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e allowed: 2 hours
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This is an open book examination. Candidates may use calculators. 2. This examination paper contains a total of FIVE questions and comprises SIX printed pages including this page. 3. Attempt all questions. 4. Not all parts or sub-parts of a question carry the same number of marks. 5. Do not answer parts or sub-parts belonging to dierent questions (questions labeled with dierent numbers) on the same sheet of paper. 6. For part (a) of each question, you are only required to give your answers, which should be simplied as much as possible, and no working need to be given. For part (a), marks will be awarded to correct answers only. 7. For part (b) of each question, you should give details of your working. Marks will be awarded for evidence of correct method or strategy even if the answers are incorrect.

GEK1505 Answer all questions. Question 1 [20 marks] (a) [12 marks]

(i) Find the number of integers between 1 and 1000 inclusive which are multiples of 12 or 15 but not multiples of 45. (ii) Find the number of circular arrangements of seating 9 guests at a round table with 10 seats if two particular persons refuse to sit next to each other and no empty seat is removed. (iii) Find the number of bar codes that can be formed using 4 black bars of width 1, 2, 3, 4 units respectively separated by white spaces of width 1 or 2 units (such as in Figure 1). (iv) An insect moves without backtracking along the gridlines of Figure 2 from O to P . Find the number of paths it can take that pass through A but not through B . (b) [8 marks] A vertical bookcase consists of 5 horizontal shelves. Books are classied into 8 dierent types. Find the number of ways of arranging these books into the bookcase in each of the following cases. (Assume that the ordering of books in any shelf is not important and that each shelf has enough space to take in books allocated to it.) (i) The bottom shelf is left empty and not more than 2 types of books are placed in any shelf. (ii) No shelf is left empty and not more than 2 types of books are placed in any shelf.

Figure 1
rP r rB


Figure 2

GEK1505 Question 2 [20 marks] (a) [12 marks]

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s


G2 Figure 3


(i) Is the following statement true or false? If a connected graph has an Euler circuit, then its number of edges is even. (ii) Are the graphs G1 and G2 in Figure 3 equivalent? (iii) Is the graph G3 in Figure 3 planar? (iv) Can the line drawing in Figure 4 be drawn with a pen in one continuous movement by tracing each line exactly once and without lifting the pen? (b) [8 marks] Find all the labeled spanning trees of the graph G in Figure 5 with vertices labeled A, B , C , D. How many of these spanning trees are not paths of G?
C r

Figure 4


D Figure 5


GEK1505 Question 3 [20 marks] (a) [12 marks]

(i) Can the hexadecimal number (222 . . . 22)16 with more than two digits and in which each digit is 2, have an octal representation in which each digit is 2? (ii) Is the following number divisible by 9? 1 + 22 + 32 + 42 + . . . + 123456782
1 n(n + 1)(2n + 1)) (Note: 1 + 22 + 32 + 42 + . . . + n2 = 6

(iii) Find the check digit N of the 10-digit ISBN number 025321339N . (iv) The following Hamming (7,4) codeword is received: 1011011. Assuming at most two errors in transmission, is it possible to recover the original message sent? (b) [8 marks] A game of musical chairs is played among 11 children C0 , C1 , . . . , C10 seated in a circle as follows. A ball is passed from one child to the next in a clockwise direction in one second as a tune is being played. Whoever holds the ball when the tune stops playing is removed and does not participate in the next round of the game. At the start of the tune for the rst round, the ball is with child C0 . Assume that the duration of the tune played in any round is 45 seconds and that the ball is always successfully passed from one child to the next at each step. (i) Which child is removed at the end of the rst round? (ii) Which children would have been removed at the end of the third round?

GEK1505 Question 4 [20 marks] (a) [12 marks] (i) You received the following cryptic message:

RFC KMPC UC AYPC DMP MRFCPQ RFC EPCYRCP MSP QCLQC MD UCJJ ZCGLE Suspecting that a shift transformation was used to encipher the original message, you try frequency analysis to decipher it. What is the message? (ii) An enciphering transformation y = f (x) ax + b (mod 26) on 26 symbols satises the conditions f (5) = 11, f (10) = 6. Find the deciphering transformation in the form x = f 1 (y ) cy + d (mod 26) where 1 c, d 25. (iii) What is the probability that the total score of a throw of 3 fair dice is odd? (iv) It is known that Mr Tan has 5 children of whom at least two are girls. Find the probability that the youngest and the eldest are both girls. (Assume that it is equally likely for a child to be a boy or a girl.) (b) [8 marks]

0 1 

Figure 6

A game is played as follows. You start with a counter g placed in Square 0 of a row of 6 squares (Figure 6). You toss a fair die and move the counter k squares to the right according to the outcome k of the toss of the die. If the counter reaches Square 6, you get one dollar. If not, you toss the die a second time and move the counter from the current position in the same fashion according to the outcome of the toss. If the counter ends up at Square 6, you get 2 dollars. If not, the game is over and you get nothing. Find (i) the probability of winning some money in one game, (ii) the expected payout of one game.

GEK1505 Question 5 [20 marks] (a) [12 marks]

Write down the number of non-identity symmetries of each of the diagrams (A), (B), (C), (D) in Figure 7.





Figure 7 (b) [8 marks]


40 30 20 10








Figure 8 In Figure 8, X, Y, Z are semi-circles. (i) Find an orientation-preserving rigid motion that will move X to Y. (ii) Find an orientation-reversing rigid motion that will move X to Z. In your answers, state the parameters of the relevant rigid motions clearly. (You may use a graph paper to present your answers.)


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