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Submitted to ******* University or t!e "#rti#$ u$ i$$ment o t!e re%uirement or t!e A&#rd o De'ree or XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



Mr( )Miss( ******

***** Institute of Management & Computer Sciences +yder#b#d


This is to certify that Mr. XXXX, bearing Roll No. XXXXXXXXXXX have evelope Soft!are pro"ect title XXXXXXXX for --SO,T.ARE

SO/UTIONS as a partial #ulfillment for the a!ar XXXXXXX.

of the $egree of


PRINCIPA/ *** institute o M#n#'ement 0 Com"uter S1ien1es



My e%press than&s an parents an

gratitu e an

than&s to 'lmighty (o , my

other family members an

frien s !ithout !hose uncontaine

support, I coul not have ma e this career in XXXX.

I !ish to place on my recor my eep sense of gratitu e to my pro"ect gui e, Mr( *****3 --- So t&#re So$utions3 +yder#b#d for his constant motivation an valuable help through the pro"ect !or&. )%press my gratitu e to Mr( ****, $irector of XXXXX Institute o Com"uter S1ien1es for his valuable suggestions an the XXX course. I also e%ten Cooperation uring my Course. M#n#'ement 0

a vices through out

my than&s to other #aculties for their

#inally I !oul complete this pro"ect.

li&e to than& my frien s for their cooperation to



A4STRACT The propose un erstoo epen crime system applies to all *olice stations across the country an Conviction of criminals

specifically loo&s into the sub"ect of Crime Recor s Management. It is !ell that Crime *revention, $etection an on a highly responsive bac&bone of Information Management. The the effectiveness !ith !hich it tac&les erive from its e%isting epen on !hat +uality of information it can

efficiency of the police function an

recor s an ho! fast it can have access to it. It is propose to centrali,e Information Management in Crime for the efficient sharing of critical information across all *olice across later on, be interlin&e so that a *olice also be use etective can to generate

purposes of fast an Cities an To!ns an

Stations across the territory. Initially, the system !ill be implemente

access information across all recor s in the state thus helping spee y an successful completion to cases. The System !oul information for pro-active an preventive measures for fighting crime. The pro"ect has been planne to be having the vie! of istribute

architecture, !ith centrali,e storage of the all the user interfaces have been The stan ar s of security an an their associate esigne

atabase. The application for the using the $1T Net technologies. ifferent mo ules

storage of the ata has been planne . .sing the constructs of S/0 server an ata protective mechanism have been given a as per the applicable

big choice for proper usage. The application ta&es care of reports, !hich are pro uce

strategies an stan ar s that are put for!ar e by the a ministrative staff.

CONTENTS 5( Introdu1tion 2.2 2.3 Intro uction to *ro"ect 1rgani,ation *rofile

6( System An#$ysis

3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

'nalysis Mo el )%isting System *roblem Statement *ropose System

7( So t&#re Re%uirement S"e1i i1#tion 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. *ro uct 1vervie! 6ar !are Re+uirements Soft!are Re+uirements *erformance Re+uirements

8( System Desi'n 5.2. 5.3. Intro uction $ata flo! $iagrams

9( Testin' :( Te1!ni1#$ Notes 7.2. 7.3. $1TN)T #rame!or& C8 Intro uction an 1vervie!

;( s1reens <( Con1$usion =( ,uture Im"rovement

Introdu1tion 5(5( Introdu1tion to Pro>e1t Overvie& The entire pro"ect has been evelope &eeping in vie! of the istribute

client server computing technology, in min . The specifications have been normali,e up to 4N# to eliminate all the anomalies that may arise ue to the atabase transaction that are e%ecute istribute by the general users an the organi,ational a ministration. The user interfaces are bro!ser specific to give accessibility for the overall system. 't all proper levels high care ata consistency !ith authori,ation the !as ta&en to chec& that the system manages the !as crosschec&e been restricte normal user ,one.

proper business rules or vali ations. The authentication an

at all the relevant stages. The user level accessibility has into t!o ,ones namely. The a ministrative ,one an

.!y ne& system?

The system at any point of time can provi e the station an the employees. The system at any point of time can provi e the the registere #IR9s The system at any point of time can provi e the an their se+uence The system at any point of time can provi e the charge sheets an their statuses.

etails of the police

etails of victims an

etails of evi ence

etails of e%isting


6(5( An#$ysis Mode$ The mo el that is basically being follo!e !hich states that the phases are organi,e feasibility stu y is is the :'T)R #'00 M1$)0,

in a linear or er. #irst of all the ition of as basic the

one. 1nce that part is over the re+uirement analysis an

pro"ect planning begins. If system e%ists one an mo ification an a ne! mo ule is nee e , analysis of present system can be use mo el. The

esign starts after the re+uirement analysis is complete an

co ing begins after the complete , the testing is an Re+uirement 'nalysis *ro"ect *lanning System esign $etail esign Co ing .nit testing

esign is complete. 1nce the programming is one. In this mo el the se+uence of activities

performe in a soft!are evelopment pro"ect are; -

System integration & testing 6ere the linear or ering of these activities is critical. )n of the phase

the output of one phase is the input of other phase. The output of each li&e after the people

phase is to be consistent !ith the overall re+uirement of the system. Some of the +ualities of spiral mo el are also incorporate concerne one. :'T)R #'00 M1$)0 !as being chosen because all re+uirements !ere &no!n beforehan an the ob"ective of our soft!are evelopment is the computeri,ation<automation of an alrea y e%isting manual !or&ing system. !ith the pro"ect revie! completion of each of the phase the !or&

C!#n'ed Re%uirements Communi1#ted Re%uirements

Re%uirements En'ineerin'

Re%uirements S"e1i i1#tion


Desi'n S"e1i i1#tion

Pro1ess Pro'r#mmin'

E-e1ut#b$e So t&#re Modu$es


Produ1t In"ut

Produ1t Out"ut Inte'r#tion

Inte'r#ted So t&#re Produ1t

,i' 6(6@ .#ter ,#$$ Mode$


De$ivered So t&#re Produ1t

6(6 E-istin' System@ The e%isting system contains the about all the police stations that are registere as per the "uris iction of the system. It also gets integrate !ith the employees !ho are !or&ing in these stations along !ith their esignation.

6(7( Prob$em St#tement@ The e%isting system for public. To avoi oesn9t have system security. That means, the user can ata in this system is not evelope as M'C this problem, the propose system is login in to system any !here in the !orl . =ut the

enable !ebsite. That means, the user can access the !ebsite in that system only, so that !e can avoi the information lea&age problem.

6(8( Pro"osed System

The system after careful analysis has been i entifie to be presente !ith the follo!ing mo ules; Po$i1e st#tions re'istr#tion modu$e@ This mo ule maintains the information about all the police stations that are registere "uris iction of the system. It also gets integrate as per the !ith the employees

!ho are !or&ing in these stations along !ith their esignation. Ai1tims ,IR re'istr#tion modu$e@ This mo ule maintains the information relate to the first investigation report of the crime ata that se+uences that have ta&en place. The #ir registers all that a i entifies the crime category an the crime nature. Investi'#tin' eviden1e re'istr#tion modu$e@ This mo ule ma&es a collection of information relate to all the evi ences that become

is necessary for the investigation to ta&e place in proper length. It



un er






investigation, this mo ule

ynamically concentrates upon the changes

that ta&e place !hile the system of investigation is un er process.

7( So t&#re Re%uirement S"e1i i1#tion

7(5( Overvie& Pur"ose; The main purpose for preparing this insight into the analysis an ocument is to give a general

re+uirements of the e%isting system or situation

an for etermining the operating characteristics of the system.

S1o"e o t!e Deve$o"ment Pro>e1t@ D#t#b#se Tier@ The concentration is applie esigne by a opting the 1racle >i +uery language. The atabase triggers.

)nterprise versions. S/0 is ta&en as the stan ar overall business rules are components li&e store proce ures store functions an User Tier@ The use interface is to have istribute evelope

by using the po!er of *0<S/0

is a bro!ses specific environment esigne using 6TM0

architecture. The components are

stan ar s an ?ava server pages po!er the ynamic of the page esign. Deve$o"er Res"onsibi$ities Overvie&@ The eveloper is responsible for; $eveloping the system, !hich meets the SRS an re+uirements of the system@ $emonstrating the system an installing the system at clientAs location solving all the

after the acceptance testing is successful. Submitting the re+uire user manual escribing the system interfaces

to !or& on it an also the ocuments of the system.

Con ucting any user training that might be nee e system. Maintaining the system for a perio

for using the

of one year after installation.

7(6( +#rd&#re Re%uirements@ *IB 3.C (6, *rocessor an 'bove R'M D23M= an 'bove 6$$ 3E (= 6ar $is& Space an 'bove

7(7( So t&#re Re%uirements@ :IN$1:S 1S FX* < 3EEE < 3EE Server < 3EE4 ServerG Bisual Stu io .Net 3EED )nterprise ) ition Internet Information Server D.E FIISG

7(8( Per orm#n1e Re%uirements@ *erformance is measure in terms of the output provi e by the application. Re+uirement specification plays an important part in the analysis of a system. 1nly !hen the re+uirement specifications are properly given, it is possible to esign a system, !hich !ill fit into re+uire environment. It rests largely in the part of the users of the e%isting system to give the re+uirement specifications because they are the people !ho finally use the system. This is because the re+uirements have to be &no!n that the system can be han esigne ifficult to change the system once it has been esigning a system, !hich user, is of no use. uring the initial stages so esigne an on the other accor ing to those re+uirements. It is very oes not cater to the re+uirements of the

The re+uirement specification for any system can be broa ly state belo!;

as given

The system shoul be able to interface !ith the e%isting system The system shoul be accurate The system shoul be better than the e%isting system

The e%isting system is completely uties.

epen ent on the user to perform all the

8( SYSTEM DESIGN 8( System desi'n 8(5 Introdu1tion Soft!are esign sits at the technical &ernel of the soft!are engineering process an engineere is applie regar less of the evelopment para igm an area of application. $esign is the first step in the pro uct or system. The an evelopment phase for any

esigner9s goal is to pro uce a mo el or analy,e , system esign is the first of to buil

representation of an entity that !ill later be built. =eginning, once system re+uirement have been specifie an verify soft!are. The importance can be state the place !here +uality is fostere !ith a single !or H/ualityI. $esign is in soft!are evelopment. $esign provi es the three technical activities - esign, co e an test that is re+uire

us !ith representations of soft!are that can assess for +uality. $esign is the only !ay that !e can accurately translate a customer9s vie! into a finishe soft!are pro uct or system. Soft!are esign serves as a foun ation for all esign !e ris& ifficult to test, one !hose ata structure, program an ocumente . of four the soft!are engineering steps that follo!. :ithout a strong buil ing an unstable system J one that !ill be +uality cannot be assesse until the last stage. $uring structure, an System esign, progressive refinement of proce ural etails are evelope revie!e

esign can be vie!e

from either technical or pro"ect management esign is comprise esign, interface ata structure esign an

perspective. #rom the technical point of vie!, activities J architectural proce ural esign. esign,

8(6 D#t# ,$o& Di#'r#ms

' the basis

ata flo! !hich

iagram is graphical tool use the other components are


escribe an The !ith The

analy,e movement of from transformation of escribe physical the system.

ata through a system. These are the central tool an evelope .

ata from input to output, through processe , may be in epen ently of physical components associate ata flo! iagrams.

logically an ata flo!

These are &no!n as the logical epartments an

iagrams sho! the actual implements an !or&stations. ' full ata flo!

movement of escription of a ata flo!

ata bet!een people,

system actually consists of a set of notations Kour on, (ane an *rocess is further i entifie purpose. The in lo!er level

iagrams. .sing t!o familiar evelops the !ith a escriptive name. for i entification etaile $#$ in the

Sarson notation

iagrams. )ach component in a $#$ is labele evelopment of $#$9S is iagrams can be bro&en

!ith a number that !ill be use o!n into a more conte%t

one in several levels. )ach process iagram. It consists

ne%t level. The lop-level

iagram is often calle

a single process bit, !hich plays vital role in stu ying the current system. The process in the conte%t level iagram is e%plo e into other process at the first level $#$. The i ea behin level. This is the e%plosion of a process into more process is that an a e+uate un erstan ing at one level of etail is e%plo e into greater etail at the ne%t one until further e%plosion is necessary an evelope amount of etail is escribe for analyst to un erstan the process. 0arry Constantine first the $#$ as a !ay of e%pressing system re+uirements in a graphical from, this lea to the mo ular esign. ' $#$ is also &no!n as a Hbubble ChartI has the purpose of clarifying system re+uirements an programs in system lo!est level of flo!s in the system. i entifying ma"or transformations that !ill become esign to the by ata esign. So it is the starting point of the

etail. ' $#$ consists of a series of bubbles "oine

8(6(5 D d Symbo$s@ In the $#$, there are four symbols 2. ' s+uare efines a sourceForiginatorG or estination of system ata 3. 'n arro! i entifies information flo!s 4. ' circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming flo! into outgoing ata flo!s. 5. 'n open rectangle is a of ata ata store, ata at rest or a temporary repository ata ata flo!. It is the pipeline through !hich the

*rocess that transforms ata flo!.

Source or $estination of ata $ata flo! $ata Store

8(6(6 Constru1tin' # D,D@ Several rules of thumb are use in ra!ing $#$9S; *rocess shoul be name an numbere for an easy reference. )ach name shoul be representative of the process. The irection of flo! is from top to bottom an from left to right. $ata tra itionally flo! from source to the estination although they may flo!

bac& to the source. 1ne !ay to in icate this is to ra! long flo! line bac& to a source. 'n alternative !ay is to repeat the source symbol as a estination. Since it is use more than once in the $#$ it is mar&e !ith a short iagonal. :hen a process is e%plo e into lo!er level etails, they are numbere . The names of ata stores an *rocess an estinations are !ritten in capital letters. ataflo! names have the first letter of each !or& capitali,e .

' $#$ typically sho!s the minimum contents of ata store. )ach ata store shoul contain all the ata elements that flo! in an out. /uestionnaires shoul contain all the ata elements that flo! in an out. Missing interfaces re un ancies an li&e is then accounte for often through intervie!s.

8(6(7 Si$ent ,e#ture o D,DBs 2. The $#$ sho!s flo! of ata, not of control loops an controlle consi erations o not appear on a $#$. 3. The $#$ oes not in icate the time factor involve in any process !hether the ataflo! ta&e place aily, !ee&ly, monthly or yearly. 4. The se+uence of events is not brought out on the $#$. 8(6(8 D#t# ,$o&@ 2G ' $ata #lo! has only one irection of flo! bet!een symbols. It may flo! in both irections bet!een a process an a ata store to sho! a rea before an up ate. The later is usually in icate ho!ever by t!o separate arro!s since these happen at ifferent type. 3G ' "oin in $#$ means that e%actly the same ata comes from any of t!o or more ifferent processes ata store or sin& to a common location. 4G ' ata flo! cannot go irectly bac& to the same process it lea s. There must be at least one other process that han les the ata flo! pro uce some other ata flo! returns the original ata into the beginning process. ecision are

5G ' $ata flo! to a ata store means up ate F elete or changeG. DG ' ata #lo! from a ata store means retrieve or use. ' ata flo! has a noun phrase label more than one as one pac&age. ata flo! noun phrase can appear on a

single arro! as long as all of the flo!s on the same arro! move together

D#t# ,$o& Di#'r#m or our System

ERCDi#'r#ms The entity Relationship $iagram F)R$G bet!een the ob"ect note escriptions. The set of primary components that are i entifie are $ata ob"ect 'ttributes Relationships Barious types of in icators. by the )R$ epicts the relationship

ata ob"ects. The )R$ is the notation that is use is the )R$ can be escribe resign a ata ob"ect

to con uct the ate mo eling activity the attributes of each ata

The primary purpose of the )R$ is to represent ata ob"ects an their relationships.

Em"$oyee In orm#tion

Employee Information

Can Hav e

Police Station Master


Designation Master

Can Work for

Department Master

Po$i1e St#tion M#ster

Police Station Master


Designation Master


Territory Master

Ai1tims ,IR M#ster

Crime Category Master


Victims FIR Master

Can Have

Victims Master

Has ne In c!arge

Employee Master

/o'in M#ster

"ogin Master


Profile Master


Department Employee Master

Uni ied Mode$in' /#n'u#'e Di#'r#ms The unifie mo eling language allo!s the soft!are engineer to

e%press an analysis mo el using the mo eling notation that is governe by a set of syntactic semantic an pragmatic rules. ' .M0 system is represente escribe the system from using five ifferent vie!s that


ifferent perspective. )ach

vie! is efine by a set of iagram, !hich is as follo!s. User Mode$ Aie& i. This vie! represents the system from the users

perspective. ii. The analysis representation Stru1tur#$ mode$ vie& In this mo el the insi e the system. ata an functionality are arrive from escribes a usage scenario

from the en -users perspective.

This mo el vie! mo els the static structures

. 4e!#vior#$ Mode$ Aie& It represents the system, ynamic of behavioral as parts of the escribe in the user mo el

epicting the interactions of collection bet!een

various structural elements an structural mo el vie!. Im"$ement#tion Mode$ Aie&

In this the structural an

behavioral as parts of the

system are represente as they are to be built. Environment#$ Mode$ Aie& In this the structural an behavioral aspects of the environment in !hich the

system is to be implemente are represente . .M0 is specifically constructe through t!o ifferent omains they are

.M0 'nalysis mo eling, !hich focuses on the user mo el an structural mo el vie!s of the system.

.M0 mo eling,

esign mo eling, !hich focuses on the behavioral implementation mo eling an environmental

mo el vie!s. Use C#se Di#'r#ms The actors !ho have been i entifie in the system are as follo!s; 5( Investi'#tin' o i1er 6( Administr#tor 7( .riter

Investi'#tin' o i1er@ 6e is the actor !ho can practically !or& upon the e%isting ata in the police station only for vie! purpose.

Administr#tor@ 6e is the actor !ho has the full-length potentiality an privilege to carry out transactions upon the system. 6e is authori,e to maintain consistency !ithin the information.

.riter@ 6e is the actor !ho can enter all the etails of the crime or evi ence. 1nce entere cannot be e ite . 1nly the a ministrator can e it or elete the recor from the atabase.

Use 1#se Des1ri"tion@

Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s Use case name Participating

0ogin Information ' ministrator, Investigator, :riter *rovi es username an pass!or .sers must &no! the username an pass!or .ser successfully logge into the system Shoul provi e proper error messages !hile login into the system.

Register Bictims ' ministrator, :riter .ser !ill enter the Bictims information .ser shoul &no! the etails of the victim Bictim etails are successfully inserte into the system. $isplay proper error messages !hile insertion.

Register Bictims #IR ' ministrator, :riter

actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s

.ser !ill register the #IR .ser shoul &no! the etails of the #IR #IR etails are successfully inserte into the system. $isplay proper error messages !hile insertion.

Register Crime charge sheet ' ministrator, :riter .ser !ill register the crime charge sheet .ser shoul &no! the etails of charge sheet. Charge sheet etails are successfully inserte into the system. $isplay proper error messages !hile insertion.

Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality

Register Investigation )vi ence ' ministrator, :riter .ser !ill register the investigation evi ence .ser shoul &no! the etails of evi ence. )vi ence etails are successfully inserte into the system. $isplay proper error messages !hile insertion.

Requirement s Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s Use case name Participating actors Flow of events Entry Condition Exit condition Quality Requirement s Bie! all crime etails Investigator .ser can vie! all the crime etails. $isplay the etails of crime an evi ences. )vi ence an crime etails are successfully isplaye . N<' Register *olice Station ' ministrator .ser !ill register the police station. .ser shoul &no! the etails of police station. *olice station etails are successfully inserte into the system. $isplay proper error messages !hile insertion.

Se%uen1e Di#'r#m@ Administr#tor@

Provi#e $sername% Pass&or#

Register Evi#ence #etails

Register Crime C!arge S!eet

Register Police stations

Register Victims

Register Victims FIR


Provi#e $sername% pass&or#

Vie& Crime C!arging S!eet

Vie& Crime Se'(ence Information

Vie& Evi#ence Details

Vie& FIR Details


Provi#e $sername% pass&or#

Register Crime C!arge S!eet

Register Victims

Register Victims FIR


9(5 Dot Net ,r#me&orD@ The .N)T #rame!or& is a ne! computing platform that simplifies application evelopment in the highly istribute environment of the Internet. The .N)T #rame!or& is esigne to fulfill the follo!ing ob"ectives; To provi e a consistent ob"ect-oriente programming environment

!hether ob"ect co e is store an e%ecute locally, e%ecute locally but Internet- istribute , or e%ecute remotely. To provi e a co e-e%ecution environment that minimi,es soft!are eployment an versioning conflicts. To provi e a co e-e%ecution environment that guarantees safe e%ecution of co e, inclu ing co e create truste thir party. To provi e a co e-e%ecution environment that eliminates the performance problems of scripte or interprete environments. To ma&e the eveloper e%perience consistent across !i ely varying applications an by an un&no!n or semi-

types of applications, such as :in o!s-base :eb-base applications. To buil

all communication on in ustry stan ar s to ensure that on the .N)T #rame!or& can integrate !ith any other

co e base co e.

The .N)T #rame!or& has t!o main components; the common language runtime an the .N)T #rame!or& class library. The common language runtime is the foun ation of the .N)T #rame!or&. Kou can thin& of the runtime as an agent that manages co e at e%ecution time, provi ing core services such as memory management, threa management, an remoting, !hile also enforcing strict type safety an other forms of co e accuracy that ensure security an robustness. In fact, the concept of co e management is a fun amental principle of the runtime. Co e that targets the

runtime is &no!n as manage co e, !hile co e that oes not target the runtime is &no!n as unmanage co e.

(NET ,r#me&orD in 1onte-t

The follo!ing sections

escribe the main components an

features of the

.N)T #rame!or& in greater etail. ,e#tures o t!e Common /#n'u#'e Runtime The common language runtime manages memory, threa e%ecution, co e e%ecution, co e safety verification, compilation, an co e that other system services. These features are intrinsic to the manage runs on the common language runtime. :ith regar s to security, manage components are a!ar e varying egrees of trust, epen ing on a number of factors that component might or might not be inclu e their origin Fsuch as the Internet, enterprise net!or&, or local computerG. This means that a manage

able to perform file-access operations, registry-access operations, or other sensitive functions, even if it is being use in the same active application.

NET ,r#me&orD C$#ss /ibr#ry The .N)T #rame!or& class library is a collection of reusable types that tightly integrate !ith the common language runtime. The class library is ob"ect oriente , provi ing types from !hich your o!n manage co e can erive functionality. This not only ma&es the .N)T !ith ition, thir -party #rame!or& types easy to use, but also re uces the time associate learning ne! features of the .N)T #rame!or&. In a

components can integrate seamlessly !ith classes in the .N)T #rame!or&. #or e%ample, the .N)T #rame!or& collection classes implement a set of interfaces that you can use to collection classes !ill blen evelop your o!n collection classes. Kour seamlessly !ith the classes in the .N)T

#rame!or&. 's you !oul

e%pect from an ob"ect-oriente

class library, the ata

.N)T #rame!or& types enable you to accomplish a range of common programming tas&s, inclu ing tas&s such as string management, collection, speciali,e atabase connectivity, an file access. In a ition to these

common tas&s, the class library inclu es types that support a variety of evelopment scenarios. #or e%ample, you can use the .N)T #rame!or& to evelop the follo!ing types of applications an services;

Console applications. :in o!s(.Iapplications F:in o!s #ormsG. 'S*.N)T applications. XM0 :eb services. :in o!s services.

C$ient A""$i1#tion Deve$o"ment Client applications are the closest to a tra itional style of application in :in o!s-base programming. These are the types of

applications that isplay !in o!s or forms on the es&top, enabling a user to perform a tas&. Client applications inclu e applications such as !or processors an as sprea sheets, as !ell as custom business applications such so on. Client applications usually they li&ely peripherals such as eploye over the other (.I elements, an ata-entry tools, reporting tools, an

employ !in o!s, menus, buttons, an printers. 'nother &in Fno! replace

access local resources such as the file system an by the manage

of client application is the tra itional 'ctiveX control :in o!s #orms controlG

Internet as a :eb page. This application is much li&e other client applications; it is e%ecute inclu es graphical elements. In the past, application evelopers create such applications using C<CLL in natively, has access to local resources, an

con"unction !ith the Microsoft #oun ation Classes FM#CG or !ith a rapi evelopment FR'$G environment such as MicrosoftM Bisual evelopment environment that rastically simplifies =asicM. The .N)T #rame!or& incorporates aspects of these e%isting pro ucts into a single, consistent the evelopment of client applications. The :in o!s #orms classes containe are esigne to be use for (.I comman !in o!s, buttons, menus, toolbars, an in the .N)T #rame!or& other screen elements

evelopment. Kou can easily create

!ith the fle%ibility necessary to accommo ate shifting business nee s. #or e%ample, the .N)T #rame!or& provi es simple properties to a "ust visual attributes associate un erlying operating system irectly, an !ith forms. In some cases the oes not support changing these attributes

in these cases the .N)T #rame!or& automatically recreates the

forms. This is one of many !ays in !hich the .N)T #rame!or& integrates the eveloper interface, ma&ing co ing simpler an more consistent.

Server Application Development Server-si e applications in the manage implemente through runtime hosts. .nmanage common language runtime, !hich allo!s your custom manage control the behavior of the server. This mo el provi es you !ith all the features of the common language runtime an class library !hile gaining the performance an scalability of the host server. The follo!ing illustration sho!s a basic net!or& schema !ith manage an co e running in ifferent server environments. Servers such as IIS operations !hile your application logic S/0 Server can perform stan ar !orl are

applications host the co e to

e%ecutes through the manage co e.

ServerCside m#n#'ed 1ode

'S*.N)T is the hosting environment that enables evelopers to use the .N)T #rame!or& to target :eb-base architecture for manage eveloping :eb sites an Internet- istribute applications. ob"ects using 'S*.N)T 6o!ever, 'S*.N)T is more than "ust a runtime hostN it is a complete co e. =oth :eb #orms an XM0 :eb services use IIS an

as the publishing mechanism for applications, an supporting classes in the .N)T

both have a collection of

9(6( CE INTRODUCTION AND OAERAIE. #or the past t!o !i ely use languages for eca es, C an CLL have been the most business soft!are.

eveloping commercial an

:hile both languages provi e the programmer !ith a tremen ous amount of fine-graine control, this fle%ibility comes at a cost to pro uctivity. Compare !ith a language such as MicrosoftM Bisual =asicM, e+uivalent C an applications often ta&e longer to cycle times associate an pro uctivity. There are languages to ay that raise pro uctivity by sacrificing the fle%ibility that C an solutions constrain the mechanism systems, an practices. The i eal solution for C an rapi evelopment combine CLL programmers !oul be for lo!-level co e CLL programmers often re+uire. Such controlG an provi e least-commoneveloper too much Ffor e%ample, by omitting a onAt easily interoperate !ith pree%isting evelop. $ue to the comple%ity an !ith these languages, many C an CLL long

CLL programmers

have been searching for a language offering better balance bet!een po!er

enominator capabilities. They they

onAt al!ays mesh !ell !ith current :eb programming

!ith the po!er to access all the functionality of one that provi es easy integration CLL evelopers !oul li&e the

the un erlying platform. They !ant an environment that is completely in sync !ith emerging :eb stan ar s an !ith e%isting applications. ' itionally, C an

ability to co e at a lo! level !hen an if the nee arises.

Mi1roso t Introdu1es CE The Microsoft solution to this problem is a language calle Fpronounce OC sharpOG. C8 is a mo ern, ob"ect-oriente enables programmers to +uic&ly buil e%ploit both computing an oriente C8

language that

a !i e range of applications for the services that fully

ne! Microsoft .N)T platform, !hich provi es tools an

communications. =ecause of its elegant ob"ect-

esign, C8 is a great choice for architecting a !i e range of

components-from high-level business ob"ects to system-level applications. .sing simple C8 language constructs, these components can be converte into XM0 :eb services, allo!ing them to be invo&e else, C8 is esigne to bring rapi across the Internet, from any language running on any operating system. More than anything evelopment to the CLL programmer egree of fi elity !ith C an can +uic&ly become !ithout sacrificing the po!er an CLL. $evelopers familiar !ith control that have been a hallmar& of C an these languages

CLL. =ecause of this heritage, C8 has a high pro uctive in C8. Produ1tivity #nd S# ety

The ne! :eb economy-!here competitors are "ust one clic& a!ay-is forcing businesses to respon before. $evelopers are calle C8 is to help for error. esigne to competitive threats faster than ever pro uce more esigne upon to shorten cycle times an

incremental revisions of a program, rather than a single monumental version. !ith these consi erations in min . The language is o more !ith fe!er lines of co e an evelopers fe!er opportunities

Embr#1es emer'in' .eb "ro'r#mmin' st#nd#rds

The ne! mo el for eveloping applications means more an more solutions re+uire the use of emerging :eb stan ar s li&e 6yperte%t Mar&up 0anguage F6TM0G, )%tensible Mar&up 0anguage FXM0G, an 'ccess *rotocol FS1'*G. )%isting result, they evelopment tools !ere Simple 1b"ect evelope before

the Internet or !hen the :eb as !e &no! it to ay !as in its infancy. 's a onAt al!ays provi e the best fit for !or&ing !ith ne! :eb technologies. C8 programmers can leverage an e%tensive frame!or& for buil ing applications on the Microsoft .N)T platform. C8 inclu es built-in support to turn any component into an XM0 :eb service that can be invo&e over the Internet-from any application running on any platform. )ven better, the XM0 :eb services frame!or& can ma&e e%isting XM0 :eb services loo& "ust li&e native C8 ob"ects to the programmer, thus allo!ing leverage e%isting XM0 :eb services !ith the ob"ect-oriente evelopers to programming

s&ills they alrea y have. There are more subtle features that ma&e C8 a great Internet programming tool. #or instance, XM0 is emerging as the stan ar !ay to pass structure often very small. #or improve mappe irectly into a strut ata across the Internet. Such ata type instea ata sets are ata to be performance, C8 allo!s the XM0

of a class. This is a more

efficient !ay to han le small amounts of ata. E$imin#tes 1ost$y "ro'r#mmin' errors )ven e%pert CLL programmers can ma&e the simplest of mista&es-forgetting to initiali,e a variable, for instance-an simple mista&es result in unpre ictable problems that often those can remain

un iscovere for long perio s of time. 1nce a program is in pro uction use, it can be very costly to fi% even the simplest programming errors. The mo ern esign of C8 eliminates the most common CLL programming

errors. #or e%ample;

(arbage collection relieves the programmer of the bur en of manual memory management. Bariables in C8 are automatically initiali,e by the environment. Bariables are type-safe. result is a language that ma&es it far easier for evelopers to !rite

The en

an maintain programs that solve comple% business problems.

4etter m#""in' bet&een business "ro1ess #nd im"$ement#tion :ith the high level of effort that corporations spen on business planning, it is imperative to have a close connection bet!een the abstract business process an the actual soft!are implementation. =ut most language tools onAt have an easy !ay to lin& business logic !ith co e. #or instance, evelopers probably use co e comments to ay to

i entify !hich classes ma&e up a particular abstract business ob"ect. The C8 language allo!s for type , e%tensible meta ata that can be applie so on. The to any ob"ect. ' pro"ect architect can efine omain-specific attributes an apply them to any language element-classes, interfaces, an eveloper then can programmatically e%amine the attributes on tool as part of a on the

each element. This ma&es it easy, for e%ample, to !rite an automate that !ill ensure that each class or interface is correctly i entifie particular abstract business ob"ect, or simply to create reports base custom meta ata an

omain-specific attributes of an ob"ect. The tight coupling bet!een the the program co e helps strengthen the connection bet!een the inten e program behavior an the actual implementation.

E-tensive intero"er#bi$ity The manage , type-safe environment is appropriate for most enterprise applications. =ut real-!orl e%perience sho!s that some applications continue to re+uire OnativeO co e, either for performance reasons or to interoperate !ith e%isting application programming interfaces F'*IsG. Such scenarios may force evelopers to use CLL even !hen they !oul prefer to use a more pro uctive evelopment environment. C8 a

resses these problems by; Inclu ing native support for the Component 1b"ect Mo el FC1MG an :in o!s.- base '*Is.

3.4 '$1. Net; '$1 .N)T stan s for activeX ata ob"ect. $ataset is an in-memory content of the ' o. Net an architecture of ' o. Net. The connection bet!een bac& en F atasetG is calle as ata a aptor. In bac& en ata types. name an column an re+uire M#in d#t#b#se used in( Net 1racle S+l server Ms access F atabaseG an front en creates a table !ith table is isconnecte

To establishe connection in S+l. FS+l Connection cn P Ne! S+l Connection Fconnection stringGN G As H.seri P saN *ass!or Prvr"cN

$atabasePrentalsystem.m fN ServerPlocal host.I To establishe connection in oracle F1racle Connection cn P Ne! 1racle Fconnection stringGNG As H.ser i P saN *ass!or Prvr"cN $atabasePrentalsyatem.m fN ServerPlocal host.IN Comm#nd ob>e1t@ Synt#FS+l Comman Qob"R P Ne! S+l Comman FHS+l StatementsI, cnGG Met!ods i 1omm#nd ob>e1t in Ado( Net@ 2. )%ecuteNon/ueryFGN 3. )%ecuteScalerFGN 4. )%ecuteRea erFGN 5. )%ecuteXmlRea erFGN To open connection the follo!ing metho is use SCn. 1penNT Cn. 1pen FGN S+l Comman N Comman TypeN Comman Qob"ectR Qmetho FGRN E-e1ute Non Huery@ It is a metho in ' o. Net use to perform Non-/uery action. E-#m"$e insert, elete, up ate. E-e1ute S1#$er@ It is a metho in ' o. Net use to perform retrieve a single entity from the bac& en . E-#m"$e select status from pro ucts !here pro ucti P 2345. E-e1ute Re#der@ It is a metho in ' o. Net use to perform retrieve the ata from bac& )n . E-#m"$e Select Ufrom )M* E-e1ute *m$ Re#der@

It is a metho in ' o. Net use to perform retrieve the %ml ata in the .Net applications. 3.5 'SS)M=0K; 0ogical collection of one or more .e%e an assemblies are categories. Single assemblies an , Multi file assemblies. (E*E@ Self e%ecution files an not reusable. (D//@ Not self e%ecution files an reusable. Assemb$ies o sin'$e i$e Content@ 2. Manifest- meta ata of assembly 3. Type meta ata- ata about assembly class 4. Msil-microsoft integrate language 5. Resource- e%ternal resource. Microsoft integrate language is ivi e into four parts accor ing to the versions; Bersion Bersion Bersion Bersion 7.E 4.E E.E 2.E ma"or minor buil revision . ll files is calle as assembly an

the compile source co e of .Net architecture. There are t!o types of

Assemb$ies o mu$ti i$e Content@ 2. Manifest- meta ata of assembly 3. Type meta ata- ata about assembly class 4. Msil-microsoft integrate language These are myassembly. ll 2. Meta ata 3. MSI0-Microsoft integrate language =efore Microsoft interme iate language FMSI0G can be e%ecute , it must be converte by a .N)T #rame!or& "ust-in-time F?ITG compiler to native

co e, !hich is C*.-specific co e that runs on the same computer architecture as the ?IT compiler. Rather than using time an nee e uring e%ecution an memory to convert all the MSI0 in a portable e%ecutable F*)G file to native co e, it converts the MSI0 as it is stores the resulting native co e so that it is installaccessible for subse+uent calls. The runtime supplies another mo e of compilation calle to native co e "ust as the regular ?IT compiler assembly is subse+uently loa e an e%ecute . 's part of compiling MSI0 to native co e, co e must pass a verification process unless an a ministrator has establishe meta ata to fin out !hether the co e can be etermine a security policy to be type safe, that allo!s co e to bypass verification. Berification e%amines MSI0 an !hich means that it is &no!n to access only the memory locations it is authori,e to access. 3.D Bali ation controls an page navigation@ A#$id#tion 1ontro$s@ Bali ation is the process of ma&ing sure that the user enters correct information into a form. Bali ation controls is provi e by the. Net frame!or& in the client bro!ser if the bro!ser supports "ava script an $6TM0 an chec&s the ata that user entere before sen ing it to the server. The entire vali ation ta&e place in the bro!ser an nothing is sent bac& to erive from the server. If the bro!ser oes not support $6TM0 an scripting then is one on the server. 'll vali ation controls in the. Net frame!or&s are the =ase Bali ator class. The vali ation controls that are provi e follo!ing; 2. Re+uire #iel Bali ator 3. Compare Bali ator 4. Range Bali ator by the. Net frame!or&s are as time co e generation. The install-time co e generation mo e converts MSI0 oes, but it converts larger units of co e at a time, storing the resulting native co e for use !hen the

5. Regular )%pression Bali ator D. Custom Bali ator

Re%uired ,ie$d A#$id#tor@ Simple of all, Re+uire enters your users to enter their #iel Bali ator ma&es sure that the user empty, this ata into a form. #or e%ample, on a registration form you might !ant ata of in a te%tbo%. If they leave fiel #iel

vali ation control !ill isplay an error. Notable property of the Re+uire Com"#re A#$id#tor@ Comparison Bali ations are use to compare the entere by the into user into a control FTe%tbo%, for e%ampleG !ith the value entere by setting the Control to vali ate property an specific control !ith an other control !e nee property to specify the Control to compare !ith. R#n'e A#$id#tor@ Range Bali ators are use specifie range of values. The three property of this control are the Control To Bali ate property, !hich contains the control of vali ate an Re'u$#r E-"ression A#$id#tor@ Regular )%pression Bali ators are use control matches a pattern efine to chec& if the value in a by the regular e%pression. Notable ma%imum an minimum values !hich hol the ma%imum an minimum values of the vali range. to test if the value of a control is insi e a Bali ator is the initial value property, !hich set as an initial value in the control

another control for !ith a constant value. :e in icate the control to vali ate if !e !ant to compare a set the Control to compare

property for this control is the Bali ation )%pression property, !hich allo! us to select a pre efine e%pression !hich !e !ant to match !ith the ata enter in a control. Custom A#$id#tor@

Custom Bali ator is use o

to our o!n Bali ation for the

ata in a

control. #or e%ample, you can chec& the value entere

by a user is even or

, !ith this control !hich is not possible !ith any of the above mentions associate that script function to the Client Bali ation #unction

vali ation controls. Kou !rite the script for the vali ation for ?avaScript or vbscript an property of this control

Out"ut S1reens

+ome "#'e S1reen@

/o'in P#'e@

Desi'n#tion "#'e@

Crime 1#te'ory m#ster@

Crime C!#r'e S!eet M#ster@

User det#i$s@

User #11ess denied "#'e@


:( Testin' 2. The process of e%ecuting a system !ith the intent of fin ing an error. 3. Testing is efine as the process in !hich efects are i entifie , isolate , sub"ecte for rectification an ensure that pro uct is efect free in or er to pro uce the +uality pro uct an hence customer satisfaction. 4. /uality is efine as "ustification of the re+uirements 5. $efect is nothing but eviation from the re+uirements D. $efect is nothing but bug. 7. Testing --- The presence of bugs V. Testing can emonstrate the presence of bugs, but not their absence C. $ebugging an Testing is not the same thingW >. Testing is a systematic attempt to brea& a program or the '.T Testing Metho ologies; X =lac& bo% Testing; is the testing process in !hich tester can perform testing on an application !ithout having any internal structural &no!le ge of application. .sually Test )ngineers are involve in the blac& bo% testing. X :hite bo% Testing; is the testing process in !hich tester can perform testing on an application !ith having internal structural &no!le ge. .sually The $evelopers are involve in !hite bo% testing. X (ray =o% Testing; is the process in !hich the combination of blac& bo% an !hite bo% tonics are use .

:(5 ST/C ISo t&#re Testin' /i e Cy1$eJ Test P$#nnin'; Test *lan is efine as a strategic ocument !hich escribes the

proce ure ho! to perform various testing on the total application in the most efficient !ay. This ocument involves the scope of testing, 1b"ective of testing. 'reas that nee to be teste . 'reas that shoul not be teste . Sche uling Resource *lanning.

Ty"es o Testin'; Regression Testing; is one of the best an important testing.

Regression testing is the process in !hich the functionality, !hich is alrea y teste change is a e remains same. Re-Testing; is the process in !hich testing is performe functionality !hich is alrea y teste efects are repro ucible an all any efects are there. Static Testing; is the testing, !hich is performe on an application on some before, is once again teste !henever some ne! in or er to chec& !hether the e%isting functionality

before to ma&e sure that the

to rule out the environments issues if at

!hen it is not been e%ecute .e%; (.I, $ocument Testing $ynamic Testing; is the testing !hich is performe !hen it is being e%ecute .e%; #unctional testing. 'lpha Testing; it is a type of user acceptance testing, !hich is con ucte customer. on an application !hen it is "ust before release to the on an application

=eta-Testing; it is a type of .'T that is con ucte !hen it is release to the customer, !hen eploye

on an application in to the real time

environment an being accesse by the real time users. Installation Testing; it is the process of testing in !hich the tester try to install or try to eploy the mo ule into the correspon ing in the eployment

environment by follo!ing the gui elines pro uce

ocument an chec& !hether the installation is successful or not.

Con1$usion Con1$usions )Pro>e1t Summ#ry The Crime Re1ords M#n#'in' System is a !eb-base application for primarily provi ing training to the employees !ho provi e customi,e solutions to meet organi,ational nee s. This application soft!are has been compute successfully an !as also teste re+uire successfully by ta&ing Htest casesI. It is user frien ly, an options, !hich can be utili,e evelope by the user to perform the an has esire

operations. The soft!are is en are; Instant access. Improve pro uctivity. 1ptimum utili,ation of resources. )fficient management of recor s. Simplification of the operations. 0ess processing time an getting re+uire information. .ser frien ly. using ?ava as front en 1racle as bac& by the soft!are in :in o!s environment. The goals that are achieve


This System being !eb-base


an un erta&ing of Cyber Security

$ivision, nee s to be thoroughly teste to fin out any security gaps. ' console for the ata centre may be ma e available to allo! the for hosting

personnel to monitor on the sites !hich !ere cleare uring a particular perio .

Moreover, it is "ust a beginningN further the system may be utili,e


various other types of au iting operation vi,. Net!or& au iting or similar process<!or&flo! base applications...




!!!.! ,OR ASP(NET 'sp.Net 4.D .nleashe !!!.ms<net<+uic&start<aspplus< !!! !!!<+uic&start<aspplus<

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