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EXPLANATION OF ARUDAPADA BY PT.SANJAY RATH The term Arudha Pada is als ! mm "l# !alled PADA.

Arudha mea"s $%OUNT$ a"d re&ers t the I%A'E & a si(" &alli"( " a" ther due t $re&le!ti " & the ra#s ema"ati"( &r m it a"d )ei"( re&le!ted )# its l rd. *ee+i"( the re&le!ti " i" ,ie-. the *ara/a 0Si("i&i!at r1 !a" )e ta/e" t )e the % ". 2 u"t &r m a si(" t its l rd. The" ! u"t as ma"# si("s &r m the l rd t arri,e at the ARUDHA PADA. F r e3am+le. i& the La("a L rd is i" the &i&th h use. the" ! u"t &i,e si("s &r m the La("a l rd t arri,e at the "i"th h use. This "i"th h use )e! mes the arudha Pada & r the La("a. E3!e+ti "4 The Arudha Pada !a"" t )e i" the same si(" r the se,e"th &r m it. I" !ase this ha++e"s. the" !h se the te"th h use there&r m. F r e3am+le. i& the La("a L rd is i" the 5th h use. the" the Arudha la("a sh uld )e i" the 5th &r m the 5th h use i.e. the 6th h use. But si"!e this is " t all -ed. the te"th there&r m sh uld )e !h se". The te"th &r m the 6th h use is the 5th h use a"d the 5th h use )e! mes the Arudha La("a. This is als !alled PADA LA'NA r ARUDHA LA'NA. I" this ma""er -e !a" ! m+ute the Arudha Pada & r all the h uses a"d these are !alled Dha"a Pada 07"d1. Bhratri+ada 08rd1. %atri Pada 05th1. %a"tra+ada 09th1. Satru+ada 0:th1. Dara Pada 06th1. R (a +ada 0;th1. Bha(#a+ada 0<th1. Ra=#a+ada 0>?th1. La)ha+ada 0>>th1 a"d U+a+ada 0>7th1. ANOTHER DETAILAED PRESENTATION ON ARUDA BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO @ rld is s-a#ed )# ma#a A (e"tlema" I /" - -"s a s! ter. -ith -hi!h he is ,er# ha++#. He -"ed it & r >9 #ears a"d he is ,er# & "d a"d +r ud & it. He rides it t - r/ e,er#da#. I /" a" ther.(e"tlema" -h -"s three &i"e !ars. )ut " t ha++# -ith a"# & them a"d al-a#s h +i"( t )u# s methi"( )etter. I& # u as/ s me "e. $-hi!h & these t- (e"tleme" is m re )lessed -ith ha++i"ess &r m ,ehi!les A the "e -ith a s! ter r the "e -ith three !ars$. the a"s-er # u are li/el# t (et is $the "e -ith three !ars$. The - rld has its -" +er!e+ti "s. The material - rld is s-a#ed )# ma#a r illusi ". The same thi"( is true & r m st as+e!ts & li&e. I& I tell # u -he" # u ! me t me that a !e"tral mi"ister =ust le&t m# h me a&ter astr l (i!al ! "sultati "s. # u -ill +r )a)l# thi"/ that I am a ( d astr l (er. I& I tell # u i" ur &irst meeti"( that I d "Bt dema"d a &i3ed &ee & r m# astr l (i!al ! "sultati "s a"d ta/e -hate,er !lie"ts ha++il# (i,e. # u -ill +r )a)l# thi"/ that I am " t a ( d astr l (er. Is e,er# astr l (er ! "sulted )# !e"tral mi"isters "e!essaril# ( dC 2a"Bt a" astr l (er -h d es " t dema"d a lar(e &ee )e ( dC I& I tell # u I did m# B.Te!h at IIT. # u -ill +r )a)l# thi"/ that I am a smart +ers ". I& I tell # u I did m# B.Te!h at $Darala De"/ata Su))a##a E"(i"eeri"( 2 lle(e$. # u -ill +r )a)l# " t (et the same im+ressi ". Is e,er# "e at IIT "e!essaril# smarter tha" e,er# "e at the latter ! lle(eC Pr )a)l# " t. H -e,er. -e al-a#s =um+ t ! "!lusi "s a"d & rm ideas a"d +er!e+ti "s that are + ssi)l# -r "(. )e!ause -e are s-a#ed )# the ma#a & this material - rld. Outer tra++i"(s matter m re tha" the i""er truth. H - +e +le +er!ei,e a"d =ud(e a "ati,e is (uided )# the ma#a & this material - rld. Th se +er!e+ti "s are merel# illusi "s a"d the realit# !a" )e di&&ere"t &r m them. The Euesti " i" &r "t & astr l (ers is4 $H - d -e disti"(uish )et-ee" the illusi "s & the material - rld a"d the realit#C$ The a"s-er t this im+ rta"t Euesti " lies i" the use & arudha +adas. de&i"ed )# Parasara a"d Jaimi"i. Computing arudha padas Arudha +ada & a h use is ! m+uted usi"( the & ll -i"( meth d4 0>1 Rule4 %easure the "um)er & si("s &r m the h use & i"terest t its l rd. %easure the same "um)er & si("s &r m the l rd. The resulta"t si(" ! "tai"s the arudha +ada & the

h use. E3am+le >4 La("a is i" 'emi"i a"d %er!ur# is i" Aries. Let us sa# -e "eed t &i"d 0a1 arudha la("a 0arudha +ada & the >st h use1 a"d 0)1 matri +ada 0arudha +ada & 5th h use1. S luti "4 0a1 La("a is i" 'emi"i. Its l rd %er!ur# is i" Aries. i.e.. >>th &r m 'emi"i. 2 u"t the >>th h use &r m %er!ur#. It is AEuarius. S arudha la("a is i" AEuarius. 0)1 The 5th h use is i" Dir( . Its l rd %er!ur# is i" ;th &r m it. 2 u"ti"( the ;th &r m %er!ur#. -e (et S! r+i . S matri +ada is i" S! r+i ..071 E3!e+ti "4 Arudha +ada & a h use !a"" t )e i" the >st r 6th &r m the h use. I& the arudha +ada ! m+uted a) ,e &alls i" the >st r 6th &r m the ri(i"al h use & r -hi!h -e are &i"di"( arudha +ada. the" the >?th h use &r m -hat -as & u"d a) ,e )e! mes the arudha +ada. NOTE4 It ma# )e " ti!ed that arudha +ada & a h use !a" "l# )e i" the 8rd. 5th. 9th. <th. >?th a"d >>th &r m the h use. This is )e!ause the illusi " is al-a#s se+arated &r m the realit#. E3am+le 74 La("a is i" Aries a"d Su" is i" AEuarius. Let us sa# -e "eed t &i"d ma"tra +ada 0arudha +ada & 9th h use1. S luti "4 Fr m Aries la("a. the 9th h use is i" Le . Fr m Le . its l rd Su" is i" 6th. 2 u"ti"( the 6th &r m Su". -e (et Le itsel&. But arudha +ada & a h use !a"" t )e i" the h use itsel& r the 6th &r m it. S -e &i"d the >?th &r m -hat -e & u"d a) ,e. i.e. Le . a"d (et Taurus. E3am+le 84 La("a is i" Taurus a"d % " is i" Li)ra. Let us sa# -e "eed t &i"d )hratri +ada 0arudha +ada & 8rd h use1. S luti "4 Fr m Taurus la("a. the 8rd h use is i" 2a"!er. Fr m 2a"!er. its l rd % " is i" 5th. 2 u"ti"( the 5th &r m % ". -e (et 2a+ri! r" 06th &r m 2a"!erF1. But arudha +ada & a h use !a"" t )e i" the h use itsel& r the 6th &r m it. S -e &i"d the >?th &r m -hat -e & u"d a) ,e. i.e. 2a+ri! r". a"d (et Li)ra. 081 2auti "4 Parasara said that AEuarius is -"ed )# Satur" a"d Rahu ) th a"d S! r+i is -"ed )# %ars a"d *etu ) th. @he" &i"di"( arudha +adas & h uses &alli"( i" these t- si("s. -e ha,e t ! "sider ) th the l rds. I& "e & the l rds !!u+ies the si(" 0e.(. Satur" i" AEuarius1. the ther l rd 0e.(. Rahu1 sh uld )e used. Other-ise. -e ha,e t ta/e the str "(er l rd. Usuall# a +la"et i" ! "=u"!ti " -ith m re +la"ets is str "(er. A m re ela) rate set & rules !a" )e & u"d i" sta"dard re&ere"!es. S me s!h lars 0e.(. Sri *.N. Ra 1 +re&er t i(" re the e3!e+ti " i" 071 a) ,e. )ut ) th Parasara a"d Jaimi"i me"ti "ed it a"d it !a"" t )e i(" red. % re ,er. the & ll -i"( + i"t ma# )e ! "sidered )# lear"ed me"4 S me results are attri)uted i" literature t the mutual shashthashta/a 0:thG;th1 + siti "s & arudha la("a a"d dara +ada 0arudha +ada & 6th1. I& this e3!e+ti " is i(" red. it !a" )e mathemati!all# +r ,ed that arudha la("a a"d dara +ada -ill al-a#s )e i" mutuall# dd h uses a"d mutual shashthashta/a + siti " & these t- +adas !a" "e,er !!urF @h# did maharshis tal/ a) ut a ! m)i"ati " that "e,er !!ursC The readers are ur(ed " t t i(" re these e3!e+ti "s. There is a" ther thi"( t remem)er4 Th u(h ma"# s!h lars &i"d arudha +adas "l# i" rasi !hart. the# are eEuall# ,alid i" di,isi "al !harts. Use of arudha lagna La("a is sat#a +eetha r the seat & truth. Arudha la("a is ma#a +eetha r the seat & illusi ". B th sta"d & r sel&. )ut the# sta"d & r di&&ere"t shades & sel&. La("a sta"ds & r true sel& a"d arudha la("a sta"ds & r +er!ei,ed sel&. Arudha la("a sta"ds & r $sel&. as +e!ei,ed )# this ma#a - rld$..2lassi!s attri)ute ma"# matters t ea!h h use. B# usi"( di,isi "al !harts. -e !a" res l,e ma"# !lashes. F r e3am+le. 9th h use sta"ds & r s ". ma"tra. =ud(me"t. &ame et!. Usi"( di,isi "al !harts. -e !a" see that 9th h use i" sa+tamsa sta"ds & r s " a"d 9th h use i" ,imsamsa sta"ds & r ma"tra. H -e,er. -e s metimes ha,e a !lash e,e" a&ter ( i"( t the ! rre!t di,isi "al !hart. F r e3am+le. i"telli(e"!e a"d a!ademi! su!!ess are ) th t )e see" i" !hatur,imsamsa 0!hart & lear"i"(1 a"d the 9th h use sh -s ) th.

I" su!h !ases. -e ha,e t see -hi!h matter is see" &r m la("a a"d -hi!h &r m arudha la("a. @e said that Parasara +res!ri)ed !hatur,imsamsa !hart & r lear"i"( a"d /" -led(e a"d the 9th h use is su++ sed t sh - su!!ess i" ! m+etiti " a"d &ame. as -ell as i"telli(e"!e. A" i"telli(e"t +ers " usuall# su!!eeds i" ! m+etiti ". )ut it is " t "e!essar# al-a#sF H - d -e res l,e this !lashC @e d it )# usi"( la("a & r "e a"d arudha la("a & r the ther. La("a sh -s true sel&. @hether "e is i"telli(e"t r " t. is related t true sel&. But -hether "e is su!!ess&ul i" a ! m+etiti,e e3ami"ati " r " t. is related t +er!ei,ed sel&. A" i"telli(e"t +ers " ma# &ail a"d "e & a,era(e i"telli(e"!e ma# su!!eed. It is related t +er!e+ti "s. S use la("a as a re&ere"!e -he" =ud(i"( "eBs i"telli(e"!e a"d use arudha la("a -he" =ud(i"( su!!ess i" ! m+etiti " a"d &ame. I" dasamsa A the !hart & a!hie,eme"ts i" s !iet#. i.e. !areer A the 9th h use !a" sh "eBs =ud(me"t. )ala"!e a"d dis!reti " i" !areer a"d als +r &essi "al re+utati ". @hi!h sh uld )e see" &r m la("a a"d -hi!h &r m arudha la("aC Jud(me"t. )ala"!e a"d dis!reti " are related t true sel& a"d the# are see" &r m the 9th &r m la("a. Re+utati " is see" &r m the 9th &r m arudha la("a. )e!ause it is a +art & ma#a a"d related t +er!ei,ed sel&. I" this ma""er. -e !a" !h se the ! rre!t di,isi "al !hart a"d the ! rre!t re&ere"!e 0la("a r arudha la("a1. )ased " the "ature & the matter & i"terest. % "e# is related m re t arudha la("a tha" la("a. This is -h# Jaimi"i tal/ed a) ut +la"ets i" the >>th a"d >7th h uses &r m arudha la("a -he" tal/i"( a) ut sa,i"(s a"d e3+e"ditures. @e &i"d that Sudasa 0rasi dasa1 & the >>th h use &r m arudha la("a i",aria)l# im+r ,es &i"a"!es. I& s me "e has la("a i" Aries. arudha la("a i" 2a"!er a"d Su" i" S! r+i . Su" dasa ma# )ri"( re+utati " a"d - rries at the same time. Re+utati " is (i,e" )# Su" i" the 9th &r m arudha la("a a"d - rries are (i,e" )# Su" i" the ;th &r m la("a. Thus arudha la("a )asi!all# sh -s the +er!e+ti "s a"d illusi "s & the - rld a) ut the "ati,e a"d it is use&ul & r ma"# materialisti! as+e!ts & li&e. Use of other arudha padas Just as arudha la("a sh -s the ma"i&estati " & the "ati,e 0la("a1 i" this ma#a - rld. arudha +adas & i"di,idual h uses sh - the ma"i&estati " & the h use matters i" this ma#a - rld. Arudha +ada & a h use sh - the ma#a ass !iated -ith the"i&ied )# that h use. Let us de" te the arudha +ada & "th h use )# A" 0e.(. A5 & r matri +ada a"d A9 & r ma"tra +ada1. I" !hatur,imsamsa. the 5th h use sh -s "eBs lear"i"(. A5 sh -s the ma#a ass !iated -ith "eBs lear"i"(. @hat !a" that )eC @ell. this ma#a - rld +la!es a l t & ,alue " the +la!e a"d e",ir "me"t i" -hi!h "e lear"s. De+e"di"( " -hether "e studied at IIT r $Darala De"/ata Su))a##a E"(i"eeri"( 2 lle(e$. -e =um+ t di&&ere"t ! "!lusi "s a) ut "eBs /" -led(e. S the +la!e & stud# is the illusi " ass !iated -ith lear"i"( a"d it is see" &r m A5. A ,er# i"telli(e"t a"d lear"ed &rie"d & mi"e has e3tremel# str "( 5th a"d 9th h uses i" !hatur,imsamsa. He - "dered -h# he al-a#s studied at medi !re 0his - rd1 ! lle(es a"d u"i,ersities. des+ite su!h a str "( !hatur,imsamsa !hart. I & u"d A5 i" his !hatur,imsamsa !hart a"d it -as a&&li!ted )# Satur"F The 5th h use i" sh dasamsa !hart sh -s "eBs ha++i"ess &r m ,ehi!le. It d es"Bt sh - h - e3+e"si,e the ,ehi!le is. O"e !a" )e ,er# ha++# -ith a Ba=a= 2heta/ a"d s me "e else !a" )e ,er# u"ha++# -ith a %er!edes Be"H. The 5th h use "l# sh -s h - ha++# "e is -ith "eBs ,ehi!le. It d es"Bt sh - -hether "e -"s a s! ter r a %er!edes Be"H. That is sh -" )# A5. the ma#a ass !iated -ith ,ehi!le. @e !a" see a l t & details a) ut "eBs ,ehi!le 0+h#si!al ,ehi!leF1 &r m A5 i" sh dasamsa. Similarl# A>? i" dasamsa sh -s the ma#a ass !iated -ith /arma 0a!ti "1. i.e. "eBs - r/+la!eF Dustha"as &r m A>? sh - )ad time & r the ! m+a"# "e - r/s & r r a !ha"(e & - r/+la!e. I" d-adasamsa. <th h use sh -s &ather. It a!tuall# sh -s ha++i"ess &r m &ather a"d

relati "s -ith him. A< sta"ds & r the ma#a ass !iated -ith the ! "!e+t & &ather. i.e. the material e3iste"!e & &ather a"d his status. S A< !a" )e used as a re&ere"!e i" d-adasamsa a"d s me i"&ere"!es !a" )e dra-" a) ut &ather. The ;th h use &r m A< sh -s material set)a!/s t &ather a"d the 9th h use &r m A< sh -s &atherBs &ame. Understand maya Illusi "s & the - rld a) ut a "ati,e are =ust "e side & the ma#a & this - rld. There is a" ther side A illusi "s & the "ati,e a) ut the - rld a"d himsel&. These are sh -" )# the arudha +adas & +la"ets a"d let us lea,e them & r " -. A mature astr l (er !a" disti"(uish )et-ee" realit# a"d illusi " a"d use the ! rre!t t ls i" his astr l (i!al a"al#sis. O"e !a" dedu!e the mea"i"(s & ,ari us arudha +adas i" ,ari us di,isi "al !harts. /ee+i"( i" mi"d that arudha +adas )asi!all# sh - ma#a ass !iated -ith ,ari us matters. DARIOUS IUESIONS RELATED TO ARUDAPADA AS*ED BY %R.JAAN DARIOUS ANS@ERS BY %R.'AURAN'A DAS.

QUESTION 1 I am having trouble understanding how to interpret arudha lagnas of various houses and charts.
ANS@ER >. >st +ri"!i+le. Arudha & a h use re+rese"ts the ma#a 0re&le!ti " r illusi "1 ! ""e!ted t it. Arudhas & the h uses -ill re+rese"t thersB illusi "s a) ut # ur a&&airs. Arudhas & the +la"ets. " the ther side -ill re+rese"t # ur illusi "s a) ut thers 0m ,i"( e"tities si("i&ied )# the +la"ets1.


@hat is the di&&ere"!e & arudha la("a i" rasi !hart a"d the ther di,isi "al !hartsC
ANS@ER 7. Arudha La("a is the re&le!ti " & the sel& 0h - thers +er!ei,e it1. I" DJ> it is the (e"eral +er!e+ti " a) ut # u. i" the ther DJ!harts it is al-a#s the +er!e+ti " i" ! ""e!ti " -ith that DJ!hart. Li/e AL i" DJ< -ill sh - -hat /i"d & a hus)a"d # u -ill )e th u(ht &. AL i" DJ>? -ill sh - h - thers +er!ei,e # u i" # ur !areer et!.

QUESTION !. @hat a) ut Arudha la("a & ,ari us h uses i" rasi. a"d the" arudha la("a & ,ari us h uses i" di,isi "al !hartsC
ANS@ER 8. Ea!h h use has a" arudha. -hi!h is !alled Pada as -ell. T sa# that Arudha La("a & a h use is im+r +er. See BPHS a"d Jaimi"i Sutram & r the "ames & the Padas. Arudhas i" Rasi !hart -ill re+rese"t the %a#a ! ""e!ted t the a&&airs & the (i,e" h uses i" (e"eral terms. Li/e # u !a" see U+a+ada 0A>71 & r marria(e a"d s+ use i" rasi. This -ill sh - h - thers +er!ei,e her as # ur -i&e. a"d this ma# i"!lude

# u. H -e,er. the real ! ""e!ti " -ill )e see" &r m the 6th h use. ' i"( t DJ<. this -ill m re e3+li!itl# sh - h - she is +er!ei,ed i" the married relati "shi+. Seei"( the UP i" DJ>? -ill sh - h - # ur ! llea(ues i" - r/ -ill +er!ei,e her. I" DJ7? it -ill sh - h she -ill )e +er!ei,ed i" # ur reli(i us li&e. et!.

QUESTION " . @hat is the si("i&i!a"!e & h uses &r m Arudha la("a ! m+ared t arudha la("a & th se h uses themsel,esC I.e. di&&ere"!e )et-ee" A5 a"d & urth &r m arudha la("a i" sa# a "a,amsa !hartC
ANS@ER 5. Start -ith A5 i" Rasi. this sh -s h - thers -ill +er!ei,e & # ur h me. 5th &r m AL -ill sh - h - thers -ill +er!ei,e & # ur relati "shi+ t # ur h me. I" Na,amsha A5 -ill sh - h - thers +er!ei,e & the h me & # u a"d # ur -i&e. 5th &r m AL i" Na,amsha -ill sh - h - thers -ill +er!ei,e # ur a"d # ur -i&eBs relati " t # ur h me et!.

QUESTION #. I& -e are tal/i"( a) ut illusi "s. surel# all # u "eed is the illusi " & that h use a"d the h use i" Euesti ". i.e. 5th h use. a"d A5 & r its illusi "C @here d es 5th &r m arudha la("a ! me i"t the +i!tureC
ANS@ER 9. It -ill i"di!ate h - the si("i&i!ati "s & that h use are +er!ei,ed IN RELATION t the +er!e+ti " & # ur sel&. as I ha,e e3+lai"ed a) ,e..

QUESTION $ . I" a"al#si"( arudha la("as. d u treat is as a la("a a"d l / at it l rd et!C Or =ust see -hat +la"ets are there r as+e!ti"( itC
ANS@ER :. B th !a" )e ta/e" i"t ! "siderati ". This is (e"eral & r a"al#Hi"( a"# h use -hether it is Arudha r Bha,a r -hats e,er. >. A"al#He the si(" i" it. 7. The +la"ets !!u+#i"( it 8. The +la"ets as+e!ti"( it 0First Rasi Dristi the" 'raha Dristi1 5. Its l rd 9. The si("i&i!at rs ! ""e!ted t it 0Sthira. 2hara a"d Naisar(i/a sh uld als )e ta/e" i"t ! "siderati "1. TAS*4 @hat is the di&&ere"!e i" ! "sideri"( the three t#+es & *ara/as1 :. A"al#He the di&&ere"t h uses &r m it 0i.e ta/e the h use as La("a1.F r e3am+le he 7"d &r m it -ill sh - the Phala. the 8rd the relati "s. the 5th the +la!e. the 9th the ! "seEue"!es. the :th the e"emies. the 6th the +art"ers. the ;th the l "(e,it#. the <th the dharma. the >?th the /arma. the >>th the (ai"s. the >7th the l sses ! ""e!ted t the si("i&i!ati "s & that h use. E.(. l rd & a"# h use i" the >7th &r m it ma# )ri"( the de!rease & the results & that h use. Please als ta/e i"t ! "siderati " that 8rd a"d ;th (i,e li&e t it. -hether 7"d a"d 6th (i,e death. This -a# & a"al#sis ma# )e e3te"ded t a"# h use. Arudha. et!.


D # u l / & r # (as ta/i"( the arudha la("a i" Euesti " as a la("aC
ANS@ER 6. Yes. thereBs a + ssi)ilit# t d this. same as &r m Sur#a La("a. 2ha"dra La("a. Dar"ada et!. a"d ther s+e!ial La("as. ta/i"( i"t ! "siderati " the +r +erties & that t#+e & La("a.

IUESTION ;. Sa# l /i"( at arudha la("a i" D>7 !hart. d # u ta/e it as la("a a"d l / at the -h le !hart as su!hC
ANS@ER ;. Yes. # u ma# d that. a"d this -ill sh - h - thers +er!ei,e & # u i" relati " t # ur +are"ts.

IUESTION <. The same & r A<C ta/e it as la("a a"d a"al#se the !hart as su!hC
ANS@ER <. Same. Please als ! "sider NarasimhaBs mail " Reside"!e " the DA list.

ANOTHER RELATED IUEASTION BY %r.BRAH%A I have one more %uestion to as& regarding the aruda and its interpretation..If a 'lanet is a functional malefic with respect to lagna but is owning a %uadrant(trine wrt )*. +ow do ,ou interpret the effects of the said planet. wrt lagna the effects can be bad or mi-ed . however wrt )* it is supposed to be a /0. 1oes it mean that the said planet will be a good benefactor in the e,es of the world while in realit, it ma, not be so2
ANS@ER BY %r.'AURAN'A DAS 2 rre!t. Y uBre " the ri(ht +ath.

)NOT+E/ /E*)TE1 QUESTION 30 4S.5ISTI 6hat does the arudha mean2 I7m aware of the )rudha padas. being used to determine the 4a,a and illusion of the world. but in simple terms this does confuse me.
ANS@ER BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO La("a sh -s the true sel& a"d arudha la("a sh -s the +er!ei,ed sel&. It sh -s h - the - rld +er!ei,es a +ers ". Let us ta/e the 9th h use. & r e3am+le. -hi!h rules i"telli(e"!e a"d su!!ess i" ! m+etiti ". @hether # u are i"telli(e"t r " t relates t # ur true sel& a"d the 9th h use &r m la("a sh -s it. But su!!ess i" ! m+etiti " is a measure & # ur i"telli(e"!e i" the ,ie- & this - rld. These measures are sim+l# a" illusi ". A +ers " ! "sidered )# the

- rld as smart ma# " t )e that smart a"d the - rld ma# " t realiHe the i"telli(e"!e & a reall# smart +ers ". This - rld is ! "sta"tl# u"der illusi " a"d -e & rm im+ressi "s a) ut +e +le that "eed " t )e ! rre!t. Arudha la("a sh -s this. I& # u -a"t t =ud(e a +ers "Bs su!!ess i" ! m+etiti ". # u sh uld +re&er arudha la("a t la("a. as it is related t the illusi " & the - rld. N - the issue is4 -hat is realit# a"d -hat is a" illusi "C I d " t thi"/ I !a" tea!h that t # u. This realiHati " sh uld ! me t # u " its -". I !a" tea!h this hu"dred times. )ut "e -ill ! rre!tl# u"dersta"d this "l# -he" it is i" "eBs desti"#. But I -ill tr# a(ai". Tr# t thi"/ a) ut it a&ter readi"(. La("a sh -s the true sel&. H uses &r m la("a Euali&# it. Arudha la("a sh -s +er!ei,ed sel& 0the ima(e & the sel& i" this - rld1 a"d h uses &r m it Euali&# it. Arudha +ada & "th h use sh -s the thi"(s )ased " -hi!h the - rld & rms a" im+ressi " a) ut the matters & "th h use. @e & rm a" im+ressi " a) ut "eBs ha++i"ess &r m ,ehi!les )ased " the ,ehi!le he -"s. I& "e -"s a B%@. -e thi"/ he is ha++#. I& "e -"s a T # ta Ter!el. -e ma# thi"/ that he is u"ha++#. Based " h ( d 0su++ sedl#1 a !ar "e -"s. -e ! "!lude h - ha++# "e is. That is sim+l# a" illusi ". O"eBs true ha++i"ess &r m ,ehi!les is sh -" )# the 5th h use &r m la("a 0i" DJ>:. the.!hart & ,ehi!les a"d ! m& rts1. O"eBs !ar is sh -" )# A5 0arudha +ada & 5th1 i" DJ>:. as "eBs !ar is the thi"( )ased " -hi!h the - rld & rms a" im+ressi " a) ut "eBs ha++i"ess &r m ,ehi!les. I& A5 is str "( a"d 5th is -ea/. "e has a su++ sedl# ( d !ar )ut u"ha++#. I& A5 is -ea/ a"d 5th is str "(. "e has a su++ sedl# )ad !ar. )ut ha++#. @he" # u ta/e a di,isi "al !hart a"d a h use. u"dersta"d its true mea"i"(. U"dersta"d -hi!h matter it sh -s. The" tr# t ! me u+ -ith the thi"( )ased " -hi!h the - rld & rms a" im+ressi " a) ut that matter. That thi"( -ill )e -hat the arudha +ada & that h use sh -sF

/E*)TE1 QUESTION 30 4/./O3E/T 6ith regard to lagna and )rudha lagna. I7m a little unclear on the following written b, San8a, and mentioned b, ,ou also9 *agna is the seat of truth and e-poses the ph,sical la,er. while arudha lagna is the seat of illusion and shows the materialistic la,er of life and perceptions. To me. there is little difference between the ph,sical la,er. and the materialistic la,er. :an ,ou e-plain how to differentiate2
ANS@ER BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO The - rd $+h#si!al$ that I used d es"Bt e3a!tl# des!ri)e it. La("a sh -s true sel& a"d arudha la("a sh -s +er!ei,ed sel&. Arudha la("a 0AL1 has t d -ith $ma#a$ r illusi "s & this - rld. I ha,e alread# (i,e" a ! u+le & e3am+les. @hether "e is i"telli(e"t a"d shar+ has t d -ith true sel& 0la("a1. -hereas AL is the )est t see -hether "e is +er!ei,ed as a shar+ +ers " r " t. Su!!ess i" ! m+etiti "s a"d &ame are thi"(s that measure i"here"t a)ilities 0 & true sel&1 -ith the #ardsti!/s & this - rld. S the# ha,e t d -ith +er!ei,ed sel& a"d AL is )etter. This is -h# I su((est 9th &r m la("a & r i"telli(e"!e a"d 9th &r m arudha la("a & r &ame a"d su!!ess i" ! m+etiti "s. The <th h use sh -s & rei(" reside"!e a"d als & rtu"e. F rei(" reside"!e is " t a matter & illusi " r +er!e+ti ". I& "e li,es &ar a-a# &r m his )irth+la!e. it is the truth a"d it has t d -ith true sel&. O" the ther ha"d. -hether "e is & rtu"ate r " t is )ased " the illusi "s a"d +er!e+ti " #ardsti!/s & material - rld a"d AL is m re im+ rta"t. %aterial +r s+erit# 0li/e m "e#1 ma# ha,e t d -ith ) th true sel& a"d +er!ei,ed sel&. )ut +er!e+ti "s are +erha+s m re im+ rta"t. I ha,e see" >st. 7"d a"d >>th &r m AL t )e m re use&ul -he" =ud(i"( Sudasa 0dasa used & r m "e#1. & r e3am+le. I& ;th &r m la("a ! "tai"s >>th &r m AL. "e ma# - r/ hard 0+h#si!al sel& u"der strai"1 a"d i"!rease )a"/ )ala"!e 0material (ai"s1 duri"( the Sudasa & that si(".

@hether "e has the ha++i"ess & a ,ehi!le r " t has t d -ith true sel&. But -hether "e -"s a" e3+e"si,e !ar r a !hea+ !ar is a matter & +er!e+ti "s a"d illusi "s & material - rld a"d s arudha is im+ rta"t..I" esse"!e. arudhas deal -ith +er!e+ti "s. The# deal -ith thi"(s a"d ! "!e+ts that ha,e t d -ith +er!e+ti "s a"d that ! me i"t )ei"( )e!ause & the ma"# illusi "s & this material - rld. O" the ! "trar#. la("a deals -ith -hat is real. true a"d i"tri"si!. Nara#a"Bs summar# is "e a+t -a# & sa#i"( it. A )etter -a# & sa#i"( it is4 "e deals -ith -hat is true a"d "e -ith illusi "s. But it is reall# t u(h t tea!h this ! "!e+t !learl#. O"e has t B&eelB it a"d realiHe it )# "esel&. I& # u are u"der str "( De"usia" i"&lue"!e a"d are t s-a#ed )# the $ma#a$ & materialisti! De"us. # u ma# " t u"dersta"d this ! "!e+t r u"dersta"d it i"! rre!tl#. @hat is BrealB a"d -hat is Billusi,eB !a" di&&er &r m +ers " t +ers ". )ased " "eBs "atal a"d dasa i"&lue"!es.

/E*)TE1 QUESTION 30 4/. N)/)0)N It seems that ,ou give more importance to )rudha *agnas;Special <aimini *agnas= in vargas than the usual )sc. for that particular varga. >oing b, this. can i sa, that )? @ )* in 1A are to be given importance for marriage(relationship issues. )" @ )* in 1" for +ouse 4atters. i.e planets in dusthanas to )" in 1" and badl, placed wrt )* in 1" can cause change of residence.
ANS@ER BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO Ea!h la("a has a s+e!i&i! +ur+ se. I (i,e im+ rta"!e t arudha la("a a"d s+e!ial la("as & Parasara. )ut I (i,e im+ rta"!e t " rmal la("a als . F r e3am+le. i& I -ere t (uess # ur !areer 0assumi"( the DJ>? # u (a,e t )e a!!urate1. I - uld l / at >?th &r m Kla("aK a"d " ti"( that >?th l rd %er!ur# is i" ;th i" Aries. I - uld +redi!t a" u"eas# a"d d#"ami! !areer i" hi(hJte!h s &t-are. l (i! a"d a"al#sis. La("a is sat#a +eetha 0Truth1 a"d arudha la("a is maa#aa +eetha 0illusi "1. Y ur status 0e.(. + -er&ul. -ea/. ) ss. ser,a"t1 is a" illusi ". )ut # ur "ature 0"i!e. d mi"ati"(. s!h larl#1 is the truth. I"&lue"!es " la("a i" DJ>? sh - # ur "ature a"d i"&lue"!es " AL i" DJ>? sh - # ur status. The >?th h use &r m la("a sh -s the /arma 0a!ti ". i.e. - r/ d "e i" !areer1. I& # u d l (i!al a"d a"al#ti!al - r/ 0)e!ause >?th is i" 'emi"i1. it is the truth. But - r/+la!e a"d its status are a" illusi " a"d the# are see" &r m the arudha +ada 0ma#aGillusi "1 & >?th h use. I& "e u"dersta"ds -hat h uses a"d their arudha +adas sta"d & r. "e -ill realiHe that the t- are " t mutuall# e3!lusi,e a"d that the# are eEuall# im+ rta"t. DaraPada.

QUESTION 30 4S.B)5IT) 2a" # u +lease )rie& a) ut Dara+adaC

ANS@ER BY PT.SANJAY RATH A64 Arudha+ada & the se,e"th h use is als !alled the DARAPADA a"d is used t determi"e the se3ualit# & the i"di,idual. It is the +la!e &r m -here the "ati,e ! mes a!r ss mem)ers & the ++ site se3 a"d is +h#si!all# attra!ted t -ards them. Upapada

QUESTIONS 30 4r./I:+)/1

I have a continuing interest in San8a,7s e-planation of the Upapada. Some time ago. San8a, e-plained that the Upapada and its second were actuall, opposites. with the Upapada being the beginning of married life. and the second being the end of it. I also recall San8a,7s advise that one should loo& at where Betu is located relative to the Upapada. since it is a first rate benefic. San8a,. in addition to Cran&7s %uestions. I have another one that7s related. If Betu behaves in this manner ;i.e. as a benefic=. what is the significance of Betu when it7s placed within the Upapada2
ANS@ER BY PT.SANJAY RATH F rtu"ate is the ma" -h is t )e (uided i" the Di,i"e +ath )# his s+ use. That is the mea"i"( & *etu i" U+a+ada. *etu (i,es *ulas#a U""atim i" U+a+ada a"d the &amil# rises. S+ use is ,er# s+iritual. es+e!iall# a&ter 58 #ears. )ut !a" )e -himsi!al a"d -ill als ha,e ther !hara!teristi!s see" i" SadhuBs. U"less Dara+ada as+e!ts U+a+ada. the se3ualit# -ill " t )e the & !us & marria(e. Darapada and Upapada. REPLY BY PT.SANJAY RATH FOR A IUESTION ON DARAPADA AND UPAPADA This di&&ere"!e )et-ee" the dara+ada a"d the U+a+ada is t )e e3ami"ed i" the Di,isi "s as -ell. F r e3am+le. the Dara+ada i"di!ates all PARTNERS. The &irst is s+ use # ur s+ use & r li&e a"d the se! "d is Y ur )ed +art"er 0s1 de+e"di"( " the le,el & +r mis!uit# i" the !hart. The third is the Busi"ess a"d +art"ers. Thus. the &irst t- are see" &r m the Na,amsa -hereas the last is see" &r m the Dasamsa i" additi " t the Rasi !hart. I& the readi"(s & the rasi a"d Na,amsaG dasamsa as the !ase ma#)e are the same. the" the e,e"t -ill surel# ha++e". I& there is a d u)t. the" the readi"( & the di,isi "al !hart shall +re,ail. REPLY BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO Al "( the same li"es. "e !a" sa# that dara+ada 0arudha +ada & 6th h use1 i" DJ75 0!hart & lear"i"( a"d i"telle!t1 sh -s "eBs +art"ers i" i"telle!tual a!ti,ities a"d dara+ada i" DJ7? 0!hart & reli(i us a"d s+iritual a!ti,ities1 sh -s "eBs +art"ers i" reli(i us a!ti,ities. Y u ha,e dara+ada i" Pis!es i" DJ75 a"d DJ7?. It is !!u+ied )# Ju+iter i" DJ75. These ma# )e the reas "s & r # ur ass !iati " -ith IS*2ON s-amis a"d ther reli(i us +e +le i" the matter & i"telle!tual a"d reli(i us a!ti,ities. Dara+ada i" Pis!es -ith Ju+iter i" it. i" DJ75. !a" sh - i"telle!tual ass !iati " -ith reli(i us +e +le r +e +le lear"ed i" traditi "al sastras r +e +le -ith Pis!es la("a r +e +le -ith a str "( Ju+iter. 0@e t- ha,ela("a a"d 8 +la"ets i" same rasis i" DJ75 a"d I als ha,e the same ! m)i"ati " i" DJ75. S I ma# als ha,e i"telle!tual ass !iati " -ith similar +e +le.1 T (i,e a" ther e3am+le. Nehru had De"us 0-ith 9 )i"dus i" a si(" -ith 89 )i"dusFF1 i" dara+ada i" DJ75 a"d he"!e he had i"telle!tual ass !iati " -ith re&i"ed. di+l mati! a"d !ultured +e +le re+rese"ted )# De"us. A !lie"t -h is a = ur"alist )# +r &essi " J he -as " mi"ated & r the PulitHer "!e J has Su" -ith : )i"dus i" 2a"!er i" dara+ada i" DJ75F This sh -s i"telle!tual ass !iati " -ith art l ,i"( + liti!ia"s a"d +e +le i" the hi(h s !iet#. REPLY BY PT.SANJAY RATH That is trul# )rillia"t. I th u(ht that " "e - uld e,er (et that a) ut the DJ7? 2hart & mi"e. Y u ha,e a(ai" +r ,ed # ur mettle. D # u re!all that "!e i me"ti "ed

that Ju+iter i" m# !hart re+rese"ts Sri Ja(a""ath %aha+ra)hu. Duri"( Le Dasa Pis!es a"tardasa. I tra,eled t Puri a"d had ma"# )eauti&ul da#s at Puri. The +r )lem is that m st +e +le ta/e Ju+iter t mea" L rd Si,a r I"dra )li"dl#. This is " t ! rre!t. Ju+iter re+rese"ts the *ula a"d Ista de,ata &irst. I am a Brahmi" &r m Puri a"d Ju+iter -ill re+rese"t %# 'uruBs. Sri Ja(a""atha 0Ista De,ata1 a"d Sri S ma"ath 0Shi,a1 0*ula de,ata1 -he" ! "sidered -ith the De,ata /ara/a. Atma/ara/a a"d Amat#a/ara/a res+e!ti,el#..Darapada

QUESTION 30 4/.')/)B)S+ :ould ,ou please clarif, this fine point. 1o ,ou find 1arapada in the /ashi chart ;in m, case it would be m, 1Dth +ouse with Saturn. /ahu in >emini= and loo& at where >emini is in 1ivisional charts or do I find the 1arapada in each 1ivisional charts individuall, and 8udge them2
ANS@ER BY %R.NARASI%HA RAO Y u &i"d dara+ada i" EA2H di,isi "al !hart treati"( it as a rasi !hart. Dara+ada sh -s +art"ers i" (e"eral. I" rasiG"a,amsa. it !a" sh - )ed +art"ers. I" dasamsa. it !a" sh )usi"ess +art"ers a"d ! llea(ues i" !areer. @he" Sa"=a# me"ti "ed these + i"ts. I -as sa#i"( that dara+ada i" DJ75 sh -s +art"ers i" the +ursuit & /" -led(e a"d dara+ada i" DJ7? sh -s +art"ers i" s+iritual +r (ress. 10th house from Arudha Lagna

QUESTION 30 4/ .S)/<IT 'O11)/ I &now that an, planet in the 1Dth from *agna is good for the native in giving material success. Isn7t this true with their placement in the 1Dth from )rudha lagna. This is with reference to ,our mail sa,ing that retrograde Saturn in the 1Dth from )* cause hindrances to material success.
ANS@ER BY PT.SANJAY RATH N t -ith a male&i!. e,e" i& he is the l rd & Arudha La("a. I" the !ase & a mi"ister & the Delhi ' ,er"me"t ha,i"( *a"#a 0Dir( 1 la("a -ith Satur" i" e3altati " i" the se! "d. a"d the AL i" 2a+ri! r". -ith the ad,e"t & Satur" dasa he -as a!!used & ha,i"( illi!it relati "s a"d a !hild &r m a ser,a"t. He als )r /e his le(. I ad,ised Rudra)hishe/ a"d +a!i&i!ati " -ith the %ritu"=a#a ma"tra 0Parasara1 a"d he !ame ut & the mess. I" the !ase & Dr. %urli ma" har J shi +rese"t %i"ister 02a)i"etJHRD1 i" 'OI. Ju+iter is i" the ;th h use i" Dir( 0La("a is AEuarius1. E,er#) d# said that )ad da#s -ere ahead. -hereas I +redi!ted that he -ill )e! me a se"i r mi"ister a"d -ill als ha,e a" e3!elle"t re+utati " due t Ju+iter )ei"( i" the >?th h use &r m Arudha la("a 0i" Sa(ittarius1. These +redi!ti "s ha,e )e! me true a"d the reas "s are als !lear. 3rd from Arudha lagna

QUESTION 30 4/./)5I. 6hat is the reasoning behind !rd from )* showing the place of death. in m, chart !rd from )* is Sagittarius which is the lagna itself with 4ercur,. which is a mara&a and also 4aheshwara for the chart. so does that ma&e Sagittarius and 4ercur, &illers in m, chart.
ANS@ER BY %R.'AURAN'A DAS The 8rd si(" &r m AL sh -s +la!e & death. The +la"ets i" it r as+e!ti"( it )# Rasi

Drsihti sh - the !ause & death. @hat is the l (i! )ehi"d thisC Arudha La("a re+rese"ts the ) d#. The 8rd &r m it is the ;th &r m the ;th. thus sh -i"( the e"d & li&e r the !auses there &. The 8rd &r m Ju+iter is i"di!ati,e & the s+ useBs death !ir!umsta"!es. The 8rd &r m the str "(er & Su" a"d De"us sh -s the same & r &ather. the 8rd &r m the str "(er & % " a"d %ars & r m ther. S the Sthira *ara/as ha,e t )e used. Jaimi"i als e3+lai"s m re rules4 L / at the 8rd a"d ;th &r m AL as -ell. Usuall# the 8rd -ill determi"e death. )ut i& the ;th is str "(er the" ;th "e. L / at the Na,amshas !u++ied )# the +la"ets ! "= i"i"( these h uses. These are !alled death i"&li!ti"( Na,amshaas. a"d the# r the 7"d r :th &r m them ma# (i,e a !lue t the !ause a"d !ir!umsta"!es & death. this is all (i,e" i" the U+adesha Sutras. I =ust l /ed the !hart & a Tu)er!ul sis +atie"t. -h has % ". %ars a"d Ju+iter i" Pis!es i" the 8rd &r m AL. This is a sure ! m)i"ati " & r death due t Tu)er!ul sis a"d P"eum "ia. % " + i"ts t +ulm "ar# diseases. %ars t +erati "s a"d Ju+iter t , miti"( r thr at !h /i"(. But Pis!es is a )e"e&i! si(" sh -i"( a "i!e +la!e & r death 0ma#)e a h l# +la!e as the +ers " is a de, tee & *rish"a1. a"d Ju+iter sh -s a-are"ess at the time & death. Besides that Ju+iter i" Pis!es is ! "du!i,e t % /sha. 3rd from Arudha lagna

QUESTION C/O4 4/.4)N)S BU4)/ I follow the logic about the Eth house ;transformation death= but not sure if ,ou e-plained the reason for !rd house. +ow does 'arashara e-plain2
ANS@ER BY PT.SANJAY RATH 8rd is the Pada & r the ;th i.e. ;th &r m the ;th a"d -ill (i,e the +la!e & death. This is see" &r m Audha La("a. Jaimi"i (i,es a l t & details a) ut this. F r e3am+le the AL & %ahatma 'a"dhi -as i" 2a"!er a"d the third &r m this is Dir( 0'arde"1 -ith the Su" 0Small &irearms et!.1 i" it. He -as assassi"ated -hile str lli"( i" the (arde" -ith a )ullet &r m a (u". Thus the tea!hi"(s & Parasara a"d Jaimi"i are ri(ht. Upapada compatibility

QUESTION 30 4/.SU/ES+. /egarding upa'ada matching. I suppose matching means both upa'ada lords have to be friends. 1o SamaSaptama upa'adas fine22 :an we consider temporar, friendship also ;planets with four rasi7s on either side=.
ANS@ER BY %R.'AURAN'A DAS U+a+ada ! m+ati)ilit# mea"s that the U+a+ada i" "e !hart sh uld )e i" tri"esG ++ siti " t the LA'NA & the ther !hart a"d Di!e ,ersa. mea"i"( the La("a & "e !hart sh uld )e i" tri"eG ++. t the UPAPADA i" ther !hart. I& the# are i" tri"esG ++ t ea!h ther. the" a" arra"(ed marria(e ma# )e sus+e!ted. )ut i& the real U+a+ada mat!hi"( is " t there. it - "Bt - r/ i" the l ( ru". I& the U+a+ada i" "e !hart is i" tri"esG ++G t the ARUDHA LA'NA & the ther !hart. the" the marria(e is )ased "l# " e3ter"al thi"(s. li/e the (r m is ld )ut ri!h. a"d the )ride -a"ts his m "e#. et!. O% TAT SAT

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