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The Wafer-God

There are some Christians who are awake to what is going on, but there are many Christians today who believe everything is just fine. Everybody loves everybody else. The Christians, Mormons, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Moslems are all serving the same od, but in different ways. !f ! asked, "Can you #artake of the $ord's %u##er with Catholi&s'" They'd say, "Why not'" $et's find out if there is a differen&e between the $ord's %u##er and the mass. (efore ! go on, let me e)#lain that the bread, or wafer, used in the mass is &alled the host. When the host has been &onse&rated and offered as a sa&rifi&e in the mass, it then be&omes the eu&harist. ! am going to try to #ut into everyday language what is one of the great motivating for&es behind the *oman Catholi& !nstitution. !t is the eu&harist. ! &all it the little Jesus &ookie. ! know Catholi&s are going to be offended by this, but ! &an't hel# it. The +rotestants have to reali,e where they stand on this thing.

Catholi& Twin Cir&le

The *oman Catholi& !nstitution in their Canon laws state"!f any one shall deny that the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our $ord Jesus Christ, and therefore entire Christ, are truly, really, and substantially &ontained in the sa&rament of the most .oly Eu&harist/ and shall say that .e is only in it as a sign, or in a figure, let him be a&&ursed." 01&&ursed means to be damned, under a &urse.2 "!f any one shall say that Christ, the only begotten %on of od, is not to be adored in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist,.... and that .e is not to be #ubli&ly set before the #eo#le to be adored, and that .is adorers are idolaters, let him be a&&ursed3"

+hoto from "The %ervi&e of $ove"

John +aul !!

That's when, beloved, the #riest walks out holding u# the &ookie in the monstran&e, whi&h looks like a sunburst, and #eo#le &ome u# and kiss it and adore it. 1nd if any +rotestant would say, ".ey, that's idolatry," that +rotestant is to be a&&ursed.

The eu&harist in the monstran&e being &arried in a #ro&ession

4ow, to sum this u#, the *oman Catholi& !nstitution tea&hes that you must believe that the bread, or host, &onse&rated in the mass a&tually be&omes Jesus Christ and it is to be worshi##ed as od 1lmighty. This is why, ba&k in 5667, a #riest &arrying the eu&harist 0the little Jesus &ookie2 &ould stand before a family of Christians in %&otland, tied to #osts with dried brush u# to their waists. .e'd hold that #ie&e of bread before them and ask if what he held in his hand was a&tually the body, blood and deity of Jesus Christ. When they said, "4o, it is only a symbol," the #riest's assistant #la&ed his flaming tor&h into the brush and set those (ible8believers on fire. 1s the vi&tims s&reamed in agony, the #riest held u# his &ru&ifi) and said, "1ll this is for the greater glory of od."

!t holds firm, just as strong today, as it did in the time of the Middle 1ges, that anyone who ridi&ules it, or says that it only re#resents Christ, is damned. The 9ati&an !! Coun&il re8affirmed this. +o#e John ::!!! said, "! do a&&e#t entirely all that has been de&ided and de&lared at the Coun&il of Trent." That Canon law is in effect today, beloved.

The Hand of Rome

This is a very diffi&ult book to write. Many of you will think it is unbelievable. ;et, ! believe we &an #rove our #osition histori&ally and s&ri#turally. +ay &lose attention to some of the <uotes we are going to make. ;ou will see how %atan is moving and &losing in, in an attem#t to destroy (ible Christianity. ! believe one of the reasons +rotestants are so des#erately weak today is the fa&t that history has been &overed u#. (ooks have been re8written. !t only takes about two generations for everything to be forgotten, es#e&ially, if it is not told over and over again. !t's like the holo&aust of World War !!. The Jews, thank od, are #ressuring the networks to show films on the .olo&aust over and over on television, so that #eo#le will remember what ha##ened. (ut you see, some things have been &leverly &overed u# and left to be forgotten. Most Christians know nothing of their heritage and the terrible #ri&e that was #aid by those before us who stood against the *oman Catholi& system. Many of our young #eo#le have no &on&e#t of what an in<uisition is. !t is when a religious for&e moves in with su&h #ower, de&e#tion, and &ruelty that it destroys everything standing in its way. %atan has dulled our hearing and thoughts &on&erning &rimes of the #ast, and we as 1meri&ans &annot #ossibly &on&eive of su&h a thing ha##ening here in our &ountry. !s it #ossible' The Christians of today are like little blades of grass, growing u# in the sunshine, and there's a big lawn mower &oming toward them 8 and it's singing hymns3 !t's the *oman Catholi& !nstitution. These are harsh words, but you must remember that the *oman Catholi&s believe with all their heart that their &hur&h is the &hur&h of Jesus Christ. They believe the #o#e is the vi&ar, or the re#resentative, of Jesus Christ on this earth. There is a tea&hing within the *oman Catholi& stru&ture &alled the tem#oral #ower. Tem#oral #ower means that the #o#e should &ontrol every #erson on the fa&e of this globe, their #ro#erty and their religion. The Jesuits are #ushing for this tem#oral #ower whi&h means a world8wide di&tator. They believe this is the only way to go, and those who o##ose them are the enemies of the gos#el. .ere's something interesting. Trudeau, of Canada, who is surrounded by Jesuits, is setting u# "&ivilian internment &am#s." That's just a fan&y name for &on&entration &am#s. ;ou &an &he&k this out in an arti&le #ublished in the Toronto %un dated Mar&h 7, 5=>?. 4ow, that's just above our borders, beloved. ! mentioned earlier that mu&h of history has been &overed u#. $et's go ba&k and look at the bloody history of the 9ati&an. Then you'll have the fa&ts to de&ide for yourself whether or not she is the great whore. $et's go ba&k in history now and tou&h on what took #la&e in @ran&e at the %t. (artholomew massa&re and what ha##ened later in !reland. We will then look at what took #la&e in ;ugoslavia during World War !!. An 1ugust ??, 56B?, the bloody %t. (artholomew massa&re began. This was to be one fatal blow to destroy the +rotestant movement in @ran&e. The king of @ran&e had &leverly arranged a marriage between his sister and 1dmiral Coligny, the &hief +rotestant leader. There was a great feast with mu&h &elebrating. 1fter four days of feasting the soldiers were given a signal. 1t

twelve o'&lo&k midnight, all the houses of the +rotestants in the &ity were for&ed o#en at on&e. The admiral was killed, his body thrown out of a window into the street where his head was &ut off and sent to the #o#e. They also &ut off his arms and #rivates and dragged him through the streets for three days until they finally hung his body by the heels outside the &ity.

The 4ew (ook Af Martyrs

Massa&re of +rotestants on %t. (artholomew's Cay They also slaughtered many other well known +rotestants. !n the first three days, over ten thousand were killed. The bodies were thrown into the river and blood ran through the streets into the river until it a##eared like a stream of blood. %o furious was their hellish rage that they even slew their own followers if they sus#e&ted that they were not very strong in their belief in the #o#e. @rom +aris, the destru&tion s#read to all #arts of the &ountry. Aver eight thousand more #eo#le were killed. 9ery few +rotestants es&a#ed the fury of their #erse&utors. 1 similar massa&re o&&urred in !reland in 5D75, The &ons#irators #i&ked A&tober ?E, the feast of !gnatius $oyola, the founder of the Jesuit Arder. They #lanned a general u#rising for the whole &ountry. 1ll +rotestants would be killed at on&e. To throw them off guard while the #lan

was being made, e)tra a&ts of kindness were shown to the +rotestants. Early in the morning the &ons#irators were armed and every +rotestant they &ould find was immediately murdered. They showed no mer&y. @rom &hildren to the aged, they were killed. Even invalids were not s#ared. They were &aught by &om#lete sur#rise. They had lived in #ea&e and safety for years and now found no #la&e to run. They were massa&red by neighbors, friends, and even relatives.

The 4ew (ook of Martyrs

1 s&ene from the !rish Massa&re in 5D7? where 7F,FFF +rotestants were inhumanly sa&rifi&ed by the +a#ists. Ceath often was the least they had to fear. Women were tied to #osts, stri##ed to the waist, their breasts &ut off with shears and left to bleed to death. Athers who were #regnant were tied to tree bran&hes, their unborn babies &ut out and fed to the dogs while the husbands were for&ed to wat&h.

What you've just read is fully do&umented and histori&ally fa&tual. !t is found in @o)e's (ook of Martyrs. (eloved, ! want you to noti&e that both of these murderous assaults by the 9ati&an against the Christians in @ran&e and in !reland followed a similar #attern. (efore the atta&ks, there was a time of healing when the *oman Catholi&s be&ame friendly and warm, and in both &ases the Christians were so relieved that they let their guard down and assumed the 9ati&an had &hanged. This was their fatal mistake and it &ost them their lives. ! #ray to od you will not forget what you've just read.

A 20th Century Inquisition

;ou may say, "Well, that was a long time ago. !t's not like that anymore." (ut has the 9ati&an really &hanged' $et's look at her a&tions during World War !!. Many of you have not read our Crusaders book, THE GODFATHE !, or the book, THE !EC ET H"!TO # OF THE $E!%"T!, and, therefore, you don't really know what ha##ened behind the s&enes during World War !!. %o let me give you a brief #i&ture of the &onditions.

The Jesuits had se&retly #re#ared World War !!, and .itler's war ma&hine was built and finan&ed by the 9ati&an to &on<uer the world for *oman Catholi&ism, .itler, Mussolini, and @ran&o were to be the defenders of the faith. They were set u# to win and &on<uer the world, and set u# a millennium for the #o#e. (ehind the s&enes, the Jesuits &ontrolled the esta#o. 1ll this is fully documented in THE !EC ET H"!TO # OF THE $E!%"T!, #ublished by Chi&k +ubli&ations. *ead what the #ress of the %#anish di&tator, @ran&o, #ublished following .itler's death. !t said, "1dolf .itler, son of the Catholi& Chur&h, died while defending Christianity." !t goes on to say, "Aver his mortal remains stands his vi&torious moral figure. With the #alm of the martyr, od gives .itler the laurels of 9i&tory." .itler himself stated, "! learned mu&h from the Arder of the Jesuits. Gntil now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierar&hi&al organi,ation of the Catholi& &hur&h. ! transferred mu&h of this organi,ation into my own #arty." Walter %&hellenberg, former &hief of 4a,i &ounter8es#ionage made this statement- "The %.%. organi,ation had been &onstituted by .immler a&&ording to the #rin&i#les of the Jesuit Arder. Their regulations and the %#iritual E)er&ises #res&ribed by !gnatius of $oyola were the model

.immler tried to &o#y e)a&tly. .immler's title as su#reme &hief of the %.%. was to be the e<uivalent of the Jesuits' ' eneral' and the whole stru&ture was a &lose imitation of the Catholi& Chur&h's hierar&hi&al order." @ran, von +a#en, another #owerful 4a,i, who was instrumental in setting u# the &on&ordat between ermany and the 9ati&an had this to say- "The Third *ei&h is the first world #ower whi&h not only a&knowledges but also #uts into #ra&ti&e the high #rin&i#les of the #a#a&y." !f you are not aware of what a &on&ordat is, a &on&ordat is an agreement between the 9ati&an and a government. 1s far as the 9ati&an is &on&erned, that government that signed the &on&ordat has now be&ome a #art of the government of od, and the 9ati&an fully intends to stabili,e that government, give it divine #rote&tion, and give it international #rote&tion.
$ike !taly, ermany signed a &on&ordat with the 9ati&an in *ome, 5=EE.

The odfathers, by Chi&k +ubli&ations, #g. ?F

%igning the &on&ordat is Cardinal +a&elli 0later to be&ome +o#e +ius :!!2. (y 5=EE he was the 9ati&an %e&retary of %tate. %e&ond from left is @ran, von +a#en, a sinister 4a,i and devout *oman Catholi& who was .itler's a&e di#lomat and the 9ati&an's agent in hel#ing to bring .itler to #ower. %tanding at the far right &an be seen the little8known 9ati&an #relate, Montini, later to be&ome +o#e +aul 9!.

"The 4a,i +erse&ution of the Chur&hes" by J.%. Conway, +gs. ?6, ?D H 5D?.

.itler with *ei&h (isho# Muller and 1bbot %&ha&hleiter, surrounded by #arty bosses/ %e#tember 5=E7.

1CA$+. .!T$E* %1!C"! am #ersonally &onvin&ed of the great #ower and dee# signifi&an&e of Christianity, and ! won't allow any other religion to be #romoted. That is why ! have turned away from $udendorff and that is why ! reje&t that book by *osenberg. !t was written by a +rotestant. !t is not a +arty book. !t was not written by him as a +arty man. The +rotestants &an be left to argue with him ... 1s a Catholi& ! never feel &omfortable in the Evangeli&al Chur&h or its stru&tures. That is why ! will have great diffi&ulty if ! try to regulate affairs of the +rotestant &hur&hes. The evangeli&al #eo#le or the +rotestants will in any &ase reje&t me. (ut you &an be sure- ! will #rote&t the rights

and freedoms of the &hur&hes and not let them be tou&hed, so that you need have no fears about the future of the Chur&h." .itler was also ready to dis&uss with the (isho# his views on the Jewish <uestion- "1s for the Jews, ! am just &arrying on with the same #oli&y whi&h the Catholi& &hur&h has ado#ted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and #ushed them into ghettos et&., be&ause it knew what the Jews were like. ! don't #ut ra&e above religion, but ! do see the danger in the re#resentatives of this ra&e for Chur&h and %tate, and #erha#s ! am doing Christianity a great servi&e."
"The 4a,i +erse&ution of the Chur&hes" by J.%. Conway, +gs. ?6, ?D H 5D?.

The three big defenders of the *oman Catholi& faith were .itler, Mussolini, and @ran&o. 1ll three had &on&ordats with the 9ati&an. When the 4a,i war ma&hine swe#t through the (alkans on the way to atta&k *ussia, ;ugoslavia had be&ome a 4a,i o&&u#ied &ountry.

(ison +i&ture $ibrary H Aur %unday 9isitor, Mar&h ?=, 5=>5

The #o#e des#ised the *ussian Arthodo) members. They were &alled %erbians and they were marked for death in ;ugoslavia. They were given one &hoi&e- to &onvert to Catholi&ism, or die. Why were they killed' Why did the #o#e have su&h a vendetta against the *ussian Arthodo)' 1s we said in our Crusaders book, THE GODFATHE !, the &ommunist #arty was &reated by the 9ati&an to destroy one of her greatest enemies, the *ussian Arthodo) &hur&h. The &ommunists had double8&rossed the #o#e and refused to destroy the *ussian Arthodo) &hur&h

members and at last, +o#e +ius :!! had &reated a ma&hine to do what the &ommunists had failed to do 8 but&her every Arthodo) &hur&h member and their &lergy. $et's see how this was a&&om#lished.

%tane Iukavi&a, a @ran&is&an monk, also seen in the uniform of the Gstashi. The Catholi& #riests &hanged their robes for the uniforms of the dreaded Gsta&hi killer s<uads, and led the most barbari&, brutal raids u#on those #eo#le and #ra&ti&ed satani& torture never before known in this &entury. We are not talking >FF years ago. We are talking 5=7F. ! was in high s&hool then.

The whore of *evelation showed her fangs, tore her enemies to shreds and &leverly &overed u# her &rimes. 1ll this is do&umented in many books, in&luding CATHO&"C TE O TODA#, by 1vro Manhattan, the book the following <uotes were taken from. "The non8Catholi& #o#ulation of Catholi& Croatia 0that's ;ugoslavia2 were given two basi& alternatives- &onversion or death. Their &hur&h buildings were &losed, #arish do&uments destroyed, e&&lesiasti&al buildings burned down, Arthodo) worshi##ers very often were arrested inside their own &hur&hes, and ke#t there or in lo&al halls while awaiting their fate- for&ed &onversion, &on&entration &am#s or e)e&ution. Their survival, more often than not, de#ended u#on the whim of the Gsta&hi Commandants and of the Catholi& +adres 0#riests2 a&&om#anying them."

1nte +aveli&, the head of the Gstashi %tate of Croatia, surrounded with Croatian Catholi& &lergy in 1#ril, 5=7?. .e was to ;ugoslavia, what .itler was to ermany.

The bisho#s and ar&hbisho#s of Croatia gave full su##ort to the Gstashi. .ere, the Croatian bisho#s and ar&hbisho#s are seen #i&tured with 1nte +aveli& during one of their fre<uent &onferen&es with him.

4uns mar&hing together with Croatian 4a,i8legionnaires 0Gstashi2.

+aveli& among Croatian nuns. They were de&orated 0see de&oration on &hest2 by +aveli& for their "heroi&" Gstashi deeds.

1n Gstashi, with a sadisti& smile on his fa&e, &ho##ing off a man's head with an a).

This #hotogra#h of Gstashi taken in (osnia in 5=7E before they e)e&uted their vi&tim.

"Mass murders were su##lemented by the massa&re of individuals, mostly in rural distri&ts. The Gsta&hi very often used the most #rimitive wea#ons, su&h as forks, s#ades, hammers and saws, to torture their vi&tims #rior to their e)e&ution. They broke their legs, #ulled off their skin and beards, blinded them by &utting their eyes with knives and even tearing them from their so&kets." This information is do&umented by #i&tures and by the sworn testimony of survivors. "They did not s#are women or &hildren. To <uote only one instan&e- '!n the villages between 9laseni&a and Iladani the 4a,i o&&u#ational troo#s dis&overed &hildren who had been im#aled u#on stakes by the Gsta&hi, their little members distorted with #ain.' Catholi& #riests advo&ated the killing of &hildren.

1 #riest named !van *agu,, re#eatedly urged the killing of all %erbs, in&luding &hildren so that "not even the seeds of the beasts are left."

1 Catholi& #riest named Juri& said, "Today it is no longer a sin to kill a &hild of seven, should su&h a &hild be o##osed to our movement of the Gsta&hi.'" "The worst atro&ities, strange as it may seem, were &arried out by members of the intelligentsia. The &ase of +eter (r,i&a is undoubtedly one of the most in&redible in this &ategory. +eter (r,i&a had attended the @ran&is&an College at %iroki, (rijeg, in .er,egovina, was a law student, and a member of the Catholi& organi,ation of Crusaders. !n the &on&entration &am# at Jasenova&, on the night of 1ugust ?=,5=7?, orders were issued for e)e&utions. (ets were made as to who &ould li<uidate the largest number of inmates. +eter (r,i&a &ut the throats of 5,EDF #risoners with a s#e&ially shar# but&her's knife. .aving been #ro&laimed the #ri,e8winner of the &om#etition, he was ele&ted Iing of the Cut8throats. 1 gold wat&h, a silver servi&e and a roasted su&kling #ig and wine were his rewards."

The @ran&is&an monk, Miroslav @ili#ovi&, left, as a #riest/ wearing his &asso&k, right, in Gstashi uniform. @ili#ovi& was the &ommandant of the &on&entration &am# at Jasenova&. Jasenova& &on&entration &am# distinguished itself be&ause of the number of young inmates sent there. !n 5=7? the &am# held over ?7,FFF Arthodo) youngsters. Twelve thousand of them were murdered in &old blood.

Cor#ses of &hildren starved to death in the &on&entration &am# at Jasenova&.

Gstashi &arrying the head of a %erbian Arthodo) #riest. 1t Cubrovini&k, Calmatia, fas&ist soldiers had #hotogra#hs of an Gstashi wearing two ne&kla&es. Ane was a string of &ut8out eyes, the other of torn out tongues of murdered Arthodo) %erbs.

The atro&ities of the Gsta&hi far sur#assed mere #hysi&al torture. Their vi&tims were tormented emotionally as well. 1n e)am#le of the un#re&edented brutality is re&orded by the sworn testimony of several witnesses regarding the following in&ident. 1t 4evesinje, the Gsta&hi arrested one whole %erbian family &onsisting of father, mother and four &hildren. The mother and &hildren were se#arated from the father. @or seven days they were tortured by starvation and thirst. Then they brought the mother and &hildren a good8si,ed roast, and #lenty of water to drink. These unfortunates were so hungry that they ate the entire roast. 1fter they finished, the Gsta&hi told them that they had eaten the flesh of their father. This ha##ened in our generation, beloved. This is an e)am#le of the unleashed rage of the 9ati&an. ! on&e read that, "*ome when in minority is as gentle as a lamb, when in e<uality is as &lever as a fo), and when in the majority is as fier&e as a tiger." ! believe that this is an a&&urate des&ri#tion.

The Whore of Revelation

Co you believe this monster is sim#ly a ba&kslidden or a#ostate &hur&h like many of our Christian leaders tell us, or is she the whore of *evelation' $et's look at s&ri#ture and &he&k it out for ourselves. We find in &ha#ter 5B of the (ook of *evelation the (ible says, "! will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth u#on many waters-" 1nd, of &ourse, in s&ri#ture the referen&e to many waters means multitudes of #eo#le. Today the 9ati&an boasts almost one billion followers. What's that, almost a <uarter of the earth's #o#ulation' 1nd it says, "With whom the kings of the earth have &ommitted forni&ation." !f you look ba&k in history you will see that almost every king has had #oliti&al, e&onomi& or religious ties with the 9ati&an, starting with Constantine the reat, who was a&tually the first #o#e, and #resided over the first &oun&il. Constantine was never saved. 0That was another smokes&reen.2 Most nations today have di#lomati& re#resentatives in the 9ati&an. "1nd the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her forni&ation." We have just looked at the madness of World War !! and how it was set u# by the Jesuits. 1nd the (ible goes on to say, "The woman was arrayed in #ur#le and s&arlet." These are the offi&ial &olors of the 9ati&an. "1nd de&ked with gold and #re&ious stones and #earls." Cid you know the 9ati&an is the wealthiest organi,ation on the fa&e of the earth' $ater in the book !'ll go into this in more detail. The (ible goes on to say, "1nd on her forehead was a name written, M;%TE*;, (1(;$A4 T.E *E1T." Where did Catholi&ism &ome from' !f you do a little resear&h you'll find it &ame from the an&ient (abylonian mysteries, and you &an tra&e it right ba&k to 4imrod and %emiramis. Anly the names were &hanged to make it look like a Christian organi,ation.

"...(abylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is be&ome the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul s#irit and a &age of every un&lean and hateful bird." *ev. 5>-?

"The Mother of .arlots and 1bominations of the earth." Can ! name a few abominations that &ame from *ome' We have the 4a,i +arty, whi&h was staffed with Jesuits and high ranking Catholi&s. 1nd then we have the &ommunist #arty, another offshoot, or bran&h of the mother of harlots.

$isten to these names- Mar), Engels, %talin, $enin, @idel Castro. 1ll were trained and guided by Jesuits. We are #ublishing two new books that go into detail on this. %o these are her babies. Just a few of them, not to mention some of the s#irit &ults like voodoo. !n the voodoo &reed they state that, along with their religion of demon #ossession, they believe in "the holy *oman Catholi& &hur&h." The (ible goes on to say, "1nd ! saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints." The *oman Catholi& !nstitution tortured, maimed and murdered D> million #eo#le during the %#anish !n<uisition alone, and many of these were (ible8believing Christians.

The 4ew (ook of Martyrs

*e#resentation of the tortures used in the !n<uisition.

Who would you say the whore of *evelation is' !s it something that will &ome in the future, or are we stu&k with it right now' (eloved, it is obvious the whore of *evelation is the *oman Catholi& !nstitution, and od hates it3 .e wants .is #eo#le to &ome out of it so that .is love &an be manifested. od says, "!f you love me, kee# my &ommandments." 0John 57-562 1t the end of the Cark 1ges, when the #o#es ruthlessly &ontrolled Euro#e, od raised u# Christian men and women who knew the (ible and loudly #ro&laimed that the deadly *oman Catholi& !nstitution was the whore of *evelation.

Another Gospel
1s a Christian, what do ! do &on&erning the whore of *evelation' !'m a&&used of not showing love and of being too harsh in e)#osing Catholi&ism. 1m ! being uns&ri#tural' $et's see. (ible Christianity and *oman Catholi&ism are do&trinally as far a#art as the east is from the west. Ane is based on the (ible and the other on the traditions of men. %o how &an we walk together without &om#romise' !t's im#ossible. Many +rotestants and Charismati& Catholi&s &laim that the .oly %#irit is drawing them together. (ut, is it the .oly %#irit of od' Ar &ould it be a different s#irit' 1re Charismati& Catholi&s leaving the whore of *evelation' Ar are they being used to #ull +rotestants to *ome' %ome Charismati& Catholi&s &laim that after being ba#ti,ed by the .oly %#irit they have a dee#er relationshi# with Mary, they &an re&ite the rosary in tongues, and so on. 4one of this is in the (ible. They are the inventions of men. !n !! Corinthians 55-?87, it says- "@or ! am jealous over you with godly jealousy- for ! have es#oused you to one husband, that ! may #resent you as a &haste virgin to Christ. (ut ! fear, lest by any means, as the ser#ent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be &orru#ted from the sim#li&ity that is in Christ. @or if he that &ometh #rea&heth another Jesus, whom we have not #rea&hed, or if ye re&eive another s#irit, whi&h ye have not re&eived, or another gos#el, whi&h ye have not a&&e#ted, ye might well bear with him.' +aul is warning them here against following anyone #rea&hing another gos#el. 1nd then in John 5D-5E it says- ".owbeit when he, the %#irit of truth, is &ome, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not s#eak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he s#eak." 4ow, od the .oly %#irit is the s#irit of truth. .ow &an .e lead someone dee#er into error' That's im#ossible, (eloved. That's a different s#irit, and it is not from od. %atan is the master de&eiver and this is his &lever religious game to #ull +rotestants under the &ontrol of the whore.

.as *ome &hanged' (eloved, when the whore of *evelation dum#s the mass, the veneration 0or worshi#2 of Mary, when they throw away their rosaries and re#ent from &laiming that Mary was free from original sin just like Jesus, when they admit they &ooked u# the idea of #urgatory/ and when the #riests of *ome &on&ede to the #riesthood of all believers/ when the whore of *evelation does all that, then ! will believe she is &hanging. +eo#le say she is &hanging, but, beloved, she is only &hanging her ta&ti&s. .ow does a harlot, or whore, sedu&e her vi&tims' The book of +roverbs tells us in &ha#ter B, verses D through 5F- "! dis&erned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, +assing through the street near her &orner/ and he went the way to her house, !n the twilight, in the evening, in the bla&k and dark night- 1nd, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart." Then, verses ?? and ?7 through ?B- "With her mu&h fair s#ee&h she &aused him to yield, with the flattering of her li#s she for&ed him. .e goeth after her straightway, as an o) goeth to the slaughter. .earken unto me now therefore, A ye &hildren, and attend to the words of my mouth. $et not thine heart de&line to her ways, go not astray in her #aths. @or she both &ast down many wounded- yea, many strong men have been slain by her. .er house is the way to hell, going down to the &hambers of death." The (ible says the mother of harlots will sedu&e kings and nations with her &unning/ that the nations have been made drunk, whi&h means they are &onfused, disoriented, unstable, and &an be easily de&eived and &on<uered by her. Today, the whore has beguiled and flattered our Christian leaders into believing that she is #art of the true body of Christ, and is sim#ly a ba&kslidden or a#ostate &hur&h.

The 1nswer, Mar&h 5=>F

e' meets the (o)e

"1nd what a dynami& moment it was for me as ! finally greeted +o#e John +aul !! #ersonally. !t was &lear that he had heard about our ministry. ! shared with him our vision for the ne)t three years to take the gos#el message by way of television into every nation on the earth. "1s we talked together, ! sensed more and more that our mission is the same- to build the body of Christ/ to u#lift our brethren in the $ord/ to win the world for the kingdom/ to share that shining message that Jesus gave us to share . . . ';ou are loved.' "! wish you &ould have been there, standing by my side, as ! shared those few moments with +o#e John +aul !!. @or those were milestone moments in my own #ersonal life, in my s#iritual life . ..

! was sho&ked at being a&&used of dividing the brethren. They referred to the s&ri#ture whi&h says, "Mark those whi&h &ause divisions among you and avoid them." (ut, beloved, why did they leave out the middle of the verse' !s there something wrong with it' Why don't they <uote the whole thing' !t says, '4ow ! besee&h you, mark those whi&h &ause divisions and offen&es contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them." This verse is found at the end of *omans, the great book on salvation by faith, not works. !t's telling us to avoid those who tea&h anything other than salvation by faith in Christ alone. !t is a warning against &ults. 1 &ult is anything that takes away from the suffi&ien&y of Christ's sa&rifi&e on Calvary. !'m &ausing a division all right, but not between brethren. We need to be s#e&ifi& about the different kinds of division. We must not &reate division between our brethren in Christ/ those who hold to the true gos#el that we are saved by faith, and faith alone. (ut the (ible says we must se#arate from those tea&hing false do&trine 8 another gos#el. !t's a division between the saved and the lost. Jesus said in Matt. 5F-E7, "Think not that ! am &ome to send #ea&e on earth, ! &ame not to send #ea&e, but a sword. @or ! am &ome to set a man at varian&e against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter8in8law against her mother8in8law. 1nd a man's foes shall be they of his own household. .e that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. .e that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 1nd he that taketh not his &ross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. .e that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Jesus is talking here about se#aration. We must take a stand for the gos#el no matter the &ost. !'d like to <uote a dear brother in Christ. ! think this will hel# to #ut things in their #ro#er #ers#e&tive. .e said, "(e&ause we live at a time when terms like love and unity are so a##ealing, it is <uite diffi&ult to argue that these words have been taken out of &onte)t and do not mean what we think they mean. $ove without truth is whoredom. To &om#romise is to reje&t the gos#el, and without the gos#el there is no ho#e. !n a &hoi&e between unity and truth, unity must yield to truth, for it is far better to be divided by truth than to be united in error."

!n .is Word, od says that Truth is all8im#ortant, that we should de#art from those who hold not the truth. od said that we should e)amine everything &arefully, and hold fast to that whi&h is good, and reje&t that whi&h is evil. Care we set aside what od says' %ome say we are standing on the brink of the end of the +rotestant era, and we will see the birth of the su#er&hur&h. (eloved, that su#er&hur&h has always been here. 1s od's #eo#le, we are to o##ose her and tell the *oman Catholi&s to &ome out of her in obedien&e to Christ. The (ible tells us in E#hesians 6-55- "1nd have no fellowshi# with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather re#rove them." *e#rove means to e)#ress disa##roval of, to rebuke, to e)#ose it for what it is. Christ tells us in the (ook of *evelation, &ha#ter 5>, verses D and B &on&erning the mother of harlots to "*eward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double a&&ording to her works- in the &u# whi&h she hath filled fill to her double. .ow mu&h she both glorified herself, and lived deli&iously, so mu&h torment and sorrow give her-..." That's the only #la&e in s&ri#ture we are told to fight ba&k. !t is our res#onsibility. %he has betrayed the Catholi& #eo#le. %he is destroying +rotestantism. 1nd by od's gra&e we will ri# the self8righteous robes off that whore and e)#ose her filthy running sores, her lies, &rimes, the blood that is on her hands and her murderous intentions against od's #eo#le. When we e)#ose her, and the Catholi& #eo#le see what she has done, and the world sees, they're going to flee from her and turn to Christ. What kind of warfare are Christians to be in' !t's a s#iritual war3 We're not to #i&k u# wea#ons and go after the Catholi& #eo#le. ;ou must understand what's involved here. We are lo&ked into a s#iritual warfare over the souls of men. The (ible says "@or we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against #rin&i#alities, against #owers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against s#iritual wi&kedness in high #la&es." 0E#hesians D-5?2 The (ible e)#lains it in E#hesians D. !f we follow this through and arm ourselves and fight the s#iritual warfare, then we'll be vi&torious. (ut Christ has to go before us. (eloved, we are in a s#iritual warfare. (e on the offensive. 4ever give in. %atan hates #rayer. Take authority over o&&ult #owers in the name of our $ord. 1ssault the gates of hell, and he will fall ba&k. %atan &an only harm us if od gives him the authority, so he bluffs, lies and threatens, et&. *egardless of his te&hni<ue to &onfuse, if the $ord Jesus is lifted u#, %atan is damaged. 1nd when we've done all, we must have the guts to stand. We &annot stand on our own ... it's only through the gra&e and #ower of od. 1lways send the $ord before you into battle. 1m ! wrong in e)#osing the whore' 4o3 !'m being obedient to the Word of od. Aur #osition might not be the #o#ular one but we are not out to #lease men. !n alations 5-5F it says, "@or do ! now #ersuade men or od' or do ! seek to #lease men' for if ! yet #leased men, ! should not be a servant of Christ."

Cover Up
When World War !! ended, the 9ati&an had egg all over its fa&e. +o#e +ius :!!, after building the 4a,i war ma&hine, saw .itler losing his battle against *ussia, and he immediately jum#ed to the other side as he saw the handwriting on the wall. eneral Eisenhower saved his ne&k. +o#e +ius :!! should have stood before the judges in 4uremburg. .is war &rimes were worthy of death. (ut the 9ati&an was #ulling every string she &ould, and +o#e +ius :!! &ame out smelling like a rose. Too many #eo#le knew that the 9ati&an was res#onsible for World War !! so it was time for a fa&e lift. Time to start u# smokes&reens. The 9ati&an !! Coun&il &ame into e)isten&e and the mother of harlots #ut on a new make8u# job. %he wi#ed her mouth with her bloody hands and said, "!'ve &hanged. 4ow ! like the +rotestants. !'m not going to &all them hereti&s any more, but se#arated brethren." %he told the +rotestants to forget the #ast. !t was now time to #ush the love gos#el. 1 time of healing. Just like in @ran&e and !reland. *emember...'

Catholi& Twin Cir&le, A&tober 55, 5=>5

(isho# @ulton J. %heen

There were so many books in the gos#el book stores e)#osing the whore that the 9ati&an had to &reate a &ommon enemy for both Catholi&s and +rotestants to unite against. (isho# @ulton J. %heen laun&hed the anti8&ommunist atta&k, and behold, like mushrooms, we saw anti8&ommunist ministries #o##ing u# e)#osing the monster in Mos&ow. The Jesuits were busy on many fronts. The John (ir&h %o&iety blossomed, aided by the Jesuits, be&ause it served their #ur#ose to have the attention of the +rotestants shifted from the 9ati&an to Communism. 1t this time, %enator M&Carthy was riding high. +ublishers sto##ed

#ublishing books e)#osing the whore and turned their attention to Communism. %ome Christian #ublishers were bought out, others didn't want to make a stand be&ause it would raise eyebrows. %o the 9ati&an was su&&eeding in their goals. Their boys, #lanted in +rotestant denominations, frowned on anti8Catholi& sermons and dis&ouraged them a&ross the nation. We were lo&ked into a &old war with *ussia. .ollywood, influen&ed by a #owerful Catholi& lobby, furnished us with films like "%ong of (ernadette" and " oing My Way," and a number of e)&iting films glorifying the Catholi& faith. An the other hand, they #ushed movies like "Elmer antry" showing &rooked +rotestant evangelists. Co you remember "Cragnet'" on television' The Christian was always #i&tured with a big (ible, smiling after he had strangled randma u# in the atti&. 1nd always, the #riests were the good guys. Just like in the #o#ular television series &alled M1%.. ;ou see, we are hit #sy&hologi&ally on many fronts.

@ifty ;ears of the Movies

Aur %unday 9isitor, 1#ril 6, 5=>5

1(A9E- !ngrid (ergman and (ing Crosby in "The (ells of %t. Mary's," the #o#ular se<uel to " oing my Way." $E@T- (ill Christo#her who #lays "@ather Mul&ahy" on the ever #o#ular television #rogram "M1%.."

Co ! dare talk about Christian television' ! think !'d better. $et us take a look at what has ha##ened to our Christian television networks. We have Jim (akker, on +T$/ you have BFF Club with +at *obertson, and the biggie here on the West Coast is +aul and Jan Crou&h with their T(4. They all have something in &ommon. They all have nuns and #riests on their #rograms.

! have wat&hed +aul and Jan on Channel 7F, and sometimes, ! feel so heavy hearted. ! wat&h all these nuns and #riests &oming on. An&e ! heard +aul and Jan saying, "Ah, ! don't understand the mass, but it's very interesting." od has warned us as Christians to have nothing to do with the works of darkness.

They have a #riest that they're s#onsoring on their network #rogram. .is name is Manning. .e wistfully looks at the +rotestants and begs for funds to s#onsor Catholi& missionaries. Christians are de#riving their own #astors and their own &hur&hes by sending their money in to T(4 for this #riest. Those dear little old grandmothers send him love offerings and it is only making the 9ati&an wealthier. There's going to be a lot to give an a&&ount for, beloved. We've ended u# with Christian show business. We have a bun&h of new stars singing sna##y little songs and swinging hymns, beating drums, wearing se<uins, and telling us how good Jesus is. We &an wat&h a variety of s#eakers and singers for hours on end. %o who reads the (ible when they &an wat&h Christian television' !t looks like it has re#la&ed the Word of od for many. They're looking at #eo#le instead of going to the (ible for answers, and getting their noses into history to find out what's going on. %ome #eo#le have Channel 7F and +T$ on like a rabbit's foot. They figure od's going to bless them be&ause they have this holy #rogram on. ! have a friend whose Cad is an unsaved *oman Catholi&. This man goes to mass, beats his wife, swears like a sailor, drinks his boo,e, but he wat&hes Christian television every night. The house is filled with statues of saints and the 9irgin Mary, the &ru&ifi). .e gets blind drunk. .e sits there with his &igar and his boo,e, with his feet u# on the &hair, and he wat&hes +aul and Jan. .e is &onvin&ed, after wat&hing the Catholi&s on that network, that he is on his way to heaven. When his son8in8law tries to witness to him, he #oints to the smiling #riests and nuns on those Christian stations and says, "%ee' We're all Christians." ! believe this man's blood is going to be on their hands. The 9ati&an now has a satellite and soon the #o#e will be able to s#eak to every *oman Catholi& on the fa&e of this earth at the same time. (eloved, if you #lay footsies with the 9ati&an, you lose. ! believe in the future you will see that our Christian television heroes with giant ministries will soon be #i&ked off one by one. 1ll of the biggies will fall for one reason or another. 1nd the last hero alive will be his holiness in the 9ati&an, and the world will love him.

Aur %unday 9isitor, 1#ril ?D, 5=>5

1 national Catholi& television network is no longer a dream. 1 vast tele&ommuni&ations network is already ra#idly taking sha#e within the Chur&h and the G.%. #lanners say that between fall and ne)t January, some B6 dio&eses will be utili,ing the Westar &ommuni&ations satellite through a series of earth stations. Te&hni&al #lans have been no #roblem and, in fa&t, are well advan&ed. The estimated B6 dio&esan earth stations, &alled downlinks, will get most of their broad&ast material, via satellite, from one or two #rogram distribution #oints, &alled u#links. Ane of those u#links will &ertainly be in 4ew ;ork. !f a se&ond is built, it will be on the West Coast, #ossibly %an @ran&is&o or $os 1ngeles. The u#links will be o#erated by the newly in&or#orated 4ational Catholi& Tele&ommuni&ations 4etwork. 1nd the satellite owned by Western Gnion will be leased, at first, for five hours a day, five days a week. 4e)t year, however, additional time will be sought on the new *C1 satellite, and within two to three years, #lanners ho#e to be using a satellite round8the8&lo&k. The te&hni&al &onsultant, %atellite %ystem Engineering, in Washington, CC, has been working sin&e last %e#tember on design s#e&ifi&ations for the earth stations, both the u#links and downlinks. They have also been evaluating bidders for &onstru&ting the system. 1t this #oint Mi&rowave and <uality #rogram material, for whi&h the system has a vora&ious a##etite, %u&&ess de#ends on the <uality of the #rogramming. The &ost will take &are of itself, if the <uality of the #rogramming is good. @or the first time, the Chur&h #rovides a good alternative home video environment, there will be no #roblem. The magnititude of the #lan, a&&ording to @ather Mi&hael J. Cem#sey, a (rooklyn #riest who is the satellite #roje&t dire&tor, &an easily be &om#ared to the bisho#s' de&ision last &entury when they agreed to build a Catholi& s&hool system. They o#ted for the system in order to edu&ate the large Catholi& immigration after the 5>7Fs, but "without knowing the #roblems it would re#resent. (ut they built it as a way of being Chur&h to this new world of #eo#le whi&h had suddenly swelled to 5F million in 5F years." The satellite system, by &om#arison, is the most adventuresome and &ertainly the most &ostly undertaking the bisho#s have ever embarked u#on. Gnlike the s&hool system, however, the enormous &ost of the system is intended to get in&ome from both +rotestant and Catholi& viewers, and is "eminently su&&essful e&onomi&ally." !ts annual in&ome is roughly between JEFF and J6FF million. @or @ather Cem#sey, su&h e)am#les offer reassuran&e that the &ommuni&ation satellite #roje&t will not be taking money from CCC or s&hools or the #arish. !n fa&t, if there were any sign that it would threaten the... satellite. These &an be redistributed lo&ally to &over all the &able systems and institutions in the area.

Then, later, it &an gradually move to ele&troni&s as it gets the &a#ital and re&eives in&ome to do that. 1bove all, says @ather Cem#sey, individual dio&eses should get "a&tively involved in the fran&hising #ro&ess of the lo&al &able systems." The Cable systems...

The (ible says, in !! Corinthians D-57, "(e ye not une<ually yoked together with unbelieversfor what fellowshi# hath righteousness with unrighteousness' and what &ommunion hath light with darkness' 1nd what &on&ord hath Christ with (elial' or what #art hath he that believeth with an infidel'" and then in verse 5B it goes on to say, "Wherefore &ome out from among them, and be ye se#arate, saith the $ord, and tou&h not the un&lean thing/ and ! will re&eive you, 1nd will be a @ather unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the $ord 1lmighty."

The $allen Idol

The 9ati&an always looks and #lans way into the future, from ?6, to 6F, to 5FF years in advan&e. 1fter World War !!, the 9ati&an had to #i&k and ba&k an 1meri&an &ham#ion who would be a friend, a man they would hel# #ut on a #edestal, who would be loved by everybody. od forbid that he should ever he a Martin $uther3 This &ham#ion would woo and win the hearts of the 1meri&an #eo#le, a biggie, a &ham#ion they would su##ort. .e &ould be used as the #ied #i#er who would #ull all the evangeli&als into the arms of the #o#e. They wanted a man who would be a good s#eaker, a man with &harisma who &ould #a&k stadiums/ a man who would #rea&h a gos#el message, but on the soft side/ one who would never atta&k the 9ati&an. 1nd so when they found him, William *andol#h .earst, a good *oman Catholi& #ublisher, used his news#a#er &hain to #ush (illy raham to fame. @or EF years, (illy raham s#oke to multitudes and be&ame greatly loved, res#e&ted, and imitated. When he #rea&hed, he was honored and men #raised him. ;et when Jesus Christ #rea&hed, they killed .im. ! often read the s&ri#ture- "Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of od." The news#a#ers never really blasted (illy raham. Maga,ines said he was one of the world's most loved men. %omehow, ! ke#t getting a "tilt" sign flashing in my mind. !'ve loved (illy, #rayed for him and su##orted him. (ut ! sensed something was wrong.

Aakland Tribune, July ?=, 5=B5 Aakland (isho# @loyd begin &hats with (illy raham They dis&uss Jesuit's book lauding raham's ministry

Mar&h 5=, 5=D6 Mr. Julius C. Taylor 5FF Cardinal Crive Taylors, %outh Carolina Cear Mr. Taylor;our very ni&e letter addressed to the *ev. John Aetgen has been handed to me for re#ly. @ather John is no longer #resident and is at the Gniversity of 4orth Carolina working on his dissertation for the do&torate in $iterature. ! am the one who, being a&<uainted with (illy raham, invited him to s#eak to the @athers, the 4uns, students and invited guests, and ! am #leased to re#ly to your in<uiries. (illy raham gave an ins#iring and a theologi&ally sound address that may have been given by (isho# @ulton J. %heen or any other Catholi& #rea&her. ! have followed (illy raham's &areer and ! must em#hasi,e that he has been more Catholi& than otherwise, and ! say this not in a #artisan manner but as a matter of fa&t. Inowing the tremendous influen&e of (illy raham among +rotestants and now the reali,ation and a&knowledgment among Catholi&s of his devout and sin&ere a##eal to the tea&hings of Christ whi&h he alone #rea&hes. ! would state that he &ould bring Catholi&s and +rotesants together in a healthy e&umeni& s#irit. ! was the first Catholi& to invite (illy raham/ ! know he will s#eak at three other Catholi& universities ne)t month/ ! believe he will be invited by more Catholi& &olleges in the future than +rotestant &olleges. %o ! am well #leased, then, to answer your <uestion- (illy raham is #rea&hing a moral and evangeli&al theology most a&&e#table to Catholi&s.

! was told that when 1nita (ryant s#oke out against homose)uals and asked for (illy's su##ort, he turned her down. .e #layed it &ool. 1nita (ryant took the heat and was #erse&uted for her stand, but not (illy. .e was loved by the world for his #osition. (illy raham began his ministry as a fundamentalist, and as time #assed, he &hanged his #osition. $isten to this- !n the Catholi& .erald of June E, 5=DD, (illy raham is <uoted as being a friend of the Jesuits in the Gnited %tates. .ere's another one- Cr. (illy raham re&eived an honorary degree of Co&tor of .umane $etters from the *oman Catholi& College, (elmont 1bbey, in 5=DB. (illy noted the signifi&an&e of the o&&asion by saying that this is "a time when Catholi&s and +rotestants &ould meet together and greet ea&h other as brothers, whereas 5F years ago, they &ould not." !n 1#ril, 5=B?, (illy raham re&eived the !nternational @ran&is&an 1ward in Minnea#olis, given by the @ran&is&an @riars for true e&umenism. (efore ! <uote what (illy raham said about @ran&is of 1ssissi, first let me say this about %t. @ran&is. .e believed he was saved by works, by hel#ing the #oor. This way, he believed he was saving his soul. %t. @ran&is was &anoni,ed, whi&h means he was made a saint by the *oman Catholi& !nstitution be&ause of his strong #osition on the do&trine of works. (eloved, we know that this is uns&ri#tural. Cid you know that %t. @ran&is of 1ssissi blessed and ba#ti,ed animals and gave them Christian names' 4ow, what did (illy raham say about this strange fellow' .e said, "While ! am not worthy to tou&h the shoe la&es of %t. @ran&is, yet this same Christ that &alled @ran&is in the 5Eth &entury also &alled me to be one of .is servants in the ?Fth &entury." When (illy raham a##eared on the +hil Conahue %how of A&tober 55, 5=B=, in dis&ussing +o#e John +aul !!'s visit to the Gnited %tates of 1meri&a, (illy raham said, "! think the 1meri&an #eo#le are looking for a leader, a moral and s#iritual leader that believes something. 1nd he 0meaning the #o#e2 does. .e didn't min&e words on a single subje&t. 1s a matter of fa&t, his subje&t in (oston was really an evangelisti& address in whi&h he asked the #eo#le to &ome to Christ, to give their lives to Christ. ! said, 'Thank od !'ve got somebody to <uote now with some real authority.'" .ow tragi&. 1 man who on&e used the (ible as his authority is now #utting the #o#e u# on a #edestal and looking to him. !n the beginning, (illy raham was greatly used of od, but ! believe (illy gave in to tremendous #ressures and &om#romised. 1nd he is now walking hand in hand with the whore of *evelation. 1 few years ago, 6 #astors from Me)i&o &ame to see me, asking for hel#. They told me ! must talk to (illy raham. ! told them that was im#ossible, ! was just a little tra&t #ublisher. Then they told me (illy raham had destroyed their &hur&hes. They said he held a &rusade, and told all those who had re&eived Christ to go ba&k to their original &hur&hes and win those #eo#le to Christ. The #astors told me their #eo#le followed (illy's instru&tion and all went ba&k to the *oman Catholi& system. Twelve years of work destroyed in one night. Cr. *ivera, the e)8Jesuit #riest, told me he knew (illy was being used by the 9ati&an in 5=6F when the word &ame to all the Jesuits in Central and %outh 1meri&a telling them to fill the

stadiums with *oman Catholi&s whenever (illy raham s#oke. Millions were s#ent to #romote (illy raham as the world's greatest evangelist.

@aith for the @amily, 4ov. 5=>?

The *eligious 4ews %ervi&e re#orted on January 5E,5=>5, "+o#e John +aul !! was &loseted for almost two hours with the *ev. (illy raham, the world's best8 known +rotestant evangelist." "@ollowing the 4ew England Crusade, thousands of those who &ame forward are now in the #ro&ess of being integrated into the Catholi& &hur&h. Meetings have taken #la&e between the raham 1sso&iation and Catholi& &lergy for the transfer of these #eo#le to the *oman &hur&h. Ane su&h meeting took #la&e at +o#e John ::!!! %eminary in Weston, Massa&husetts, on the evening of June =, 5=>?, when the names of ?5FF in<uirers were given to #riests and nuns."

The %tar, June ?D, 5=B=

*ome gives nothing to anybody unless you #ay it off. Could it be that his final #ay8off was to introdu&e +o#e John +aul !! as the greatest moral leader of the world' Whi&h he did. Cidn't he reali,e when he did this he was giving the whore a &loak of res#e&tability' 1nd all of (illy's followers, the evangeli&als and multitudes of others a&ross this land who listen to his every word, heard this endorsement, and trusting (illy, turned and gave their love to the &ommunist from +oland dressed in his #a#al robes, who &laims to be the re#resentative of Christ on this earth. ! &an #i&ture the #o#e smiling to himself, flying ba&k vi&toriously to *ome. .e knew that (illy had been a good investment. !t's a deadly game, beloved. 1nd now that his work is over, he's no longer needed. ! believe the 9ati&an set (illy u# when he went to *ussia. (elievers in Christ go to our $ord for guidan&e and to the s&ri#tures, and #ray that od, the .oly %#irit, will lead us in all truth. (ut (illy admitted that he sought advi&e from 9ati&an offi&ials about his tri# to *ussia. They told him to go <uietly and not to &riti&i,e the &ommunists' #ra&ti&es. 1nd when he followed their instru&tions, the suffering brothers and sisters rotting in *ussia's #risons who got 6 to 5F years for #assing out a single gos#el tra&t, were &rushed when (illy announ&ed to the world that there was religious freedom in *ussia. ;es, beloved, (illy raham, as mu&h as ! love him and hate to say it, ! believe was &leverly used as a smokes&reen and as a #ied #i#er for the whore of *evelation.

When a Catholi& #lot is dis&overed or e)#osed, *ome &alls u#on s#e&ialists to solve the #roblem. These are men who are &alled truth distorters. They s#earhead atta&ks to &ounter those who are trying to warn others. !n WW !!, when the 9ati&an was massa&ring the reek Arthodo) &hur&h members in ;ugoslavia, survivors tried to rea&h the Gnited %tates to tell of the murders

with do&umented eviden&e. An&e the information started &oming in about what was ha##ening in ;ugoslavia, the master truth distorters moved against it, &alling it anti8Catholi& #ro#aganda, and bigotry3 They minimi,ed the atro&ities to &onfuse the #ubli&. %u&h a man was $ouis 1dami&. .is job was to &onvin&e the 1meri&an #eo#le that the re#orts of the horrible massa&res in ;ugoslavia were not true. 1dami& and the Catholi& lobby working with him &onvin&ed +resident *oosevelt and his wife, Eleanor, that these massa&res, the worst &rimes of WW !!, were only #ro#aganda. 1dami& #ersuaded Mrs. *oosevelt that these re#orts were false. When she dis&overed they were true, it was too late. 1lmost one million #eo#le had already met a ghastly death. The Jesuits saw this as a &riti&al area in the Christian &ommunity that would hel# the 9ati&an. They needed a grou# of e)#erts to investigate &ults, but they must never dis&uss *ome as an enemy. This would be another smokes&reen. There are men in the Christian &ommunity, men who are highly trusted, loved, and res#e&ted. ! believe that these men, either knowingly or unknowingly are doing the same job for the 9ati&an as $ouis 1dami& did. These men are dulling the eyes and ears of the Christian believers, assuring them that the +o#e is our friend. Their job is to #lay it down, ridi&ule and destroy the re#utation of anyone trying to sound the alarm, They tell &on&erned Christians that it is a lie, a joke, unreliable, that the material and eviden&e is a hoa) and should be dis&arded as junk. The Jesuits would need someone in a &riti&al #osition to #rote&t them in +rotestant &ir&les. !f a #erson &ould be found, he &ould rise to a #osition of trust, as a wat&h8dog to #rote&t the +rotestants from the &ults. 1 man who would join the ranks of those e)#osing the (ibli&al errors of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Moonies and Eastern religions, and yet never atta&k the *oman Catholi& !nstitution as the whore of *evelation, but only refer to this system as a "ba&kslidden or a#ostate Christian &hur&h," whi&h of &ourse, is the line the Jesuits use. %u&h a #erson &ould be very valuable for the &ause of *oman Catholi&ism. %u&h a man &ould be a #erfe&t smokes&reen. 1nyone rising u# trying to sound the alarm about the whore of *evelation, trying to warn the Christians of a new in<uisition, &ould be easily shotdown by this e)#ert on the &ults be&ause so many would trust him.

1lberto, +age ?B, +ublished by Chi&k +ubli&ations

This !.C. &ard was issued by the %#anish government in %#ain in 5=DB, under the rule of the %#anish di&tator @ran&o. .is se&urity for&es were e<ually as stri&t as the esta#o had been in ermany. To obtain this do&ument, 1lberto had to su##ly birth &ertifi&ate, identifi&ation #a#ers and #ositive #roof from his ar&hdio&ese of being a #riest. %everal se&urity organi,ations were involved, similar to our C!1 and @(!. The #riest, 1lberto *ivera, had to be a##roved by all of these organi,ations to re&eive this do&ument. There was no way it &ould have been a forgery. There is no <uestion he was a #riest. What you see here is #ositive #roof. This do&ument was granted by a government that had #ledged absolute submission to the #o#e through the &on&ordat signed by the government of %#ain and the 9ati&an.

Ane of the most diffi&ult de&isions !'ve fa&ed sin&e !'ve been a Christian #ublisher was after ! heard Cr. *ivera's true story, saw all his do&uments, #hotos, !.C.'s, and letters #roving that he was a Jesuit #riest. When it finally dawned on me that we were being set u# for another in<uisition, ! reali,ed what a mess !'d be in if ! sounded the alarm and the Christians wouldn't believe it. ! &ould lose our business, our re#utation and friends. !f ! #rinted 1lberto's story, ! would be going into a battle that would jeo#ardi,e my family and my own life. ! reali,ed no other Christian #ublisher would hit this issue be&ause they &ould go under, and business8wise, it would be a disaster for them. ! went before the $ord in #rayer and the thing ! dreaded &ame to #ass. ! asked the $ord if ! should atta&k the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

This is a &o#y of the last offi&ial &ertifi&ation given to 1lberto just before he left %#ain in 5=DB.
%hould ! atta&k the 9ati&an' The $ord said yes. 1nd so we #ublished A&*E TO. ! ho#ed, down in my heart, Walter Martin would ba&k me u#. Ane thing stu&k in my mind. Why didn't Walter Martin sound the alarm' .e was the great e)#ert on &ults, es#e&ially sin&e he knew all the history about the !n<uisition. 1nd yet he ke#t <uiet. Why is Walter Martin defending this evil system, &alling it a Christian &hur&h' The man is a genius. .e knows about her history, and yet he's defending the whore of *evelation. (eloved, the (ible tells us to seek the $ord in #rayer. ! go to #rayer and get a s#e&ifi& answer from the $ord. ! tell somebody ! #rayed about it and they say, "Ah, that's a &o#8out." ! really don't understand how they &an say that. The (ible instru&ts us to seek the $ord for guidan&e. .ave these #eo#le gotten so far off base that they &an't understand a #erson trusting in Christ for guidan&e' !f .e is $ord, .e must be the $ord of every #art of our lives. $etter after letter is &oming in telling us how *oman Catholi&s have been saved through our material, and yet Christians sit around &ra&king their knu&kles. The fields are white unto harvest and #eo#le are going to hell all around us. We've got DF million *oman Catholi&s to be rea&hed, and nobody wants to get involved. They're so afraid of what others will think of them, that they would rather sit ba&k and wat&h #eo#le go to hell than risk offending them. When the heat &ame on Chi&k +ubli&ations for what we were doing, ! was ama,ed. !t all &ame through the same grou#. There seemed to be a link between all these men who are #romoting the story that 1lberto is a fraud. ary Met, had his arti&le #ublished in Cornerstone, Christianity Today and Aur %unday 9isitor, a Catholi& #eriodi&al. (rian Anken, Martin's resear&h &onsultant, wrote an arti&le that blasted us and defended the mother of &ults. Then, you've got (ill Ja&kson in %an Jose, and (art (rewer in %an Ciego. (oth of these men are su##osed to be o#erating ministries to Catholi&s. 1nd yet, they're going around to &hur&hes trying to destroy our &redibility. Why' Coesn't that make you a little sus#i&ious'

!n Martin's I!4 CAM A@ T.E CG$T% he never mentions *oman Catholi&ism as a &ult, and never tells lost *oman Catholi&s to &ome out of that uns&ri#tural system "T.E MAT.E* A@ .1*$AT% 14C 1(AM!41T!A4% A@ T.E E1*T.." 0*ev. 5B-62

T.E I!4 CAM A@ T.E CG$T% 1n 1nalysis of the Major Cult %ystems in the +resent Christian Era by Walter Martin, M.1., +h.C. CA4TE4T%

5. The Iingdom of the Cults ?. %&aling the $anguage (arrier E. The +sy&hologi&al %tru&ture of Cultism 7. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Wat&h Tower 6. Christian %&ien&e and 4ew Thought D. Mormonism 8 the $atter Cay %aints B. %#iritism 8 the Cult of 1nti<uity >. The *eign of @ather Civine =. The Theoso#hi&al %o&iety 5F. Ken (uddhism 55. The Chur&h of the 4ew Jerusalem 8 %wedenborgianism 5?. The (ahai @aith 5E. The (la&k Muslim Cult 57. The Gnity %&hool of Christianity 56. .erbert W. 1rmstrong and the World Chur&h of od 01nglo8!sraelism2 5D. The Cults on the World Mission @ields 5B. The Jesus of the Cults 5>. Cult8Evangelism 8 Mission @ield on the Coorste# 5=. The *oad to *e&overy 1##endi) %eventh8day 1dventism Gnitarianism The *osi&ru&ian @ellowshi# 55 5> ?7 E7 555 57B 5== ?5E

Coes Walter Martin s#eak for the body of Christ' 4o3 Anly the Word of od does this. ;et, this man stands on his #edestal, with both hands filled with the slanderous garbage su##lied by the 9ati&an and #ro8Catholi& sour&es, and he throws it at 1lberto's &hara&ter to destroy his re#utation. Cr. *ivera says he has &o#ies of the original material sent to Martin by the 9ati&an and the Jesuit su#eriors in %#ain. (ut you'll noti&e, Martin hasn't bothered to atta&k 1lberto's message that the 9ati&an is the whore of *evelation. Anly 1lberto, the man. 1nd yet, is Martin without sin' What about Martin's #ast' .is re#utation &ould be slanderously destroyed also, just like anyone else's. Would this dis&redit all his information on Mormonism, and Jehovah's Witnesses' 4o3 od uses us in s#ite of ourselves. Who is really worthy to be used of od' $ook in the (ible. Moses was a murderer. Cavid was an adulterer. 1nd yet, od used them in s#ite of their human failings. Aur job is not to dig u# dirt on any man. The $ord will take &are of that be&ause we will all give an a&&ount on the day of judgment. od knows the heart. We don't. Aur job is to lift u# Christ and evangeli,e the lost. The Catholi& &ontrolled news media #i&ked u# the &am#aign against us, even G.%. 4ews and World *e#ort. We were blasted world8wide. Christianity Today did wonders for the 9ati&an. Their arti&le was re#rinted in Euro#e, 1ustralia, et&. ! &ouldn't believe the e)tent of the money s#ent to silen&e us. (efore the book, A&*E TO, even got into ermany, the message was #lastered all over ermany, @ran&e, %outh 1meri&a, Me)i&o, Canada, into 1sia, and England. What was so im#ortant about our &omi& A&*E TO, that this grou# would go to su&h lengths to try to dis&redit it' The sad thing is all this money and energy was s#ent to sto# this soulwinning &omi& book. 1nd yet we have all these adult book stores and garbage like that and nobody says a word. (ut when we s#oke out against *ome, all hell broke loose. 1 man on&e told me, "Ja&k, if you throw a ro&k down a dark alley and you hear a yell, you'll know you hit something." Well, from the sound of the s&ream that was let loose, ! think we hit something big.

An the night of @ebruary ?,5=>?, ! was wat&hing Channel 7F, the Trinity (road&asting 4etwork in %outhern California. .arold (redeson, a #rominent e&umeni&al leader was talking to Walter Martin. (redeson turned to the &amera and he said something like this- "Walter Martin was the one who hel#ed the &harismati& movement to be a&&e#ted by the denominations by not atta&king it." Walter hung his head and smiled. ;ou see, beloved, Walter Martin &alls the *oman Catholi& Charismati&s his brothers and sisters in Christ. These #eo#le still attend mass and worshi# that little Jesus &ookie as od 1lmighty. Co you see the danger here' !t looks like we have been betrayed, beloved3 The 1#ostle +aul said in !! Timothy 7-57, "1le)ander the &o##ersmith did me mu&h evil- the $ord reward him a&&ording to his works." (eloved, !'ve seen the tremendous s#iritual damage Walter Martin has done in dis&rediting our books e)#osing the whore of *evelation, in that #re&ious *oman Catholi&s trusting wholeheartedly in Walter Martin have stayed in that system be&ause he wouldn't tell them to &ome out. Martin's followers see no need to rea&h the *oman Catholi& #eo#le. They look u#on our soulwinning material with &ontem#t. 1nd ! say, with a heavy heart, as +aul did, may the $ord reward Walter Martin a&&ording to his works. The (ible says, "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart de#arteth from the $ord." 0Jer. 5B-62 Think about it. Could this be another smokes&reen to make Christians believe that the whore of *evelation is really a Christian grou#' Jesus says, "Come out of her, my #eo#le that ye be not #artakers of her sins and that ye re&eive not of her #lagues." 0*ev. 5>-72 Coes Walter Martin tell them to &ome out' 4ot that ! know of. Whi&h one will you follow'

The Ri'hest (an on )arth&

*emember when the #o#e &ame to the Gnited %tates' .ow he &hided us for not showing mer&y' That we should give away what we have to the #oor' We are su&h a wealthy nation. 1nd then remember the great earth<uake that took #la&e in 5=>F over in !taly' ! remember when the #o#e &ame in to this ruined area, walked u# to the bedside of some #oor little wounded !talian man and the #o#e so benevolently laid his hand on his head and made the sign of the &ross, blessed the man and walked off.

John +aul !!, "+ilgrimage of @aith"

1nd the news&asters were telling of the devastation. 1nd then we &ut ba&k to the Gnited %tates and %enator Iennedy looked at the &amera with sorrowful eyes and said, "Ah, we 1meri&ans, out of mer&y we should send at least 76 million dollars to this devastated village so we &an re&onstru&t it." *emember that' 4ow let me read something out of THE +AT"CA, *"&&"O,! by 1vro Manhattan, and ! think you're going to get as mad as ! am right now. ! want to bring to your attention the fa&t that this information was #ublished 5F years ago, and the figures are #robably even more startling today. "The 9ati&an has large investments with the *oths&hilds of (ritain, @ran&e and 1meri&a, with the .ambros (ank, with the Credit %uisse in $ondon and Kuri&h. !n the Gnited %tates it has large investments with the Morgan (ank, the Chase8Manhattan (ank, the @irst 4ational (ank of 4ew ;ork, the (ankers Trust Com#any, and others. The 9ati&an has billions of shares in the most #owerful international &or#orations su&h as ulf Ail, %hell, eneral Motors, (ethlehem %teel, eneral Ele&tri&, !nternational (usiness Ma&hines, T.W.1., et&. 1t a &onservative estimate, these amount to more than 6FF million dollars in the G.%.1. alone.

"!n a statement #ublished in &onne&tion with a bond #ros#e&tus, the (oston ar&hdio&ese listed its assets at %i) .undred and Thirty8five Million 0JDE6,>=5,FF72, whi&h is =.= times its liabilities. This leaves a net worth of @ive .undred and %eventy8one million dollars 0J6B5,BF7,=6E2. !t is not diffi&ult to dis&over the truly astonishing wealth of the &hur&h, on&e we add the ri&hes of the twenty8eight ar&hdio&eses and 5?? dio&eses of the G.%.1., some of whi&h are even wealthier than that of (oston. "%ome idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth &ontrolled by the Catholi& &hur&h may be gathered by the remark of a member of the 4ew ;ork Catholi& Conferen&e, namely 'that his &hur&h #robably ranks se&ond only to the Gnited %tates overnment in total annual #ur&hase.' 1nother statement, made by a nationally syndi&ated Catholi& #riest, #erha#s is even more telling. 'The Catholi& &hur&h,' he said, 'must be the biggest &or#oration in the Gnited %tates. We have a bran&h offi&e in every neighborhood. Aur assets and real estate holdings must e)&eed those of %tandard Ail, 1.T.HT., and G.%. %teel &ombined. 1nd our roster of dues8#aying members must be se&ond only to the ta) rolls of the Gnited %tates overnment.' "The Catholi& &hur&h, on&e all her assets have been #ut together, is the most formidable sto&kbroker in the world. The 9ati&an, inde#endently of ea&h su&&essive #o#e, has been in&reasingly orientated towards the G.%. The Wall %treet Journal said that the 9ati&an's finan&ial deals in the G.%. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time. "The 9ati&an's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the Gnited 4ations World Maga,ine to amount to several billion dollars. 1 large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the G.%. @ederal *eserve (ank, while banks in England and %wit,erland hold the rest. (ut this is just a small #ortion of the wealth of the 9ati&an, whi&h in the G.%. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant &or#orations of the &ountry. When to that is added all the real estate, #ro#erty, sto&ks and shares abroad, then the staggering a&&umulation of the wealth of the Catholi& &hur&h be&omes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment. "The Catholi& &hur&h is the biggest finan&ial #ower, wealth a&&umulator and #ro#erty owner in e)isten&e. %he is a greater #ossessor of material ri&hes than any other single institution, &or#oration, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The #o#e, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is &onse<uently the ri&hest individual of the twentieth &entury. 4o one &an realisti&ally assess how mu&h he is worth in terms of billions of dollars." 1nd ! think ba&k about how the #o#e, the wealthiest man on this #lanet, walked u# to that #oor little !talian man lying in that rubble, #ut his hand on his head, and said, "(less you," and then walked away and just left him there. That has got to be the height of hy#o&risy. 1nd then %en. Iennedy, the #o#e's boy over in the Gnited %tates makes the big #it&h to the G.%. #eo#le to foot the bill to re#air that devastated village, right in the #o#e's ba&kyard. What a set8u#3

%lueprint $or Catholi' Ameri'a

! <uestioned Cr. *ivera about the briefings he re&eived in the 9ati&an when he was a Jesuit #riest. ! asked him if he was briefed on how the 9ati&an #lanned to take over the Gnited %tates. .e told me his indo&trination went ba&k to the time of the +ilgrims. (e&ause of the knowledge of the !n<uisition and the slaughter of Christians by the *oman Catholi& system, the early immigrants in 1meri&a began #assing laws to kee# Jesuits out of this &ountry and to outlaw the #rote&t themselves from a 9ati&an take8over. These were Christian &ommunities dee#ly &on&erned about the whore of *evelation. Jesuits began arriving in 1meri&a as early as the se&ond grou# of +ilgrims. They used different names with !.C.'s. They were followed years later when the 9ati&an sent multitudes of Catholi& families from England, !reland and @ran&e #osing as +rotestants, into the &olonies. These were #lants. They were holding se&ret masses in defian&e of the laws. !n those days, no *oman Catholi& was to hold any #osition in &ivil government. The Jesuits made sure this #art of our history was erased and removed. The ne)t major move by the Jesuits was to destroy or &ontrol all the Christian s&hools a&ross 1meri&a. Throughout the years, Jesuits, working under&over, have gotten into s#e&ial &ommittees on s&hool boards to remove the em#hasis of the (ible and re#la&e it with #sy&hology as found in the %#iritual E)er&ises of !gnatius de $oyola, the founder of the Jesuit %o&iety. $ater, Catholi& s&hools and universities s#rang u# all a&ross the nation under the Jesuits. Today, they #robably outnumber all the Christian s&hools and &olleges #ut together. The third stage was to move into the &ourts and legislation, and bran&hes of the judi&iary to take over as judges and lawyers, in order to mani#ulate the Constitution in their favor until it &ould be &hanged. An&e this was a&&om#lished, the thrust was into #oliti&s to &a#ture the #oliti&al #arties. Then the military and the news#a#ers. Even ba&k in the times of $in&oln over half the news#a#ers in the Gnited %tates were &ontrolled by the 9ati&an.

Cr. 1lberto *ivera 0e)8Jesuit #riest2

! asked Cr. *ivera- What about the military #i&ture today' .ow Catholi& is our military #osition' Cr. *ivera said- .orrifying. ! then asked about the #oliti&al #i&ture. Cr. *ivera said- !t is even worse. Then ! said- What about the Catholi& stru&ture in the judi&iary' Cr. *ivera shook his head and said- !t is very #ainful be&ause of the heavy Jesuit #enetration in this area. Most of the judi&ial de&isions are distorting and #erverting the Constitution of the Gnited %tates to take away our freedoms, #re#aring the way for anar&hy for the final take8over of the Gnited %tates. Then ! said- !s this #re#aring the way for the &oming in<uisition' 1nd Cr. *ivera said- That's &orre&t. @irst for anar&hy. We were briefed that after all these years of #enetration and infiltration, what was needed was riots and anar&hy in order to finally take over. (y the time the *oman Catholi& !nstitution is ready to take over #oliti&ally, militarily, edu&ationally, and religiously, that means they will have some legal basis to do so and this will be through the &on&ordat whi&h has already been #re#ared and that is being already negotiated. ! see ha##ening right now what ! was told during those briefings ba&k in the 9ati&an. Then ! said to him- !s the 9ati&an behind our #resent re&ession and e&onomi& situation, and is this leading us towards the &oming riots'

Cr. *ivera said- ;es, that's &orre&t, ;ou &an see right now that the 9ati&an is #laying &ertain tri&ks with the e&onomy. The world is going through an e&onomi& &risis and the 9ati&an would have us to believe that it is affe&ting them also. This is just a &over8u#. 1nd then ! said- What about the #ossibility of strikes' 1nd how dee#ly are they involved in the unions' Cr. *ivera re#lied- The *oman Catholi& !nstitution has #re#ared that well, be&ause the unions are led by the Jesuits in this &ountry. What this means is the unions will never rest until they see that every industry in this &ountry &olla#ses. Then ! said- What do you see as a ho#e for the Gnited %tates' 1 revival among the Christians and they a&tually start e)#osing *ome and #astors start #rea&hing this from the #ul#its, or is it already too late' Cr *ivera re#lied- !t's never too late be&ause it's in the hands of the $ord. What ! believe with all my heart through the study of the s&ri#tures #lus my #ersonal e)#erien&e with the harlot is that, #ro#heti&ally s#eaking, od is going to fulfill .is #ro#he&y, and .e will allow these #ro#he&ies to take #la&e in the Gnited %tates. (ut it is a matter of time. What we are dealing with here is that od &an either shorten or lengthen the time until these events take #la&e. The *oman Catholi& !nstitution is feeling the im#a&t of your #ubli&ations, and the message that od has given us during these last days in the sense that they themselves know that if they &arry out &ertain a&tions, #eo#le will immediately dete&t and will re&ogni,e what the 9ati&an is u# to. This is one of the dilemmas they fa&e right now. !f it were not for the #ubli&ations we #rinted, we would be in a different situation today. What that means is the $ord has granted every Christian, #astor and &hur&h in the Gnited %tates, without them even being aware of it, and even those who are o##osing us, they are being #reserved and the $ord is giving us more time in order that the Christians may res#ond. !f we a&t a&&ording to the will of od in these #ro#heti&al days against the tri&ks, #rograms and a&tions of the harlot in the Gnited %tates, we will not be able to destroy her. We will not be able to sto# her. (ut we will be able to do two things- @irst, to &arry the message of the gos#el to the lost *oman Catholi& #eo#le. %e&ond, we will have time enough for the Christian &hur&h to reali,e that her mission is here and now 8 not tomorrow. 1nd od is just waiting for the &hur&h to a&t in order to restrain the for&es of evil, the #owers of darkness, the #o#e, the Jesuits and the Catholi& institution from &ommitting the &rimes she is about to #ut into a&tion the minute she &om#letely takes over the Gnited %tates. Then ! said- 4ow this is the information you re&eived in the 9ati&an under the tea&hings of 1ugustin Cardinal (ea and the Jesuit eneral +edro 1rru#e' 1nd Cr. *ivera said- ;es, and also from the #revious Jesuit eneral.
This e)&er#t from the tra&t M1C.A 0no longer in #rint2 shows how &ommunism ties in with the

9ati&an #lan to take over the G.%.

G.%. 4ews H World *e#ort, 4ov. >, +age 56

*onald *eagan's defense #oli&y &ame under assault in late A&tober from o##osite dire&tions- The threat of an intensified arms ra&e by *ussia's $eonid (re,hnev and a tilt toward antinu&lear #a&ifism by the hierar&hy of 1meri&a's *oman Catholi& Chur&h. Two days after a #anel of G.%. Catholi& bisho#s <uestioned the morality of nu&lear wea#ons, (re,hnev said the %oviet Gnion must e)#and its arsenal even more. The G.%., he &laimed, is threatening to "#ush the world into the flames of nu&lear war." Ane White .ouse offi&ial s#e&ulated that (re,hnev wanted to do more than assure his generals that Mos&ow will kee# #a&e in the arms ra&e. The aide said the %oviet &hief also ho#ed to fuel the drive in the G.%. for a free,e on nu&lear wea#ons. Cefense %e&retary Cas#er Weinberger drew a dire&t link between 1meri&an advo&ates of a free,e and (re,hnev's Iremlin s#ee&h. %tressing the %oviet leader's &all for a stronger &a#ability to wage war, Weinberger de&lared- "This would underline more than anything we &ould say the reasons for not entering into a free,e." Weinberger and other offi&ials tried to make a &ase for nu&lear wea#ons with Catholi& bisho#s wrestling with theologi&al as#e&ts of the arms ra&e. The a##eals had little im#a&t on the bisho#s' five8man Committee on War and +ea&e, whi&h on A&tober ?6 #ro#osed a statement branding elements of G.%. nu&lear strategy immoral. E)am#les8 First use. The G.%. has argued that nu&lear wea#ons may be needed to halt a &onventional atta&k. %aid the bisho#s- "We find the moral res#onsibility of beginning nu&lear war not justified by rational #oliti&al obje&tives." Civilian tar-ets. 1meri&a for years has targeted %oviet &ities in the event of nu&lear war 8 a #oli&y the bisho#s said is wrong even if G.%. &ities are hit first. 1rgued the &leri&s- "4o Christian &an rightfully &arry out orders or #oli&ies deliberately aimed at killing non&ombatants." The &ommittee, headed by Chi&ago's 1r&hbisho# Jose#h $. (ernardin, said its #osition was rooted in enesis. "The destru&tive #otential of the nu&lear #owers threatens the sovereignty of od over the world .e has brought into being," the bisho#s de&lared. "We &ould destroy .is work." Whether the do&ument be&omes &hur&h #oli&y is u# to the nearly EFF members of the 4ational Conferen&e of Catholi& (isho#s, whi&h will debate it in mid84ovember and vote on it ne)t s#ring. *eagan's aides are e)#e&ted to kee# reminding the bisho#s that a #a&ifist stan&e would weaken 1meri&a's deterrent for&es and undermine arms8&ontrol talks with *ussia. More in line with the administration's views was a letter sent months ago by 4ew ;ork's Cardinal Teren&e Cooke to Catholi& &ha#lains in the military. @or 56 &enturies, he wrote, the &hur&h has taught that Catholi&s have "the right and the duty to #rote&t its #eo#le against unjust aggression."

Then ! said- Were they very &onfident of taking over the Gnited %tates'

1nd Cr. *ivera said- 9ery mu&h so, very &onfident. They have the ne&essary influen&e to &ontrol either #oliti&al #arty, regardless of whi&hever #arty is in #ower, and they will have their goals a&&om#lished. Then ! said- %o they now have the influen&e to &ontrol both #oliti&al #arties' 1nd Cr. *ivera said- ;es. Then ! said- They &ontrol our #ost offi&e' 1nd the media' 1nd Cr. *ivera said- $et's #ut it this way. The word &ontrol, ! don't think is the #ro#er word right now. ! will say this. There is a very strong influen&e. There is a &ertain amount of &ontrol, but it is not absolute &ontrol in any of the areas. This is why we are still blessed by the fa&t that there are still men in the @(!, there are men in the C!1, men in the Congress, men in the %enate, men in the judi&ial system, men in every strata of life in the Gnited %tates that still, many not even being Christians, are still 1meri&ans, that are still loyal to the #rin&i#les of the Constitution as given from the beginning, not as it is now. 1nd then ! said- Akay, who are the Inights of Columbus loyal to' Where does their loyalty stand' With the Gnited %tates, or with the 9ati&an' Cr. *ivera said- The Inights of Columbus have to give their loyalty to the #o#e. They &annot base it on the &onstitution of the Gnited %tates be&ause they would be destroyed by the 9ati&an if they did so, as others have been destroyed in the #ast. Then ! said- Will the Inights of Columbus #lay a vital #art in the atta&k against the Christians when the G.%. falls' Cr. *ivera said- Ah, yes. !n fa&t, in their oath, you &an see how &lose their allian&e is to the #o#e. They &ommitted themselves to be killed or destroyed if they fail to &om#ly with their oath. They ask the militia of the #o#e, the Jesuits, to #ut them to death. They are &ommitted to make 1meri&a Catholi&.

Columbian Squires (the Knights of Columbus branch for high school boys) in New Haven initiate members. Seated youths already belong. obed officers e!"lain the im"ortance of their Catholic heritage to the new candidates (in white shirts). $ife Maga,ine, May ?B, 5=6B

Then ! said- Thank od we've had the #rivilege of #rinting these books. 1nd Cr. *ivera said- ;es, the #rivilege and the blessing of the $ord. 1nd then ! thanked .im.

$ife Maga,ine, May ?B, 5=6B

$et me read something to you- "$ife" maga,ine reviewed one #hase of *oman Catholi& #ower in 1meri&a. The leading story of the May ?Bth, 5=6B edition was devoted to the B6th year of the Inights of Columbus. The #i&tures, many in full &olor, de#i&ted the kind of #om# and &ir&umstan&e whi&h goes into *oman strategy. The legions of *ome are awesome. More than one million #ra&ti&ing Catholi&s make u# the ranks of the Inights of Columbus. They are fraternally #ledged to the ideal of bringing 1meri&a under #a#al rule. They are #owerful, wealthy, loyal. $ittle wonder that the +o#e affe&tionately des&ribes the Inights as "the right lay arm of the Catholi& Chur&h in 1meri&a." ! believe, if we had ke#t silent, in 6 years it would have been over. The #lans for the take8 over would have been in full o#eration. 4o one would have been able to withstand it. (ut be&ause we did go ahead with A&*E TO, ! believe we kno&ked ba&k their time8table at least 6 years. 1nd our ho#e and #rayer here is that with the material we're #ublishing we'll be able to wre&k their time8table for at least a generation, that our &hildren &an survive before they unleash their holo&aust against us. ! &an almost hear some of the &omments now- ".ey, Chi&k, that's s#e&ulation. ;ou have only Cr. *ivera's word on that. What #roof do you have the 9ati&an wants to destroy or take over the Gnited %tates'"

Well, most of you have never read the great Christian &lassi&, ./ #EA ! ", THE 0CH% CH0 OF O1E by Charles Chini<uy. !t was out of #rint, but we re#rinted it at Chi&k +ubli&ations, and believe me, the Jesuits hate this book. ! would like to <uote the words of 1braham $in&oln regarding the Civil War as found in ./ #EA ! ", THE 0CH% CH0 OF O1E2 "This war would never have been #ossible without the sinister influen&e of the Jesuits. We owe it to #o#ery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differen&es of o#inion between the %outh and the 4orth on the <uestion of slavery, neither Jeff Cavis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confedera&y would have dared to atta&k the 4orth, had they not relied on the #romises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Cemo&ra&y, the money and the arms of the *oman Catholi&, even the arms of @ran&e were at their dis#osal, if they would atta&k us. ! #ity the #riests, the bisho#s and monks of *ome in the Gnited %tates, when the #eo#le reali,e that they are, in great #art, res#onsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. ! &on&eal what ! know, on that subje&t, from the knowledge of the nation/ for if the #eo#le knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at on&e, take a tenfold more savage and bloody &hara&ter. !t would be&ome mer&iless as all religious wars are. !t would be&ome a war of e)termination on both sides. The +rotestants of both the 4orth and the %outh would surely unite to e)terminate the #riests and the Jesuits, if they &ould hear what +rofessor Morse has said to me of the #lots made in the very &ity of *ome to destroy this *e#ubli&, and if they &ould learn how the #riests, the nuns, and the monks, whi&h daily land on our shores, under the #rete)t of #rea&hing their religion, instru&ting the #eo#le in their s&hools, taking &are of the si&k in the hos#itals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the +o#e, of 4a#oleon, and the other des#ots of Euro#e, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our #eo#le from our &onstitution, and our laws, destroy our s&hools, and #re#are a reign of anar&hy here as they have done in !reland, in Me)i&o, in %#ain, and wherever there are any #eo#le who want to be free." 1nd then +resident 1braham $in&oln went on to say- "!s it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing whi&h he is sworn to hate, &urse, and destroy' 1nd does not the Chur&h of *ome hate, &urse and destroy liberty of &ons&ien&e whenever she &an do it safely' ! am for liberty of &ons&ien&e in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. (ut ! &annot give liberty of &ons&ien&e to the +o#e and to his followers, the +a#ists, so long as they tell me, through all their &oun&ils, theologians, and &anon laws, that their &ons&ien&e orders them to bum my wife, strangle my &hildren, and &ut my throat when they find their o##ortunity3 This does not seem to be understood by the #eo#le today. (ut sooner or later, the light of &ommon sense will make it &lear to every one that no liberty of &ons&ien&e &an be granted to men who are sworn to obey a +o#e, who #retends to have the right to #ut to death those who differ from him in religion." That, beloved, was said ba&k at the time of the Civil War, and it &om#letely ba&ks u# the information Cr. *ivera has given us. Cid you hear that' Were you really listening' Cid it sink in what +resident 1braham $in&oln said' 4ow think ba&k to that interview ! had with Cr. *ivera that ! told you about. ;ou've got to understand that when Cr. *ivera was a Jesuit #riest under that awful oath and indu&tion, he was in the dee#est area of the 9ati&an's intelligen&e. .e was in the &loak and dagger business for the whore of *evelation. !sn't it logi&al that the 9ati&an must disavow any knowledge of Cr. *ivera's e)isten&e' 1ll intelligen&e agen&ies do this to their dee# agents. !t's &ommon knowledge. What

you heard on that interview is what Cr. *ivera re&eived in his 9ati&an briefings given to him by the Jesuit eneral on how the *oman Catholi& !nstitution #lans to take over the Gnited %tates. Con't you see that Cr. *ivera is bringing forth the same information, and it &om#letely ba&ks u# and &oin&ides with what 1braham $in&oln said, to warn us' 1nd #eo#le say that Chi&k +ubli&ations is &oming off the wall3 While we're sounding the alarm, *ome is #ushing as hard as she &an in the area of Civil *ights to blo&k our religious freedom and to sto# us from &alling her the whore of *evelation. 1lready in Canada, they have banned two of our books, &alling them #ornogra#hy.L They'll move heaven and earth to kee# this material out of your hands, and to kee# it from being broad&ast. ! thank od Cr. *ivera arrived on the s&ene when he did be&ause in a few short years we would have all been mu,,led. !s what !'m saying sinking in' (eloved, now when you turn on the evening news, you'll see it in a different light be&ause you're going to see the hand of *ome in world #oliti&s. $et's wake u#, beloved. We're not a bun&h of little two8year olds anymore. +astors need to wake u#. ;ou dea&ons and &hur&h members need to wake u# be&ause your kids are going to be destroyed in a few short years if you don't. !'m referring es#e&ially to those #astors who are #ushing bubbly love to everyone, and who turn white and break into a &old sweat when anything &ontroversial &omes along. Co you think the #riests of *ome res#e&t you for that' $et me tell you, #astors, they hate the ground you walk on and hold you in nothing but &ontem#t. They se&retly look at you like s&um under their feet. ! was re&ently told that in 5=7=, an e)8Jesuit #riest told a *ev. Eubanks in California, that when the 9ati&an takes &ontrol of the Gnited %tates, every #astor and his family will be shot in the head. ;ou know, we sent a &o#y of THE GODFATHE ! to 5FF lo&al #astors, and do you know how many had the &ourage, or the &ourtesy, to res#ond' 4ot one. ;ou know the (ible says that judgment begins in the house of od. 1nd unless we wake u#, it's going to ha##en here. !f the #astors are men, then let's a&t like men of od and start thundering the Word of od from the #ul#its. The thin line is in the #ul#its holding ba&k the for&es of hell. An&e that &aves in, it will be underground &hur&hes for 1meri&a. 1nd then they're going to hunt us down like rats, 1nd they'll show us as mu&h mer&y as they did in ;ugoslavia. *emember, the #riest said it was not a sin to kill a &hild of B. Anly this time, there will be no Gnited %tates to defend you. Where are you going to run' To Me)i&o' !t's gone. Canada' !t's almost gone. !reland' @orget it. They're #i&king it off now. 4o #la&e to go, beloved. Anly to the $ord, and time is running out. We are on a ra,or's edge. !t's time to get on our knees and sto# this fooling around, and #utting on the #ious a&t. !f your #astor doesn't have the &ourage to stand against *ome, you need to make him aware of this information, and that it is his res#onsibility to make his #eo#le aware of it too. 1nd if he won't, then you must make the stand. ;ou &an now e)#e&t to see the su##orters of the 9ati&an start blasting Chini<uy for daring to <uote 1braham $in&oln in his book, ./ #EA ! ", THE 0CH% CH0 OF O1E. We're in a war, beloved, and ! thank od the $ord has dire&ted us to #re#are the ammunition you'll need

from Chi&k +ubli&ations to give you ba&k8u# and ba&kground, and you'll know how to fa&e the lost *oman Catholi&s after you've gone into #rayer. (e&ause, if you don't turn into a soulwinning &hur&h, the whore is going to have you and your grand&hildren for breakfast. .ave you already forgotten the s&reams that filled the night air in +aris during the %t. (artholomew massa&re' .ave you forgotten the little #regnant mothers tied to the tree bran&hes, begging for mer&y in !reland while the dogs were fighting underneath for their unborn &hildren' 1nd the bloody knives in the hands of those smirking fanati&s driven on by their #riests to but&her these Christian ladies' .ave you forgotten these bloodbaths that were <uoted in @o)e's (ook of Martyrs' The 9ati&an wants you to forget it. .ave you forgotten what took #la&e in ;ugoslavia ... Catholi& #riests im#aling &hildren on stakes as they s&reamed in agony in 5=7F' ;ou better never forget it3 1nd don't forget that it was at a time of #ea&e, love and kindness just before ea&h atta&k, just like today, beloved. 1nd don't you forget one million Inights of Columbus in the Gnited %tates have sworn to turn 1meri&a into a #a#al state. od hel# us. ;ou don't think it's &oming here' ;ou don't think history re#eats itself' !t's time to get sober and turn into s#iritual soldiers, and start arming yourselves with the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith, and the sword of the %#irit, reali,ing the for&es of darkness can be held ba&k.

John +aul !!, "+ilgrimage of @aith"

+o#e John +aul !! in Washington C.C.

We have a &ommon enemy, beloved. !t's time to get ba&k to Christ, and start showing mer&y and &om#assion to the #re&ious *oman Catholi& #eo#le who have been betrayed by their leaders. !f we don't, their blood will be on our hands. We must make an effort to win them to Christ. LJust before going to #ress, word was re&eived that the Canadian +rotestant $eague had su&&essfully &hallenged the Canadian govenment in &ourt and the ban had been lifted. *eturn to asteri&k above.

Coes this mean our fight is with the *oman Catholi& #eo#le who have been betrayed by their leaders' 4o. Aur battle is with the whore of *evelation, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. od tells us to atta&k this system. 1nd our job is to ri# that mask off her fa&e, and let those #oor *oman Catholi&s see what they're really tied to 8 the bondage, the fa&t that they're all going into the lake of fire. They have to be set free. They have to find Christ as the answer. !t's not Mary and the rest of the uns&ri#tural garbage they throw on them. !t's our job to try to win them to Christ. (eloved, we're not out to #lease #astors, or &hur&hes, or denominations. We are out to #lease Christ. We've laid everything on the line. !t's .is war. !t's .is battle. .e's blessed us. We're doubling the si,e of our fa&ilities, in faith, be&ause ! know od is raising an army, and we're going to win these #re&ious *oman Catholi&s. 1nd that's what it's all about. W!4 these #eo#le3 Con't throw ro&ks at them3 We're not 4a,i's. We're not Iu Ilu) Ilanners. We &are about these #eo#le. (ut it's not the selfish, worldly love being taught so mu&h today, that would rather wat&h them go to hell, than to risk offending them with the truth. We've #ut everything on the line to try to win them to Christ. 1nd by od's gra&e, we will. Catholi&s are being saved all over this &ountry. !n fa&t, it's getting so big, that those in the 9ati&an are getting worried. +raise od, we now see the light in the tunnel. Catholi&s are being saved. We hear the rumblings a&ross the &ountry where #eo#le are o#ening their eyes and blinking and saying, " oodnight, what Chi&k is saying is true." 1nd they're beginning to read some of these books like THE !EC ET H"!TO # OF THE $E!%"T!, and ./ #EA ! ", THE 0CH% CH0 OF O1E. We're seeing #riests and nuns &oming to Christ and leaving the *oman system. We've seen the #honies &ome u#, but we've seen the real ones &oming out now. There's an u#heaval &oming, beloved, and it's going to gain momentum. !t's time now we got on our knees to be broken before Christ and &ry to the $ord that these *oman Catholi&s get saved, be&ause it's the #ower of od that's going to move through us. The fields are white unto harvest, and now is the hour to #i&k u# the gos#el and go forward and win these #re&ious souls to Christ. od bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read this book. P.S. *emember ba&k when the John (ir&h %o&ieties were s#ringing u# all over the Gnited %tates, with #eo#le s&reaming "This is it3 The &ommunists are &oming3" 'They're taking us over. We've

only got a few years left." *emember that' ... The e)&itement and the fervor of Christians rallying to fight this monster, even if it meant joining for&es with the *oman Catholi&s, to sto# it' (eloved, it was a great smokes&reen to take the eyes of the Christians off the movements of the 9ati&an and her #ush for world &ontrol. $o, and behold3 .ere it &omes again. Anly the names have been &hanged. The newest movement has been &alled the "4ew 1ge Movement," and it's in full for&e. (ut who's behind it' We know this is an abomination, and the (ible tells us that the mother of abominations is the whore of *evelation 5B, the *oman Catholi& institution. *est assured, the Jesuits, the !lluminati, the A#us Cei, and Masons are guiding its a&tivities, and the result will be another giganti& smokes&reen whi&h is already taking the eyes of the Christians off the 9ati&an while they se&retly use this movement to a&&om#lish their goals. (isho# @ulton %heen atta&ked &ommunism in the #ast, and although it is a by8#rodu&t, they will vi&iously atta&k it to a&&om#lish their goals. Catholi&s will try to rally the Christians together to atta&k "The 4ew 1ge Movement." The Christians are already steamed u# on this, and the Jesuits are laughing their heads off. Cear Ja&k, ! grew u# in West ermany in a mostly &atholi& area and learned some of those things you said. ! #ersonally remember seeing the steel &ages hanging from the stee#les of the &athedral in Munster in whi&h 1na8(a#tists were starved to death until the birds ate their flesh, These &ages &ould be seen ?B years ago. ! don't know if they are still there. ! #ersonally believe that the half has not been told. W. I., $inden, 4.J.

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