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Petroleum refining, chemical & petrochemical plants, synthetic fuel production, food processing, and electronics industries all contribute to the global hydrogen consumption rate of approximately four hundred billion cubic meters per year. The future demand for hydrogen is expected to grow significantly due to new applications in transportation, industrial, commercial and residential market sectors, including fuel cell technologies. Common to all hydrogen applications is the need to assure personnel safety and process system integrity. Hydrogen gas is highly flammable, and is also colorless, odorless and normally not detectable by human senses. Therefore, combustible gas detectors should always be provided to detect the presence of hydrogen in all areas where leaks, spills, or hazardous accumulations may occur. The hydrogen detection system must be compatible with other systems such as fire detection and fire suppression. The detection system must be performance-certified and also safety-certified to ensure it is not an ignition source. Total times for detection, data summary, transmission, and display should be as fast as possible. Hydrogen gas detectors also must be well-placed & maintained on a regular basis. Continuous automatic sampling equipment with sample points strategically located maybe required in certain applications. The sampling equipment should be calibrated to provide short response times and detection of at least 25 percent of the LFL. Detection of Liquified H2 by observation alone is not adequate. Although a cloud of frozen air and moisture may be visible, such a cloud is not a reliable sign of a hydrogen leak because clouds of water vapor also rise from cold, exposed surfaces when no hydrogen leak is present. The number and distribution of detection points and time required to shut off the hydrogen source should be based on factors such as possible leak rates, ventilation rates, and the volume of space for an interior location. The detection signal also should actuate warning alarms and automatically effect shutoff whenever practicable. Detection and alarm at 1 percent by volume hydrogen concentrations in air, equivalent to 25 percent of the LFL, is required for enclosed areas in which hydrogen buildup is possible (29 CFR 1910.106 1996). Detection and alarm at 0.4 percent by volume hydrogen concentrations in air (equivalent to 10 percent of the LFL) is required for permit-required confined spaces (29 CFR 1910.146 1996, and 29 CFR 1910.106 1996). It may be necessary to conduct a gas sample through a sensing line to the sensor under conditions in which the sensor cannot be located at a leak source. The response time under such conditions depends on the length of the sensing line. A 1 percent by volume hydrogen concentration at any point 1 m (3.28 ft) from the hydrogen equipment should generate an alarm in areas around hydrogen facilities. The performance of the detectors depends on the location of sensors and the leak and wind directions, and
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6901 West 110 Street

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438 USA Fax: 612.829.8750

Tel: 612.941.5665 or 800.765.FIRE


they may fail to indicate a leak. A larger number of sensors may be necessary to survey the area of concern. Specifications for hydrogen sensors should include requirements for the following: (a) Minimum gas concentration detection requirements (b) Full scale range of the detector system (c) Level of concentration for which alarm detection is required (d) Response time of the detector system (e) Accuracy of sensors (f) Reliability and recalibration frequency (g) Interface to facility safety and shutdown systems Recommended Hydrogen Gas Detection Technology: Catalytic combustion sensors detect hydrogen gas by sensing the heat generated by the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen on the surface of a catalytic metal such as palladium or platinum. The sensors work well for detection of hydrogen in the 0 to 4 percent by volume (0 to 100 percent LFL) in air but do not operate in inert environments or 100 percent by volume hydrogen. Sampling systems can be designed to mix air in with the sample before exposure to the catalytic sensor for operation in inert environments; however, this results in a longer response time. Most catalytic sensors utilize a heated filament and are enclosed within a flame arrestor to prevent the sensors from becoming ignition sources. Also, catalytic sensors are not hydrogen-specific and will respond to other combustible gases such as methane. However, catalytic sensors offer fast and reliable hydrogen gas detection provided normal, routine testing and maintenance is provided. NFPA has three standards that directly address the use of hydrogen: 1. NFPA 50A Standard for Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites 1999 Edition 2. NFPA 50B Standard for Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites 1999 Edition 3. NFPA 853 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants 2000 The NFPA 50A and 50B editions give requirements for storage systems based on a cutoff capacity of 400 scf and 150 liters respectively. NFPA 853 applies to the design, construction, and installation of stationary fuel cell power plants with a gross electrical generation that exceeds 50 kW. Contact Detector Electronics Corporation for additional information on the proper protection of hydrogen gas applications using catalytic gas detection technologies.
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6901 West 110 Street

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438 USA Fax: 612.829.8750

Tel: 612.941.5665 or 800.765.FIRE

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