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In my survey questions I asked questions I believe will help me develop my main task.

This market research has helped me realise what music, opening, time period and genders my film should be based around. With the responses I will evaluate different opinions on how the main task should appear. For example if my original plan was to have a female playing the lead yet the responses from the market research pointed in the direction of having a male acting as the protagonist I would have to reconsider the characters gender.

My first question was What is your gender. This question allowed me to see what different answers different genders gave. In addition different genders are going to have different answers in the following questions. The target audience to my main task is males, thus if the response to a question is 50-50, I will side with the answer that the most males selected as theyre the people to engage most into my film. Despite this I will still consider the female responses as the questions are very much localized around action films so if they do watch action films their responses will be justified on what makes a good action film. Fortunately the majority of the responses to my questionnaire were male (53.3%). This is beneficial to me as the results I was looking for were from males as my target audience is males.

The next question I asked was: What is your age? this question and the previous question gives me a profile of the respondents that will be enabling me to further my main task. Additionally different age g groups are likely to have different preferences on what makes a successful action film. The age range of my target audience is 20-28, therefore results that illustrates the audience is in this age range, their results will be the ones I focus on and take into consideration. The majority of my results for this question was (80%) 15-17, this was due to the fact that the bulk of respondents were fellow pupils in my class. Although theyre not the age Im looking for their responses will be looked into because many of the students are action film admirers, as I know them personally. However I would have rather received a larger variety of ages as having 80% of my results in the age category of 15-17 my final results will be very biased towards this age demographic where as I would prefer to have my results be varied or closer to 2028 year olds.

My third question is: how many action films do you watch in a month? this is the third and final question that enables me to gain a profile of the respondent and how valid their responses are. For example someone who has watched 100 action films will be more aware of the typical conventions of an action film and what makes a successful action film then someone who has only seen two. Additionally depending on what action films the respondents have seen will also have an effect on their answers that are two come, for example if the respondents have only seen Hollywood blockbusters but not any smaller budget films then their results will not be as reliable to base my main task than someone who has seen both. From the responses it is clear that the average amount of action films the respondents watch in a month is 2 with 26.09% of the respondents choosing this option. This is beneficial for me because 2 a month provides the respondents with an in-depth knowledge of what an action film consists of with regards to conventions and what makes a good action film. This is advantageous because their results will help me develop my opening in my main task, as they will have a justified opinion on how it should look.

Would you prefer to watch a: An opening in which the setting, time and characters are explained and why what is happening is happening, or an Fast paced opening in which you are immediately thrown into the action. This is my first question that researches which could have on effect on the final product of my main task. Many action films are associated with fast paced overwhelming opening sequences for example the James Bond films are based around fast gripping opening however in Bourne Identity the reader is introduced to the characters and setting yet both are considered iconic action films. Additionally this question was incorporated within the questionnaire because the opening of the film is considered the most important part of any film. This is also a vital question in the questionnaire because our main task in to produce 2 minute long film the approximate length of an opening sequence. The majority of the answers are fast paced action films receiving 82.61% of the vote. Originally I was planning to have a fast paced action film in which a shop robbery takes place therefore the results are favourable as in does not throw a spanner into the works. Despite this it is clear that this does not conform to everyone taste as 17.39% selected an introduction type opening as their preference.

My next question asked what their favourite action film was. This question was integrated within my survey because the responses enable to me to see what type of action films (superhero, thriller etc.) are loved most. With the answers I can see what pattern arises. The genre of action is so vast and unspecific that this question allowed me to home in on what films people consider their favourites. Due to the vastness of the genre a wide range of results came through, ranging from sucker punch (A dark fantasy action film with Disney characters in a brothel) to Taken. The most common favourite action film was Die Hard, it received four nominations in comparison to all the other responses which were only chose once. This response suggests that the audience have a preference of a large budget big blockbuster film over something considered artier like Sucker Punch. Typically the films that the respondents answered with were large budget, big famous casts with big large budget production companys. Another question I asked which accompanies the previous question was what sub-genre they would like to see accompany an action film. Originally the underlying theme of my narrative had a crime background in a robbery. This also links to the last question as it gives the preferred genre of their favourite action film and what they would like to see as the content the action that takes place. The genre I had originally planned to have alongside action was crime as the narrative behind my main task was intended to be a shop robbery, therefore preferably I would like to see the results lean towards crime. This would be the expected result as the majority of the results from the previous question suggested that crime based films were the favourites Taken, Die Hard etc. The results came through as expected, the preferred sub-genre selected was mostly crime with 37.5% the highest by roughly 15% with romance coming in second. Crime dramatically changes the tone from a quite light romantic action film where the guy is out to get the girl to a dark fundamental theme to the film.

Anoth er questi on I asked was what genre of music they believe best suits an action film. Music is the main tool used to set the tone of the film, all throughout. It is most powerful at the beginning as it immediately puts the audience on edge, hence the reason music

is used in nearly every opening of a film. Out of the genres selected fairly even results arose. I believe this is due to the fact that many peoples music taste vary and is very specific and thus greatly affected their choice towards the questionnaire. However despite this alternative was the most popular choice with 50% of the votes. I had not really considered music when creating the idea therefore this question was supportive with regards to helping me developing my task. Rock came in second with 45% therefore both will be considered when it comes to adding the music to the task.

My eighth question asked what characteristic in the film should the protagonist have, so weather they would rather be a good guy or a bad guy. Audiences perception of the film will dramatically change weather they see the plot form an evil or good guys perceptive. Typically with most films have the good guy playing the lead. Therefore I thought I would attempt to juxtapose the expectation and thus having a bad guy as the lead character. Due to this convention found in the majority of action films I thought I would attempt to break the convention by doing so. The majority of action films out there have the protagonists as the lead, which I believe has strongly influenced the respondents responses. As well as this every film of the 24 favourites chosen in a previous question the main characters of all the film had the lead as the character the audience root for. The results of the survey illustrate that the majority of the respondents would rather see an action film with the good guy as the lead. 58% of the votes favoured this option over a bad guy playing the main role in an action film. This is the first result that has not followed my ideology, due this I believe I will change the protagonist in my plot.

The following question I asked was what gender the main character should be. The main character of a film typically defines its targets audience, the main character should be the character the audience connects with most and thus holds similar features to its audience eg. age, sex, preferences etc. stereotypically the main character in an action film is a male and thus I had planned to obey this convention. In the survey it is clear that the results are 50-50. This I believe is because the majority if not all people chose their own sex.

The tenth and final question I asked was what time period an action film should be set in. The time period of a film dramatically effects the mise-en-scene, the dialogue the setting and character traits. The majority of action films are set in the present day James Bond, Die Hard, Bourne,

Transformers, Fast and Furious for example. However there are still some film set in the future such as the 5th element and True Grit is an example of a film in the distant past. However despite the fact there are good films set in the past and the future I intend to set mine in the present. The responses support my preference as 63% of responses believe that the action film should be set in the present.

Individual Response
I received one response from someone who matches my target audience demographic. This respondent was a male aged 24-26, in addition to this he watches on average 5 action films, which makes his responses all the more valid. Due to this, his responses will near enough mould my main task, as he is a representation of the audience I am reaching out to. Fortunately his responses were near enough what I was looking for; he is looking for a fast paced opening, with a good music choice, which would enhance my main task. The fact that he, as well as the majority of the other responses suggest that the film should star a good guy, this is what I will now do. Also he believes that the protagonist should be a male, this reinforces my ideology and thus will go fourth with having a male lead.

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