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Good evening.

I would like to start by thanking all members, candidates

and supporters of Citizens United for showing their support in
nominating me to run for the position of mayor on their ticket this year.

It is my belief that the Citizens United candidates are going to restore

honesty, integrity, ethics and moral conduct to the leadership of Shelton.
Citizens United plans to accomplish this goal by returning openness and
transparency to the governmental process in this city. Citizens United is
the only nonpartisan group in Shelton that has absolutely no party
agenda or reason to gain partisan political control. Citizens United is
made up of a high caliber group of candidates and supporters from all
political backgrounds and affiliations whose main goal is to have an
open and honest form of government. Our candidates will not be forced
nor feel obligated to vote along party lines. Citizens United has
carefully chosen candidates with the belief they will vote with their
conscience and for what is in the best interest of the residents of Shelton.

For the last decade and a half, the City of Shelton has been run by a bi-
partisan political machine that has forgotten that they represent the entire
community of Shelton and instead have worked to serve just a select
few. We have seen many suspect issues arise such as private meetings
held behind closed doors of the Planning and Zoning Commission, pre-
determined votes by members of the Board of Aldermen, little to no
debate by city boards and commissions on key issues, constant bickering
between our city’s legislative body and our Board of Education and a
volunteer Fire Department that continues to have to beg for funding for
important items such as turnout gear and hoses. Our current mayor
seems to have forgotten that his job is to serve his constituents with
openness and transparency as evidenced by his habitual tardiness to
meetings to avoid public portions and citizen input. His recent actions
of walking out at the Republican caucus because of a lack of willingness
to abide by the rules that his position is suppose to uphold is a clear
example of his contempt for openness.

It is time for the residents of Shelton to retake control of a city

government that has an infrastructure that is crumbling, a school system
that is failing, a bonding process that appears out of control and city
leaders that are currently blinded by partisan politics and failing to see
the reality of the issues at hand. The residents of the City are facing the
possibility of a number of indictments from both major parties in a
federal corruption probe of the City’s administration and its various
boards and commissions that could cripple day to day operations.

The residents of Shelton deserve better. The residents are entitled to an

open and transparent government that has been severely lacking and has
no prospect of being restored by the two major parties. It is time to
restore these basic fundamentals owed to the citizens of Shelton. A vote
for the Citizen United candidates will mean a new city administration
that will restore these important qualities to our city government. A vote
for Citizens United is a vote for a clear and open future.

With tough economic times upon us, the prospect of federal indictments,
and a city whose infrastructure and education system are failing, along
with a lack of long range planning, I accept the nomination as Mayor for
the City of Shelton. It will be an honor to lead the city in the cleanup of
the appearance of improprieties, restore an open and transparent
government, allocate the appropriate funds for a sound education and
ensure that our debt is minimized to maintain a solid financial future.

Mark S. Widomski
Mayoral Candidate
Citizens United Party

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