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At first glance it can be easy to see Utah County as essentially homogenous with its nicknames such as Happy Valley

or the bubble.


Caring for Local At-Risk Populations

hile dozens of senior nursing students travel abroad to fulfill their Public and students to such diversity. After negotiatGlobal Health clinical, one group stayed in Utah County to discover the culture ing with the prisons nurses, she started and diversity within their own community. These students were enrolled spring term in a class section titled At-Risk Populations, the students on clinical rotations there. which refers to groups that either have unique healthcare needs or are at risk to receive The course addresses several issues inadequate health care. Throughout the course students have that nurses will likely face in practice, the opportunity to serve in several clinical settings, including such as becoming culturally competent, rotations at the Utah County Jail, the Utah State Prison, the providing appropriate care (based on background), and underChildrens Justice Center (a support center for abused chilstanding the red flags for abuse. Throughout this course students dren), the Dan Peterson School (a school for severely disabled better understand cultural humility, the importance of advocacy children), the Utah Valley Regional Medical Centers Diabetes in nursing, and their obligation to serve their own community. Management Clinic, and other community healthcare services. In 2004 associate teaching professor Peggy Anderson, DNP, Cultural Humility MS, RN (AS 83, BS 99, MS 01), was tasked to develop such a One of the most essential skills students learn throughout their class section. Anderson, then serving as a Relief Society presiexperiences in Utah County is what Anderson likes to call culdent at the Utah State Prison, had the idea to introduce her tural humilitythe ability to simultaneously be aware of individual circumstances while remaining unbiased and objective to By Rachel Peters sensitive information.

Maynard Dixon (1875-1946), Forgotten Man, 1934, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 1/8 inches. Brigham Young University Museum of Art, gift of Herald R. Clark, 1937.


This is especially important while working in the jail and prison. Lauren Moffitt (13) came to understand that inmates a voice for them. As nurses we can be are just regular people who have made poor decisions. You that voice. have to put aside all judgment so that it doesnt impact the qualIn the course students are given conity of care you provide, she says. Everyone deserves access to crete instruction on how to provide such quality healthcare regardless of the choices theyve made. Each a voice. Each student participates in the is a child of God, and it is our responsibility as nurses to treat Childrens Justice Symposium, put on them as such. by the Utah County Childrens Justice Several students first wondered what they were going to Center. The event brings together profeslearn staying in their own community. Christine Thorsen (13), sionals from the community, including who grew up in Orem, says, Ive spent my entire life in Utah lawyers, social workers, and police offiCounty. I thought I had seen what there was to see here. cers, to provide training and collaboraAt first glance it can be easy to see Utah County as essention in dealing with physical and sexual tially homogenous with its nicknames such as Happy Valley abuse within the community. or the bubble. However, the county is not immune to povFor Thorsen the messages at the erty, physical and sexual abuse, or Childrens Justice Symposium really hit drugs. (The Utah County Childrens home. After learning about the signs Justice Center suggests that the countys and symptoms of child abuse, Thorsen When people worried about her one-year-old son. I rates of child sexual abuse are compawondered how I could ever trust anyone rable to national averages.) Reflecting look like you, with my son, she says, because so many upon her experience, Thorsen said, its easy to abusers arent strangers but close friends This surprising experience opened my or family. eyes to whats around me. You dont assume you After her initial distress, Thorsen need to leave the county to encounter someone with a completely different share the same realized that by knowing the red flags for abuse she is empowered. With such background. background, knowledge not only will she be a betOur population is certainly at risk, as ter nurse, she will be a better mother. many are poorly nourished, experiencwhen in Education is key. Because I now undering withdrawals, and dealing with varystand what to look for, I am better preing degrees of mental illness, says Alan Bennett, the nursing reality your pared to advocate for my patients and for supervisor at the Utah County Jail. Every shift brings its own circumstances my son. challenges as we see everything from ingrown toenails and sunburns to acute appendicitis, suicide attempts, and treating the could be Obligation to Serve severely mentally ill. Bennett believes that encountering these With an improved understanding of situations can be beneficial to a nursing students education radically advocacy, Anderson hopes that her and career. different. Anderson describes the importance of looking within the students will begin to see that with community and recognizing those who are struggling. She says, knowledge comes an obligation, a When people look like you, its easy to assume you share the responsibility to serve in their own comsame background, when in reality your circumstances could be munities. Because of our understanding and knowledge of the radically different. It is important to be aware of and sensitive to connection between physical, mental, and spiritual health, she these differences in order to provide appropriate care. says, we have an obligation to serve in the public setting, even outside the workplace. Advocacy and Empowerment Following her own counsel, Anderson has volunteered within With an understanding of cultural humility and a holistic the elementary school system to help children with literacy, approach toward each individual, nurses are in a unique posiinspiring young children to become educated and make good tion to compassionately advocate for the best interests of the decisions. She says that although it takes time, You will receive patients and empower them to make proactive choices. more than you ever give. It feeds you spiritually, mentally, and During the course Molly Moses (13) had the opportunity physically. I truly believe that when you are in the service of your to serve in the Childrens Justice Center, the Utah County Jail, fellow men, you are serving your God (Mosiah 2:17). Moses echoes these statements. Heavenly Father knows and the Utah County Prison. She said that although children and understands the education we are getting. Because of this, and inmates seem like they would have nothing in common, she we have a much greater responsibility to act upon and use this noticed that they share a key characteristic. Both children and inmates dont have a voice, Moses knowledge to empower and advocate for individuals regardless explains. Each group needs someone to advocate and provide of their circumstances.

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