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Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor By Henry Makow Ph. . Au!

ust "#$ %&&' By Henry Makow Ph. . Accordin! to (ikipedia$ Heinrich Mueller$ )*. April %#$ "#&&+ Chief of the Gestapo and Adolph ,ichmann's *oss$ -disappeared in May "#./ and remains the only senior fi!ure of the 0a1i re!ime who was never captured or confirmed to have died.2n fact$ the Gestapo *oss escaped to 3wit1erland where he worked for the !overnment. 2n "#.4$ the C2A recruited him as a 3oviet counter espiona!e specialist *ecause the 53 !overnment was full of Communists. 6rank (isner and 7ames 8ronthal recruited him for 9/&8 annual salary and a 9" million si!nin! *onus. Mueller was soon on a first:name *asis with President Harry 3. Truman.. (earin! his 0a1i medals$ Mueller entertained Truman at home$ played Bach$ and !ave him stolen art and a case of fine whiskey. Truman may *e his son's !odfather. Mueller came to the 53 with his Gestapo helpers and soon had (ashin!ton *u!!ed. He spied on his C2A superiors and informed Truman that they were tappin! his phone. He advised Truman on 3oviet intentions durin! the 8orean (ar *ased on his contacts with 3oviet spies in (ashin!ton$ )includin! 8im Phil*y+ and his e;perience as the Communists' 0um*er <ne 0emesis. He lived under a 3wiss identity$ had 53 army *ody!uards and employed an assassin who immediately dispatched anyone who raised =uestions a*out Mueller's real identity. At least a half:do1en people met their end in this way. Mueller's %&&:pa!e 7ournal coverin! the period March "#.# to 3ept "#/" is for sale as a P 6 file for 9'.%/ at www.t*rnews.or! under the title -The C2A Covenant> 0a1is in (ashin!ton- *y Gre!ory ou!las. 3ome e;cerpts are on the site. ?ou can also pay 9@' for the hard cover at Ama1on. <*viously capa*le of !reat ruthlessness$ )he *oasts of literally flushin! Hitler's would:*e assassin down the toilet+ Mueller emer!es from these Aournals as surprisin!ly civili1ed$ ur*ane and intelli!ent. An accomplished pianist and chess player$ he enAoyed fine art and literature. He was e;tremely wealthy thanks to !old and art stolen durin! the war. <ne of his C2A functions was to fence their stolen art. He says people like Alan ulles$ 7ames An!leton and 6rank (isner em*e11led millions from -top secret- proAects. 6or e;ample$ they pocketed a million dollar *ri*e to depose the democratically elected 2ranian Prime Minister Mosseda!h. Mueller !ot a share. A Catholic$ Mueller had worked for the Bavarian 3tate Police and prosecuted 0a1is as well as Communists. (hen the 0a1is came to power$ they kept him on the Ao*. He *ecame fiercely loyal to Adolph Hitler and continued to cele*rate the 6uehrer's *irthday in (ashin!ton with many hi!hly:placed Americans. -2 never was a practicin! 0a1i$- he wrote April #$ "#.#$ - *ut we cannot discuss that *ecause a num*er of my BC2AC superiors are secret sympathi1ers and that would not impress them at all. 2 am now a true Party mem*er and fi!hter a!ainst Communism.Mueller re!arded (ashin!ton as a cross *etween a 1oo and an insane asylum. He had contempt for his C2A collea!ues whom he cuckolded re!ularly. Many were !ay and$ in spite of *ein! racist$ had Black lovers. The wives were also a rich source of information. The C2A is filled with- pseudo:intellectuals$ drunks and e!omaniacs- that have no idea at all what they are doin!$ he wrote. -BAlanC ulles is one of those well:*red idiots who went to the correct schools and met the ri!ht people. 2f it weren't for that$ he would *e scru**in! toilets in the ?MCA in some small town in 0ew 7ersey.The C2A were tryin! to set national policy and would *e responsi*le for the Beacon of emocracy slidin! into 6ascism$ which he admitted was prefera*le to Communism. )Actually they *oth represent occult plutocratic totaltarian control. The C2A pro*a*ly masterminded the 768 assassination and was involved in #:"".+

Mueller's admiration is reserved for Harry Truman$ whom he considered an honest unpretentious man$ and *ulwark a!ainst Communism. Communists took over the 53 !overnment under 6 D. 2f he had succeeded in puttin! Henry (allace on the ticket$ - there is no dou*t that the red fla! would *e flyin! over the EPeopleFs Depu*lic of 0orth AmericaG at this moment.- )7une ".$ "#/&+ Mueller doesn't seem to appreciate that the Communist:6ascist split reflects two *ranches of 6reemasonry divided into house teams for the sake of war. Hike 6 D$ Truman was a top rankin! 6reemason. The 2lluminati Council had decided on a Cold (ar and o*viously could not have a Communist )(allace+ in char!e in America. 0a1is were recruited *ecause the 53 team had too many CommunistsI -internationalists.- Mueller and the C2A apparently was *ehind 3en. 7oseph McCarthy's campai!n a!ainst Communists in 53 !overnment with the tacit support of Truman althou!h Mueller re!arded McCarthy as a !randstander$ drunk and -fairy.The -Cold (ar- was a continuation of ((22$ with the 53 replacin! the 0a1is on the -anti:Communist- side. The -(ar on Terror- replaces the Cold (ar with -2slamo 6ascism- facin! off a!ainst -Jionism.- 2 do not know if the 2lluminati controls 2ran and DussiaIChina$ *ut naturally 2'd like to think they represent resistance to the 0(<. TH, H<H<CA53T Mueller's 7ournal is e;tremely credi*le which is why his comments on the 7ewish holocaust are very provocative. Demem*er this 7ournal supposedly was not intended to *ecome pu*lic. <n 7uly #$ "#.# he wrote> -The Americans ou!ht to set up some sort of detention camp system and put people like BAl!erC Hiss and others into protective custody. 2 had some idiot tell me yesterday that all of our camps were filled with 7ews who we !assed *y the millions and then turned into lampshades$ ladies !loves and hand soapK 2 have no idea where they !et such shit *ut 2 ima!ine the American press makes it up for political reasons. The camps were never desi!ned for 7ews and we did not !as millions of them or make soap out of their remains. The camps were mostly for professional criminals and communists. A*out L/M of all camp inmates at any one !iven time were political prisoners and the rest divided up *etween criminals$ spies and 7ews. The worst error Himmler ever made was to put Dussian prisoners into the camps *ecause this *rou!ht typhus that killed off thousands of prisoners. The pictures often shown here of stacks of emaciated corpses are not pictures of dead 7ews *ut pictures of typhus victims. And !as cham*ers at achau with si;ty thousand !assed 7ews thereK 2 have visited achau on several occasions and no one was ever !assed there. Pictures of ovens with titles that Ein these ovens$ tens of thousands of murdered 7ews were crematedG is more nonsense. All prisoners who died in Aail were cremated and their ashes sent home. And especially with the typhus epidemics ra!in! everywhere. (ell$ 2 can say nothin! a*out it so on to other matters.Accordin! to D. (istrich$ )(ho's (ho in 0a1i Germany+ Mueller had a central role in the e;termination of ,uropean 7ewry. -He si!ned the circulatin! order re=uirin! the immediate delivery to Auschwit1 *y @" 7anuary "#.@ of ./$&&& 7ews for e;termination and countless other documents of the same tenor$ which reveal his 1eal in carryin! out orders. 2n the summer of "#.@ he was sent to Dome to pressuri1e the 2talians$ who were provin! sin!ularly inefficient and unenthusiastic in arrestin! 7ews. ...2n his hands$ mass murder *ecame an automatic administrative procedure.-)p."L.+ 2n his 2nterro!ation$ Mueller claimed> -?ou want to know what my role in these camps was. Het me *e very *rief a*out that. 2 put people into such camps for criminal or political offenses. 2 did not have anythin! whatsoever to do with the runnin! of these camps nor their policies.- He also claimed that he has a clear recollection that only a half million died in the camps$ many of typhus and not all 7ews. Before *ecomin! Gestapo Chief$ Mueller was *riefly in char!e of arran!in! 7ewish emi!ration. 2n "#@# he personally or!ani1ed the famous steamship -3t. Houis- effort to settle #&& well:to:do German 7ews in Cu*a. 6 D felt they were too close to America and *locked it$ evidence that Doosevelt represented a power that was not strictly speakin! -7ewish.C<0CH532<0 Mueller felt that Hitler's use of anti:3emitism to unite the German people *ackfired a!ainst Germany. He reco!ni1ed that many Communists were 7ews *ut many 7ews were not. -2 do not hate 7ews... and have *etter thin!s to do than persecute them.- He claimed that more than half of Berlin 7ews were still there at war's end. He was surprised to find more anti: 3emitism in the top ranks of the 53 military and C2A than in similar positions in 0a1i Germany. The C2A took over the

-rat lines- to 3yria and 3outh America. They sent 0a1is to *olster the 3yrians a!ainst the 2sraelis. The 2lluminati *uilt up *oth sides to foment conflict. There is much else of interest in this *ook *ut 2 only have space to tantali1e you. Mueller says the 2sraelis wanted to attack 3audi Ara*ia in "#.# and Truman had to threaten military action to stop them. The 3tern Gan! tried to assassinate Truman *ut the team was apprehended and killed. Doosevelt had Huey Hon! killed and -made a deal with the Pope- to shut down 6ather Cou!hlin. The British wanted the 53 and Dussia to destroy each other. Mueller su!!ests that Hitler escaped to 3pain after the war and 56<'s )flyin! saucers+ are indeed e;traterrestial. The 7ournal is !ossipy and personal and e;tremely entertainin!. There is no =uestion in my mind of its authenticity *ut 2 am not omniscient. Mueller$ who had in e;cess of 9/& million$ married a rich youn! socialite who *ore him a son. The diary ends *efore ,isenhower took power so we donFt know if Mueller retired. He had estates in Nir!inia and Colorado and died in "#4@ in California. The 7ournal is an incompara*le insi!ht into a fascinatin! period. Clearly history is a charade manufactured *y an immoral international cli=ue$ to control and e;ploit mankind. Hike Mafia families$ they have real rivalries$ contain *oth powerful Jionist and anti:3emitic elements *ut ultimately have the same !oal$ world dictatorship. This lesson is particularly relevant today when they are tryin! to fa*ricate a -Clash of Civili1ations- i.e. a Third (orld (ar. ::::: More on how the 2lluminati fa*ricated the Cold (ar> -Hester Pearson> 2lluminati ToolComments for -Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Terry said )Au!ust %&$ %&&'+> Henry> 2 have read in the past that there was some evidence that Mueller worked for our !overnment and died in America$ *ut 2 have never seen anythin! that would convince me that it was so$ until now. 7ust an outstandin! article and how informative. 7ust when you think you know most of the history that has *een hidden from us for years$ someone runs across more and presents it to anyone who is interested in learnin!$ and 2 for one$ thank you.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Andrew said )Au!ust "#$ %&&'+> Henry::Heinrich Mueller could have truthfully *elieved that the 7ewish e;termination narrative was fictional. As historians we should remain holocaust a!nostics$ *ecause we were not there and we do not know what really happened. 2n that connection$ have you ever read Heon Goldensohn's The 0urem*er! 2nterviewsO This is a collection of psychiatric reports on the @@ defendants and witnesses who appeared in the postwar 0urem*er! Trials. The first interview was 8arl oenit1$ the commander in chief of the German navy who was named as Hitler's successor in the 6uhrer's so:called testament. oenit1 was runnin! 0a1i Germany at the end of the war. oenit1 claimed that he )like Heinrich Mueller+ knew nothin! of the systematic e;termination of 7ews in 0a1i Germany. Goldensohn and the court o*viously *elieved oenit1$ *ecause he !ot a li!ht sentence and was out on the streets a free man in "#/'. Here are some of oenit1's ver*atim statements as recorded *y Heon Goldensohn in his The 0urem*er! 2nterviews> )"+ -2 didn't know then )when he a!reed to take Hitler's place at the end of the war+ a*out Hitler's e;termination of 7ews$ which 2 learned a*out for the first time in 0urem*er!.)%+ id oenit1 know of persecution of 7ews at allO -?es and no. 2 read sometime around "#@4 of 7ewish fines and some

street action a!ainst them. But 2 was too concerned with 5:*oat and naval pro*lems to *e concerned a*out 7ews.)@+ (hat a*out the 0avy itselfO id the 0avy have any anti:3emitic policiesO -0one at all. 2 had four 7ewish hi!h officers that 2 can think of at the moment. <ne was Do!!e$ a vise admiral who was in char!e of education of naval cadets all alon! until the end of the war. Another was a captain 2 have an affidavit from Do!!e for my defense. 2f any of these four 7ewish officers had known a*out what was happenin! to the 7ews inside Germany or elsewhere *y Himmler and Hitler$ they would surely have told me.The 0urem*er! court *elieved oenit1$ so why shouldn't we *elieve himO 2'm not ar!uin! that the e;termination of 7ews didn't happen$ *ut only that even the hi!hest 0a1is at the end of the war were o*livious to the issue. And thanks for another provocative article. 2 look forward to your articles every week and pass them to my friends. 2'm a true Makow fan. 8eep 'em comin!.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: an said )Au!ust "#$ %&&'+> Mueller was o*viously a -*rother- masonically speakin!. Pro*a*ly much hi!her de!ree than Truman. But 2 didn't know a*out Mueller's Aournal. 2nterestin! to read the post war thou!hts of a top 0a1i ::: actually we know now that the hi!h levels of *ureaucrats are interchan!i*le with any !overnment. 2f he hadn't *een a 0a1i he could have Aust as well *een an asset to the Mossad. All these !uys are a*ove the ideolo!ies:for them it's a*out a level of power that e;ists in any !overnment to some e;tent. 2 think they're sociopaths. The pure sociopath with hi!h intelli!ence and taste rises to the top of any *ureaucracy. 2'm still thinkin! of what to write for commentary that doesn't drift from your focus with the article. 7ust out of curiousity 2've always wondered$ what does such a man feel when sippin! a Chateau Hafite Dothschild and listenin! to Mo1art or MahlerO <*viously lots of them have refined tastes....*ut they must interpret '*eauty' somewhat differently than us -commoners-. 2've wondered if may*e while someone like me processes -The De=uium- throu!h emotional heartstrin!s$ Mueller or Men!ele may *e in rapture from what's *een called he 'mathematical order- of such compositions. 2t's hard to know. ::::: an$ 2 dou*t if Muller was a Mason as the 0a1is came from the Theosophical *ranch and Meuller ostensi*ly was a Catholic. Perhaps he was connected with the 7esuits. Henry

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7ack said )Au!ust "#$ %&&'+> 2f Mueller was in fact -!uilty of war crimes$- that should not have *een a *ar to his havin! had a social relationship with Harry Truman who was himself a war criminal of the first ma!nitude. This month marks the si;ty:first anniversary of the atomic *om*in! of Hiroshima and 0a!asaki : pretty hard to top those

for war crimes.

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