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Curriculum vitae
From year 2004 he's into the aeronautic world.
Actually Olivier Fontaine president of SAPR!A"A is teachin# in the $harles "ind%er#h
Academy& practical la%oratory for R$ model aircraft and drones& meteorolo#y& lo#istic and
'ow he's startin# his new pro(ect )*rones and sustaina%le development.
Sistemi Aeromo%ile a Pilota##io Remoto taliano.
Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to
meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that
these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.
$urriculum vitae for RPAS+SAPR operator.
President of SAPRIA!IA. Actually teaching in the "harles !indbergh Academy, practical
laboratory for R" model aircraft and drones, meteorology, logistic and navigation.
!rainin# and education,
#arch $0%& 'renoble (rance. )rone pilot french licence at )elta )rone )*" *+ )),
#ar-o $0%&. Roma Italia Investigation search . rescue, and security )rone Pilots
"ertification. /)PA 0/uropean )rone Pilot Association1
%8,%2 (ebruary $0%0 raining at 3AA training organi-ation 4oofdorp. 5uality #anagement
0Principle and practice in aviation environment.1
%6 September $008 "ertified by the 7est Air !u8embourg company as
o 9peration officer.
o 7eather analy-er.
August $006 .P.:. ;echnicien Pr<parateur de :ol= and (light )ispatcher at /.S.#.A.
/cole sup<rieure des m<tiers a<ronauti>ues, #ontpellier, (rance.
$00? ".A./.A. "ertificated in aeronautical education ability. I@ technical university
institute of "r<teil.
$00AB Pilot licence
o !icence glider pilote n+0$0C000C00A "hambery
o !icence ultralight & a8es n+0$0C0000&0? 'renoble
%226B echnical management for theaters. #iluc Dlanc
%28A,%28?B ".*.).". *ational center of contemporary dance of Angers. 0#erce
Professional e-periences
3uly $0%0 "oordinator for the SPEF00 drone proGect. Airframe design . test flight.
#ay $0%0 Appointed as ground instructor at ;(ly to (ly=
$002,$0%& eacher for laboratories, meteorology and navigation at the "harles
!indbergh Academy 0Rivoli urin1.
$008,$002 (light dispatcher and weather analyser at 7est Air !u8embourg company.
$00?,$006 eacher in "harles !indbergh Academy 0a aeronautical hight school1.
o *avigation from basic level to A..P.!.
o #eteorologyB (rom fundamental to pilot specific level.
o !arge culture in aeronautical generalities.
%226, $00A echnical management for stage performances and ;festivals=
oulouse and /uropean tour.
%28?, %22C Professional contemporary dancer. (rance, 'ermany, Indonesia...
Olivier Fontaine
13 via Negarville
10135 Turin Italy
Belgium 24/07/1961
+39 333 7 66 46
FNT &'( 61&24 )103*
Forei#n lan#ua#es.
#other languagesB (rench and )utch.
Professional languagesB Italian and /nglish. Righted HHH speaIeasy HHH
Practical languageB 'erman and Spanish. !istening H speaIing ,
"omputers abilityB
7indows, !inu8, #ac, )os, operating environment.
Programs soft B
"rewbriefing for 9PS 07estair1
All programs from worIs, office, and open,office family.
Dasic study of 'A/A* ')S global distribution system.
A#A)/@S ")S control departure system.
9ther specific softB
Power point.
Adobe premiKre L final cut proJ for video.
International educational teacher for Argentine tango dance.

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