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CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.

01 - Aptll 2, 2011 1
Installing Windows 7

Whlle l dld noL lnvenL" Lhe orlglnal meLhod of puLLlng mulLlple operaLlng sysLems onLo one drlve, or lnsLalllng
Chameleon on lLs own parLlLlon (Lhose much more knowledgeable Lhan l dld), and mosL of lL l learned from
8lackCSx. Powever, l have embraced Lhls meLhod and have adapLed lL Lo work for Lhe uvx machlnes and
added some of my own Louches Lo Lhls Lechnlque.
My small llLLle conLrlbuLlon ls Lhe procedure for backlng up a sysLem's orlglnal operaLlng sysLem lnsLallaLlon,
such as Wlndows 7, and belng able Lo Lransfer LhaL operaLlng sysLem onLo a parLlLlon nexL Lo CS x and
Chameleon so LhaL Wlndows 7 does noL have Lo be lnsLalled from scraLch and Wlndows 7 wlll booL wlLhouL
havlng Lo do anyLhlng else. 1hls saves a loL of Llme, as lL ls noL necessary Lo lnsLall Wlndows 7 agaln, and agaln,
when seLLlng up your Pac on a clean drlve.
noLe LhaL you may be learnlng a loL from Lhls secLlon, lnformaLlon LhaL ls usually reserved for geeks and
compuLer Lechnlclans. LeL noL your hearL be Lroubled! lf Lhls sounds a blL scary Lo you, as always, l wlll be
explalnlng Lhlngs ln a very deLalled manner so LhaL anyone should be able Lo follow along and be successful.
1hls verslon of Lhe Wlndows 7 Culde requlred a loL of my aLLenLlon and almosL a compleLe rewrlLe. 1here ls a
loL of lnformaLlon here now, buL lL ls really needed. 1hls ls some hlgh power sLuff, and for Lhose who Lhls
lnformaLlon wlll be new Lo, lL may be a loL Lo chew on", buL Lry Lo en[oy Lhe free educaLlon! 1here are a loL of
Lechnlques and lnformaLlon here LhaL wlll be useful Lo you from now on. , )
1here are Lhree procedures for backlng up / resLorlng a Wlndows 7:
1) 8acklng up Lhe uvx drlve whlle lnsLalled ln a deskLop machlne
2) 8acklng up Lhe uvx drlve wlLh uslng a norLon ChosL S8u (SymanLec 8ecovery ulsc)
a. 8acklng up / resLorlng elLher wlLh an exLernal drlve or over a LAn connecLlon
3) lnsLall Wlndows 7 wlLh an lnsLallaLlon uvu
As a slde noLe, Lhls was Lhe gulde l was worklng on whlle everyone was walLlng for Lhe release ln Lhe flnal
week, and why lL Look so long! :p

Note olso tbot tbese ptoceJotes sboolJ be slmllot fot wloJows vlsto, bot l bove ooly testeJ wltb wloJows 7.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 2
1here are Lwo prlmary meLhods for geLLlng Wlndows 7 lnsLalled wlLh CS x:
1) !"#$%!" '!%( )(*+"
?ou make a parLlLlon backup of your orlglnal P facLory lnsLallaLlon of Wlndows 7 uslng someLhlng llke
norLon ChosL, Lhen resLore lL Lo your Pac hard drlve.

Note olso tbot yoo coo Jo tbls ot ooytlme, so yoo coolJ fltst qo tbtooqb ooJ completely cooflqote wloJows 7 tbe woy yoo
woot wltb oll yoot opps, 1nN moke tbe lmoqe ooJ testote tbot. 1be lssoes wltb tbls bowevet ls tbot yoot lmoqes ooJ
testote tlmes coo become totbet lotqe ooJ leoqtby so toke tbot loto cooslJetotloo.

1o be cleot, my tecommeoJotloo lovolves mokloq 2 wloJows 7 bockops. 1be fltst ls of tbe eotlte uvx Jtlve, oll pottltloos,
8lOk evet totoloq lt oo. 1be secooJ ls of jost tbe wloJows 7 pottltloo, especlolly lf yoo bove cooflqoteJ ot lostolleJ
softwote, bowevet, yoo coo jost moke tbe fltst bockop of oll pottltloos, ooJ jost testote ftom tbe wloJows 7 lmoqe.
1here ls a second meLhod, buL Lhls ls far from easy or fasL and l don'L recommended lL:
2) ),#$*-- '!%( * .),/%.# 0 ),#$*--*$)%, /)#1
?ou sLarL wlLh a wlped clean n1lS parLlLlon and lnsLall Wlndows 7 from an lnsLallaLlon dlsc. WlLh Lhls meLhod,
you musL lnsLall Lhe operaLlng sysLem, all drlvers and machlne speclflc sofLware yourself, plus all of your
appllcaLlons. 1hls ls Lhe mosL Llme consumlng and lnefflclenL way Lo lnsLall any operaLlng sysLem.

1here has also been menLlon of a Lhlrd alLernaLlve meLhod known as an ln-place or reserve LxlsLlng lnsLall:
3) ),23-*1" 43!"#"!5" "6)#$),+7 ),#$*--*$)%,
Well, l dld flnally geL around Lo Lrylng Lhls ouL and qulLe slmply - lL lsn'L LhaL slmple. 1hls approach acLually
ends up Laklng longer, and l mean a LC1 longer, 4 Lo 3 Llmes even, and ls more of a hassle Lhan lf you [usL
slmply make Lhe backup (whlch you should do anyway) and slmply resLore lL laLer. ln facL, uslng ulsk
ManagemenL Lo do Lhls wlll nC1 work for Lhls meLhod.

lf lnLeresLed ln more lnformaLlon abouL Lhls meLhod, please see Lhe 1echnlcal Culde.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 3
Syncing Time Between OS X and Windows
8tooqbt to os by Csly!

1here was a long Lroubllng lssue where golng from CS x lnLo Wlndows 7 or vlce versa would resulL ln Lhe clock
belng very wrong. ?ou many noL have Wlndows 7 lnsLalled aL Lhls polnL, and lf Lhls ls Lhe case, now you know
you can come back here for how Lo flx Lhls. 1hankfully, because Csly researched Lhls lssue, he was able solve
lL. 1hank you Csly as Lhls really boLhered me a loL! , )

Csly explalned LhaL CS x sLores Llme as u1C, where Wlndows does noL. So Lhe correcLlon ls made Lo Wlndows
7 vla a reglsLry edlL.

lor Wlnows 7, you need Lo add or seL Lhe followlng reglsLry key:


nexL, seL Lhe correcL Llme zone ln ALL lnsLalled operaLlng sysLems, Lhls way, none of Lhem wlll change Lhe
clock. Ad[usL Lhe dlsplayed Llme accordlng Lo LhaL zone's lnfo, wlLh regards Lo uS1 (lf appllcable).

Csly also recommends seLLlng up n1 on all operaLlng sysLems Lo prevenL clock drlfL.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 4
Installing Windows 7 from an Image - Overview

wby lostoll ftom oo lmoqe wbeo we coolJ stott ftesb wltb o completely oew lostollotloo ftom o wloJows
7 uvu?
l do undersLand Lhe Lhlnklng when people wanL Lo puL a clean" lnsLallaLlon of an operaLlng sysLem on
Lhelr deskLop compuLers, [usL as l usually do, because manufacLurers cram so much bloaLware" on our
hard drlves ([unk sofLware LhaL we wlll never use), however, lapLops are dlfferenL Lhan deskLops.
uue Lo all Lhe speclallzed hardware, buLLons, lnLernal dlsplay, power managemenL, eLc., a loL of Lhe
manufacLurers sofLware and drlvers are vlLal Lo maklng everyLhlng work properly. As l've sald, l'm noL a fan
of bloaLware, ln facL l wlsh Lhe manufacLurers would glve us an opLlon, such as a speclal seL of resLore
dlscs, LhaL would allow us Lo puL on CnL? WPA1 WAS A8SCLu1LL? necessary, buL, of course Lhey do noL.
1haL sald, Lhe headache of puLLlng on a clean lnsLallaLlon of Wlndows 7 on lapLop, Lhen Lrylng Lo flnd all
Lhe sofLware and drlvers on P's slLe Lo ensure 100 funcLlonallLy of all lapLop componenLs, and lnsLalllng
Lhem, ls a huge paln ln Lhe buLL and an even larger wasLe of Llme.
So, my recommendaLlon ls Lo sLarL ouL wlLh P's facLory lnsLallaLlon of Wlndows 7, and Lhen sLarL
unlnsLalllng whaL you don'L wanL. ?ou wlll be much happler, and save yourself much Llme from dolng
Lhlngs Lhe oLher way".

Installing Windows 7 from an Image Procedure

Ck, please forglve me, buL l am noL golng Lo go Lhrough Lhe enLlre process, sLep-by-sLep, of how Lo make an
lmage uslng norLon ChosL. lf you don'L know how Lo do Lhls, you wlll need Lo flgure lL ouL (lL's falrly easy).
WhaL l wlll do ls glve you a good overvlew of LhaL process Lo help you be able Lo follow along successfully once
you flgure ouL how Lo use ChosL. Agaln, Lhere are oLher programs ouL Lhere, buL l use ChosL and know lL
works. ?ou can geL a free Lrlal LhaL wlll allow you Lo geL Wlndows 7 lnsLalled on your Pac fasL, uslng Lhls gulde.
Also, l'm golng Lo repeaL a few polnLs ln Lhls secLlon a few Llmes because Lhey are lmporLanL, and l wanL Lo
make sure you don'L mlss Lhem, so don'L be annoyed, be enllghLened and safe. , )
8ecause Lhls overall process ls noL a sLandard procedure, l wlll provlde you wlLh Lhe deLalled sLeps needed Lo
successfully compleLe Lhe resLore process. 1hls wlll affecLlvely resulL ln a fully lnsLalled verslon of Wlndows 7
on your Pac. ?ou wlll Lhen be able Lo booL elLher Wlndows 7 or CS x.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 3
Getting Started By Creating Backups Overview

1o geL sLarLed, lf you have never Lurned on your uvx machlne before and wanL Lo make Lhe facLory clone of
your drlve, opLlon 1 below ls Lhe only opLlon we dlscus here. lor all oLher scenarlos, opLlons 1 or 2 are
1) 8#" /59 /!)5" ), *,%$:"! 1%(38$"!
lor Lhls meLhod, you wlll need a deskLop machlne runnlng Wlndows x, vlsLa, or Wlndows 7. ?ou
physlcally remove your uvx hard drlve from your lapLop, Lhen connecL lL vla SA1A Lo your oLher
compuLer ln order Lo make Lhe lmage uslng SymanLec norLon ChosL. 1he backup / resLore process ls
Lhe fasLesL dolng lL Lhls way.
1bls ls tbe best metboJ lf yoo bove oevet totoeJ oo yoot uvx befote. lt coo olso be oseJ oftet fltst powet-oo, ot ooy tlme.

2) 8#" #!/ $% ;*1<83 = !"#$%!" /59
?ou can creaLe and use a SymanLec 8ecovery ulsc (S8u) Lo booL your machlne, Lhen make a backup of
your uvx hard drlve elLher Lo an aLLached exLernal dlsk or a neLwork share.
nOwvk, oo coo ooly ose tbls metboJ oftet fltst lostollloq Cbost oo yoot uvx ooJ tbeo cteotloq tbe 5ku Jlsc ftom oo .l5O.
NO1. lf yoo bove ptevloosly poweteJ oo yoot mocbloe ooJ bove olteoJy oseJ wloJows 7, tbeo yoo coo lostoll Cbost ooJ moke yoot
bockops, ot yoo coo boot-op ftom tbe 5ku ooce yoove cteoteJ lt to moke tbem. 1be ooly Jlffeteoce ls tbot yoo bove lost yoot
oppottoolty to ptesetve tbe otlqlool foctoty lmoqe befote fltst powet-oo, bot wbots Jooe ls Jooe. 1bls woot pteveot yoo ftom beloq
oble to eoJ op wltb tbe cooflqototloo yoo woot.
?ou do have Lhe opporLunlLy aL Lhls polnL Lo seLup your Pac on a dlfferenL hard drlve, Lhls way, you can
remove your orlglnal facLory P drlve and seL lL aslde, lnsLall a dlfferenL drlve Lo lnsLall on so you don'L have Lo
boLher wlLh Lhe facLory (or oLherwlse), lnsLall of Wlndows 7. So Lhls could glve you a good LesL envlronmenL.
1hls procedure assumes Lhe followlng:
1) ?ou wlll be uslng a dlfferenL hard drlve Lhan Lhe orlglnal uvx drlve
2) ?ou wlll be formaLLlng Lhe uvx drlve afLer you have backed-up Lhe uvx facLory lmage for resLorlng back
Lo your uvx drlve durlng laLer sLeps ln Lhe procedure.

lf nelLher of Lhese are Lrue, you can sLlll proceed, [usL make sure you have a good backup of your uvx
flrsL before wlplng lL ouL and you 8L11L8 make Lhose 8esLore dlscs ASA, or you could be sorry laLer!
8LMLM8L8: My way of dolng Lhls was Lo nC1 Lurn on my uvx when l flrsL goL lL. lnsLead, l Look Lhe hard drlve
ouL, sLuck lL ln my Wlndows 7 deskLop compuLer, and used norLon ChosL (verslon 13) Lo backup Lhe enLlre
drlve. l PlCPL? recommend oLhers do Lhe same now (lf posslble), or from now on ln Lhe fuLure. lf lL's Loo laLe
for LhaL now and you already seL-up your machlne, you can sLlll proceed.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 6
uon'L forgeL LhaL one of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe 8ecovery ulscs ls Lhey serve as Lhe Wlndows 7 8ecovery ulscs
Loo. ?ou may need Lhese aL some polnL lf your Wlndows 7 drlve geLs corrupLed. CLher verslons /
manufacLurer's Wlndows 7 8ecovery ulscs wlll nC1 work ln your uvx! lL musL be Lhe ones from P, and for
your lapLop model. So be sure Lo creaLe Lhose dlscs ll8S1 Lhlng Al1L8 you have made your facLory lmage

Getting Started By Creating Backups Procedure

llA5 teoJ tbe eotlte ptoceJote 8lOk ottemptloq lt!
/59 /!)5" ), %$:"! 1%(38$"! $% ;*1<83 need Lo go Lhrough Lhls process Lo correcLly documenL.
1) lf you don'L already have norLon ChosL verslon 13 (or laLer), go Lo SymanLec's web slLe and download
Lhe Lrlal verslon. CeL lL lnsLalled on your deskLop machlne, and make sure you go Lhrough Lhe
SymanLec LlveupdaLe process Lo make sure you have all Lhe paLches and you are uslng Lhe laLesL
verslon of ChosL so you don'L have any problems.
2) WlLh your machlne off, remove Lhe hard drlve from Lhe lapLop and lnsLall lL ln your Wlndows deskLop.
!"#$%&'(& &*+,(-+'. -(/$%"'&-$( 0$1 (**2 &$ 3($4 5*/$%* 0$1 5*6-(7
NO1. 1be best woy to Jo tbls ls to bove yoot wloJows 7 mocbloe olteoJy booteJ op ooJ bot-
ploq lo yoot foctoty Jtlve. 1o Jo tbls, coooect tbe lOwk coble to tbe Jtlve llk51. wolt ot
leost 15 secooJs, tbeo ploq lo tbe Joto coble. 1o temove tbe Jtlve ooce tbe lmoqe bos beeo
moJe, sbotJowo, powet off tbe wloJows 7 mocbloe ooJ tbeo temove tbe Jtlve.
Note 2. Aftet temovloq o Jtlve vlo bot-ploq, yoo mlqbt oot be oble to ploq tbe some Jtlve bock
loto tbe some 5A1A pott yoo ptevloosly oseJ, os tbe O5 moy oot tecoqolze lt tbe secooJ tlme. lf
tbls boppeos to yoo, eltbet yoo oeeJ to teboot tbe mocbloe, ot jost ploq tbe Jtlve loto o Jlffeteot
5A1A pott yoo boveot oseJ fot bot-ploqqloq Jotloq tbot boot cycle.

Cn mosL modern machlnes and wlLh SA1A ln general, hoL-plugglng drlves are
supporLed. PonesLly, Lhls ls whaL l do all Lhe Llme, and for Lhls procedure, Lhls ls
Lhe safesL and fasLesL way Lo success. So, lf you haven'L done so already, geL a
SA1A cable and SA1A power connecLor connecLed Lo an avallable SA1A
connecLor and power plug on your compuLer. ?ou can leave Lhe cables hanglng
ouL of Lhe machlne Lemporarlly so you can easlly connecL and dlsconnecL Lhe
drlve. 1here ls some rlsk here! 8emember, as l have prevlously sLaLed, all Lhese
rlsks are your own, so be careful!

lf you are golng Lo Lry connecLlng Lhe drlve Lo Lhe Wlndows 7 machlne whlle off
and Lhen booL lnLo Wlndows 7 (whlch l uC nC1 recommend dolng Lhls), make
sure ln 8lCS Lhls drlve uCLS nC1 CL1 SLLLC1Lu 1C 8L 1PL 8CC1 u8lvL! Cn my
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 7
ClgabyLe moLherboard based deskLop Pac, LvL8? 1lML l plug a drlve ln, Lhe
booL order ls auLomaLlcally changed Lo 1PA1 u8lvL. 1hls ls very annoylng and
dangerous for a procedure such as Lhls! 1hls ls LSLClALL? lmporLanL lf you
were able Lo pull your lapLop drlve before ever Lurnlng Lhe machlne on. 8ooLlng
your uvx hard drlve ln anoLher compuLer would be vL8? 8Au and would defeaL
Lhe whole purpose of Lrylng Lo capLure Lhe orlglnal drlve before lnlLlal
lnsLallaLlon! uC nC1 LL1 ?Cu8 uvx u8lvL CL1 8CC1Lu 1C WPlLL ln AnC1PL8

Cnce Lhls ls all ready Lo go, walL unLll Wlndows 7 ls fully booLed, Lhen very
carefully, ll8S1 connecL Lhe power cable Lo Lhe drlve, 1PLn, afLer abouL 13
seconds, Lhe sklnny daLa cable. 8L CA8LluL noL Lo leL ML1AL come ln conLacL
wlLh any clrculLry, especlally whlle Lhe machlne ls powered on.

ALSC: When booLlng up Wlndows 7 on your deskLop Wlndows machlne, do nC1
accepL any pop-up Wlndows LhaL wanL Lo do An?1PlnC wlLh Lhe uvx drlve! We
do nC1 wanL Lhe uvx drlve changed / alLered ln any way!

8eware of norLon ChosL! lL may ask you lf you wanL Lo use your uvx drlve as a
backup drlve. Cl CCu8SL WL uCn'1! uon'L leL An? program mess wlLh or do
anyLhlng Lo your uvx machlne's drlve whlle ln anoLher compuLer. ALL we wanL
Lo do ls make a clean backup of Lhe drlve.
NO1. Ooe flool tlp l woot to sbote wltb yoo befote we octoolly Jo tbls ls teqotJloq ploqqloq lo
otbet compotets opetotloq system Jtlves loto oootbet compotet, lf wloJows 7 (ooJ vlsto too)
sees oootbet Jtlve coooecteJ to lt wltb wloJows 7 ot vlsto lostolleJ oo lt, yoot wloJows 7
Jesktop mocbloe wlll oJJ o boot eotty fot lt, ooJ lt wlll stoy tbete eveo oftet yoo temove tbe
Jtlve. 5o wbot wlll boppeo ls, evety tlme yoo ote teoJy to boot loto wloJows 7, yoo wlll be
pteseoteJ wltb oootbet meoo oskloq wblcb of tbe wloJows 7, vlsto, 5etvet 2008, etc., Jo yoo
woot to boot, wblcb ls o stoplJ poestloo becoose tbose lostollotloos wlll oot eveo be tbete
5o bow Jo yoo qet tlJ of tbose oJJltloool eottles? A ftee ptoqtom ftom Neo5mott colleJ
osy8cu. 1bls ls oo owesome boot looJet by tbe woy, ooJ yoo moy floJ lt osefol fot otbet tbloqs.
oo wlll floJ lt oo yoot Mllu ooJet /lostollotloo/utllltles/. Ooce yoo qet osy8cu lostolleJ, qo to
tbe AJJ/kemove ottles tool ooJ yoo wlll see wbete yoo coo Jelete tbem. 1bete ls o woy to
temove tbe eottles wltboot osloq tbltJ potty softwote, jost Cooqle fot tbe lofo lf lotetesteJ.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 8
3) Cnce you geL Lhe drlve connecLed, you wlll geL a couple of pop-up wlndows. We don'L need Lhem, so
[usL close Lhem.
4) now we are able Lo use ChosL Lo back up Lhe uvx drlve.
3) As sLaLed, l'm noL golng Lo be glvlng sLep-by-sLep lnsLrucLlons for Lhe backup procedure as Lhere ls
noLhlng parLlcular abouL Lhls. l wlll Lell you Lo selecL 1asks, and Cne 1lme 8ackup". ?ou can use Lhe
ulsk ManagemenL uLlllLy Lo look aL all Lhe drlve parLlLlons and help you declde whaL Lo back up. !usL
backup LvL8?1PlnC, even Lhe many small parLlLlons on Lhe uvx drlve. 1hls ls Lhe backup you would
wanL Lo use Lo resLore your machlne Lo facLory orlglnal lf you wanL Lo sLarL from scraLch or laLer wanL
Lo sell Lhe lapLop. lL also wlll allow you Lo recreaLe Lhe 8ecovery ulscs laLer lf you wanL.

?ou can backup Lo an exLernal hard drlve or local hard drlve on your deskLop lf you wlll be puLLlng Lhe
uvx drlve back ln Lhe deskLop laLer Lo do Lhe resLore. 1hese are Lhe besL soluLlons, and fasLesL for
dolng Lhe resLore procedure laLer. ?ou can backup Lo a neLwork share, buL wlll be slower.

6) 1he separaLe Wlndows 7 parLlLlon ls Lhe backup we wlll use laLer Lo resLore Lo our Pac lnsLallaLlon.
Agaln, sorry, l'm noL golng Lo go over every sLep ln ChosL, buL you can flgure lL ouL. , )
Cnce your backups of Wlndows 7 are done, remove Lhe drlve from your Wlndows machlne. 1o do Lhls Lhough,
l recommend you flrsL shuL down Wlndows, power off Lhe machlne, and Lhen you can safely remove Lhe drlve.
lnsLall lL back ln your uvx and you are now ready Lo conLlnue on wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon.

1!"*$),+ $:" ,%!$%, #!/
lL ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL Lhe S8u dlsc can only be creaLed from wlLhln norLon ChosL lnsLalled on Lhe
machlne you lnLend Lo use Lhe S8u on. 1hls ls because lL needs Lo look aL Lhe machlne Lo deLermlne whaL
drlvers wlll be needed, Lhen lnLegraLe Lhem lnLo Lhe S8u .lso lmage.
1) lf you don'L already have norLon ChosL verslon 13 (or laLer), go Lo SymanLec's web slLe and download
Lhe Lrlal verslon. CeL lL lnsLalled on your uvx, and make sure you go Lhrough Lhe SymanLec LlveupdaLe
process Lo make sure you have all Lhe paLches and you are uslng Lhe laLesL verslon of ChosL so we
don'L have any problems.
2) nexL, you need Lo creaLe Lhe S8u dlsc l8CM ?Cu8 uvx so LhaL lL can (somewhaL) deLermlne Lhe besL
drlvers Lo use Lo creaLe your S8u. ?ou WlLL need Lhls S8u dlsc, so Lhls ls noL opLlonal.

Note tbot 5ymootec coooot moke o ptoJoct wltboot sctewloq lt op somebow. 1bls ls os cettolo os Jeotb ooJ toxes (ob bow l
lootb tbls compooy)! wbeo mokloq tbe 5ku, yoo bove to speclfy to ose some oltetootlve Jtlvets, os tbe ooes 5ymootec
sopply uO NO1 wOkk! oo wlll floJ tbem oo yoot Mllu lo tbe /lostollotloo/utllltles/5ku/ folJet. lostoll 8O1n Jtlvets foooJ
lo tbls folJet ot yoot 5ku wlll be uOA!

3) Launch SymanLec ChosL, Lhen use Lhe CreaLe S8u uLlllLy
4) Answer prompLs, flll ln lnformaLlon, add drlvers, creaLe physlcal dlsc

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 9
8#" #!/ $% ;*1<83 >%8! /59
1o use Lhe S8u for dolng backups (nC1 resLores), SymanLec requlres you Lo have a valld Llcense key and wlll
ask for lL and wlll noL leL you make a backup wlLhouL lL. 1hls of course means you would need Lo purchase lL. : (

Agaln, lf you have a Wlndows deskLop compuLer, you can lnsLall Lhe Lrlal verslon of norLon ChosL, connecL
your uvx drlve Lo your deskLop, Lhen make a backup, all wlLhouL havlng Lo purchase. ?ou CAn use Lhe S8u for
dolng resLores wlLhouL purchaslng.

1) 8ooL your uvx wlLh S8u uslng l9
2) AL Lhe SymanLec SofLware Llcense" screen cllck Lhe AccepL buLLon.
3) ConnecL your exLernal back up drlve, elLher uS8 or exLSA1A (buL do Lhls 8LlC8L booLlng up wlLh Lhe
S8u). 8emember, you need Lo connecL a drlve wlLh an n1lS parLlLlon, noL CS x, as norLon ChosL ls nC1
able Lo see CS x parLlLlons.
4) Cllck on 8ack up My CompuLer"
3) Cllck nexL
6) Pere, you musL have and enLer a valld norLon ChosL Llcense key.
7) Cnce Lhe key ls enLered, cllck nexL
8) ?ou wlll geL Lhe urlves" wlndow. ?our Wlndows 7 parLlLlon wlll show up as n1lS 3.1 under 1ype and
wlll also llsL lLs Wlndows drlve leLLer.
9) Check Lhe box for Lhls parLlLlon, and Lhen cllck nexL.
10) AL 8ackup uesLlnaLlon" you can rename whaL your backup flle name wlll be. Cllck 8rowse and selecL
your backup drlve. lf you have a parLlcular folder on your backup drlve for backups, you can browse Lo
lL. ?ou can also creaLe a new folder for Lhls aL Lhls polnL. Cllck on Ck when you're ready.
11) Cllck nexL, Lhen aL Lhe nexL screen cllck nexL, Lhen llnlsh.
12) ?our backup wlll begln.
13) Cnce flnlshed [usL cllck on Close.
?ou can [usL power off Lhe machlne, Lhen dlsconnecL your exLernal drlve. ?our backup ls done.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 10
1he neLwork backup procedure ls for LAn / neLwork cable connecLlons and nC1 for wlreless.
1) Make sure your LAn cable ls connecLed
2) 8ooL your uvx wlLh S8u uslng l9
3) AL Lhe SymanLec SofLware Llcense" screen cllck Lhe AccepL buLLon.
4) Cllck Lhe neLwork Lab on Lhe lefL
3) Cllck SLarL My neLworklng Servlces"
6) nexL, cllck Lhe Pome" Lab on lefL, Lhen 8ack up My CompuLer"
7) Cllck nexL
8) Pere, you musL have and enLer a valld norLon ChosL Llcense key.
9) Cnce Lhe key ls enLered, cllck nexL
10) ?ou wlll geL Lhe urlves" wlndow. ?our Wlndows 7 parLlLlon wlll show up as n1lS 3.1 under 1ype and
wlll also llsL lLs Wlndows drlve leLLer.
11) Check Lhe box for Lhls parLlLlon, and Lhen cllck nexL.
12) Cllck Lhe blue llnk for Map a neLwork drlve"
13) noLlce Lhe leLLer Z: ls speclfled. 1hls ls flne. We wlll soon have a Z: drlve LhaL connecLs Lo our Wldows 7
backup flles.
14) Look aL Lhe Lxample": Server" = ls Lhe compuLer name where you wlll sLore your backup and Lhe
Share" name ls Lhe name you would had Lo have glve lL. lor me, my Wlndows Pome Server ls named
Server" and Lhe share l creaLed was 8ACkuS". So ln Lhe lolder" box l puL ln: \\Server\8ACkuS, so
enLer your lnfo llke Lhls now.
13) l use user accounLs and passwords, so l needed Lo cllck on Lhe blue llnk ConnecL uslng a dlfferenL user
name" and enLer my username and password for my Wlndows Pome Server user accounL. ?ou mlghL
noL need Lo enLer a username or password, so you could [usL Lry cllcklng on Lhe 8rowse buLLon or Ck.
16) AfLer enLerlng all Lhls lnfo, cllck Ck
17) ln my scenarlo, l geL Successfully mapped neLwork drlve." and Lhen l cllck on Ck
18) now we cllck on 8rowse., Lhen double-cllck on Lhe Z: drlve.
19) ?ou can rename whaL your backup flle name wlll be lf you llke.
20) lrom here, we locaLe Lhe folder where we wanL Lhe backup sLored, so browse Lo lL. noLe LhaL you can
creaLe new folders lf you wanL Lo. Cllck Ck, Lhen nexL when ready.
21) Co wlLh Lhe defaulLs on Lhe CpLlons" screen and [usL cllck nexL, llnlsh, and Lhe backup wlll begln.
Cnce your backup of Wlndows 7 ls done, qulL ouL of Lhe S8u and shuLdown Lhe machlne.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 11
Restoring Windows 7 to Your Hac

l have been able Lo sLreamllne Lhls procedure so LhaL lL ls so fasL and easy, anyone would be a fool noL Lo do lL
Lhls way. Cnce you have creaLed your Wlndows 7 lmages, you can add Lhem Lo CS x lnsLallaLlons nearly as
easlly as copylng a large flle. lease glve Lhls meLhod a Lry, you can always go back Lo dolng Lhlngs Lhe long,
palnful way lf you llke. ?ou wlll be able Lo booL lnLo Wlndows 7 rlghL away afLer Lhe resLore ls flnlshed. 1here
are nC Auul1lCnAL S1LS! 8efore, Lhere were a loL of sLeps and requlremenLs Lo make Lhls work, buL now lL
ls almosL Loo slmple.
1he assumpLlons ln Lhe sLeps LhaL follow are LhaL you used ChosL Lo make a compleLe dlsk lmage backup,
elLher by Laklng your orlglnal uvx hard drlve ouL of your lapLop and you connecLed lL Lo anoLher Wlndows
deskLop compuLer Lo creaLe your backups, or you used Lhe S8u.
lf you used anoLher compuLer Lo make Lhe backups, you Lhen puL Lhe uvx drlve back ln your lapLop and
conLlnued on wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon process. ?ou wlped ouL Lhe drlve, Lhen parLlLloned lL ln CS x as Lhe
lnsLallaLlon Culdes lnsLrucLed.
now, elLher you are Laklng Lhe drlve back ouL of Lhe lapLop for Lhe second Llme and connecLlng lL Lo your
Wlndows deskLop compuLer for Lhe second Llme, or you wlll use Lhe S8u, Lo resLore (lnsLall) Wlndows 7.
8#" %$:"! 1%(38$"! %! #!/ $% !"#$%!" .),/%.# 0
ln Lhe followlng procedures, you wlll resLore Lhe Wlndows 7 backup lmage (made prevlously) Lo Lhe parLlLlon
space we reserved for Wlndows 7 on your uvx drlve creaLed durlng Lhe lnsLallaLlon procedure uslng.
Agaln, you have Lwo cholces, you can remove Lhe drlve from your uvx and use your deskLop Lo do Lhe resLore
(ofLen Lhe fasLesL meLhod), or you can use Lhe S8u.
%$:"! 1%(38$"! $% !"#$%!" .),/%.# 0
lot tbe followloq steps, l wlll ptovlJe JetolleJ losttoctloos.
1) 1ake Lhe drlve ouL of your uvx and connecL lL Lo your Wlndows deskLop machlne so we can resLore Lhe
Wlndows 7 lmage onLo lL.
2) llrsL, make sure you can see Lhe uvx drlve ln your Wlndows machlne. lf noL, you wlll have Lo flgure ouL
why before proceedlng.
3) lf you open up CompuLer, you should see our desLlnaLlon parLlLlon / drlve as WlnuCWS7" (or
whaLever name you used when you parLlLloned lL ln ulsk uLlllLy prevlously (or lL may [usL have some
generlc name).
4) nexL, launch norLon ChosL.
3) lrom Lhe Lop lCCns, choose 1asks, Lhen 8ecover My CompuLer.
6) under vlew by:" change lL from uaLe" Lo llle name".
7) 8rowse Lo where you backed up Lhe uvx Wlndows 7 lmage flle, selecL CnL? Lhe Wlndows 7 lmage and
Lhen cllck on Cpen aL Lhe boLLom rlghL hand corner of Lhe Cpen 8ecovery olnL wlndow.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 12
8) Cllck on Lhe 8ecover now buLLon, Lhen nexL, and Lhen nexL agaln.
9) ?ou wlll be presenLed wlLh a llsL of all Lhe poLenLlal recovery desLlnaLlons ChosL Lhlnks you have. 8L
vL8? CA8LluL Wl1P 1PlS S1L! lf you choose Lhe wrong desLlnaLlon parLlLlon, you mosL llkely wlll
wlpe someLhlng ouL you dldn'L lnLend Lo.

?ou are looklng for Lhe ulsk" LhaL should have 3 parLlLlons on lL (an Lll, Cham, MaclnLosh Pu,
lA1/n1lS, and anoLher CS x parLlLlon for a LoLal of 3). lL could even show-up as ulsk 1 lnsLead of your
Wlndows machlne's drlve belng ulsk 1, so be careful! 1o locaLe Lhe correcL drlve, you should be looklng
for a drlve close Lo Lhe slze you conflgured for Wlndows 7 ln ulsk uLlllLy earller. lL may even be easy Lo
flgure Lhls ouL lf you see a large, empLy drlve under CompuLer LhaL has a drlve leLLer aLLached Lo lL, and
you see LhaL same drlve leLLer ln ChosL, Lhen LhaL should be Lhe correcL drlve.

10) LeL's assume Lhere ls a drlve leLLer P:" asslgned Lo Lhe correcL drlve.
11) ln ChosL under Lhe 8ecover urlve Wlzard, selecL Lhe correcL drlve. ln our example, lL ls P:"
12) Cllck nexL.
13) Cn Lhe 8ecovery CpLlons" wlndow, refer Lo Lhe plcLure below for whaL seLLlngs you should use.

14) Cllck nexL.
13) AL Lhe WA8nlnC:.." message, read lL and Lhen lf ready, cllck ?es.
16) lf all goes well, you geL Lhe Succeeded" message afLer abouL 33 mlnuLes (dependlng on lmage slze).
17) AL Lhls polnL, shuLdown your deskLop, remove Lhe drlve and puL lL back ln your uvx and booL lL up.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 13
18) 1he flrsL Lhlng you may noLlce ls LhaL on Lhe Chameleon booL menu, where Lhere used Lo be a generlc
Wlndows lA132" lA1 lCCn of a hard drlve, Lhere ls now a Wlndows n1lS" MlcrosofL flag lCCn. 1hls
means your resLore was successful and Chameleon acknowledges your Wlndows 7 parLlLlon!
19) SelecL Lhe Wlndows 7 lCCn and hlL LnLer Lo load Wlndows 7.
1haL's lL, your done lnsLalllng Wlndows 7! : )
#!/ $% !"#$%!" .),/%.# 0
llrsL, you musL have creaLed Lhe S8u prevlously from wlLhln an lnsLalled verslon of ChosL (lnsLrucLlons for
dolng Lhls are ln Lhe 1echnlcal Culde), or downloaded Lhe one l creaLed for use on my uv8L-1100 from Lhe llnk
on our Lhread, (and lL may, or may noL work for your parLlcular machlne lf yours ls very dlfferenL).
22) 8ooL your uvx wlLh Lhe S8u uslng l9.
23) AL Lhe SymanLec SofLware Llcense" screen cllck Lhe AccepL buLLon.
a. ConnecL your drlve (before booLlng up wlLh Lhe S8u)
b. Cllck on 8ecover My CompuLer"
c. Cllck nexL
d. ?ou may see a message abouL no recovery polnLs were auLomaLlcally.", [usL cllck Ck.
e. 1hen cllck 8rows." and selecL your exLernal drlve and folder where your Wlndows 7 backup ls
and selecL lL.
f. lrom here, you should be able Lo conLlnue by [umplng Lo sLep n" below.
a. Cllck Lhe neLwork Lab on Lhe lefL
b. Cllck SLarL My neLworklng Servlces"
c. nexL, cllck Lhe 8ecover" Lab on lefL, Lhen 8ecover My CompuLer"
d. Cllck nexL
e. ?ou may see a message abouL no recovery polnLs were auLomaLlcally.", [usL cllck Ck.
f. Cllck Lhe blue llnk for Map a neLwork drlve"
g. noLlce Lhe leLLer Z: ls speclfled. 1hls ls flne. We wlll soon have a Z: drlve LhaL connecLs Lo our
Wldows 7 backup flles.
h. Look aL Lhe Lxample": Server" = ls Lhe compuLer name where your sLored your backup and
Lhe Share" name ls Lhe name you would had Lo have glve lL. lor me, my Wlndows Pome Server
ls named Server" and Lhe share l creaLed was 8ACkuS". So ln Lhe lolder" box l puL ln:
\\Server\8ACkuS, so enLer your lnfo llke Lhls now.
l. l use user accounLs and passwords, so l needed Lo cllck on Lhe blue llnk ConnecL uslng a
dlfferenL user name" and enLer my username and password for my Wlndows Pome Server user
accounL. ?ou mlghL noL need Lo enLer a username or password, so you could [usL Lry cllcklng on
Lhe 8rowse buLLon or Ck.
[. AfLer enLerlng all Lhls lnfo, cllck Ck
k. ln my scenarlo, l geL Successfully mapped neLwork drlve." and Lhen l cllck on Ck
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 14
l. now we cllck on 8rowse., Lhen double-cllck on CompuLer, and we see our Z: drlve, so double-
cllck on lL.
m. lrom here, we locaLe our backup, and selecL lL, and Lhen cllck nexL
n. noLlce under 1argeL drlve LhaL lL may say lnvalld" (and probably wlll). 1hls means lL doesn'L see
Lhe same locaLlon lL was backed-up from, whlch Lo us ls obvlous. Cllck on Lhe LdlL." buLLon.
o. now we selecL whaL we know ls our lnLended LargeL drlve. 1hls can be a llLLle Lrlcky. noLlce on
Lhe far lefL Lhe column for ulsk, so Lhe flrsL Lhlng Lo Lry and flgure ouL ls whlch dlsk ls for Lhe
uvx hard drlve (lL should be dlsk 1). noLe LhaL lf you see small parLlLlons such as 128 M8 or
even 31 k8, Lhese are noL Lo be counLed, buL lgnored as Lhough Lhey weren'L even Lhere.

Cur uvx should have Lhe flrsL Lll parLlLlon as 200 M8, 8u1 we don'L counL Lhls parLlLlon! So our
flrsL" parLlLlon would be our Cham drlve, whlch ls around 1C8, Lhe second Lhen would be our
MaclnLosh Pu drlve (Lhough of course lL's noL golng Lo be able Lo say LhaL), whlch leaves our
Lhlrd parLlLlon, whlch should be for our Wlndows 7.

p. SelecL Lhe Wlndows 7 reserved parLlLlon, leave Lhe check boxes as Lhey are, and [usL cllck Ck.
q. LveryLhlng should look flne, so [usL cllck nexL, Lhen llnlsh, and flnally on ?es.
r. 1he resLore process should begln.
When Lhe resLore ls flnlshed, you should be able Lo rebooL your sysLem. AL Lhe Chameleon menu you should
now have an enLry for Wlndows 7, Lry selecLlng and booLlng lL.
Installing Windows 7 from an Installation Disc - Overview

As already menLloned above, l don'L recommend Lhls, so l'm noL golng Lo go lnLo Lhls Loo deep. AnoLher
lssue ls, mosL llkely any Wlndows 7 dlsc you have, you would noL be able Lo use your P key (whlch ls
found on Lhe boLLom of your lapLop), so you would have Lo wasLe LhaL key, and use some oLher key you
may have Lo purchase.
l wlll aL leasL provlde you Lhe cruclal sLeps and procedures LhaL wlll allow you Lo lnsLall and booL Wlndows
7 uslng an lnsLall dlsc.
A qulck noLe and off Lhe sub[ecL, lf you wanL Lo use a Wlndows 7 lnsLallaLlon dlsc slmply because you wanL
a beLLer verslon of Wlndows 7 Lhen ls currenLly lnsLalled (such as golng from Pome remlum Lo ulLlmaLe),
Lhen MlcrosofL has an AnyLlme upgrade" opLlon you can flnd ln Wlndows 7 rograms" on Lhe SLarL
Menu. 1hls wlll allow you Lo upgrade Lo say, Wlndows 7 ulLlmaLe, wlLhouL havlng Lo wlpeouL and relnsLall
Lhe deslred new verslon. Cf course, Lhere ls a charge for Lhls upgrade, buL wlll save you a loL of Llme and
hassle and be Lhe besL way Lo geL whaL you wanL. l am [usL maklng you aware LhaL Lhls opLlon exlsLs.
Cne poLenLlal downslde Lo Lhls ls lf you are on a 32-blL verslon of Wlndows 7, you cannoL [usL upgrade Lo
any 64-blL verslon. lor LhaL, you WCuLu have Lo lnsLall from scraLch uslng a 64-blL verslon uvu.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 13
Installing Windows 7 from an Installation Disc - Procedure

lf for some reason you need Lo do an lnsLallaLlon uslng a Wlndows 7 lnsLallaLlon uvu, followlng are Lhe baslc sLeps:
noLe LhaL when you lnsLall Lhls way, you may Lemporarlly lose your ablllLy Lo booL lnLo CS x, ln facL, you may noL even
have Lhe opLlon anymore, unLll we repalr lL, whlch l wlll show you how Lo do.
1hls procedure assumes you already have CS x lnsLalled and worklng and you have done all prevlous sLeps ln Lhe guldes
Lo compleLe your CS x lnsLallaLlon. lf from Lhe Chameleon booL menu you do noL have Lhe Wlndows lA132" drlve lCCn,
Wlndows 7 wlll mosL llkely noL lnsLall, as Lhe parLlLlon you creaLed and lnLended Lo use for Wlndows 7 dld noL geL
creaLed correcLly. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, you need Lo go back lnLo CS x and erase Lhe WlnuCWS7 parLlLlon Lo be uCS lA1.
1) 8ooL wlLh your Wlndows 7 lnsLallaLlon dlsc.
2) Cllck nexL afLer maklng any needed selecLlons for keyboard or language.
3) 1hen cllck on lnsLall now".
4) l recommend chooslng and lnsLalllng Lhe x64 verslon of Wlndows 7 lf presenLed wlLh a cholce. lf noL presenLed
wlLh Lhls cholce, your dlsc may only be Lhe 32-blL verslon. S1C! CL1 A 64-blL WlnuCWS 7 uvu SCML WA?,

oo coo NO1 lotet opqtoJe to 64-blt ftom J2-blt. oo woolJ bove to wlpe yoot system ooJ lostoll ftesb (oqolo) bot osloq o
64-blt Jlsc. lf yoo bove o wloJows 7 llceose key yoo tblok ls ooly fot o J2-blt vetsloo, tbls ls wkONC. 1bete ote oo sepotote
keys fot J2-blt vs 64-blt (moybe fot 5tottet ot nome 8oslc eJltloos tbls moy oot be ttoe, bot wbos osloq tbose ooywoy?), so
yoot key wlll wotk lf yoo qet o 64-blt Jlsc.

Note bowevet tbot keys ote ofteo veoJot speclflc, so lf yoo bove o Mlctosoft ketoll wloJows 7 uvu bot ote ttyloq to ose
yoot nl key foooJ oo tbe bottom of yoot mocbloe, tbls osoolly wlll oot wotk. oo woolJ oeeJ oo nl 64-blt uvu lo tbls cose
lo otJet to ose yoot nl key.

3) Cllck Lhe l accepL." check box, and Lhen nexL.
6) AL Lhe nexL screen be sure Lo choose CusLom (advanced)".
7) Cnce you geL Lo Lhe screen LhaL says, Where do you wanL Lo lnsLall Wlndows?" you should see LhaL parLlLlon 4
ls labeled Wlndows7, so selecL LhaL one.
8) nexL, you musL cllck on urlve opLlons (advanced)" and Lhen lormaL, so cllck on LhaL.
9) !usL cllck on Ck aL 1he parLlLlon mlghL conLaln recovery." message.
10) Cnce Lhe formaL compleLes, [usL cllck on nexL. 1he lnsLallaLlon should proceed.
11) When Wlndows 7 flnlshes lnsLalllng, lL wlll resLarL Lhe machlne. lL may be wlse Lo e[ecL Lhe Wlndows 7
lnsLallaLlon dlsc or aL leasL don'L choose Lo booL from lL.
12) lf you are waLchlng, you may noLlce Lhere ls no more Chameleon menu and you lmmedlaLely booL sLralL lnLo
Wlndows 7! As noLed prevlously, lf Lhls happens Lo you, we wlll be correcLlng Lhls soon. ?our CS x lnsLallaLlon
has noL been losL.
13) 1he Wlndows lnsLallaLlon wlll conLlnue.
14) When Lhe parL of Lhe lnsLallaLlon beglns Lo ask you for lnfo, go ahead and follow Lhrough wlLh conflgurlng
Wlndows 7 as you choose.
13) As parL of Lhe Wlndows 7 seLup, lL's golng Lo rebooL one more Llme. Cnce lL resLarLs, flnlsh Lhe lnlLlal seLup.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 16
:%. $% ;!),+ ;*1< 1:*("-"%, %, %# 6
now LhaL Wlndows 7 has compleLed lLs lnlLlal lnsLallaLlon, lf you don'L geL Lhe Chameleon booL menu and can'L booL lnLo
CS x, only Wlndows 7, Lhen you brlng Chameleon and lLs booL menu back by conLlnulng wlLh Lhese followlng addlLlonal
1) ConnecL your Mllu and booL Lhe machlne Lo lL uslng l9.
2) lrom Lhe Chameleon booL menu, selecL and booL MaclnLosh Pu".
3) now you need Lo open up Lhe 1echnlcal Culde, arL 8 and go Lo Lhe lnS1ALLlnC CPAMLLLCn secLlon.
lollow LvL8? S1L of Lhls parL of Lhe gulde beglnnlng wlLh sLep 1.

AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhose sLeps, Chameleon should be back and you should now be able Lo booL uslng
Lhe Chameleon booL menu lnLo Wlndows 7, or oLher operaLlng sysLems you may have lnsLalled.

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 7 Wlndows 7" - by MammoLh - v2.01 - Aptll 2, 2011 17
Version History
lnlLlal release.

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