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Certified WiMAX (4G)

Certified WiMAX (4G) Professional

Certified Certified Certified Certified WiM WiM WiM WiMAX AX AX AX ( (( (4G) Professional 4G) Professional 4G) Professional 4G) Professional

Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1053
Vskills certification for WiMAX (4G) Professional assesses te candidate for !ana"in"
WiMAX or 4G #ased $ireless net$orks% &e certification tests te candidates on 'ario(s
areas in i!)le!entin" and !ana"in" WiMAX #ased $ireless net$orks $ic incl(de
kno$led"e of )lannin"* i!)le!entation* !ana"e!ent and sec(rit+ of WiMAX #ased
$ireless net$orks%
W+ so(ld one take tis certification, W+ so(ld one take tis certification, W+ so(ld one take tis certification, W+ so(ld one take tis certification,
&is Co(rse is intended for )rofessionals and "rad(ates $antin" to e-cel in teir cosen
areas% .t is also $ell s(ited for tose $o are alread+ $orkin" and $o(ld like to take
certification for f(rter career )ro"ression%

/arnin" Vskills WiMAX(4G) Professional Certification can el) candidate differentiate in
toda+0s co!)etiti'e 1o# !arket* #roaden teir e!)lo+!ent o))ort(nities #+ dis)la+in"
teir ad'anced skills* and res(lt in i"er earnin" )otential%
Wo $ill #enefit fro! takin" tis certification, Wo $ill #enefit fro! takin" tis certification, Wo $ill #enefit fro! takin" tis certification, Wo $ill #enefit fro! takin" tis certification,
2o# seekers lookin" to find e!)lo+!ent in 'ario(s .& co!)anies or freelance* st(dents
"enerall+ $antin" to i!)ro'e teir skill set and !ake teir CV stron"er and e-istin"
e!)lo+ees lookin" for a #etter role can )ro'e teir e!)lo+ers te 'al(e of teir skills
tro(" tis certification%
&est 3etails &est 3etails &est 3etails &est 3etails
3(ration4 3(ration4 3(ration4 3(ration4 50 !in(tes
6o% of 7(estions4 6o% of 7(estions4 6o% of 7(estions4 6o% of 7(estions4 50
Ma-i!(! !arks4 Ma-i!(! !arks4 Ma-i!(! !arks4 Ma-i!(! !arks4 50* Passin" !arks4 85 (509)
&ere is no ne"ati'e !arkin" in tis !od(le%

:ee Str(ct(re :ee Str(ct(re :ee Str(ct(re :ee Str(ct(re
;s% 8500<- (.ncl(des all ta-es)

Certified WiMAX (4G) Professional

Co!)anies tat ire Co!)anies tat ire Co!)anies tat ire Co!)anies tat ire Vskills Vskills Vskills Vskills Certified Certified Certified Certified WiMa- WiMa- WiMa- WiMa-( (( (4 44 4G GG G) ) ) ) Professional Professional Professional Professional
Vskills Certified WiMa-(4G) Professional finds e!)lo+!ent in teleco!!(nication
co!)anies for desi"n* i!)le!entation or !aintenance of WiMa- net$orks % &ere is a
sorta"e of skilled )rofessionals in tis field and co!)anies are in a constant look o(t of
)eo)le $ell ac7(ainted $it te $ork c(lt(re and te )rocesses in'ol'ed%

Certified WiMAX (4G) Professional

Table of Contents

1% 1% 1% 1% .ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction
1.1 802.11 and 802.16 standards
1.2 Media access layer

8% 8% 8% 8% =(siness Model =(siness Model =(siness Model =(siness Model
2.1 Broadband technologies
2.2 Advantages and cost effectiveness
2.3 Budgeting and planning rollout

3% 3% 3% 3% S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices
3.1 Spectrum selection
3.2 Different frequency usage

4% 4% 4% 4% Plannin" Plannin" Plannin" Plannin"
4.1 Architecting the network
4.2 Site surveys
4.3 Equipment selection process
4.4 Frequency reuse

5% 5% 5% 5% Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent
5.1 Traffic management and distribution
5.2 MPLS and soft switch
5.3 VPN and types
5.4 IP QoS

5% 5% 5% 5% >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent
6.1 OSS and its components
6.2 Software integration

?% ?% ?% ?% Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+
7.1 Security policies
7.2 Network attacks
7.3 Regulations and compliance

Certified WiMAX (4G) Professional

Co(rse >(tline Co(rse >(tline Co(rse >(tline Co(rse >(tline

.ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction .ntrod(ction
Describing the basics of 802.11 and 802.16 standards
Illustrating the media access layer and WiMax

=(siness Model =(siness Model =(siness Model =(siness Model
Explaining the different broadband technologies like DSL, frame relay, etc.
Detailing the advantages and cost effectiveness of various broadband technologies
Budgeting for operations and planning rollout of the WiMax network

S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices S)ectr(! and Ser'ices
Describing suitable spectrum selection for broadband applications
Explaining the usage of different frequencies

Plannin" Plannin" Plannin" Plannin"
Architecting the network as per service offerings
Explaining the site survey consisting of line of sight and RF analysis
Describing the equipment selection process
Detailing the technologies and need for frequency reuse

Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent Ser'ice 3e)lo+!ent
Describing various traffic management and distribution techniques
Illustrating the MPLS and soft switch technologies used in WiMax network
Describing VPN and its types
Detailing the techniques for implementing IP Quality of Service

>SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent >SS and net$ork !ana"e!ent
Explaining the Operational Support System and its components
Illustrating the software integration of OSS

Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+ Sec(rit+
Describing the basics of security policies and their implementation
Illustrating various network attacks and their prevention
Detailing various legal regulations and compliance

Certified WiMAX (4G) Professional

Sa!)le @(estions Sa!)le @(estions Sa!)le @(estions Sa!)le @(estions

A% Ai"-S)eed 3ata Packet Access
=% Ai"-S)eed 3o$nlink Packet Access
C% Ai"-S)eed 3ata Paired Access
3% 6one of te a#o'e

8 88 8% % % % &e &e &e &e C08%15a standard fre7(encies C08%15a standard fre7(encies C08%15a standard fre7(encies C08%15a standard fre7(encies e-tend e-tend e-tend e-tend fro! fro! fro! fro! BBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBB%
A% 10 to 55 GAD
=% 8 to 11 GAD
C% 10 to 11 GAD
3% 6one of te a#o'e

3 33 3% % % % A&M $orks on $ic net$ork la+er A&M $orks on $ic net$ork la+er A&M $orks on $ic net$ork la+er A&M $orks on $ic net$ork la+er BBBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBBB%
A% 3
=% 1
C% 8
3% 6one of te a#o'e

4 44 4% % % % Esin" arra+ of directional antenna to direct ;: into an area is called Esin" arra+ of directional antenna to direct ;: into an area is called Esin" arra+ of directional antenna to direct ;: into an area is called Esin" arra+ of directional antenna to direct ;: into an area is called BBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBB%
A% SectoriDin"
=% :oc(sin"
C% Pollin"
3% 6one of te a#o'e

5 55 5% % % % 33oS refers to 33oS refers to 33oS refers to 33oS refers to BBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBB% BBBBBBBBBBBBB%
A% 3istri#(ted 3enial of ser'ice
=% 3istri#(ted 3ata ser'ice
C% 3istri#(ted 3ifferential of ser'ice
3% 6one of te a#o'e

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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