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Initialization of Thermofluid models

Francesco Casella

Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione

Politecnico di Milano

Initialization is critical for models with dynamics
solution of ODE/D E depends on initial conditions if consistent initial conditions cannot !e found" the model is useless

#hermofluid models often stron$ly nonlinear %teady&state initialization in'ol'es sol'in$ lar$e" stron$ly nonlinear systems of e(uations
sensiti'ity to initial $uess 'alues sensiti'ity to selection of iteration 'aria!les tracin$ root of pro!lem difficult
$uess 'alues) errors in the model *e+$+ wron$ parameters,)

#rou!leshootin$ is not user friendly

understandin$ of the sym!olic/numeric methods understandin$ the e(uations of the ori$inal model *not encrypted-, e(uations are rearran$ed / sym!olically sol'ed no a'alia!le Modelica tool currently $i'es user friendly ./I support unpredicta!le time&to&$o

Specifying initial conditions - defaults

Each 'aria!le in Modelica has a start attri!ute
model SimpleSystem parameter Time tau; parameter Real x_start = 2; Real x(start = x_start); Real u; equation u = if time < 1 then 1 else 2; tau * der(x) = - x^2 + u; end SimpleSystem

0y default" Modelica tools use start 'alues to assi$n initial 'alues to state 'aria!les It is possi!le to lo$ these additional initial e(uations *%imulation 1 %etup 1 #ranslation 1 2o$ selected default initial conditions,

Specifying initial conditions fixed attribute

%ettin$ the fi3ed attri!ute to true one indicates e3plicitly that the initial 'alue of the 'aria!le is the initial 'alue

model SimpleSystem2 parameter Time tau; parameter Real x_start = 2; Real x(start = x_start fixe! = true); Real y; Real u; equation u = if time < 1 then 1 else 2; tau * der(x) = - x^2 + u; y = "*x^2; end SimpleSystem2

Specifying initial conditions initial equations

In Modelica 4+3" initialiation was mainly thou$ht as a tool issue Dymola had a run&time interface to specify initial conditions a define free and fi3ed 'aria!les *usin$ data from fi3ed and start attri!utes, %ince Modelica 5+6 *5665,7 e3plict initial e(uations with ar!itrary structure *the old fi3ed 8 true mechanism is still a'aila!le,
model SimpleSystem parameter Time tau; parameter Real x_start = 2; Real x(start = x_start); Real y; Real u; equation u = if time < 1 then 1 else 2; tau * der(x) = - x^2 + u; y = "*x^2; initial equation der(x) = #; end SimpleSystem

model SimpleSystem parameter Time tau; parameter Real x_start = 2; Real x(start = x_start); Real y; Real u; equation u = if time < 1 then 1 else 2; tau * der(x) = - x^2 + u; y = "*x^2; initial equation x = x_start; end SimpleSystem

Initial e(uations are com!ined with dynamic e(uations 9onlinear sol'ers use start attri!ute for $uess 'alues

Specifying initial conditions Unknown parameters

Parameters can !e freed and determined !y further initial e(uations *!eware of initial e(uation count+++,
model SimpleSystem parameter Time tau; parameter Real x_start = 2; parameter Real y_start = 1#; parameter Real u_start(fixe! = false start = 2); Real x(start = x_start); Real y; Real u; equation u = if time < 1 then u_start else u_start + 1; tau * der(x) = - x^2 + u; y = "*x^2; initial equation der(x) = #; y = y_start; end SimpleSystem

Fi3ed attri!utes can !e chan$ed at instantiation *%how Component feature in the Dymola ./I,
System S(u_start(start = 2 fixe! = false) y(start = " fixe! = true));

eaningful initial conditions for thermofluid systems

In some cases" the initial state of a thermofluid system con'eniently e3pressed !y $i'in$ the 'alues of initial states E3ample7 direct steam $eneration solar plant :ust !efore dawn
temperature distri!ution in the collector pipes 8 am!ient temperature $i'en temperatures in the stora$e 'olumes" dependin$ on len$th of shutdown period zero *or ne$li$i!le, flows *!eware of sin$ular conditions,

In other conte3ts" startin$ from an ;off&state< is pro!lematic/not re(uired E3ample7 power plant model for load chan$e or primary fre(uency studies
ran$e of 'alidity =6&466> pipin$ and instrumentation for startup not included in the model *tur!ine !ypass systems" steam 'ents" etc+,

In these cases" the typical transient is the response to a distur!ance startin$ from an e(uili!rium state *steady&state, Fi3in$ appro3imated initial states can lead to unphysical transients
out&of&ran$e mass ? heat flow 'alues flow re'ersal trip conditions +++

!uick re"iew of

odelica model transformations

%teps of model transformation

flattenin$ inde3 reduction elimination of tri'ial e(uations / alias 'aria!les 02# transformation
dynamic pro!lem e(uations *initial 'alues and parameters, initialization pro!lem *deri'ati'es" al$e!raic 'aria!les,

#earin$ applied to implicit systems of e(uations to reduce the num!er of iteration 'aria!les

E(uations sol'ed as e3plicit assi$nments @ no pro!lem Implicit linear e(uations @ sol'ed without pro!lem if non&sin$ular Implicit nonlinear e(uations @ iterati'e methods @ reasona!le $uesses re(uired for the iteration 'aria!les .uess 'alues pro'ided in Modelica !y start attri!utes
defined !y types defined !y modifiers in li!rary models" possi!ly throu$h parameters defined !y direct modifiers on the simulation model

!uick re"iew of

odelica model transformations #cont$d%

.uess 'alues pro'ided in Modelica !y start attri!utes Defined !y types

type Temperature = Real(unit = $%$ start = "##);

Defined !y modifiers in li!rary models" possi!ly throu$h parameters

S&'(ressure p_start; S&'(ressure p(start = p_start);

Defined !y direct modifiers on the simulation model

model (lant)ithStart*ttri+utes extends (lant( tur+ine(p_in(start = 1'2,e-)) !rum.((p(start = 1'"2e-))); end (lant)ithStart*ttri+utes;

Tearing & 'lias "ariables

small fraction of model 'aria!les re(uire a $uess 'alue to ensure sol'er con'er$ence AB6> alias 'aria!les *3 8 C y, A=6> assi$ned in assi$nment section of torn systems %election of alias and iteration 'aria!les in torn systems not uni(uelias 'aria!le selection in Dymola7
hi$hest priority to direct modifiers" intermediate priority to modifiers in li!raries lowest priority to type&defined start 'alues

#earin$ 'aria!le selection

optimal selection7 9P&complete pro!lem proprietary heuristics chan$es w/ small modifications of model chan$es w/ tool 'ersion

9ot really o!:ect oriented10

Understanding initialization failures in (ymola

Interacti'e demo dsmodel+mof7 how to $enerate" how to read dslo$+t3t7 how to $enerate" how to read


Strategies for steady-state initialization

Di'ide and con(uer
!reaD plant in smaller modules initialize each model w/ suita!le !oundaries maDe sure each model is correctly parameterized

ChecD dsmodel+mof/dslo$+t3t and impro'e start 'alues Fi3 initial states" run transient until e(uili!rium
re(uires asymptotically sta!le e(uili!rium *if not" use simple feed!acD controllers to sta!ilize, transient mi$ht $o wron$ !ecause of a!normal mass and ener$y flows due to unphisical 'alues of initial states e3ample7 e'aporator with hi$h heat transfer coefficient
small error in delta&# fluid&wall @ lar$e error in heat flow @ condensation/e'aporation @ !ad flow rates *possi!ly flow re'ersal,

Important remarD7 if the parametrization of the model is incorrect" a steady&state solution mi$ht not e3ist12

'n example of model without steady-state solution

9atural circulation steam $enerator 9ominal operatin$ data7
drum pressure 45E !ar feedwater pressure 4=E !ar steam 'al'e outlet pressure F6 !ar power from flue $as7 466 MG steam flow7 H6 D$/s

%team flow rate rou$hly proportional to steam 'al'e C' and drum pressure ssume now C' is :ust 46> smaller than the correct 'alue
in order to e'acuate H6 D$/s drum pressure should !e 4I6 !ar feedwater cannot flow from source at lower pressure-

%olution does not e3ist-


%et initial 'alues of pressures and enthalpies close enou$h to nominal operatin$ point #he system has an asymptotically sta!le e(uili!rium thanDs to le'el controller %tart the simulation Drum pressure increases steadily %team flow JJ feedwater flow #oo small steam 'al'e Increase steam 'al'e C' #o find the correct C'7
set C'*fi3ed 8 false, set steamKflow*start 8 H6" fi3ed 8 true,


)omotopy-based initialization*
%ettin$ start 'alues


tedious selection of iteration 'aria!les can chan$e how to determine $ood enou$h 'alues) not o!:ect oriented not ro!ust re(uires hi$h&end sDills to trou!leshoot models

more ro!ust method re(uired

$uarantee con'er$ence use only well&Dnown desi$n data reasona!le defaults for iteration 'aria!les no need of directly settin$ start 'alues o!:ect&oriented

Lomotopy&!ased initialization

)omotopy-based initialization* basic ideas

%implified pro!lem sol'ed first
same 'aria!les" sli$htly modified e(uations close enou$h to the actual one steady&state *otherwise structure can chan$e too much-, simpler to sol'e *;less nonlinar< @ less sensisti'e to $uess 'alues, $uess 'alues possi!ly pro'ided !y default

%ol'e con'e3 com!ination of simplified and actual pro!lem Ca'eat7 the pro!lem chan$es continuously" the solution mi$ht not
turnin$ points *can !e handled !y specialized sol'ers, asymptotes *failure, !ifurcations *re(uires interaction with e3pert user,

%pecification in Modelica =+57 homotopy operator

h/m/t/py(a0tual simplifie!) durin$ solution of initialization returns Mactual N *4 ) Msimplified

Simplified models for thermofluid systems

2inear momentum !alance e(uations with constant coefficients !ased on nominal operatin$ point
pressure loss components static head term steam tur!ine pump7 linearized characteristic around nominal operatin$ point

11 (ressure l/ss 0/mp/nent pin - p/ut = homotopy(sm//th(1 %f*s2uareRe3(4 4n/m*4nf))1rh/ !pn/m14n/m*4) 56l/4 0hara0teristi0s5; 11 7al8e f/r in0/mpressi+le flui! 4 = homotopy(6l/49har(theta)**8*s2rt(rh/)*s2rtR(!p) theta1thetan/m*4n/m1!pn/m*!p); 11 (ump function !f_!2 = der(fl/49hara0teristi0 2_fl/4); hea! = homotopy( (n1n#)^2*fl/49har(2*n#1(n+n_eps)) !f_!2(2#)*(2-2#) + (21n#*fl/49har(2#) - 2#1n#*!f_!2(2#))*(n-n#) + hea!#); 11 Tur+ine 4 = homotopy(%t*partial*r0*s2rt(p_in*rh/_in))*s2rtRe3(1-(11(R)^2) 4n/m1pn/m*p_in);

Simplified models for thermofluid systems #cont$d%

Ener$y !alance e(uation7 nonlinear wh terms
use nominal flow rate for ener$y !alance in 4D models for heat e3chan$ers $ets rid of most wh terms in a typical model

/pstream specific enthalpy dependin$ on flow direction

assume desi$n direction of flow
hi = homotopy(if n/t all/46l/4Re8ersal then inStream(inlet'h_/utfl/4) else a0tualStream(inlet'h_/utfl/4) inStream(inlet'h_/utfl/4));

Flow&dependent heat transfer coefficients

assume nominal h+t+c+ 'alue
4all'3amma:;< = h/m/t/py(3amma_n/m*n/=8ent(a+s(infl'm_fl/414n/m)^>4) 3amma_n/m);

#emperature&specific enthalpy relationship

9ot too nonlinear in most cases *sa'e phase chan$es, Do not chan$e *difficult to maDe it consistent across models, %et rou$h start 'alues
li(uid / two&phase / 'apour for water within 466&566 O for ideal $ases

Simplified models for thermofluid systems #cont$d%

Controllers actin$ on flows and controllin$ ener$y&related (uantities
may introduce stron$ nonlinear couplin$ !etween hydraulic and thermal e(uations simplified model7 Deep control 'aria!le fi3ed at nominal 'alue *opened feed!acD loop,

Controllers with saturations and anti&windup

%aturations are stron$ nonlinearities If Dnown to !e in linear re$ime7 remo'e saturations Else7 fi3 at 6> or 466>

Control 'al'es
ssume flow is nominal flow M openin$ *re$ardless of density and pressure drop,

Initialization not at nominal operatin$ point

%implified model has all setpoints at nominal 'alues Lomotopy !rin$s the setpoints to the desired 'alue Different from rela3ation transient7 (uasi&static transformation *less pro!lems if initial $uess not accurate no weird transients,


+erforming the homotopy transformation

%uita!le continuation sol'ers can !e used
can tracD turnin$ points efficient interpolation&e3trapolation

no turnin$ points no other sin$ularities

%in$ularities mi$ht arise if wron$ parametrization

split system into su!systems di'ide and con(uer


)omotopy-based initialization* tool support

%uccessful e3periments at Politecnico and EDF
e3perimental sol'er linDed to Dymola !y M+%ielemann" !ased on 9OP/2OC sol'er definitely not user&friendly

%mall&size use cases

multi!ody systems with multiple steady&state confi$urations analo$ electronic circuits hydrauliccircuits air conditionin$ systems

2ar$e&sized use cases

complete com!ined&cycle power plant models up to BE6 iteration 'aria!les *-, no need of manual settin$ of start 'alues

Preliminary implementation in Dymola E+F *not $ood enou$h yet, Lopefully a'aila!le soon as standard feature in all Modelica tools



M+ %ielemann" F+ Casella" M+ Otter" C+ Clauss" Q+ E!orn" %+E+ Mattsson" L+ Olsson7 Ro!ust Initialization of Differential& l$e!raic E(uations /sin$ Lomotopy+ Proceedin$s of Hth International Modelica Conference" Dresden" .ermany" 56&55 March 5644+ F+ Casella" M+ %ielemann" 2+ %a'oldelli7 %teady&state Initialization of O!:ect&Oriented #hermo&Fluid Models !y Lomotopy Methods" Proceedin$s of Hth International Modelica Conference" Dresden" .ermany" 56&55 March 5644+


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