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Locat|on, Schedu|e, Costs, Accommodat|on

1he Lralnlngs Lake place aL Lhe head-offlce of

Ipf |nternat|ona|-group, koemerstrasse 17, Cn-4S00 So|othurn.
6 days Lralnlng:
Mornlng sesslons: 8:30 am Lo 11:30 am
1ralner demonsLraLlon of L program wlLh cllenL.
Slmple Lunch lncluded
AfLernoon Sesslons: 1:00 pm Lo 3:00 pm
CllenL/Lralner lnLeracLlon as modeled ln mornlng sesslon wlLh Lralner asslsLance.
Supplles lncluded ln program:
8esource 1ralnlng Manual
noLebook wlLh evaluaLlon and resource maLerlal
8aslc maLerlal
lee 8aslc L 1ralnlng Workshop: 1490 t
300 t payable lmmedlaLely Lo reserve space (refundable lf noLlce glven
by lebruary 13, 2010). 1190 t balance due by Aprll 1, 2010.
aylng by lnsLallmenLs posslble
lor furLher lnformaLlon, please conLacL adrlan.buergl[lpf.neL
Cur head-offlce wlll organlze you a sulLable accommodaLlon.
lease conLacL 0041 32 622 4S 91
lor furLher lnformaLlons:, www.lpf.neL

L Iac|||tator 1ra|n|ng as cont|nu|ng educat|on on un|vers|ty |eve|
lpf sLands for Lralnlng for hlgher educaLlon awards, especlally Lhrough pracLlcal
based research. lpf's hlgher educaLlon Lralnlng ranges from pre- hlgher
educaLlon work Lhrough Lo 8achelor, MasLers and hu level programmes.
1he lpf-mulLlverslLy offers Lhe posslblllLy Lo esLabllsh Lhe L laclllLaLor -1ralnlng
as a parL of a CAS (CerLlflcaLe of Advanced SLudles). 1he Lralnlng corresponds Lo
Lhree modules and glves 4.3 LC1S polnLs. lurLher four modules could be add,
worLh 3.3 LC1S polnLs. 1he full CAS L has 10 LC1S polnLs. A CAS can be used as
a parL of MasLer of Advanced SLudles (MAS).

lpf head offlce ln
SoloLhurn on Lhe bank
of Lhe rlver Aare

L laclllLaLor 1ralnlng
SoloLhurn, SwlLzerland

Lo 11
Aprll or 13
Lo 18
Aprll 2010
aLrlcla 1helsen (founder of L)
!ulle 1helsen

ln cooperaLlon wlLh

1he ercepLual LnrlchmenL rogram (L) ls one-Lo-one, non-academlc, and
shorL-Lerm. 1he program uses developmenLally sequenced percepLual play Lasks
Lo Lraln Lhe lndlvldual ln early developmenLal concepLs. L faclllLaLes Lhe
coordlnaLlon of Lhe braln hemlspheres, enabllng absLracL and creaLlve problem
solvlng ln Lhe fronLal corLex.

What Does L Ach|eve?
1he ercepLual LnrlchmenL rogram reLraces Lhe early
developmenLal process, supporLlng Lhe growLh of
lndlvldual poLenLlal. lL enables Lhe lndlvldual Lo relaLe
ob[ecLlvely and recognlze alLernaLlves.
L comblnes readlly wlLh oLher ongolng Lheraples and
educaLlonal acLlvlLles. lL enhances Lhe asslmllaLlon of
relaLed skllls such as: gross and flne moLor plannlng,
self-esLeem, problem solvlng skllls, Llme managemenL
and creaLlvlLy.
1he ercepLual LnrlchmenL rogram enhances
developmenL ln Lhese percepLual areas:
- ConcenLraLlon, focus and aLLenLlon
- CrganlzaLlon - undersLandlng new concepLs
- PandwrlLlng - Language processlng
- 8ehavlor - Memory
- 8llaLeral moLor coordlnaLlon - Self confldence
- rocesslng and
lnLegraLlng lnformaLlon
- Academlc performance

1he ercepLual LnrlchmenL rogram ls Lhe resulL of research conducLed by
aLrlcla 1helsen, C18, MS. lL ls based on Lheorles of neurologlcal and cognlLlve
developmenL of Lhe lnfanL from blrLh Lhrough chlldhood.
1he ma[or program sLrucLure was assembled over a Len year perlod and flrsL
lmplemenLed ln 1982.
aLrlcla 1helsen's research was drawn from many dlsclpllnes lncludlng:
anLhropology, neurologlcal sclences, psychology, llngulsLlcs and compuLer
learnlng sLudles. 1he work of !. lageL, A.8. Lurla, and M. Mahler were very
aLrlcla 1helsen has esLabllshed an lnLernaLlonal neLwork of L faclllLaLors ln
AusLralla, uenmark, Cermany, Polland, lndla, nepal, Sweden, Lhe unlLed
klngdom, and Lhe unlLed SLaLe. She had a L cllnlc ln 8angalore, lndla for 13
years. She conducLs courses on Lhe braln/sensory sysLem and early chlldhood
developmenL wlLh an emphasls on Loday's problem chlldren.

L Sw|tzer|and
l'm very pleased LhaL aLrlcla 1helsen wlll glve Lhese L laclllLaLor-Lralnlngs
here ln SoloLhurn, SwlLzerland. As a L laclllLaLor worklng now for seven years
wlLh Lhe program, l'm conslsLenLly amazed aL Lhe subLle buL very susLalnable
changes Lhrough Lhe L-Lralnlng, Lo see LhaL people could develop a way Lo
Lhelr poLenLlals.

1hese faclllLaLor Lralnlngs ln SoloLhurn are Lhe sLarLlng polnL for a swlss"-parL
of Lhe lnLernaLlonal L neLwork. 1here wlll be conLlnuous exchange abouL Lhe
experlences ln Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe Lralnlng and muLual supporL.

L Iac|||tator
1he L laclllLaLor-1ralnlng enables you
Lo work as a laclllLaLor wlLh Lhe L-
1ralnlng. AfLer Lhe successful compleLlon
of Lhe course you recelve Lhe CerLlflcaLe
for L laclllLaLors. 1he course lncludes
baslc maLerlal and all needed papers. 1o
work wlLh all levels of Lhe program you
have Lo order dlfferenL seLs of games.

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