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The Woilu Bealth Assembly is the uecision-making bouy of the Woilu Bealth 0iganization
(WB0). It is attenueu by uelegations fiom all WB0 Nembei States anu focuses on a specific
health agenua piepaieu by the Executive Boaiu. The main functions of the Woilu Bealth
Assembly aie to ueteimine the policies of the 0iganization, appoint the Biiectoi-ueneial,
supeivise financial policies, anu ieview anu appiove the pioposeu piogiam buuget. The Bealth
Assembly is helu annually in ueneva, Switzeilanu.
The 67
Woilu Bealth Assembly will be helu fiom the 19
to 24
of Nay 2u14. You can finu
moie infoimation on: www.who.intmeuiacentieeventsgoveinancewhaeninuex.html
IPSF is piouu to announce that this yeai we will be incluuing up to 2u membeis to attenu the
Woilu Bealth Assembly. In oiuei to be selecteu foi this piestigious oppoitunity, you will neeu
to senu in a Cv (cuiiiculum vitae), anu a lettei of intent uetailing why you want to attenu the
Bealth Assembly. The lettei of intent must be a maximum of 7uu woius.
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All paiticipants will be notifieu of theii acceptance by the 1
of Febiuaiy 2u14 at the latest.
N0TE: Financial assistance fiom IPSF is not available foi this meeting. The paiticipants aie
iesponsible foi all costs involveu.
Sheena Patel
Chaiipeison of Public Bealth 2u1S-14
Inteinational Phaimaceutical Stuuents' Feueiation

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