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The Wicket Gate Magazine

A Continuing Witness

Internet Edition 106 issued January 2014 Index

1. 2. '. 4. &. 6. The Pastor's Letter A Consideration of Citi enshi! "#eanin$s in the Psa#%s Psa#% 6& Litt#e Tho%as (i#ney )er%ons in Cand#es *y C.+. )!ur$eon ,Part 6.ont$o%ery and Co/!er Letter fro% .rs. )eaton to the (oys and "ir#s
At the 0e* )ite of the 0i12et "ate %a$a ine ///./i12et$ate.1o.u2 you /i## a#so find the fo##o/in$ re1ordin$s3 Throu$h the (i*#e /ith the Chi#dren (i*#e )tories to#d *y .r )eaton. Con$re$ationa# Praise the sin$in$ of our Chur1h durin$ 0orshi! )er4i1es )er%ons !rea1hed *y 5r 6eedha% and .r )eaton +istori1a# Le1tures $i4en in the Chur1h *y 5r 6eedha%

Pod1ast )er4i1e a4ai#a*#e at ///./i12et$ate.1o.u2

A Consideration of Citizenship
(The Pastor's Letter October 197 ! .y 5ear 7riends8 9ur %a$a ine $oes out to our %any readers #i4in$ in different #ands %ost /i## 1#ass the%se#4es 1iti ens of the #and in /hi1h they #i4e or fro% /hi1h they 1a%e *ut it sure#y *e1o%es the Christian to re%e%*er that8 first and fore%ost8 his :1iti enshi! is in hea4en.; ,Phi#i!!ians 1ha!ter ' 4erse 209ne of the features of ea1h and e4ery one of us /ho !rofess the 6a%e of Jesus in these days see%s to *e the a*sen1e of any rea# 1on1e!tion of the $#ories of hea4en and ho/ our #i4es shou#d *e $o4erned *y the rea#isation that :here /e ha4e no 1ontinuin$ 1ity8 *ut /e see2 one to 1o%e.; The a!ost#e Pau# dre/ a 4i4id !i1ture for the Phi#i!!ian *e#ie4ers /hen he re%inded the% of this 4ery fa1t fro% their o/n situation. +e has *een sayin$ so%e 4ery hard thin$s a*out those /ho /ere :the ene%ies of the 1ross of Christ8; and has *een 1ontrastin$ the% /ith the faithfu# a!ost#es /ho% he has *een exhortin$ the 1hur1h at Phi#i!!i to e%u#ate. And one of the features of these :ene%ies of the 1ross; is that :they %ind earth#y thin$s.; They are a## ta2en u! /ith the thin$s of this #ife and they ha4e no eye /hatsoe4er for s!iritua# and hea4en#y *usiness. (ut8 says Pau# in that t/entieth 4erse that /e <uoted a*o4e8 :9ur 1iti enshi! ,our 1on4ersation- is in hea4en3 fro% /hen1e a#so /e #oo2 for the )a4iour8 the Lord Jesus Christ.; +o/ this %ust ha4e stru12 a fa%i#iar note in the hearts and %inds of those *e#ie4ers /ho /ere a#so inha*itants of this 1ity of Phi#i!!i8 for8 a#thou$h situated in the re$ion of .a1edonia8 Phi#i!!i /as a :=o%an; 1o#ony and the Phi#i!!ian !eo!#e8 in $enera#8 $#oried in the honour of =o%an 1iti enshi! and a## that it 1ontained in those days of =o%e's nationa# $randeur. A#thou$h *orn in Phi#i!!i8 they /ere8 ne4erthe#ess8 1iti ens of =o%e. Their na%es a!!eared on the

I%!eria# re$ister of that 1ity8 and they /ere $o4erned under the #a/s and #e$is#ations of =o%e8 and en>oyed its !ri4i#e$es. A*o4e a##8 to %any 1iti ens of Phi#i!!i8 =o%e /as the !#a1e /here their Lord and sa4iour d/e#t for so the E%!eror of =o%e /as 1onsidered *y %any and at a %o%ent's noti1e he /ou#d %uster his I%!eria# for1es and dis!at1h the% shou#d any dan$er threaten the /e##?*ein$ of those under his 1are. +o/ 4i4id#y8 then8 %ust Pau#'s 1o%!arison ha4e shone into the hearts and %inds of the Phi#i!!ian *e#ie4ers. 9h yes8 they /ere 1iti ens of the /or#d8 *y nature@ *ut8 *y $ra1e8 they had *een :*orn a$ain fro% a*o4e8; so that they /ere no/ :hea4en#y; 1iti ens and their :1iti enshi!; /as in hea4en. 0ere not their na%es re$istered :in $#ory; ? in the La%*'s (oo2 of LifeA And /as it not hea4en's #a/s and #e$is#ations that tru#y $o4erned and ru#ed their #i4esA 0as the E%!eror8 indeed8 a sa4iour to the /or#d#y?%inded %an or /o%an in the streets of Phi#i!!iA (ut8 /as not their Jesus the )a4iour of sa4iours and the Bin$ of a## the 2in$s of a## the /or#d8 /ho /ou#d hear the 1ry of +is !eo!#e *efore they 1ried8 and /ou#d ans/er fro% hea4en +is d/e##in$ !#a1e8 /hi#e they /ere yet s!ea2in$A +ea4en /as the :1a!ita#; 1ity of the E#e1t of "od at Phi#i!!i8 >ust as =o%e /as the 1a!ita# to the other inha*itants. The 1hur1h at Phi#i!!i /as a :hea4en#y; 1o#ony8 and /hat thre/ the *e#ie4ers into 1ontrast /ith the un*e#ie4ers the friends of Christ into 1ontra1t /ith :the ene%ies of the 1ross of Christ; ? in this !ortion of Pau#'s #etter8 /as the 1ontrastin$ attitudes to hea4en and earth. 9n the one hand8 there /ere those /ho :%inded earth#y thin$s@; on the other8 those /hose :1iti enshi!; /as :in hea4en.; +o/ 4a#id the #esson for us today8 as in e4ery day. Is it not true that8 in so %any /ays8 /e ha4e #ost the #i$ht of hea4en fro% our eye of faithA The :4oi1e of our *e#o4ed; no #on$er effe1ti4e#y *e12ons our heart to :rise u! ... and 1o%e a/ay.; 0e 2no/ #itt#e of (unyan's :.r 0eary?of?the?0or#d;8 for8 of a truth8 fe/ of us are rea##y and tru#y /eary of the /or#d. 0ou#d it not *e the 1ase that8 if /e 2ne/ %ore of our hea4en#y 1iti enshi!8 /e /ou#d #ess?often resort to the to/n of Carna# Po#i1y for 1ounse# and %ore to the en<uiry roo%s of

"#oryA Perha!s8 it's *e1ause /e 2no/ so #itt#e of the Christian /arfare and stru$$#e in our day that /e ha4e a!!arent#y so #itt#e desire for :that rest that yet re%aineth unto the !eo!#e of "od.; Perha!s8 e4en8 /e don't rea##y ha4e a heart?#on$in$ to 4isit the !#a1e of our true nationa#ity e4en to see :The Bin$ there in +is *eauty.; Let us #earn to !ray3 :Lord8 in Thy %er1y8 Thou hast 1aused us to *e %ade 1iti ens of eternity@ for*id that /e shou#d rest 1ontented under any other f#a$ or ru#e8 *ut Thine a#one.; 0hen =o*ert Lei$hton /as a11used of not :s!ea2in$ to the ti%es@; that is8 not a#/ays !rea1hin$ a*out /hat /as $oin$ on in the 1ountry@ his re!#y si#en1ed his a11users3 :"ent#e%en8; he said8 :0hen so %any are s!ea2in$ 'to the ti%es'8 !er%it one !oor *rother to s!ea2 for eternity.; And /hy notA 0e are not :nationa#s; of any nation on this earth8 *ut nationa#s and 1iti ens of hea4en. Cours sin1ere#y8 0. J. )eaton

Gleanings in the Psalms

(Psalm 65)
Subject and Divisions. 5a4id sin$s of the $#ory of "od in +is Chur1h@ and in the fie#ds of nature@ here is a son$ *oth of $ra1e and !ro4iden1e. It %ay *e that he intended to 1o%%e%orate a re%ar2a*#e har4est8 or to 1o%!ose a har4est hy%n for a## a$es. 0e sha## 4ie/ in the first four 4erses the /ay of a!!roa1h to "od8 then fro% 4erses & to D /e sha## see the Lord in ans/er to !rayer !erfor%in$ /onders for /hi1h +e is !raised8 and then fro% 4erses E to 1'8 /e sha## sin$ the s!e1ia# har4est?son$. C.H. Spurgeon

"erse 1# $Praise %aiteth &or thee' O Go(' in )ion ###* The /orshi!!ers of o#d stood outside the san1tuary in si#en1e /hi#e the +i$h Priest entered into the +o#iest /ith the *#ood of atone%ent. 9n1e he e%er$ed8 then the !eo!#e %i$ht ha4e 1ause to !raise their "od8 *e1ause +e had $ranted !ardon for their sins. 0hen the 1hur1h of Christ ta2es ti%e to ref#e1t and :/ait; u!on that *#essed assuran1e of sins for$i4en throu$h the %erits of Christ8 then8 ho/ she !raises her "od ari$ht in su1h 1ir1u%stan1es. :Praise /aits; for +i% in +is s!iritua# )ion8 and unto +i% the 4o/ is !erfor%ed. "od has ordained and set +is 1hur1h u!on the earth for no $reater reason than this8 that out of )ion +is !raise shou#d *e heard and o*ser4ed. "erse +# $O thou that hearest ,ra-er' unto thee sha.. a.. &.esh co/e#* 6o dou*t the !rayers /hi1h the faithfu# !ut u! to hea4en fro% under their o/n roofs are 4ery a11e!ta*#e to "od@ *ut if a saint's sin$#e 4oi1e in !rayer *e so s/eet to +is ear8 ho/ %u1h %ore the 1hur1h :1hoir;? +is saints' !rayers in 1onsort to$ether. A father is $#ad to see any one of his 1hi#dren8 and %a2es hi% /e#1o%e /hen he 4isits hi%8 *ut %u1h %ore /hen they 1o%e to$ether@ the $reatest feast is /hen they a## %eet at his house. The !u*#i1 !raises of the 1hur1h are the e%*#e% of hea4en itse#f8 /here a## the an$e#s and saints %a2e *ut one 1onsort. There is a /onderfu# !re4a#en1y in the >oint !rayers of "od's !eo!#e. 0hen Peter /as in !rison8 the 1hur1h %eets and !rays hi% out of his ene%ies' hands. There is a s!e1ia# !ro%ise to !u*#i1 !rayer3 :0here t/o or three are $athered to$ether in %y na%e8 there a% I in the %idst of the%.; William Gurnall "erse 0# $1ni2uities ,re3ai. against /e4 as &or our transgressions' thou sha.t ,urge the/ a%a-#* The ho#y !ro!hets and !en%en of s1ri!ture8 ha4e no $rounds of ho!e for !ardon of sin a!art fro% those /hi1h are 1o%%on to the %eanest of "od's !eo!#e. 5a4id8 in his 1onfession8 1o%es in *y hi%se#f a#one8 a$$ra4atin$ his o/n sins %ost ? :Ini<uities !re4ai# a$ainst me, he says@ *ut8 in ho!e of !ardon8 he >oins /ith the rest of "od's !eo!#e8 sayin$8 :As for our trans$ressions8 thou sha#t !ur$e the% a/ay.; David Dickson

"erse # $5.esse( is the /an whom thou choosest ...* The *enedi1tions of the !sa#ter ad4an1e in s!iritua#ity and indi1ate a $ro/th. The first one *#essed the $od#y reader of the 0ord. Psa#% 1 4erse 1. The se1ond des1ri*ed the !ardoned 1hi#d. Psa#% '2 4erse 1. The third !ronoun1ed a *#essin$ u!on faith. Psa#% '4 4erse D. The fourth 1o%%ended the a1ti4e and $enerous *e#ie4er8 a*undant in deeds of 1harity. Psa#% 41 4erse 1. And this #ast8 %ountin$ to the fountain head of a## *enedi1tions8 *#esses the e#e1t of "od3 :(#essed is the %an /ho thou 1hoosest.; C.H. Spurgeon "erse 6# $### thou /akest the outgoings o& the /orning an( e3ening to re7oice#* )o%e understand it of the %ornin$ and e4enin$ sa1rifi1e8 /hi1h $ood !eo!#e $reat#y re>oi1ed in8 and in /hi1h "od /as 1onstant#y honoured. Thou %a2est the% :to sin$;8 so the /ord is@ for e4ery %ornin$ and e4ery e4enin$ son$s of !raise /ere sun$ *y the Le4ites@ it /as that /hi1h the duty of e4ery day re<uired. And /e are to #oo2 u!on our dai#y /orshi! a#one8 and /ith our fa%i#ies8 to *e *oth the %ost needfu# of our dai#y *usiness8 and the %ost de#i$htfu# of our dai#y 1o%forts. And if in these /e 2ee! u! our 1o%%union /ith "od8 the out$oin$s *oth of the %ornin$ and of the e4enin$ are there*y %ade tru#y to re>oi1e. a!!"e# Henr$ "erses 9 to 10# $Thou 3isitest the earth' an( %aterest it ###* 9ur :har4est?ho%es; are ti%es of re>oi1in$8 *ut I /ou#d that our ti##ers and rea!ers of the soi# /ou#d as !ious#y refer a## to "od as the !sa#%ist did. :Thou /aterest the earth8 thou $reat#y enri1hest it8 thou !re!arest the 1orn8 thou /aterest the rid$es8 thou sett#est the furro/s8 thou %a2est it soft /ith sho/ers8 thou *#essest the s!rin$in$ thereof8 thou 1ro/nest the year /ith thy $oodness.; 6ot one /ord of %an8 or %an's s2i##8 or of %an's #a*our@ not one thou$ht of se#f. +o/ different fro% hi% /hose $rounds *rou$ht forth a*undant#y8 and /hose on#y thou$ht /as8 :I /i## say to %y sou#8 )ou#8 thou hast %u1h $oods #aid u! for %any years@ ta2e thine ease@ eat8 drin28 and *e %erry.; %ar!on %ouc"ier

$Litt.e Tho/as*

Mart-r8 9etractor8 :enier8 5e.ie3er8 The a!ost#e Peter /as not a#one in his denyin$ of Christ8 and after/ards *itter#y and sin1ere#y re!entin$ of his $reat /i12edness8 and $oin$ on to suffer a## sorts of !erse1ution8 a#%ost8 for the sa2e of Christ. In the re1ords of the %artyrs si%i#ar instan1es fre<uent#y o11ur. There is the 1ase of Tho%as (i#ney8 for exa%!#e ? :Litt#e (i#ney8; As +u$h Lati%er affe1tionate#y 1a##s hi%. +e suffered in the days of (#oody .ary /ith %any others of Christ's faithfu# /itnesses /ho /ere then thinned out. +e /as an ardent s!irit8 /ith a heart o4erf#o/in$ /ith #o4e to Christ8 and /as8 throu$h the he#! of "od to /in %any i%%orta# sou#s to the )a4iour. It /as a dan$erous /or2 to !rea1h the $os!e# in those days of =o%e's triu%!h@ and sti## %ore dan$erous at Ca%*rid$e Fni4ersity8 one of the stron$ho#ds of =o%e's 1a%!8 /here a#%ost a## /ere s/orn so#diers of the s!irit of Anti1hrist8 /ith their eyes and ears ea$er#y set a$ainst the truth8 fro% /hatsoe4er <uarter it %i$ht 1o%e. (i#ney /as a Ca%*rid$e student8 and his ea# found out %any /ays to !u*#ish the $os!e# a%on$st his fe##o/?1o##e$ians8 the si128 and those in the !risons of that to/n. It /as throu$h his instru%enta#ity that Lati%er the stoutest !a!ist a%on$ the% a## /as *rou$ht to the 2no/#ed$e of the truth as it is in Jesus. :+ere I ha4e 1hosen8; says Lati%er in his first ser%on on the Lord's Prayer8 :to te## you a story that ha!!ened at Ca%*rid$e. .aster (i#ney8 or rather )aint (i#ney8 /ho suffered death for "od's 0ord's sa2e8 the sa%e (i#ney /as the instru%ent /here*y "od 1a##ed %e to 2no/#ed$e@ for I %ay than2 hi%8 next to "od8 for that 2no/#ed$e that I ha4e in the 0ord of "od. 7or I /as as o*stinate a !a!ist as any /as in En$#and@ inso%u1h8 that /hen I shou#d *e %ade (a1he#or of 5i4inity8 %y /ho#e oration /as

a$ainst Phi#i! .e#an1hthon ,refor%er-8 and a$ainst his o!inions. (i#ney heard %e at that ti%e8 and !er1ei4ed I /as ea#ous /ithout 2no/#ed$e@ and he 1a%e to after/ards in %y study8 and desired %e for "od's sa2e to hear his 1onfession. I did so@ and to say the truth8 *y his 1onfession I #earned %ore than e4er I had done in %any years. )o fro% that ti%e for/ard I *e$an to s%e## the 0ord of "od8 and forsoo2 the s1hoo# do1tors and su1h foo#eries.; 6eed#ess to say8 the heads of the 1o##e$e houses8 and other ru#ers of the Fni4ersity8 1ou#d not re%ain #on$ *#ind to /hat /as !assin$ so near to the%. (i#ney's :hereti1a# and destru1ti4e do1trines8; as they 1a##ed the%8 /ere soon !i12ed out and the a#ar% raised. :0e are here to $uard the !urity of the faith8; they announ1ed8 :and su1h /eeds %ust *e rooted out.; They a11ordin$#y 1o%!#ained to Cardina# 0o#sey8 /ho /as not s#o/ in a!!ointin$ a tri*una# for the tria# of the %an /ho distur*ed the !ea1e. :This8; says one of the *io$ra!hers of Lati%er8 :/as in 1&2G8 and Tunsta##8 (isho! of London8 a %an of %i#d 1hara1ter8 #a*oured so effe1tua##y /ith (i#ney8 as to !re4ai# u!on hi% to %a2e a !u*#i1 a*>uration of his 4ie/s.; (i#ney8 #i2e Peter8 had denied his Lord. Throu$h the fear of %artyrdo%8 throu$h the !ersuasions of Tunsta##8 and /hatsoe4er e#se8 he had %ade !u*#i1 re1antation and /as sent do/n a$ain to his 1o##e$e at Ca%*rid$e to #i4e <uiet#y and en>oy /hate4er !ea1e he 1ou#d. 0e %ust fo##o/ hi% there8 and /at1h hi%8 and see if he had !ea1e. +e /as thorou$h#y !ersuaded of t/o thin$s of >ustifi1ation *y faith a#one8 and of the anti1hristianis% of the do1trines of =o%e. 6ot on#y /as he !ersuaded inte##e1tua##y8 *ut he /as a true and sin1ere *e#ie4er in Christ. 0hat tor%ents had he !re!ared for hi%se#fH 0orse than the $i**et8 the !rison8 or the sta2e. +e had denied his Lord so#d +i% !ut +i% to an o!en sha%e. +e 1annot rest. It is as if he had the /or% of he## in his *oso%. 5ay or ni$ht no rest for hi%. +u$h Lati%er a$ain ta2es u! his 1ase in a ser%on *efore Bin$ Ed/ard 6th on the e4i#s of turnin$ fro% "od3 ? :I 2ne/ a %an %yse#f8; he says8 :(i#ney8 #itt#e (i#ney8 that *#essed %artyr of "od8 /hen he had *orne his fa$$otI8 and /as 1o%e a$ain to Ca%*rid$e8 had su1h 1onf#i1ts /ithin hi%se#f8 *eho#din$ this i%a$e of death8 that his friends /ere afraid to

#et hi% *e a#one. They /ere fain to *e /ith hi% ni$ht and day8 and 1o%forted hi% as they 1ou#d@ *ut no 1o%forts /ou#d ser4e. As for the 1o%forta*#e !#a1es of )1ri!ture8 to *rin$ these unto hi%8 /as as thou$h a %an /ou#d run hi% throu$h the heart /ith a s/ord.; 9ut of this fearfu# state (i#ney /as at #en$th de#i4ered. +e /as a$ain restored to !ea1e and 1o%fort. The 1ountenan1e of his dear =edee%er shone in u!on his sou# and fi##ed it /ith a*undant >oy. +e i%%ediate#y too2 his reso#ution. +e found that it /ou#d not do for hi% to re%ain si#ent he %ust *e u! and a*out his .aster's /or2. In the ha## of Trinity Co##e$e8 he one e4enin$ too2 his fare/e## of his friends8 ne4er a$ain to return to their so1iety8 ,a#thou$h8 in the dea#in$s of !ro4iden1e Lati%er and hi% /ere to rene/ their fe##o/shi! *ehind !rison *ars-. 7ro% Ca%*rid$e8 he hastened into 6orfo#28 his nati4e 1ounty8 and !rea1hed the $os!e#8 first in !ri4ate houses8 and then8 o!en#y in the fie#ds. +e /as not #on$ en$a$ed in this /or2 unti# he /as a!!rehended8 and !ut on tria#. 5urin$ his i%!rison%ent he 1orres!onded /ith Lati%er@ the #etters that !assed *et/een the% on this o11asion sho/ so%ethin$ of the reso#ute s!irit that no/ u!he#d the ear#y refor%ers. 9n one o11asion (i#ney /rote to Lati%er8 1onsu#tin$ hi% as to the defen1e that he shou#d %a2e *efore his a11users. :(etter a fe/ thin$s /e## !ondered8; re!#ied Lati%er8 :than to trou*#e the %e%ory /ith too %u1h J I intend not to 1ontend %u1h /ith the% in /ords8 after a reasona*#e a11ount of %y faith $i4en@ for it sha## *e *ut in 4ain. They /i## say as their fathers did8 /hen they ha4e not %ore to say8 '0e ha4e a #a/8 and *y our #a/ he ou$ht to die.'; )o it !ro4ed to *e@ (i#ney /as 1onde%ned. (ut durin$ the ti%e that #ay *et/een his 1onde%nation to the sta2e and his a1tua# exe1ution %any of the Lord's saints resorted to hi%. These /ere ti%es of %utua# *#essin$8 *oth for hi% and for those /ho 4isited hi% in the !rison. +e ne4er 1eased to 1o%fort8 exhort8 and en1oura$e the re%ainin$ *e#ie4ers as he o!ened u! the 0ord of "od in their hearin$. +e /as to *e *urnt in :The Lo##ards' Pit; ? a sau1er?#i2e 4a##ey surrounded *y s#o!in$ hi##s. The 1hoi1e of this !#a1e /as so that %any 1ou#d /at1h his death and *e deterred fro% the heresy that he /as senten1ed for. (ut8 the o!!osite !ro4ed to *e the 1ase8 for in his dyin$ hour8 #itt#e

Tho%as (i#ney 1ontinued to exert a testi%ony to the $#ory of the $os!e# of free redee%in$ $ra1e to sinners. As he /as 1hained to the sta2e8 his friend8 5r. 0arner8 1a%e to *id hi% fare/e## /ith tears in his eyes. (i#ney s%i#ed $ent#y8 and said8 :7eed your f#o128 2ee! your f#o128 that /hen the Lord 1o%eth8 +e %ay find you so doin$@ and fare/e##8 $ood %aster do1tor8 and !ray for %e.; Just !rior to this8 he had ex!ressed his state of heart and %ind that /as to re%ain /ith hi% unti# the f#a%es en4e#o!ed hi% and raised hi% to his e4er#astin$ rest /ith his )a4iour3 :0hen the %ariner is tossed u!on the trou*#ed sea8; he had said8 :he *eareth his tria#s *etter8 in ho!e that he sha## yet rea1h his har*our.; The #itt#e %artyr had8 indeed8 *een *#o/n fro% his 1ourse for a #itt#e ti%e8 *ut the irresisti*#e !u## of the 1o%!ass of a )a4iour's #o4e 1ou#d on#y u#ti%ate#y !oint to his *ein$ faithfu# e4en unto death8 and no/ he *ore the fires for the sa2e of a $ood 1ons1ien1e. )o ended the earth#y #ife of :(i#ney Litt#e (i#ney8 that *#essed %artyr of "od ...; ,Ada!tedI:(earin$ the fa$$ot; in4o#4ed 1arryin$ the /ood of the %artyr fire in !u*#i1 to sho/ that the :hereti1; had re1anted to es1a!e death.

I ha4e here !ut se4en 1and#es to$ether to set forth the se4en a$es of %an. This first 1and#e8 #on$ and s#ender is the 1hi#d8 /hi1h8 if s!ared8 has <uite a #en$th of #i$ht and #ife *efore it. 0hen ne/#y #i$hted the f#a%e is easi#y *#o/n out8 *ut there are #ar$e !ossi*i#ities of 1ontinuan1e. )o a#so at t/enty the se1ond 1and#e /e anti1i!ate #on$ years of #ife8 and yet it %ay end in one short hour. The other 1and#es sho/ us thirty8 forty8 fifty8 sixty8 se4enty years of a$e. 9ur

fi$ure $oes no further8 :7or if *y reason of stren$th they *e fours1ore years8 yet is their stren$th #a*our and sorro/.; Loo2 at this shinin$ e%*#e%8 and #et ea1h one of us >ud$e his o/n !osition as to /hat re%ains of his #ife. .ar2 ho/ #itt#e is #eft to so%e of youH Pray "od that you %ay use a## that re%ains to the !raise of "od. I en<uired a*out a si12 friend the other day8 and the ans/er I re1ei4ed /as a sha2e of the head8 and the re%ar28 :I a% sorry to say he 1an't #ast %u1h #on$er. It is on#y a %atter of ti%e3 his #ife han$s on a thread.; I ans/ered8 :And that is exa1t#y the 1ase /ith %e.; Is it not true to e4ery one of us that /e are %orta#A And that our de!arture is on#y a %atter of ti%eA 9ur #ife is ended as easi#y as a 1and#e *#o/n out. +ere is a fa1si%i#e of Kuar#es' <uaint /ood1ut /here*y he tried to set forth the ea$erness of 5eath to <uen1h the #i$ht of #ife8 and the /ay in /hi1h Ti%e8 for a season ho#ds *a12 the hand of the #ast ene%y. )tudy it /e##. 0hen you $o to do a *it of /ood/or2in$ in the shed and need a #i$ht8 you are so%eti%es on the #oo2out for the %eans of settin$ u! your *it of 1and#e in a handy /ay. !ere is the great invention in which "our researches usuall" end. Cou see I ha4e stu12 a 1and#e into a $in$er?*eer *ott#e8 and the #i$ht /hi1h 1o%es fro% it is <uite as 1#ear as if I had a !#ated 1and#esti12. If you ha4e no fitted 1and#esti128 a $in$er?*eer *ott#e does %i$hti#y /e##. And ho/ often our #ord has used %en of s1anty edu1ation8 or none at a##H +o/ usefu# he has %ade the thin$s /hi1h are des!ised. And "et at the sa%e ti%e8 if it /ere #eft to %e to %a2e %y 1hoi1e as to ho/ I /ou#d ha4e %y 1and#e set u!8 I shou#d not o*>e1t to ha4in$ it in a %ore !resenta*#e stand. 0ho /ou#d o*>e1t to *e rid of the $utterin$ and the hot dri!!in$ ta##o/8 and to hand#e a 1on1ern that /ou#d not dirty his handsA A thin$ of *eauty and of *ri$htness is a >oy for e4er. And $ra1e shines none the #ess *e1ause the !erson and

his s!ee1h are $ra1efu#. As there is no sin that I 2no/ of8 in $ra%%ati1a# #an$ua$e and $ood taste8 I ho!e /e sha## ne4er set a fi1titious 4a#ue u!on 1oarseness8 nor $o out of our /ay to %arry $od#iness /ith s#an$. 9ur Lord and his 1ause shou#d *e ser4es /ith our *est. E4en our *est is not of itse#f /orthy of his $#ory@ *ut at #east #et us not $i4e to hi% the offa# and refuse of hu%an s!ee1h. Coun$ %an8 *#a e a/ay@ *ut you need not *e 1oarse. (rin$ us a #i$ht8 *ut use a de1ent 1and#esti12 if you 1an. )o%e ex1e##ent !ersons ha4e 4ery #itt#e ta#ent indeed. It is not %ere#y that there is a /ant of edu1ation8 *ut there is a /ant of 1a!a1ity. 6o/8 /hen that ha!!ens to *e the 1ase8 %y next i##ustration %ay *e a ser4i1ea*#e hint. #n this board /e ha4e fixed a nu%*er of 4ery s%a## 1and#es8 and8 as they are a## /e## a#i$ht8 the resu#t is *y no %eans unsatisfa1tory. As a 1o%!any of i##u%inators they %a2e a !#easant and nota*#e shine8 a#thou$h indi4idua##y /ou#d $i4e on#y a #itt#e #i$ht. )o #et us o*ser4e ho/ a nu%*er of $ood #itt#e !eo!#e /e##?#i$hted *y $ra1e 1an *y 1o%*ination rea##y $i4e out a $reat dea# %ore i##u%ination than far $reater !ersons /ho shine a#one. (ut you %ust ea1h one of you shine your <uota8 and no one %ust try to sa4e his 1and#e and ta2e thin$s easy. A## at it8 and a#/ays at it8 and you /i## not #a*our in 4ain. 0hat a $#ory there /i## *e in the one Chur1h /hen a## her %e%*ers shine8 and a## are oneH .ay su1h a day 1o%e <ui12#y. ,End of this !resent series-

$ontgomer" and Cowper

A#thou$h :!rotestantis%;8 as su1h8 doesn't ha4e any :offi1ia# shrines8; there does see% to *e a tenden1y in %ost of our hearts to *e affe1ted to so%e extent *y *ein$ in a !#a1e asso1iated /ith so%e of the Lord's ser4ants of the !ast. T/o tra4e##ers of the #ast 1entury te## the story of

*ein$ on a 4isit to the 4i##a$e of 9#ney8 so 1#ose#y #in2ed /ith John 6e/ton and 0i##ia% Co/!er8 the fa%ous hy%n?/riter. 9n their arri4a# in the area8 they heard that another outstandin$ !oet of the 1hur1h of their o/n day /as a#so in 9#ney. It /as Ja%es .ont$o%ery8 and the t/o %en de1ided to see2 out the !oet and introdu1e the%se#4es to hi%. +o/e4er8 a#thou$h they sear1hed the area <uite thorou$h#y they 1ou#d not find his /herea*outs8 unti# an o#d %an dire1ted to a #itt#e *ui#din$ 2no/ as :)<uire Co/!er's )1hoo#.; It /as a *ui#din$ that Co/!er had #i4ed in for so%e years8 and /here he had /ritten one of his $reatest hy%ns ? :"od %o4es in a %ysterious /ay8 +is /onders to !erfor%.; E4er sin1e Co/!er's death8 it had *een used as a s1hoo#roo%8 and /hen fina##y the t/o tra4e##ers tra12ed do/n Ja%es .ont$o%ery8 they found hi%8 surrounded *y the 1hi#dren of the s1hoo# as he tau$ht the% the sense and the %eanin$ of those /ei$hty /ords that had first *een 1o%%itted to !a!er in that 4ery *ui#din$. A*#e and a## as .ont$o%ery /as to *e hai#ed as one of the Chur1hLs $reatest !oets8 he /as not *eyond *ein$ affe1ted *y those surroundin$s /here that s/eet sin$er of Israe# had resi$ned hi%se#f to the %ysterious !ro4iden1e of +is "od.

5ear (oys and "ir#s8 In the 1ity of 5er*y their #i4ed a *#ind $ir# *y the na%e of Joan 0aste. Joan and her fa%i#y /ere 4ery !oor. In order to %a2e so%e %oney to *uy food and 1#othes she 2nitted stron$ /oo##en so12s /hi1h she so#d on the .ar2et days. Joan's %other /as dead8 and she #i4ed /ith her father /ho /as a ro!e?%a2er. A#thou$h she 1ou#d not see8 she sti## %ana$ed to

he#! her daddy /ith his /or2 *ut /hen he died8 a#so8 she /ent to #i4e /ith her *rother. Joan *e$an to $o to 1hur1h and there8 she heard the (i*#e8 "od's o/n 0ord8 *ein$ read. +o/ thri##ed she /as /ith a## she heard and she *e$an to #oo2 for/ard a## /ee2 to )unday /hen she /ou#d on1e %ore hear a*out the %ost /onderfu# !erson /ho had no/ 1o%e into her #ife8 Jesus Christ the )on of "od. As Joan sat hour after hour 2nittin$ her ne4er?endin$ !i#e of so12s the need#es see%ed to *e :1#i12?1#a12in$; e4en faster than usua#8 for she had *e$un to thin2 of a 4ery ex1itin$ !#an. :0hy shou#d I not *uy a 1o!y of the "ood 6e/s (oo2 %yse#fA; she thou$ht@ :I 1an't read it for %yse#f8 *ut sure#y I 1ou#d find so%eone /ho 1ou#d read it for %e8 and as they read it8 they too /i## 1o%e to 2no/ a*out the Lord Jesus.; And so8 ea1h /ee28 %ore and %ore !airs of so12s /ere ta2en to the .ar2et and so#d8 and ea1h /ee28 so%e of the %oney /as ta2en and /as !ut aside in a #itt#e *ox. At #ast8 the day 1a%e /hen Joan had enou$h to *uy her 4ery o/n (i*#e. +o/ ha!!y she /as as she 1arried her !re1ious *oo2 under her ar%@ *ut /hat nextA )he had her (i*#e8 *ut /ho /as $oin$ to read it for herA :The *est %an of a## to read it to %e8; thou$ht Joan8 :/ou#d *e .aster John Pe%erton8 the !arish 1#er28 *ut !oor .r. Pe%erton is in >ai# for not !ayin$ his de*ts.; +o/e4er8 she /as not dis1oura$ed8 *e1ause her *rother to#d her that e4en !eo!#e in >ai# 1ou#d sti## ha4e 4isitors to 1o%e and see the%8 and so8 on t/o days of e4ery /ee28 t/o stran$e 4isitors /ou#d 4isit .aster Pe%erton in >ai#. 9ne of the 4isitors /as the !oor *#ind $ir#8 Joan 0aste8 and the other /as so%e other $ir# or *oy /ho 1ou#d *e !ersuaded to #ead her a#on$ the dar2 narro/ streets to the >ai#. In %y next #etter I'## te## you /hat ha!!ened in the >ai#. Lo4e8 .rs )eaton

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