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Transfercoeffcents 46

Chapter three

Evaluationof TransferCoefficients Engineering Gorrelations

Sincemostengineering problems do not havetheorctical solutions, a largeportionof engineering analysis is concerned with expeimental information, which is usuallyexpressed in lemls of engineering conelations. These conelations. however., are limited to a specific geomeffy, equipment configumtion, boundary conditions, andsubstance. As a result, thevaluesobfained from coffelations arenot exact andit is possible to oblaintwo differcnt answers fiom two different coffelations for thesameproblem. Therefore, oneshouldkeep in mindthat theuseofa correlation introduces anerrorin lheorderof +25./.. Engineering corelationsarc givenin termsof dimensionless nlrmbers. For example, the correlatioas usedto dete nine thefrictionfactor, heattransfer coefficient, andnasskansfer coefficient aregenerally expressed in theform I : I (Re) Nu: Nu(Re,Pr) Sh: S1t1B"' t"' ln thischaptetsomeof theavailable correlations for momentum, energy, andmass trans, po in different geomefies wi]l bepresented. Emphasis will beplaced on thecalculations of force(or rateofwork), heatransferrate,andmass transfer ftte under.steady conrJitions.

Theevaluation ofthe dimensionless numbenthatappear in thecorrelation requires thephys ical propefiies of the lluid to be knownor estimated. properties, These suchas density and viscosity, depend on tempefaturc and/orconcentration. Temperature and concenfuation, on the otherhand,vary as a iunctionof position. Two commonly usedreference tempemtures and concenfiations arc the bulk temperature or concetratiofi and theJtlm temperature or 3.1.1 BulkTemperature andConcentration For flow insidepipes,Ihe bulk temperature or concentration at a particular location in the pipeis the average temperaturc or concenradon if the fluid werethoroughly nixed, sometimes calledthemirrg cuptemperature or concentration. Thebrlk temperature andthebulk

47 ChemicatEnginee ng processes concentration are denoted by 16 and c6, respectively, and are deflned by

|[,,rae rb:u#-

and "

= !#- "'oo




\rhrreu, rslhec-omponenl o[ velocir) in thedirectlon of mean noq. case ot flow pastbodies immersed in aninfinitefluid,theburktemperature andburk become the


free sheam tempeftru." ono r.""

"J*'n "oii""i*',ir" .?#1,"o,


For flow over submerged objects


Film Tempe,ature and Concentration

Thefln tenpe rat ure. T L and the fil n conrcntrarior, c/, are defined as the arithmefic average of the bulk and surfacelalues. i.e.. Tf::!-:-:-!and cl=


where subscript @represents lheconditions at thesualace or thewall. 3.2 FLOWPAST A FLATPLATE

Let us considera flat plate suspended in a uniform streamof velocity r,@and temperalure ?_asshown in Figue 3.1.Th; Iength of theptatein thedirection of flow is l, andirs widttr is Iry.The.local valuesof rhe friction factor,t'hell**f, aregivenin Table3.1 for both laminarand turbulent ""_U"r,-"ra ifr"'Sln"i*rJi,i".*, flow condirions. ii,. ,"r_ il, ]. ,n" Reynolds number based on thedistance r, anddefined bv



factor un( rr,:;l,fl,.i can be obrained anaryricary m;,r," ""i",r"',,'iiiilJIil.lx":Tir;,ft: Elil*,1

Table3.1., The totutvatLes iactoi the NLsse.t o. he t.iction nJnbe,, anornesheMoodnLrmberfor fiowoverafiarpta,

The expression for the friction



* o.Otoro., 0.0296R#5pfr/3 0.0296R#5scr/3

(D) (E) (F)

0.332Re,1/2prr/3 G) 0.332Re.1/2scr/3 (q
Rer < 500,000


0.6 <Pr<60


T.arsfer coeffi cients48 thofirst toobtainth;ssolution usinga mathematical technique calledthe similarity solunon or the methodof combinationof variables. Note rhat Eqs. iB) and (C) in Tabte3.1 can be obtained flom Eq. (A) by usingthe ChiltonColbumanalogy. Sinceanalytical solutions are impossible for turbulent flow' Eq.(D) in Table 3.1is obtained experimen;ly.Theuseofrhis equation in theChilton-Colbum yieldsEqs.(E) and(F). analogy The avemgevaluesof the ftiction factor, the Nusseltnumber,and the Sherwood number can beobtainedfrom the local valuesby the applicationof the meanvaluetheorem.In manv cases, however, the bansition from laminarto turbulent fow will occuron the plate.In rh; case,both the laminar 4nd turbulent flow regionsmust be taken into accounti; calcuiuuns the aveEgevalues.For example,if the transitiontakesplace at r., where0 < r" < l,, then the average ftiction factor is givenby
tf /r.

; ll L

( f ^ t u . , t ^+ I \ f ) t o , b J x l
Jt, J



Change of variablefrom r to Rexreduces Eq. (3-5) to

rn: *| l/-"'rr,r,,.an", +/*"r1r,,,,an",]


whereRec, the Relnolds numberat the point of transition,and Re., the Relnolds number based on the length of the plate,are definedby (3-7)

: 4e r<e1
Substitution of Eqs.(A) and(D) in Table3.I inroEq. (3-6)gives


- o.o74ReX/5 0.074 l.328Re:/2 ,J ". ( )=-i;+ R.;Taking Re. = 500,000 results in


. -.

0.074 1743




The average valuesof the friction factof the Nusseltnumber,and the Sherwoodnumber canbe calculated in a similarway for a varietyof flow conditions. The results aresivenrn Table 3.2.In these correlations allphysical properties musrbeevaluared at thefilm t;mpgrature. Oncethe avengevaluesof theNusseltandSherwood numbers aredetermined, the aveRge values of theheatandmass ffansfer coefncients arecalculated from


(Nu)k (sh)D,4 '

(3-11) (3-12)










Transfer coeffcienlsE0

On the other hand, the rate of momentumhansfer,i.e., the drag force, the rate of heat transfet andthe rateof massfansfer of species ,4 from one sideof the plateare calculateal as

F D= t w L t


_ \

\ieili )\f)

(3-13) (3-14) (3-15)

Q : Qr L) lh)lrtu - r@
nA = (WL)(kc)lcA_ cA_)

Engineeringproblemsassociated with the flow of a fluid over a flat plate are classifiedas follows: . Calculatethe ffansferrate; given the physical properties,the velocity of the fluid, and thedimensions of theplate. . Calculatethe length of the plate in the direction of ffow; given the physical properties, the velocity of the fluid, andthe transferraie. . Calculaie thefluid velocity; giventhedimensions of theplate,thetransfer rate,andthe physicalpropertiesof the fluid. Example3.1 Waterat 20.C flowsovera 2 m longflatplatewith a velocityof 3 m/s. The width of the plate is 1 m. Calculatethe dragforce on one sideof the plate. Solution Physicalprcperties f o r w r e r a l 2 0 . c (' 2 s *, ln:a9oke/mr 6 -J -= 1001 \ l 0 k g / mc lr Assumption 1. Steady-state conditionsplevail. Analysis To determinewhich conelation to use for calculating the averaBe friction factor (/), we mustfirst determinethe Reynoldsnumber: ^ u Thercfore,both laminar and turbulentflow rcgionsexist on the plate. The useofEq. (D) 1n Table3.2 givesthe friction factor as . ". 0.074 n"] t 1143 Rer 0.074 1 6 \ l g b ) r5 1743 6^l0o'" Lu*p f2)13 l| 994) t l00l 10-6

Thedragforcecanthenbe calculared from Eq.(3-13)as

/l ,\ Tr ^'r FD-twLtl ,ouLlrt -rt,2'l (9q9r{3ll{ ^l t 0 i ) _ 2 7 N

\z / l2 I

pDcesses 51 Chemical Engineedng

Example 3.2 AL at a temperature of 25 0c ffows overa 30 cm wide electricresistance flat plateheater with a velocityof t3 m/s. Theheater dissipates energy into th; ;;;;;;;;,","", r?.te of n30 Wlrr2. How long must the heaterbe in the directio*n of flo]' to, tn" .*u"" temperature not to exceed155.C? Solution Physicalproperties Thefilm tempemture is (25+155)/2=90.C. lu=21.95x10-6.m2ls Forairat 90"C (363 K) and1 atm: ltr=30.58 x l0 3Wm.K I lPr = 0.704 Assumptions 1 Steady-state conditionsprevail. 2. Both laminar alrd turbulentflow regionsexist overthe plate. Analysis lhe average convectionheat transfercoefficient can be calculatedfrom Newton,s law of cooling as

To determine which corelationto use,it is necessary to calculate the Reynolds number. HowevettheReynolds number cannot bedetermined a priori sincethelenj*, of m. t rsunknow0_ Therefore. a trjal-and_error procedue,no"tUe "ur., o""A. Since,eas_.omeJ Oaiiotft rarrunar andtubulent flowregions exist over thehearet theuse of Eq.(E)in Table 3.2glves , \r lNu)= tj:1: __ (0 0J7 R"j 5 szrler. l (21)L r u . ) d> l u - I r ,rr,, l/5 | I

= @t K #r*= A+:2rw/m2


I Simplification ofEq.(2)yields


F(L) = L - 1.99 La/5+ l.l3 =0


The length of the heatercan be determinedfrom Eq. (3) by using one of the numencal methods for roorfindinggivenin Section A.7.2in appenaixi. mJiterution ."t giu"o by Eq. (A.7-25) is expressed "_" as
0.02Lk tF (Lk_)

F ( 1 . 0 1 L *tt - F t 0 . 9 9 L rt ) Assuming Lal5 ^:1,, a starting valuecan be estrmated as L,=l.l4l.The givenin thetablebelow:

(4) iterations are

Transfercoefiicients 52



2 3

r.141 1.249 1.252 |.252

Thus,the lengthof the plaieis approximately 1.25m. Now it is necessary to checkthe validityof thesecond assumption: (1.25)(13) =1.4 v 105 =+ 21.95 x 10 6 Checks!

Example 3.3 A water storagetank open to the atmospherc is 12 m in length and 6 m rn width. The water and the surounding air are at a tempemtureof 25.C, and the relative humidityof the air is 607,.If rhewind blowsar a velocityof 2 m/s alongthe long sideof the tank, what is the steadyrateof waterlossdue to evaporation from the surface? Solution Physical propertis Forairat 25"C (298K): r,:15.54 x 10 6m2/s Diffusion coefficientof water ("4) in air (6) ar 25 .C (298 K) : : l- : r D a r r 2 o-8 ( D A B r r , 1 I TheSchmidt number is v Dta 15.54 x 10-6 2.19x105
r )aR r t/2

_ 1 2 . 8x 8 tO 5r{ij

r . r o c, l . 2


_ 2 . 7 9 , t O - 5m 2 / <

For waterat 25'C (298K): Pr.r': 0.03165 bar Assumptions l. Steady-state prevail. conditions 2. Idealgasbehavior Analysis To determine which correlationto use,we mustfirst calculatethe Reynoldsnumber:

:!3e = .- (*111 ne1 - - r's+'ro' u tJ.J4 X t('


Since bothlaminar atd turbulent conditions exist,theuseofEq. (F) in Table 3.2 gives - 871) (sh): (0.037 - s71]19.56;r/: Re1/5 sc'/3: [0.037(1.s4 :2996 x 106;a/5

prccesses 53 Chemical Engineedns

Therefote,the average masstransfercoefficientis r2 ^ 9t 0 - . ) _ -0 - 00l|2.7 , 0 " ,_ { S h ) D e a --465xl0 t t2 The numberof molesof H2O ("4) evaporated in unit time is Jm/s

ne: A{k)k'f, _ ca@iil: A(k) (c"ft _ o.6c,ft):o.4A (k"tc";t

Thesaturadon concentradon of $aLer, . - , -'A re _ 001165 : = 1 28 x 10-r kmol/m3 Rr $314;1onQ5 + 2:7,

Hence, therateof waterlossis rit: ieMe =0.4A\k) 4tMe : (0.4)(12 x 6)(4.65 x l0 3)(1.28 x 10-3)(18)(3600) = ll.l kslh

3.3 FLOWPAST A SINGLE SPHERE Consider a singlesphere immersed in an infinitefluid.Wemay consider two exactly equlva_ lent cases:(i) the sphereis sta$ant, rhe fluid flows over the sphere,(ll *re nolJ i.'stig1lant, the sphere movesthrcugh the fluid. According to Newton's secondlaw of motion, the balance of forces acting on a single

:ri".'::t1,]:,:-":.1'A:jer ,r. ls exprcsseo tn thetonn

Dp.fatrins ina stasnant ituid witha constant tenijnal velocity


Cravitationalforce = Buoyancy+ Drag force




( u Jrsr \i)\it,,i

lnD2,tt |




pp andp represent where thedensities ofthe pafljcleandfluid,respectively. In theliteraNre, the friction facror / is also catledthetlrag cifficrznr and is denotedby ir. sirnpiii"","" ofEq. (3-17)gives
4t - - p _ 't". , , gDplpp _ pl


Equafion (3-18)canberearranged in dimenstonless fb.m


/Rei =




Transiercoefiicients 54

wherethe Reynoldsnumber,Rep, and the Archimedes number,Ar, aredefinedby

- P) D3pgP@r



problemsassociated Engineering with the motion of spherical particlesin fluids areclassified asfollows: . Calculate theterminal velocity, or; giventheviscosiiy of fluid, I . andrhepafticle diam eter,Dp. . Calculate theparticle diameter, Dp; giventheviscosity of thefluid,p, andtheteminal velocity, ,,. . Calculate thefluid viscosity, diametetDp, andtheteminal veloc ,.;given theparticle ity' v The dimculty in theseprcblemsarisesfrom rhe fact that the fricrion factor / in Eq. (3-19) is a complexfunction of the Reynoldsnumberand the Reynoldsnumbercannotbe detetmined

3.3.1 FrictionFactorCorrelations For flow of a spherethrough a stagnantfluid, Lapple ard Shepherd(1940) presented ther experimental data in thefbrm of / versus Rep.Theirdatacanbe approximated as
I:Kep <l

(3-22) (3,23) (3-24)



2<Rep <500 500(Rep<2x105

f :0.44

Equations(3-22) and (3-24) are generallyreferred to as Stokes' law and Newton's law, respectively. In recent years, efforts have been directed to obtain a single comprehensive equation for the frictionfactorthatcovers theentire range of Rep.TuftonandLevenspiel (1986) proposed the following five-constant equation,which cofielatesthe experimeltaldatafor Rep ( 2 x 105:

11r 1o.rr:n.oru tt) + 1: ! KeP

0.413 I * 16,300Re!roe


3.3,1.1 Solutions to the engineering problems Solutions to the engineering problems describedabovecannow be sunmatizedasfollows:

55 Chemical Engineenng Processes

I Calculate rr; giyen p and Dp Substitution ofBq. (3-25)intoEq. (3-19)gives

31n4Ar= t8(Rep +0.173Ref65?) ' + -j I + 16,300Re;loe


SinceEq. (3-26) expresses the Archimedesnumberas a function of the Reynoldsnumoel calculationof the terminal velocity for a given particle diameterand fluid viscosity requires an iterative solution. To circumvent this problem, it is necessary to expressthe Reynolds numberas a function of the Archimedesnumber.The following explicit expression relating the Archimedesnumberto the Reynoldsnumberis proposed by Turton ana btart 1Dt; r.

= ReP


I214 +o.o579Aro4r2)


Theprocedueto calculate theterminal velocityis asfollows: a) Calculate theArchimedes number ftomEq. (3-21), b) Substitutethe Archimedesrumber into Eq. (3-27) and deierminethe Reynoldsnum_ bet, c) OncetheReynolds number is determined, theterminal velocitycanbe calculated ftom me equalon
,rl Rep



Example 3.4 Calculatethe velocities at which a drop of water,5 mm in diameter,would fall in air at 20'C andthe same sizeair bubble would;se through waterat 20"C. Solution Physicalpropertis -- oqgke/'] Forwarer ar20'c (29JK.J:[p 6 l / - l 0 0 l \ l 0 k g / m"

Forairat20'C (293 K): Analysis

7 10okg/ms [ r r = 1 8 . 1x


Water droplet falling in air To determile the teminal velocity of water,it is necessary to calculatethe Archimedes number usingEq. (3-21): Ar_ u'pqptp! pt _ (5x l0 )'j(q.81 ) r. 2 0 4 7 ) t q q g 1.2047,


l? ' fo-tr-

-4 46x to"

Transfermefftcients 56

TheRe),iolds number is calculated from Eq.(3-27):

Ar i214 R e P = 1 " 1I - 0 . 0 5 7 q A r 04 1 2 )

4.46x 106 .


2ta at2l-t :3slr x t06\0 +o.os'ts(4.46

Hence, theterminal velocityis i/: br(J581) 4 R e e- ( l 8 . l 7 x l 0 =rudm/\ pDp ( t 2 o 4 7 l ( 5 xt 0 f

Air bubble rising in water In thiscase, theArchimedes number is , D'ogprpp ----n- pt

(5 ' l0-rrr (9.8) (gos) ( |.2047-sqg)

ilnoa' lF--

Izrq \ ru

The minussign indicatesthat the motion of the bubbleis in tie directionoppositeto gravity, i.e.,it is rising.TheReynolds number andtheterminal velocity are Rec= Ar | - 0.0579 Ajo4ll i 12 4 rr--r 1.219. n6 .. ^ ^_r4 l r 2 r ,_ t 8 2 5 = _f*:Lt + 0 . 0 s ? qtr. 2 t s . , t 0 b ) 0 . Rep tl00l ^ l0 6)(1825) - -_ : : o i; m/'s o = /1 , to lt 7o, rsogrts I Calculate Dp; givenprand u; In thiscase, Eq. (3-19)mustbe reananged suchthat theparticlediameter is eliminated. If bothsidos of Eq. (3-19)aredivided by Re3p, theresulr is

y :!




wherey, whichis independent of Dp, is a dimensionless number defined by s@e !)p 3 ptri (3-:lo)

Substitution ofEq. (3-25)into Eq. (3-29)yields


j1(t o .r ; : n "'o o s ' r'*



Rep+ 16.300 Re;ooo


pbcesses 57 Chemical Enqineenns

SinceEq. (3-31)expresses F as a functionof the Reynolds number, calculation of the paticle diameterfor a giventerminalvelocity andfluid viscosityrequiresanit.rutiu" .olut on. To circumvenr thisproblem. the lollowing explicir exprelsion relaring f to the Re\notds number ts proposed by To\un andAL$ahin tl992)as

) - y 6 / 1) t6yt3/20 n/n


whereV(f) is givenby

:exp(: vlry rs 119? .W -'#P)

The procedure to calculatethe pafticle diameteris as follows:


a) Calculate f from Eq.(3-30), b) Substituie F inroEqs.(3-32)and(3-33)andderermine Rep, c) Oncethe Reynoldsnumberis determined, the particle diametercan be calculatedftom theequation
& ReP


Example 3.5 A gravity settling chamberis one of the diverserangeof equipment usedto removeparticulatesolids from gas slams. In a settling chamber,the eniering gas stream encounters a large and abruptincrease in cross_sectional areaas shownin the figure beiow As a resultof the sharpdecrease in the gasvelocity, the solid particles seftlelown with gravity. In practice, the gas velocity throughthe chambershouldbe kept below 3 m/s to prcventthe re-enftainment ofthe settledDarticles.


_ -

Sphedcaldust particles having a density ol 2200 kg/m3 are to be separated from an ar streamat a temperafiue of 25 oC.Determinethe diameterof the smallestparticlethat canbe removed in a settling chamber 7 m long,2 m wide,and I m high. Solution Physical propertis For air at 25"C (298 K) : l r : 1 . 1 8 4 s k c / r n 3 x lO-bkg/m.s lll.: 18.41

Tlansfercoefticients 58

Analysis For the minimum particle sizethat can be removedwith 1007.efficiency,the time required for rhis particteto fall a distancel/ mustbe equalto the time requiredto movethis particle hodzontally a distance a, i.e., L H t-u':(') --} ../H\ ''-t'l\Z/

gasvelocityin thesettling chamber Taking (u) :3 m/s, theaverage where(o) represents as the settlingvelocity of the pafiiclescan be calculated /1\ o1: (3){ ; }:0.a3 rnls \r / from Eq.(3-30)as Thevalue of y is calculated ..


4 gtpp ptp

l0 - 1845,(18.41 -r4 { q . 8 ' t 2 2 0 0L 'r'rsas;'o"" p-,;'.


, -, -*'"

gives of / intoEq.(3-33) Substitution of thevalue /\ 3 . t 5 + o.09 0.007 0.00019 __ 1tr \ ,!{y)=exp yt a I yn ) = e \ pf^ L r.l'r ' 0.052 0.007 - 0.0001q'l ^, . z+) I {4J4r'li *.i4tt , t+u31n )-

Therefore, the Reynoldsnumberand theparticle diameterare ^ = n"" v{} ) ZA.3 t , - l6\4;2,t:,2o Ai4)o,t1t1'n-z)) y " u , Gy.,'.l0 . l0 6tt2.55r ^, . ,^-o,_ u Rer (18.41 ^ ' prr (1.1845)(0.43)

p; given,p and u, I Calculate If canbe eliminated. Eq. (3-19)mustbe reananged so thatthe fluid viscosity In this case, (3-19) by Rezp, theresultis of Eq. aredivided bothsides

f: x
number defined by of&, is a dimensionless whereX, whichis independent Y :!eDe(PP-"3 Substitution ofEq. (3-25)into Eq. (3-35)gives P)


pu? 0.411 __
l* l6.300Rel'"


x_ j1{t+o.ptn.o.osr1


processes 59 Chemicl Engineeing

Sinco Eq. (3-37)exFesses X asa function ofthe Reynolds number, calculation ofthe fluid viscosityfor a given teminal velocity andparlicle diameterrcquiresan iterative solution. lb circumventthis problem,the following explicit expression relat;g X to the Reynoldsnumber rsproposed by Tosun andAktanin(1992):

- 2 j r t + t 2 o X) o l t ti t t t nee
The procedure to calculatethe fluid viscosityis as follows:

X >0.5

(3-3 8)

a) Calculare X fromEq.(l-16r, b) Substitute X into Eq. (3-39)anddetermine rheReynolds number, c) Oncethe Reynoldsnumberis determined, the fluid viscositycan be calculatedftom lne equatron


Exl''.nph3.6 One way of measudng fluid viscosity is to usea falling ball viscometer in whicha spherical jnto a fiuid,filted ball of knowndensity is dropped gr;duared cylinder and the time of fall for the ball for a specifieddistance is recoraled. A sphericalball, 5^mmin diameter,hasa alensiry of 1000kg/m3. Ir falls througha liquid of density 910 kg/m3 ar 25.C and rravels a distance of l0 cimin f.f rnin.OetJnJnetre viscosity of theliquid. Solution The teminal velocity of the sphere is Distance l0 ^ l0 2 :9.26 ' tj-a m/s Time (1.8x60) Thevalueof X is calculated from Eq. (3-36)as
w 48Dp\pp-p)

(9.8)(5 - 910) x 10 3)(1000


(910)(9.26 x l0 a)z

Substitution of thevalueof X intoEq. (3-38)givestheReynolds number as

R"" :?l

: Ll, + rlox-'o,u)n"t

* ,20(is36)-20/11)4/tt =3.2x ro 3

Hence, dle viscosity of the fluid is



(5\ l0 r)(9.26 x t0 4)t9l


TEnsier coefficients 60 Deviations from idealbehavior It shouldbe notedrharEqs.(3_19) and (3_25) are only valid for a single sphericalparticle falling in an unbounded fluid. The Dresence of container wallsandotherparticles as well as anydeviations from spherical shape affecttne terminal velocityof particles. For example, as a resultof rheupflowof disphc;d fluid in a suspension of uniformparticles, thesettling velocityof particles in suspension is slower than theterminal velocity ofa singleparticle ofthe same size. Themostgeneral empirical equation relating the settlingvelocity to the volumefraction of pafticles,a),is given by ur(suspension) u,(single sphere)


wherethe exponentr depends on the Reynoldsnumberbasedon the teminal velocity of a particle in an unbounded fluid. In the literature,valuesof r arercpofied as 5oo ": < Rep < 2 x 105

[4.65- 5.00 Rep < 2


Particleshapeis anotherfactor affectingteminal velocity.The tenninal velocity of a non_ prniclei<le\. lhanlhcrofa spherical )pherical oneby a facror ofrr'r?ri.iry,. O. i.;., ur(nonspherical) u,(spherical)


Sphedcityis definedas the ratio of the suface areaof a spherehaving the samevolume as the non-spherical particle to the actualsurfaceareaof the particle. 3.3.2 HeatTranslerCorrelations

Whena spherc is immelsedin aninfinite stagnant fluid, the analyticalsolutionfor steadvs[a[e conducrion ir po.siblel ind lheresull is erpressed in lheform

In thecase offluid motion, thecontribution of theconvective mechanism mustbeincluded in Eq.(3-43).Cor.elations for including convective heattransfer areasfollows: Ranz-Marshall correlation RanzandMarshall(1952)prcposed thefollowingcorrelation for constant surface tempcra_ ture:

Nu:2 + 0.6Ref;2prr/3 All propetiesin Eq.(3-44)mustbeevaluated at thefilm temperature.


61 Chemical Eng ineerins Prccesses

Whitakr correlation Whitaker (1972) consideredheat tansfer from the sphereto be a result of two parallel processes occuring simultaneously. He assumed that the laminar andturbulentcontriburrons areadditiveandproposedthe following equation: Nu:2+ (0.4Rev2+ 0.06Re213)pp.10r*l t1,)1/4 (3-45)

properties A11 exceptl,.u shouldbe evaluated at fe. Equation(4.3-30)is valid for 3.5( Rep ( ?.6x lOa ( pr ( 380 0.71 t.O< LL6lt!.u <3.2 Calculntion of theheattransfer rate Oncerheaverage hear uansfer coefficient is estimated by using corelations, the late of heattransferred is calculatedas A: (1, D2)lhllr. -r*l il'-46)

Example 3.7 An instrumentis enclosedin a protectivesphericalshell, 5 cm in diame@r, and submerged in a river to measure the concentrations of pollutants.The temperature and thevelocityof lhe river are 10'C and 1.2m/s, respectively. To prevent anydamage to the insfument as a result of the low river temperatue,the surfacetemperature is kept constant at 32'C by installing electrical heaters in theprotective shell.Calculate theelectrical power dissipated understeadyconditions. Solution Physical properties

For waterat 10'C (283K):

: 1000 ke/mrIr : 1304 , l0 o ks/ms fr

t :587 x l0-3 w/tn.K I Ik= 9.32

Forwaterat 32'C (305K). p :7 69 x 10 6 kg/m.s Analysis System: Protective shell Understeadyconditions,the electricalpowerdissipaied is equalto the mte of heatlossfrom the shell suface to the river The rateof heatiossis given by

A: (" Dzp) \De, _ r*)

(r), it is necessary To determine to calculate theRe),nolds number Dpuap (5 x l0-2)(1.2)(1000) =4.6x lja



r:o+,. ro_o


TErsier coeffrcients 62

The Whitaker conelation, Eq.(3-45), Bives pp'4 Nu: 2 + (0.4Rey, + 0.O6Re2/3) 0L_/ p;t /4

Nu:2+[0.4(4.6 x l0a)r/2 + 0.06(4.6 toa12/311s.32,10.+ " x 10-6\l/a / 1304 >.t-t :456 (3) \769,106/
Therverage heattran\fercoefficient is .. /k \ 8/.t0'\ ( ft)=Nu l^ l = ( a s 6 /r5 l -, \uP/ \)^ru



Therefore, the rute of heatlossis calculated from Eq. (l ) as r)2](5353)(32 - 10):925 w a =[16 x 10 3,3.3 MassTJansfer Correlations (5)

Whena sphere is ilnmelsedin aninfinite stagnant fluid, the analyticalsolutionfor steadystate diffusion is possible2 andtheresultis expressed in theform sh: 2 (3-41)

Inthecase offluidmotion,thecontdbution ofconvection mustbetaken into considemtion. Corelations for convective masstransferare asfollows: Ranz-Marshall coftelation For constant surfacecompositionand low masshansferrates,Eq. (3-44) may be appliedto masshansferproblemssimply by replacilg Nu andpr with Sh and Sc, respectively, i.e sh:2+0.6Ref;2scr/3 (3-48)is validfor Equation (3-cx)

2<Rep<200 0.6<Sc<2.7
Fmssling correlation (1938)proposed Frossling thefollowingcofelation: sh:2 + 0.552Re!/2Sc1/3 (3-49)is validfor Equation Q_4s)

2<Rep<800 0.6<Sc<2.7

processes 63 Chemical Elrqineering

Steinberger andTreybal (1960)modified theFrossling corelationas sh : 2 + 0.552Re0r53 Scl/3 whichis vaiidfor 1500 < Rep< 12,000 Steinberger-Tfeybal correlation Thecofielation_originally proposed by Steinberger andTrcybal(1960)inciudes a corecrion term for natural convection.The lack of experimentaldata,however.makes this ter; vry difncultto calculate in mostcases. Theeffeciof natual convection becomes negligibl;when the Reynoldsnumberis high, andthe Steinberger_Treybal correlationreducestJ " Sh= 0.347Re962 Scr/3 (3-51)is recommended Equation for liquidswhen 2000<Rep<16,900 3,3.3,1 masstransfercoefficientis -,Calculation ofthe masstransferrate Oncethe average estimated by usingcorrelations, themte of mass of species tra-nsferred ,4 is catculateJ:r" ,ha = (r D2p) lk)lc t. - u)Me 0.6< Sc< 1.85 (l-50)

(3-5 r)


Example3.8 A solidsphere ofbenzoic^cid (p: 126.7 kg/m3)wirh a diameter of 12mm is dropped into a long cylindricaitankfiiled with purewirer at 25.C. It tfreneignfof tfre tankis 3 m, deteminetheamount ofbenzoic aciddissolved fromthesphere whenltreaches thebottom of thetank.Thesaturation solubility of benzoic acidin waieris 3.412ks/m3. Solution Physicalproperties For water(6) at 25oC (298K):

x ks/m.s I u:892 10-6 em2ls IDo":t.zt xlo


= 1000 ks/m3

TheSchmidt number is

8 9 2 xl 0 o

(1000)(1.21 x 10-e)

Assumptions 1. Initial accelerarion periodis negligible andrhe spherc reaches its terminalvelocity instantaneously. 2. Diameter of thespherc does notchange apprcciabty. Thus,theReynolds number and theterminal velocityremain constant.

Tnansfer coeffcients 64

prevail. 3. Steady-state conditions 4. Physicalpropeties of waterdo not changeas a result of masstmnsfer. Analysis To determine the terminalvelocity of the benzoicacid sphere, it is necessary to calculatethe Archimedes number usingEq.(3-21): , r r J { 9 . 8 ) ( l 0 0 0 r i l 2 b1 70 - 00] - ^ -D -t -r-g np -r p p p ' = r l 2 x I 0 1892lt;--r'odx .^A


TheReynolds number is calculated frcm Eq.(3-27): 2Jr ' 1 n e p= $ 1 t . 0 . 0 5 7 q A r u 4 l l2


s AR r tn u6 -JUoJl rnns?qrs^RY l8

Inor04l2l l2l4-1nsA

Hence,the teminal velocify is '892, l0 o'{40t-0,_O.r_r,, ,, ' _,uRep _ pDp ( 1 0 0 0 ) ( 1,2l 0 i ) Sincethe benzoicacid sphere falls thedistance of 3 m with a velocity of 0.3 m/s, the falling timeis Di\rance 3 = _ : l u s _/__ Time U.J TheSherwood number is calculated fiom the Steinberger Treybal correlation, Eq.(3-5-,, as 62('73't)1/3 :0.34'7 (4056)a = 54t sh = 0.347 Reg62 sc1/3 Theaverage mass transfer is coef6cient L . 2 l^ l 0 - ' t *' . .= t sl( "r'4I=rsalrl __t-).46xlu'm/s \Dr,/ \ t2"10-' / The mte of transferof benzoicacid (species to wateris calcuiatedby usingEq. (3-52): "4) tnA= (t D2p)\k,)(cA,, cA-lMA: (n D2p)\k,l@t, - pe-)

- oy= s.+:x t0-8tgTs = [z(12 x r0 t)']ts.+e to sy1:.+tz "

Theamounr ofbenToic aciddissol\ed in l0 s is : 8.43 MA = th^t = (8.43 x 10 8)(10) x l0-7kg

65 Chem'lEngineering ftoesses

Verification of assumption # 2 The initial massof the benzoicacid sphere, rl4,, is ftrrl2 \ l0-l)ll M^L =6 tr t.t46, t0,kB 1fl267)_ Thepercentdedeasein the massof t}le sphere is given by / 8.43x l0-7 \ r_ 1 . t 0 0= 0 . 0 1 4 q a x l 0 17 \ 1.146 Therefore, the assumed constancy of ,p and u, is justified. 3-4 FLOWNORMAL TO A SINGLE CYLINDER

3.4.1 FriclionFactorCorrelations For crossflow overan infinitely long circular cylindet LappleandShephed( 1940)presented their experimentaldata in the form of / versusReD, the Reynoldsnumber basedon the diameterof the cylinder Their datacan be apprcximated as 6.18 . ReD<2 J = m

(3-53) (3-54)

f : t.2

104 < Re, < 1.5x 105

The friction factor / in Eqs. (3-53) and (3-54) is basedon ihe projectedareaof a cylinder, i.e., diametertimes length,and Re2 is definedby Du*P " eo=-;x t3-55,

Tosun andAk$ahin(1992)proposed the followingsingleequation for rhe frictionfactor that coversthe entiremngeof the Reynoldsnumberin the form
6 tR



"]|1r +0.:on /e)8/5

Reo( 1.5x 105


Oncethe friction factor is determined, the dragforce is calculatedfrom



Example 3.9 A distillation colurnnhasan outsidediameierof 80 cm and a heightof 10m. Calculate thedragforceexerred by air on thecolumnif thewind speed is 2.5 m/s.

Transier coeff cients 66

Solution Physical properties 1 1845 ke/m3 Forairar25.c (298 K,. ll: ' x 10 6 kg/m.s {rr: 18.41 Assumption 1. AiI temperature is 25'C. Anallsis l.rom Eq.(3-551lhe Reynold\ number is -Du-p (0.8 i (2 . 5 ) t l . 1 8 4i5 rlzexlu.l0o 18,41

TheuseofEq. (3-56)givesthefricrionfactoras
6 tR

r - ^ " $-l r + o . J 6 R e l q ) 8 " R"l


F D- ( D L , l lI

= 12 2sx 105)5/el8/5 * 0 36(t

Therefore,the dragforce is calculatedfrom Eq, (3-57) as .\ Tt ^l x l 0 ) l- { L l 8 4 s r ( 2 . 5 )lt(r1 . 2 i - 35.5 N , p t i l f 1 L 2: r 0 . 8




As stated in Section 3.3.2,the analytical solution for steady-state conduction ftom a sphere to a stagnantmedium gives Nu = 2. Therefore,the correlationsfor heat transferin spheri_ cal geometryrequire that Nu --+ 2 as Re --> 0. In the caseof a single cylinder, howevel no solution for the caseof steady-state conduction exists. Hence, it is rcquired thatNu -->0 as Re -+ 0. The following heattransfercorelations areavailablein this case: Whitaker correlation Whitaker(1972)proposeda conelationin the form

Nu: (o.4Rey'? + 0.06Re!3)pP4@*/ t ;1/a

in which all propertiesexcepr/r. arc evaluared at 7t. Equarion(3-58) is valid for 1.0(Rep(1.0x105 0.67<pr<300 0.25<pelpo<5.2


67 Chemical Engineeing Prccesses Tabte 3.3. Consrantsor Eq. (3_59) for rhe ckcurar cylinder ln cross flow

l-40 40 1000 1 x 1032 x i05 2 x ld I x 106

0.75 0.51 0.26 0.076

0.4 0.5 0.6 o.j

Zhukauskascorrelation Thecorelationproposed by Zhukauskas (1972) is givenby Nu: CRe3pr"(pr_/pr.)r/a (3_59)

10.37 if pr < 10 1 0 . 3 6 i i P r' l 0 and the valuesof C and m are given in Table4.3. All prcpertiesexceptpru shoulal be evalu, ated at f6 in Eq. (3-59). Churchill-Bernstein corelation Churchilland Bemstein(1977)proposed a singlecomprehensive equation that covers the entirc mnge of ReD for which data are available,as well as for a wide range of h. Thjs equationis in the form 0.62 Rej.2 Prr r [. / Re., r5,8l'/5 ' ' 3 l t / 4 |t ,10.4/pt', \ 282.000/ I I

, ,1 . _60)

whereall propefiiesare evaluated at the film temperature. Equation(3_60)is rccommended when ReDpr > 0.2 3,4,2.1 Calculationof the heat transfer rate Oncethe average heattransfercoefficlentrs estimated by usingcorelations, the rateof heattransferred is calculatedas Q = QtDL\ \h|lru - T6 (J-61)

Example 3.10 Assumethat a penon can be approximated as a cylinder of 0.3 m diameter and 1.8m heightwith a surface tempemture of 30.C. Calculate the rateof heatlossfrom thebodywhile thisperson is subjecred to a 4 m/s wind wirh a remperatue of _ 10.C.

TEnsfer @efiicients 68

Solution Physicalpmperties Thefllm temperature is (30 - l0)/2: lO"C

lu-tt.'t.106kg/m.. 1 24 4 ' I 0 6 m 2 7 s Forairar r0'c (263 K). lu: -r

ln: o.zz

lk=zl.zZ" t0 w/m.K

Iu-14.18xt0om2/s Foraira tr 0.Cr280K,: t0 'W/m.K ll-2a.96^ I P r= 6 7 1 4 - tt '"+' 10-6 tgTm s For airarJo.c (30J <1' lu lPr:0.71 Assumption 1. Steady-state conditions prevail. Analysis The rate of heat loss fromrhe body can becalculaied fromEq.(3_61): a : Q , D L ) \ h t Q_ ur a (l)

Derermination of {1,) in Eq.(1)requires theReynolds number to beknown. TheReynolds numbers at 7; and7/ are at /6 - - l0oc o'^D---= u'- = = ReD r03rl4'


= e.65 > roa

at rJ=to"c
Whitaker correlation


{ q 3 r ( 11 =8.46x 6 - -' 10a

TheuseofEq. (3-58)givestheNusselt number as pf.4 Q1- p,\t / 4 Nu = (0.4Rey?+ 0.06Re2/3) / 1.6?rl0-6-)r/a : [0.4(9.65 x 104)r/2 x tg+,vr1,,or + 0.06(9.65 lf ' \ t 8 . 6 4 , t 0 .6 / Hence,the average heattransfercoefficientis . ,/ 2_ 8. l0 (2 _3 _. J (r') =Nu{i | '- , r^,-u , ,,, r\



69 ChemilEngineering Pro@sses

Substitution of this resultinto Eq. (l) givesthemte of heatlossas

-[3 ( -01 0 ) ] : 1 1 2w 6 a=(nxo.3 x r.8)(16.6)

Zhukauskas correlation : 0.3?,andfromTable areC = 0.26 ForReo = 9.65x 104andPr < 10,,? 3.3theconstants (3-5s) giles theule of Eq. andm : 0.6.Hence. I Nu = 0.26Reg6ProJT ) /4 er- / Pr@ o -0.2b{q.65,00,00,6.72,01'(9?)' :::o

\ v . /r . /

heatftansfercoefficientandthe rateof heatloss from the body are Thercfore,the average

:jj!i-!-) (h):Nu( : ) - (226,( 0.3

\t)/ \



: r7.s w/m':x

w ( 0 ) ]= 1 1 8 8 Q = Q t x 0 . 3 x 1 . 8 ) ( L ? . 5 ) [ 3 0 -1 Churchill-Bemstein corrclation TheuseofEq. (3-60)gives




Prr/r [ o . b 2 Ru e- lt 2


ll-{0.4/Pr'2rlr4 L




\ 2 8 2 . 0 0 0 /I

t 0 a r2 r r 0 . t t 4 r r l,rtf\ 1 8 . a 6tto o \ " - l o / : ' ' ", ^ , ..0.b2(8.46\ - "^ .+ ^ ,sr"ooo lt+aAlcit4trtrl / I L
The average heattransfercoefficientandthe mie of heaflossftom the body are tlrt /24.80.10 rr _... ,.. ( h )= N u { ; l - r t o r t l l- l6 w/m- K 0.3 I \ \u./

- (-r0)] : 1086 w a: (r x 0.3x 1.8)(16)[30

conelation is 97ogreater Comment: The rate of heat loss Fedicted by the Zhukauskas It is importantto note that no correlation. thanthat calculatedusing the Churchill-Bernstein result. two conelationswill give exactlythe same 3,4.3 MassTransfer Correlallons

proposed for crossthefollowingcofielation andparallel-flow Bedingfield andDrew (1950) of gasesto the cylinder in which masstransferto or from the ends of the cylinder is not considered: sh = 0.281Rey2 sco44 Q-62)

Transrercoeffi oienrs 70

Equation(3-62) is valid for 400 < ReD< 25,000 0.6 < Sc < 2.6

For liquids the conelation obrainedby Linton and Sherwood (1950) may be used: sh= 0.281ReB6Scr/3 (3-63)is validfor Equation 400 < ReD< 25,000 Sc <.3000 (3_63)

3.4.3,1 Calculationof the masstransferrav Oncethe average massfansfer coelficientis estimated by usingcorelations, the rate of massof species ,4 ffallsferredis calculatecl as _ cA_lMA nA: @ DL)(kc)lcA. whereMe is the molecularweight of species ,4. Example 3.11 A cylindricat pipe of 5 cm outsidediameteris covercdwith a thin layer of ethanol. Air at 30.C flows nomal to the pipe with a velocityof 3 m/s. Derermircthe average masstransfercoefficient. Solution Physicalproperties Diffusion coefncientof edranol(,4) in air (B) at 30.C (303 K) is e_64)

tDea)ror=rD,qatrr'l('#l-rt.4s\ l0 5r(i:)
\rrJ/ \JtJl

/ ln1\l/'

/ r^r\ t/2

-t.38x l0 5m27s

Forairat30'C(303 K): v:16 x 10 6m2ls The Schmidtnumberis

Assumptions l Steady-state conditionsprevail. 2. Isothermalsystem. Anal)sis The Reynoldsnumberis Du* ((D--= (5> t0 ,r(j) ^^__ -erl) 16\loo

71 Chemical Engjneering Processes

Theuseof thecorelationproposed by Bedingfield andDreq Eq.(3-62),gives 44:29 =0.281(g3:'rt/20.rcro sh = 0.281Rev2 sc0.41 Thercfore,the avemge masstransfercoefficientis

1 8 t n - :' (/,.)-shl?'):,2q,/ | \ D/ 1s'ro: J:8rlo'm/s


The rateof work done,W, to pumpa fluid canbe determiled from the expression

w=*o:*(l oar)


wheren1 and ? are the massflorr mte and the specific volume of the ffuid, respectively. Notethatthe termin parentheses on rheright-hand sideof EJ. (3-65)is knownastherrdl Iork in thermodynamicsr. For an incompressible fluid,i.e.,y : 1/p: constant, Eq.(3-65) simplifiesto



whereQ is thevolumetric llow rateof thefluid.Combination ofEq. (3-66)wirh Eq.(3.1 1l) glves

| ll ,\'l


: et^pl l t n D L ) l ; p \ u Jl./ l ( u )
\z l


Exprcssingthe average velocity in termsof the volumetricflow late ,-' reduces Eq. (3-68)to ^ ^, 32pLfQ'1 n2Ds


n D 2/ 4



Engineering problemsassociated with pipe flow areclassifiedas follows: . Determine thepressure giventhevolumetric drop,lAPl, or thepumpsize,I-iz; flow rate, 8, the pipe diameter,D, and the physicalpropertiesof the fluid, p and /-,. . Determine thevolumetric flow rate,Q; giventhepressure drop,lA P l, thepipediameter, properties D, andthephysical ofthe fluid,p andp. . Determinethe pipe diameter,D; given the volumetric flow rate, Q, the pressure drop, A Pl, andtle physical properties of thefluid,p andp.
Jwork doneon the systenr positiveis considered

Transtercoefficients 72

3.5.1 FrictionFactorCorelations 3 Srl.l. Laminar n Forlaminar flow in a circular pipe,r.e.,Re: D (ulp / tr < fow correlatio 2100,thesolution of theequatioN of changc grves -16 'Re (3-71\

Thefrictionfactor/ appearing in Eqs.(3-70)and(3-71)is alsocalledtheFanninp lnctionfactor.Ilowever, thisis not the only definirion for / available in theljterature. ,inother commonlyuseddefinition for / is the Darcyt.tion factor, fD, vthich is four times larger thanthe Fanningfriction factor,r.e., fD : 4f mercfore, for laminar flow
a^ - :-,

(3-72) Turbulent fow correlatio, Sinceno theoretical solution existsfor turbulent flow, the friction factoris usuallydetermined the Moody charl (Ig44) in which it is exoressecl asa function of theReynolds numbetRe,andtherelative pipewallroughness. 6/D.'Moody prepared thischartby usingtheequarion proposed (1938) by Colebrook
| . . / -rtl D _-4los l --\ l.26lj \ ' -l 3.706s Re,///


"J where is the surfacercughness of thepipe wall in metels. 3.5.1,3 SoLutions to the engineering problems

I. Laminar flow Fof flow in a pipe, tle Re),notds numberis definedby p DluJ 4pQ

r pD subsrirurion ofEq.(3-7+y into eq.1:-zr;yila"

pD 41t PQ



I CalculatlAPl or t7; givenQ and D Substitution ofEq. (3-75)inroEq. (3-70)gives 128pLQ (3-76)

73 Chemical Eigineering Processes

Thepumpsizecanbe calculated from Eq. (3-66)as



I CalculateQ; givenIAP and, Rearrangement ofEq. (3-76) gives

^ tD1 LP lz8ttL


I CalculateD; given Qand API Reanangement of Eq. (3-76)gives

^ 1 1281LLQ 1t/a

II. Ttrbulent flow I CalculatelAPl or W; givenO and ,


Forthegivenvalues of Q andD, theReynolds number canbedetemined usingEq.(3-74). However, whenthe values of Re and e/D areknown,determination of / ftom Eq. (3-73) requiresaniterativeprocedue since/ appears onboth sidesofthe equation. To avoiditerative solutions,efforts havebeendirectedto express the friction factor, /, as an explicit function of theReynolds numbetRe,andtherelative pipewall roughness, s/D. (1985) Grcgory andFogarasi compared thepredictions of thetwelve explicitrelations wrth Eq.(3-73)andrccommended theuseof theconelation proposed by Chen(1979): | _= \/ [ 5.0452 \ .. / tlD _ r^oa r 4 t o g l_ ---,/ \ 3.7065 ne /r.80)


/ /D .l \l \ 2 5 4 9 1J

loo8 7.1490to8o8l r +l | \ Re /


Thus, in order to calculatethe prcssuredrop using Eq. (3-80), the following procedure should be followedthrough whichan itemtive solution is avoided: a) Calculate theReynolds number from Eq.(3-74), b) Substirute Re into Eq. (3-80)anddetemine/, c) UseEq. (3-70)to find thepressure drop.Finally,the pumpsizecanbe determined by usinB Eq.(3-64).

Transfercoefiicients 74

Example 3.12 What is the requiredprcssure drop per unit lengthin orderto pumpwater at a \olumetricflow rateof 0.03ml/s at 20"C through a commercial steelpipe G = 4.0 x 10 ) m) 20cmin diameter? Solution Physicalproprties p: >v'tKc/l nl Forw.terat 20'C 1293 - Kr I t l0 6kg/m.s l 0 0 l [r: Anal)sis TheReynold\ number is determined fromEq.I t-741 a\ ^ 4pQ npD (4)tqqqr(0.03j . t0 6)(0.2) n(1001

Substiturion of thisvalueinroEqs.(3-81)and(3-80)gives , t ElD \iloo8 /7.t4oo\o8o8l \2 .s4o1 ) \ Re ./ \ l 0 5 / 0 . 2 l)l l @ 8 r 7 . 1 4 9 0 ' 0 8 n 8 1 T(4.o

- -|

z.s4ei I

'\rer . roj/

/D - sn .0 . \ .. / \ tto t 4 5' 2 4 roc o5 o8o,l x l 0 5 / 0 . 2-) 5 . 0 4 5 2 -o c f l( 4 . 6 I - -4r lo8(1 3 8' l 0 '") l = l s 1 4 3J065 l9l , l0r

Hence, thefrictionfactoris
f:436x103 Thus, Eq. (3-70)givesthepressurc dropperunirpipelengthas LP - 32plQ2 iJ2r(asq)r4.3b l0 1)(0.03)2 -+urarm r 7 pr: ,rr,6215 I CalculateQ; given lAPl and D In thiscase, rearrangement ofEq. (3-70)gives

whereY is definedby



12D5lLPl 32pL


75 Chemical Engineering Processes

Substitution ofEqs. (3-74)and(3-82)into Eq.(3-73)yields

Thus,the procedureto calculatethe volumetricflow mte becomes: a) Calculate Y fiorn Eq. (3-83), b) Substitutef into Eq. (3-84) and determine the volumetricflow mte.


Example 3,13 What is the volumeffic flow rate of water in m3/s at 20oC that can be delivered through a commercialsteelpipe (s = 4.6 x 10 | m) 20 cm in diameterwhen the prcssure abopper unit length of the pipe is 40 Pa/m? Solution Physical properties

for warer ar20'c ' ' -{29i ' " *, ' ' In=o9oks/m] [a Analysis

l00l\ 10-6kB/ms

Substitution ofthe givenvalues into Eq. (3-83)yields ., ln'o'ltPl 3zPL \ /:r'r0.2r5r40t Y rl2)rgqo)

Hence, Eq.(3-84)givesthevolumeticflow rateas


=-( x 10')r"clq-##S2
I CalculateD; givenQ and lAPl

(1001 x t0 6)(0.2 :0.03 m3/s (999)(1.99 x 10 3)


Swamee andJain(1976)andCheng andTurton(1990)prcsented explicitequations to solve problems of thistype.These equations, however, areunnecessarily complex. A simpler equation canbe obtained by usingtheprocedure suggested by Tosun andAklahin (1993)asfollows. Equation(3-70) can be reaffanged in the folm f : (D N)5 whereN is deflnedby (3-85)

. , =1 n l r . e 1 1 1 / 5 ^ \n;td )


Transfer@efficienls 76

For turbulent floq the value of / varies between0.00025and 0.01925.Using an average valueof 0.01 for / givesa relationshipbetweenD and N as

r ,=

04 "


Substitution ofEq. (3-85)intorhelefr-hand sideofEq. (3-73), andsubsriuionofEqs.(3-74 (3-87), = and/ 0.01intotheright-hand sideof Eq.(3-73)give ),


o.sta/t I r , rt tr\-rl5 o.l7rII "v +s.8?5(--r-_, I lroel 11 '" \t \P?1v'lJ L | /


The prccedurcto calculatethe pipe diameterbecomes: a) Calculate N from Eq. (3-86), b) SubstituteN into Eq. (3-88) and determine the pipe diameter. Example 3,14 Waterat 20"C is to be pumpedthrougha commercialsteelpipe (r = 4.6 x 10 ) m) at a volumetric flow rateof 0.03mr/s. Dete.mine the diameter of thepipeif the pressure allowable dropperunit lengthofpipe is 40 Pa/m. Solution properties Physical ( - ^^^. a 9q9ke/ml Forwaler ar20'c - - ,rn., *,. I 6kg/ms [r-l00l ^l0 Analysis (3-86)gives Equation

"-\ir;Ld),t /t
" \l


I n) Lpl \t/s

n1\4q I l t t t -'oe ^ :L-t"t""ortl

Hence, Eq.(3-88) gives thepipediameter as

D=;{lrogl,N+s.87s{-+; o.r7rl I \ p v , ! /ll ) L |


a \'l



* I0o,l-o.,t,l') . ro-,,,r.0s,+'5811,,100r -ffi ( lr"el,+.0 .-.\r l q q q ) ( 0 . 0 1 r i 1 . 6)9 ) " 1)

0514lt T


:0.2 m 3.5.2 HeatTianslerCorrelations

For heattransferin circular pipes,variouscorrelations havebeensuggested depending on the flow conditions, i.e.,Iaminar or turbulent.

77 Chemical Eng'neering Pro@sses Laminar fow coffelation For 7un\narflow heat transfer in a circular tube with constant wall temperalue, Sieder andTate(1936) proposed thefollowingcorelation:

Nu= L86[Repr(r/a))t/t (*/,.)


in which all properties except p& are evaluatedat the mean bulk temperature.Equa_ tion (3-89)is validfor 13< Re < 2030 0.48< Pr < 16,700 0.0044 < p/ u.tu <9.j5

Theanalytical solution to thisproblem is only possible for verylongtubes, i.e.,Z/D -+ oo. In thiscase theNusselt number remains constant at 3.66. . 3.5,2,2 Turbulent fow correlatiors The following correlationsapprcximatethe physical situation quitewell for the cases ofconstant wall temperature andconsiant wall heatflux: Dittus'Boelter correlalion (1930)proposed DittusandBoelter thefollowingconelarion in whichall physical properties areevaluated at the meanbulk tempenture: pl Nu = 0.023Re4/5


10.4 torheadng t 0.3 for cooling The Dittus-Boeltercorelation is valid when 0.7< Pr < 160 Sieder-Thtecorrelation Theconelation proposed by Sieder (1936) andTare is prr/3(p./p,)0 la Nu = 0.027 Rea/5 (3-91) Re) 10,000

L/D > t0

in which all propertiesexceptpu aie evaluated at the meanbulk temperaturc. Equation(3-91 ) is validfor 0.7< Pr < 16,700 Whitaker correlation Theequation proposed by Whilaker (1q72)is
83 Nu = 0.0 15ReO (p/p, ) 0 14 Pro42

Re) 10,000

LID >, 10


TEnstercoefiicients 78

in which the Pmndtl numberdependence is basedon the work of Fdend and Metzner(1958), andthe functional dependence of p//ru is from SiederandTare(1936).Al1 physicalproperties except&o areevaluated at the meanbulk temperature. The Writaker correlationis valid for 2300<Re<l x 105 0.48<Pr<592 0.44<tLlpu<25

3,5,2.3 Calculatio of the heat tansfer rute Oncethe average heatransfer coefficientis calculated from corelations by usingEqs.(3-89){3-92),ther the rateof energy hansferredis calculatedas a:(rDL)\h)^TLtt, \\,hereLTLM, logarithmic metlfl temperature diffelence,is deined by ]/t,v_# (7.. Tt\,,, (T, - tn\.,,
,^l tIaI 'Ltr' tb"" ) tbtn



Example 3.15 Steam condensingon the outer surfaceof a thin walled circular tube of 65 mm diameter maintains a unifom surface temperature of 100'C. Oil flowsthough the tubeat an average velocity of 1 m/s. Determinethe length of the tube in order to increase oil temperature properties from 40'C to 60'C. Physical of theoil areasfollows: " I t t : | 2 . 4" r u K g / ms 5 At50'C: I r-,:4.28 ^ 10 m2ls I lPr: 143 = 9.3 x 10 3 kg/m.s. At 100'C: pr. Solution Assumptions l. Steady-state conditions prcvail. prcperties 2. Physical remain constanl. 3. Changes in kineticandpotential eneryies arenegligible. Analysis System: Oil in thepipe The inventorymte equationfor massbecomes Rate of mass in = Rare of massout:ri:p{r,)(ftr2/4) On tle otherhand,the inventoryrateequationfor energyreduces to Rateof energyin : Rateof energyout (2) (1)

79 Chemical Engineering Prccesses

The termsin Eq. (2) are expressed by Rateof energy in: m d p(Tu, - Toi * t DL\hJLhu Rateofenergyout=m ep96.,, -f*9 Since thewaIItemperature is constant, theexpression for AZaM,Eq.(3-94),becomes (3) @)


'' tnl - "'" I \7, ru,,, ./


Substitution ofEqs. (l), (3), (4) and(5) into Eq.(2) gives

!=!\'):'9"^(!=') D 4 (h\ \t-- t,,,)

NotingthatStH= (r)/((r)pdpl :11u7G.p4, Eq. (6) becomes


r 'f r b i 4, - | RePrrn 9 -1. .t n( ! ) D 4 S r H \ r . - r t . , , ) 4 N u \ / , - r r , ,), /

To determineNu (or (l')), firut the Reynoldsnumbermust be calculated.The meanbulk iemperature is (40 + 60)/2 = 50'C andtheReynolds number is D(r') r "e . = -: (65x l0 l,{ir-1519 +lg * to s ,," Lamina fl ro w

Since theflow is laminar, Eq.(3-89)mustbe used, i.e., Nu= L86[RePr(r/r )ft/t rt,It,,to" Substitution ofEq. (8) into Eq. (7) yields . . - r ,t 4 ? " - ' , r , 2 tll -- -Repr _llj'' 3 rnl ,, D L r4)fl.861 \T. - k"", ) J - f (t2.4\ t0 r/s.J\ t0 rl 0ra, (S)

- rrsrs)rr43)L ioi;i.86;

7 t 0 0 4 0 t 1 " 2 :2602 ^.^^ '"lro-oo/l

ThP nrhe lcnorh i( rhPn

L = (2602)(65 x tO-3; = tO9m Example 3.16 Ab at 20"C entersa circularpipe of 1.5cm iniemal diameterwith a velocity of 50 m/s. Steamcondenses on the outsideof the pipe so as to keepthe surfacetemperature of tie pipeat 150"C. a) Calculatethe lengthof the pipe requiredto inqease air tempemtweto 90oC. b) Discuq" theelTecr of surface roughne\\ on the length of rhepipe.

Transfer@effdenls 80

Solution Physicalproperties Themean bulk temperature is (20+ 90)/2 : 55'C Forair at 20'C (293K): p :1.204 t kglr.ll3 l r , t o . S , l 0 - 6k g / m . o F o r a i r a5 t 5'C{328 Kr: {r - l8 Jq' l0 6m'/s I I Pr 0.707 Forair at 150'C (423K)'.p = 23.86x 10 6 kg/m.s. Analysis a) System: Air in thepipe The inventoryrate equationfor massrcducesto Rateof mass ofair in: Rateof mass of air out =m (l)

Note that for compressible fluids like air both density and average velocity dependon temperature andpressurc. Therefore,usingthe inlet conditions _ f - ' o n r'< ' '2r 'kg/s t i 1 : t r D ' / t l L ' \ D ) ) , --, " i, " ' " ; 1,t.2047,{s0t ,. -0 6 , l 0 "L 4 J

In Foblems dealing with the flow of compressible fluids, it is customaryto deflnemass velocity, G, as c:! = p\t) (2)

The advantage of using G is the fact that it remainsconstant for steadyflow of comptessible fluids throlgh ductsof unifom crosssection.ln this case G : (l .2M'/)(50)= 60.24 kg/n2 .s The inventorymte equationfor energyis written as Rateof energyin : Rateof energyout (3)

(3)15) of Example Equations 3.15arealsoapplicable to thisproblem. Therefore, we get a= _ - ll R - h'\ _ n te P r . / 7 .| D 4 Nu \l--|a,,) (4)

TheNusselt number in Eq.(4) canbedetemined onlyif theReynolds number is known. TheReynolds number is calculated as (0.015)(60.24) DG ^ Re-----45,636 19.80 \ t0-o rl The valueof, depends on the correlationsasfollows: + T u r b u l efn l w lo

8l Chemi@l Engineeing Prccesses

Dittus-Boelter conelation Subsdtution of Eq.{ l-90r inroEq.(4) give\ (45.03b)02(0.707)0 o0 , "-12 0 \ t _ R e 0 2 p p 6 l n // , - r b . " t5 _ .-" 0, \_ " _ D 0.0s2 Tb",, I 0.092 lso 90/ \r. \ Therefore, the requiredlengthis a : ( 5 8 . 3 ) ( 1 . 5 ) : 8c7 m Sieder-Tatecorrelation Substiru onof Eq.{l-al , inLo Eq.(4r gi\e. t Reo2P1'Jr//p.l o'4, t Tu,-7o"\


\r. - Tu,, )

{ 4 5 . 6 3 6 ) 0 2 { 0 . 7 0 71 4 2. ' l8 0 .t 0 " \ - 0 r o . / t 5 0 - 2 0 \ 'n\rso



ro "/



Thercfore,the requiredlengthis ,: Whitaker correlation Substitution ofEq. (3-92)inroEq. (4) gives L ( 4 9 . 9 ) ( 1 . 5 ) : 7c5 m


Reo17pro58{t//-/dt-0 " 1)r",, - T 0 , 1



7r0.?07)05 8 o\ 0ra. t50-20\ r 4 5 . b j o )r0 / t9.80r t0 / " ' \ b / 0.06 , t0 t 5 0- q 0 / " ' \23.80 Therefore, tie requiredIengthis t: (67)(1.5) = 101 cln

b) Note that Eq. (4) is also exprcssed in the iorm


4SLH \7.

r'-ru" ) 'n1 rb,,,/ StnPr2/3, reduces Eq. (5) to 0.1068

"' 16)

Theuseof theChilton-Colbum analogy, i.e.,//2: L

o=z r

I p?/3. I T, -h." 1

t'\r, -u,1=,

ri0.702))r. /r50-20\



Thefrictionfactorcanbecalculated from theChencorelation, Eq. (3-80)


/ e/D]ro6s


\ *" ,ocrJ

TEnsrer coefficieris 82


/ | lD



\ 2.s4e1 ./

/ 7 . 1 4 9 0\ o 8 o 8 l

Re ./


Forvaious values of /D, thecalculated values of f, LID and L arcgiven asfollows:

0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0M

0.0053 0.0061 0.0067 0.0072 0.0077

57.9 50.3 45.8 42.6 39.8 86.9 '75.5 68.7 63.9 59.7

Commenb The increasein surface roughnessincreasesthe friction factor and hence powerconsumption. On the otherhand,the incrcase in surface roughness causes an increase in the heathansfercoefficientwith a concomitantdecrcase in pipe length. 3.5.3 MassTranster Correlaiions

Mass transferin cylindrical tubesis encountered in a vadety of operations,such as wetted wall columns, reverse osmosis, andcross-flow ultmfihation.As in the case of heattlanster, masshansfercorrelationsdependon whetherthe flow is laminar or turbulent. Laminarflow correlation For laminarflow massftansferin a circular tube with a constant wall concentration, anexprcssion analogous to Eq.(3-89)is givenby sh : 1.86[Re sc(D/.)]'/3 (3-95)is validfor Equation (3-e5)

lryll/32 z lxescqo TurbulentfowcorrcIations Gilliland-Sherwood correlation GillilandandSherwood (1934) conelated tle experimenral resLilts obrained from wetted wal columnsin the fom 83 Sh:0 023 Reo Sco44
which is valid for


( Re( 35,000 2000

0.6< Sc< 2.5

83 Chemical Engineering Pro@sses

Linton-Shenvood correlation Thecorelationproposed (1950)is givenby by LintonandSherwood 83 Sh= 0.023Reo Scl/3 (3-97)is validfor Equation (3-97)

2000 < Re< 70,000 0.6< Sc< 2500

3.5,3,3 CaLculation of the masstransferrate Oncethe average massftansfercoefficientis calculated from corelations givenby Eqs.(3-95)-(3-97), rlen drerateofmassofspecies ,4 transferred is calculared a) rir a = QrDL)(k")(Lc1) TyMa where"M,{ is the molecularweight of species and (Lca)'y, "4, tration difference, ls delnedby (3-98) logaithmic me.rnconcen-


Example3,17 A smooth tubewith an intemaldiameter of 2.5 cm is castftom solidnaphthalene.Pureair entersthe tube at an average velocity of 9 m/s. If the average air pressure is I atm and the temperatureis 40'C, estimatethe tube length required for the averagc concenhation of naphthalene vaporin the air to reach257aof the saturation value. Solution Physical properties Diffusioncoefficient (,{) in ail (6) ar40"C (313K) is ofnaphthalene
/ ll l*\ ) 12 r D a a t : r - r :t D q r ) r o o (

-r0.b2' l0 5){#)


:6.61> l0 om2ls


Forairat 40"C (313K): ,:16.95 x 10 6m2/s TheSchmidt number is 16.q5> t0-o _ - z^)-o

Assumptions 1. Steady prevail. state conditions 2. Thesystem is isothermal. Analysis System: Air in thenaphthalene tube

6;r ' ro=

Tlansfer@efficients 84

If naphthalene is designated as species then the rate equationfor the conservation of "4, \pecie!,4becomes Rateof moles of,4 in: Rateofmolesof,4 out Thetems in Eq. (1) areexpressed by Rareofmotesof -4 in = nDLlk)(Lc Rare of mofes of "4 out= e(c A).d: LM (n D2/4)lu)(cA)Nt e) (3) (1)

Sincethe concentration at the wall is constant, the expression for (AcA)LM,Eg.(3_gg), becomes





L,e. - @e).*)

Substitution ofEqs. (2)-(4)inroEq. (1) gives



6) +1_q,"rr-o.xr=ooz((,1)

Note that Eq. (5) can alsobe expressed in the form

f-oo':(.'-)-o.o?r(R=) , \srM/ \ Sh,/

The valueof a depends on the cofielationsasfollows: Chilton-Colburn analogy Substitution ofEq. (2-73)inroEq. (6) gives

TheReynolds number is Dlu) (2.5 x 10 2)r9) -i:_-13,214 :.:Ke:_+ Tulbulen f lr ow

The friction factor can be calculated from the Chen conelation, Eq. (3_g0). Taking t/D,.0, , I e/D \rrm8 / 7 . t 4 9 0 \ o . 8 s8 rl' 1 6 Y r o - r \r t r*1 + (/ 7 . t 4 9 0 \ 0 . 8 0-8 R. /



5_ .04s2 -l - o ^ efL _ t o s f l . t 6t ,0 J , l - }


Engineering Processes E5Chemical

Hence Eq. (7) becomes L D The requLedlength is then = 93.5cm L = (3'7.4)(2.5) Linton-Sherwood correlation Substirution ofEq.(l q7) inLo Eq.f6) gives
L ^.^ t ^.^ 3 - 2o.4 i : 3.l l Reo s.2/l - J.l i(1 i.274r0t'12.56t2' D

(0.072)(2\ (2.sq2/3 0.0072

The tubelengthis :'73.s cm L: (29.4)(2.s) 3,5.4 Ducts Flow in Non-Circular

The conelationsgiven for the friction factor,heattransfercoefficient,and masstansfer coefficient are only valid for ductsof circular crosssection.Thesecorelations can be usedfor flow in non-circularductsby introducingtbe conceptof hJdraulic equivalentdiatneter,Dh, definedby
/ ' Florr area \ \Wefled perimeFr/


The Reynolds number based on the hydraulic equivalent diameter is



so that the friction factor,basedon the hydmulic equivalentdiameter,is relatedto Re, in the form



whereQ depends on the geomefiy of rhe system.Since g : I only for a circular pipe, fte for laminarflow (Bird ead1.. useof the hydraulic equivalent diameter is not recommended for vaiiousgeometdes is shownin 2002;Fahien,1983). The hydraulic equivalent diameter Table3.4. Example 3.18 Water flows at an averagevelocity of 5 m/s through a duct of equilateral triangulardoss-sectionwith one side,a, being equal to 2 cm. Elecffic wLes are wrapped aroundthe oufer surfaceofthe duct to provide a constantwall heatflux of 100 Wcm2. ff theinletwatertempemtule is 25'C andtheductlengthis 1.5m, calculate: a) The powerrequircdto pumpwaterthroughthe duct, b) The exit water temperatue, c) The average heattransfercoefficient.

TEnsier coefticients 86

Iable 3.4. Thehydulic equivalenl diameter geometnes forvarious



Solution Physi@l properties For waterat 25 'C (298 K) : Assumptions l Steady-state conditionsprevail. 2. Changes in kinetic andpotentialenergies arc negligible. 3. Variationsin p aDdCp with temperature arenegligible. Analysis System: Waterin the duct

:997 ke/nJ Io ssz . lo-okslm s l1=

J/ks.K I Cp = 4180

E7Chemical Engineedng Prccesses

a) The powerrequiredis calculaiedfrom Eq. (2-11)



The friction factor in Eq. (1) can be calculatedfiom the modified form of the Chen corelation, Eq. (3-80) | / /D - 5.0452 \ 'oto,

v7--o'os|\r.zoo5 *o where


I loqs / F/D \ /7.l49oto8q8l


R., /


The hydraulic equivalentdiameterand the Re),nolds numberare

u,: l- 1= t.tss \/3 \/3 "^

Dhlu)o { 1.15. 5 l0-r}r5r{997r -:-:---- =64.548 Re/,-.-= 8tt x t0 o-: -+ Tubulentflow

Substitutionof thesevaluesin0oEqs.(3) and (2) and raking/D ! 0 give / 7 . t 4 9 0 t 0 8 e 8 1/ 7 . 1 4 9 0 \ o 8 o 8 l :l*.'*/ -28xro" ^=l..n., /

+ "rT--4"tL-60.*8109{2.8.l0')l
Hence,the powerrequiredis calculated from Eq. (1) as

.. | 5.04s2


/ - 0.0049

W: I r:rrz x to-']r1 t.stf {roozrrs,' l,o.o*n, },r,: rr.,* tLzll

{ b) The inventoryrateequationfor massrs Rateof mass in : Raieof mass out : ,? : p ' ' (D)f @) \ 4,/ (4)

f J3t2 x Io-2)21 a= (997){5)le/s | = 0 . 8 6rJ L4l-

The irvertory rateequationfor energyreduces to Rateofenergyin: Rateofenergyout (5)

Transfercoefticients 88

The termsin Eq. (5) are expressed by Rateof energyin = m dp e6,^ _ Ta) + e.. Rateof energyout: r/, epq6*, _ f,4 (6) (j)

where p, is the rate of heattansfer to waterfrom the lateral surfaces of the duct. Sub_ sirulion (6randt7) intoEq.t5) give. of Eqs.

b".. rb*--rbt,+:+ =2s - so"c + riI?11+r9o' '' p (0.863)(4t80)

n( c' Themean bulkremperaLue i( t25r 50)/2- 17.5.C. Ar lhistemperature tr:628 x 10-3rym.K and pt:4.62

The useof dreDittus-Boeltercorelation, Eq. (3 9O),gives Nu = 0.023 = 0.023(64,54g)a/s Re75pro.a (4.62)o.a :2g9 Therefore,the average heattmnsfercoefficientis /L\ / l\ ^ (h) = N u {: l : t z q s rjli 2 8 x l 0 - 16 2 5 7 w / m z K \ u hI \rJ5s. lotl

Pbceses Engineedng 89 chemical


a! ep ci D Dn De D,la Fp / G I js ja k &. , M m M i P C Q 4 ? 7 tr V , !o ,r / li/ x A s p l) p

packing sudacearcaper unit volume' 1/m pressrtre, kJ/kg K heatcapacityat constant i, kmol/m3 of species concentration diameter,m hydraulic equivalentdiameter m particle diameter,m diffusion coefficientfor system,4 B, m2/s drag force.N ftiction factor massvelocity, kg/m' s of gravitY,rn/s2 acceleration Chilton-Colbumi-factor for heattansfer Chilton Colbum j-factor fol massffadsfer thermalconductivity,W/m K masstransfercoefficient,m/s length,m kg mass, flow rate,kg/s mass molecularweight, kg/kmol molarflow mt,kmol/s pressule, Pa heattransferrate,W flow rate,m3/s volumetric heatflur, W/m2 gasconstant, J/mol K iemperatue,'Cor K umq s volume,m3 velocity, m/s superficialvelocity,m/s terminal velocitY,m/s wo*, J: width, m rate of work, w cooldinate,m rectangular difference porosity of the PiPe,m surfaceroughness viscosity,kg/m s kinematicviscosity,m2/s density,kglm3

Tlansfercoeflicients 90

Overlins per mole per unit mass Bracket \a) average valueof.1

sat saturation

Subscripts A, I , c cft / i in LM out pb u oo species in bina.ry systems bulk transitionfrom laminar to turbulent characteristic film species in multicomponent systems inlet log-mean outlet packedbed wall or sudace free stream

DimensionlssNumbers Ar Pr Nu Re ReD Ret Re, Re, Sc Sh Stn Sfu Archimedesnumber Pmnddnumber Nrrsselt number Reynoldsnumber Reynoldsnumberbasedon the diameter Reynoldsnumberbasedon the hydmulic equivalentdiameter Reynoldsnumberbasedon the length Reynoldsnumberbasedon the distarce_r Schmidtnumber Sherwood number Stantonnumberfor heattransfer Santon numberfor masshansfer

91 ChemicalEiqinee ng Pbcesses

Bedingfield.C.H. a.d T.B. Drew, I 950.Aralogy berween heaitransferand mlss transfer A psychometric study, Ind.Eng-Chem. 42, 1164. Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewarrand E.N. Lightfoot. 2002,Transportphenomcna, 2nd Ed., Wiley, Nw york. jn Flussigkeiten Blausius, H., 1908, crenzschleien mit kleiner Reibu.g, Z. Angew Matb.phys.56. 1 Cher,N.H.. 1979. An explicitequation for fdctionfactor in pipe,Ind. Eng.Chem. Fund.t8 (3). 296. Cheng, X.X. dd R. Turron,1990. How ro calculare pipelize withour ireradon, Chen.EnB.9?(No!.),187 Churchill, S.W, 1977,Friction factor equationspans all fluid flow regimes,Chem.Eng. 84 (Noe 7), 9 I . Churchiu.S.W.ed M. Bemstein. 19?7,A corclarjng e4uationfor forcedconveciionfiom gales and ro a circrle cylinder in doss flow. J. HeatTransfea99, 300. Colebrook,C.F., 1938-9. Turbulen!tow in pipes wjth paltculd referenceto fte transition EAion betweenthe s m o o la h n dr c u 8 h p i p el a q s .l . l l s r . C i v . l E n g . t . , J 3 . Dittus. F.W: and L.M.K. Boelter, 1930,Un;venity of Califomia publications on Engineering,Vol. 2, p_rL4J. Berkeley. Dwivedi. PN. and S.N. Upadhyay,I 977.panicte-fllid massbansferin fixed and fluidized beds.ind. Ens. Chem. P r c e $ D e . .D e \ . 1 6 .1 5 7 Ergun, S.. 1952, Fluidnow thrcu8h packed columns,Chem. Eng.ftog.48,89. phenomena, Fahien, R.W, I 983,Fundanentals of Transport Mccraw,Hilt,Newyork. Frlend,WL and A.B. Metzner, I 958,TufbulenrheattmDsfer inside lubesand ttreanatogyamongheatjmassjod momentum trdsfer, AIChE Joornal4. 393. Frossling. N.. 1938, Beitr ceophy!.52,170. Gilliland. E.R.andT.K. Sherwood. 1934, Diffusion of vapors into air streans, Ind_ Ene.Chem. 26,5 16. GregoryC.A-mdM. Fogarasi. 1985, Altenrare ro stddardfricrionfactor equarion. Oil GasJ.83. 120. c.. F . a n dc . B S h e p h e rId I apple q.a o . c r l . u t J r . o n o t p x t ne i. t j\,.l E n g . c h e m 1 2 .b 0 5 . Lirton, WH. a.d T.K. SheNood, 1950,Ma$ r.esfer from sotid shapes to waterin streamlineandturbulenlflow. Chen.Eng.Prog. 46,258. Moody,L.F.. 19lu, Frjction facton for pipe flow, Truns.ASME 66, 671. Ranz, W:E.dd WR. Mdshail, I952,Evaporation - par I Chen.Eng.piog.48, l4l. fromdrops Sieder, E.N.dd c.E. Tate,1936. Heathansfer andpressure dropofljquidsin lubes, tnd.Eng.Chen. 28, 1429. Steinberger, R.L. dd R.E. Treybal. 1960,Masstransferfrom a solid spherero a flowing liqujd stream.AIChE Iornal 6,227 . Swmee,PK. andA.K.Jain.1976. Explicirequations for pipenow problems, J. Hydr.Div ASCE 102,657_ Touson2007,Modeling in Transport Phenomen,2nd Ed..Etsevier Science & Technolos/ Books. Tosun.L a.d I. Ak$hin. 1992,Explicit exlre$lons for the fricrion facror.Unpubtishcd.eport, Middle EastTech qitical pjpingpdamelers, Tosu. L andL Aktahin.1993, Calculare Chem. Eng.I 00 (Mdch), r 65.Forconectrons seealsoChen. Ens. 100(July).8. Tunon.R. andN.N. Cldk. 1987, An explicirrclarionship ro lredict spherical paniclereminatvetociixpowde. Technolo$ 5 1 .l 2 l . Tunon, R. and o. Levenspiel,1986,A sho]1 powderTechnolosy47. 83. 'ote on rhe dragcofielarionfo. spheres, Whitaker, S.. 1972, Forced convecrion hear rransfer correlations for now in pipes, pastflarptates. singte cytindeB, single sphercs, and for flow in packedbedsdd tubebundtes. AIChE Journal I 8. 361. Zhukauskas, A.. 1972,Adveces in HeatTransfer, Vol_8: HeaiTransferfilJm Tubesi. CrossFloq Eds.J.p.Hart nett andT.F. Irvine. Ji. AcademicPrcss. New Yor^.


Brodkey. R.S.andH.C.Hcrshey, I 988,Truspod Phenomena: A UnifiedApproach. Mccraw HiU,Newyork. Hines, A.L- andR.N.Maddox,1985, prcnrice Mass Transfer-Fundmentats andAppiications. Hall,Englewood Clifl'. \etr Jer"e) Incrcpem,F.P md D.P.Dewitt, 2002,Fundmentals ofHeat andMassTmnsfer.5th Ed.. Witev. New yofk.

TEnsfer coefficienls 92

Middleman,S., 1998,An IntrodDctionro Mass dd Heat T.ansfer_ prirciptes of Analysis and Design, witey, Skelland, A.H.P., 1974,Ditrurionat MassTrmsfer. wiley, New york. Wbitakei, S., 1976,ElemerraryHeatTransferAnalysis,pergmon press,New york.

PROBLEMS 3.1 A flat plareof length 2 m and width 30 cm is to beplacedparallel to an air stueam ar a teinperarue of25oC. Whichsideofrhe plare, i.e.,lengtb or width,should beinthe direction ol tlow so asto minimizethedragforceif: a) Thevelociry ofair is 7 m/s, b) Thevelocityof air is 30 m/s. (Ans\yer: a) Lengrh b) Widrh) 3,2 Air at atmospheric pressure and200.C flowsat g m/s overa flatplate150cm longin thedircction offlow and70 cm wide. E^slimite tle rareol cooling of rheplareso as to keepthe surfacercmperarure at 30oC. :l b) Calculatethe dragforce exertedon theplate (Answer:a) 1589 W b) 0.058N') 3.3. at l5'C flows at 0.15m/s overa flat plate I m Iongin the direction of tlow ^Water and0.3 m wide. If energyis transfered from the top and botto; sudacesof the plate to the flowing streamat a steadymte of 3500 W, determinethe temperature ot Ae piate sur_ face. (Answer:35'C) 3.4 Fins are usedto incrcasethe areaavailablefor heattransferbetweenmetal walls and poorlyconducting fluidssuchasgases. A simple rectangular fin is shown below

ns Processes 93 ChemicalEnginee

If oneassumes, .I=I(1'only. . No heatis Iost from the end or fiom the edges, . The avenge heathansfercoefficient,(t), is constantand uniform over the entire surfaceof the fin, . The thermalconductivityofthe fin, k, is constant, thefin, fo, is unifbrm, . Thetemperatwe ofthe mediumsurounding fu, is constant, . Thewall temperature, distributionis givenby tempemture ihe resultingsteady-state

r r*


2lhlL2 KB If the rateof heatlossfrom the fin is 478 W, determinethe aveEgeheattransfercoeflicient f : l'75"C; T. :260"C; k : I05 w/m K; t :4 cm; for the followingconditions: W:30cm;-8:5mm. (Answer: 400 wm2.K) of practical 4.4. Oneof the problems fin Biveoin Problem 3.5 Consider the rcctangular transfer maximize the heat B and l, to values of of the optimum interestis the determination are dimensions glven 7, andW. Showthattheoptimum mtefrom thefin for afixed volume, by

".r,_\r,wr )

t , h \ V 2 rI t t t



/ ky



fin given in Problem4.4. If a laminar flow regionexistsover 3.6 Considerthe rectangular the plate, showthat the optimum value of w for the maximum heatfansfer rate 1]om ile E, is givenby fin for a fixedvolume,y, andthickness,

arsl(l)iln N1't' rzvusn vrl

wherekl is the thermalconductivityof the ffujd fln (k :205 W/m K) of length,L :20 cm hastwo endsattached 3.7 A thin aluminum in the ligure wallswith temperatures to two parallel 4 = 100'c and7, = 90'c as shown : with an average at 7 30'c the ambient air convection to belovr'' The fin loseshealby (heat : bottom surfaces (ft) the top and 120 Wrn2 K through heattransfercoeflicient of negligible). maybe considered lossfrom theedges

TGnsfer coetrcients94


r.=,o d._-


Oneof yolu friends assumes that thereis no intemal genetationof energywithin the frn anct determines the steadystatetemperature distributionwithin the fin as 'r _T - 2Q sinhNz 7,, - T-, in whichN andQ aredefined as

2lhl and Q= KB

lTt-T*\ '- t L -\r,-r-l 2stnh N L

a) Showthatthereis indeed no inremal genemtion of energy withinthe fin. b) Determinethe location andthe valueof the minimLrm tJmperature within the fin. (Answeri z:0.1 cm,7:30.14.C) 3.8 Rework Example4.8 by using the RanzMarshallcorrelarion, Eq. (4.3 33), .he Frossling correlarion, Eq. (a.3-34), and rhe modified Frossling coneJation, Eq. (4.3 35). Why do the resulting Sherwood numbers differ significantlyfrom 541? 3,9 In an experiment carriedour at 20.C, ^aglasssphere of density2620kg/ml falls rhrou8hcarbonrelrachloridetp=l5q0kg/mrandg-q.58\l0akg/m.\Juitharermi_ nal velocityof65 cm/s.Detelmine thediameter ofthe sphere. (Answer:21 mm) 3.10 A CO2_bubble is dsingin a glass of beer20 cm rall.Estimate thetimerequired for a . bubble5 mm in diameterto reachthe top if the prope ies of CO2 and beercanie taker as equalto thoseof air and water,respectively. (Answer:0.54s)

Prccesses Englneedng 95 Chemical

with the cotelation,Eq (4 5 26)' together 3.11 Showthat the useof the Dittus-Boelter yields Eq.(3.5-12)' analogy, Chilton-Colbum 2 / :0.046 Re-o pipes which is a good power-lawapprcxination for the friction factor in smoothcircular the and compale equation Calculate i for ne : 105,106and 107usingthis apgoximate (4 Eq 5-16) correlation' by lsing theChen obtained values with those pipe'Eq (45_12) fluid in a circular Newtonian fiow of anincompressible 3.12 Forlaminar fully tu$[lent mte For flow drop is pr;portional to thevolumetric that thepressure indicates flow volumetic of the nor .fro* tttut ttt" pres.uredrop in a pipe is proportionalto the square rate. 3 flow mte of 1 1 x l0 m3/s the powerto pumpa fluid at a volumetric 3.13 Determine properties of rie imooth pipe 10 m-long The physical horizontal a : cm aiameter throueh i q2 - l0 kg/m < fluidire girenasp = ol5 kg/mr andr/ = l (Ans\ter: 10.4W) of bodyis to pushbloodto the tissues in the human of bloodpressure 3.14 The purpose pumps il heart beats' the organis; s; that they can perform their functions Each time the its maximumvalue'i e ' systolic The blood pressuereaches into the arteries. out btlood betweenbeats'the heart is at rest ln pump the blood when the heall contractsto Dressure. pressure An averaghealthy diastolic i"J rft" Uto"a pressurefalls to a mi;imum value, The human of 120and 80 nrmHg'respectively pressures anddiastolic hassystolic Derson the body' throughout 20 s for bloodto circulate iody hasabout5.6 L of blood.Ii it takes the power outputof the heart estimate (Answer:3.73w) pipeof circular a horizontal flow at 20'C through turbulent 3,15 Wateris in isothermal cross-sectionwithl0cminside.liametel,Thefollowingexpefimentalvaluesofvelocityale ,': ol rcdialdictance a( a function measured

,'( cm) I 0.5 u . r m / sI) 0 . 3 9 4



in thefolm is proposed Thevelocitydistribution

thepressure velocityandR is themdiusof thepipe Calculate wherer-ax is themaximum drop per unit lengthof the PiPe (Answer:12.3Pa/m)



Transfercoeffi cienis 96

3,16 In Example4.15, the lengthto diametermtio is expressed as

I -!'t ^1t' 'ro'1 D 4SrH \T" _ 16,,,,l

UsetheChilton-Colburn analogy, i.e., z = StnPl"

andevaluate rhevalueof L/D. ls it a realisric \alue?ffiy/why nor? 3.17 Waterat l0'C enten a circularpipe of intemaldiameter 2.5 cm with an aveuge velocityof 1.2m/s. Steam condenses on the outside of thepipe so as to keepthe surtace temperature of the pipe at 82"C. If the lengrhof the pipe js 5 m, determinethe outlet tgm_ peratureof water. (Answen5l 'C) 3.18 Dry air at I atm pressue and 50oC enterca circular pipe of 12cm intemal diameter with an average velocity of l0 cm/s. The inner surfaceof the pipe is coatedwith a rtun abso$entmaterialsoaked with waterat 20.C. If the lengthof the pipe is 6 m, calculatethe amountof watervaporcaried out of the pipe per hour. (Answer:0.067kg/h)

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