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A Tale of Two Diplomats

Chuoong Hua Special to Diplomat Ms. Khodragade and Mr. Easton: both diplomats but worlds apart in the miscarriage of justice.
British diplomat Michael Easton with underage "ladyboy" on a Pattaya Beach, Thailand street

(LONDON) - One diplomat is a 39-yea

old !ndian woman who this wee" was hauled into a New #o " City $ail% st ipped% su&$ected to a humiliating '(ull &ody ca)ity sea ch%* and cha ged with a con)oluted )isa ( aud )iolation which could & ing he a +,-yea p ison sentence. -he othe 'diplomat* isn.t eally a diplomat &ut an o((icial co)e / itish Sec et !ntelligence Se )ice (0!-1) wo "ing unde co)e in the / itish 2m&assy in 0oscow who clea ly is a((o ded mo e diplomatic p otection than the p ope !ndian diplomat a&used &y 3me ican autho ities this wee". De)yani 4ho& agade% the !ndian deputy consul in New #o ". 0ichael 2aston% a Second Sec eta y at the / itish em&assy in 0oscow. -hese two diplomatic (igu es couldn.t &e mo e di((e ent. 0s. 4ho& agade appa ently an a(oul o( 5.S. )isa egulations that a e as complicated as the 5.S. ta6 code and may ha)e made a simple e o in &u eauc atic p ocedu al codes which caused this ha sh 3me ican police state esponse. How does this compa e to / itish national 0 . 2aston o( the / itish 2m&assy in 0oscow who has a &ac"g ound which st ongly suggests he is pa t and pa cel o( a g oup o( diplomatic passpo t-&ea ing (o eign se )ice co ps employees who ha&itually e6ploit thei status to engage in imp ope &eha)io with unde age child en in some o( the wo ld.s poo est count ies7 8hile 5.S. law en(o cement t eats 0s. 4ho& agade li"e a g eat th eat to

the 5nited States due to what appea s to &e a &u eauc atic (au6-pas at wo st% 2aston and his diplomatic passpo t-ca ying mates% ha)e &een plying the st eets o( pedophile ha)en 9attaya /each% -hailand% in sea ch o( ta&oo t ysts with child p ostitutes who due to the count y.s e6t eme po)e ty ha)e &een sold since ea ly childhood to weste n (o eign 'se6 tou ists.* -he age o( legal consent in p ope elationships in -hailand is +: yea s old. Howe)e % (o p ostitution% the age o( consent is +;. -he photog aph o( diplomat<agent 0ichael 2aston o( the / itish 2m&assy in 0oscow while on a Septem&e =,+3 holiday had a num&e o( photos ta"en with se)e al 9attaya /each.s 'lady&oys* called '"atoeys* in the -hai language is a case in point. !s g oping a pu&escent unde age &oy who is c eated into a t ansse6ual >lady&oy. child p ostitute in "eeping with the highest standa ds o( the acti)e-duty / itish diplomatic se )ice7 Diplomat 2aston.s ( iends appea to only chee these &eha)io s on with the comment placed unde the photo in his own al&um? '-he e@s a &ulge on the ( ont o( that s"i t.* 3lso conside that 2aston.s no mal haunt in 9attaya /each has &een the 3 eca Lodge% which is ne6t doo to the 9attaya O phanage% in cent al 9attaya.s >lady&oy. "atoey-hea)y Soi Diana neigh&o hood. -his is how the 3 eca Lodge.s we&site &ills itsel(? 3 eca Lodge is &a gi l ( iendly you won@t ha)e any issues at all in)iting one to you oom whethe it@s (o sho t time o long time. /ut they will cha ge 3,, -H/ A-hai &ahtB i( you want to in)ite a 3 d &a gi l into you oom which is not a lot o( money.* On nume ous ecent occasions% 2aston.s 3 eca Lodge conducted cha ity e)ents (o the nea &y 9attaya O phanage% an institution which has &een p eyed upon (o yea s &y pedophiles% including a num&e o( (o eign diplomats who wa)e the magic wands o( thei diplomatic passpo ts and claim (ull diplomatic immunity (o c iminal &eha)io s while in compa ison% !ndian diplomat 0s. 4ho& agade in the 5S this wee" was a((o ded neithe the eCui ed &asic diplomatic immunity no e)en app op iate and digni(ied police in)estigation. How does the 5S go)e nment $usti(y )iolating an !ndian diplomat with coe ced st ip-downs and (ull &ody ca)ity sea ches7 8e e they loo"ing (o the missing )isa inside o( he )e y p i)ate anatomy7 8hy a e !ndian diplomats t eated in this scandalous manne (o cont i)ed easons while >diplomats. such as high- an"ing o((icial o( the / itish 2m&assy in 0oscow can g ope child en in & oad daylight and &e so assu ed

that nothing will happen to him due to his / itish diplomatic status7 -he 3 eca Lodge.s (und aise in -hailand whe e 0 . 2aston spent some time and le(t a num&e o( memo a&le photos o( himsel( posing with unde age p ostitutes was the host o( the (i st much-photog aphed 'Lady&oy 8ate Dolley&all (L/8D/) Cha ity 2)ent* in se)e al consecuti)e ecent yea s du ing which unde age t ansse6ual child p ostitutes in &i"inis playing )olley&all we e used to aise (unds (o an o phanage which has &een "nown (o many yea s as a ha )esting g ound o( child en (o pedophiles% among them many high- an"ing diplomats. 0o e than / itish% 3ussie% 4iwi% #an"% and Canuc" '(i)e eyes* must.)e gaEed intently upon the e)ent. 8hat $oint inte ests might -hai 'lady&oy* adolescent p ostitutes and (o eigne s including a num&e o( weste n diplomats such as 0 . 0ichael 2aston a&o)e ha)e to (und a pedophilia-plagued -hai o phanage on a egula &asis7 Fo which pu pose a e such diplomats inte ested in >helping. the o phanage ne6t to the lodge whe e they conduct acti)ity such as 0 . 2aston in the photo a&o)e7 9attaya /each is also a place whe e C!3% 0!1 and 0ossad a e umo ed to meet with thei >al Gaeda. associates. 3s is o(ten the case% pedophilia is in)ol)ed whe e the da " sides o( glo&al intelligence agencies inte sect such as is the case with 9attaya /each. !t is a sad (act that whe e the e a e many top intelligence ope ati)es% the e a e also pedophile ings which a e used (o many easons H to ha )est &lac"mail mate ial against (o eign diplomats and &usinessmen while openly pu suing thei own pe )e se appetites% to name the ma$o easons (o such occu ences in ce tain hot spots o( the wo ld such as 9attaya /each is. -he a&used st eet child en had two ( iends in one 3me ican anti-pedophile c usade % Sean 9a laman% who was mu de ed on Septem&e 3,% =,,=% when local police loo"ed the othe way as cont act "ille s tossed him ( om the +:th-sto y o( his Sta /each Condominium &uilding in 9attaya /each. 3gainst his (amily.s wishes% 9a laman.s &ody was c emated Cuic"ly in -hailand without any inte )ention &y the 5.S. em&assy in /ang"o"% which is a noted cente (o p otecting pedophile diplomats th oughout Southeast 3sia. 9a laman% a de)out Gua"e % and his colleague% Iedempto ist O de Ioman Catholic p iest% Fathe Iay / ennan% a tough ! ishman ( om Chicago% we e wo "ing togethe to p otect the 9attaya O phanage% which / ennan (ounded in o de to p otect child en ( om in(ancy to adolescence ( om the )ile pedophile p edato s all a ound them. -he )aunting Gua"e -Catholic

team o( 9a laman and / ennan we e attac"ed &y o ganiEe s o( the pedophile ings and &oth & a)e men pa ado6ically (ound themsel)es &oth accused o( p o)iding child en (o se6 tou ists% a (alse cha ge which appea ed to &e an attempt to stop them ( om escuing child p ostitutes with a (a& icated cha ge which the local 9attaya 0ail newspape e$ected out-o(-hand since the since e good deeds o( these = men we e widely "nown and espected in -hailand. -he cha ges against / ennan we e c eated &y dodgy / itish sou ces thought &y -hai autho ities to &e connected with 0!-1 / itish intelligence se )ice. 3(te 9a laman.s mu de % / ennan soon died a & o"en man. His li(elong e((o t to p otect 9attaya /each.s st eet child en ( om (o eign pe )e ts% many with impo tant $o&s% came to naught. His p iEed o phanage has )isi&ly &ecome a stal"ing g ound (o the li"es o( / itish o((icial 0ichael 2aston who is on acti)e duty among the top diplomatic leade ship o( the / itish 2m&assy in 0oscow as he en$oys diplomatic immunity ( om his actions. Diplomat 0s. 4hod agade and 0 . 2aston? &oth diplomats &ut wo lds apa t in the misca iage o( $ustice. 8hy is !ndian diplomat 0s. 4hod agade )iolated so ha shly (o what may &e a me e pape wo " e o 7 3nd what powe p otects / itish diplomat 0 . 0ichael 2aston to such a deg ee that he can smile and pose while g oping child p ostitutes in -hailand in late =,+3 and continue to get away with it7

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