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Did Soviets really spend $1billion on mind control programme?

Report 'reveals secretive parapsychology operations dating back to 1917'

Report uncovers previously classified Soviet research into mind control USSR researchers investigated subject some 30 years before US program Soviets made device to create high-frequency electromagnetic radiation America's controversial MKUltra experimented in control of humans The CIA-run program sometimes forced test subjects to take drugs
By Jennifer Smith PUBLISHED: 17:40, 29 December 2013 | UPDATED: 17:45, 29 December 2013

Soviets may have spent up to $1billion on unconventional psychology research from as early as 1917, it has emerged. A new report uncovering previously classified information has revealed how the USSR worked tirelessly to come up with a mind control programme that would rival that of the U.S. The paper by Serge Kernbach confirms for the first time that Soviets used methods to manipulate test subjects' brains.

Dr. Bill van Bise, electrical engineer, conducting a dem onstration of Soviet scientific data and schem atics for beam ing a m agnetic field into the brain to cause visual hallucinations

The work titled 'Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview' details the experiments

researchers called 'psychotronics'. Kernbach, of the Research Centre of Advanced Robotics and Environmental Science in Stuttgart, Germany, based the work on Russian technical journals. He reveals how Soviets developed a device to generate and store high-frequency electromagnetic radiation called 'cerpan'. 'If the generator is designed properly, it is able to accumulate bioenergy from all living things - animals, plants, humans - and then release it outside,' writes Kernbach. The pyschotronics program or 'parapsychology' as it was called in the U.S. involves unconventional research into mind and control and remote influence, reports

The new inform ation sheds light on Soviet efforts to research the phenom enon of m ind-control using unconventional m ethods. (Im age taken from Secrets of Russia, a Germ an docum entary)

The original schem e of transm itting and receiving bio-circuitry of the hum an nervous system as depicted in the report

While the two countries worked on their relative projects in secrecy, the report reveals much of what they were investigating was the same. Indeed the psychotronics program draws similarities to America's MKUltra - a human research operation experimenting in the behavioral control of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division. The program was introduced in 1950 - some 30 years after the Soviets' efforts in parapsychology research. Though paper reveals the USSR's early research into the subject, it does not disclose the results of such experiments or whether or not similar work is ongoing in Russia today.

An exam ple of a generator from the psychotronics program of w hich very little w as know n in previous years

Unlike the Soviets' research, Project MKUltra has been well documented since being shut down in 1973. The program was officially sanctioned in 1953, and carried out much of its research illegally by enlisting unwitting subjects who were, on occasion, subjected to taking drugs without their knowledge. Researchers used various methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture. As many as 80 institutions carried out the research including universities, hospitals and colleges. It was first brought to the attention of the public in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, but all files relating to the research had been destroyed under the instruction of former CIA director Richard Helms in 1973.

Read more: Exposed: The Soviet Union spent $1 billion on mind-control program

Comments (51)
Share what you think Newest Oldest Best rated Worst rated Loading... SeanBoon, Hampshire, 6 hours ago How much have other nations spent / wasted? is my next question.

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Click to rate FinolaMoss, sheffield, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago The worrying thing is this research was to keep up with the American CIA . Mind control by pernicious brainwashing is the ultimate social and political control. It appears to have crept into corporations through codes of conduct, branding, open plan offices, managerialism and psychometric tests. PR, advertising, media and political correctness are the more insidious form of accepted brainwashing . Let us investigate our own and America's past and present programmes before we judge Russia.

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Click to rate The Blue Iguana, North Side, Jamaica, 6 hours ago The Soviets had a superb mind control system. It was called the Gulag.

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Allan, English love it, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago They are still using this today not just the Russians

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Hand_Me_My_Shotgun, Idiocracy, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

This is something they may have dabbled in but the chief strategy (and a very successful one too) has been to use liberal / lefty Quislings and useful idiots to undermine, dismantle and destroy the West's institutions and morale through a methodology known as Gramsci / Stealth / Cultural Marxism.

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Click to rate Surrounded by fools, London, 6 hours ago Gathering electricity from living things? Try Nikola Tesla. He made Einstien look like an intellectual minnow. He discovered 'free' electricity from the ether and was such a threat to the establishment, spent the last years of his life under federal house arrest and died a pauper.

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Click to rate Sceptical Man, Sittingbourne, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago We don't need all that, because we have our politically biased newspapers and other media that do a far more efficient job in brainwashing our population.

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Click to rate sinking fast, bradford, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago Its a start, heading our gentle public into the reality of alien life here on Earth etc... Sorry but its not all East Enders and Coronation Street. The Mail dare'nt print this.

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Click to rate Johnmens4545, Delft, Netherlands, 6 hours ago Why dont you report on the British program of medical experiments on animals and humas to control the mind? MKUltra mentions the English advancements were significant.

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Click to rate Whitestones, Le Thor, 6 hours ago The Soviets had a very successful mind control programme, it was called Communism. It poisoned the minds of its citizens leading to the deaths of millions who fell under its spell, there and in China. The process even spread to Western Europe where otherwise sensible people were captivated by the false promises it offered. Followers of its corrupt programming are still lingering in the Labour Party, waiting to bring the economic nightmares that flow in its wake.

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