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Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.

0 1/06/09



E!"#!ee$#!" P$%&ess O''#&e, C%(e )42 /0/60 12-- St$eet S+! D#e"% CA 921/2-/001

S*+&e +!( N+,+- .+$'+$e Syste s Ce!te$ P+&#'#&

A**$%,e( '%$ *23-#& $e-e+se4 (#st$#32t#%! #s 2!-# #te(

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

This documen is o !e used as "uidance #or $er#ormin" $rocess analysis% as a $ar o# $rocess im$rovemen ac ivi ies% a he &$ace and 'aval (ar#are )&PA(AR* &ys ems +en er )&&+* Paci#ic. The &&+ Paci#ic &ys ems ,n"ineerin" Process O##ice )&,PO* assumes res$onsi!ili y #or his documen and u$da es i as re-uired o mee he needs o# users .i hin &&+ Paci#ic. &,PO .elcomes and solici s #eed!ac/ #rom users o# his documen so ha #u ure revisions o# his documen .ill re#lec im$rovemen s% !ased on or"ani0a ional e1$erience and lessons learned. 2ues ions or commen s re"ardin" his documen may !e communica ed o &,PO via he 3ocumen +han"e Re-ues )3+R* #orm loca ed a he !ac/ o# his documen or on he &&+ Paci#ic PA4. &,PO ma/es co$ies o# his documen availa!le on he &&+ Paci#ic Process Asse 4i!rary )PA4* a h $5//se$o.s$ 6$da es o his documen are $er#ormed in accordance .i h he &,PO +on#i"ura ion 7ana"emen Procedure.


Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

8A - A33,3 5 - 7O39F9,3 D - 3,4,T,3
:,R&9O' '67;,R

3AT, 1/06/09 1/06/09 1/06/09

'67;,R OF F9G6R,% TA;4, OR PARAGRAP< +7 num!er Throu"hou Re#erence lis and &ec 1.4

A6 5 D 7 7 7

T9T4, OR ;R9,F 3,&+R9PT9O' +han"ed +7 num!er #rom an OP3 num!er o an OPF num!er +han"ed &&+ &an 3ie"o o &&+ Paci#ic +han"ed &PA re#erence o &PAA

+<A'G, R,26,&T '67;,R OP3-0141

1.0 1.0 1.0


Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

7A8LE OF CON7EN7S Se&t#%! P+"e

&,+T9O' 1. 9'TRO36+T9O'................................................................................................................1 1.1 Pur$ose..............................................................................................................................................1 1.= ;ac/"round.......................................................................................................................................1 1.> &co$e.................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Tailorin" Guidelines..........................................................................................................................1 1.? 3ocumen Overvie...........................................................................................................................1 1.6 Re#erenced 3ocumen s......................................................................................................................= 1.@ A!!revia ions and Acronyms.............................................................................................................= &,+T9O' =. PRO+,&& 3,&+R9PT9O'..................................................................................................> =.1 Process Overvie...............................................................................................................................> =.= Roles and Res$onsi!ili ies.................................................................................................................> =.=.1 ProAec 7ana"er ........................................................................................................................> =.=.= 4ead Analys ..............................................................................................................................> =.=.> Process Analysis Peer Grou$......................................................................................................4 =.=.4 2uali y Assurance 7ana"er.......................................................................................................4 =.=.? +on#i"ura ion 7ana"emen 7ana"er.........................................................................................4 =.> ,n rance +ri eria...............................................................................................................................4 =.4 9n$u s.................................................................................................................................................4 =.? Tas/s.................................................................................................................................................? =.?.13e#ine O$$or uni y )& e$ 1*........................................................................................................? =.?.= 7easure Per#ormance )& e$ =* ..................................................................................................? =.?.> Analy0e 3a a )& e$ >*................................................................................................................6 =.?.4 9m$rove Process )& e$ 4* ...........................................................................................................@ =.?.? +on rol 3e$loymen )& e$ ?*......................................................................................................B =.6 Ou $u s..............................................................................................................................................B =.@ ,1i +ri eria.......................................................................................................................................B =.B 7easuremen s ...................................................................................................................................B APP,'39C A. FO+6& &TAT,7,'T.....................................................................................................1 APP,'39C ;. A'A4D&9& T,A7 TA&E &TAT,7,'T.......................................................................1 APP,'39C +. PRO+,&& 7AP................................................................................................................1 +.1 9n roduc ion.......................................................................................................................................1 +.= 7e hods............................................................................................................................................1 +.=.1 Flo. 3ia"rams..........................................................................................................................1 +.=.= ,T:C 3ia"rams........................................................................................................................= +.=.> 9n e"ra ed 3e#ini ion 3ia"rams..................................................................................................> APP,'39C 3. F+R9T9+A4 TOG A'A4D&9& ..........................................................................................1 APP,'39C ,. <9&TOGRA7...................................................................................................................1 APP,'39C F. R6' +<ART....................................................................................................................1


Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

APP,'39C G. F9&<;O', 39AGRA7....................................................................................................1 APP,'39C <. PAR,TO +<ART.............................................................................................................1 APP,'39C 9. ROOT +A6&, A'A4D&9&...............................................................................................1 APP,'39C H. ;RA9'&TOR79'G...........................................................................................................1 APP,'39C E - FA946R, 7O3,& A'3 ,FF,+T& A'A4D&9&............................................................1 APP,'39C 4. ;A&9+ &TAT9&T9+A4 PRO+,&& +O'TRO4 T,R79'9'O4OGD ............................1 LIS7 OF FIGURES



F9G6R, =-1. PRO+,&& A'A4D&9& O:,R:9,(..................................................................................> F9G6R, =-=. +O&T OF 26A49TD...........................................................................................................@ F9G6R, +-1. PRO+,&& 3,+O7PO&9T9O'..........................................................................................1 F9G6R, +-=. PRO+,&& F4O( 39AGRA7...........................................................................................= F9G6R, +->. ,T:C +,44.......................................................................................................................> F9G6R, +-4. 93,F0 <9,RAR+<D ,CA7P4,......................................................................................4 F9G6R, +-?. 93,F0 PAR,'T ,CA7P4,..............................................................................................4 F9G6R, +-6. 93,F0 +<943 ,CA7P4,.................................................................................................? F9G6R, 3-1. F+R9T9+A4 TOG 7ATR9C.................................................................................................1 F9G6R, ,-1. 3,F,+T 9'H,+T9O' RAT,& ;D P<A&,.......................................................................1 F9G6R, F-1. ;A&9+ R6' +<ART..........................................................................................................1 F9G6R, F-=. &P+ R6' +<ART..............................................................................................................= F9G6R, F->. TARG,T &P,+9F9+AT9O'&.............................................................................................= F9G6R, G-1. 3,F,+T +O'TA9'7,'T F9&<;O', 39AGRA7........................................................1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 F9G6R, <-1. R,(ORE PAR,TO +<ART.............................................................................................1 F9G6R, 9-1. A'3 4OG9+........................................................................................................................1 F9G6R, 9-=. OR 4OG9+...........................................................................................................................1

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

LIS7 OF 7A8LES 7+3-e P+"e

TA;4, E-1. FA946R, 7O3, A'3 ,FF,+T A'A4D&9&....................................................................1


Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

1.1 PURPOSE The $ur$ose o# his documen is o descri!e a s ruc ured me hod% !ased on -uan i a ive measuremen % #or analy0in" and im$rovin" a $rocess. (hile he in en o# his $rocess descri$ ion is o assis $roAec s assessed a +a$a!ili y 7a uri y 7odel 9n e"ra ion )+779*% re#erence )a*% 7a uri y 4evel > move o hi"her ma uri y or in a$$lyin" 4ean &i1 &i"ma% re#erence )!*% he echni-ues #or analy0in" $rocesses% iden i#yin" and reducin" .as e% and #ocusin" on im$rovin" $rocess e##iciency are a$$lica!le o any endeavor% in any indus ry% .he her you are $roducin" a $roduc % $rocessin" a ma erial% or $rovidin" a service. 1.2 8AC9GROUND

There are .o !asic me hods o# im$rovin" $rocesses. The #irs is !ased $rimarily on revie.s o# $rocess documen a ion. This me hod involves iden i#yin" $rocess im$rovemen s !ased on $eer revie.s% $rocess im$rovemen $ro$osals% and documen chan"e re-ues s. This me hod has !ene#i s rela in" o $rocess user sa is#ac ion .i h $rocess s andardi0a ion% !u he resul s are no easily measura!le. The second is !ased on im$rovin" a s$eci#ic $rocess !ased on measuremen o# $rocess $arame ers !e#ore and a# er a chan"e o he $rocess. This "uide su$$or s he second me hod. The &$ace and 'aval (ar#are )&PA(AR* &ys ems +en er )&&+* Paci#ic% &ys ems ,n"ineerin" Process O##ice )&,PO* recommends ha any $ro#essional dedica ed o he cons an im$rovemen o# he $rocesses su$$or in" heir cus omerGs re-uiremen s u ili0e his s ruc ured me hodolo"y. The corners one o# he analysis o# any $rocess is #irs ac-uirin" a clear de#ini ion o# he Fas-isG $rocess and hen develo$in" an unders andin" a!ou ho. he $rocess may !e re-en"ineered and/or im$roved. Process /no.led"e is !ased on /" he im$ac o# each su$$or in" ac ivi y o# a $rocess in -uan i a ive erms. Analysis o# -uan i#ied da a e1 rac ed #rom he $rocess .ill reveal any varia ion ha re-uires he causal analysis necessary o #ormula e needed $rocess re-en"ineerin" or $rocess im$rovemen . 1.0 SCOPE

The me hodolo"y su""es ed in his documen a$$lies o all $rocesses u ili0ed !y any or"ani0a ional ac ivi y% en"ineerin" or su$$or % a &&+ Paci#ic% .here me ric !ased analysis is he a$$lica!le me hod.. This $rocess documen has !een develo$ed !y &,PO o su$$or &&+ Paci#ic $roAec s in $er#ormin" $rocess im$rovemen and is .ri en in he con e1 o# su$$or in" he analysis o# sys ems en"ineerin" $rocesses. 1.4 7AILORING GUIDELINES

ProAec s a &&+ Paci#ic ha #ind i necessary o $rovide more in-de$ h de ails in he a$$lica ion o# his $rocess may add addi ional re-uiremen s. The $rocedural s e$s es a!lished here are deemed o !e he minimal #or e##ec ive $rocess analysis. Tailorin" o# his $rocess should #ollo. he "uidance es a!lished in A 3escri$ ion o# he &&+ Paci#ic & andard Process Asse Archi ec ure )&PAA* 3e#ini ion% re#erence )c*. 1./ DOCU5EN7 OVERVIE.

This documen $rovides "uidelines and echni-ues #or $er#ormin" $rocess analysis. &ec ion 1 $rovides an in roduc ion and !ac/"round #or he $rocess. This orien a ion is #ocused on $rocess analysis as i rela es o sys ems en"ineerin" $roAec s. <o.ever% mos o# he $rinci$les o# $rocess analysis a$$ly "enerically o any ac ivi y .i hin an or"ani0a ion or $roAec . &ec ion = o# his documen $rovides su""es ed $rocesses% re#erencin" e1am$les ha are con ained in he A$$endices.

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09



The documen s lis ed !elo. are ei her re#erenced in his documen or .ere used o develo$ he $rocess descri!ed in he documen 5 a. +a$a!ili y 7a uri y 7odel 9n e"ra ion #or &ys ems ,n"ineerin"/&o# .are ,n"ineerin"/9n e"ra ed Produc and Process 3evelo$men % and &u$$lier &ourcin"% :1.1% +arne"ie 7ellon 6niversi y )+76*/&o# .are ,n"ineerin" 9ns i u e )&,9*-=00=-TR-01=% &,9% 7arch =00= !. 4ean &i1 &i"ma% 7ichael Geor"e% 7cGra. <ill% =00= c. &&+ Paci#ic & andard Process Asse Archi ec ure 3e#ini ion% 3+-OP3-1?% &&+ Paci#ic d. Produc ,n"ineerin" and 2uali#ica ion Process% PR-T&-01% &&+ Paci#ic e. &o# .are 7easuremen Plan Tem$la e% T7-&PTO-0>% &&+ Paci#ic #. 3ecision Analysis and Resolu ion Process ),1$er 7ode*% PRC-3AR-01% &&+ Paci#ic All &&+ Paci#ic documen s are availa!le #rom he &&+ Paci#ic Process Asse 4i!rary )PA4* a h $5//se$o.s$ 1.: A88REVIA7IONS AND ACRONY5S +7 +779 +76 3+R F7,A PA4 2A &&+ &,PO &,9 &PA &PA(AR (;& +on#i"ura ion 7ana"emen +a$a!ili y 7a uri y 7odel 9n e"ra ion +arne"ie 7ellon 6niversi y 3ocumen +han"e Re-ues Failure 7odes and ,##ec s Analysis Process Asse 4i!rary 2uali y Assurance &PA(AR &ys ems +en er &ys ems ,n"ineerin" Process O##ice &o# .are ,n"ineerin" 9ns i u e & andard Process Asse s &$ace and 'aval (ar#are (or/ ;rea/do.n & ruc ure ". Process 3escri$ ion Tem$la e% T7-OP3-0>% &&+ Paci#ic

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09


2.1 PROCESS OVERVIE. Process analysis deals .i h he concerns re"ardin" a $roduc ion% ac-uisi ion% or service $rocessG e##iciency .i h res$ec o a s$eci#ic "oal es a!lished #or issues such as cos % schedule% or -uali y. The analysis $rocess a em$ s o "ain /no.led"e leadin" o he elimina ion o# ine##icien ac ivi ies and/or im$rovemen o# $rocess ac ivi ies. Fi"ure =-1 is an overvie. o# he $rocess analysis as $resen ed in his documen . The roles% res$onsi!ili ies% and he ac ivi ies associa ed .i h each s e$ are discussed in he" sec ions.
3,F9', OPPORT6'9TD Para"ra$h =.?.1 7,A&6R, P,RFOR7A'+, Para"ra$h =.?.= A'A4DI, 3ATA Para"ra$h =.?.> 97PRO:, PRO+,&& Para"ra$h =.?.4 +O'TRO4 3,P4OD7,'T Para"ra$h =.?.?


D e f i n e t h e g o a l so ft h e i m p r o v e m e n ta c t i v i t y . A tt h e p r o j e c tl e v e lg o a l sm i g h tb e t o r e d u c e t h e d e f e c tl e v e la n d i n c r e a s e t h r o u g h p u t .A p p l y d a t a m i n i n g m e t h o d st o i d e n t i f y p o t e n t i a li m p r o v e m e n to p p o r t u n i t i e s . M e a s u r e t h e e x i s t i n g p r o c e s s .E s t a b l i s h m e t r i c st o h e l p m o n i t o rp r o g r e s st o w a r d st h e g o a ld e f i n e d i n t h e t a s k s t a t e m e n t . B e g i n b y d e t e r m i n i n g t h e c u r r e n tb a s e l i n e t h r o u g h d a t a a n a l y s i s . A n a l y z e t h ep r o c e s st o i d e n t i f y w a y st o e l i m i n a t e t h e g a p b e t w e e n t h e c u r r e n tp e r f o r m a n c e o ft h e p r o c e s sa n d t h e d e s i r e d g o a l . A p p l y s t a t i s t i c a lt o o l st o g u i d e t h e a n a l y s i s . D e f i n e n e w w a y st o d o t h i n g sb e t t e r ,c h e a p e r ,o rf a s t e r . U s e s t a t i s t i c a lm e t h o d st o v a l i d a t e t h e i m p r o v e m e n t . U s e p r o j e c tm a n a g e m e n td i s c i p l i n e st o i n i t i a t e i m p l e m e n t i n g t h e n e w a p p r o a c h . C o n t r o lt h e u p d a t e d / n e w p r o c e s s . I n s t i t u t i o n a l i z e t h e i m p r o v e d p r o c e s sb y m o d i f y i n g p o l i c i e s ,p r o c e d u r e s , b u d g e t s ,o p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n sa n d o t h e rm a n a g e m e n t m e c h a n i s m s .


Tas/ s a emen and hi"h-level $rocess ma$.

"initial Risk Acco#nting

;aseline $er#ormance da a and .i h varia ion dis$layed "ra$hically. Process and roo cause analysis re$or and su$$or in" da a.

Updated RAF data.

Pro$osed chan"es o and/or ne. $rocess.

6$da ed/ne. $olicies% $rocesses% s andards% e c.

Consolidated list of prioritized

Changes to the standard SE processes.

Develop a Risk Management

Fi"ure =-1. Process Analysis Overvie. 2.2 ROLES AND RESPONSI8ILI7IES

Contingency lans

The $ara"ra$hs !elo. iden i#y he $ar ici$a in" individuals and/or eams $er#ormin" $rocess analysis .i h heir corres$ondin" res$onsi!ili ies. 2.2.1 P$%;e&t 5+!+"e$ The ProAec 7ana"er has overall res$onsi!ili y #or he $rocess analysis% $rovidin" a #ocus #or he analysis% es a!lishin" he analysis eam com$osi ion !y desi"na in" he 4ead Analys and he mem!ershi$ o# he Process Analysis Peer Grou$. &ee he #ocus s a emen in A$$endi1 A #or an e1am$le. 2.2.2 Le+( A!+-yst The ProAec 7ana"er has many res$onsi!ili ies and may choose o !e he 4ead Analys de$endin" u$on s a## si0e and $roAec com$le1i y. O her.ise% his leadershi$ res$onsi!ili y is assi"ned as a colla eral du y o one o# he $roAec echnical leads. The 4ead Analys is res$onsi!le #or develo$in" a as/ s a emen and

Risk !racking Metrics.

Updated program management

Active risk metrics

Activited risk contingency


Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

#acili a in" he $rocess analysis as descri!ed in his documen . An e1am$le o# a as/ s a emen a$$ears in A$$endi1 ;. 2.2.0 P$%&ess A!+-ys#s Pee$ G$%2* ProAec eam mem!ers are re-uired o serve as mem!ers o# $rocess analysis $eer "rou$s. These $eer "rou$s analy0e% documen % and rac/ any da a associa ed .i h he analysis e##or . A $eer "rou$ has #rom .o o #ive $ar ici$an s. The" cri eria should !e used in selec in" $ar ici$an s5 a. Trained in !asic s a is ical $rocess con rol !. Eno.led"e and e1$erience in he .or/ ac ivi ies .hose $rocess is o !e assessed. c. Assi"ned o .or/ #or he $roAec in he .or/ ac ivi ies !ein" assessed. 2.2.4 <2+-#ty Ass2$+!&e 5+!+"e$ The 2uali y Assurance )2A* mana"er $eriodically revie.s $rocess analysis ac ivi ies o ensure hey com$ly .i h he $rocess descri!ed in his documen and are com$le ed as re-uired. 2.2./ C%!'#"2$+t#%! 5+!+"e e!t 5+!+"e$ 3e$endin" u$on $roAec si0e% or"ani0a ional s ruc ure% and assi"ned res$onsi!ili ies% he +on#i"ura ion 7ana"emen )+7* mana"er may $lay a role. For e1am$le% he +7 mana"er could !e res$onsi!le #or con#i"ura ion con rol o# he ar i#ac s associa ed .i h he $rocess analysis% such as he $eer revie. da a!ase% measuremen da a!ase% s a is ical re$or s% e c.% in addi ion o he con#i"ura ion con rol o# any chan"e $ro$osals resul in" #rom he analysis e##or . 2.0 EN7RANCE CRI7ERIA a. The $roAec mana"er has de ermined he need #or $rocess analysis or a reassessmen o# he $roAec $rocesses% has documen ed a #ocus )A$$endi1 A* #or he e##or % and has desi"na ed he analysis eam mem!ershi$. The eam is com$rised o# a 4ead Analys and a Process Analysis Peer Grou$ consis in" o# .o o #ive mem!ers. !. 7ana"emen has $rovided ade-ua e resources #or $rocess analysis ac ivi ies. Resources include #undin"% s a##in"% and ools% as re-uired. c. 9ndividuals .ho are candida es o $er#orm $rocess analysis ac ivi ies have received rainin" in !asic s a is ical $rocess con rol. 2.4 INPU7S

The en rance cri eria #or his $rocess are lis ed !elo.5

(hen #irs !e"innin" a $rocess analysis% in$u s may include% !u no !e limi ed o hose lis ed !elo.5

a. Analysis #ocus in he #orm o# a #ormal s a emen or a -uan i#ied "oal #or he $rocess su!Aec o he

!. <i"h level ma$$in" o# he $rocess o !e analy0ed. c. 9ni ial analysis as/ schedules and resource !ud"e s. d. Previous $roAec lessons learned as rela ed o he su!Aec $rocess% includin" any measuremen
re$osi ories.

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09



The s e$s o# he analysis $rocess are descri!ed in he $ara"ra$hs ha #ollo.. 6se o# hese s e$s serves as an acce$ a!le $rocess analysis a$$roach and cons i u es a $lan .hen com!ined .i h even schedulin" in a $roAec Gs (or/ ;rea/do.n & ruc ure )(;&*. The $roAec Gs (;& schedules hese analysis even s as mul iday as/s o allo. ime #or he .or/ included in he" s e$s and concludin" .i h a $resen a ion o $roAec mana"emen on he resul s o# he $rocess analysis alon" .i h su$$or in" chan"e $ro$osals. 2./.1 De'#!e O**%$t2!#ty =Ste* 1> This s e$ is ini ia ed .hen he ProAec 7ana"er issues a #ocus s a emen )A$$endi1 A* and desi"na es he eam mem!ershi$. The ac ivi ies #or his s e$ are lis ed !elo.5 a. The 4ead Analys acce$ s he #ocus s a emen #rom he ProAec 7ana"er and con ac s he Process Analysis Peer Grou$ mem!ers o ensure mem!er availa!ili y% and o es a!lish mee in" imes and a dis ri!u ion lis #or minu es and/or echnical memorandums. !. The 4ead Analys ini ia es he .or/ e##or !y callin" #or a /ic/-o## mee in" o# he eam. This mee in" ela!ora es he #ocus s a emen in o a as/ s a emen )A$$endi1 ;* #or he .or/ e##or . The as/ s a emen serves as a means o communica e he sco$e o# he .or/ e##or and o ensure a common unders andin" .i hin he eam and any $rocess s a/eholders )i.e.% !ene#iciaries and/or im$lemen ers o# he im$roved $rocess*. The as/ s a emen de#ines he .or/ e##or o!Aec ives% curren measures% miles ones% he $rocess s ar /s o$ $oin s #or analysis% and a communica ions a$$roach. The as/ s a emen is su!mi ed #or a$$roval o he $roAec mana"er. c. The eam de#ines and/or ac-uires a hi"h level Jas-isK ma$ o# he $rocess under analysis. The Produc ,n"ineerin" and 2uali#ica ion Process% re#erence )d*% is an e1am$le re$resen a ive o# a +779 4evel > $roAec L ho.ever% his could also !e a sim$le #lo. char )A$$endi1 +* #or less #ormally documen ed $rocesses. The eam de ermines .he her or no he curren Jas-isK $rocess is !ein" #ollo.ed and i# i is no !ein" #ollo.ed% he eam u$da es he hi"h level ma$ o re#lec he ac ual $rocess. d. The eam analy0es he $rocess ma$ and de#ines $rocess a ri!u es ha are F+ri ical oG he #ocus o# he analysis e##or )A$$endi1 3*. This ac ivi y hel$s achieve a #ull unders andin" o# he $rocess o !e re-en"ineered and clari#y he $rocessG curren o!Aec ives and charac eris ics. e. The 4ead Analys de ermines ha a !asis #or he re-en"ineerin" o# he $rocess has !een achieved and he .or/ e##or $roceeds o measure he curren Jas-isK $rocess $er#ormance. This de ermina ion is !ased on veri#yin" ha he" ac ivi ies .ill have !een com$le ed5 1. 9m$rovemen eam es a!lished =. Tas/ s a emen documen ed >. F+ri ical oG ma rices and $rocess rela ionshi$s have !een de#ined 4. <i"h level Jas-isK $rocess #lo. com$le ed. 2./.2 5e+s2$e Pe$'%$ +!&e =Ste* 2> This s e$ allo.s eam mem!ers o -uan i#y and communica e !aseline $er#ormance and $rocess varia ions rela ive o he #ocus s a emen and he F+ri ical oG ma ri1. The ac ivi ies $er#ormed !y he eam are lis ed !elo.5 a. A he #irs mee in" durin" his s e$% he eam develo$s a clear de#ini ion o# .ha cons i u es a hi"h im$ac $rocess de#ec . For e1am$le% i# he #ocus s a emen calls #or analysis o# de#ec con ainmen in so# .are develo$men hen he de#ini ion mi"h !e a Priori y 1 or Priori y = $ro!lem re$or . !. The eam develo$s a se o# $rocess me rics ha are s$eci#ic% measura!le% and relevan o he #ocus s a emen and documen s he su$$or in" measuremen needs in he mee in" minu es or a echnical memorandum. c. A measuremen $lan is develo$ed o #acili a e collec ion o# he re-uired da a. For a $roAec $er#ormin" a +779 4evel >% he $lan may s$eci#y he use o# he e1is in" measuremen re$osi oryL

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

o her.ise% iden i#yin" an al erna e da a!ase or a me hod #or da a collec ion is needed. The &o# .are 7easuremen Plan% re#erence )e*% $rovides an e1am$le o# he needed in#orma ion and also serves as a ailora!le re#erence #or crea in" he measuremen $lan. The measuremen $lan can !e documen ed in i s sim$les #orm in a echnical memorandum. d. 3a a collec ion is $er#ormed ei her !y -uery o# an e1is in" measuremen re$osi ory or !y he e1ecu ion o# he $rocess usin" he measuremen $lan o !uild he needed da a!ase. 9 should !e no ed ha he more da a sam$lin"s% he more accura e he in#orma ion on $rocess $er#ormance. A he e1 reme a minimum o# 6 sam$lin"s is neededL ho.ever% i is recommended ha a leas .en y sam$lin"s !e used o es a!lish a $rocess !aseline .i h minimum dis or ion due o sam$lin" si0e. The lar"er he sam$le he !e er. e. The eam analy0es he collec ed $rocess da a and develo$s a "ra$hical re$resen a ion o assis in he analysis s e$. The da a re$resen in" he curren !aseline $er#ormance should !e visuali0ed in he #orm o# <is o"rams )A$$endi1 ,* and/or Run +har s )A$$endi1 F* o assis in he iden i#ica ion o# he varia ions in he $rocess under analysis. <is o"rams demons ra e he #re-uency o# s$eci#ic even s. Run char s demons ra e ou comes and !aseline $rocess measures over ime. #. (hen he 4ead Analys de ermines ha he eam mem!ers have "a hered su##icien !aseline $er#ormance in#orma ion o iden i#y .ha needs o im$rove and .ha measura!le resul s .ill occur #rom $rocess im$rovemen % hen he eam .ill !e direc ed o ini ia e analysis. For e1am$le% in he con e1 o# de#ec con ainmen % a his o"ram may reveal ha he !ul/ o# he errors are de ec ed durin" he in e"ra ion and es $hase. Then he measura!le resul s indica in" an im$rovemen in de#ec con ainmen .ould !e a shi# in he his o"ram dis ri!u ion" de#ec de ec ion has moved #rom a de$endency on he in e"ra ion and es $hase o he earlier $hases o# re-uiremen s de#ini ion% desi"n% and/or im$lemen a ion. 2./.0 A!+-y?e D+t+ =Ste* 0> The $ur$ose o# his s e$ is o achieve an in-de$ h unders andin" o# he sources and ma"ni ude o# $rocess varia ion and $rocess errors. This s e$ is necessary o hel$ he eam mem!ers #ocus im$rovemen e##or s in he ri"h $lace o achieve he desired im$rovemen s. The ac ivi ies o# his s e$ are lis ed !elo.5 a. The hi"h level $rocess ma$ is ela!ora ed in o a de ailed $rocess ma$ )A$$endi1 +* o enhance unders andin" o# he cri ical ac ivi ies and $er#ormance o# he Jas-isK $rocess. !. 9mmedia e im$rovemen o$$or uni ies are iden i#ied. For e1am$le% in he con e1 o# de#ec con ainmen % reco"ni0in" ha he e##or inves ed in removin" as many de#ec s as $ossi!le% as early as $ossi!le in he li#ecycle reduces re.or/% .hich reduces cos % shor ens schedules% reduces ris/ )no discoverin" maAor $ro!lems in in e"ra ion es in"*% increases -uali y ) de#ec s delivered*% and im$roves cus omer sa is#ac ion. Throu"h analysis o# he de ailed $rocess ma$ usin" Run +har s and/or <is o"rams on da a #rom cri ical $rocess $oin s% he eam can iden i#y he sources and rela ive ma"ni udes o# $rocess varia ion and/or errors ha im$ac de#ec con ainmen . Any need #or addi ional da a is iden i#ied and da a collec ion ini ia ed. c. A cause and e##ec dia"ram )A$$endi1 G*% or ano her sui a!le ool% is used o "enera e he lis o# $ossi!le causes o# e1cessive varia ion uncovered in he Run +har and/or <is o"ram. A Pare o char )A$$endi1 <* can !e used o de ermine ma"ni ude o# varia ion associa ed .i h each source. Roo +ause analysis )A$$endi1 9* is a$$lied o iden i#y !o h common cause and s$ecial cause varia ions )i.e.% varia ions caused !y une1$ec ed even s*. ;rains ormin" )A$$endi1 H* is a$$lied usin" he availa!le da a o hel$ develo$ an in-de$ h de ermina ion o# he source o# !o h common and s$ecial cause $rocess varia ions. O$ ionally% Failure 7odes and ,##ec s Analysis )F7,A* )A$$endi1 E* can !e used o #ur her evalua e cri ical $rocesses. d. The resul o# he analysis is he iden i#ica ion o# a $er#ormance "a$ !e .een he Jas-isK $rocess and he desired $rocess. This serves as a -uan i#ied o!Aec ive #or he resul s o# he im$rovemen o he $rocess under analysis. O$$or uni y #or im$rovemen is hen demons ra ed in #inancial erms as illus ra ed in Fi"ure =-=.

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

e. (hen he 4ead Analys de ermines ha he eam has iden i#ied and -uan i#ied he !ene#i s ha .ill resul #rom closin" he $er#ormance "a$% hen hey $roceed o "enera e and es $ossi!le solu ions.

Fi"ure =-=. +os o# 2uali y 2./.4 I *$%,e P$%&ess =Ste* 4> The $ur$ose o# his s e$ is o "enera e and es $ossi!le solu ions. Tes in" $ossi!le solu ions allo.s he eam o selec a !es #i !ased on measures "enera ed durin" he es . The ac ivi ies #or his s e$ are lis ed !elo.5 a. The eam analy0es Pare o and Roo +ause resul s and com$ares he da a .i h he Fas-isG $rocess descri$ ion o iden i#y o$$or uni ies #or im$rovemen . The search #or $ossi!le solu ions can !e #ound in ada$ in" !es $rac ices #rom models such as re#erence )a*% indus ry com$e i ors% or even o her indus ries. One or more solu ions are desi"ned #or es or modelin" o de ermine he !es a$$roach o $rocess im$rovemen . The eam es s or simula es he $ossi!le solu ions and collec s $rocess $er#ormance da a o su$$or selec in" he o$ imum solu ion. !. &olu ions are $riori i0ed accordin" o documen ed assum$ ions and "iven cons rain s ) echnical% cos % cul ural% or o her.ise*. c. Pilo da a is collec ed #rom !e a es in" and/or modelin"% and analy0ed o ran/ he e##ec iveness o# he al erna ive solu ions. 9n addi ion each solu ion is ran/ed on #easi!ili y ) ime and/or cos *. d. The o$ imum solu ion #or $rocess im$rovemen is selec ed and a ne. $rocess ma$ "enera ed o documen he im$roved $rocess. A decision on he o$ imum solu ion can !e #acili a ed usin" he 3ecision Analysis and Resolu ion Process ),1$er 7ode*% re#erence )#*.

Process Analysis Guide PR-OPF-04 v1.0 1/06/09

e. The eam hen de#ines success measures and he da a collec ion me hod is $ro$osed as a chan"e o he curren measuremen $lan. A $er#ormance ar"e #or he ne. $rocess is es a!lished. #. An im$lemen a ion a$$roach #or !o h he measuremen and $rocess chan"es is documen ed and su!mi ed. ,1am$les .ould include% !u no !e limi ed o% a +han"e Pro$osal o an e1is in" $rocess or documen % a (or/ Re-ues #or a ne. $rocess% or a re-uisi ion #or a ne. ool. 2././ C%!t$%- De*-%y e!t =Ste* /> The $ur$ose o# his s e$ is o ins i u ionali0e he chan"e and sus ain he im$rovemen . This s e$ is necessary o ensure he ne. $rocess is #ully im$lemen ed and con inues o deliver $er#ormance ha mee s e1$ec a ions. The ac ivi ies in his s e$ are lis ed !elo.5 a. Policies and $rocedures o su$$or he ne. $rocess are documen ed and su!mi ed o he con#i"ura ion con rol mechanism )i.e.% 3ocumen +han"e Re-ues )3+R*/(or/ Re-ues $rocessin"* !. 6$da ed $rocess s andards and/or documen a ion o su$$or he ne. $rocess have !een a$$roved% he re-uired chan"es com$le ed and added o he $rocess asse s ) rainin"% $olicy% +7% 2A% echnical $rocesses% e c*. c. The measuremen M re$or in" $rocess is documen ed in a measuremen $lan and da a collec ion resources alloca ed. d. The ne. and/or chan"ed $rocess is a$$lied and he measuremen re$osi ory is u$da ed .i h he resul in" da a. e. A# er mul i$le a$$lica ions o# he ne. and/or chan"ed $rocess% he measuremen re$osi ory is analy0ed o valida e he $rocess im$rovemen e1$ec a ions. 2.6 OU7PU7S The resul s o# $rocess analysis are revie.ed and he "rou$ reaches consensus on he resul s o# he $rocess im$rovemen e##or . The #inal ac ivi y in he $rocess analysis is he $resen a ion o# he resul s and a mee in" .i h he $roAec mana"er. 2.: E@I7 CRI7ERIA

Assessin" $roAec or or"ani0a ional $rocesses is a con inuous $rocess. As such% he ac ivi ies de#ined in & e$s 1 hrou"h & e$ ? are re$ea ed in a cyclic manner. ,ach i era ion is $er#ormed ar"e in" a ne. $er#ormance o!Aec ive. 2.) 5EASURE5EN7S

+andida e measuremen s #or $rocess analysis could include% !u no !e limi ed o% recordin" he measuremen da a lis ed !elo.5 a. ,##or and #unds e1$ended in $rocess analysis ac ivi ies o #acili a e an assessmen o# he cos e##ec iveness o# he $rocess analysis ac ivi ies. !. ,ach ime a $rocess analysis is $er#ormed% record he i ems lis ed !elo.5 1. The da es o# he $rocess analysis =. The e##or and #unds e1$ended on he $rocess analysis >. Tar"e $er#ormance es ima e resul in" #rom he $rocess analysis.


The $ur$ose o# he Focus & a emen is o $rovide he $roAec mana"er% or individual res$onsi!le #or he $rocess o !e analy0ed% a means o ini ia e he analysis .hile iden i#yin" he eam mem!ers and he #ocus o# heir e##or . For e1am$le5 7%A Hoe Techie )4ead Analys * 9.7. Tes er )Peer Grou$* &.6. Percoder )Peer Grou$* 6.4. 3esi"ni )Peer Grou$* S23;e&tA Process Analysis Team Assi"nmen A re-uiremen e1is s o im$rove de#ec con ainmen .i hin he so# .are en"ineerin" $rocess. 9n e"ra ion and Tes in" $hase schedules are sli$$in" and he usersG are re$or in" cri ical de#ec s in delivered $roduc s. This has resul ed in he need #or e1$ensive con ac eams sen o user si es o re$air he $roduc . The $rocess o !e analy0ed !e"ins .i h he de#ini ion o# he sys em re-uiremen s and ends .i h he com$le ion o# he 9n e"ra ion and Tes in" $hase. The resul s o# his e##or should !e an im$rovemen in he -uali y o# he delivered $roduc .hile reducin" he curren e1$ensive re.or/ and con ac eam cos s.

9. 7. 3e;oss



The $ur$ose o# he Tas/ & a emen is o es a!lish a clear de#ini ion o# he $rocess analysis as/ and i s ime and e##or $arame ers. The Tas/ & a emen also serves as a con rac !e .een he eam and au hori y issuin" he Focus & a emen . The" is an e1am$le o# a Tas/ & a emen . P$%;e&tA &67 Tac ical Aides 7e+ 7e+ Le+(e$A Hoe Techie 5e 3e$sA 9.7. Tes er % &.6. Percoder% 6.4. 3esi"ni

C2$$e!t S#t2+t#%!A Recen deliveries o #lee users have yielded a dis ressin" num!er o# hi"h $riori y rou!le re$or s causin" a need #or con ac eam su$$or . This is des$i e e1 endin" he 9n e"ra ion and Tes $hase !eyond i s $lanned schedule in ho$es ha he increased es in" .ould #ind all he hi"h $riori y $ro!lems. (hile 9n e"ra ion and Tes has #ound a hi"h num!er o# $ro!lems% i has resul ed in e1$ensive re.or/ o correc !e#ore deliveryL !u % des$i e his e1 ra e##or and cos a 9n e"ra ion and Tes % he users are re$or in" service $ro!lems o he s$onsor ha can im$ac #u ure as/in". O**%$t2!#ty '%$ I *$%,e e!tA The o!Aec ive is o achieve a 0ero de#ec ra e a delivery ime% o ally elimina in" hi"h $riori y rou!le re$or s #rom he #lee users and he need #or he con ac eams. 9n e"ra ion and Tes has !een he $rinci$le means o# e##ec in" de#ec con ainmen % .i h he curren schedule em$hasis !ein" J<o. #as can .e "e o Tes NK Analysis o# de#ec con ainmen durin" re-uiremen s% desi"n% and im$lemen a ion .ill reveal a means o elimina e he errors durin" he early $hases .here hey are leas cos ly o re$air in !o h dollars and e##or . This should reduce he need #or e1 endin" he schedule o# 9n e"ra ion and Tes .here re.or/ is very e1$ensive and may resul in a shor enin" o# he 9n e"ra ion and Tes $hase schedule. 7easurin" de#ec con ainmen durin" each $hase .ill reveal curren $er#ormance and also allo. #or se in" ar"e s #or modelin" $rocess im$rovemen s. P$%&ess I *%$t+!&eA This e##or is cri ical o $rovidin" he hi"h level o# service o he #lee user ha is e1$ec ed !y he s$onsor% he cen er% and mos im$or an ly he cus omer. The -uali y issues a he cus omer level are havin" an im$ac on #u ure !usiness o$$or uni ies in ha he s$onsor is loo/ a com$e in" la!s and even considerin" ou sourcin" direc ly o a maAor de#ense con ac or. P$%&ess St+$t B St%*A & ar Poin 5 Re-uiremen s elici a ion and de#ini ion & o$ Poin 5 +om$le ion o# he 9n e"ra ion and Tes $hase in $re$ara ion #or #lee delivery. P$%;e&t O3;e&t#,esA The analysis e##or .ill lead o chan"es in he re-uiremen s% desi"n% im$lemen a ion% and he in e"ra ion and es in" $rocesses. A!+-ys#s E''%$t 5e+s2$esA The analysis .ill !e moni ored !y addin" su!- as/s #or each miles one o he $roAec (;&% com$le e .i h he re-uired s a## hours. 5#-est%!esA


The" de#ines he $lanned $rocess analysis $hases5 3e#ine O$$or uni y5 7easure Per#ormance5 Analy0e 3a a5 9m$rove Process5 +on rol 3e$loymen 5 1-1? &e$ em!er 16->1 Oc o!er 01->0 'ovem!er 01->1 3ecem!er Revision 1=; o# &67 Tac ical Aides



C.1 IN7RODUC7ION Process ma$s% or models% are needed o e1$lain ho. a $rocess .or/s. The o!Aec ive o# a $rocess ma$ is o clari#y he rela ionshi$s o# /ey elemen s% crea e a !asis #or discussion% and enhance our $ers$ec ive o# he $rocessG em!edded rules. A $rocess ma$$in" con ains !o h a visual re$resen a ion o# he $rocess #lo. and a descri$ ion o# he $rocess ac ivi ies. Process analysis s ar s .i h a hi"h level descri$ ion o# he Fas-isG $rocess elemen s ha are o !e decom$osed in o a de ailed ma$ o# he $rocess $rac ices. This decom$osi ion is illus ra ed in Fi"ure +-1.

Fi"ure +-1. Process 3ecom$osi ion Fi"ure +-1 "ra$hically illus ra es he conce$ o# decom$osi ion. 9 is no com$le e as a $rocess de#ini ion in ha he "ra$hics need o !e su$$lemen ed .i h he $rocess de ails in a e1 ual #orm such as #ound in he Process 3escri$ ion Tem$la e% re#erence )"*. The re#erence $rovides a descri$ ion o# he !asic in#orma ion re-uired in a $rocess de#ini ion. C.2 5E71ODS &elec ion o# a me hod is !ased on many #ac ors% includin" cos % ease o# use% and re-uired level o# e1$ression. To ha end% here are many me hod in addi ion o re#erence )"* ha can !e a$$lied o su$$or $rocess de#ini ion and decom$osi ion. These are descri!ed in he sec ions ha #ollo.5 C.2.1 F-%C D#+"$+ s Flo. dia"rams are made o# sym!ols ha sho. he di##eren s e$s o# a $rocess. 3i##eren sha$es are used o indica e di##eren y$es o# s e$s in he $rocess. Flo. dia"rams can easily !e crea ed and main ained usin" sim$le ools such as Po.erPoin . Fi"ure +-= illus ra es an e1am$le o# a #lo. dia"ram.


Fi"ure +-=. Process Flo. 3ia"ram 9n his e1am$le% he ac ion !o1es con ain a e1 ual descri$ ion o# he ac ivi ies. Ano her o$ ion .ould !e o num!er he i led !o1es in he #lo. dia"ram and hen use% #or e1am$le% a e1 a!le o i emi0e and descri!e he associa ed ac ivi ies. This sim$li#ies he "ra$hics re-uired o su$$or he de#ini ion o# he $rocess and sim$li#ies u$da in". C.2.2 E7V@ D#+"$+ s 9n he mid-19B0s% he 9n erna ional ;usiness 7achines )9;7* 9n#orma ion & ora"e Grou$ #ound i necessary o crea e a common $rocess model o #acili a e $rocess de#ini ion needed o im$rove he $roduc ivi y o# en"ineers and -uali y o# $roduc . ,T:C is an acronym #or he s ruc ure o# he $rocess descri$ ion con en . The s ruc ure as ori"inally de#ined is as #ollo.s5 a. =E>!t$y &$#te$#+5 a lis o# en ry cri eria ha should !e sa is#ied !e#ore !e"innin" he as/s. !. =7>+sDs5 a se o# as/ descri$ ions ha indica e .ha is o !e accom$lished. c. =V>+-#(+t#%!s5 a valida ion $rocedure o veri#y he -uali y o# he .or/ i ems $roduced !y he as/s. d. e=@>#t &$#te$#+5 a chec/lis o# e1i cri eria ha should !e sa is#ied !e#ore he ac ivi y is vie.ed as com$le e. 9# a valida ion $rocedure indica es ha chan"e or re.or/ is re-uired .i hin a as/% an i era ive loo$ o# as/ and valida ion is #ollo.ed un il i is veri#ied ha he i ems $roduced !y ha as/ are sa is#ac orily com$le ed. Fi"ure +-> illus ra es he #orma o# a cell% he !asic uni #or $rocess descri$ ion usin" ,T:C.


Fi"ure +->. ,T:C +ell A cell is a !asic elemen in ,T:C used o de#ine a $rocessG ac ivi ies. The cell is sui a!le #or varyin" si0es o# $rocesses in ha one can decom$ose a cell !y usin" a "rou$ o# su!ordina e cells. 9n his manner% i can !e used o su$$ly he su$$lemen al $rocess in#orma ion needed o su$$or a hierarchy dia"ram s ruc ure as illus ra ed in Fi"ure +-1. C.2.0 I!te"$+te( De'#!#t#%! D#+"$+ s The 9n e"ra ed 3e#ini ion )93,F* me hod .as !orn #rom he 6.&. Air Force Pro"ram #or 9n e"ra ed +om$u er Aided 7anu#ac urin" )9+A7*. 9n he 19@0s% he $ro"ram .an ed o increase $roduc ivi y hrou"h he use o# com$u er echnolo"y. 9+A7 #irs develo$ed 93,F0% 93,F1 and 93,F=. 93,F0 .as he #unc ion model% and decom$osi ion usin" his me hod is illus ra ed in Fi"ure +-4 hru Fi"ure +-6. 93,F1 is an in#orma ion model% and 93,F= is a dynamics model. 93,F0 de#ines a "ra$hical modelin" lan"ua"e and a me hod #or develo$in" models. ;y a$$lyin" 93,F0 o a $rocess% he resul is a hierarchical series o# cross-re#erenced dia"rams% e1 and "lossary dis$layin" #unc ions in a sys em and he da a and o!Aec s ha rela e he #unc ions. The com$le1i y o# he dia"rams inhi!i s ease in incor$ora in" chan"es and is !es im$lemen ed usin" a commercial ool su$$or in" he me hod. 93,F0 is commonly used #or analysis% develo$men % in e"ra ion or ac-uisi ion o# in#orma ion sys ems #or he 6&AF.


Fi"ure +-4. 93,F0 <ierarchy ,1am$le

Fi"ure +-?. 93,F0 Paren ,1am$le


Fi"ure +-6. 93,F0 +hild ,1am$le



The analysis o# issues cri ical o he s$onsor% end-user% and o her s a/eholders hel$ #ocus he im$rovemen e##or . This a$$roach is o# en re#erred o as he +ri ical Goal 7odel in ha i is used o iden i#y he "oals ha are im$or an o he cus omer. 9 is% in e##ec % he resul o# lis enin" o he J:oice o# he +us omerK. The cus omer-driven "oals are or"ani0ed in o maAor ca e"ories% lo"ically "rou$ed !y issues ha are cus omer #ocused. ,1am$le "rou$in"s include cus omer re-uiremen s ha are cri ical- o--uali y% cri icalo-schedule% and cri ical o- cos . Reduce The ma ri1 $rovided in Fi"ure 3-1 $rovides a $ic ure o# ho. cri ical "oals rela e o he $rocess em$loyed o mee he cus omerGs need #or a $roduc and/or service. The $rocess s e$s de$ic ed in Fi"ure 3-1 are !u a su!se o# he en ire $rocess a"ains .hich he cri ical issues should !e ma$$ed. For e1am$le% he individual ac ivi ies con ained in he res$ec ive $rocesses de#ined in re#erence )d* .ould !e re$resen a ive o# he e1 en o# sco$e o# he ma$$in". 7a$$in" o# F+ri ical oG issues hel$s iden i#y he /ey nodes o# a de#ined $rocess ha need de ailed analysis o iden i#y $rocess im$rovemen o$$or uni ies. 9ssues cri ical o he cus omer can !e derived #rom rou!le re$or s% chan"e $ro$osals% commen s a in$rocess revie.s% $hone con ac lo"s% and direc s a emen s #rom s a/eholders.

Fi"ure 3-1. F+ri ical oG 7a ri1


A his o"ram is a !ar "ra$h ha summari0es da a% "ra$hically illus ra in" he #re-uency .i h .hich an even occurs. For e1am$le% he num!er o# de#ec s #ound durin" each $hase o# a so# .are develo$men e##or is illus ra ed in Fi"ure ,-1. <is o"rams can hel$ "ain more insi"h in o he $rocess. Fi"ure ,-1 ma/es i very clear .here he maAori y o# de#ec s are inAec ed in o he $roduc . <is o"rams are easy o $roduce usin" 7icroso# O##ice ools such as (ord% Po.erPoin % and ,1cel.

Fi"ure ,-1. 3e#ec 9nAec ion Ra es !y Phase



A run char is a line char ha sho.s he se-uen ial $er#ormance o# a $rocess over ime. Run char s are easy o ma/e% and he run char is he s ar in" $oin #or all con rol char s. A !asic run char can !e cons ruc ed usin" ,1cel. Firs % ma/e sure he da a is in he order i ac ually ha$$ened. 'e1 % ma/e a line "ra$h #rom your da a. & e$s o ma/e a line "ra$h in ,1cel5 a. <i"hli"h your da a. !. Go o 9nser % +har )or clic/ on he char icon*. c. From he dialo"ue !o1% clic/ on 4ine% 'e1 clic/ on he &eries a!% and hen selec your ran"e #or he +a e"ory )C* a1is la!els. d. +lic/ on he Finish !u on% and ,1cel .ill dra. your "ra$h. The run char in Fi"ure F-1 sho.s he $a"es read $er error discovered durin" $eer revie.s. The run char is easy o use and $rovides a "ra$hical re$resen a ion o# he dis ri!u ion o# da a ha ells a lo a!ou he s a!ili y and varyin" e##ec iveness o# he curren $eer revie. $rocess.

Peer Review Run Chart

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Pages Per Error

Fi"ure F-1. ;asic Run +har Overlayin" he char .i h s a is ical $rocess con rol $arame ers can enhance unders andin" o# $eer revie. $er#ormance. Fi"ure F-= illus ra es he avera"e )+,'* and he na ural u$$er and con rol limi s )6+4% 4+4* calcula ed usin" he ra. in$u da a. The added da a allo.s he eam o s$eci#y ar"e values #or he +,' and ne. u$$er and s$eci#ica ion limi s )6&4% 4&4* as illus ra ed in Fi"ure F->. These ne. limi s !ecome he "oal #or im$rovemen o# he $eer revie. $rocess and iden i#y he limi s ha .ill de ermine .he her a "iven $eer revie. is considered in con rol )i.e.% .i hin he limi s* and i# here are any $o en ial s$ecial cause varia ions ha need o !e analy0ed. Fi"ure F-> sho.s hree $eer revie.s .hose resul s are considered Fou o# con rolG ha should !e su!Aec o analysis #or s$ecial causes.


Peer Revie 20 1# 10 # 0 "# "10 "1# Pages Per Error Proj A Proj B Proj C Proj D Proj E


Proj F

Proj G

Proj H

Proj I

Proj J




Fi"ure F-=. &P+ Run +har

Peer Review Run Chart

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Proj A Proj B Proj C Proj D Proj E Proj F Proj G %)& Proj H &)& Proj I Proj J

Pages Per Error

'arge( CE$

Fi"ure F->. Tar"e &$eci#ica ions



The #ish!one dia"ram% also /no.n as he 9shi/a.a dia"ram or cause-and-e##ec dia"ram% is one .ay o#" he causes leadin" u$ o an e##ec . The causes are usually "rou$ed in o ca e"ories such as% ools% s a##% $rocesses% and echnical in$u s o he $rocess. Fi"ure G-1 is an e1am$le o# a #ish!one dia"ram #or de#ec con ainmen . The causes can !e iden i#ied !y da a% or hey can !e "enera ed #rom a !rains ormin" session% or in ervie.s .i h $eo$le involved in he $rocess. &ome "uidelines o !uildin" a #ish!one dia"ram are lis ed !elo.5 a. ;e sure everyone a"rees on he e##ec 5 (ha is he $ro!lemN !. ;e succinc //ee$ i sim$le c. Try o hin/ o# A44 $ossi!le causes d. +onsider .hich causes are mos li/ely o !e he roo cause

Fi"ure G-1. 3e#ec +on ainmen Fish!one 3ia"ram



A Pare o char is a sor ed !ar "ra$h ha summari0es da a%" he #re-uency and cumula ive $ercen o# ime .i h .hich some hin" ha$$ens. The Pare o char hel$s o #ocus a en ion on he $ro!lems ha o##er he "rea es $ay!ac/ in im$rovemen . Fi"ure <-1 is an e1am$le o# a Pare o char .

400 *#0 *00 2#0 200 1#0 100 #0 0

io -0 'e s( e(s De si gRe +u ire , , e(a ( ca (io -

1203004 1003004 803004 603004 403004 203004 03004 Re or5 Hrs Cu, Perce-(

a( io

I, ./ e

Fi"ure <-1. Re.or/ Pare o +har The char hi"hli"h s ha durin" 9n e"ra ion/Tes and durin" su$$or o# 2uali#ica ion es in" is .here he "rea es re.or/ e1$enses are encoun ered. This can !e ransla ed in o a $ro!lem s a emen o con ain error durin" he earlier $hases .here here is less cos #or re$air.

I(e gr


1 ua /i2i


A roo cause analysis can !e done usin" a sim$le #ish!one )cause and e##ec * dia"ram. <o.ever% some $eo$le li/e he causali y ree dia"rams !e er. Dou may hin/ o# his as an e1$anded version o# he #ish!one dia"ram or an e1ercise in ;oolean lo"ic. ,very hin" in he ree is read #rom he !o om-u$5 9F +ause 1 and/or +ause = T<,' ,##ec >. The !o1es in he middle re$resen causes ha are also e##ec s. For e1am$le5 9F +ause > T<,' ,##ec 4. The !o1 a he o$ o# he ree is he ne"a ive e##ec you are inves i"a in". The Jroo causesK are he !o1es a he !o om ha % .hen removed% elimina e he ne"a ive e##ec a he o$ o# he ree. Fi"ures 9-1 and 9-= illus ra e he a$$roach.

Fi"ure 9-1. A'3 lo"ic

Fi"ure 9-=. OR lo"ic


;rains ormin" is a ool #or -uic/ly solici in" ideas #rom a eam. ;rains ormin" sessions should !e s ruc ured )everyone a/es a urn s$ea/in"* and minu es o# he discussion recorded. 9 is im$or an o end he session !y "oin" around he room o ma/e sure everyone has an o$$or uni y o voice heir o$inion. Pre$ara ion can include% !u no !e limi ed o he ac ivi ies lis ed !elo.5 a. Ga her some $os -i no es% .ri in" im$lemen s% and ma/e sure everyone has some $a$er. )A #li$ char can also !e used. Pos -i no es le you move he commen s around -uic/ly% o ca e"ori0e and com!ine ideas .i hou #li$$in" hrou"h a lo o# $a$er.* !. 3esi"na e a #acili a or and he no es a/er. The #acili a or is in char"e o# he !rains ormin" $rocess and ma/in" sure ha all o# he !rains ormin" "round rules are #ollo.ed. ;rains ormin" "round rules are lis ed !elo.5 a. & a e he -ues ion you .an o have ans.ered. (ri e i do.n .here everyone can see i . !. 7a/e sure everyone has a .ri in" im$lemen M some $os -i no es/$a$er. c. &olici ideas usin" a s ruc ured or uns ruc ured me hod. (hen an idea is voiced% do no cri ici0e i . & rive #or -uan i y% no -uali y. d. As each idea is voiced% .ri e i do.n/$os i .here everyone can see. e. ,nd he session !y" he lis o# ideas #or clari y and "e rid o# du$lica es. 7a/e sure everyone has had he o$$or uni y o voice ideas.



(hen conduc in" a $rocess Failure 7odes and ,##ec s Analysis )F7,A*% hin/ in erms o# he elemen s o# a $rocess such as hose de#ined in Fi"ure G-1% he 3e#ec +on ainmen Fish!one 3ia"ram. These elemen s are lis ed !elo.5 a. & a## !. Process c. Tools d. 9n$u s (i h hese elemen s in mind% as/% J<o. can $rocess #ailure a##ec he $roduc % $rocessin" e##iciency% or sa#e yNK The s e$s o# he F7,A are lis ed !elo.5 a. & e$ 15 Revie. he $rocess. !. & e$ =5 ;rains orm $o en ial #ailure mode. c. & e$ >5 4is $o en ial e##ec s o# each #ailure mode in a #orm such as Ta!le E-1. d. & e$ 45 Assi"n a severi y ra in" #or each e##ec . e. & e$ ?5 +alcula e he Ris/ 4evel #or each e##ec . #. & e$ 65 Priori i0e he #ailure mode lis #or ac ion. ". & e$ @5 Ta/e ac ion o elimina e or reduce he hi"h-ris/ #ailure modes. h. & e$ B5 Re-calcula e a resul in" Ris/ 4evel as he #ailure modes are reduced or elimina ed and re$riori i0e he lis . TA;4, E-1. FA946R, 7O3, A'3 ,FF,+T A'A4D&9& Se,e$#ty R#sD Le,eC%$$e&t#,e P%te!t#+- E''e&t =L%C, 5e(, 1#"G> =L%C, 5e(, 1#"G> A&t#%!

F+#-2$e 5%(e



To hel$ in unders andin" he s a is ical discussion o# he #indin"s $resen ed in his re$or % he /ey s a is ical $rocess con rol erms are de#ined !elo.5 a. H - The I value is a da a $oin Os $osi ion !e .een he mean and ano her loca ion as measured !y he num!er o# s andard devia ions. I is a universal measuremen !ecause i can !e a$$lied o any uni o# measure. I is a measure o# $rocess ca$a!ili y and corres$onds o he $rocess si"ma value ha is re$or ed !y he !usinesses. For e1am$le% a >-si"ma $rocess means ha hree s andard devia ions lie !e .een he mean and he neares con rol limi . Three is he I value. !. S#" + - The Gree/ le er s )si"ma* re#ers o he s andard devia ion o# a $o$ula ion. &i"ma% or s andard devia ion% is used as a scalin" #ac or o conver u$$er and s$eci#ica ion limi s o I. There#ore% a $rocess .i h hree s andard devia ions !e .een i s mean and a s$eci#ica ion limi .ould have a I value o# > and commonly .ould !e re#erred o as a >-si"ma $rocess. c. S*e&#+- C+2se - A source o# a -uali y #ailure ha lies ou side he limi s o# a $rocess% and is in ermi en % un$redic a!le% uns a!leL some imes called an JAssi"na!le +auseK. d. C% %! C+2se - A source o# -uali y #ailure ha is al.ays $resen as $ar o# he random varia ion inheren in a $rocess. 9 s ori"in can usually !e raced o an elemen o# he $rocess .hich only mana"emen can correc . The less .ell-de#ined a $rocess is% he more i is su!Aec o random varia ion% resul in" in a hi"her level o# -uali y #ailures )!u"s*. e. U**e$ C%!t$%- L# #t =UCL> - Re$resen s a > si"ma u$.ards devia ion #rom he mean value o# a varia!le. For normally dis ri!u ed ou $u % 99.@P should #all !e .een 6+4 and 4+4. #. L%Ce$ C%!t$%- L# #t =LCL> - &imilar o 6+4 !u re$resen in" a do.n.ards >-si"ma devia ion #rom he mean value o# a se o# varia!les.

". Ce!te$ =CEN> - The cen er o# a $rocess is he avera"e value o# i s da a. 9 is e-uivalen o he mean and is a measure o# he cen ral endency. +an !e dis$layed as he cen erline o# a $rocess con rol char . h. U**e$ S*e&#'#&+t#%! L# #t =USL> Q A 6&4 is a value !elo. .hich $er#ormance o# a $roduc or $rocess is acce$ a!le. 9 is a limi es a!lished !y mana"emen . i. A. L%Ce$ S*e&#'#&+t#%! L# #t =LSL> - An 4&4 is a value a!ove .hich $er#ormance o# a $roduc or $rocess is acce$ a!le. 9 is a limi es a!lished !y mana"emen . St+3-e P$%&ess - A $rocess ha does no con ain any s$ecial cause varia ion -- i only con ains common cause varia ion. +ommon cause varia ion is ha .hich is normal o he $rocess and doesnO chan"e over ime.

/. 7+$"et Q A desired s$eci#ica ion #or he value o# a $rocessGs +,'% 6+4% 4+4% 6&4% 4&4% e c.



3ocumen Ti le5 P$%&ess A!+-ys#s G2#(e 'ame o# &u!mi in" Or"ani0a ion5 Or"ani0a ion +on ac 5 7ailin" Address5 3+R 3escri$ ion5 +han"e 4oca ion5 )use sec ion R% #i"ure R% a!le R% e c.* Pro$osed chan"e5 3a e5 Phone5 Trac/in" 'um!er5

Ra ional #or +han"e5

'o e5 For he &ys ems ,n"ineerin" Process O##ice )&,PO* o a/e a$$ro$ria e ac ion on a chan"e re-ues % $lease $rovide a clear descri$ ion o# he recommended chan"e alon" .i h su$$or in" ra ionale. &end o5 +ommandin" O##icer% &$ace and 'aval (ar#are &ys ems +en er% +ode B4=00% ?>?60 <ull & ree % Paci#ic% +A 9=1?=-?001 Fa15 )619* ??>-6=49 ,mail5 se$oSs$ &u!mi online5 h $5//se$o.s$ 3+R Form @/=00B

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