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China's largest ecovillage , the Second Home of Lifechanyuan

Invitation to Participate in the Largest Project in Humans History

Xuefeng 22th December, 2013 (Translated by Ailian and Edited by Kaer)

T !h m it may c ncern,

"e are engaged in the largest #r $ect in %uman hist ry and !e need y ur su## rt&

The s#ecific c ntents f this #r $ect are' t establish t! hundred and fifty(si) Xanadus ar und the ! rld by the c nstructi n f s#irit and s ul gardens& *y d ing this, !e c uld unite all human beings int ne big family and t dem nstrate the best #r s#ects t #e #le !ith b ard and sustainable de+el #ment&

T achie+e this g al, !e ha+e s#ent ten years finishing the the ry system !ith nearly fi+e milli n ! rds, and !e ha+e #ut it int #ractice in ,hina f r m re than f ur years& "e ha+e established three Xanadus& And !e ha+e recently added a ne!

branch in -a#an& .n the future, there !ill be d /ens f similar Xanadus b rn in ther #arts f the ! rld& The facts ha+e #r +en that this set f the ry and #ractice is effecti+e and it has achie+ed +ery g d results&

.n the beginning stage, !e used a small fund t start u#& 0ince the #ractice has #r +en that this set f the ries are effecti+e, and since this #r $ect in+ l+es e+ery ne, theref re !e h #e that e+ery ne !ill #artici#ate in this #r $ect& "e es#ecially h #e that y u can and !ill in+est in this #r $ect&

The return !e !ill gi+e y u is in h n ur rather than m ney& "e !ill hang y ur big #icture in the m st significant #laces f each Xanadu& 1et #e #le remember the eff rts y u made f r the ha##iness f the human2ind& 3 re +er, !e !ill build a bedr m f r y u in each Xanadu !here y u can c me t en$ y and e)#erience the #aradise(li2e life at any time&

This #r $ect is currently at a ch 2ing # int because f the inc m#rehensi n by and interference fr m the l cal ,hinese g +ernments& 4ne f the Xanadus !e built u# !as in+aded and all the members there !ere f rced t !ithdra!& And an ther t! Xanadus are n the +erge f destructi n& At this +ery m ment, !e urgently need y ur funding hel#& "ith y ur financial aid, e+en if the current Xanadus disa##ear, !e ! uld be able t establish m re beautiful Xanadus in m re suitable #laces& "e als c uld build an asis in the 5 bi Desert&

The minimum in+estment !e need fr m y u is 60D7180,000& % !e+er, m re is better&

.f y u !ant t 2n ! m re details ab ut this #r $ect, #lease c ntact' "ebsite' !!!&ne! asislife& rg9 !!!&lifechanyuan& rg

China's largest ecovillage , the Second Home of Lifechanyuan

Email address' lifechanyuan:sina&cn9 ne! asisf rlife:gmail&c m ;lease c ntact' 1inda <an =>? 1(8@1(218(2>A3 -ulia <an =>? 1(80>(A01(33AB

"e !ish y u health and ha##iness e+ery dayC Xuefeng ;r $ect ,hief 4fficer *Note: this letter is to all the billionaires around the world. Any people who are dedicated to this big project are requested to forward this letter to any billionaires you know. Please change the title from to whom it may concern to the specific name! for e"ample! #r. $one %mith . &e hope you will contribute your efforts for the happiness and sustainable de'elopment of all the human beings.

Relevant Reading: The New Life Mode of Human Being Has Come into Being Call for All Ecovillages Around the World Unite as One Big international amil!

4ur !eb in English' DE" 4A0.0 E4F 1.EE

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