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CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.

00 - Motcb 21, 2011 1


1here are endless ways a sysLem could be conflgured and lnsLalled and lL would be lmposslble Lo cover Lhem
all. So Lhls lnsLallaLlon procedure wlll focus on belng done on one lnLernally lnsLalled hard drlve. CLher
conflguraLlon scenarlos are posslble, buL noL dlscussed.
Whlle l could cover a very slmpllsLlc lnsLallaLlon LhaL would noL resulL ln an lnsLallaLlon mosL people would
wanL or en[oy. So lnsLead, we are golng Lo cover an advanced conflguraLlon LhaL [usL abouL anyone can use
and appreclaLe, once compleLed.
Cne of Lhe greaLesL beneflLs Lo Lhe lnsLallaLlon meLhod l presenL ls Lhe lnsLallaLlon of a dedlcaLed parLlLlon for
8eneflLs Lo Chameleon on lL's own parLlLlon:
* Chameleon ls easlly accesslble
* very slmple Lo updaLe
* never any need Lo mess wlLh permlsslons
* very easy Lo add/updaLe Lhe uSu1 (and oLher) flles
* unllke uslng Lhe Lll parLlLlon, no need Lo mounL/un-mounL ever Lo make changes
* lenLy of room Lo sLore backup coples of flles / oLher verslons for LesLlng

lnS1ALL S1LS Cl A81 2 - lnsLalllng CS x:
1) 8ooLlng ?our LapLop WlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon Medla (1hls Culde)
2) 8eglnnlng Lhe 8ase lnsLallaLlon of CS x 10.6.3 (1hls Culde)
Cr lf needed prlor Lo beglnnlng Lhe lnsLallaLlon:
a. Wlplng ouL / eraslng Lhe lapLop's hard drlve (1echnlcal Culde)
b. lormaLLlng / parLlLlonlng Lhe lapLop's hard drlve (1echnlcal Culde)
3) CompleLlng CS x SeLup (arL 4 - CompleLlng SeLup Culde)

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 2
1) Booting With the Installation Media

oo ote oboot to expetleoce tbe sotptlse of jost bow slmple & fost tbe oew v2.00 lostollotloo ptocess teolly ls!
!" $%%&'() *%+, -./&%/ 0'&1 &12 '(3&.--.&'%( 425'.
unforLunaLely, we can'L slmply lnserL Lhe CS x Snow Leopard lnsLallaLlon uvu lnLo our C based sysLems and
lnsLall CS x llke we would vlsLa or Wlndows 7. 1he CS x uvu ls deslgned Lo work wlLh Mac Lll based
machlnes, whlch ls a loL dlfferenL Lhan C based machlnes. lorLunaLely for us Lhough, Lhe Lll porLlon of a Mac
ls a very small porLlon compared Lo all Lhe resL of Lhe hardware. 1hls ls where Lhe booL Cus and uS8 devlces
have come lnLo play. 1hanks Lo Lhe group aL voodooLabs, Lhey creaLed Lhe Chameleon sofLware, whlch
emulaLes Lhls Mac Lll porLlon on Cs and glves us a menu sysLem for selecLlng and booLlng oLher operaLlng
sysLems. lL essenLlally ls able Lo convlnce Lhe CS x uvu LhaL Lhe machlne ls a Mac, and provldes Lhe mlsslng
funcLlonallLy Lo allow CS x Lo work on Cs. 1hanks voodooLab guys! 1he Chameleon sofLware ls Lhe prlmary
componenL of boLh Lhe Mllu and whaL wlll soon be our CS x booLable Cham (ShorL for Chameleon) parLlLlon
on our hard drlve.
So by Lhls Llme you should have already creaLed your lnsLallaLlon medla and have your Mllu and xllu ready Lo
begln Lhe lnsLallaLlon.
1hls ls Lhe Llme Lo declde lf you wanL Lo remove your orlglnal hard drlve and puL ln a drlve Lo experlmenL wlLh,
or purchase a newer, fasLer drlve llke l dld, and lnsLall Lo LhaL. CLherwlse, we wlll use Lhe drlve you already
have ln Lhe machlne now and erase lL, as for v2.00, we musL sLarL wlLh a clean slaLe, and Lhls should noL be Lhe
case wlLh fuLure releases from Lhls polnL forward.
So we are geLLlng ready Lo booL wlLh Lhe Mllu, and lf you are noL already aware, we are geLLlng ready Lo WlL
Cu1 LvL8?1PlnC Cn ?Cu8 PA8u u8lvL, as ln LCSS Cl ALL uA1A! lf you are currenLly runnlng CS x on your
uvx, l wlll recommend one lasL Llme Lo backup your exlsLlng Cham and CS x parLlLlons [usL ln case" before

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 3
2) Beginning Base Installation of OS X

3&2/6$*63&2/ '(3&.--.&'%( /,%725+,2

ulsconnecL all oLher drlves, lncludlng secondary lnLernal hard drlves on Lhose sysLems LhaL supporL Lhem, such
as Lhe uv8. Make sure no oLher drlves are aLLached ln any way such as oLher exLernal uS8 hard or flash drlves,
and no exLernal SA1A drlves, llrewlre drlves, eLc., Lhen you are ready Lo begln.
1) lf you haven'L already done so, compleLe all Lhe sLeps from Lhe lnsLallaLlon lmage uevlces Culde.
2) ?ou also should have already downloaded Lhe mosL currenL verslon Mlll for your machlne as dlrecLed
ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon lmages uevlces Culde and elLher creaLe a new Mllu or updaLe an exlsLlng one.
!"#"#$"%& ()*% +,,- #*./ $" 01#"2 3+,,-4 )% /5" 60./1771/6)0 8677 9167:
3) 8ooL Lhe machlne you wanL Lo lnsLall CS x on wlLh Lhe Mllu (uslng l9) and lf you have a separaLe xllu,
be sure you booL wlLh LhaL devlce connecLed as well.
4) 8ooL lnLo Lhe CS x lnsLaller.
3) uo noL leave Lhe machlne ldol aL Lhe Mac CS x" choose your language screen, as lL can geL lnLo a hung
6) Choose your language, Lhen cllck on Lhe arrow ln Lhe blue clrcle, boLLom-rlghL, buL do nC1 cllck on Lhe
ConLlnue buLLon!
7) Launch ulsk uLlllLy: lrom Lhe Menu 8ar, uLlllLles, ulsk uLlllLy.
8) AL Lhls polnL you have Lwo cholces:
1) ?ou can erase your enLlre hard drlve and sLarL from scraLch, or.
2) lf you have oLher parLlLlons (such as Wlndows 7, Llnux, eLc.) LhaL you wanL Lo preserve, you can
leave Lhose and [usL erase your Cham and all CS x parLlLlons.

Note. lt ls vety lmpottoot tbot yoo oome yoot O5 \ pottltloo Moclotosb nu. oo moy cbooqe tbls lotet ooce tbe
lostollotloo ls flolsbeJ lf yoo Jeslte, bot yoot lostollotloo wlll NO1 be soccessfol lf oomeJ ooytbloq else.

9) lf you wlll be eraslng your enLlre drlve or parLlLlonlng your drlve and would llke some deLalled
lnsLrucLlon on how Lo do Lhls, go Lo arL 8 - 1echnlcal Culde, of Lhe secLlon Lraslng, lormaLLlng, and
arLlLlonlng ?our Pard urlve". When flnlshed, reLurn back Lo sLep 11.
10) lf you choose opLlon 2, go ahead and erase Lhe CS x and Cham parLlLlons. Make cerLaln Cham ls named
Cham" and your CS x drlve ls named MaclnLosh Pu" or your lnsLallaLlon wlll fall.
11) now LhaL your parLlLlons have been erased, creaLed, and properly named, we are ready Lo conLlnue.
12) SelecL Cham from Lhe lefL-hand pane, Lhen cllck Lhe 8esLore buLLon.
13) urag Cham Lo Lhe uesLlnaLlon fleld and drop lL Lhere. lL should now appear Lhere.
14) Cllck Lhe lmage." buLLon, Lhen selecL your Mllu from Lhe lefL-hand pane.
13) lrom Lhe rlghL-hand slde, go lnLo /lnsLallaLlon/Clll/
(Note of cootse lf yoot lmoqe ls locoteJ elsewbete, locote ooJ select lt ftom tbete.)
16) SelecL Lhe Clll (Cham lnsLallaLlon lmage llle, for example: Clll_uv8_l.23_sp49106_v2.00.02.dmg),
Lhen cllck Lhe Cpen buLLon.
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 4
17) lrom Lhe lefL-hand pane, boLLom, you should see Lhe Clll flle llsLed. SelecL lL, Lhen from Lhe Lop Menu
8ar cllck on lmages, Scan lmage for 8esLore.
18) 1he scannlng wlll compleLe qulckly and you should geL a success message. Cllck Lhe message's Ck
19) now cllck Lhe boLLom, rlghL-hand 8esLore buLLon, Lhen Lhe Lrase buLLon LhaL appears.
20) 1hls should Lake a mlnuLe or less Lo compleLe.
21) LxlL ulsk uLlllLy.
22) 1he lnsLall Mac CS x" wlndow should reaper. now cllck on Lhe ConLlnue buLLon, Lhen Lhe Agree
23) nexL, lf lL's noL already selecLed, selecL Lhe MaclnLosh Pu" drlve llsLed, Lhen cllck on Lhe CusLomlze
buLLon and as always, unselecL everyLhlng, Lhen cllck Ck.
24) now, from Lhe Lop Menu 8ar, selecL Wlndow, lnsLaller Log. 1he lnsLaller Log wlll open [usL below Lhe
lnsLaller wlndow.
23) now cllck Lhe lnsLall buLLon, 1PLn. make Su8L you cllck on Lhe lnsLaller Log Wlndow below so LhaL lL
ls Lhe selecLed and acLlve wlndow!

1bls ls o llttle ttlck. uoloq tbls wlll pteveot tbe ootomotlc teboot coootJowo ftom commeocloq ot tbe eoJ of tbe lostollotloo.
1bls ls lmpottoot becoose we oeeJ to lssoe o commooJ ot tbe eoJ of tbe lostoll, bot 8lOk tbe fltst teboot. Moke sote to
NO1 oo-select tbe lostollet loq wloJow Jotloq tbe lostollotloo ptoceJote ot tbe mocbloe moy teboot ptemototely. 1be
lostollet loq ls olso osefol lf tbete ote ptoblems wltb tbe lostollotloo. Notlce oo tbe fot left of tbe lostollet loq wloJow tbete
ls o box wltb 5bow ttots Ooly. 1bete ote otbet selectloos yoo coo cboose to qet mote lofotmotloo. Note tbot yoo moy see
ettots lo tbe lostollet loq Jotloq tbe lostollotloo. 1bese ote most llkely oot ooytbloq to wotty oboot ooJ tbe lostollotloo
sboolJ complete soccessfolly.

26) When Lhe lnsLaller compleLes and you geL Lhe Success" message, 5% (%& cllck Lhe 8esLarL buLLon!
As yoo coo see, we bove ftozeo tlme. 1be coootJowo tlmet ls stoppeJ ot J0 secooJs. , )
27) nexL, from Lhe Lop Menu 8ar, selecL uLlllLles, 1ermlnal.

Note tbot tbe lostollet ooJ lostollet loq wloJows Jlsoppeot, bot Joot wotty, tbe coootJowo tlmet ls stlll ftozeo so oo oeeJ
to tosb.

28) 1ype ln Lhe followlng command exacLly as shown, followed by presslng LnLer:


29) Close Lhe 1ermlnal wlndow, Lhen from Lhe Menu 8ar selecL 1ermlnal, CulL 1ermlnal.
30) 1he Succeeded" and lnsLaller Log wlndows reLurn, and Lhe Llmer ls sLlll frozen.
31) lrom Lhe Menu 8ar, selecL uLlllLles, ulsk uLlllLy.
32) L[ecL all connecLed devlces and remove Lhem.
33) LxlL ulsk uLlllLy
34) now cllck Lhe 8esLarL 8uLLon, and lf all goes well, you should booL Lo Lhe Chameleon booL menu.
33) Co ahead and selecL MaclnLosh Pu and press LnLer.
ConLlnue Lo Lhe nexL gulde and wlLh seLLlng up your new Pac!
CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 3
Moving On

1he nexL gulde ls CompleLlng SeLup" and wlll help you flnlsh seLLlng up your Pac8ook ro and provlde Llps
and help wlLh Lhe seLup. lf you are connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL Lhrough a connecLed LAn cable or have an CS x
compaLlble Wl-ll card lnsLalled and you connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL Lhrough Wl-ll, you may geL seLup screens
you never dld before wlLh prevlous MammoLh lnsLallaLlons. 1hls gulde wlll help you wlLh Lhem as well lf you
need lL, and a whole loL more!

CS x / Wln 7 on P uvx avlllon LapLops - 3 lnsLallaLlon" - by MammoLh - v2.00 - Motcb 21, 2011 6
Version History

lnlLlal release.

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