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Lesson 6. Lesson six comes from the material covered in units 11 and 12 of your text.

This assignment is due next Monday, February 25, 200 . The ob!ectives of this lesson are" # list and describe four s$ecific eating disorders% anorexia, bulemimia nervosa, binge#eating disorder and $ica # ex$lain ho& each of these eating disorders may seriously threaten health # discuss $ossible reasons that eating disorders are much more common in felamles than males. # describe the realtionshi$ bet&een incidence of eating disorders in society and the value $laced on thinness # state one im$ortant measure for $revention of anorexia nervosa and bulimia" changing society's cultural ideal of thinness. # discuss the im$act of biases against $eo$le &ho are not thin and $ossible &ays to elinate them. # list and differentiate bet&een different ty$es of carbohydrates" sim$le sugars, starches, and dietary fiber # com$are and contrast sim$le sugars and com$lex carbohydrates # com$are the caloric content of carbohytdrates and fats # describe true versus false im$lcations of high sugar inta(e for health, tooth decay and $oor diets # discuss the &ays that fiber benefits health, and identify soucres of dietary fiber 1. )ive the sym$tons of eating disorders. 2. *iscuss and describe the +female athete triad+, telling &hat it is, the causes, the reasons, the harmful effects, etc. ,. -ne of the eating disorders is anorexia nervosa. a. &hat is it. b. &hat are the causes. c. ho& common is it. d. &hat is the treatment. e. )ive the essential features. f. give the common features in females. g. give the common features in males. /. 0ulimia nervose" describe this disorder. a. give the essential features b. give the common feature c. &hat is cause d. &hat is treatment. 5. 0inge#eating disorder" a. *escribe the common features of a $erson suffering from this disorder. b. give the features of this disorder. 1. *escribe the treatment a$$roach to binge eating disorder. 2. )ive some resources for eating disorders. . 3hy are eating disorders much more common in females than in males. 4. *escribe the relationshi$ bet&een incidence of eating disorders in society and the value $laced on thinness. 10. *iscuss the im$act of biases against $eo$le &ho are not thin and $ossible &ays to eliminate them. 11.Tell &hat each of the follo&ing is, &hat are causes, treatments and $revention, etc"

a. $ica b. geo$lagia c. geo$lagia d. $ago$hagia e. amylo$hagia f. $lumbism 12. 3hat is the main function of carbohydrates. 1,. 3hat are the ty$es of chemical substances that ma(e u$ the carbohydrate familty. 1/. a. 3hat are sim$le sugars and &hat are the t&o ty$es. b. give exam$les of &here these come from. 15. 3hat is glycogen and &hen is it made. 3here is glycogen stored. 11. a. 3hat are monosaccharides. )ive exam$les. b. 3hat are disaccharides. )ive exam$les. 12. 3here does the sugar &e eat $rimarily come from. 1 . 5s sugar inta(e increasing, descreasing or staying about the same. 14. 3hat is re6uiremnt about including sugar on food label. 20. 3hat is so bad about sugars. 21. 3hat is the *ietary 7eference 5nta(es recommednation for limiting inta(e of added sugars. 22. 3hat are the alcohol sugars. 2,. 8valuate the follo&ing artificial s&eetners, telling &hat they are, the degree of s&eetness, harmful effects, if any, etc.," a. saccharin b. as$artame c. sucralose d. acesulfame e. cyclamate 2/. 3hat are the com$lex carbohydrate catergories. 25. 3hat are $olysaccharides. 21. 3hat are the main food sources of com$lex carbohydrates. 22. 9re com$lex carbohydrates :starces; a healthier souce of caerbohydrates than are sim$le sugars. 3hy or &hy not. 2 . *ietary fiber has no calories, hel$s $revent consi$ation, may lo&er ris( of heart disease, obesity and diabetes and is generally underconsumed by $eo$le selecting a &estern ty$e meal. a. give and describe the three claaes of fibers, telling &hat they do and ho& they function, etc.

b. 3hat is the recommended inta(e of total fiber for man and also for &omen. c. give good fiber o$tions for" # brea(fast # lunch # su$$er # sna(cs

24. *oes sugar $romote tooth decay. 5f so, ho&. ,0. 3hat are three other health disorders that are realted to carbohyrate inta(e.

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