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Support Material

GCE Classics: Classical Greek

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Classics: Classical Greek H040 Unit G !Entry Code "#$ %: Classical Greek Language

&'is Support Material booklet is desi(ned to acco)pany t'e OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE speci*ication in Classics *or teac'in( *ro) Septe)ber +00,-

. OCR +00$

/ack(round-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Our Et'os----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A Guided &our t'rou(' t'e Sc'e)e o* 0ork------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

Sample Lesson Plan: Classical Greek Language F371...................................................8 Ot er !orms o! Support.....................................................................................................1"

OCR &rainin(---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0

Get Ready1introducin( t'e ne2 speci*ications---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Get Started1to2ards success*ul delivery o* t'e ne2 speci*ications--------------------------------------- 0
Mill 0'ar* &rainin(-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 e3Co))unities-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 4nterc'an(e------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5ublis'ed Resources----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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GCE Classics


A ne2 structure o* assess)ent *or A 6evel 'as been introduced7 *or *irst teac'in( *ro) Septe)ber +00,- So)e o* t'e c'an(es include: &'e introduction o* stretc' and c'allen(e !includin( t'e ne2 A8 (rade at A+% 9 to ensure t'at every youn( person 'as t'e opportunity to reac' t'eir *ull potential &'e reduction or re)oval o* course2ork co)ponents *or )any :uali*ications 9 to lessen t'e volu)e o* )arkin( *or teac'ers A reduction in t'e nu)ber o* units *or )any :uali*ications 9 to lessen t'e a)ount o* assess)ent *or learners A)end)ents to t'e content o* speci*ications 9 to ensure t'at content is up3to3date and relevant-

OCR 'as produced an overvie2 docu)ent7 2'ic' su))arises t'e c'an(es to Classics- &'is can be *ound at$ alon( 2it' t'e ne2 speci*ication4n order to 'elp you plan e**ectively *or t'e i)ple)entation o* t'e ne2 speci*ication 2e 'ave produced t'is Sc'e)e o* 0ork and Sa)ple 6esson 5lan *or Classics- &'ese Support Materials are desi(ned *or (uidance only and play a secondary role to t'e Speci*ication-

Our Et'os
All our Support Materials 2ere produced ;by teac'ers *or teac'ers< in order to capture real li*e current teac'in( practices and t'ey are based around OCR<s revised speci*ications- &'e ai) is *or t'e support )aterials to inspire teac'ers and *acilitate di**erent ideas and teac'in( practicesEac' Sc'e)e o* 0ork and set o* sa)ple 6esson 5lans is provided in:

5=" *or)at 9 *or i))ediate use 0ord *or)at 9 so t'at you can use it as a *oundation to build upon and a)end t'e content to suit your teac'in( style and students< needs-

GCE Classics

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&'e Sc'e)e o* 0ork and sa)ple 6esson plans provide e>a)ples o* 'o2 to teac' t'is unit and t'e teac'in( 'ours are su((estions only- So)e or all o* it )ay be applicable to your teac'in(&'e Speci*ication is t'e docu)ent on 2'ic' assess)ent is based and speci*ies 2'at content and skills need to be covered in deliverin( t'e course- At all ti)es7 t'ere*ore7 t'is Support Material booklet s'ould be read in con?unction 2it' t'e Speci*ication- 4* clari*ication on a particular point is sou('t t'en t'at clari*ication s'ould be *ound in t'e Speci*ication itsel*-

A Guided &our t'rou(' t'e Sc'e)e o* 0ork

D 4nnovative &eac'in( 4dea

All t'e teac'in( ideas contained in t'e SO0 are innovative7 but t'e icon is used to 'i('li('t e>ceptionally innovative ideas-

D Stretc' E C'allen(e Activity

&'is icon is added at t'e end o* te>t 2'en t'ere is an e>plicit opportunity to o**er Stretc' and C'allen(e-

D 4C& Opportunity
&'is icon is used to illustrate 2'en an activity could be tau('t usin( 4C& *acilities-

Classical Greek 6an(ua(e "#$

Suggeste% teac ing time )opic outline Section A &ranslation o* Classical Greek prose into En(lis' 0 'ours Learning o&'ecti(es:

&o beco)e *ully *a)iliar 2it' t'e lan(ua(e contain deploy t'e AS accidence and synta>A to translate * Suggeste% resources

Suggeste% teac ing an% ome#ork acti(ities

6earn about t'e uses o* prepositions in Mor2ood (ra))ar

Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek b Mor2ood Greek to GCSE Part II by C- &aylor Hiner )eanin(

5ractise translatin( prepositions in revision e>ercise *ro) &aylor book 4denti*y and translate prepositions in a lon(er passa(e !used as translation7 not co)pre'ension% *ro) Hiner book7 e-(- Bo- #

Greek Comprehensions for Schools b

5repositions cards 9 )atc' prepositio

Consolidate prepositions usin( prepositions cards

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GCE Classics

Classical Greek 6an(ua(e "#$

Suggeste% teac ing time )opic outline 0 'ours Learning o&'ecti(es:

&o beco)e *ully *a)iliar 2it' t'e lan(ua(e contain deploy t'e AS accidence and synta>A to translate * Suggeste% resources

Suggeste% teac ing an% ome#ork acti(ities

Revise cardinal and ordinal nu)bers in Mor2ood (ra))ar E 2rite out on board Consolidate nu)bers 2it' Greek bin(o 4denti*y and translate prepositions in a lon(er passa(e *ro) Hiner7 e-(- no-$ Revise t'e di**erent verb tenses in Mor2ood (ra))ar 5ractise identi*yin( and translatin( di**erent tenses in revision e>ercises *ro) &aylor book 5ractise translatin( verbs on Eton 2ebsite &ranslate verbs in a lon(er passa(e *ro) Hiner book 6earn about t'e uses o* indirect state)ent in Mor2ood (ra))ar 5ractise translatin( indirect state)ent in revision e>ercises *ro) &aylor book 4denti*y and translate indirect state)ent in a lon(er passa(e *ro) Hiner7 e-(- no- + Revision o* key points to re)e)ber in unseen e>a) 9 e-(- tense7 a(ree)ent 5upils translate Greek prose passa(e *ro) speci)en paper under e>a) conditions 5upils to )ark eac' ot'er<s translations to speci)en )ark sc'e)e7 to identi*y 'o2 )arks are lost and (ained at AS

Greek bin(o 9 call out nu)bers orally

pupils to cross t'e) o** on bin(o cards

Eton Colle(e Greek pro?ect 2ebsite: 'ttp:FF222-etoncolle(e-co)

t'en *ollo2 links *or Eton in Action Gre pro?ect

Be2spaper articles 9 pupils to (at'er

relevant passa(es and identi*y in t'e) sentences t'at 2ould be translated as di**erent types o* indirect state)ent

Speci)en paper

Section / &ranslation o* 'arder C'ronolo(ical overvie2 o* Greek aut'ors *ro) ,t' &eac'er3created ti)eline o* Greek aut Classical Greek prose into century to 4t' century7 linkin( to political E cultural *or 2all3display En(lis' 'istory En(lis' e>a)ples o* oratory
6ead up to Greek orators7 discussin( 'o2 E 2'y oratory is used and 'o2 it di**ers *ro) ot'er types o* literature Read En(lis' e>a)ples o* oratory 9 e-(- speec'es *ro) Hitler7 C'urc'ill and /lair =iscuss key aspects and tec'ni:ues o* oratory7 )akin( lists o* su((estions in (roups t'en *eedin( back

GCE Classics

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Classical Greek 6an(ua(e "#$

Suggeste% teac ing time )opic outline 0 'ours Learning o&'ecti(es:

&o beco)e *ully *a)iliar 2it' t'e lan(ua(e contain deploy t'e AS accidence and synta>A to translate * Suggeste% resources

Suggeste% teac ing an% ome#ork acti(ities

Read En(lis' sections *ro) a 6ysias speec' !any e>cept ;A(ainst Eratost'enes<% and discuss as (roup t'e oratorical devices used Carry on readin( t'e speec' in Greek7 translatin( 2it' an eye to 'o2 6ysias )akes 'is 2ords persuasive 5upils start a list o* key Greek oratorical tec'ni:ues7 to be continued as course (oes on 5upils to read ;A(ainst Eratost'enes< sections #$3 G in En(lis' be*ore lesson 4n (roups in class7 pupils translate sections G+3G, into En(lis' E t'en read out t'eir translation to t'e rest o* t'e class &eac'er (ives out En(lis' translation o* *inal section o* speec'7 2'ic' pupils translate into Greek usin( as )any oratorical devices as possible &eac'er displays end o* 6ysias< speec' on board7 to co)pare 2it' pupils< versions =iscussion o* 'o2 pupils< versions di**er *ro) eac' ot'er and *ro) 6ysias<

Greek te>t and En(lis' translation o* 6

speec'es !e>cept t'e one speci*ied *o AS 6iterature paper%

Lysias Five Speeches ed- M- Ed2ards

Section / &ranslation o* En(lis' Revise participles and t'eir uses in Mor2ood and sentences into Classical Greek Greek 5rose Co)position book p- ++**
&ranslate sentences *ro) p- +H** into Greek 5ractise translatin( participles in lon(er passa(e on p- +$ Revise i)personal verbs and t'e accusative absolute in Mor2ood and Greek 5rose Co)position p- +,** &ranslate sentences *ro) p- +G into Greek 4denti*y E practise opportunities to use i)personal verbs in a lon(er passa(e7 e-(- p- 44 5upils to discuss in (roups t'e )ain stylistic di**erences bet2een Greek and En(lis'7 and t'en *eedback "urt'er to discussion7 revise particles7

Greek Prose Composition by M- Bort' Hillard

arry Potter and the Philosopher!s Sto

#ncient Greek Edition by C- I- Ro2lin( A- 0ilson

arry Potter and the Philosopher$s Sto

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GCE Classics

Classical Greek 6an(ua(e "#$

Suggeste% teac ing time )opic outline 0 'ours Learning o&'ecti(es:

&o beco)e *ully *a)iliar 2it' t'e lan(ua(e contain deploy t'e AS accidence and synta>A to translate * Suggeste% resources
by C- I- Ro2lin(

Suggeste% teac ing an% ome#ork acti(ities

subordination etc- in Mor2ood =isplay on 2'iteboard t2o correspondin( sections o* Harry 5otter 9 one in En(lis'7 one in Greek 9 *or pupils to discuss 'o2 t'ey di**er

&ranslate anot'er section7 t'en co)pare 2it' t'e Greek edition Use revision s'eet to (o over key points to re)e)ber in prose co)position e>a) 9 e-(subordination7 particles Speci)en paper

5upils translate into Greek t'e En(lis' sentences *ro) speci)en paper7 under e>a) conditions 5upils to )ark eac' ot'er<s translations to speci)en )ark sc'e)e7 to identi*y 'o2 )arks are lost and (ained at AS

M- Ed2ards Lysias Five Speeches !/ristol Classical 5ress GGG% M- Hiner Greek Comprehensions for Schools !/ristol Classical 5ress G,G% C- Mor2ood Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek !OU5 +00 % M- Bort' E A- Hillard Greek Prose Composition !=uck2ort' GG % C- I- Ro2lin( arry Potter and the Philosopher$s Stone !/loo)sbury +004% arry Potter and the Philosopher$s Stone" #ncient Greek Edition !/loo)sbury +004%

C- I- Ro2lin( E A- 0ilson

C- &aylor Greek to GCSE Part II !/ristol Classical +00#%

D 4nnovative teac'in( idea

D Stretc' and c'allen(e opportunity idea

D 4nnovative teac'in( idea GCE Classics D 4nnovative teac'in( idea

D Stretc' and c'allen(e opportunity idea D Stretc' and c'allen(e opportunity

7 o! 12

Sa)ple 6esson 5lan: Classical Greek 6an(ua(e "#$

Analysin( and 5ractisin( 4dio)atic Greek &ranslation
OCR reco(nises t'at t'e teac'in( o* t'is :uali*ication 2ill vary (reatly *ro) sc'ool to sc'ool and *ro) teac'er to teac'er- 0it' t'at in )ind7 t'is lesson plan is o**ered as a possible approac' but 2ill be sub?ect to )odi*ications by t'e individual teac'er6esson len(t' is assu)ed to be one our-

6earnin( Ob?ectives *or t'e lesson

Ob?ective Ob?ective + Ob?ective # 5upils to i%enti!. t'e key lin(uistic *eatures o* En(lis' and Classical Greek5upils to %istinguis !or t emsel(es key opportunities in a passa(e o* En(lis' to translate into stylis' and idio)atic Greek5upils to practise usin( Greek lin(uistic *eatures suc' as subordination and particles in translation-

Recap o* previous e>perience and prior kno2led(e

Juick brainstor) activity 9 pupils to co)e up 2it' all t'e ele)ents o* Greek (ra))ar t'ey 'ave learned so *ar 2'ic' see) si(ni*icantly di**erent *ro) En(lis' !e-(- optatives7 (enitive absolutes% and 2rite on board-

)ime K )inutes Content 0ar) up activity- 5upils to take brainstor) activity *urt'er by discussin( in (roups 2'ic' o* t'e identi*ied (ra))atical di**erences indicate a si(ni*icant stylistic di**erence bet2een Greek and En(lis'- 5upils t'en *eedback7 and key stylistic di**erences are 2ritten on t'e boardRevision o* identi*ied lin(uistic points 9 look up participles7 subordination7 particles etc- !as raised by pupils% in Mor2ood (ra))ar book to consolidate (ra))ar kno2led(e=isplay on 2'iteboard t2o correspondin( sections o* Harry 5otter 9 one in En(lis'7 one in Greek 9 *or pupils to discuss 'o2 t'ey di**er- Co)pare issues suc' as sentence len(t'7 additionalFo)itted 2ords and circu)locutions by underlinin(F'i('li('tin( on board4n (roups7 pupils are (iven sections o* anot'er s'ort passa(e *ro) Harry 5otter to translate into Greek7 2it' assistance o* vocabulary s'eet provided by teac'erGCE Classics

0 )inutes 0 )inutes

0 )inutes

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5upils to concentrate on usin( t'e ele)ents o* Greek idio) identi*ied and revised earlier in lesson0 )inutes &eac'er brin(s to(et'er all t'e (roups< 2ork7 to type up on 2'iteboard pupils< version o* Harry 5otter section- &eac'er t'en displays t'e sa)e section as translated in t'e book5upils 'i('li('t and discuss 'i('li('t di**erences bet2een t'e t2o translations-

K )inutes

)ime K )inutes Content 5upils to 2rite do2n *or t'e)selves a revision s'eet on t'e key stylistic di**erences bet2een Greek and En(lis' to re)e)ber key translation points *or e>a)-

GCE Classics

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Ot'er *or)s o* Support

4n order to 'elp you i)ple)ent t'ese ne2 speci*ications e**ectively7 OCR o**ers a co)pre'ensive packa(e o* support- &'is includes:

OCR &rainin(
Get -ea%.0intro%ucing t e ne# speci!ications
A series o* "REE 'al*3day trainin( events are bein( run durin( Autu)n +00$7 to (ive you an overvie2 o* t'e ne2 speci*ications-

Get Starte%0to#ar%s success!ul %eli(er. o! t e ne# speci!ications

&'ese *ull3day events 2ill run *ro) Sprin( +00, and 2ill look at t'e ne2 speci*ications in )ore dept'7 2it' e)p'asis on *irst delivery@isit 222-ocr-or(-uk *or )ore details-

Mill 0'ar* &rainin(

Additional events are also available t'rou(' our partner7 Mill 0'ar* &rainin(- 4t o**ers a ran(e o* courses on innovative teac'in( practice and 2'ole3sc'ool issues 3 222-)ill32'ar*3trainin(-co-uk-

Over $0 e3Co))unities o**er you a *ast7 dyna)ic co))unication c'annel to )ake contact 2it' ot'er sub?ect specialists- Our online )ailin( list covers a 2ide ran(e o* sub?ects and enables you to s'are kno2led(e and vie2s via e)ail@isit 'ttp:FFco))unity-ocr-or(-uk7 c'oose your co))unity and ?oin t'e discussionL

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GCE Classics

OCR 4nterc'an(e 'as been developed to 'elp you to carry out day to day ad)inistration *unctions online7 :uickly and easily- &'e site allo2s you to re(ister and enter candidates online- 4n addition7 you can (ain i))ediate and *ree access to candidate in*or)ation at you convenience- Si(n up at 'ttp:FFinterc'an(e-ocr-or(-uk

5ublis'ed Resources
Pu&lis e% -esources OCR o**ers centres a 2ealt' o* :uality publis'ed support 2it' a *antastic c'oice o* ;O**icial 5ublis'er 5artner< and ;Approved 5ublication< resources7 all endorsed by OCR *or use 2it' OCR speci*icationsPu&lis er partners OCR 2orks in close collaboration 2it' t'ree 5ublis'er 5artnersA Hodder7 Heine)ann and O>*ord University 5ress !OU5% to ensure centres 'ave access to: /etter publis'ed support7 available 2'en you need it7 tailored to OCR speci*ications Juality resources produced in consultation 2it' OCR sub?ect tea)s7 2'ic' are linked to OCR<s teac'er support )aterials More resources *or speci*ications 2it' lo2er candidate entries Materials t'at are sub?ect to a t'orou(' :uality assurance process to ac'ieve endorse)ent

O>*ord University 5ress !OU5% is t'e publis'er partner *or OCR GCE ClassicsO>*ord University 5ress is producin( t'e *ollo2in( resources *or OCR GCE Classics *or *irst teac'in( in Septe)ber +00,7 2'ic' 2ill be available in Sprin( +00, !AS% and Sprin( +00G !A+%: Anderson7 &7 Mor2ood7 C7 and Radice7 I- OC- 1S Latin O23o2 C45-O6 !+00,% 4S/B: G$,0 GG +HH+0 Anderson7 &7 Mor2ood7 C7 and Radice7 I- OC- 12 Latin O23o2 C45-O6 !+00G% 4S/B: G$,0 GG +HH#$ Mor(an7 C- OC- 1S Classical Ci(ilisation O23o2 C45-O6 !+00,% 4S/B: G$,0 GG +HH0H Mor(an7 C- OC- 12 Classical Ci(ilisation O23o2 C45-O6 !+00G% 4S/B: G$,0 GG +HH #

GCE Classics

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1ppro(e% pu&lications OCR still endorses ot'er publis'er )aterials7 2'ic' under(o a t'orou(' :uality assurance process to ac'ieve endorse)ent- /y o**erin( a c'oice o* endorsed )aterials7 centres can be assured o* :uality support *or all OCR :uali*icationsEn%orsement OCR endorses a ran(e o* publis'er )aterials to provide :uality support *or centres deliverin( its :uali*ications- Mou can be con*ident t'at )aterials branded 2it' OCR<s NO**icial 5ublis'in( 5artnerO or NApproved publicationO lo(os 'ave under(one a t'orou(' :uality assurance process to ac'ieve endorse)ent- All responsibility *or t'e content o* t'e publis'er<s )aterials rests 2it' t'e publis'er&'ese endorse)ents do not )ean t'at t'e )aterials are t'e only suitable resources available or necessary to ac'ieve an OCR :uali*ication- Any resource lists 2'ic' are produced by OCR s'all include a ran(e o* appropriate te>ts-

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GCE Classics

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