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Soil Acidity and Alkalinity



Soil pH
* pH - the negative log of the hydrogen ion (H+)
concentration in the soil water solution. pH = - log [ H+] * the pH scale is how we measure acidity and alkalinity of solutions. at neutral (pH =7) the number of H+ = OHRemember : at pH of 6 there are 10x more H+ ions than at a pH 7 and there are 100x more H+ ions between pH 7 & 5

Soil pH
0-7 = acidic; 7-14 = basic.

Higher concentration of H+ ions = high

acidity, higher concentration of OHions = high basicity.

In general, the ideal pH for plant

growth is about 5.5 in organic soils and about 6.5 in mineral soils.

Soil pH Ranges
10,000x 1,000x 100x

10x 0 10x

100x 1,000x 10,000x



Common pH range for soils

Penyebab kemasaman tanah

Tanah masam : ion H+>ion OHKation-kation dapat dipertukarkan sebagai sumber H+ dan OHyang penting : Ion hidrogen (H+) yang terdapat bebas pada larutan tanah Ion aluminium (Al+++) penyebab tak langsung, berasal dari Al pada struktur oktahedral Al, yang jika beraksi dengan air membentuk Al+++ + 3H2O Al(OH+)3 + 3H+ Al+++ + 2H2O Al(OH+)2 + 2H+ Al+++ + H2O Al(OH++) + H+ Al dijerap pada bidang pertukaran





Sumber-sumber penyebab kemasaman tanah


Humus atau bahan organik

Gugus-gugus karboksil

gugus-gugus phenolik Timbunan ion H+ gugus-gugus amino Proses dekomposisi H2CO3 mencuci basa-basa terus-menerus H2SO4, HNO3 tambahan ion H+

2. Garam-garam yang larut

Pemupukan Pelapukan mineral Dekomposisi BO
menambah kation-kation

menggantikan Al teradsorbsi

Al masuk ke larutan tanah

penyebab tambahnya H+

3. Intensitas pencucian Tanah di daerah humid : basa-basa tercuci, tertinggal H+ dan Al+++ Al++++H2O Al(OH)+++H+ Al(OH)+++H2O Al(OH)+2+H+ Al(OH)+2+H2O Al(OH)3+H+
4. Mineral lempung (liat) alumino silikat oleh pelapukan dari oktahedral Al membebaskan Al dengan 2 kemungkinan :
Al teradsorbsi

Al+3H2O Al dalam larutan




5. Karbon dioksida (CO2)

CO2 dihasilkan oleh adanya respirasi akar dan jasad

hidup dalam tanah,

CO2+ H2O H2CO3 mencuci basa-basa

The Colloidal Control of Soil Reaction

Source of Hydrogen Ions
Al in solution Hydrolize
Al under very acid conditions

Al+++ + H2O


Soil Solution

Al(OH)3 + 3H+

The Al(OH)3 is not ionized so the H ions thus released give low pH value in the soil solution H Micelle H =H+ Soil Solution Hydrogen The effect of both adsorbed hydrogen and aluminum is to increase the H ion concentration in the soil solution

The Colloidal Control of Soil Reaction...

Source of OH ions

Ca H ++ + 2OH Micelle + H O Micelle + Ca Ca H 2 Under natural conditions the reaction to furnish H and OH ions to the soil solution occur simultaneously

factor of Acid forming in Soil

1. Nitrification: Ammonium to Nitrate (oxidation of NH4+) NH4+ + 2O2 ---> NO3- + H2O + 2 H+ 2. O.M. decomposition organic acids ionized : R-COOH---> R-COO- + H+ respiration: CO2 + H2O ----> H2CO3 = H+ +HCO3-

3. Acid rain
Acid rain is caused by the

burning of fossil fuels. Burning oil, gas and coal in power stations releases Sulfuric Dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere. Burning oil and gasoline in motor vehicles puts nitrogen oxides (NOX) into the atmosphere. These gases mix with water droplets in the atmosphere creating weak solutions of nitric and sulfuric acids. When precipitation occurs these solutions fall as acid rain.
SO2 +OH --> H2SO4 --> SO4- + 2 H+ NO2 + OH --> HNO3--> NO3- + H+

4. Uptake of basic cations by plants.

Basic cations are sources of OH- to

the soil solution. Ca++, Mg++, K+, Basic cations that are taken up by plants no longer contribute OH- to the soil solution. H+ ions are released to the soil solution.

5. Leaching of basic cations

as basic cations are removed from the soil solution by leaching they no longer contribute the OH- ions to neutralize the ever increasing amounts of H+
Ca++ + 2 H20 ---> Ca(OH)2 + 2H+ -----> Ca++ + 2OH-

Back to Soil pH
Active Acidity - due to the H+ ion activity in

the soil solution at any given time

Reserve Acidity - represented by the H+ and Al3+

that are easily exchanged by other cations (positively charged ion)
HHHH H Mg Ca H H H Na H+ H+ Ca++ H+ Mg++ H+ Ca++ H+ H+


Reserve /PotentialAcidity

Active Acidity -Soil solution

Buffer pH Organic matter

Soil pH

Active acidity

Exchangeable acidity

Residual acidity

Pools of acidity in soils

Soil Buffering Capacity

The tendency of soils is to resist changes of the pH of the soil solution. This resistance is termed buffering. Soils have different buffering capacities. Generally, higher CEC = greater buffering capacity. Buffering capacity indicates dynamic equilibrium of soil solution. Changes of all types tend to be resisted by the system.

Buffering Capacity

The ability of soil to resist

change in pH. The amount of H+ in the soil solution is small compared with the H+, Al 3+ adsorbed on the soil colloids (reserve)
Neutralization (by the addition

of bases) of the solution H+ (H+ is removed from the system) results in a rapid replacement of H+ from the exchangeable H+ on the soil colloid. CaCO3 when added to soil will neutralize H+. CaCO3 = Lime (dolomitic = MgCO3 & CaCO3

Why is soil pH important?

Affects solubility of minerals. Affects type, numbers and activity of


Fungi tolerate acidity better than bacteria. Bacteria often negatively affected by high acidity (i.e. low pH). Indirectly affects aggregate stability.

Determines what happens to many soil

pollutants. CEC increases with soil pH.

Soil pH affects many chemical and physical reactions in soil

Availability of most essential elements Activity of microorganisms

Ability of soil to hold cations

Solubility of non-essential elements such as

heavy metals Herbicide performance

pH and nutrient availability

As the soil pH increases from an acidic condition to

pH 6.5 Macronutrients (N,P,K) increases in solubility Secondary nutrients (Ca, Mg, S) increases in solubility Micronutrients (except Molybdenum) decreases in solubility Al decreases in availability (very important)

pH influence on microorganisms
Bacteria and actinomicete are reduced at low pH Nitrification occurs at pH range 6.0 to 9.0, optimum pH 7 Denitrification (biological loss of N) occurs at a minimu of pH 5.5, bellow this point chemical denitrification occurs Nitrogen fixation by Rhyzobium (legume-bacteria symbiosis) optimum occurs between a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 Organic matter decomposition: optimum pH 7.0


Aluminum toxicity/keracunan Al Manganese toxicity/keracunan Mn Ca, Mg deficiency/kekurangan Ca.Mg Fe deficiency induced by Al/Kekurangan Fe yg

disebabkan Al Molybdenum deficiency/ kekrngan Mo

Al-Tolerant variety

pH 4.4

pH 5.7

Breeding to overcome Al toxicity

Photo by C. D. Foy, USDA

Bahan penting dari kapur dalam menetralkan

kemasaman tanah adalah CO32- dan OH- yang dihasilkan

Ion CO32- mampu menarik ion H+ dari koloid tanah
Ion OH- dapat mengusir Al3+ dari kompleks jerapan

NETRALISASI KEMASAMAN DENGAN KAPUR Reaksi dengan H2O CaO+H2O Ca(OH)2 CaCO3+H2O Ca2++HCO3-+OHReaksi dengan H2CO3 CaCO3+H2CO3 Ca(HCO3)2 Ca(OH)2+2H2CO3 Ca(HCO3)2+2H2O Reaksi dengan misel (koloid) MISEL +Ca(OH)2 Ca MISEL +2H2O MISEL +Ca(HCO3)2 Ca MISEL +2CO2 MISEL +CaCO3 Ca MISEL +CO2

Bila sumber kemasaman tanah adalah ion H+




Bila sumber kemasaman adalah ion Al3+ CaCO3 Ca2++CO2CO32-+H2O HCO3-+OHMISEL MISEL +Al(OH)3 +OHMISEL



Why apply lime ?

1. helps nutrients become available to plants 2. improves soil structure 3. provides nutrients for plant growth

4. promotes growth of beneficial microorganisms

5. overcomes acidifying effects of fertilizers 6. reduces metal toxicity to plants (solubility vs. pH)

Reaksi tanah (pH) menggambarkan konsentrasi ion H+ dalam tanah 2. pH tanah dapat dibedakan menjadi pH aktual dan pH potensial 3. Reaksi tanah berhubungan erat dengan ketersediaan hara, aktivitas mikroorganisme, efisiensi pemupukan dan reaksi kimia dan fisika yang terjadi dalam tanah 4. Pengapuran dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pH tanah


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