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Calling the Emperor's Bluff By Henry Makow Ph.D. September 1 !


By Henry Makow Ph.D. $hat %o Henry &issinger! 'eorge $. Bush! Charles &rauthammer! 'eorge Soros an% the Pope ha(e in )ommon* +hey are all ,lluminati talking hea%s an%! e-)ept for Soros! last week they were all beating the %rum for a )ompletely gratuitous an% fatal .)lash of )i(ili/ations.. Soros! on the other ha%! was a)tually taking sense. 0nfortunately! only .Cyber)ast 1ews Ser(i)e. )o(ere% it. .Billionaire philanthropist 'eorge Soros )ompare% the Bush a%ministration to so)ialist an% )ommunist regimes +hurs%ay while )riti)i/ing 2meri)a's war on terror. +he liberal politi)al a)ti(ist sai% the 0.S. strategy of fighting a .war. against terrorism is .false. an% a .%ismal an% %isheartening situation.. Criti)s say Soros is only trying to hurt 3epubli)ans' )han)es in the 1o(ember ele)tions an% warn that he is un%ermining efforts to prote)t 2meri)ans from terrorists. Soros tol% an au%ien)e at the Carnegie En%owment for ,nternational Pea)e! .$e are working with a (ery false frame when we talk about a 'war on terror!' an% yet it is uni(ersally a))epte%. .E(erybo%y now re)ogni/es that in(asion of ,ra4 was a real blun%er! but the war on terror is still the frame that is a))epte% by Demo)rats an% 3epubli)ans alike!. Soros )laime%. .,t is a false! mislea%ing! )ounterpro%u)ti(e! %estru)ti(e frame.. By using the wor% .war!. he argue%! the Bush a%ministration is in(oking military terminology in response to a situation that! Soros belie(es! shoul% be %ealt with %iplomati)ally. He also sai% the .war on terror. is .)ounterpro%u)ti(e!. be)ause there are .inno)ent (i)tims!. whi)h .bree%s rage an% resentments an% fee%s into the terrorist )ase.. .,t is a war that )annot be won without lots of a%(erse )onse4uen)es!. he a%%e%. ,'m not sure whether Soros' spee)h represents a genuine ba)ktra)king an% sear)h for sanity by the ,lluminati! or is 5ust fostering the illusion of %emo)rati) %is)ourse. +he fa)t that it was poorly reporte% is interesting. 6ne thing is )ertain. +he war on terror is an elite7in%u)e% )olle)ti(e %elusion. 'eorge $. Bush is the .Emperor without )lothes.. 2))or%ing to the 'erman ,ntelligen)e 2gen)y 8B1D9! Bush re)ei(e% three e-a)t prior warnings of :711 from 'ermany! ;ran)e an% 3ussia! an% suppresse% them. 'eorge $. Bush is the terrorist he warns us against. +he 'erman ,ntelligen)e 3eport is authenti) in my opinion. +he 'erman go(ernment was aske% many times to repu%iate it an% %e)line%. 1o one has been able to refute a %etail in < years. +he 3eport )ontains information that no hoa-er woul% ha(e ha%. ;or e-ample! it states that the Mossa% finan)e% its :711 operations by %ealing e)stasy in the 0S2. +his was later )onfirme% by a DE2 report. ,t refers to a se)ret meeting =uly 11! "##1 in whi)h the 0S informe% 3ussia an% Pakistan of its plans to atta)k 2fghanistan in 6)tober. >ou )annot wat)h the new %o)umentary .:711 Press for +ruth. without )on)lu%ing that the Bush a%ministration is stonewalling on :711. +he film %o)uments the fruitless efforts of :711 families to get )re%ible e-planations. Bush an% Cheney a)t like guilty men? they a)tually refuse% to testify un%er oath at the :711 Commission@ 2fterwar%! Bush ha% the au%a)ity to say .,'m gla% , took the time.. 3emember :711 was the e-)use to rip up the Constitution. +he film goes on to re(eal another %isturbing possibility? that the C,2 is still ba)king the +aliban through the Pakistani ,S,. +he C,2! like the Mossa% an% M,7 ! represents the illuminati bankers. +heir agen%a is to %egra%e the 0nite% States an% fol% it into a 1ew $orl% 6r%er. .:711 Press for +ruth. e-amines how the 0S let Bin Aa%en es)ape from +ora Bora an% allowe% an air e(a)uation of +aliban lea%ers an% sol%iers from the )ity of &on%u/. Aast week 1BC's Aisa Meyer reporte% that a 0S military %rone was pre(ente% from atta)king a large group of +aliban

assemble% for a funeral %ue to .rules of engagement.. , am against the 0S71ato in(asion of 2fghanistan! but this is reminis)ent of &orea an% Bietnam! where the 0S was hamstrung by the ,lluminati. .:711 Press for +ruth. fails to mention the Mossa% role but we nee% to wel)ome all efforts that bring forth elements of the truth. +his film is part of the effort to pin all the blame on Bush an% the 3epubli)ans! but these %ays half7the7truth is better than none at all. 6f )ourse! Aarry Sil(erstein an% the 1ew >ork Demo)rati) Party establishment is also )ompli)it. ,n general the .:711 +ruth mo(ement. is our best hope to restore sanity an% resist fas)ism. ,t is the )hil% that sai% the .Emperor has no )lothes.. Aet's )ontinue to sprea% the truth about :711? that the C,27Mossa% an% Bush )arrie% it out for the )entral bankers as a prete-t to atta)k ,slam! )ontrol the oil! spen% money on war! an% institute a poli)e state in the $est. 2ll of these a%(an)e the 1$6. My frien% Ste(e in 2spen C6. is showing :711 films on the lo)al )able a))ess )hannel. =oe here in $innipeg has ma%e thousan%s of :711 DBD's at his own e-pense an% %istribute% them to strangers. His bu%%y 1eil has a new site whi)h offers streaming (i%eos. $e must re)ogni/e an% support efforts like this. Aet's ha(e parties or )on)erts )entere% on sprea%ing the truth. $e )annot un%erstan% the worl% unless we appre)iate that it is largely )ontrolle% by the Aon%on7base% )entral bankers who ha(e finagle% a monopoly on the )re%it of most nations. Money represents an interest7bearing %ebt the go(ernment owes the bankers for something they )reate% out of nothing. ,n or%er to prote)t this lu)rati(e but un5ust monopoly the bankers are %etermine% to ensla(e us using sophisti)ate% means of min% an% so)ial )ontrol. 6b(iously the bankers %on't belie(e in a 'o% of Ao(e. +hey worship Au)ifer whose e-ample inspire% them in their rebellion against the inherent natural an% spiritual laws of the uni(erse. +hey want to %efine truth to support their untenable position. +heir latest in(ention is :711 an% the war on terror. E-plo%ing this hoa- is )ru)ial to prote)ting the rule of 'o% on earth. 7777 C11's =amie M),ntyre .;rom my )lose7up inspe)tion! there is no e(i%en)e of a plane ha(ing )rashe% anywhere near the Pentagon.

Comments for .Calling the Emperor's Bluff. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 2n%rew sai% 8September 1 ! "## 9? Henry77+hanks for another interesting arti)le. 'eorge Soros is saying what e(eryone with half a brain is saying that .+he 2meri)an rea)tion. to :C11 has .)ontribute% to the empowerment of terrorist groups. http?CCwww.haaret/.)omChasenCspagesCD E"" .html +hat 4uotation )ame to%ay from =or%an's &ing 2b%ullah ,,! but e(eryone is saying the same thing an% the )ontrolle% me%ia suppresses all su)h statements an% not 5ust 'eorge Soros'. 2lthough Soros was a member of the Boar% of Dire)tors of the Coun)il on ;oreign 3elations! he has always been the global elite's .loose )annon.. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 3obin sai% 8September 1 ! "## 9? By the way! your item Flast weekG! Henry! is high74uality 5ournalism ... getting us into the min%s of the fa)eless lea%ers. ,'% like to think that your pre%i)tion is )orre)t! that the two 'ele)te%' members of the 2%min will pull their hea%s in! an% a(oi% )ausing further trouble in the )oming two years before they are thrown out. B0+... Cheyney is a 'ma% %og' an% ne(er to be truste%. 2n% '$ Bush is a pai% mouthpie)e! albeit a (ery faulty one. Both gi(e the impression of people in power with %ebts to repayH , fear that they woul% both like to lea(e offi)e with )lean slates 7 ha(ing worke% through the agen%as they were pai% to )omplete. >ou! in 2meri)a! still ha(e unfille% )on)entration )ampsH an%! the 2%min! through E)helon! knows who the few in%epen%ent thinkers are? it is not %iffi)ult! at all! to imagine the passing of a .Cat)h the +raitors. law! an% the roun%ing

up of sai% free7thinkers ... before the neo)ons lose their opportunity to repla)e '%emo)ra)y' with full7blown )orporatism. 0nfortunately the responsibility of in%epen%ent thinkers )alls for more than 5ust waiting 7 for %emo)ra)y to return. Sa%ly! your best min%s in the States %o not seem to re)ognise that the )apitalist e)onomi) system is rotten to the )ore. 2 ')leane%7 up' )apitalism simply %oes not e-ist. So! , woul% ask? what %oes Post7Capitalism look like* $here are the thinkers an% writers who woul% paint pi)tures of possible! better future worl%s* My only )on)lusion is that the (ast ma5ority of people aroun% the ;irst $orl% )an see )apitalism's en%less )y)le of boom7an%7bustCprosperity7an%7 %epression! but ha(e resigne% themsel(es 8an% their )hil%ren9 to this fate! e(en if the ne-t %epression is too horrible to think about. Henry! if you keep writing your goo% arti)les %es)ribing the thinking of the )reators of our status 4uo! then! subse4uently! others will take )ourage from this! an% start pro5e)ting min%s into future s)enarios ... positi(e ones.

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