luminaries# This sho$s the important part Rahu has to play in changing the course o" our li"e# The Sun and Moon are Royal planets under $hose dictates the uni!erse and li"e on earth re!ol!es# >ut Rahu can darken this

light' there"ore it controls the process o" li"e# The Sun is the Soul and Moon the Mind' $hen they are eclipsed' they go through regeneration' trans"ormation and death# Rahu takes people o"" their *harmic past path to tempt them on the road o" sel" destruction# >ut Rahu has a !ery de"inite purpose in doing so# :t $ants you to learn' taste and "eel e!erything so that "rom the "ull satiation o" your senses you turn a ne$ lea" on the path o" sel" realisation and "ind their true enlightenment# Rahu on a physical plane gi!es you insatia4le desire to achie!e' to con@uer# Once you ha!e reached the pinnacle o" achie!ement' you realise this success you ha!e achie!ed has not 4rought $ith it happiness 4ecause you $ere in "act chasing an illusion# There are many cults in :ndia $hich preach satiation o" all your mundane and carnal desires so that $e can learn the important lesson o" "ul"ilment o" all your desires do not gi!e you the true happiness# Rahu signi"ies "oreigners in all "ields& people' countries' tastes# Rahu 4eha!es like Saturn# :t deals $ith drugs' poisons' o!er am4ition' po$er play' hidden kno$ledge' Rahu1s element is air# :t deals $ith all aspects o" air related acti!ities air tra!el' /ir accidents' /!iation' 5ilots etc# Other signi"ications o" Rahu include students o" /strology' metaphysical kno$ledge' $itchcra"t' skin diseases' small po7' deception' politics' political manoeu!re' in!entions' scientists' e7ecution' diseases' disenchantment etc#

Rahu and the Na!shatras

Rahu Ketu rule A Nakshtras )"i7ed stars3 each# Rahu rules /rdra ) B degree C81 to D8 degrees 881 6emini3' S$ati ) B degrees C81 to D8 degrees 881 2i4ra3 and Shata4ishak )B degrees C81 to D8 degrees 881/@uarius3' all in the /ir triplicity # Mercury' Venus and Saturn represent intellectualism' pleasure and righteous 4eha!iour# Rahu has the capacity to 4esto$ in all these areas# /s the ruler o" the "i7ed star /rdra) B degree C81 to D8 degrees 881 6emini3' Rahu represents the highest thinking' /rdra is the Nakshatra $here $e 4egin our learning a4out the nature1s la$# /rdra is in B degree C81 to D8 degrees 6emini a sign ruled 4y Mercury# /t the cosmic stage o" /rdra' there is con"lict on the outer le!el $here $e are dissatis"ied $ith our present surrounding' so $e start looking "or ans$ers# This can 4e through kno$ledge' occult and communication The duality o" 6emini as $ell as the celestial po$ers o" Mercury are present# /rdra1s sym4ol is o" a head or a single <e$el# 4oth sym4olising ideas' mind and thinking# Rahu is al$ays a4out matchless am4ition and in /rdra it com4ines it $ith the capacity "or kno$ledge# 5lanets in /rdra get moti!ated to$ards greater occult learning# Rudra' the 6od o" *estruction is /rdra1s presiding *iety## Rudra is a "orm o" Shi!a# Rudra1s mission is to destroy ignorance' there"ore he directs the consciousness to$ards kno$ledge and "inding the ans$ers "or oursel!es a4out this mani"estation# /t /rdra $e start to study or learn a4out the 2a$ o" Nature# The "irst time $e 4ecome dissatis"ied $ith the materialistic nature o" our li!es and start to$ards e7panding the hori9ons o" our spiritual sel!es## The Second Nakshatra ruled 4y Rahu is S$ati ) B degrees C81 to D8 degrees 881 2i4ra3 5lanets in S$ati indicate the depth o" the soul1s in!ol!ement in Materialism# The indicator o" the soul in our chart' the Sun' is de4ilitated here and Saturn the $orker o" the ?odiac is e7alted here# Under S$ati' the impulse is all a4out material gain# Venus rules the earthly needs in an indi!idual# Com4ining it $ith Rahu it adds "urther to the desire "or success' $ealth and "inance# Many millionaires are 4orn $ith their Moon1s or Saturn in S$ati# The presiding diety is Vayu )air3#The Sym4ol is Coral# The location o" this Nakshatra in 2i4ra indicates that the e7perience o" "ull in!ol!ment into earthy' materialistic pleasures $ill 4ring $ith it dissatis"action 4ecause the scales $ill 4e hea!y to one side# Once success is achie!ed $e "eel empty' alone and dissatis"ied $ith our achie!ement' many try "or more success 4ut the correct thing $ould 4e to look to$ards your higher sel" at this time# 2i4ra is a stage o" li"e $hen $e start thinking a4out the spiritual meaning o" li"e 4ut only once the other urges ha!e 4een "ul"illed# Shata4ishak) B degrees C81 to D8 degrees 881/@uarius3 is the "inal Nakshatra ruled 4y Rahu# /@uarius is ruled 4y Saturn and Rahu1s rulership o" the Nakshtra makes a !ery di""icult com4ination $here li"e has to ha!e a purpose and the total direction is a4out learning lessons# Rahu gi!es results like Saturn 4ut on a psychological le!el# This dou4le Saturnine in"luence on planets placed here is di""icult to handle unless our acti!ities are directed to$ards ser!ice to humanity# Here 4oth Rahu and Saturn are concerned a4out changing our purpose o" li"e' gi!ing us the "inal ans$ers# Rahu on the internal le!el and Saturn on an e7ternal le!el o""ers restrictions' o4stacles and trans"ormation# The need to understand the "inal lessons o" li"e as $ell as duty to others are t$o o" the important aspects o" Shata4ishak# :ts sym4ol is the thousand petalled "lo$er' Shata4ishak is $here the Kundalini "lo$ers and $e reach to$ards the "ull a$areness o" our consciousness# This is the stage in li"e $here $e acti!ate the Sahasara )Cro$n3 Chakra# Rahu 4rings "orth its "ull po$er as the teacher o" cosmic la$# ;hen the Moon is in Shata4ishak' its materialistic tendencies are shed completely and $e mo!es to$ards the true purpose o" li"e# ;e are ready to transcend to the ne7t phase o" spiritual de!elopment# /ll the @uarters o" Rahu1s Nakshatra are ruled 4y =upiter and Saturn' the signi"icators o" spirituality and occult initiation# They are Sagittarius' Capricorn' /@uarius and 5isces# %ach pada )@uarter3 represents the ninth harmonic o" the natal chart# Together these "our signs represent the "inal stages o" spiritual de!elopment# /s the Rahu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle o" li"e $here $e are starting to change' these padas "urther indicate that li"e on an internal le!el remain the same again# Sagittarius is the le!el $hen man learns to control the 4ase emotions'changes "rom animal to human' at Capricorn $e learn a4out the duties and responsi4ilities to others' /@uarius represents the stage o" de!elopment $here $e are no$ pri!y to "ull kno$ledge# /t 5isces $e are a4le to make the "inal change' so$ the seeds "or "uture gro$th# So although the stages o" the soul1s <ourney are di""erent in /rdra ) 6emini3 S$ati ) 2i4ra3 and Shata4ishak) /@uarius3 the underlying urge' represented 4y the @uarters' is still the same& to e!ol!e# The ending o" one $ay o" li"e and the 4eginning o" another#


Vedic Hy

n to Ketu

1*ecked $ith silk' "lo$ers' garlands' sandal paste and an um4rella' o" !ariegated colour' 4orn o" =aimini1s "amily under /4hi<it NakshatraE1 Ketu is the lo$er part o" the celestial snake# This hymn sho$s the main di""erence 4et$een Rahu and Ketu' Rahu is dark in colour 4ut Ketu has a !ariegated colour# There"ore it has the capacity to shine a light on you suddenly' 4ring a4out enlightenment# Ketu is 4orn to the =aimini "amily $ho "ollo$ed the Mimasa school o" philosophy# Their main concern $as the correct interpretations o" the !edic rituals and settling any contro!ersies a4out the Vedic te7ts# Ketu himsel" is guiding to$ards meditation o" the nature o" creation' intuiti!eness' the true understanding o" uni!erse and the guidance o" the soul to$ards it1s "inal sal!ation or Moksha# Ketu causes great impediments in your paths# :t sets up road4locks' tra""ic <ams' 4oulders in your <ourney o" li"e# :t causes pain# :t $ants to change your psyche# ou learn to lea!e your e7cess 4aggage o" past Karma 4ehind# Tra!el lightly into your this e7istence so that you can understand there are areas o" your li"e $hich need to address and some le"t 4ehind# Those una4le to harness the po$er o" Ketu or understand its karmic path can 4e lead to a sorro$"ul e7istence# Sometimes it is di""icult "or any one do stand in the $ay o" Ketu po$er# ;e need to accept and understand the di!ine plan $hich is part o" our destiny and Ketu is doing its $ork to produce in you the enlightenment $hich $ould lead to true enlightenment and honour# The e""ect o" the Ketu pro4lems are like the going through the ritual o" "ire "rom $hich one comes out stronger more po$er"ul to 4e a4le to take on the pro4lems thro$n at us Ketu $ill act like Mars and so $ill it1s dispositor# (iery in nature' it signi"ies accidents or in<ury specially due to "ire# Ketu rules F years in the planetary li"e cycle# Ketu al$ays has a sting in it1s tale# So the ending o" Ketu Maha *asha one has to 4e !ary o" une7pected happening Ketu is considered the keeper o" the 4ook o" our li"e& past and present Karmas# Ketu is kno$n as *h$a<ah& "lag# :t1s association $ith in dignity $ith a planet has the capacity to 4oost it1s capa4ilities& good or 4ad 4eyond recognition "or lotteries and $ind"all# Ketu in con<unction $ith a 4ene"ic can gi!e 4eyond your $ildest e7pectations# Some o" the signi"ication o" Ketu are /scetics' assassinations' trou4le through cats' calir!oyance' contemplation' desire "or kno$ledge' deep thinking' imprisonment' poison' intrigues' magical po$ers' po!erty' mysticism etc#

Ketu and the Na!shatras

The Nakshatra1s Ketu rules are /sh$ini )/ries3' Magha )2eo3 and Mula )Sagittarius3' the "ire triplicity# These are the 4eginning stages in the cycles o" li"e# Mars' Sun and =upiter the rulers o" /ries' 2eo and Sagittarius are "riends $ith each other# Together they represent strength' the soul and $isdom' Ketu has the capacity to gi!e in these areas# / proper 4lending o" these three planets in our natal charts direct us to$ards seeking Moksha& the "inal li4eration "rom the cycle o" li"e and death# /ries deals $ith 4irth' a ne$ li"e' "reshness o" approach and start o" the cycle o" 2i"e# 8 degrees to -A degrees D8 is /sh$ini' the "irst Nakshatra ruled 4y Ketu# /sh$ini indicates the 4eginning o" the soul1s <ourney into the earthly li"e# Ketu1s rulership o" this part o" the ?odiac is "ull o" occult signi"ications# Ketu is the signi"icator "or Moksha# The 4eginning part o" li"e indicated 4y /ries ruled 4y Ketu Nakshatra sho$s that the true reason o" our mani"estation on earth is to "ind the Moksha& the "inal sal!ation "rom the cycles o" li"e and death# This is the stage $here mind is pure and $e ha!e not yet entangled oursel!es into knots $hich represent the attachment to li"e# Sun' the signi"actor o" the soul' our inner consciousness is e7alted in /sh$ini# /sh$ini is in /ries ruled 4y Mars# Ketu acts like Mars 4ut on a psychological le!el so the purity o" Martian action' courage and protection o" humanity is po$er"ully indicated 4y the planets located here# The past li"e connection is !ery strong as Ketu' specially i" the Moon is located here# Magha is the second Nakshatra ruled 4y Ketu# Magha is in the sign o" 2eo ) 8 degrees to -A degrees D81 2eo3 ruled 4y the Sun# Magha is the 4eginning o" the second cycle in the soul1s =ourney# The signs 2eo to Scorpio indicate the soul1s "ull in!ol!ement into the pleasures and pains o" the earthly li"e# Ketu' the signi"icator o" spiritual realisation ruling the commencing point o" the materialistic <ourney sho$s the importance o" the e7perience o" the realities o" li"e in "ul"illing the di!ine mission o" the Soul# Magha1s ruling deity is 5itris' $ho are the "athers o" humanity $hose mission is to guide their children to the right course o" li"e# The "ather1s only inter"ere i" you are going o"" the right path# Ketu and 5itris 4oth guide the soul to$ards it1s special mission in li"e# 5lanets in Magha are idealistic e!en i" their mission is to "ul"il their materialistic needs# This does create misunderstandings at times# Others suspect their honour and sincerity# Magha gi!es a lot materially' 4ut the person ruled 4y Magha kno$s intuiti!ely that the material happiness is only an e7perience' he still needs to "ollo$ the inner purpose o" li"e and mo!e to$ards Moksha# Mula is the third Nakshatra ruled 4y Ketu# Mula is 8 degrees to -A degrees D81 Sagittarius# This is the start o" the "inal part o" the Soul1s mission to$ards "inding the ans$ers that $ill lead to his 4reaking a$ay "rom the cycles o" li"e and death# This is one o" the most di""icult Nakshatra "or planets to 4e situated in specially the Moon# The deity that rules Mula is Nittriti' the goddess o" death and destruction# This personi"ies the destruction o" the material sheaths and the "oundation on $hich the spiritual en"oldment can 4e undertaken# The pain e7perienced 4y the in"luence o" Mula changes the personality# /ttachment to the lo$er nature and material tendencies ha!e to 4e se!ered so that a ne$ spiritual 4eginning can happen# This is the Nakshatra o" initiation to$ards spiritual realisation# Ketu "ul"ills it1s role as Moksha karaka 4y arousing the soul to$ards it1s ultimate destination# Mula means root and it also is Muladhara chakra )>ase Chakra3 $here the

Kundalini po$er lies dormant and has to 4e acti!ated# Ketu rules this and Rahu $ith it1s rulership o" Shata4ishak& the Cro$n Chakra indicate the real spiritual insight pro!ided 4y the nodes# /t times they create po$er"ul negati!ity to "ocus your mind to$ards the a4solute kno$ledge# The @uarters o" Ketu1s Nakshatras are ruled 4y Mars' Venus' 6emini and the Moon# Mars is courage' Venus& the guide to material "ul"ilment' Mercury the pure intellect and Moon' the emotional Mind# The signs these planets rule are /ries' Taurus' 6emini and Cancer& the "our sign that lead the soul to$ards e7periencing the li"e on earth# %ach pada )@uarter3 represents the ninth harmonic o" the natal chart# Together these "our signs represent the 4eginning stages o" spiritual de!elopment# /s the Ketu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle o" li"e $here $e ha!e to mo!e to$ards the di!ine mission o" the soul# They al$ays indicate a 4eginning and an ending at t$o di""erent le!els# /ries is a4out disco!ery o" ne$ ideas and the courage to e7plore them# Taurus is $here $e nurture the creati!e potential o" our ne$ 4eginnings# 6emini de!elops the mind and the recognition o" time' space' the $orking o" the uni!ersal la$# Cancer makes time and space possi4le# :t is ruled 4y the Moon and ;ater $hich also leads us to$ards puri"ication o" mind and harmonising the spiritual and the material# The stages o" the soul1s <ourney are di""erent in /sh$ini )Mars3 Magha )2eo3 and Mula )Sagittarius3 the underlying urge' represented 4y the @uarters' is still the same& to e!ol!e# The ending o" one $ay o" li"e and the 4eginning o" another#

Kal Sar#a $oga

Kala Sarpa oga is "ormed $hen Rahu Ketu hem in the planets in the natal chart i#e# i" Rahu is -8 degrees 2eo and Ketu -8 degrees /@uarius and all the planets are $ithin these degrees' either "rom 2eo to /@uarius or /@uarius to 2eo )Vedic /strology does not use the outer planets Uranus' Neptune and 5luto3# (or this yoga to 4e complete' no planet should con<unct Rahu or Ketu# :t restricts completely any indications o" the charts# Ho$e!er capa4le the person' his li"e is impeded due to past Karma# :mportant lessons ha!e to 4e "aced in this li"e' $here no amount o" e""ort is re$arded' o4stacles are encountered at e!ery <unction "or ine7plica4le reasons# The oga does not suggest either success or "ailure' 4ut a person caught up in Karmic "orces so great that they restrict his, her destiny# :t acts mysteriously' $ithout other indications in the 4irth Chart# / hea!y price is paid "or past Karma in this li"e# Understanding and counter& acting the e""ects o" Kala Sarpa oga needs a person to mo!e to$ards his higher sel"# /s Rahu and Ketu act on the inner sel"' the need to understand the psychic implications and the inner 4locks created 4y this com4ination is important#

To <udge the transits o" Rahu Ketu $e ha!e to look at the planets they con<unct during their transit# The Sun and Moon 4eing the most important planets# :n -GG. $hen Rahu Ketu are transiting through the 2eo /@uarius /7is' people $ith 2eo Sun' Moon' /scendant and /@uarius Sun' Moon' /scendant are "eeling the trans"orming e""ect o" Rahu Ketu# The transit o" Rahu Ketu gi!es clues to their unpredicta4ility# They normal tra!el in a retrograde motion' the opposite to other planets# They $ill suddenly go direct and 4ack$ards again' representing the churning process# They can churn up your li"e' your inner emotion' "orce you to trans"orm yoursel"' create unpredicta4ility in your li"e# To kno$ e7actly ho$ po$er"ul their in"luence $ill 4e' you $ill ha!e to study the eclipses# :" the eclipses are taking place $ithin -to D degrees o" your natal planets then they $ill 4e indicating a time "or change# Here it is important to remem4er that the eclipses $ork on a psychological le!el' some o" these in"luence may not 4e immediately o4!ious 4ut $ill re!eal themsel!es in time# The transit o" Rahu also needs to 4e seen through their *ashas& planetary cycles# They are each assigned a Mahadasha# Rahu has an -. year period and Ketu a F years period# They also ha!e su4& periods in planetary cycles o" other planets through $hich they e7ercise their po$er and in"luence# ;hene!er the li"e cycles come into our li"e they ha!e the o!erall control o!er "actors $hich dictate $hat $e are going to 4e doing# HKomila SuttonI

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