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Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Terrell Ward Bynum: Ethics and the Information Revolution

Learning Expectations:

To understand the first chapter of the cyber ethics.


“Computing technology is the most powerful and most flexible technology ever devised. For this reason,
computing is changing everything- where and how we work, where and how we learn, shop, eat, vote,
receive medical care, spend free time, make war, make friends, make love”

Book Review:

In the first chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us the brief start of how cyber or computer ethics was
formed. The first part of the book explains on how computer can be abused and be misused by people
nowadays. The book discusses first on the information revolution, information technology and human
values, computer ethics: some historical milestones, from 1940’s to 1990’s, redefining the field of
computer ethics by Walter Maner, Deborah Johnson, James Moor, Terrell ward Bynum, Donald
Gotterbarn, the sample topics in computer ethics (such as computers in the workplace, computer
security, software ownership, professional responsibility), the global information ethics (such as global
laws, global cyber business, global education, information rich and information poor), and lastly the
future of computer ethics is being discussed in the book.

From what I’ve understand in the book is that technology and information today is considered as a
universal tool. Because it becomes part of or daily life and it help us make our work easier with that kind
of information and technology. We must not abuse it by doing bad things that can affect our
environment. We must use it properly so that the flow of information is truth and does not contain lies
that can affect our future.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that by using the right type of information can improve our future generation.

Integrative Questions:

• When are the historical milestones of computer ethics?

• What are the five aspects of computer ethics?
• What are the four professional responsibilities?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Deborah G. Johnson: Ethics On-Line

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Our only hope is for individuals to internalize norms of behavior. That is how most behavior is
controlled off-line. Individuals implicitly understand that certain behavior is unacceptable, undesirable,
or inappropriate, and they act accordingly”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the World Wide Web is being used
frequently by different people. The book discusses first on the special characteristics of communication
in networks (such as scope, anonymity, reproducibility,) and lastly anonymity is classified in parts (such
as diminished trust, variety and consent).

Based by the author Deborah Johnson the paper was shortened. In the book the author explained each
of the characteristics of communication in networks. The scope she means that we have to authorize
people on the world wide web, the anonymity means that in the word wide web the people enjoys that
their personal identity is not known or not shown so some people abuse that power to express
themselves to harm other people, and lastly the reproducibility means that in the world wide web
people can copy or use your personal image or information to harm other people and especially the

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must be careful on the information that we put on the World Wide Web and it is
wrong to use a fake personality to harm other people.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three characteristics of communication in networks?

• What are the three reasons that cause problem to the anonymity?
• What are the three general rules of on-line ethics?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: James H. Moor: Reason, Reactivity, and Responsibility in computer ethics

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The prospects of a global village in which everyone on the planet is connected to everyone else with
regard to computing power and communication is breathtaking. What is difficult to comprehend is what
impact this will have on human life”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the computers today are like a big helping
hand that helps us to hasten our daily work and it is flexible on any problems that we encounter on a
daily basis. The book discusses first on the searching for ethics in the global village, logical malleability
and informational enrichment, the special nature of computer ethics, reasons within relative
framework, the core values, the responsibility, the resolution, and lastly the residue.

From what I’ve learned the book tells us that like the computers it is flexible it is being used to help us
hasten out work. The computer is based on the computer ethics that we need it to hasten our work, to
keep us on the right track in daily life basis.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that like computers we must use computer ethics properly.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the six policies of a web site?

• What are the two parts of computer ethics?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Philip Brey: Disclosive Computer Ethics

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Computer systems often function less as background technologies and more as active constituents in
the shaping society. This active role of computer systems warrants special attention in computer ethics
to their design features, as an object of moral analysis, largely independently of their use”

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us the importance of a complementary approach
called disclosive. The book discusses first on limitations of mainstream computer ethics, hidden morality
and disclosive computer ethics, key values departure points for analysis( such as justice, autonomy an
freedom, democracy, and privacy),and lastly the need for multi-level interdisciplinary research.

From what I’ve learned the book says that some of the people use their power and influence so that
their site can be viewed and be locked easily by the public, some of them just want to make money but
has no important information. And some of the sites that has no influence contains meaningful
information cannot be seen. The book tells us that it is wrong to abuse the use power to contain the

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must use our own power to hide the truth, for others to know what is happening in
our world.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the different issues in computer ethics that needs to play a role?

• What are the three multi-level interdisciplinary researches?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Alison Adam: Gender and Computer Ethics

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“One cannot help but note that interviewing and participant observation are not only much more time
consuming techniques but also that their results are much less amenable to rendering into numerical

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us that some of the women are being abused, and
avoiding them to practice their rights. The book discusses first on the gender and computer ethics-
barriers and pipelines, gender and computer ethics-men’s and women’s moral decision making, critique
of gender and computer ethics studies (such as student population, quantitative vs. qualitative research
methodology, ethical decision vs. ethical processes, lack of theory),and lastly the plea for feminist ethics.

From what I’ve learned the books says that there is a discrimination between men and women in the
field of information technology because the men out numbers the women in this particular field. For
me, we must not discriminate women because men outnumber women. Both must work together as
one, so that the progress of this field is more efficient.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that there is always discrimination because of the number of both parties is not equal.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the empirical studies of gender and business ethics and gender and computer ethics?

• What are the two major roles of feminist ethics?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Deborah G. Johnson: Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology?

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The unfolding of our knowledge was thought to be dedicated by nature, not by society. New
discoveries were thought to proceed and progress in the natural order. The same would be said about
technology. It was understood to have a natural order of development that was thought to be
somewhat independent of social forces”

Book Review:

In the sixth chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us how important information is in our world today.
The book discusses first on the technology and values, values embedded in technologies, values
embedded in the global information infrastructure, and lastly democracy as the starting place: power
and insularity (such as power to the many, joint deliberation).

From what I’ve learned the book says that information is very powerful as a tool in the World Wide
Web. Having this kind of information today will help us communicate faster and better. But, we must
use it wisely to protect our personal information so that we can secure our own privacy and security.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that information is a very powerful tool and it can help us in many ways.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the meaning of metaphysical?

• What are the accounts that help us understand the embedded values of global infrastructure?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: Frans A.J. Birrer: Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT context: Some Key
Problems and Challenges

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“In modern society, chains between actions and consequences, as well as mediating institutional
arrangement, have become so complicated that they do not allow a direct and simple view on decision

Book Review:

In the seventh chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us about on how we control technology
advancements. The book discusses first on the untangling terminological confusion: the demarcation of
“computer ethics”, connecting ethics and social context, and lastly computer ethics and the role of

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are may ethical theories made by different
philosophers in the IT field, for the users to know what is right to do and what is wrong to do. The
application of the ethical theories continues to grow and improve because of the ever changing
technology. Technology always has upgrades to the ethical theories also upgrades to keep the users
aligned with the kind of technology that there are using.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that in every organization there are always set of rules to be followed to keep everything in

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three key obstacles in this chapter?

• What is discourse ethics?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 1: The Internet, Ethical Values, and Conceptual Frameworks

Author: James H. Moor: Just Consequentialism and Computing

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Policies are rules of conduct ranging from formal law to informal, implicit guidelines for action. Policies
recommend kinds of actions that are sometimes contingent upon different situations”

Book Review:

In the eight chapter of Book1 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there are rules that need to be followed and if
it being breached you must pay the consequences. The book discusses first on the consequentialism
constrained by justice, the good as the enemy of the just, and lastly computing in uncharted waters.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are set of rules that needs to be followed and on those
rules there are certain punishments that if the user breached it then the user must pay or do the
punishment, that the rule is being breach. These punishment are the foundation of the rules because if
the are no punishments the people or the users won’t follow the rule that is being made by a certain

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must pay the price on what we do so that we must learn and we must follow the
rules to be on the right track.

Integrative Questions:

• What does justice means by James Moor?

• What does happiness means by James Moor?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: L. Jean Camp and Y.T Chien: The Internet as public Space: Concepts, Issues, and Implications in
Public Policy

Learning Expectations:

To understand the second chapter of the cyber ethics.


“On the Internet, everyone can be a publisher. At the same time, the method of publication can make
the person a broadcaster as well. Because the information on the Internet is digital, Internet services is
not truly common carriage”

Book Review:

In the first chapter of the Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the internet today can be the biggest
turning point of the future. The book discusses first on the internet is more than multi-media, digital
characteristics of a public space, uses of internet as public space: opportunities and barriers (such as
digital libraries, universities, hospitals, international marketplace, schools, the digital stump, and lastly
the marketplace), and lastly the implications in the public policy (such as governance of internet use,
impact on social capital and society leadership, and lastly impact on social well-being).

From what I’ve learned the book says that internet has many uses and it changes our environment
because of the technology and benefit that it gives us on our daily life. Internet can be the turning point
of information for the future use; we can use this as a tool to spread the truth, so that none of the
people who told the truth can’t be killed. We can use this kind of technology to improve our world or we
can use to do bad things as well.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that internet can be the turning point of the future media to the people.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the five digital characteristics of a public space?

• What is the issue of the ownership of information?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: Larry Lessig: The Laws of Cyberspace

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Law is just one of those four constraints. Law regulates by sanctions imposed ex post- fail to pay your
taxes and you are likely to go to jail; steal my car and you are also likely to go to jail. Law is the
prominent of regulators. But it is just one of four”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us there is a new world called cyberspace. The book
discusses first on the revolution, the promise of Bolshevik, freedom, the behavior in the real world, the
social norms, the market, and lastly the age of the cyber-libertarian.

From what I’ve learned the book says that cyberspace is created so that people can interact and
communicate easily. The cyberspace can be very helpful because in can hasten our work our
communication to other people, it can give us many friends and contacts as we do business on this
world. For me the cyberspace is like another world, you can use your real identity or a fake identity in
the cyberspace.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that cyberspace is like a new world that needs to be discovered and studied.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the reason for freedom?

• What is Bolshevik’s promise?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: David G. Post: Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“A stable internet is one locked in one place, incapable of generating innovative responses to the very
problems that it is itself bringing into existence. The very existence of the internet should caution us
against dismissing too quickly the notion that there are some problems that are best solved by these
messy, disordered, and semi-chaotic, unplanned, decentralized systems, and that the cost that
necessarily accompany such unplanned disorder may sometimes be worth bearing”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that who must be the rightful owner of the
cyberspace or the internet? The book discusses first on the incident, the explanation, the question, and
lastly the debate.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there must no one to take control of the internet, it is for an
open to all and no one must abuse it so that the flow of information is continuous and true. Not
controlled and full of lies so that people won’t know the truth on what is going on to the world. For me
no one must control it because it is free for all.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that when there is a powerful tool, some of the ambitious people wants’ to control it for
there personal use and abuse it.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the RBL?

• What is the ISP?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: ACLU: Fahrenheit 451.2: is cyberspace burning?

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“People from all corners of the globe- people who might otherwise never connect because of their vast
geographical differences-can now communicate on the internet both easily and cheaply. One of the
dangerous aspects of ratings systems is their potential to build borders around American and foreign
created speech”

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that we must not abuse free speech on the
cyberspace. The book discusses first on is cyberspace burning, free speech online: a victory under siege,
rethinking the rush to rate, recommendations and principles, six reasons why self-rating schemes are
wrong for the internet, is third-party the answer, the problems with user-based blocking software in the
home, and lastly why blocking software should not be used by public libraries.

From what I’ve learned the book says that we must not abuse free speech in the internet such as,
discriminating other people, using bad words to describe them, cursing and etc. we must not use this
language in the internet because we are affecting other people identity when we do these.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must not discriminate other people because we can affect their identity.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the six reasons why self rating schemes are wrong for the internet?

• What are the barrage announcements from the white house?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: Richard S. Rosenberg: Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free speech denied

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Amendment in the limitations it is allowed to place on patron access. Defendant has asserted a broad
right to censor the expressive activity of the receipt and communication of the information through the
internet with a policy that is not necessary to further any compelling government interest”

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that in other country some of the reasons why sites
are being blocked. The book discusses first on the background (such as definitions, examples of
problems with blocking and filtering programs), mainstream Loudoun, et. Al. v. board of trustees of the
Loudoun country library, librarians and filtering programs (such as Canadian library association,
American library association and other library associations), and lastly discussion analysis.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are some important sites that are being block by other
countries. That country holds that important information and not sharing it to the world, if they will
continue this then some of the countries will likely do the same. If this happens the information on the
internet will be useless and the internet will crash because it each and everyone of use will not share the
information we’ve got.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must share the information we’ve got so that we can help the information to flow
in the internet.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the two relevant points included in the CLA libraries?

• What are the policy issues and perils that recognizes the NCLIS?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: Jacques N. Catudal: Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“I believe that the sponsors of the child pornography prevention act don’t think the questions
fundamentally important or relevant. Their connection is that the most effective way to protect children
against the harms created by child pornography is to ban any material whose effect would be to whet
the appetites of child sexual abusers”

Book Review:

In the sixth chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that how can we stop the abuse of child
pornography. The book discusses first the definitions and scope, the child pornography prevention act of
1996, argument 1: CPPA violates the first amendment, argument 2: CPPA’s protections are inadequate,
and lastly argument 3: CPPA can harm your children.

From what I’ve learned the book says that child pornography can affect especially to children. It tells us
the effect of the pornography to children and how we can prevent it. Children must be helped and
guided. The internet should also help this prevent by asking the age of the viewer and hiding this to an
open media so that children can’t access it that easily.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that children must be guided when using the internet.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the four definition of child pornography?

• What are the agreement over the proposition for the protection for the children

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: Paul Resnick and James Miller: PICS: The Internet Access Controls without Censorship

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Labels can be retrieved in various ways. Some clients might choose to request labels each time a user
tries to access a document. Others might cache frequently requested labels or download a large set
from a label bureau and keep a local database, to minimize delays while labels are retrieved”

Book Review:

In the seventh chapter of Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that some of the blocked sites can also be access
easily b minors. The book discusses first the flexible blocking, what PICS doesn’t specify, other uses for
labels, and lastly the tour of the PICS specification.

From what I’ve learned the book says that the security of the internet should be stronger so that minors
won’t access pornographic sites that easily. Because every minute the technology evolves and when it
evolves it means that there a new information produced by the internet, it can be easily access by
minors because of the scattered technology.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that each minute the technology or the information of the internet evolves.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three factors of universal measures?

• What are the most important components of PICS specification?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 2: Regulating the Net: Free Speech and Content Controls

Author: Richard A. Spinello: Internet Service Providers and defamation: new Standards of Liability

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Some of the confusion surrounding cyberspace defamation is the legal system’s inability to fit an
internet service provider neatly into one of he categories listed above. Is an ISP best were considered to
be a publisher, it would be liable for defamatory content in the same way that newspapers and other
media are held liable for the contents of the stories they publish”

Book review:

In the eight chapter of the Book2 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is a crime or an offense committed
by other party or group that cause the affect of the persons reputation with the false argument. The
book discusses first on the legal definition and standards, internet service providers and internet
defamation, legal precedents for ISP liability, does cyberspace alter the need for libel laws, and lastly a
moral perspective.

From what I’ve learned the book says that if a crime is committed, the person who commits it should
pay the price. Stating a false argument and has no proof is breaching the law. Because if it is scattered
by use of media, the person who is being accused his/ her personality is being discriminated and judge
with false accusations.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that if you are not sure on your accusations and especially if you have not proof you must
not tell it to anyone especially the media.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the first amendment of the constitution?

• What is the primary concern in this paper?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Learning Expectations:

To understand the first chapter of the cyber ethics.


“No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work
protected under this title. The prohibition contained in the preceding sentence shall take effect at the
end of the 2-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this chapter”

Book Review:

In the first chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that every property in the cyberspace has a right and
it has laws behind it. The book discusses first on the violations regarding circumvention of technological
measures, sec. 1202 Integrity of copyright management information, and lastly the title II- online
copyright infringement liability limitation.

From what I’ve learned the book says that when we get a copy from the cyberspace there is a copyright
law given so that we must acknowledge where we get it from. For me this is the right thing to do so that
the owner’s who are giving us information shall be given a credit on their work and contribution the
world of cyberspace.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that there are laws in of copyright in the cyberspace.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the elements of notification?

• What are the conditions for eligibility?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Note on the DeCSS Trial

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The defense team received considerable support within certain segments of the academic community.
Some legal scholars were particularly worried about the “chilling effects” that would result from the
injunction against hyper linking”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that DVD’s must produce a higher quality of
image and the issue about hyper linking. The book discusses first on the technical background, the
lawsuit, and lastly the outcome.

From what I’ve learned the book says that that DVD’s should produce a clear copy of videos so that the
view will be more encourage to watch them and they will not pirate the original copy of the video. The
issue about the hyper linking is that they are this as a piracy tool to display a movie video on the internet
so that people can download it for free. In this book piracy is a crime and the consequences must be
paid if anyone breaches the law.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that hyper linking is used as a piracy tool to view a certain movie in the internet.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the suit that contends by the DeCSS?

• What are the arguments involved by the defense team?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: James Boyle: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net?

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Cyberpunk science fiction succeeded as a genre largely because it combined a particular plot aesthetic
with a particular conceptual insight. The plot aesthetic was simple; the bad boy/film noir world of the
romantic lowlife”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the internet is being used by political intentions
and an argument who should own the information in the internet. The book discusses first on the code
is code- the logic of the information relation, the intellectual property is the legal form of the
information age, the conceptual structure of an intellectual land-grab, a brief case study: copyright on
the net, and lastly the analogy to environmentalism.

From what I’ve learned the book says that everyone has the right to control the flow of the information
in the internet because everyone can contribute in giving information in the internet that’s why the
internet is very successful today. It is because of the people who contribute in the internet.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that no one must own the internet because each and every one of us is the owner’s of the

Integrative Questions:

• What is a cyberpunk?

• What are the tensions in an intellectual property system?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Michael C. McFarland: Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Computer technology has created a new revolution in how intellectual property is created, stored,
reproduced, and disseminated; with that revolution has come new challenges to our understanding of
intellectual property and how to protect it”

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that intellectual property in the internet. The book
discusses first on the conflicts over intellectual property: five cases, philosophical justification for
intellectual property, and lastly a more balanced view.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are rules regarding in the intellectual property in the
internet this only means that when we are using the intellectual property of others we must ask for
permission before we use it so that we the users will not break any laws in the internet and by doing this
we will not get in any trouble because we understand the concept or the rules in the internet.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must follow the rules regarding the intellectual property of other users.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the five cases of the intellectual property issue?

• What is the purpose of information?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Shelly Warwick: Is Copyright Ethical?

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Property rights are defined as rights that specify how persons may be benefited and harmed and who
must pay to modify the actions taken by various persons and are put forth as a means of achieving a
greater internalization of externalities or a means of bringing new factors into the equation and as they
arise along with the emergence of new benefits or harmful effects”

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is a relationship between intellectual
property and ethics. The book discusses first on the what are the rights and how do they arise, property
rights, theories of intellectual property and copyright, history of copyright in the united states, and lastly
is the copyright ethical.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there is a framework being created to see the relationship of
intellectual property and ethics. I guess the book is trying to say is that we must use our ethics regarding
in the intellectual property of others to give them credit on their contribution the field of cyberspace.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that ethics and intellectual property has a relationship with each other.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the ethics raised regarding the copying software?

• What are the areas granted by the United States law?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: John W. Snapper: On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More than Copyright Piracy

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Piracy is the infringement of a copyright and plagiarism is the failure to give credit. They are confused
because the most common examples of these wrongs involve both sorts of wrongs. But it is not hard to
give examples that separate them”

Book Review:

In the sixth chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is a difference between piracy and
plagiarism. The book discusses first on the plagiarism and piracy, what’s the harm in plagiarism, what’s
the use of copyright, and lastly bringing it all together.

From what I’ve learned the book says that people often get confused on what is piracy and plagiarism.
From my own perspective piracy is copying the work of others and making profit of it. While the
plagiarism is using the work of others on personal use, and by not giving credit to the rightful owner of
that work. By understanding the concept of these two we can avoid committing crime.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that piracy and plagiarism has different meaning and concept.

Integrative Questions:

• What’s the harm in plagiarism?

• What’s the use of copyright?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Richard A. Spinello: An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site Linking

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The most fundamental question concerns the appropriate scope of the property rights for a website
and how those rights can be properly balanced against the common good of free and open
communications on the web “

Book Review:

In the seventh chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that deep linking will help us understand the
concept of ethical evaluation. The book discusses first on the technical aspects of web site linking, two
cases studies (such as the ticket master vs. Microsoft case, Maria’s on- line art gallery, websites as
intellectual property, deep linking revisited, and lastly respecting the common good.

From what I’ve learned the book says that hyper linking has many uses in the internet because by using
hyper linking the user can easily go to site by just using the mouse and clicking it on the highlighted text.
Things are easier when using hyper linking. But some of the sites are not that accurate; some just want
to promote the other site so that they can earn publicity.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that hyper linking is easy to use and easy to do.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the case studies?

• What are the three theories in the traditional literature?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 3: Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

Author: Eric Raymond: The Cathedral and Bazaar

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The Linux world has taken this tradition nearly to its technological limit; it has terabytes of open
sources generally available. So spending time looking for some else’s almost – good enough is more
likely to give you good results in the Linux world than anywhere else”

Book Review:

In the eight chapter of Book3 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the start Linux as a world class operating
system. The book discusses first on the cathedral and bazaar, the mail must get through, the importance
of having users, the release early and release often, when is a rose not a rose, Pop client becomes Fetch
mail, Fetch mail grows up, a few more lessons from Fetch mail, necessary preconditions for the bazaar
style, the social context of open software, and lastly on management and the Maginot line.

From what I’ve learned the book says that Linux is a big surprise to everyone because who would have
known that Linux can be a multi-million operating system that can help the future with its capabilities. I
guess what makes it popular it is because it is easy to use and it is convenient compared to other
operating systems.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that Linux has come a along and hard way to reach its name today.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the eight computer ought to be doing for the user?

• What is the internet’s native mail forwarding protocol?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: James H. Moor: Towards A Theory of Privacy for the Information Age

Learning Expectations:

To understand the first chapter of the cyber ethics.


“To justify the high instrumental value of privacy we need to show that not only does privacy have
instrumental value but that it leads to something very, very important. One of the best known attempts
to do this has been given by James Rachel’s”

Book Review:

In the first chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that how important privacy is in the computerized
world. The book discusses first on the greased data, grounding privacy, the nature of privacy, and lastly
setting and adjusting policies for private situations.

From what I’ve learned the book says that privacy is very important in the computerized world, privacy
is like our own security for our personal information, and for our data and etc. the privacy for the
internet is another thing. Some of the sites around the world are locked because they don’t want other
countries to see their current status or their latest information.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that security is very important in the computerized world.

Integrative Questions:

• Is privacy core value?

• How then should we justify privacy?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Dag Elgesem: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with
Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“One important function of such requirements of data quality is the protection of the data subject’s
reasonable expectations concerning the processing of data about him. Personal data are often used as
the basis for making decisions concerning the individual”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the directive protection for the personal data
collected by the internet. The book first discusses on the directive on the question of further processing
of personal data (such as data quality, legitimate purposes, sensitive data, the right to be informed, the
data subject’s right to access and to object, the reprocessing of personal data, using personal data for a
different purpose), data protection and the philosophy of privacy (such as privacy as restricted access,
privacy as control), and lastly the channels for the flow of personal information (such as the relationship
between privacy and data protection in the directive, channels for the flow of personal information,
data protection and the protection of privacy, the directive and the protection of channels).

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are many ways to protect the collected personal data
from the internet. The internet must protect the personal data that the user has given them because if
not they will be held liable for the information that has been scattered by their site and it is their
responsibility to protect it.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that a site that has collected the personal information of the user’s, the site must protect it
at any cause to prevent from spreading of information.

Integrative Questions:

• What conditions is it legitimate to process a personal data?

• What is the function of norms?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Herman T. Tavani and James H. Moor: Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“A fundamental problem about defining the concept of privacy in terms of individual control of
information is that it greatly reduces what can be private. We control so little. As practical matter we
cannot possibly control vast amounts of information about us that circulates through myriads of
computer networks and databases”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the restricted access theory of privacy does not
adequately explain the role of protection one’s personal privacy. The book discusses first on the theory
of privacy (such as the role of control in the theory of privacy, normative privacy and the restricted
access theory, the use of control in the justification and management of privacy), and lastly the privacy-
enhancing technologies (such as what exactly are PET’s and why are they appealing, PET’s and the role
of individual choice in controlling personal information, PET’s and the principle of informed consent, PET
owners beware).

From what I’ve learned the book says that it is not enough for the restricted privacy theory to contain or
to maintain the collection personal information in the internet. The book says that the PET has no
sufficient right to control the collected personal information.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that one theory is not enough to make control of the collection of the personal information.

Integrative Questions:

• What is intrusion?

• What is information gathering?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Helen Nissenbaum: toward an approach to privacy in the public: challenges of information

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“In general, even if we agree that a number of familiar places are not part of the intimate and private
realms, we would not therefore agree that any information harvested from them is completely public”

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the conception of privacy information,
gathered information in public realms. The book first discusses on the privacy and the personal realm-
background, violating privacy in public- the case of lotus marketplace: households, two misleading
assumptions (such as erroneous assumption 1: there is a realm of public information about persons to
which no privacy norms apply, and lastly the implications for a theory of privacy.

From what I’ve learned the book urges the conception of privacy to extend the consideration for all
information, and by including the information gathered in the public realms. The function of the privacy
is to protect the integrity of the private realm such as political, philosophical and etc. basically they are
trying to improve their method to strengthen the protection for the privacy of each and everyone.

What I’ve learned”

I’ve learned that privacy is very important because it gives us peace of mind on our information in the

Integrative Questions:

• What are the two misleading assumptions?

• Who is the prominent among the contemporary philosophical works on privacy?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Anton H. Vedder: KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The data used and the profiles created do not always qualify as a personal data. Nevertheless, the ways
in which the profiles are applied may have a serious impact on the persons from whom the data was
originally taken or, even more for that matter, to which the profiles are eventually applied”

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there are many kinds of that are being put in
the internet. The book first discusses on the personal data, law, and ethics, social consequences,
categorical privacy, and lastly the solutions.

Form what I’ve learned the book says that there is problem with KDD because of its categorical privacy.
In the internet there many kinds of data being input in, there are good data’s that can help you and
there are bad data’s that can harm your computer. Basically this chapter tells us how to prevent it and
how to solve it if we had a bad data on our computer.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must be careful on choosing the data that we are getting from the internet because
in the latter part in can harm us and your computer.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three kind of direct connection?

• What is the only way to protect the individuals?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Joseph S. Fulda: Data Mining and Privacy

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Data mining is most easily accomplished when the data are highly structured and available in many
different forms at many different levels in what are known as data warehouses”

Book Review:

In the sixth chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us the importance of data mining and by stating the
theory of privacy will using data mining. The book discusses first on the knowledge discovery and data
mining, the issue, and lastly the analysis.

From what I’ve learned the book says that data mining has advantage and has disadvantages. First the
advantage of data mining is that the user can retrieve his/her lost data in the internet and still can use it
for latter use while the disadvantage of data mining is that some user tend to use dating mining as
hacking tool to get information from other networks or other information on the big companies.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that data mining has advantage and has disadvantages so the user must be careful using it
so that he/she won’t break any law.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the necessary parts of the knowledge that has been discovered?

• What will happen if the court doesn’t protect the private data?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Lucas D. Introna: Workplace Surveillance, Privacy and Distributive Justice

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“We are entangled and immersed in our values and beliefs to the point that they are merely there,
available for use, part of the background that we do not explicitly attend to in making actual judgments.
It is part of our thrownness”

Book Review:

In the seventh chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is an imbalanced in the surveillance of
the modern society. The book discusses first on the resisting workplace surveillance, privacy as matter of
justice, privacy, surveillance, and distributive justice, and lastly the conclusion and some implications.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there is a problem with the surveillance in the modern society
because of its imbalances it is hard to control or to protect the information stored by the site. The book
is trying to give a solution on the surveillance for the people because if they can monitor easily the
people they will now what to do and be more efficient and effective.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that when you control the flow of information you control your output.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three individual perspectives?

• What are the six perspective of the collective?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 4: Privacy in Cyberspace

Author: Jeroen van den Hoven: Privacy and the Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Data protection regimes and their application to specific types of situations and sectors can thus be
justified on the basis of the values of preventing harm, achieving equality of opportunity, releasing
justice, and safeguarding moral autonomy”

Book Review:

In the eight chapter of Book4 of Cyber Ethics tells us some of the wrongdoings in the internet. The book
discusses first on the panoptic technologies and the public good, the information-based harm,
informational inequality, the informational injustice, the spheres of access, and lastly encroachment on
moral autonomy.

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are many ways to protect the personal data, there are
three types of moral reasons to protect it. First the information – based harm, informational inequality,
and last is the informational injustice. In this chapter privacy is still the main argue because privacy is
very important for the users for them to still continue using the internet.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that privacy is the most important thing which regards to using computerized technology.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three types of moral reason to protect the personal data?

• What is the two type’s communitarian thinking?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 5: Security and Cyberspace

Author: Herman T. Tavani: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage
in Cyberspace

Learning Expectations:

To understand the first chapter of the cyber ethics.


“Each of the incidents described in the preceding paragraph would seem to be a genuine instance of
computer crime or cybercrime. Other recently reported criminal activities that also involve the use of
computer technology, and which might initially appear to be instances of computer crime, arguably are

Book Review:

In the first chapter of Book5 of Cyber Ethics tells us the clear and coherent criteria for determining the
criminal activities involving the use of computer technology. The book discusses first on do we need a
category of computer crime, legal, moral and informational descriptive categories of computer crime,
computer crime as a descriptive category of crime, establishing clear and coherent criteria, applying our
definition to some specific cases, the three types of computer crime: piracy, break-ins, and sabotage in

From what I’ve learned the book says that there are crimes committed in the cyberspace and in this
chapter the book is saying that there are categories of computer crimes , on that category there are set
of law implemented so if someone breaks it, the law will automatically be activated if someone
breached the rule.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that there are categories on computer crimes.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three distinct crimes of categories?

• What is Moor’s point on the computer technology?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 5: Security in Cyberspace

Author: Mark Manion and Abby Goodrum: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The internet has created a brave new world of digital activism by providing forums for organizing,
communicating, publishing, and taking direct action. The use of the computer as tool of civil
disobedience has been termed Electronic Civil Disobedience”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book5 of Cyber Ethics tells us about the Hacktivism in its infancy. The book
discusses first on the background, electronic civil disobedience, hactivism and electronic civil
disobedience, hacktivism and cyber terrorism, and lastly toward a hackitivst ethic.

Fro what I’ve learned the book says that there are hacktivist that are protesting because of hackers in
the cyberspace. These people are the one who is being victims of the hackers. Hackers can hurt you in
many ways like using your personal information to harm other people, posting your own personal
information as a fraud to other people and may more. Hacker’s can be mean and sometimes just want
to fool you and you to look stupid because u don’t know there own language as a hacker. Hackers use
their own language as tool to disguise themselves as a normal code.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must protect our personal information very carefully so that hacker’s can’t use it for
their personal use.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the three principles of computer revolution?

• What is Hacktivism?

Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 5: Security in Cyberspace

Author: L. Jean camp: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Information availability depends upon the type and version of the customer’s browser. Every browser
sends its type and version to the server. Browsers also send information about the machine on which
they reside – the operating system, computer type, and helper applications”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book5 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is a conflict between data availability
and privacy because of the information technology. The book discusses first on the definitions, browsing
information, legal issues and societal implications, and lastly what are you doing on the web.

From what I’ve learned the book says that the conflict between the two has a solution. The solution is
that by using anonymous updates to aggregate and verify the pseudonyms in the internet. But still it is
hard to maintain the protection of privacy in the internet with this kind of method. It is hard because of
the upgrade of technologies nowadays, the delay of the privacy and the fast track of upgrade of new
technology is hard to match.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that the protection of privacy is hard to maintain but if its maintain then the user’s will be
more likely to use the cyberspace.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the technological treats to privacy?

• Why do these treats matter?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 5: Security in Cyberspace

Author: Helen Nissenbaum: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Informal Age

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Our presence on the planet, our notable features and momentous milestones, are dutifully recorded by
agencies of federal, state, and local government, including birth, marriage, divorce, property ownership,
driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, moving violations, passage through computerized toll roads and
bridges, parenthood, and finally, our demise”

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book5 of Cyber Ethics tells us the meaning of anonymity and its use for the
cyberspace. The book discusses first on the meaning of anonymity, why should anonymity be protected,
the methods, the results, and lastly the discussion.

From what I’ve the book says that anonymity is the usage of dictionary definition, by remaining
nameless without revealing one’s name. The book explains anonymity as a sender that sends message
to other user without revealing any name of the sender. For me the sender must display his/her names
for the receiver to know were information has come from. It is unfair for the receiver if he/she doesn’t
now the name or the information was it came from.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that by sending information the sender must show hid/her name for the receiver to be fair.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the meaning of anonymity?

• What are the two methods to keep the GP as a sender?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 5: Security in Cyberspace

Author: Irma van der Ploeg: Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“If these intuitions would be confirmed, we could conclude that it is not a form of biological
determinism we are encountering in biometrics. Instead, biometrics would become one of the clearest
examples of the way technology renders the nature culture distinction is obsolete”

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book5 of Cyber Ethics tells us the meaning of the biometrics and the use of it in
the internet. The book discusses first on the identifying biometric identity, virtual identities, and lastly
the questioning the biometric body.

From what I’ve learned the book says that meaning and the use of biometrics to the internet. The
meaning of biometric is like a tool to help to help us make our work easier. A biometric is like a next big
thing in the information technology. Biometrics is like a combination of all the methods that is being
used in this theory. The theories are that is being used in this chapter is need to be examined and

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that the biometrics is the most important method or theory to use in this chapter.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the meaning biometrics?

• What is the main use of biometrics?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: Elizabeth A. Buchanan: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions

Learning Expectations:

To understand the first chapter of the cyber ethics.


“Intellectual property and constitutional issues comprise a major area of information ethics. Individual’s
intellectual property must be protected for individual and social reasons. The protection of the
intangible efforts in the forms of books, musical scores, computer programs, and the like deserve
protection to encourage innovation, valuation of intellectual endeavors, and the continued production
of such individual efforts for the benefits of society as a whole”

Book Review:

In the first chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us that the evolution of the information technology is
very fast and very beneficial for the users / people. The book discusses first on the philosophical
foundations, major issues, and lastly codes of ethics (such as phase1: issue definition and evaluation,
phase 2: action/ inaction evaluation and implementation).

From what I’ve learned the book says that information ethics is also fast evolution like the evolution of
information technology. The information ethics is what we really need in the computerized society. The
lessons in the information ethics, we can apply it in the real world. Because for me one’s you learned
information ethics and you apply it in the net you can also apply it in the real world.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that information ethics can be applied in the real world.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the seven major issues of information ethics?

• What are the three major realms of ethics?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, and Simon Rogerson: Software Engineering Code of Ethics:

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The code is unique in that it, unlike other codes, is intended as the code for a profession and is
distinctive in that it has been adopted by two international computing societies. The code was
developed by a multinational taskforce with additional inputs from the other practicing professionals,
and other representatives from industry, governments, military, and education”

Book Review:

In the second chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us the meaning of the Software Engineering. The
book discusses first on the software engineering code of ethics and professional practice (such as short
version), software engineering code of ethics and professional practice (such as full version, principles).

From what I’ve learned the book says that the Software Engineering is the code. Which means the
Software Engineering is the foundation of the ethics; it only means that without it won’t function as
program. It won’t be completed in other words it won’t run as a whole. Just like a car without the
machine it won’t work.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that the Software Engineering is the major component of ethics.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the preamble of computers?

• What are the principles of public software?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: N. Ben Fairweather: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are worse than none at all

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“The possible danger to life of weapons systems, and whether it might be increased or reduced by a new
system being developed, is not addressed in any meaningful way by the ‘PAPA’ issues”

Book Review:

In the third chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there are many other authors that identified
the issues within the four categories. The book first discusses on the problem (such as weapons,
environmental impacts, Teleworking and Telecommuting, protecting the weak against the strong, the
pressures to look for loopholes in codes), incomplete moral codes (such as complete moral codes,
avoiding accidental incomplete ‘moral codes’).

From what I’ve learned the book says that some of the people who write the moral codes, that they
need to be aware of the consequences on what they are writing because it can affect the people who
read their write-ups.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must be careful on writing moral codes, we must be aware for the people around us
that will read our article.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the complete moral code?

• What is the importance of the PAPA issues?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: David H. Gleason: Subsumption Ethics

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“System seems likely they should be extremely malleable. People tend to think that changes to software
should be easy because programming is just set of instructions and not like a building made up of hard

Book Review:

In the fourth chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us that there is a difference between computers and
simple machines. The book first discusses on the subsumption ethics (such as subsumption, system
development, organizational policy drives IT development, axioms of subsumptions ethics, ethical
framework, philosophical frameworks applied to subsumption ethics, subsumption ethics matrix:
implications for action).

From what I’ve learned the book says that there is something more at work than just accumulating
information. There is a knowledge that you will get besides of the work. For me this statement is true
because in everything that we do we must always not focus on one side or one benefit of our work but
we must also look for the lessons we’ve learned on that particular work.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we must only focus on one thing but we must be open minded on things that we do.

Integrative Questions:

• What are the four ethical principles?

• What is the axiom of subsumptions of ethics?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: Duncan Langford: Ethical Issues in Business Computing

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Analysis and discussion of computer system use within business has been limited, typically focusing on
the advantages provided by specific systems in individual cases”

Book Review:

In the fifth chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us that computers have been used in making a lot of
profit by using their systems. The book discusses first on the what is business computing (such as size
issues), level one, level two, level three, level four, divisions, the tasks of business computing, and lastly
data considerations.

From what I’ve learned the book says that the computer world today have a lot of uses that can help
everyone make profit because of the technology that has given to us. We can use this technology as a
tool to improve our economy and especially ourselves. That kind of power with a good management skill
can make a lot of money enough for us to be stable we just have to know how to handle that kind of

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that with that great amount of technology we can make a lot of profit from using it

Integrative Questions:

• What are the four possible levels of business computing?

• What is business computing?


Book: Cyber Ethics

Book Chapter: Chapter 6: Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct

Author: Frances S. Grodzinsky: The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting the Virtues

Learning Expectations:

To understand the relation of this chapter on the previous chapters and to understand its concepts.


“Virtue ethics offers characters forming theory that has been more successful with my student than the
action guiding theories of computer ethics text. Why? Virtue ethics is directed toward character
development. The focus is on being rather than doing”

Book Review:

In the sixth chapter of Book6 of Cyber Ethics tells us the western country is being confronted with moral
ethical problems on a daily basis. The book first discusses on the ethics and morality, character –
forming vs. action – guiding theories (such as need for contemporary moral theory: a more integrative
approach, revisiting the virtues: broadening the scope, the core values, and the practitioner from within,
imagination and narrative genre.

From what I’ve learned the book says about the philosophical theory, the moral theory and the ethical
issue. The author of the book challenges the different authors for them to write about computer ethics,
because in this kind of world the technology world all of us will have a common language if we
contribute to one another.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned that we need to help each other for us to be one even if we have different language.

Integrative Questions:

• What is the role of moral mentor?

• What is the argument stated by the character – forming vs. action –guiding theories?

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