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CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.

00 - Motcb 21, 2011 1

DSDT 101
8tooqbt to yoo by l coolqllo, MolJ0o, ooJ Nl\lo!
Well, l'm klnd of openlng up a blg can of worms here, as uSu1 creaLlon ls a raLher complex maLLer and Lhere ls
no way l can cover everyLhlng compleLely here, nor wlll everyone be able Lo creaLe a perfecL uSu1 afLer
readlng Lhls gulde, Lhough some wlll be able Lo. Also, l am noL a uSu1 experL myself, so whaL l wlll be dolng
here ls provldlng whaL l do know and Lhe groundwork for you Lo be able Lo aL leasL creaLe whaL ls referred Lo
as a clean uSu1", Lhe flrsL necessary sLep Lo worklng Lowards a more compleLe uSu1. l wlll also ouLllne Lhe
sLeps LhaL are needed ln order Lo geL Lo a more compleLe uSu1 by uslng Ll Conlgllo's AuLo-aLcher wlLh nlxln
and MaLd0n's paLch packs for use wlLh Lhe AuLo-aLcher.
1here has already been some menLlon abouL uSu1, so you should have some famlllarlLy wlLh whaL lL ls now.
8aslcally, lL's Lhe slngle mosL elemenL Lo a PaclnLosh LhaL deLermlnes how well your sysLem and componenLs
work. 1hese componenLs, funcLlonallLy, feaLures, eLc., work or don'L work mosL ofLen due Lo uSu1 relaLed
lssues. CeLLlng Lhe besL uSu1 for your machlne ls absoluLely crlLlcal. ?our Pac llves or dles by Lhe uSu1.
now, Lhere are many oLher componenLs LhaL are also essenLlal, such a compaLlble kernel, lakeSMC, kexL flles,
Chameleon, eLc., buL more ofLen Lhan noL, all Lhese oLher componenLs can be presenL and perfecLly
funcLlonal, buL your machlne sLlll has lssues, and Lhe reason ls ofLen uSu1 relaLed. So lf you can manage Lo geL
a greaL uSu1 for your machlne, Lhe oLher sLuff ls usually easy. 1hen you can have a greaL worklng PaclnLosh
sysLem. noL lnLendlng Lo mlslead you however, l need Lo menLlon noL everyLhlng can be made Lo work wlLh
uSu1 edlLs. lf drlvers are needed (ln Lhe form of kexL flles ln Lhe CS x envlronmenL), Lhen componenLs wlLh
mlsslng, or non-exlsLenL kexL flles wlll nC1 work. An example of Lhls ls Lhe flngerprlnL reader. nelLher Lhe
manufacLurer, nor Apple, has produced CS x drlvers for Lhls devlce, so unLll someone does, lL's noL golng Lo
work, uSu1 or no uSu1.
lf you acqulre a uSu1 from elsewhere, you musL be aware of whlch machlne lL was creaLed for, and Lhe specs
of LhaL machlne. 1he furLher away from your machlne's conflguraLlon your uSu1 ls, Lhe more lssues you wlll
llkely have and Lhlngs noL funcLlonlng properly. So lL ls besL Lo sLarL wlLh a clean uSu1 generaLed from your
machlne, Lhen work Lowards bulldlng lL up (unless a near perfecL one for your exacL machlne already exlsLs).
All LhaL ls needed ls a llLLle Llme and help Lo work Lhrough uSu1 lssues Lo allow you Lo creaLe a more
cusLomlzed uSu1 for your machlne and geL lL worklng properly. lease share any successes you have wlLh your
machlne's progress by posLlng your uSu1 (and oLher lnformaLlon) ln Lhe Lhread so oLhers may also beneflL.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 2

8e aware of Lhe followlng however as lL perLalns Lo CS x:

uSu1s are very lmporLanL Lo geLLlng your hardware Lo work under CS x. uSu1 works ln con[uncLlon wlLh your
sysLem's 8lCS Lo make your C appear more llke a real Mac Lo CS x. 1he uSu1.aml flle you lnsLall wlLh CS x
musL be creaLed from your machlne's 8lCS. So wlLh Lhls ln mlnd, sysLem 8lCS verslons and uSu1.aml flles
should be used as maLched palrs!
1hls can be very lmporLanL Lo machlne sLablllLy, and can mean Lhe dlfference beLween devlces worklng or noL
worklng. So for example leL's say you have compleLed Lhe lnsLallaLlon process and you now have your CS x
worklng. Several monLhs from now you flnd Lhere ls a new updaLed verslon of Lhe 8lCS for your machlne and
you updaLe your 8lCS wlLh lL. now your 8lCS and uSu1.aml flle may be ouL of sync", and you may experlence
problems ln CS x. (1he uSu1.aml flle or updaLlng Lhe 8lCS wlll noL ln any way affecL Wlndows 7, aslde from
Lhere belng some lssue wlLh Lhe new 8lCS flle.)
Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe changes Lo Lhe new updaLed 8lCS flle may be only mlnor and noL adversely lmpacL CS
x aL all and everyLhlng wlll sLlll work flne, buL lL ls lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe posslblllLles. 1hls ls why lL's
lmporLanL Lo make sure you have a backup copy of your currenL, worklng 8lCS flle lncase you have Lo reverL Lo
lL. ?ou can also see lf someone has creaLed an updaLed uSu1 flle for your machlne by checklng Lhe uSu1
llbrary ln Lhe Lhread.
1o updaLe Lo a new 8lCS, you wlll mosL llkely need Lo do so ln a Wlndows envlronmenL.

"#$ %"$&% "' ()$*"+,- * -)$*" .%."

1he followlng sLeps are as Lhey perLaln Lo Cu8 P uvx machlnes and our llLLle communlLy here on
lnsanelyMac. We have some awesome members such as nlxln, 1apLun, Ll Conlgllo, Mald0n, and oLhers, who
are really Lhe ones maklng lL posslble for Lhe resL of us Lo geL near perfecL uSu1s. So as l've sald before
elsewhere, leL's respecL and noL abuse Lhem. LLASL uC nC1 M (ersonal Message) Lhem for help. lL's really
annoylng and Lhey can'L help everyone lndlvldually, [usL as l cannoL elLher. osL your requesLs for uSu1 help ln
1PL 1P8LAu CnL?, LLASL. 1hanks! , )
(lleose oote tbot tbese steps ote sobject to cbooqe os tbey JepeoJ oo otbets to complete.)
1) CreaLe a llsL of Lhe ma[or componenLs of your machlne (know your machlne)
2) use Ll Conlgllo's AuLo-aLcher ln con[uncLlon wlLh nlxln and MaLd0n's paLch packs
3) CreaLlng a clean uSu1 uslng ubunLu or Ll Conlgllo's uSu1 AuLo-aLcher
4) osL your clean uSu1 and componenLs lnformaLlon ln Lhe Lhread
3) ConLlnue Lo LesL and reflne your uSu1

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 3
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?ou musL know Lhe prlmary componenLs LhaL make up your machlne. lollowlng ls an example of Lhe baslc
requlred llsL of lnformaLlon:
MammoLh's machlne:
P AvlLlCn Ln1L81AlnMLn1 C (LapLop) uv8L-1100 (vl836Av) SLClllCA1lCnS
Cu: lnLel Core` l7-720CM 1.6CPz, 6M8, L2C
8lCS: lnSyde verslon: l.23
Memory: lnsLalled: 8C8 (4C8 x 4C8) [Maxlmum: 8C8] 1ype/Speed: uu83/1333MPz
vldeo: nvlulA Celorce C1 230M Cu w/ 1024 M8
Sound: lu1 92Pu7383 Audlo ConLroller
LAn: 8ealLek 81L8168u/8111u Cl-L ClgablL
Wl-ll: lnLel CenLrlno Advanced-n 6200 (622AnPMW)
[1bls wlAN cotJ ls NO1 O5 \ compotlble ooJ bos beeo teploceJ wltb o uell uw1510 (8tooJcom 8cM94J22). Otbets wotk
too wltb tbe 8lO5 bock.]

CpLlcal ulsc: LlghLscrlbe + 8lu-ray uvu +/-8/8W drlve

1he above llsL ls [usL Lhe beglnnlng. Much more ln depLh lnformaLlon ls requlred when worklng on creaLlng a
cusLom uSu1. 1here are four sofLware Lools LhaL can be used for gaLherlng deLalled lnformaLlon abouL your
1) AluA64 (lormally known as LveresL) hLLp:// (1hls ls for Wlndows)
2) lC 8eglsLry Lxplorer (An Apple CS x uLlllLy, found ln /lnsLallaLlon/uLlllLles/ on your Mllu)
3) SysLem rofller (An Apple CS x uLlllLy whlch ls parL of Lhe CS)
4) run_me" whlch ls a cusLom scrlpL creaLed by MaLd0n
1hese Lools wlll allow you Lo gaLher [usL abouL all Lhe lnformaLlon you would ever need Lo know abouL your
sysLem ln relaLlon Lo uSu1 and more. 1hese are musL have and musL use uLlllLles.
1hese uLlllLles allow you Lo generaLe reporLs and save Lhem Lo flles, and l suggesL you do Lhls and save Lhem
somewhere you wlll have qulck access Lo Lhem. Also, much of Lhls lnformaLlon should be posLed wlLh your
uSu1 when you are sharlng lL or requesLlng help. 8e careful Lhough noL Lo share personal lnformaLlon such as
serlal numbers, personal names, eLc, whlch may be lncluded ln some of Lhese reporLs. 8emove such
lnformaLlon before posLlng or sharlng, lf Lhls ls an lssue LhaL maLLers Lo you.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 4
$3 (456736418 *9"':&*"(#$) *,. ,+;6518 &*"(# &*(<%
Ll Conlgllo has creaLed an awesome uSu1 AuLo-aLcher wlLh paLch packs for many sysLems already lncluded.
MaLd0n has creaLed many paLch packs for varlous sysLems and nlxln has puL LogeLher some of hls own
cusLom paLch packs, speclflcally Lo be used for P uvx machlne speclflc uSu1 edlLs. 1he uSu1 AuLo-aLcher ls
based off of Ll Conlgllo's uSu1 LdlLor". 1he comblnaLlon of all of Lhelr work ls fanLasLlc and has produced
uSu1s for uvx machlnes LhaL are Lhe besL we've ever seen! We are so close Lo perfecLlon lL's [usL plaln scary!
?ou can geL Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher from MaLd0n's Lhread here:
#'= "' 9%$ "#$ .%." *9"':&*"(#$) +, '% ;
uownload Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher from MaLd0n's Lhread. lL ls a slngle, CS x execuLable flle, so you can [usL
place lL ln /AppllcaLlons/uLlllLles/.
MaLd0n has an lmporLanL noLe abouL uSu1 AuLo-aLcher usage, and l'm golng Lo essenLlally repeaL lL here
lf yoo ote osloq tbe Moc O5 \ vetsloo of tbe u5u1 Aoto-lotcbet, yoo most NO1 bove oo octlve u5u1 lostolleJ
wbeo toooloq tbe potcbet! 1bls meoos lf yoo bove o JsJt.oml lo socb ploces os.
(ot otbet locotloos speclfleJ lo com.opple.8oot.pllst), temove tbem & teboot befote toooloq tbe Aoto-lotcbet!
lf tbey ote NO1 temoveJ, u5u1 lofotmotloo wlll be polleJ ftom tbese flles ooJ wlll be oseJ os o bosls fot tbe
potcbloq losteoJ of tbe otlqlool lofotmotloo ftom 8lO5, wblcb ls wbete we teolly oeeJ tbot lofotmotloo to
come ftom.
8emember, before runnlng Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher, you musL remove or dlsable (by renamlng) any
uSu1.aml flles LhaL are normally loaded, and Lhen rebooL, Lhen you can run Lhe paLcher.
.$"$)0+,+,- +> *9"':&*"(#$) */)$*.? %9&&')"% ?'9) %?%"$0
1he AuLo-aLcher comes wlLh many paLch packs already bullL ln for many sysLems, so Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lo do ls
check lf your machlne ls llsLed. 1o check Lhls:
1) Launch Lhe AuLo-aLcher
2) ?ou wlll see Lwo empLy boxes aL Lhe Lop of Lhe small AuLo-aLcher wlndow.
3) Cllck on Lhe arrows of Lhe flrsL box on Lhe lefL and choose your manufacLurer, such as P.
4) nexL, cllck on Lhe arrows of Lhe second box on Lhe rlghL, and see lf your parLlcular sysLem ls llsLed.
lf yours ls noL llsLed, Lhen a paLch pack needs Lo be creaLed for your machlne. (5ee cteotloq lotcb locks
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 3
3) lf yours ls llsLed, Lhen you may be able Lo generaLe a uSu1 for your machlne LhaL ls very close Lo
Cf course, keep ln mlnd LhaL lf a sysLem lS llsLed, LhaL means someone, somewhere, has already creaLed a
uSu1 for LhaL machlne. So ln our case, our uSu1 Llbrary should always be checked flrsL and maybe all LhaL ls
needed ls for you Lo download one LhaL has already been posLed Lhere.
()$*"+,- &*"(# &*(<%
1hls ls Lhe heavy hlLLer sLuff. l have never creaLed a paLch pack, as l don'L know how. nlxln has been Lhe one
who has creaLed all Lhe ones LhaL we have. Also, MaLd0n hlmself has been open Lo creaLlng paLch packs. So aL
Lhls polnL, we have Lwo polnLs of conLacL for havlng cusLomlzed paLch packs creaLed. erhaps aL some polnL
we wlll have a gulde on how Lo creaLe Lhese, however, nlxln ls Lhe experL on paLch packs for uvx machlnes. So
lf you have MaLd0n creaLe one for you, lL would be wlse Lo Lhen pass lL on Lo nlxln Lo see lf furLher
reflnemenLs are needed.
1o geL help and a paLch pack creaLed for your sysLem, followlng ls whaL MaLd0n requlres:
lf you wanL Lo send me lnformaLlon abouL your sysLem so l can make an auLo-paLcher for lL."
1) 8efore followlng Lhls procedure, remove any uSu1.aml flles you are currenLly uslng and rebooL. 1hen
use Lhe run_me" scrlpL. ?ou can download and run Lhe "run_me" scrlpL (found aL MaLd0n's Lhread aL
Lhe llnk llsLed above).
2) 1he run_me" scrlpL wlll creaLe a send_me.zlp" flle and place lL on your ueskLop
3) upload Lhe send_me.zlp" flle Lo MaLd0n's Lhread and glve some brlef lnformaLlon abouL lL.
(1be locloJeJ Joto lo tbe seoJ_me.zlp flle ls yoot u5u1, o llst of looJeJ kexts, oo lOkeq Jomp, ooJ yoot ketoel loq.)
lf you wanL Lo see Lhe commands lL runs, [usL open Lhe scrlpL wlLh "AuLomaLor". LLASL reporL back ln our
Lhread wlLh coples of Lhe new paLch pack flles and uSu1.aml once you recelve Lhem. As we creaLe Lhese paLch
packs and uSu1s, we wlll add Lhem Lo our uSu1 Llbrary.
lor Lhose who may wanL Lo learn abouL creaLlng paLch packs, l Lhlnk lnformaLlon abouL Lhls ls found here aL Ll
Conlgllo's Lhread: hLLp://

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 6
+,%"*//+,- &*"(# &*(<%
lf a new paLch pack has been creaLed for your sysLem, whlch ls nC1 currenLly supporLed by Lhe uSu1 AuLo-
aLcher, how do you lnsLall lL Lo Lhe aLcher? lL's acLually preLLy slmple.
1) llrsL, you wlll need Lo use Lhe ShowAllllles uLlllLy and selecL SPCW, as Lhere ls a hldden dlrecLory we
wlll need Lo access.
2) Co Lo where you placed your uSu1 AuLo-aLcher, such as ln /AppllcaLlons/uLlllLles/ and do a Show
ackage ConLenLs" on Lhe flle.
3) When Lhe llnder wlndow opens, navlgaLe Lo /ConLenLs/8esources/!ava/packs/

8e very careful wlLh Lhe conLenLs of Lhe /packs/ folder. MlsLakes ln Lhese flles could cause a loL of
problems for Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher and you. uo nC1 edlL any of Lhe .LxL flles unless you absoluLely for
sure know whaL you are dolng.

4) 1hls ls where you wlll lnsLall your new paLch pack by slmply copylng Lo a new folder. 8e sure Lo follow
Lhe esLabllshed folder sLrucLure of Lhe /packs/ folder. lf for example you are addlng a new pack for an
P uv3, currenLly Lhe folder sLrucLure would be /P/uv3/ and lnslde Lhls folder would be Lhe Lwo new
flles descrlpLlon.LxL" and paLch.LxL"

nC1L: l say currenLly Lhe folder sLrucLure." because l see Lhls needlng Lo change soon. We wlll need
Lo accommodaLe many dlfferenL machlnes and several dlfferenL conflguraLlons. l'm noL sure how Lhls
should be done yeL, buL we should all keep Lhls ln mlnd.

3) Cnce done, you can reLurn Lo ShowAllllles and selecL Plde Lo reLurn hldden flles and folders back Lo
Lhelr hldden sLaLe.
6) lf you check by launchlng uSu1 AuLo-aLcher, Lhe new sysLem should be avallable now.
()$*"+,- * (/$*, .%."
1here are many ways Lo creaLe a clean uSu1, and everybody has an oplnlon on whlch way ls besL. l presenL
here whaL l have found Lo be Lhe Lwo easlesL and mosL rellable ways. LlLher use Ll Conlgllo's uSu1 AuLo-
aLcher when you can, or a ubunLu Llve Cu.
()$*"+,- * (/$*, @ &*"(#$. .%." 9%+,- .%." *AB4:&CBDEFG
?ou can creaLe a clean uSu1 wlLh Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher, buL only ln con[uncLlon wlLh a paLch pack. So Lhe
approach ls a llLLle dlfferenL, you don'L need Lo generaLe a separaLe clean uSu1.aml flle and Lhen use lL
somehow wlLh Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher. lnsLead, lL's more llke you don'L need Lo generaLe a clean uSu1 aL all.
When you have Lhe paLch pack for your sysLem, uSu1 AuLo-aLcher comblnes Lwo operaLlons lnLo one,
generaLlng a clean uSu1 and also merglng Lhe uSu1 paLches from Lhe pack lnLo a perfecLly edlLed uSu1. ?ou
musL have a sulLable paLch pack for your machlne lnsLalled ln uSu1 AuLo-aLcher Lo proceed.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 7
So Lhe process of creaLlng a clean uSu1 and paLchlng a uSu1 flle ls Lhe same operaLlon ln uSu1 AuLo-aLcher:
1) 8emember, before runnlng Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher, you musL remove or dlsable (by renamlng) any
uSu1.aml flles LhaL are normally loaded, and Lhen rebooL, Lhen run Lhe paLcher.
2) Launch Lhe uSu1 AuLo-aLcher
3) When you sLarL-up Lhe paLcher, you wlll noLe LhaL no sysLems are pre-selecLed. 8oLh flelds are
4) Cllck on Lhe arrows of Lhe flrsL box on Lhe lefL and choose your manufacLurer, such as P.
3) nexL, cllck on Lhe arrows of Lhe second box on Lhe rlghL, and selecL your parLlcular sysLem.
6) Cllck Lhe Apply buLLon
1he process only Lakes a few momenLs, and when flnlshed, your new uSu1 wlll be placed somewhere on your
ueskLop as: dsdL.aml
1) uownload Lhe mosL currenL verslon of ubuLnu:
1bete ls o J2 blt & 64 blt vetsloo. l Joot koow lf lt mottets, bot sloce we wlll be toooloq O5 \ lo 64blt, l
ose tbe 64blt vetsloo of ubooto.
ubunLu ls a free Llnux dlsLrlbuLlon. ?ou download a ubunLu .lSC flle and Lhen burn lL Lo a Cu. 1hls Cu
wlll Lhen allow you Lo booL your machlne wlLh lL and lnLo ubunLu and run Llnux wlLhouL havlng Lo
lnsLall lL Lo your hard drlve. 1hls procedure ls ofLen referred Lo as runnlng on a Llve Cu". We wanL Lo
do Lhls because ubunLu Llnux has a very slmple way Lo generaLe a clean uSu1 for us auLomaLlcally!
2) Cnce you have downloaded Lhe .lSC and burned lL Lo a Cu, booL your machlne wlLh lL. 8emember Lo
use l9 Lo selecL Lhe Cu as Lhe booL devlce.
3) When ubunLu booLs, you wlll be aL Lhe ubunLu ueskLop.
4) Cllck on Lhe 1ry ubunLu buLLon.
3) lrom Lhe Lop lefL of Lhe Menu 8ar, cllck on AppllcaLlons, Lhen Accessorles.
6) Launch 1ermlnal
7) ln 1ermlnal, lssue Lhe followlng command, followed by presslng LnLer:

sudo caL /proc/acpl/dsdL > dsdL.aml

8) lL wlll compleLe very fasL, so Lhen cllck on laces on Lhe Menu 8ar, Lhen Pome lolder.
9) ConnecL a uS8 flash drlve or hard drlve and copy Lhe clean uSu1.aml flle Lo Lhe drlve.
Cnce you have Lhe flle, we are done wlLh ubunLu. ?ou can [usL shuL Lhe machlne down, remove Lhe Cu and
your uS8 devlce wlLh your uSu1.aml. l recommend maklng a few coples of Lhls clean uSu1.aml flle and sLore lL
somewhere. Maybe rename lL Lo uSu1_CLLAn_vf836av.aml (where vf836av ls ?Cu8 machlne model number
lnsLead of mlne).

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 8
&'%"+,- ?'9) .%." *,. +,>')0*"+',
lf you are unable Lo flnd a uSu1 for your machlne, or one LhaL works well enough for your machlne, Lhen you
wlll have Lo sLarL wlLh a clean uSu1 and bulld lL up. lf you need help dolng Lhls, Lhen posLlng Lhe necessary
lnformaLlon ln Lhe Lhread and seeklng help Lhere ls your nexL sLep.
As menLloned prevlously, we all need Lo share our perLlnenL uSu1 relaLed lnformaLlon so LhaL Lhe mosL
amounL of people wlll have Lhe lnformaLlon needed Lo help resolve our problems.
l am Lrylng Lo come up wlLh a sLandard for posLlng uSu1 relaLed lnformaLlon as a klnd of package so LhaL all
Lhe lnformaLlon ls avallable Lo allow oLhers Lo be able Lo help. 1hls ls a work ln progress and l don'L have a
solld llsL yeL, buL here ls our sLarLlng polnL:
1) A clean uSu1 wlLh a sLandardlzed namlng convenLlon such as: uSu1_CLLAn_8lCSuLlllename.aml
lmporLanL: lL mlghL be posslble LhaL all P machlnes uslng Lhe same 8lCS download flle names (such as
sp49106.exe for uv8L 8lCS l.23) could use Lhe same uSu1. 1hls ls someLhlng we need Lo LesL. lf Lhls ls
Lrue, or even mosLly Lrue, Lhls would be awesome! 1hen we could slmply llsL uSu1s ln our uSu1 llbrary
someLhlng llke Lhls:

S49106 8lCS l.23: v1.03 JowolooJ llok to u5u1
1he downloaded uSu1 would be a .Zl flle and would also conLaln Lhe followlng lnformaLlon and more:
a. CreaLlon daLe
b. MeLhod used Lo creaLe: ubunLu x64 v10.10 or AuLo-paLcher
c. Who creaLed lL (for conLacL lnfo for help)
d. WhaL ls flxed from prevlous verslons
e. lC8eg lnfo
f. Any paLch packs used and verslon / oLher lnformaLlon
We could use Lhe run_me" scrlpL and slmply provlde Lhe send_me.zlp" flle whlch has mosL everyLhlng
needed (u5u1, llst of looJeJ kexts, lOkeq Jomp, ooJ ketoel.loq).
robably Lhe besL approach would be a comblnaLlon of all of Lhese, whlch ends up lncludlng Lhe greaLesL
amounL of lnformaLlon.
keep an eye on our new uSu1 Llbrary on our Lhread Lo see how Lhls all develops.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 9
"$%"+,- *,. )$>+,+,- ?'9) .%."
Cnce your new uSu1.aml flle as been creaLed and paLched, you are ready Lo Lry lL ouL. uon'L make Lhe mlsLake
ln Lhlnklng Lhe new one ls golng Lo be so perfecL LhaL you Lrash your currenL one. 1hlngs don'L always go LhaL
well Lhe flrsL Llme around, so [usL rename your currenL uSu1.aml flle (lf you have one and lL's worklng for you).
1hen copy ln Lhe new one and resLarL Lo begln LesLlng Lhe new uSu1.aml ouL.
uSu1 affecLs LvL8?1PlnC. So lL may Lake some Llme before you can be sure as Lo how well lL's worklng. ?ou
wlll need Lo LesL everyLhlng lncludlng vldeo, neLworklng, sleep sLaLes, audlo, performance, sofLware, and on
and on.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 10 uSu1" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 10
Version History

lnlLlal release.

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