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New Libertarian Manifesto

by Samuel Edward Konkin III

Koman Publishing, 1983 Dedication to hris !" #ame who told me, $Don%t get it right, get it written&$

'cknowledgments abo(e all to

)udwig *on +ises, +urray ," !othbard, !obert )e-e(re, and their sources"

1" st Printing by 'narchosamisdat Press . /ctober 1980 1" nd Printing by Koman Publishing o" . -ebruary 1983 Printed at +orningrise Printing

Pre2ace I" Statism3 /ur ondition

)ibertarianism ( coercion" #he nature o2 the State" onstituents o2 libertarianism and di(ersity o2 +o(ement" #he State strikes back3 anti.4rinci4les" 5ays and not.ways to )iberty" 6etrayal and res4onse, action o(er all"

II" 'gorism3 /ur 7oal

onsistency o2 ends, o2 means, o2 ends and means" Portrayal o2 agorist society" !estoration theory3 restitution, time loss and a44rehension cost8 inherent ad(antages" 'gorism de2ined" /b9ections countered"


ounter.Economics3 /ur +eans

+icro acti(ity and macro conse:uences" 'gorists3 counter.economists with libertarian consciousness" #he 4ur4ose o2 $Establishment$ economics" Ste4 by ste4 backward 2rom agorism to statism ;2or theoretical 4ur4oses<" 6lack and grey markets3 the unconscious agora" $#hird,$ $Second,$ and $-irst$ 5orld ounter.Economic status and grossest e=am4les" ounter.Economics in all 2ields o2 commerce e(en in ,orth 'merica, some e=clusi(ely counter.economic" >ni(ersality o2 ounter.Economics and reasons 2or it" )imitation o2 counter. economics and reasons" #he role o2 the intelligentsia and Establishment media" -ailure o2 counter.cultures and the key to success" Ste4s 2rom statism to agorism and the risk o2 market 4rotection" #he 2undamental 4rinci4le o2 counter.economics" #he reason 2or ine(itable growth o2 agorist counter. economic sub.society"

I*" !e(olution3 /ur Strategy

Sel2.aware counter.economics enough but some burn to do more . 2ight or su44ort struggle" ombati(ity inade:uate without strategy" Phases o2 agorist growth decide a44ro4riate strategy" #actics that are always a44ro4riate" ,ew )ibertarian 'lliance as association 2or entre4reneuring )iberty" )ibertarian creed is constraint o2 ,ew )ibertarian tactics" Phase 03 ?ero.Density 'gorist Society" !aise consciousness" Phase 13 )ow.Density 'gorist Society" !adical caucuses and )ibertarian )e2t" ombat anti.4rinci4les" 'ntici4ate crises o2 statism" Phase 13 +id.Density, Small ondensation 'gorist Society" #he State to strike back but restrained by agorist contamination" ,)' a44ears as its sustenance arri(es" 'ccelerating re(olutionary conditions" Phase 33 @igh. Density, )arge ondensation 'gorist Society" Permanent crisis o2 statism" ,eed to crush counter.economy grows as ability wanes" 'nti. 4rinci4les greatest threat" #he State%s 2inal strike3 !e(olution" Strategy includes delaying tactics and counter.intelligence" orrect de2inition o2 ;(iolent< !e(olution" Phase A3 'gorist Society with Statist Im4urities" olla4se o2 the State and simultaneous dissolution o2 ,)'" @ome&

*" 'ction3 /ur #actics

Some tactics listed" #actics must be disco(ered and a44lied in conte=t" 'cti(ist B entre4reneur" 5here we are not ;then<" /44ortunity 2rom colla4se o2 statist )e2t" /44ortunity 2rom 4remature 4arty sell.out" #he concluding challenge" ,ew )ibertarian 4ledge and rousing 2inish3 'gora, 'narchy, 'ction&

Praise 2or the ,ew )ibertarian +ani2esto3

$Konkin%s writings are to be welcomed" 6ecause we need a lot more 4olycentrism in the mo(ement" 6ecause he shakes u4 Partyarchs who tend to 2all into unthinking com4lacency" 'nd es4ecially because he cares dee4ly about liberty and can read.and.write, :ualities which seem to be going out o2 style in the libertarian mo(ement"$

+urray ," !othbard, Ph"D"

$I am delighted to see the Konkin +ani2esto and can a44laud it in general 2or its 4osition res4ecting consistency, ob9ecti(e and method"""I belie(e it will ha(e and deser(es to ha(e a com4elling in2luences u4on members o2 the %old% le2t"$

!obert )e-e(re

Preface to the First Edition

#he basic 2orm o2 new )ibertarianism arose during my struggle with the )ibertarian Party during its 2ormation in 19C3, and ounter.Economics was 2irst 4ut 2orward to the 4ublic at the -ree Enter4rise -orum in )os 'ngeles in -ebruary 19CA" ,ew )ibertarianism has been 4ro4agated within and without the libertarian mo(ement and its 9ournals, most notably ,ew )ibertarian magaDine, since then" +ore im4ortantly, the acti(ism 4rescribed herein ;es4ecially ounter.Economics< has been 4racticed by the author and his closest allies since 19CE" Se(eral $anarcho(illages$ o2 ,ew )ibertarians ha(e 2ormed and re2ormed" Fust once, wouldn%t you like to read a mani2esto that%s been 4racticed be2ore it%s 4reachedG I wanted to" 'nd I did it" Samuel Edward Konkin III /ctober 1980

Preface to the Second Edition

'n agorist 4ublication ought to be 9udged most se(erely in the 2ree market4lace" Sure enough, the 2irst edition o2 ,ew )ibertarian +ani2esto has been sold out and a second edition, taken u4 by a 2resh entre4reneur looking 2or 4ro2it with his ideology, is with you, the reader" #he market%s 9udgement, to my 4leasant sur4rise, is that ,)+ is the most success2ul o2 my many 4ublications" In the realm o2 ideas, two years is a 2airly short time" ,e(ertheless, attacks on ,)+ ha(e begun in )e2t. enter )ibertarian 4ublications and one such student network newsletter berated errant cha4ters 2or switching allegiance to $that 2lake, Konkin$ only last month" Essays and articles on ounter.Economics and agorism a44ear in more and more non.)e2t ;or non.agorist . yet< libertarian 4ublications" ' truly encouraging sign is the emergence o2 many ounter.Economic entre4reneurs in the Southern ali2ornia area ;and a 2ew scattered around ,orth 'merica and e(en Euro4e< who embrace and distribute ,)+" 'n agorist $industrial 4ark$ has been condensing :uietly in /range ounty between these two editions" #his continuing grati2ication is not idly en9oyed" It has ins4ired the author to continue the dialogue in two issues o2 a theoretical 9ournal based on ,)+, the writing o2 ounter. Economics ;see 2ootnote 3, cha4ter III<, and the 4lanning o2 a theoretical magnum o4us, as Das a4ital was to the ommunist +ani2esto, undoubtedly to be titled 'gorism" 's 2or continuing to 4ractice what I 4reach and e=4anding on the 4ractice, I may add to the end o2 the -irst Pre2ace""" 'nd I%m still doing it"

Samuel Edward Konkin III -ebruary 1983

Statism: Our Condition

5e are coerced by our 2ellow human beings" Since they ha(e the ability to choose to do otherwise, our condition need not be thus" oercion is immoral, ine22icient and unnecessary 2or human li2e and 2ul2illment" #hose who wish to be su4ine as their neighbors 4rey on them are 2ree to so choose8 this mani2esto is 2or those who choose otherwise3 to 2ight back" #o combat coercion, one must understand it" +ore im4ortantly, one must understand what one is 2ighting 2or as much as what one is 2ighting against" 6lind reaction goes in all directions negati(e to the source o2 o44ression and dis4erses o44ortunity8 4ursuit o2 a common goal 2ocuses the o44onents and allows 2ormation o2 coherent strategy and tactics" Di22use coercion is o4timally handled by local, immediate sel2.de2ense" #hough the market may de(elo4 larger.scale businesses 2or 4rotection and restoration, random threats o2 (iolence can only be dealt with roots o2 mysticism and delusions 4lanted dee4 in the (ictims% thinking, re:uires a grand strategy and a cataclysmic 4oint o2 historical singularity3 !e(olution" Such an institution o2 coercion, centraliDing immorality, directing the2t and murder, and co.ordinating o44ression on a scale inconcei(able by random criminality e=ists" It is the +ob o2 mobs, 7ang o2 gangs, ons4iracy o2 cons4iracies" It has murdered more 4eo4le in a 2ew recent years than all the deaths in history be2ore that time8 it has stolen in a 2ew recent years more than all the wealth 4roduced in history to that time8 it has deluded . 2or its sur(i(al . more minds in a 2ew recent years than all the irrationality o2 history to that time" /ur Enemy, #he State" H1I In the 10th entury alone, war has murdered more than all 4re(ious deaths8 ta=es and in2lation ha(e stolen more than all wealth 4re(iously 4roduced8 and the 4olitical lies, 4ro4aganda, and abo(e all, $Education$ ha(e twisted more minds than all the su4erstition 4rior8 yet through all the deliberate con2usion and ob2uscation, the thread o2 reason has de(elo4ed 2ibers o2 resistance to be wo(en into the ro4e o2 e=ecution 2or the State3 )ibertarianism" 5here the State di(ides and con:uers its o44osition, )ibertarianism unites and liberates" 5here the State beclouds, )ibertarianism clari2ies8 where the State conceals, )ibertarianism unco(ers8 where the State 4ardons, )ibertarianism accuses" )ibertarianism elaborates an entire 4hiloso4hy 2rom one sim4le 4remise3 initiatory (iolence or its threat ;coercion< is wrong ;immoral, e(il, bad, su4remely im4ractical, etc< and is 2orbidden8 nothing else is" H3I )ibertarianism, as de(elo4ed to this 4oint, disco(ered the 4roblem and de2ined the solution3 the State (s the +arket" #he +arket is the sum o2 all (oluntary human action" HAI I2 one acts non.coerci(ely, one is 4art o2 the +arket" #hus did Economics become 4art o2 )ibertarianism" )ibertarianism in(estigated the nature o2 man to e=4lain his rights deri(ing 2rom non. coercion" It immediately 2ollowed that man ;woman, child, +artian, etc"< had an absolute right to this li2e and other 4ro4erty . and no other" #hus did /b9ecti(e 4hiloso4hy become 4art o2 )ibertarianism"

)ibertarianism asked why society was not libertarian now and 2ound the State, its ruling class, its camou2lage, and the heroic historians stri(ing to re(eal the truth" #hus did !e(isionist @istory become 4art o2 )ibertarianism" Psychology, es4ecially as de(elo4ed by #homas SDasD as counter.4sychology, was embraced by libertarians seeking to 2ree themsel(es 2rom both state restraint and sel2.im4risonment" Seeking an art 2orm to e=4ress the horror 4otential o2 the State and e=tra4olate the many 4ossibilities o2 liberty, )ibertarianism 2ound Science -iction already in the 2ield" -rom the 4olitical, economic, 4hiloso4hical, 4sychological, historical and artistic realms the 4artisans o2 liberty saw a whole, integrating their resistance with others elsewhere, and they came together as their consciousness became aware" #hus did )ibertarians become a +o(ement" #he )ibertarian +o(ement looked around and saw the challenge3 e(erywhere, /ur Enemy, #he State, 2rom the ocean%s de4th 4ast arid out4osts to the lunar sur2ace in e(ery land, 4eo4le, tribe, nation . and indi(idual mind" Some sought immediate alliance with other o44onents o2 the 4ower elite to o(erthrow the State%s 4resent rulers" HEI Some sought immediate con2rontation with the State%s agents" HJI Some 4ursued collaboration with those in 4ower who o22ered less o44ression 2or (otes" HCI 'nd some dug in 2or long.term enlightenment o2 the 4o4ulace to build and de(elo4 the +o(ement" H8I E(erywhere, a )ibertarian 'lliance o2 acti(ists s4rang u4" H9I #he State%s @igher ircles were not about to yield their 4lunder and restore 4ro4erty to their (ictims at the 2irst sign o2 o44osition" #he 2irst counter. attack came 2rom anti.4rinci4les already 4lanted by the corru4t Intellectual aste3 De2eatism, !etreatism, +inarchy, ollaborationism, 7radualism, +onocentris and !e2ormism . including acce4ting State o22ice to $im4ro(e$ Statism& 'll o2 these anti.4rinci4les ;de(iations, heresies, sel2.destructi(e contradictory tenets, etc"< will be dealt with later" 5orst o2 all is Partyarchy, the anti.conce4t o2 4ursuing libertarian ends through statist means, es4ecially 4olitical 4arties" ' $)ibertarian$ Party was the second counter.attack o2 the State unleased on the 2ledgling )ibertarians, 2irst as a ludicrous o=ymoron H10I, then as an in(ading army" H11I #he third counter.attack was an attem4t by one o2 the ten richest ca4italists in the >nited States to buy the ma9or )ibertarian institutions . not 9ust the Party . and run the mo(ement as other 4lutocrats run all the other 4olitical 4arties in ca4italist states" H11I #he degree o2 success those statist counter.attacks had in corru4ting libertarianism led to a s4lintering o2 the +o(ement%s $)e2t$ and the des4airing 4aralyDation o2 others" 's disillusionment grew with $)ibertarianism,$ the disillusioned sought answers to this new 4roblem3 the State within as well as the State without" @ow do we a(oid being used by the State and its 4ower eliteG #hat is, they asked, how can we a(oid de(iations 2rom the 4ath o2 liberty when we know there are more than oneG #he market has many 4aths to 4roduction and consum4tion o2 a 4roduct, and none are 4er2ectly 4redictable" So e(en i2 one tells us how to get 2rom here ;statism< to there ;liberty<, how do we know that%s the best wayG

'lready some are dredging u4 the old strategies o2 mo(ements long dead with other goals" ,ew 4aths are indeed being o22ered . back to the State" H13I 6etrayal, inad(ertent or 4lanned, continues" It need not" 5hile no one can 4redict the se:uence o2 ste4s which will unerringly achie(e a 2ree society 2or 2ree.willed indi(iduals, one can eliminate in one slash all those which will not ad(ance )iberty, and a44lying the 4rinci4les o2 the +arket unwa(eringly will ma4 out a terrain to tra(el" #here is no /ne 5ay, one straight line gra4h to )iberty, to be sure" 6ut there is a 2amily o2 gra4hs, a S4ace 2illed with lines, which will take the libertarian to his goal o2 the 2ree society, and that S4ace can be described" /nce the goal is 2i=ed and the 4aths disco(ered, only the 'ction o2 the indi(idual to go 2rom here to there remains" 'bo(e all else, this mani2esto calls 2or that 'ction" H1AI

-ootnotes ......... H1I I am indebted to !obert )e-e(re 2or this insight, though we draw di22ering conclusions" H1I #hank you, 'lbert F" ,ock, 2or that 4hrase" H3I +odern )ibertarianism is best e=4lained by +urray !othbard in -or ' ,ew )iberty, which, regardless how recent the edition, is always a year or more out o2 date" !ecommending e(en the best writing on libertarianism is like recommending one song to e=4lain music in all its 2orms" HAI #hank you, )udwig *on +ises" HEI !adical )ibertarian 'lliance, 19J8.C1 HJI Student )ibertarian 'ction +o(ement, 19J8.C1, later re(i(ed brie2ly as a 4roto. +))" HCI itiDens 2or a !estructured !e4ublic, 19C1, made u4 o2 !)' members disillusioned with re(olution" H8I Society 2or Indi(idual )iberty 19J9. " 'lso !am4art ollege ;now de2unct< and the -oundation 2or Economic Education and -ree Enter4rise Institute all who were around be2ore the libertarian 4o4ulation e=4losion o2 19J9" H9I +ost im4ortantly, the ali2ornia )ibertarian 'lliance, 19J9.C3" #he name is still ke4t ali(e 2or s4onsorshi4 o2 con2erences and in the >nited Kingdom" H10I #he 2irst $)ibertarian$ Party was set u4 by 7abriel 'guilar and Ed 6utler in ali2ornia in 19C0, as a hollow shell to gain media access" ;'guilar, a 7alambosian, was staunchly anti.4olitical"< E(en ,olan%s $)$P was mocked and scorned by such as +urray !othbard in the 2irst year o2 its e=istence"

H11I #he $)ibertarian$ Party which e(entually organiDed nationally and ran Fohn @os4ers and #oni ,athan 2or President and *ice.President in 19C1 was 2irst organiDed by Da(id and Susan ,olan in December 19C1 in olorado" D" ,olan was a +assachusetts K'-er who had broken with K'- back in 19JC and missed the 19J9 clima= in St" )ouis" @e remained conser(ati(e and minarchist right u4 to this 2irst edition" 'lthough the ,olans were rather innocent, and other early organiDations and candidates o2ten so, the debate on the $Party Luestion$ began immediately" ,ew )ibertarian ,otes attacked the $)$P conce4t in S4ring o2 19C1 and ran a debate between ,olan and Konkin 9ust be2ore the election ;,), 1E<" 6y the 1980 4residential cam4aign, the ,olans had broken with the $)$P leadershi4 o2 Ed rane and his candidate Ed lark who ran a high.4owered, high.2inanced, traditional (ote.chasing and 4lat2orm.trimming cam4aign" H11I harles 7" Koch, 5ichita oil billionaire, through his relati(es, 2oundations, institutes and centers bought or set u4 or $bought out$ the 2ollowing 2rom 19CJ.19C93 +urray !othbard and his )ibertarian -orum8 )ibertarian !e(iew ;2rom !obert Ke4hart< edited by !oy" '" hilds8 Students 2or a )ibertarian Society ;S)S< run by +ilton +ueller8 enter 2or )ibertarian Studies ;!othbard.leaning< and Foe Peden8 In:uiry edited by 5illiamson E(ers8 ato Institute8 and (arious Koch -unds, -oundations and Institutes" ,amed the $Kochto4us$ in ,ew )ibertarian 1 ;-ebruary, 19C8<, it was 2irst attacked in 4rint by Edith E2ron in the conser(ati(e.libertarian 4ublication !eason, along with allegations o2 an $anarchist$ cons4iracy" #he +o(ement o2 the )ibertarian )e2t cut away 2rom E2ron%s anti.anarchist ra(ings and rushed to su44ort her on her key re(elation o2 the growth o2 monocentrism in the +o(ement" In 19C9, the Kochto4us took control o2 the ,ational )ibertarian Party at the )os 'ngeles con(ention" Da(id Koch, harles% brother, o4enly bought the *P nomination 2or ME00,000" H13I +urray !othbard broke with the Kochto4us soon a2ter the %C9 )P on(ention and most o2 his close allies were 4urged such as 5illiamson E(ers o2 In:uiry" )S was cut o22 2rom Koch 2unding" #he )ibertarian -orum began attacking Koch" !othbard and young Fustin !aimondo set u4 a new $radical$ caucus o2 the )P ;the 2irst one, 19C1. CA, was run by 4rogenitors o2 ,)' as a recruiting tactic and to destroy the Party 2rom within<" 'lthough !othbard was mo(ed to ask $Is Sam Konkin rightG$ in his Fuly 1980 s4eech to a ! dinner in /range ounty, the ! strategy is to re2orm the )P using ,ew )e2t and neo.+ar=ist tactics" H1AI I ho4e subse:uent editions may omit this note, but in the 4resent historical conte=t it is (ital to 4oint out that )ibertarianism is not s4eci2ically 2or the most $ad(anced$ or enlightened elements in ,orth 'merica, 4erha4s ty4i2ied by the young, white, com4uter consultant, e:ually 2eminist mate ;and 1N1 children<" /nly the 2reest market can raise the $Second$ and $#hird 5orld$ 2rom grinding 4o(erty and sel2.destructi(e su4erstition" om4ulsory attem4ts to critically raise 4roduction standards and associated cultural understanding ha(e caused backlash

and regression3 e"g" Iran and '2ghanistan" +ostly, the State has engaged in deliberate re4ression o2 sel2.im4ro(ement" Luasi.2ree markets, such as the 2ree 4orts o2 @ong Kong, Singa4ore, and Shanghai ;earlier<, attracted 2loods o2, highly moti(ated entre4reneurs" #he incredibly highly de(elo4ed black market o2 6urma already runs the entire economy and needs only a libertarian awareness to oust ,e 5in and the 'rmy and accelerated trade to annihilate 4o(erty almost o(ernight" Similar obser(ations are 4ossible about de(elo4ed black markets and tolerated semi. 2ree markets in the $Second 5orld$ o2 So(iet occu4ation such as 'rmenia, 7eorgia and the !ussian counter.economy" H1EI ,ote to Second Edition3 #he abo(e note is still, sadly enough, needed"

Agorism: Our Goal

#he basic 4rinci4le which leads a libertarian 2rom statism to his 2ree society is the same which the 2ounders o2 libertarianism used to disco(er the theory itsel2" #hat 4rinci4le is consistency" #hus, the consistent a44lication o2 the theory o2 libertarianism to e(ery action the indi(idual libertarian takes creates the libertarian society" +any thinkers ha(e e=4ressed the need 2or consistency between means and ends and not all were libertarians" Ironically, many statists ha(e claimed inconsistency between laudable ends and contem4tible means8 yet when their true ends o2 greater 4ower and o44ression were understood, their means are 2ound to be :uite consistent" It is 4art o2 the statist mysti:ue to con2use the necessity o2 ends.means consistency8 it is thus the most crucial acti(ity o2 the libertarian theorist to e=4ose inconsistencies" +any theorists ha(e done to admirably8 but we ha(e attem4ted and most 2ailed to describe the consistent means and ends combination o2 libertarianism" H1I 5hether or not this mani2esto is itsel2 correct can be determined by the same 4rinci4le" I2 consistency 2ails, then all within is meaningless8 in 2act, language is then gibberish and e=istence a 2raud" #his cannot be o(er. em4hasiDed" Should an inconsistency be disco(ered in these 4ages, then the consistent re2ormulation is ,ew )ibertarianism, not what has been 2ound in error" ,ew )ibertarianism ;agorism< cannot be discredited without )iberty or !eality ;or both< being discredited, only an incorrect 2ormulation" )et us begin by sighting our goal" 5hat does a 2ree society look like, or at least a society as 2ree as we can ho4e to achie(e with our 4resent understandingG H1I >ndoubtedly the 2reest society yet en(isioned is that o2 !obert )e-e(re" 'll relations between 4eo4le are (oluntary e=changes . a 2ree market" ,o one will in9ure another or tres4ass in any way" /2 course, a lot more than statism would be to be eliminated 2rom indi(idual consciousness 2or his society to e=ist" +ost damaging o2 all to this 4er2ectly 2ree society is its lack o2 a mechanism o2 correction" H3I 'll it takes is a hand2ul o2 4ractitioners o2 coercion who en9oy their ill.gotten 4lunder in enough com4any to sustain them . and 2reedom is dead" E(en i2 all are li(ing 2ree, one $bite o2 the a44le,$ one throwback, reading old history or redisco(ering e(il on his own, will $un2ree$ the 4er2ect society" #he to a 2ree society is the )ibertarian society" Eternal (igilance is the 4rice o2 )iberty ;#homas Fe22erson< and it may be 4ossible to ha(e a small number o2 indi(iduals in the market4lace ready to de2end against s4oradic aggression" /r large numbers may retain su22icient knowledge and ability to use that knowledge o2 basic sel2.de2ense to deter random attacks ;the coercer ne(er knowing who might be well (ersed in de2ense< and eliminate the 4ro2itability o2 systematic (iolence initiation" E(en so, there remain two 4roblems inordinately di22icult 2or this system o2 $'narchy with s4ontaneous de2ense"$ -irst is the 4roblem o2 de2ending those who are noticeably de2enseless" #his can be reduced by ad(anced technology to 4eo4le who are :uadri4legic morons ;assuming that won%t be sol(ed by su22icient technology< and (ery young children who re:uire constant attention anyways" #hen there are those

who 2or a brie2 time go de2enseless and the e(en rarer cases o2 those who are o(erwhelmed by (iolence initiators wishing to test their skills against a 4robably weaker 2oe" ;#he last is most rare sim4ly because o2 the high risk and low material return on in(estment"< #hose who need not . and should not . be de2ended are those who consciously choose not to be3 4aci2ists" )e-e(re and his disci4les need ne(er 2ear some )ibertarian will use methods they 2ind re4ugnant to de2end them" ;Perha4s they can wear a $do(e$ button 2or :uick recognitionsG< -ar more im4ortant is what to do with the (iolence initiator a2ter de2ense" #he case in which one%s 4ro4erty is (iolated success2ully and one is not there to 4rotect it comes readily to mind" 'nd 2inally, though actually a s4ecial case o2 the abo(e, is the 4ossibility o2 2raud and other 2orms o2 contract (iolation" HAI #hese cases may be settled by the 4rimiti(e $shoot.out$ or socially . that is, through the inter(ention o2 a third 4arty who has no (ested interest in either o2 the two 4arties to the dis4ute" #his case is the 2undamental 4roblem o2 society" HEI 'ny attem4ts to 2orce a solution against the wishes to both 4arties (iolates )ibertarian 4rinci4le" So a $shoot.out$ in(ol(ing no risk to third 4arties is acce4table . but hardly 4ro2itable or e22icient or e(en ci(iliDed ;aesthetically 4leasing< sa(e to a 2ew cultists" #he solution then re:uires a 9udge, $-air 5itness$ or arbitrator" /nce an arbitrator to a dis4ute or 9udge o2 an aggression has 4er2ormed 9udgment and communicated the decision, en2orcement may be re:uired" ;Paci2ists may choose arbitration without en2orcement, by the way"< #he 2ollowing market system has been 4ro4osed by !othbard, )inda and +orris #annehill, and others8 it need not be de2initi(e and may be im4ro(ed by ad(ances in theory and technology ;as this author has already done<" 't this stage o2 history, it seems o4timal and is 4resented here as the beginning working model" -irst, always lea(ing out these who choose not to 4artici4ate, one insures onesel2 against aggression or the2t" /ne can e(en assign a (alue to one%s li2e in ase o2 murder ;or inad(ertent manslaughter< which may range 2rom the taking o2 the (iolence. initiator%s li2e to taking re4laceable organs ;technology willing< to restore li2e to the 4ayment to a 2oundation to continue one%s li2e%s work" 5hat is crucial here is that the (ictim assigns the (alue to his li2e, body and 4ro4erty be2ore the misha4" ;E=changeable goods may sim4ly be re4laced at market rate" See below"< ' 2inds 4ro4erty missing and re4orts it to the insurance com4any I'" I' either through another di(ision or through another di(ision or through a se4arate detecti(e agency ;D< in(estigates" I' 4rom4tly re4laces the ob9ect to ' so that loss o2 use o2 good is minimiDed" HJI D ,ow may 2ail to disco(er the missing 4ro4erty" In that case, the loss to I' is co(ered by the 4remiums 4aid 2or the insurance" ,ote well that in order to kee4 4remiums low and com4etiti(e, I' has a strong incenti(e to ma=imiDe retrie(al o2 stolen or lost goods" ;/ne could wa= elo:uent 2or (olumes on the lack o2 such incenti(e 2or mono4oly detection systems such as State 4olice 2orces, and their horrendous social cost"<

I- D does disco(er the goods, say in 6%s 4ossession, and 6 2reely returns them ;4erha4s induced by reward<, the case is closed" /nly i2 6 claims 4ro4erty right in the ob9ect also claimed by ' does con2lict arise" 6 has insurance com4any I6 which may 4er2orm its own inde4endent in(estigation and con(ince I' that D erred" -ailing that, I' and I6 are now in con2lict" 't this 4oint, the standard ob9ections to market anarchy ha(e been brought u4 that the $war$ between ' and 6 has been enlarged to include large insurance com4anies which may ha(e siDeable 4rotection di(isions or contracts with 4rotection com4anies ;P' and P6<" 6ut wherein lies the incenti(e 2or I' and I6 to use (iolence and destroy not only its com4etitor%s assets but surely at least some o2 its ownG #hey ha(e e(en less incenti(e in a market society long established8 the com4anies ha(e s4ecialists and ca4ital tied u4 in de2ense" 'ny com4any in(estigating in o22ense would become highly sus4ect and surely lose customers in a 4redominantly )ibertarian society ;which is what is under discussion<" *ery chea4ly and 4ro2itably, I' and I6 can sim4ly 4ay and arbitration com4any to settle the dis4ute, 4resenting their res4ecti(e claims and e(idence" I2 6 has right2ul claim, I' dro4s the case, taking its small lose ;com4ared to war&< and has e=cellent incenti(e to im4ro(e its in(estigation" I2 ' has right2ul claim, the re(erse is now true 2or I6" /nly at this 4oint, when the matter has been 2ully contested, in(estigated and 9udged, and still 6 re2uses to relin:uish the stolen 4ro4erty, would (iolence occur" ;6 may ha(e only been bothered so 2ar as being noti2ied o2 I6%s de2ense on 6%s behal2, and 6 may ha(e chosen to ignore it8 no sub4oena could be issued until a2ter con(iction"< 6ut P6 and I6 ste4 aside and 6 must now 2ace a com4etent, e22icient team o2 s4ecialists in reco(ery o2 stolen 4ro4erty" E(en i2 6 is near.mad in his resistance at this 4oint, he would 4robably be neutraliDed with minimum 2uss by a market agency eager 2or a good 4ublic image and more customers . including 6 himsel2 some day" 'bo(e all, P' must act so as not to in(oke anyone else or harm other%s 4ro4erty" 6 or I6 is now liable 2or restoration" #his can be di(ided into three 4arts3 restitution, time 4re2erence, and a44rehension" !estitution is the return o2 the original good or its market e:ui(alent" #his could be a44lied e(en to 4arts o2 the human body or the (alue set on one%s li2e" #ime 4re2erence is the restitution o2 the time.use lose and is easily determined by the market rate o2 interest which I' had to 4ay to immediately restore '%s 4ro4erty" '44rehension is the sum o2 the cost o2 in(estigation, detection, arbitration and en2orcement" ,ote how well the market works to gi(e 6 a high incenti(e to restore the loot :uickly to minimiDe a44rehension cost ;e=actly the o44osite to most statist systems< and to minimiDe interest accrued" -inally, note all the incenti(es 2or swi2t, e22icient 9ustice and restoration with a minimum o2 2uss and (iolence" ontrast this with all other systems in o4eration8 note as well that in 4arts all this system has been tried success2ully throughout history" /nly the whole is new and e=clusi(e to )ibertarian #heory" #his model o2 restoration has been s4elled out so s4eci2ically, e(en though it may be

im4ro(ed and de(elo4ed, because it sol(es the only social 4roblem in(ol(ing any (iolence whatsoe(er" #he rest o2 this )ibertarian society can be best 4ictured by imaginati(e science 2iction authors with a good grounding in 4ra=eology ;+ises% term 2or the study o2 human action, es4ecially, but not only, economics"< Some hallmarks o2 this society . libertarian in theory and in 4ractice, called agorist, 2rom the 7reek agora, meaning $o4en market4lace$ . are ra4id inno(ations in science, technology, communication, trans4ortation, 4roduction and distribution" ' com4lementary case can be made 2or ra4id inno(ation and de(elo4ment in the arts and humanities to kee4 u4 with the more material 4rogress8 also, such non.material 4rogress would be likely because o2 total liberty in all 2orms o2 non.(iolent artistic e=4ression and e(er.more ra4id and com4lete communication o2 it to willing reci4ients" #he libertarian literature e=tolling these bene2its o2 2reedom is already a large body and growing ra4idly" /ne must conclude this descri4tion o2 restoration theory by dealing with some o2 the arcane ob9ections to it" +ost o2 these reduce to challenges to ascribing (alue to (iolated goods or 4ersons" )etting the im4ersonal market and the (ictim decide seems most 2air to both (ictim and aggressor" #he latter 4oint o22ense some who 2eel 4unishment is re:uired 2or e(il in thought8 re(ersibility o2 deed is not enough 2or them" HCI #hough none o2 them has come u4 with a moral basis 2or 4unishment, !othbard and Da(id -riedman in 4articular argue 2or the economic necessity o2 deterrence" #hey argue that any 4ercentage o2 a44rehension less than 100O allows a small 4robability o2 success8 hence, a $rational criminal$ may choose to take the risk 2or his gain" #hus additional deterrence must be added in the 2orm o2 4unishment" #hat this also will decrease the incenti(e 2or the aggressor to turn himsel2 in and thus lower 2urther the rate o2 a44rehension is not considered, or 4erha4s the 4unishment is to be escalated at e(er.2aster rates to beat the accelerating rate o2 e(asion" 's this is written, the lowest rate o2 e(asion 2rom state.de2ined crimes is 80O8 most criminals ha(e better than 90O chance o2 not being caught" #his is within a 4unishment. rehabilitation system where no restoration occurs ;the (ictim being 2urther 4lundered by ta=ation to su44ort the 4enal system< and the market is banished" Small wonder there is a thri(ing $red market$ in non.State (iolence initiation& E(en so, this criticism o2 agorist restoration 2ails to note that there is an $entro4y$ 2actor" #he 4otential aggressor must 4ut the gain o2 the ob9ect o2 the2t against the loss o2 the ob9ect 4lus interest 4lus a44rehension cost" It is true that i2 he turns himsel2 in immediately, the latter two are minimal . but so are the costs to the (ictim and insurer" ,ot only is agorist restoration ha44ily deterrent in a reci4rocal relation with com4liance, but the market cost o2 the a44rehension 2actor allows a 4recise :uanti2iable measurement o2 the social cost o2 coercion in society" ,o other 4ro4osed system known to this time does that" 's most libertarians ha(e been saying, 2reedom works" ,owhere in agorist restoration theory do the thoughts o2 the aggressor enter into the 4icture" #he aggressor is assumed only to be a human actor and res4onsible 2or his actions" -urthermore, what business is it o2 anyone else what anyone thinksG 5hat is

rele(ant is what the aggressor does" #hought is not action8 in thought, at least, anarchy remains absolute" H8I I2 you sit u4 in shock to 2ind I ha(e crashed through your 4icture window, and then made sure e(eryone will continue to li(e, you don%t 4articularly care i2 I tri44ed and 2ell through while walking by or I engaged in some act o2 irrational anger 9um4ing through or e(en whether it was a 4remeditated 4lan to distract 4rotectors across the street 2rom noticing a bank heist" 5hat you want is your window back 4ronto ;and the mess cleared<" 5hat I think is irrele(ant to your restoration" In 2act, it can be easily demonstrated that e(en the smallest e=4enditure o2 energy on this sub9ect is 4ure waste" +oti(ation . or sus4ected moti(ation, which is all we can know H8I . may be rele(ant to detection and e(en to 4ro(e 4lausibility o2 the aggressor%s action to an arbitrator i2 there may be two e:ually 4robably sus4ects, but all that matters 2or 9ustice . as a libertarian sees is . is that the (ictim has been restored to a condition as identical as 4ossible to 4re.harm" )et 7od or conscience 4unish $guilty thoughts"$ H9I 'nother ob9ection raised concerns what will be done about (iolence initiators who ha(e 4aid their debt ;to the indi(idual, not $society$<, and are $2ree$ to try again . with greater e=4erience" 5hat about recidi(ism, so 4re(alent in statist societyG /2 course, once one is marked as an aggressor, one will 4robably be watched more closely and thought o2 2irst when a similar crime is committed" 'nd while work.cam4s may be used to re4ay restitution in a 2ew e=treme cases, most aggressors will be allowed to work in relati(e 2reedom on bond" #hus no $institutions o2 criminal higher learning$ like 4risons will be around to educate and encourage aggression" #he distinguishing characteristic o2 a highly e22icient and accurate system o2 9udgment and 4rotection will be that it will occu4y a negligible 2raction o2 an indi(idual%s time, thought or money" /ne can then argue that we ha(e not 4ortrayed 99O o2 the agorist society at all" 5hat about elimination o2 sel2.destruction ;which )ibertarianism does not deal with<, s4ace e=4loration and coloniDation, li2e e=tension, intelligence increase, inter4ersonal relations and aesthetic (ariationsG 'll that really can and need be said is that where must s4end hal2 or more o2 his time and energy ser(ing or resisting the State, that ;4hysicist de2inition o2 action< will be usable 2or all other as4ects o2 sel2.im4ro(ement and harnessing o2 nature" It takes a cynical (iew o2 humanity indeed to imagine anything but a richer, ha44ier society" #his then is a sketch o2 our goal and detailed 4icture or enlarged 2ocus on the as4ect o2 9ustice and 4rotection" 5e ha(e the $here$ and the $there"$ ,ow 2or the 4ath . ounter.Economics"

-ootnotes ......... H1I #o cite the most s4ectacular so 2ar3 o +urray !othbard will use any 4ast 4olitical strategy to 2urther libertarianism, 2alling back on e(er more radical ones when the 4re(iously tried ones 2ail"

o !obert )e-e(re ad(ocates a 4urity o2 thought and deed in each indi(idual which this author and may other 2ind ins4iring" 6ut he holds back 2rom describing a com4lete strategy resulting 2rom these 4ersonal tactics, 4artially due to a 2ear o2 being charged with 4rescribing as well as describing" #his author has no such 2ear" )e-e(re%s 4aci2ism also dilutes the attraction o2 his libertarian tactics, 4robably 2ar more than deser(ed" o 'ndrew F" 7alambos ad(ocates a 2airly counter.economic 4osition ;see the ne=t cha4ter< but 4ositi(ely dri(es away recruits by his stance and his $secret society$ organiDation tactic" @is $4rimary 4ro4erty$ de(iationism, like )e-e(re%s 4aci2ism, 4robably also detracts 2rom the rest o2 his theory more than is warranted" o @arry 6rown%s %@ow I -ound -reedom In 'n >n2ree 5orld% is an immensely 4o4ular guide to 4ersonal liberation" @a(ing been in2luenced by !othbard, )e-e(re and 7alambos, 6rowne 2airly correctly, i2 su4er2icially, ma4s out (alid tactics 2or the indi(idual to sur(i(e and 4ros4er in a statist society" @e o22ers no o(erall strategy, and his techni:ues would break down in an ad(anced counter.economic system as it nears the 2ree society" o ' de(iation with no 4articular s4okes4erson but associated largely with the )ibertarian onnection is the idea o2 achie(ing 2reedom by out2lanking the State with technology" #his seems to ha(e 4lausible (alidity in the recent case o2 the >"S" State deciding not to regulate the e=4losi(e.growth in2ormation industry" 6ut i2 2ails to take into account the ingenuity o2 those who will kee4 statism around as long as 4eo4le demand it" H1I 5hen our understanding increases, one assumes we can achie(e a 2reer society" H3I In #he 7reat E=4losion, S- writer Eric -rank !ussell 4osits a society close to that en(isioned by )e-e(re" #he 4aci2ist 7ands did ha(e a correction mechanism 2or occasionally aberrant indi(iduals . the $Idle Fack$ cases" >n2ortunately, shunning would 2ail the moment the coercers reached a $critical number$ to 2orm a su44orti(e, sel2.sustaining sub.society" #hat they could is ob(ious . they ha(e& HAI #he +ises.!othbard 4osition that 2raud and 2ailure to 2ul2ill contract ;the latter may be taken care o2 by clauses in the contract, o2 course< is itsel2 the2t3 o2 2uture goods" #he basis o2 contract is the trans2er o2 4resent goods ;consideration here and now< 2or 2uture goods ;consideration there and then<" 'll the2t is (iolence initiation, either the use o2 2orce to take 4ro4erty away in(oluntarily or to 4re(ent recei4t o2 goods or return o2 4ayment 2or those goods which were 2reely trans2erred by agreement" HEI Society, as +ises 4oints out, e=ists because o2 the ad(antages o2 di(ision o2 labor" 6y s4ecialiDing in di22erent ste4s o2 4roduction, indi(iduals 2ind total wealth 4roduced greater than by their indi(idual e22orts" HJI 't this 4oint we must introduce +ises% conce4t o2 time 4re2erence" -uture goods are always discounted relati(e to 4resent goods because o2 the use.time 2oregone" 5hile indi(idual (alues o2 time 4re2erence (ary, those with high time.4re2erence can borrow 2rom those with lower time.4re2erence since the high.4re2erers will 4ay more

to the low.4re2erers than the (alue they ha(e 2oregone" #he 4oint where all these transactions o2 time 4re2erence clear on the 2ree market de2ines the basic or originary rate o2 interest 2or all loans and ca4ital in(estment" HCI +urray !othbard takes the most moderate 4osition here3 he ad(ocates double restoration8 that is, not only must the aggressor restore the (ictim to 4rior unharmed condition ;as much as 4ossible<, but must become himsel2 a (ictim 2or an e:ui(alent amount& ,ot only does this doubling seem arbitrary but nowhere does !othbard 4ro(ide a moral basis 2or 4unishment, let along a $moral calculus$ ;a la 6entham<" /thers are 2ar worse in demanding e(er.greater 4lunder o2 the a44rehended aggressor, making it 4robable that only the grossest 2ool who ha44ened to err momentarily would e(er turn himsel2 in, and who would rather attem4t to cost his 4ursuers dearly" +any neo.!andists would shoot a child 2or 4urloining a candy ;7ary 7reenberg, 2or instance<8 others ha(e chained teenagers to their beds to work o22 tri(ial tres4asses" #his is yet brushing the ti4 o2 horror" -ar greater a tra(esty o2 9ustice is 4ro4osed by those who do not wish to restitute or e(en mildly 4unish but to rehabilitate the (iolence.initiator" 5hile some o2 the more enlightened among the rehabilitators would acce4t concurrent working o22 o2 restitution debt, they would seiDe u4on the (ictim%s delegation o2 right o2 sel2.de2ense ;the basis o2 all legal action< to incarcerate and brainwash the now hel4less a44rehended aggressor" ,ot content with 4unishing the 4erson, scourging the body, and 4erha4s e(en the relati(e mercy o2 cruel 4hysical torture, rehabilitators seek the destruction o2 (alues and moti(ation, that is, the annihilation o2 the Ego" In more 2lorid but well.deser(ed language they wish to de(our the soul o2 the a44rehended aggressor& H8I Should tele4athy be disco(ered and 4ractically achie(able, it may be at least then 4ossible to in(estigate moti(e and intent8 still the only use in an agorist system would be 2or mercy 4leas . mercy at the 2urther e=4ense o2 the (ictim" #his 2ootnote is also rele(ant to the 2ollowing 4aragra4h which is why it is twice denoted" H9I ' good :uestion is where did $4unishment$ e(er get startedG #he conce4t is a44licable only to sla(es who ha(e nothing else to lose but lack o2 4ain, to the utterly worthless i2 any e=ist, and to (ery young children who are inca4able o2 4aying 2or restoration and are considered inade:uately res4onsible to incur debt" /2 course, a 4rimiti(e economy generally had 2ar too many 4roblems with rationality and technology to 4ro(ide much trustworthy detection and measurement o2 (alue" Still, some 4rimiti(e societies such as the Irish, Icelandic and Ibo introduced systems o2 re4ayment to meliorate (engeance . and 4rom4tly e(ol(ed to :uasi.anarchies"

Counter- Economics: Our Means

@a(ing detailed our 4ast and statist 4resent and glim4sed a credible (iew o2 a 2ar better society achie(able with 4resent understanding and technology . no change in human nature needed . we come to the critical 4art o2 the mani2esto3 how do we get 2rom here to thereG #he answer breaks into two naturally . or maybe unnaturally" 5ithout a State, the di22erentiation into micro ;mani4ulation o2 an indi(idual by himsel2 in his en(ironment . including the market< and the macro ;mani4ulation o2 collecti(es< would be at best an interesting statistical e=ercise with some small re2erence to marketing agencies" E(en so, a 4erson with a highly so4histicated decency may wish to understand the social conse:uences o2 his or her acts e(en i2 they harm no other" 5ith a State tainting e(ery act and be2ouling our minds with unearned guilt, it becomes e=tremely im4ortant to understand the social conse:uences o2 our acts" -or e=am4le, i2 we 2ail to 4ay at ta= and get away with it, who is hurt3 usG #he StateG InnocentsG )ibertarian analysis shows us that the State is res4onsible 2or any damage to innocents it alleges the $sel2ish ta=.e(ader$ has incurred8 and the $ser(ices$ the State $4ro(ides$ us are illusory" 6ut e(en so, there must be more than lonely resistance cle(erly concealed or $dro44ing outG$ I2 a 4olitical 4arty or re(olutionary army is ina44ro4riate and sel2.de2eating 2or libertarian goals, what collecti(e action worksG #he answer is agorism" It is 4ossible, 4ractical, and e(en 4ro2itable to entre4reneur large collections o2 humanity 2rom statist society to the agora" #his is, in the dee4est sense, true re(olutionary acti(ity and will be co(ered in the ne=t cha4ter" 6ut to understand this macro answer, we must 2irst outline the micro answer" H1I #he 2unction o2 the o2 Establishment economics, e(en more than making 4redictions ;like the Im4erial !oman augurers< 2or the ruling class, is to mysti2y and con2use the ruled class as to where their wealth is going and how it is taken" 'n e=4lanation o2 how 4eo4le kee4 their wealth and 4ro4erty 2rom the State is then ounter.Establishment economics, or ounter. Economics H1I 2or short" #he actual 4ractice o2 human actions that e(ade, a(oid and de2y the State is counter. economic acti(ity, but in the same slo44y way $economics$ re2ers to both the science and what it studies, ounter. Economics will undoubtedly be used" Since this writing is ounter.Economic theory itsel2, what will be re2erred to as ounter.Economics is the 4ractice" +a44ing and describing all or e(en a signi2icantly use2ul 4art o2 ounter. Economics will re:uire at least a 2ull (olume itsel2" H3I Fust enough will be sketched here to 4ro(ide understanding 2or the rest o2 the mani2esto" 7oing 2rom an agorist society to a statist one should be u4hill work, e:ui(alent to a 4ath o2 high negati(e entro4y in 4hysics" '2ter all, once one is li(ing in and understanding a 2ree society, why would one wish to return to systematic coercion, 4lunder, and an=ietyG S4reading ignorance and irrationality among the knowledgeable and rational is di22icult8 mysti2ying that which is already clearly understood is nearly im4ossible" #he agorist society should be 2airly stable relati(e to decadence, though highly o4en to im4ro(ement" )et us run backwards in time, like running a 2ilm backward, 2rom the agorist society

to the 4resent statist society" 5hat would we e=4ect to seeG Pockets o2 statism, mostly contiguous in territory, since the State re:uires regional mono4olies, would 2irst a44ear" #he remaining (ictims are becoming more and more aware o2 the wonder2ul 2ree world around them and $e(a4orating$ 2rom these 4ockets" )arge syndicates o2 market 4rotection agencies are containing the State by de2ending those who ha(e signed u4 2or 4rotection. insurance" +ost im4ortantly, those outside the statist 4ockets or sub. societies are en9oying an agorist society sa(e 2or a higher cost o2 insurance 4remiums and some care as to where they tra(el" #he agorists could co.e=ist with statists at this 4oint, maintaining an isolationist $2oreign 4olicy$ since the costs o2 in(asion o2 statist sub.societies and liberation would be higher than immediate returns ;unless the State launches an all.out last aggression<, but there is no real reason to imagine the remaining (ictims will choose to remain o44ressed when the libertarian alternati(e is so (isible and accessible" #he State%s areas are like a su4er.saturated solution ready to 4reci4itate anarchy" !un backward another ste4 and we 2ind the situation re(ersed" 5e 2ind larger sectors o2 society under Statism and smaller ones li(ing as agorically as 4ossible" @owe(er, there is one (isible di22erence3 the agorists need not be territorially contiguous" #hey can li(e anywhere, though they will tend to associate with their 2ellow agorists not only 2or social rein2orcement but 2or ease and 4ro2itability o2 trade" It%s always sa2er and more 4ro2itable to deal with more trustworthy customers and su44liers" #he tendency is 2or greater association among more agorist indi(iduals and 2or dissociation with more statist elements" ;#his tendency is not only theoretically strong8 it already e=ists in embryonic 4ractice today"< Some easily de2endable territories, 4erha4s in s4ace or islands in the ocean ;or under the ocean< or $ghettos$ may be almost entirely agorist, where the State is im4otent to crush them" 6ut most agorists will li(e within statist.claimed areas" #here will be a s4ectrum o2 the degree o2 agorism in most indi(iduals, as there is today, with a 2ew bene2iting 2rom the State being highly statist, a 2ew 2ully conscious o2 the agorist alternati(e and com4etent as li(ing 2ree to the hilt, and the rest in the middle with (arying degrees o2 con2usion" -inally, we ste4 back to where only a hand2ul understand agorism, the (ast ma9ority 4ercei(ing illusory gains 2rom the e=istence o2 the State or unable to 4ercei(e an alternati(e, and the statists themsel(es3 the go(ernment a44aratus and the class de2ined by recei(ing a new gain 2rom the State%s inter(ention in the +arket" HAI #his is a descri4tion o2 our 4resent society" 5e are $home"$ 6e2ore we re(erse course and describe the 4ath 2rom statism to agorism, let us look around at our 4resent society with our agorist 4erce4tion" +uch as a tra(eller who returns home and sees things in a new light 2rom what he or she has learned 2rom 2oreign lands and ways o2 li2e, we may gain new insights on our 4resent circumstances" 6esides a 2ew enlightened ,ew )ibertarians tolerated in the more liberal statist areas on the globe ;$toleration$ e=ists to the degree o2 libertarian contamination o2 statism<, we now 4ercei(e something else3 large numbers o2 4eo4le who are acting in an agorist manner with little understanding o2 any theory but who are induced by material gain to e(ade, a(oid, or de2y the State" Surely they are a ho4e2ul 4otentialG

In the So(iet >nion, a bastion o2 arch.statism and a nearly totally colla4sed $o22icial$ economy, a giant black market 4ro(ides the !ussians, 'rmenian, >krainian and others with e(erything 2rom 2ood to tele(ision re4air to o22icial 4a4ers and 2a(ors 2rom the ruling class" 's the 7uardian 5eekly re4orts, 6urma is almost a total black market with the go(ernment reduced to an army, 4olice, and a 2ew strutting 4oliticians" In (arying degrees, this is true o2 nearly all the Second and #hird 5orlds" 5hat o2 the $-irst$ 5orldG In the countries, the black market is smaller because the $white market$ o2 legally acce4ted market transactions is larger, but the 2ormer is still :uite 4rominent" Italy, 2or e=am4le, has a $4roblem$ o2 a large 4art o2 its ci(il ser(ices which works o22icially 2rom C '"+" to 1 P"+" working uno22icially at (arious 9obs the rest o2 the day earning $black$ money" #he ,etherlands has a large black market in housing because o2 the high regulation o2 this industry" Denmark has a ta= e(asion mo(ement so large that those in it seduced to 4olitics ha(e 2ormed the second largest 4arty" 'nd these are only the grossest e=am4les that the 4ress has been able or willing to co(er" urrency controls are e(aded ram4antly8 in -rance, 2or e=am4le, e(eryone is assumed to ha(e a large gold stash and tri4s to SwitDerland 2or more than touring and skiing are common4lace" #o really a44reciate the e=tent o2 this counter.economic acti(ity, one must (iew the relati(ely 2ree $ca4italist$ economies" )et us look at the black and grey markets HEI in ,orth 'merica and remember this is the case o2 lowest acti(ity in the world today" 'ccording to the 'merican Internal !e(enue Ser(ice, at least twenty million 4eo4le belong in the $underground economy$ o2 ta= e(aders using cash to a(oid detections o2 transactions or barter e=change" +illions kee4 money in gold or in 2oreign accounts to a(oid the hidden ta=ation o2 in2lation" +illions o2 $illegal aliens$ are em4loyed, according to the Immigration and ,aturaliDation Ser(ice" +illions more deal or consume mari9uana and other 4roscribed drugs, including laetrile and 2orbidden medical material" 'nd there are all the 4ractitioners o2 $(ictimless crimes"$ 6esides drug use, there are 4rostitution, 4ornogra4hy, bootlegging, 2alse identi2ication 4a4ers, gambling, and 4roscribed se=ual conduct between consenting adults" !egardless o2 $re2orm mo(ements$ to gain 4olitical acce4tance o2 these acts, the 4o4ulace has chosen to act now . and by so doing are creating a counter.economy" 6ut it doesnt sto4 here" Since the EE m4h s4eed limit enacted 2ederally in the >"S", most 'mericans ha(e become counter.economic dri(ers" #he trucking industry has de(elo4ed 6 communications to e(ade state en2orcement o2 regulations" -or inde4endents who can make 2our runs at CE m4h rather than three runs at EE m4h, counter.economic dri(ing is a :uestion o2 sur(i(al" #he ancient custom o2 smuggling thri(es today 2rom boatloads o2 mari9uana and 2oreign a44liances with high tari22s and truckloads o2 4eo4le 2rom less. de(elo4ed countries to the tourists stashing a little e=tra in their luggage and not re4orting to customs agents" ,early e(eryone engages in some sort o2 misre4resentation or misdirection on their ta= 2orms, o22.the.books 4ayments 2or ser(ices, unre4orted trade with relati(es and illegal se=ual 4ositions with their mates"

#o some e=tent, then, e(erybody is a counter.economist& 'nd this is 4redictable 2rom libertarian theory" ,early e(ery as4ect o2 human action has statist legislation 4rohibiting, regulating or controlling it" #hese laws are so numerous that $)ibertarian$ Party which 4re(ented any new legislation and briskly re4ealed ten or twenty laws a session would not ha(e signi2icantly re4ealed the State ;let alone the mechanism itsel2&< 2or a millennium& HJI /b(iously, the State is unable to obtain en2orcement o2 its edicts" Ket the State continues" 'nd i2 e(eryone is somewhat counter.economic, why hasn%t the ounter. Economy o(erwhelmed the economyG /utside o2 ,orth 'merica we can add the e22ect o2 im4erialism" #he So(iet >nion has recei(ed su44ort 2rom the more de(elo4ed countries in the 1930%s and large :uantities o2 instruments o2 (iolence during 5orld 5ar II" E(en today, $trade$ hea(ily subsidiDed by non.re4ayable loans 4ro4s u4 the So(iet and new hinese regimes" #his ca4ital ;or anti.ca4ital, being destructi(e o2 (alue< 2low, together with military aid, 2rom both blocs maintains regimes in the rest o2 the globe" 6ut that does not e=4lain the ,orth 'merican case" 5hat e=ists e(erywhere on Earth allowing the State to continue is the sanction o2 the (ictim" HCI E(ery (ictim o2 statism has internaliDed the State to some degree" #he I!S%s annual 4roclamation that the income ta= de4ends on $(oluntary com4liance$ is ironically true" Should the ta=4ayers com4letely cut o22 the blood su44ly, the (am4ire State would hel4lessly 4erish, its un4aid 4olice and army deserting almost immediately, de2anging the +onster" I2 e(eryone abandoned $legal tender$ 2or gold and goods in contracts and other e=changes, it is doubt2ul that e(en ta=ation could sustain the modern State" H8I #his is where the State%s control o2 education and the in2ormation media, either directly or through ruling.class ownershi4, becomes crucial" In earlier days, the established 4riesthood ser(ed the 2unction to sancti2y the king and aristocracy, mysti2y the relations o2 o44ression, and induce guilt in e(aders and resisters" #he disestablishment o2 religion has 4ut this burden on the new intellectual class ;what the !ussians called the intelligentsia<" Some intellectuals, holding truth as their highest (alue ;as did earlier dissenting theologians and clerics<, do work at clari2ying rather than mysti2ying, but they are dismissed or re(iled and ke4t away 2rom State and 2oundation.controlled income" #hus is the 4henomenon o2 dissidence and re(isionism created8 and thus is the attitude o2 anti.intellectualism generated among the 4o4ulace who sus4ect or incom4letely understand the 2unction o2 the ourt Intellectual" ,ote well how anarchist intellectuals are attacked and re4ressed under e(ery State8 and those arguing 2or an o(erthrow o2 the 4resent ruling class . e(en only to re4lace it with another . are su44ressed" #hose who 4ro4ose changes which eliminate some bene2iciaries o2 the State and add others are o2ten lauded by the bene2iting elements o2 the @igher ircles and attacked by the 4otential losers" ' common characteristic o2 most hardened black marketeers is their guilt" #hey wish to $make their bundle$ and return to the $straight society"$ 6ootleggers and hookers all long some day 2or re.acce4tance in society . e(en when they 2orm a su44orti(e $sub.society$ o2 outcasts" Ket there ha(e been e=ce4tions to this 4henomenon o2 longing 2or acce4tance3 the religious dissenting communities o2 the 1C00s, the

4olitical uto4ian communities o2 the 1800s, and most recently, the counter.culture o2 the hi44ies and ,ew )e2t" 5hat they had was a con(iction that their sub.society was su4erior to the rest o2 society" #he 2ear2ul reaction to themsel(es they generated in the rest o2 society was the 2ear they were correct" 'll o2 these e=am4les o2 sel2.sustaining sub.societies 2ailed 2or one o(erriding reason3 ignorance o2 economics" ,o social binding, no mater how beauti2ul, can o(ercome the basic glue o2 society . di(ision o2 labor" #he commune de2ies the only en2orceable law . the law o2 nature" #he basic organiDational structure o2 society ;abo(e the 2amily< is not the commune ;or tribe or e=tended tribe or State< but the agora" ,o matter how many wish communism to work and de(ote themsel(es to it, it will 2ail" #hey can hold back agorism inde2initely by great e22ort, but when they let go, the $2low$ or $In(isible @and$ or $tides o2 history$ or $4ro2it incenti(e$ or $doing what comes naturally$ or $s4ontaneity$ will carry society ine=orably closer to the 4ure agora" 5hy is there such resistance to e(entual ha44inessG Psychologists ha(e been dealing with that since they began their embryonic science" 6ut we can at least gi(e two broad answers when it comes to socioeconomic :uestions3 internaliDation o2 anti. 4rinci4les ;those seeming like 4rinci4les but actually contrary to natural law< and the o44osition o2 (ested interests" ,ow we can see clearly what is needed to create a libertarian society" /n the one hand we need the education o2 the libertarian acti(ists and the consciousness.raising o2 counter.economists to libertarian understanding and mutual su44orti(eness" $5e are right, we are better, we are sur(i(ing in a moral, consistent way and we are building a better society . o2 bene2it to oursel(es and others,$ our counter.economic $encounter grou4s$ might a22irm" ,ote well that libertarian acti(ists who are not themsel(es 2ull 4racticing counter. economists are unlikely to be con(incing" $)ibertarian$ 4olitical candidates undercut e(erything they say ;o2 (alue< by what they are doing8 some candidates ha(e e(en held 9obs in ta=ing bureaus and de2ense de4artments& /n the other hand, we must de2end oursel(es against the (ested interests or at the (ery least lower their o44ression as much as 4ossible" I2 we eschew re2ormist acti(ity as counter.4roducti(e, how will we achie(e thatG /ne way is to bring more and more 4eo4le into the counter.economy and lower the 4lunder a(ailable to the State" 6ut e(asion isn%t enough8 how do we 4rotect oursel(es and e(en counter.attackG Slowly but steadily we will mo(e to the 2ree society turning more counter.economists onto libertarianism and more libertarians onto counter.economics, 2inally integrating theory and 4ractice" #he counter.economy will grow and s4read to the ne=t ste4 we saw in our tri4 backward, with an e(er.larger agorist sub.society embedded in the statist society" Some agorists may e(en condense into discernible districts and ghettos and 4redominate in islands or s4ace colonies" 't this 4oint, the :uestion o2 4rotection and de2ense will become im4ortant >sing our agorist model ; ha4ter 1<, we can see how the 4rotection industry must e(ol(e" -irstly, why do 4eo4le engage in counter.economics with no 4rotectionG the

4ay.o22 2or the risk they take is greater than their e=4ected loss" #his statement is true, o2 course, 2or all economic acti(ity, but 2or counter.economics it re:uires s4ecial em4hasis3 #he 2undamental 4rinci4le o2 counter.economics is to trade risk 2or 4ro2it" H9I #he higher the e=4ected 4ro2it, the greater the risk taken" ,ote that i2 risk is lowered, a lot more would be attem4ted and accom4lished . surely an indicator that a 2ree society is wealthier than an un2ree one" !isk may be lowered by increasing care, 4recautions, security ;locks and stashes<, and by trusting 2ewer 4ersons o2 higher trustworthiness" #he last indicates a high 4re2erence 2or dealing with 2ellow agorist and a strong economic incenti(e binding an agorist sub.society and an incenti(e to recruit or su44ort recruitment" ounter.economic entre4reneurs ha(e an incenti(e to 4ro(ide better security de(ices, 4laces o2 concealment, instructions to hel4 e(asion and screen 4otential customers and su44liers 2or other counter.economic entre4reneurs" 'nd thus is the counter. economic 4rotection industry born" 's it grows, it may begin insuring against $bursts,$ lowering counter.economic risks 2urther and accelerating counter.economic growth" #hen it may 4ro(ide lookouts and guarded areas o2 sa2ekee4ing with alarm systems and highly technological concealment mechanisms" 7uards may be 4ro(ided against real criminals ;other than the State<" 'lready many residential, business and e(en minority districts ha(e 4ri(ate 4atrols, ha(ing gi(en u4 on the State%s alleged 4rotection o2 4ro4erty" 'long the way the risk o2 contract.(iolation between counter.economic traders will be lowered by arbitration" #hen the 4rotection agencies will start 4ro(iding contract en2orcement between agorists, although the greatest $en2orcer$ in the early stages will be the State to which each can turn the other cone into" Ket that act would :uickly result in one%s e=4ulsion 2rom the sub.society8 so an internal en2orcement mechanism will be (alued" In the 2inal stages counter.economist transactions with statists will be en2orceable by the 4rotection agencies and the agorists 4rotected against the criminality o2 the State" H10I 't this 4oint we ha(e reached the 2inal ste4 be2ore the achie(ement o2 a libertarian society" Society is di(ided between large agorist areas in(iolate and statist sectors" 'nd we stand on the brink o2 !e(olution"

-ootnotes ......... H1I +icro and macro are terms 2rom 4resent Establishment economics" 5hile ounter.Economics is 4art o2 agorism ;until the State is gone<, agorism includes both ounter.Economics in 4ractice and libertarianism in theory" Since that theory includes an awareness o2 the conse:uences o2 large.scale ounter.Economic 4ractice, I will use agorist in the macro sense and counter.economic in the micro sense" Since

the di(ision is inherently ambiguous, some o(erla4 and interchangeability will occur" H1I $ ounter.Economics$ was 2ormed the same way as $counter.culture8$ it does not mean anti.economic science any more than counter.culture was anti.culture" H3I #his (olume, ounter.Economics ;the book<, has been begun and should be com4leted in 1981 and 4ublished in 1981 one way or the other, +arket willing& o ,ote to Second Edition3 #he +arket is not yet willing, but soon""" HAI #hat class has been called the !uling lass, Power Elite, or ons4iracy, de4ending on whether the analysis comes 2rom a +ar=ist, )iberal, or 6ircher background" #he terms will be used interchangeably to show the commonality o2 the identi2ication" HEI 5hile some coerci(e acts are o2ten lum4ed into the label $black market,$ such as murder and the2t, the (ast ma9ority o2 this $organiDed crime$ is 4er2ectly legitimate to a libertarian, though occasionally unsa(ory" #he +a2ia, 2or e=am4le, is not black market but acts as go(ernment o(er some o2 the black market which collects 4rotection money ;ta=es< 2rom its (ictims and en2orces its control with e=ecutions and beatings ;law en2orcement<, and e(en conducts wars when its mono4oly is threatened" #hese acts will be considered red market to di22erentiate them 2rom the moral acts o2 the black market which will be discussed below" In short, the $black market$ is anything non.(iolent 4rohibited by the State and carried on anyways" #he $grey market$ is used here to mean dealing in goods and ser(ices not themsel(es illegal but obtained or distributed in ways legislated against by #he State" +uch o2 what is called $white.collar crime$ 2alls under this and is smiled u4on by most o2 society" 5here one draws the line between black and grey market de4ends largely on the state o2 consciousness o2 the society one is in" #he red market is clearly se4arable" +urder is red market8 de2ending onesel2 against a criminal ;when the State 2orbids sel2.de2ense< . including a 4olice o22icer . is black in ,ew Kork ity and grey in /range ounty" HJI #hus an $)$P would 4er4etuate statism" In addition, and $)$P would 4reser(e the ill.gotten gain o2 the ruling class and maintain the State%s en2orcement and e=ecution" HCI 'n e=am4le o2 how this works may be hel42ul" Su44ose I wished to recei(e and sell a contraband or e(ade a ta= or (iolate a regulation" )et%s say I can make M100,000 a transaction" >sing go(ernment 2igures on criminal a44rehension, always e=aggerated in the State%s 2a(or sim4ly because they cannot know how much we got away with, I 2ind an a44rehension rate o2 10O" /ne may then 2ind out the 4ercentage o2 those cases that come 2or trial and the 4ercentage o2 those that result in con(iction e(en with a good lawyer" )et%s say 1EO make it to trial and E0O result in con(iction" ;#he latter is high but we%ll throw in the legal 2ees in(ol(ed so that e(en a decision in(ol(ing loss o2 legal costs but ac:uittal is still a $loss"$< I there2ore incur a 1"EO risk ;"10 = "1E = "E0 B 0"01E<" #his is high 2or most real cases" Su44ose my ma=imum 2ine is ME00,000 or 2i(e years in 9ail . or both" E=cluding my

counter.economic transactions ;one certainly cannot count them when deciding whether or not to do them<, I might make M10,000 a year so that I would lose another M100,000" It%s (ery hard to ascribe a (alue to 2i(e years o2 incarceration, but at least in our 4resent society it%s not too much worse than other institutionaliDation ;school, army, hos4ital< and at least the counter.economist won%t be 4lagued with guilt and remorse" So I weigh 1"EO o2 MJ00,000 loss or M1E,000 and 2i(e years against M100,000 gain& 'nd I could easily insure mysel2 2or M1A,000 ;or less< to 4ay all costs and 2ines& In short, it works" H8I It 4robably should be noted e=4licitly that businesses could grow :uite large in the counter.economy" 5hether or not $wage workers$ would e=ist instead o2 $inde4endent contractors$ 2or all ste4s o2 4roduction is arguable, but this author 2eels that the whole conce4t o2 $worker.boss$ is a holdo(er 2rom 2eudalism and not, as +ar= claims, 2undamental to $ca4italism"$ /2 course, ca4ital.statism is the o44osite o2 what the libertarian ad(ocates" -urthermore, e(en large businesses today could go 4artially counter.economic, lea(ing a 4ortion in the $white market$ to satis2y go(ernment agents and 4ay some modicum o2 ta=es and re4ort a token number o2 workers" #he rest o2 the business would ;and already o2ten does< e=4and o22 the books with inde4endent contractors who su44ly, ser(ice, and distribute the 2inished 4roduct" ,obody, no business, no worker, and no entre4reneur need be white market"

Revolution: Our Strategy

/ur condition has been analyDed, our goal 4ercei(ed, the mechanism has been s4elled out and a set o2 4athways ha(e been ma44ed out" Should we sim4ly go counter.economic oursel(es, educate oursel(es in libertarianism and in2orm others by word and deed, we shall reach our libertarian society" Indeed, this is su22icient 2or most 4eo4le and enough to be e=4ected" ,o ,ew )ibertarian should e(er berate libertarian counter.economists 2or not doing more" #hey are agorists and will get there in their own time" 6ut e(en these sim4le agorists may wish to contribute to entre4reneurs s4ecialiDing in accelerating the mo(ement to the agorist society 2rom statism" 'nd others, 4ercei(ing rising in2lation heading to economic colla4se or gathering clouds o2 war, will want something done about it" -inally, the counter.attacks o2 the State which sub(ert the agorist sub.society and lure libertarians into 2alse 4aths must be combatted" #hese tasks de2ine the 2ield 2or the ,ew )ibertarian acti(ist" H1I 'gain, 2or those who wish only to li(e their li(es as 2ree as 4ossible and associate with others like.minded, counter.economic libertarianism is su22icient" ,o more is needed" 6ut 2or those who want to su44ort in whate(er way they can those heroic entre4reneurs who s4ecialiDe in recruiting 2or the agora, deal with State.caused catastro4hes, and combat statists within and without, a guide is needed to select those who are $doing something worthwhile$ 2rom those s4inning their wheels and those actually counter.4roducti(e ;i"e"< to achie(ing more 2reedom" 'nd 2or those like this author, who burn 2or )iberty and wish to de(ote themsel(es to that li2e%s work, a strategy is essential" 5hat 2ollows, then, is the ,ew )ibertarian Strategy" H1I #he ,ew )ibertarian acti(ist must kee4 in mind that actual de2ense against the State is im4ossible until the counter.economy has generated the syndicates o2 4rotection agencies su22iciently large to de2end against the remnant o2 the State" #his will occur only at the $4hase transition$ between the third and 2ourth ste4s leading back 2rom our statism to agorism ; ha4ter 3<" Each ste4 2rom statism to agorism re:uires a di22erent strategy8 tactics will di22er e(en within each ste4" #here are some rules which will a44ly in all stages" >nder all circumstances, one recruits and educates" 7i(en ty4ically con2used indi(idual ac:uaintances who consider a counter.economic act, encourage them to do it" I2 they are intelligent enough and not likely to turn on you, e=4lain risks in(ol(ed and return e=4ected" +ost o2 all, educate them by your e=am4le to the e=tent you can let them know" 'll $)ibrary )ibertarians$ you know, those who 4ro2ess some theoretical (ariant o2 libertarianism but eschew 4ractice, should be encouraged to 4ractice what they 4reach" Scorn their inaction, 4raise their 2irst halting ste4s towards counter. economics" Interact with them more and more as trust grows with their com4etence and e=4erience" #hose already in counter.economics whom you meet can be $let in on$ the libertarian 4hiloso4hy that you hold, that mysterious belie2 you hold which kee4s you so ha44y

and 2ree o2 guilt" Dro4 it nonchalantly i2 they 2eign lack o2 interest3 wa= enthusiastic as they grow more curious and eager to learn" Sel2 agorism by e=am4le and argument" ontrol and 4rogram your emotional reactions to e=hibit hostility at statism and de(iationism, and to e=hibit enthusiasm and 9oy at agorist acts and the State%s setbacks" +ost o2 these tactics will come with routine but you can check yoursel2 to 4olish a 2ew things" -inally, co.ordinate your acti(ities with other ,ew )ibertarian acti(ists" 't this 4oint, we arri(e at the need 2or grou4 tactics and organiDation" +any worthy libertarians argue that the market structures o2 businesses, 4artnershi4s and 9oint.stock com4anies H3I 4ro(ide all the organiDation necessary or desirable8 sa(e maybe 2or 4ersonal mating or socialiDing" In one sense they are correct in that all structures must be market.com4atible or be inconsistent with agorism" In another sense, they are guilty o2 a lack o2 imagination and a concern o2 2orm o(er substance" In an agorist society, di(ision o2 labor and sel2.res4ect o2 each worker.ca4italist. entre4reneur will 4robably eliminate the traditional business organiDation . es4ecially the cor4orate hierarchy, an imitation o2 the State and not the +arket" +ost com4anies will be associations o2 inde4endent contractors, consultants, and other com4anies" +any may be 9ust one entre4reneur and all his ser(ices, com4uters, su44liers and customers" #his mode o2 o4eration is already around and growing in the 2reer segments o2 5estern economies" #hus an association o2 entre4reneurs o2 liberty 2or the 4ur4ose o2 s4ecialiDing, coordinating and deli(ering libertarian acti(ities is no (iolation o2 the market and may well be o4timal" #he traditional name 2or a handling together o2 so(ereign units 2or a goal and then disbanding is an alliance" @ence the basic organiDation 2or ,ew )ibertarian acti(ists is the ,ew )ibertarian 'lliance" HAI #he organiDation o2 ,)' ;or ,)'s< is sim4le and should a(oid turning into a 4olitical organ or e(en an authoritarian organiDation" !ather than o22icers, what are needed are tacticians ;local coordinators with com4etency in tactical 4lanning< and strategists ;regional coordinators with com4etency in strategic thinking<" ' ,ew )ibertarian 'lly does not 2ollow a tactician or strategist but rather $buys$ their argument and e=4ertise" 'nyone o22ering a better 4lan can re4lace the 4re(ious 4lanner" #actics and strategy should be $bought and sold$ by the 'llies like any other commodity in consistent agorist 2ashion" E(en though these labels are borrowed 2rom military history and do corres4ond to a 2orm o2 combat, ne(er 2orget that actual 4hysical con2rontation with the State%s en2orcers must await the market%s generation o2 4rotection agency syndicates o2 su22icient strength8 all else is 4remature" HEI 5hat is the global strategy, continental strategy, and local tactics 2or an ,)' to o4timally 4ursueG 'gain, let%s look at the 2our ste4s 2rom . or to . agora 2rom Statism" #he 2irst three are actually rather arti2icial di(isions8 no abru4t change occurs 2rom 2irst to second to third" 's will be shown, it is most 4robable that the transition 2rom the third to 2ourth ste4 will be :uite sudden, though it is not re:uired by the nature o2 the agora8 rather, the con(ulsion will be caused by the nature o2 the State" In 2act, all

(iolence, unrest, instability and dislocations are caused by the State . ne(er 2omented by ,ew )ibertarians" @eed well, you who would be a 4aladin o2 )iberty3 ne(er initiate any act o2 (iolence regardless how likely a $libertarian$ result may a44ear" #o do so is to reduce yoursel2 to a statist" #here are no e=ce4tions to this rule" Either you are 2undamentally consistent or not" ' ,ew )ibertarian is 2undamentally consistent and one who is not 2undamentally consistent is not a ,ew )ibertarian" HJI 6ut using ,ew )ibertarian analysis, one can 4redict the likely outbreak o2 statist aggression and mo(e to head it o22 by e=4osure or e(en de2end or e(acuate the (ictims" /ne can also 4redict the 4robable outcomes o2 de(iations by libertarian grou4s and either head o22 the sell.outs and disasters or win res4ect 2or one%s 2oresight and that o2 ,ew )ibertarianism 2rom 4otential recruits" )et the State be the 2orest 2ire8 the ,)' are the smoke.eaters who know how it burns, how to 2irebreak, how the winds o2 change a22ect it, where the s4arks may 2ly, and 2inally, how to e=tinguish it" 5ith this in mind, let us label the ste4s to agora as 2our 4hases and outline the a44ro4riate strategy 2or each" Phase 03 ?ero.Density 'gorist Society In this 4hase, most o2 human history, no agorists e=ist, only scattered libertarians or 4roto.libertarians thinking and 4racticing counter.economists" #he moment someone reads this mani2esto and wishes to a44ly it, we ha(e mo(ed to the ne=t 4hase" 'll that can be done in Phase 0 is slow e(olution o2 consciousness, hit and miss de(elo4ment, and a lot o2 2rustrating dichotomies" >ntil you . the 2irst agorist in a Phase 0 situation . ha(e added to your number, your only strategy can be to increase your numbers, as well as li(e counter.economically yoursel2" #he best 2orm o2 organiDation is a )ibertarian 'lliance in which you steer the members 2rom 4olitical acti(ity ;where they ha(e blindly gone seeking relie2 2rom o44ression< and 2ocus on education, 4ublicity, recruitment and 4erha4s some anti. 4olitical cam4aigning ;i"e" $*ote -or ,obody,$ $,one o2 the 'bo(e$, $6oycott the 6allot,$ $Don%t *ote, It /nly Encourages #hem&$ etc"< to 4ubliciDe the libertarian alternati(e" 'n )' may take stands on issues agreed on, but insist on unanimity" /nly the most clearly libertarian stands will be taken and you can always (eto a de(iationist stance" 'lways encourage tendencies towards $hard.core$ ;consistent< 4osition and scorn $so2t.core$ ;inconsistent< ones" Phase 13 )ow.Density 'gorist Society #he 2irst counter.economic libertarians a44ear in this 4hase and the 2irst serious s4lits in the )ibertarian mo(ement occur" Since 2ew libertarians are (ery consistent yet, de(iationism will run ri2e and tend to o(erwhelm acti(ism" $7et.)iberty.:uick$ schemes 2rom anarchoDionism ;running away to a Promised )and o2 )iberty< to 4olitical o44ortunism will seduce the im4atient and sway the incom4letely in2ormed" 'll will 2ail i2 2or no other reason than )iberty grows indi(idual by indi(idual" +ass con(ersion is im4ossible" #here is one e=ce4tion . radicaliDation by statist attack against a collecti(e" E(en so, it re:uires entre4reneurs o2 )iberty to ha(e su22iciently in2ormed the 4ersecuted collecti(e so that they lase coherently libertarian.ward

rather than scatter randomly or worse, 2low into out.o2.4ower statism" #hese rises o2 Statism are s4ontaneous and 4redictable . but cannot be caused by moral, consistent libertarians" #he strategy o2 the 2irst ,ew )ibertarians is to combat anti.4rinci4les which strengthen the State and dissi4ate anarchist energy uselessly" #he general strategy outlines 4re(iously a44lies8 get libertarians into counter.economics and get the most acti(e o2 the agorists to get counter.economists into libertarianism" #he 4roto.,ew )ibertarians may work within e=isting organiDations and clubs o2 )ibertarians as $radical caucuses,$ ginger grou4s, or as a $)ibertarian )e2t$ 2action in general" 'n ,)' is 4remature here because it is not yet sel2.sustaining" 5hat can be success2ully built is . under whate(er label seems most conduci(e 2or recruitment . a +o(ement o2 the )ibertarian )e2t" Such a +o(ement is itsel2 a mi=ed bag o2 indi(iduals o2 (arying $hardness o2 core$ but they are tending or mo(ing towards the ideal o2 ,ew )ibertarianism" E(en within +)) structure should be de. em4hasiDed" #he most ,ew )ibertarian will be the most com4etent to coordinate and 4lan8 that is, those o2 highest understanding and 4ractice o2 agorism and greatest Deal 2or action will naturally direct resources" Each +))er, like each ,)" ally, s4ends his or her own outsources and decides whether or not to acce4t a tactician or strategist%s ad(ice and 4lanning, as any entre4reneur would do with any in2ormed consultant" Some 4seudo.4olitical 4ublic tra44ings may be necessary to utiliDe 4ublic 2orums and media access8 also, most 4eo4le will not understand your market. organiDation unless you translate it in 4seudo.4olitical terminology and back again" 't this 4oint, in the latter stages o2 Phase 1 and with a 2unctioning +)) large enough, these hard.core dedicated $cadre$ can a44ly le(erage to sway larger grou4s o2 semi. con(erted :uasi.libertarians to actually block marginal actions by the State" #his is a high.e=4enditure, $:uick gain,$ but low long.range yield tactic and should be rare" ;It will be co(ered later8 basically, sta(e o22 war and mass e=termination o2 libertarians"< -ollowing all these acti(ities, radicaliDing the libertarians, and e(ol(ing the ,)'" #hat is all one can accom4lish" Phase 13 +id.Density, Small ondensation 'gorist Society

't this 4oint the statists take notice o2 agorism" 5hile be2ore libertarians could be mani4ulated by one ruling 2action to the detriment o2 another ;sort o2 $com4etition,$ 4layed with ballots and bullets rather than inno(ation and 4ricing<, they will start to be 4ercei(ed as a a threat" Pogroms ;mass arrests< may e(en occur, although that is unlikely" !emember, most agorists are embedded in the rest o2 society and associating with them are 4artially.con(erted libertarians and counter. economists" In order to reach this 4hase, the entire society has been contaminated by agorism to a degree" #hus it is now 4ossible 2or the 2irst $ghettos$ or districts o2 agorists to a44ear and count on the sym4athy o2 the rest o2 society to restrain the State 2rom a mass attack" HCI #hese communities, whether abo(e or underground, can now sustain the ,ew )ibertarian 'lliance, ,)' acts as s4okesman 2or the agora with the statist society, using e(ery chance to 4ubliciDe the su4eriority o2 agorist li(ing to statist inhabiting and 4erha4s argue 2or tolerance o2 those with $di22erent ways"$ H8I

In this 4hase, the agorist society is (ulnerable to statist regression o2 the 4o4ulace" #hus the agorists, whether (isible or not, ha(e a high incenti(e to at least maintain the 4resent le(el o2 libertarian consciousness among the rest o2 the 4o4ulace" #his being done most e=4ertly by the ,)' ;one way to de2ine who the ,)' is at this 4hase<, the ,)' has its sustenance and its mission" 6ut in addition to $de2ending$ the agorist sub.society, it can work towards accelerating the ne=t e(olutionary ste4" Phase 33 @igh.Density, )arge ondensation, 'gorist Society

In this 4hase, the State mo(es into a series o2 terminal crises, somewhat analogous to the well.known +ar=ist scenario, but with di22erent causes . in this case, real ones" -ortunately, the 4otential 2or damage has been drastically decreased by the sa44ing o2 the State%s resources and corrosion o2 its authority by the growth o2 the ounter. Economy" In 2act, as the resources o2 the economy a44roach e:uality between the State and 'gora, the State is 4ushed into crisis" 5ars and ram4ant in2lation with de4ressions and crack.u4s become 4er4etual as the State attem4ts to redeem its authority" It may be 4ossible to re(erse its decline by corru4ting the agora with deducti(e anti. 4rinci4les, so the ,)'%s 2irst task is clear3 to maintain (igilance and 4urity o2 thought" In this 4hase, the ,)' may no longer hold either label or much o2 its old 2orm" #he most moti(ated ,ew )ibertarians will mo(e into the research and de(elo4ment su44ly 2or the budding agorist 4rotection and arbitration agencies and lastly as directors o2 the 4rotection com4any syndicates" #he situation now a44roaches re(olution but is still re(ersible" H9I 'gain the ,ew )ibertarians are in the 2ore2ront o2 maintaining and de2ending gains to this 4oint, but looking ahead to the ne=t 4hase" #he ,)' ;now 9ust a collecti(e term 2or the most 2orward.looking elements< can accelerate the 4rocess by disco(ering and de(elo4ing the o4timal methods o2 4rotection and de2ense, both by word and deed, 2or their industry and entre4reneuring its inno(ations" 't this 4hase transition between 3 and A we ha(e the last unleashing o2 (iolence by the !uling lass o2 the State to su44ress those elements that would bring them to 9ustice 2or all 4ast state crimes" #he State%s intellectuals 4ercei(e that its authority has 2ailed and all will be lost8 things must be re(ersed now or ne(er" #he ,)' must 4re(ent 4remature awareness o2 this status or 4remature action on this awareness" #his is the 2inal strategic goal o2 the ,)'" 5hen the State unleashes its 2inal wa(e o2 su44ression . and is success2ully resisted . this is the de2inition o2 !e(olution" /nce realiDation has occurred that the State no longer can 4lunder and 4ay.o2 its 4arasitical class, the en2orcers will switch sides to those better able to 4ay them and the State will ra4idly im4lode into a series o2 4ockets o2 Statism in backward area . i2 any" H10I Phase A3 'gorist Society with Statist Im4urities #he colla4se o2 the State lea(es only mo44ing u4 o4erations" Since the insurance and 4rotection com4anies see no State to de2end against, the syndicate o2 allied 4rotectors colla4ses into com4etition and the ,)' . its su44ort gone . dissol(es"

Statists a44rehended 4ay restoration and i2 they li(e long enough to discharge their debts, are re.integrated as 4roducti(e entre4reneurs ;#heir $training$ comes automatically as they work o22 their debt"< 5e%re home ; ha4ter 1<& ,ew )ibertarianism is taken 2or granted as the basis o2 ordinary li2e and we tackle the other 4roblems 2acing mankind"


........ H1I +any agorists such as Pyro Egon ha(e challenged the ,ew )ibertarians on this 4oint" 's 2ar as they are concerned, the mani2esto this 2ar is the entire 4rogram and any 2urther $acti(ism$ is $mo(ementism$ and leads one ineluctably back towards statism" H1I ,ew )ibertarian Strategy is the newsletter o2 the +o(ement o2 the )ibertarian )e2t . not coincidentally" H3I 6ut not a $cor4oration$ which is a 2ictitious $indi(idual$ created by the State and endowed with 4ri(ileges" Some 4ri(ileges besides subsidies and tari22s are s4ecial ta= rates, limited liability, e=em4tion 2rom regulation, licenses, and legal bene2its in court dis4utes" #rue, they ha(e some drawbacks but none com4ares to an unincor4orated business" HAI #he 2irst ,ew )ibertarian 'lliance was 2ormed, 4rematurely in many res4ects, by this author in 19CA 2rom recruits 2rom a raid on the $)$P, 2rom other mo(ement acti(ists, and a 2ew counter.economists" #he market 4ro(ed less than ready 2or a growth in this business and so the ,)' to date has s4ent most o2 its energies towards building that market" 'ny band o2 ,ew )ibertarians can call themsel(es a ,ew )ibertarian 'lliances without $o22icial authoriDation8$ most will surely wish to co.ordinate themsel(es with other ,)' grou4s and try to agree on common strategy, though tactics may di22er 2rom di22erent conditions o2 the 'llies" HEI #his mode o2 ,)' organiDation worked well 2or the )ong 6each cha4ter that ke4t it constantly in 4ractice" !egional strategy was not 2ully $shaken down$ by 4ractice but no other ,)' grou4 maintained that high a le(el o2 committed 'llies who were constantly de(elo4ing and working that theory" 's 2or armies, it should be noted that ,estor +akhno ran an army in 2airly anarchist manner with a small core o2 o22icers and com4lete (olunteers 2illing the ranks when needed or con(inced o2 the need" @e 2ought !eds and 5hites success2ully in the >kraine 1918.10 until o(erwhelmed by weight o2 numbers o2 the (ictorious !ed statists combining the 2ull resources o2 a continent against him" HJI ,o membershi4 or credentials is needed or desirable 2or the ,)'" /2 course, one may make a list o2 those with whom to gather and 4lan, and to whom to mail

communications" 6ut there is nothing sacred or s4ecial about such lists8 they are merely one strategist or tactician%s 9udgment" /ne cannot be 4urged 2rom ,)'" /ne is either a ,ew )ibertarian or not according to the e(idence 4ro(ided by one%s acts8 e(ery other 'lly must 9udge 2or themsel(es" 'll who acce4t you as a ,ew )ibertarian are in 'lliance with you8 those who re9ect you are not, though you may be in 'lliance with others" HCI Premature a44earance o2 agorist communities will lead to their su44ression (iolently by the State" #he ,)' must de2end those which can be sa(ed when historical conditions are marginal and warn and e(acuate those which are doomed" H8I It is still within the limits o2 ,ew )ibertarian morality to 4oint out to one 2action o2 the @igher ircles that the agorist e=istence bene2its them ore than the other 2action" 5hile no statist can e(er be aided in 4lunder and murder, and e(en allying with one statist against another consumes scarce resources 2or the outcome o2 merely trading o44ressors, the ,ew )ibertarian can 4ercei(e that sim4ly by e=isting and conducting usual business, the agorist acti(ity is relati(ely more detrimental to one grou4 o2 statists o(er another" ' good rule o2 thumb to the tactic o2 4laying o22 ruling grou4s is to make sure that no more resources are de(oted to it than e=tra statements based in regular 4ublication and media e=4osure 2or more im4ortant work"""and 4ri(ate con(ersations, i2 one 2re:uents those social circles" #his tactic 2ails when the agorist society is 4ercei(ed as too threatening8 then all statist 2actions unite to sa(e their skins" H9I )et%s say one region is highly agorist and the rest more 4rimiti(e" !esources may be trans2erred by the State to crush this 4remature and localiDed ;thus (ulnerable< agora" #his a44lies to Phase 1 e(en more" H10I Some will argue that the State may colla4se 4eace2ully when the statists see the end a44roaching" I2 statists were so reasonable about not resorting to 2orce because o2 market alternati(es, they wouldn%t be statists" !e(olution is as ine(itable as any human action can be"

Action! Our Tactics

#he 4re(ious cha4ter discussed some tactics in 4assing" ' 2ew that ha(e been 2ound 4roducti(e 2or radical libertarians and the +)) include in2iltration o2 less radical grou4s and s4arking s4lits by 4resenting alternati(es8 con2rontation o2 coercion ;or de(iation< with (isible 4rotest and re9ection8 day to day 4ersonal salesmanshi4 among 2riends8 libertarian social grou4s such as su44er clubs to e=change in2ormation, goods, and su44ort and act as a 4roto.agora8 and, o2 course, 4ublication, 4ublic s4eaking, writing 2iction with agorist messages H1I, and educational acti(ities in many 2orms3 teacher, business consultant, entertainer, re(isionist historian, agorist economist, etc" Success2ul tactics can only be disco(ered and used and 4assed on" #hose who 4ercei(e su22iciently similar conditions in time and 4lace to those o2 another where a tactic worked can use it" 6ut it is all a risk8 that is what acti(ism is, a ty4e o2 entre4reneurshi4, o2 guessing the market and su44lying the demand" /ne can become better and better at making good guesses8 that%s what makes a success2ul entre4reneur" It%s all in @uman 'ction by *on +ises i2 you can a44ly it" #o 2ind out what has been tried and worked or 2ailed, communication is necessary" I2 you ha(e reached this 4age and agreed, and ha(e a desire to su44ort resistance or a burning need to resist coercion, you are ready 2or the +)) or ,)' in e=istence, de4ending on the 4hase we are currently in ; ha4ter I*<" -ree yoursel2" 7et acti(e" 5hat 4hase are we inG In /ctober 1980 ;2irst edition< most o2 the 4lanet Earth is in Phase 0" #he 6ritish Isles, 'ustralia and anada ha(e mo(ed substantially towards Phase 18 ,orth 'merica is in Phase 1" /nly in the highest concentration o2 libertarians today, in Southern ali2ornia, are the 2irst signs o2 Phase 1" 'ssuming the situation is not re(ersed, the 2irst 2ew dro4lets o2 actual agorist societies . anarcho(illages . are nucleating a (iable sub.society" #he +o(ement o2 the )ibertarian )e2t e=ists only in ali2ornia with a 2ew scattered nuclei, agents and cells, in 'lliance" #he ,ew )ibertarian 'lliance 4re(iously 4roclaimed was 2ound 4remature and ,)' remains in embryo ;or nucleus< until ob9ecti(e conditions arri(e to sustain it" #he +)) has its work cut out 2or it" E=ternally, the world.wide colla4se o2 the $)e2t$ H1I has weakened restraints on the com4etiti(e segments o2 the State who are rushing towards war to re.mysti2y their resti(e (ictims with 4atriotism" SeiDing the abandoned leadershi4 o2 the anti.im4erialism, anti.war and anti.conscri4tion mo(ement with a 2resh, in(igorating, ideological backing has become an o44ortunity 2or libertarians to become the )e2t" +)) has to com4ete with 4artyarch and monocentrist elements 2or this 4re.eminence" H3I #he lurching o2 'merican 4lutocracy 2rom the brink o2 runaway in2lation to de4ression and back again, in e(er wilder swings, has 4anicked large numbers o2 com4lacent businessmen and raised their consciousness beyond conser(ati(e assurances o2 restoring stability to consider radical and e(en re(olutionary alternati(es" /nly the )ibertarian )e2t can win these entre4reneurs towards an $ideological,$ non.4ragmatic 4osition" #herein lie our o44ortunities" Internally, the $)ibertarian$ Party has reached a crisis with the 1980 'merican

Presidential election" #he 4remature unmasking o2 the statism inherent in 4artyarchy by rane. lark%s blatant o44ortunism has managed to generated not only )e2t o44osition but !ight and enter o44osition" HAI +a9or de2ections mount daily" HEI #he 2ailure o2 some re2ormist element to oust the Kochto4us by the Den(er on(ention ;'ugust 1981< and lull the unradicaliDed back in line would set the >"S")"P" back dramatically and generate thousands o2 disillusioned recruits 2or the +)) and anti.4arty educational and counter.economic acti(ities" 5ith this mani2esto as a manual and ins4iration, ,ew )ibertarian strategists and tacticians can research, de(elo4, correct and enact the ,ew )ibertarian Strategy and the tactics a44ro4riate to the conditions met" +uch work is needed but the 4ro9ects ha(e conse:uences no mundane work can 4ro(ide3 an end to 4olitics, to ta=ation, to conscri4tion, to economic catastro4he, to in(oluntary 4o(erty and to the mass murder o2 war2are in the 2inal war . society against /ur Enemy, #he State" ounter.economics 4ro(ides immediate grati2ication 2or those who abandon statist restraint" )ibertarianism rewards the 4ractitioner who 2ollows it with more sel2. liberation and 4ersonal 2ul2illment than any alternati(e yet concei(ed" 6ut only ,ew )ibertarianism o22ers re2ormation o2 society into a moral, working way o2 li2e without changing the nature o2 +an" >to4ias may be discarded8 at last we ha(e a glim4se o2 how to remold society to 2it +an rather than +an to 2it some society" 5hat more rewarding challenge could be o22eredG Should you now ha(e chosen the ,ew )ibertarian 4ath, you may wish to 9oin us in our $#ri4le '$ oath and battle cry, or something like it, and renew yoursel2 with it regularly3 $5e witness to the e22icacy o2 2reedom and e=ult in the intricate beauty o2 com4le= (oluntary e=change" 5e demand the right o2 e(ery ego to ma=imiDe its (alue without limit sa(e that o2 another ego" 5e 4roclaim the age o2 the +arket unbound, the natural and 4ro4er condition 2or humanity, wealth in abundance, goals without end or limit, and sel2.determined meaning 2or all3 'gora" $5e challenge all who would bind us to show us cause8 2ailing 4roo2 o2 our aggression we shatter our 2etters" 5e bring to 9ustice all who ha(e aggressed against any, e(er" 5e restore all who ha(e su22ered o44ression to their right2ul condition" 'nd we destroy 2ore(er the +onster o2 the 'ges, the 4seudo.legitimiDed mono4oly o2 coercion, 2rom our minds and 2rom our society, the 4rotector o2 aggressors and thwarter o2 9ustice" #hat is, we smash the State3 'narchy" $5e e=ert our wills to our 4ersonal limits restrained only by consistent morality" 5e struggle against anti.4rinci4les which would sa4 our wills and combat all who 4hysically challenge us" 5e rest not nor waste resource until the State is smashed and humanity has reached its agorist home" 6urning with un2lagging desire 2or Fustice now and )iberty 2ore(er, we win3 'ction& 'gora, 'narchy, 'ction& Samuel Edward Konkin III /ctober 11, 1980, 'narcho(illage ;)ong 6each<

-ootnotes ......... H1I E"g", 'longside ,ight by F" ,eil Schulman ; rown, 19C98 'ce, 1981< and e=4ected se:uels" H1I #he )e2t was originally 4roto.)ibertarian, as re(isionist historians such as )eonard )iggio 4oint out" In the -rench 'ssembly, 2ree marketeer -rederic 6astiat sat ne=t to anarchist Pierre.Fose4h Proudhon" E(en today +ar=ists re2er to anarchists as $ultra. le2t$ elements" #he libertarian and +ar=ist elements were about e:ual at the close o2 the -irst 5orkingman%s International" #he +ar=ists and their sell.out imitators ha(e been in ascendancy since the 1890%s, 2inally losing belie2 in themsel(es with the ,ew )e2t colla4se, the in(asion o2 Dechoslo(akia and '2ghanistan by the >"S"S"!" and *iet ,am by hina . the $im4ossible$ war between two +ar=ist States" H3I urrently, $)$P$!$ and S)S res4ecti(ely"

HAI #he $!ight$ o2 current libertarianism is 2airly 4rinci4led but many o2 the 4rinci4les hewed to are anti.4rinci4les3 gradualism, conser(atism, re2ormism and minarchy" !eason magaDine and its -rontlines newsletter are its main organs" #he $ enter$ includes +urray !othbard and his 2ollowing, now organiDed in the )P $!adical$ aucus, which su44orts lark $critically,$ i"e", e=ternally, but not internally" #he !othbard entrists ha(e mo(ed )e2t by abandoning monocentrism" HEI +urray !othbard, as mentioned8 the Southern ali2ornia 4arty ouncil Director, Dyanne Petersen, others in2orming this writer o2 their imminent de2ection should more $selling.out$ occur" It will" o S4ecial ,ote to Second Edition3 It did" ' steady trickle o2 )P de2ectors ha(e added to the ranks o2 +)) month by month since then" 't least one new )e2t )ibertarian grou4, the *oluntaryists, ha(e arisen to com4ete 2or the e=.4artyarchs" 'nd +urray !othbard is organiDing, at this time, a last.ditch showdown 2or control o2 the )P with the Kochto4us remnant at the )P 4residential nominating con(ention to be held in Se4tember 1983 in ,ew Kork ity"

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