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Microsoft Access Data Types

You can use the DataType property to specify the type of data stored in a table field. Each field can store data consisting of only a single data type. Setting Text Type of data (Default) Text or combinations of text and numbers, as well as numbers that don't re uire calculations, such as phone numbers. Size !p to "## characters or the length set by the FieldSize property, whiche$er is less. %icrosoft &ccess does not reser$e space for unused portions of a text field. !p to (#,#)# characters. (*f the %emo field is manipulated through D&+ and only text and numbers ,not binary data- will be stored in it, then the si.e of the %emo field is limited by the si.e of the database.)


'engthy text or combinations of text and numbers.


/umeric data used in mathematical calculations. 1, ", 2, or 3 bytes (1( bytes if the 0or more information on how to set the specific FieldSize property is set to /umber type, see the FieldSize property topic. 4eplication *D). Date and time $alues for the years 166 through 7777. 3 bytes.

Date5Time 8urrency

8urrency $alues and numeric data used in 3 bytes. mathematical calculations in$ol$ing data with one to four decimal places. &ccurate to 1# digits on the left side of the decimal separator and to 2 digits on the right side. & uni ue se uential (incremented by 1) number 2 bytes (1( bytes if the FieldSize or random number assigned by %icrosoft &ccess property is set to 4eplication *D). whene$er a new record is added to a table. &uto/umber fields can't be updated. 0or more information, see the NewValues property topic. Yes and /o $alues and fields that contain only one of two $alues (Yes5/o, True/0alse, or +n5+ff). &n ob9ect (such as a %icrosoft Excel spreadsheet, a %icrosoft :ord document, graphics, sounds, or other binary data) lin;ed to or embedded in a %icrosoft &ccess table. 1 bit.



+'E +b9ect

!p to 1 gigabyte (limited by a$ailable dis; space)


Text or combinations of text and numbers stored Each part of the three parts of a as text and used as a hyperlin; address. & <yperlin; data type can contain up to hyperlin; address can ha$e up to three parts= "623 characters. text to display the text that appears in a field or control. address > the path to a file (!/8 path) or page (!4'). subaddress > a location within the file or page. screentip > the text displayed as a tooltip.

The easiest way to insert a hyperlin; address in a field or control is to clic; Hyperlink on the Insert menu. 0or more information, see Type a hyperlin; address in 0orm $iew or Datasheet $iew. 'oo;up :i.ard 8reates a field that allows you to choose a $alue The same si.e as the primary ;ey from another table or from a list of $alues by field used to perform the loo;up, using a list box or combo box. 8lic;ing this typically 2 bytes option starts the 'oo;up :i.ard, which creates a 'oo;up field. &fter you complete the wi.ard, %icrosoft &ccess sets the data type based on the $alues selected in the wi.ard.

Number Data Sub-types and Field Size Setting ?yte Decimal Description @tores numbers from 6 to "## (no fractions). @tores numbers from A16B)3 A1 through 16B)3 A1 (.adp) @tores numbers fromA16B"3 A1 through 16B"3 A1 (.mdb) @tores numbers from C)",D(3 to )",D(D (no fractions). (Default) @tores numbers from C",12D,23),(23 to ",12D,23),(2D (no fractions). Deci al precision /one "3 Storage size 1 byte 1"bytes

*nteger 'ong *nteger @ingle

/one /one

" bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes

@tores numbers from D C).26"3")E)3 to C1.261"73EC2# for negati$e $alues and from 1.261"73EC2# to ).26"3")E)3 for positi$e $alues. @tores numbers from 1# C1.D7D(7)1)23(")1E)63 to C2.726(#(2#321"2DEC)"2 for negati$e $alues and from 1.D7D(7)1)23(")1E)63 to 2.726(#(2#321"2DEC)"2 for positi$e $alues. Elobally uni ue identifier (E!*D) /5&


3 bytes

4eplication *D

1( bytes

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