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######################################################################### # OpenKore - Miscellaneous functions # # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public # License,

version 2. # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST # also distribute the source code. # See for the full license. # # $Revision: 7937 $ # $Id: 7937 2012-02-01 18:13:27Z fr3dbr $ # ######################################################################### ## # MODULE DESCRIPTION: Miscellaneous functions # # This module contains functions that do not belong in any other modules. # The difference between and is that can have # dependencies on other Kore modules. package Misc; use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use use strict; Exporter; Carp::Assert; Data::Dumper; Compress::Zlib; base qw(Exporter); encoding 'utf8'; Globals; Log qw(message warning error debug); Plugins; FileParsers; Settings; Utils; Utils::Assert; Skill; Field; Network; Network::Send (); AI; Actor; Actor::You; Actor::Player; Actor::Monster; Actor::Party; Actor::NPC; Actor::Portal; Actor::Pet; Actor::Slave; Actor::Unknown; Time::HiRes qw(time usleep); Translation; Utils::Exceptions;

our @EXPORT = ( # Config modifiers qw/auth

configModify bulkConfigModify setTimeout saveConfigFile/, # Debugging qw/debug_showSpots visualDump/, # Field math qw/calcRectArea calcRectArea2 checkLineSnipable checkLineWalkable checkWallLength closestWalkableSpot objectInsideSpell objectIsMovingTowards objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer/, # Inventory management qw/inInventory inventoryItemRemoved storageGet cardName itemName itemNameSimple buyingstoreitemdelete/, # File Parsing and Writing qw/chatLog shopLog monsterLog/, # Logging qw/itemLog/, # OS specific qw/launchURL/, # Misc qw/ actorAdded actorRemoved actorListClearing avoidGM_talk avoidList_talk avoidList_ID calcStat center charSelectScreen chatLog_clear checkAllowedMap checkFollowMode checkMonsterCleanness createCharacter deal dealAddItem drop dumpData

getEmotionByCommand getIDFromChat getNPCName getPlayerNameFromCache getPortalDestName getResponse getSpellName headgearName initUserSeed itemLog_clear look lookAtPosition manualMove meetingPosition objectAdded objectRemoved items_control pickupitems mon_control monsterName positionNearPlayer positionNearPortal printItemDesc processNameRequestQueue quit relog sendMessage setSkillUseTimer setPartySkillTimer setStatus countCastOn stripLanguageCode switchConfigFile updateDamageTables updatePlayerNameCache useTeleport top10Listing whenGroundStatus writeStorageLog getBestTarget isSafe isSafeActorQuery/, # Actor's Actions Text qw/attack_string skillCast_string skillUse_string skillUseLocation_string skillUseNoDamage_string status_string/, # AI Math qw/lineIntersection percent_hp percent_sp percent_weight/, # Misc Functions qw/avoidGM_near avoidList_near

compilePortals compilePortals_check portalExists portalExists2 redirectXKoreMessages monKilled getActorName getActorNames findPartyUserID getNPCInfo skillName checkSelfCondition checkPlayerCondition checkMonsterCondition findCartItemInit findCartItem makeShop openShop closeShop inLockMap parseReload/ ); # use SelfLoader; 1; # __DATA__

sub _checkActorHash($$$$) { my ($name, $hash, $type, $hashName) = @_; foreach my $actor (values %{$hash}) { if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, $type)) { die "$name\nUnblessed item in $hashName list:\n" . Dumper($hash); } } } # Checks whether the internal state of some variables are correct. sub checkValidity { return if (!DEBUG || $ENV{OPENKORE_NO_CHECKVALIDITY}); my ($name) = @_; $name = "Validity check:" if (!defined $name); assertClass($char, 'Actor::You') if ($net && $net->getState() == Network ::IN_GAME && $net->isa('Network::XKore')); assertClass($char, 'Actor::You') if ($char); return; _checkActorHash($name, _checkActorHash($name, _checkActorHash($name, _checkActorHash($name, _checkActorHash($name, _checkActorHash($name, } \%items, 'Actor::Item', 'item'); \%monsters, 'Actor::Monster', 'monster'); \%players, 'Actor::Player', 'player'); \%pets, 'Actor::Pet', 'pet'); \%npcs, 'Actor::NPC', 'NPC'); \%portals, 'Actor::Portal', 'portals');

####################################### ####################################### ### CATEGORY: Configuration modifiers ####################################### ####################################### sub auth { my $user = shift; my $flag = shift; if ($flag) { message TF("Authorized user '%s' for admin\n", $user), "success" ; } else { message TF("Revoked admin privilages for user '%s'\n", $user), " success"; } $overallAuth{$user} = $flag; writeDataFile(Settings::getControlFilename("overallAuth.txt"), \%overall Auth); } ## # void configModify(String key, String value, ...) # key: a key name. # value: the new value. # # Changes the value of the configuration option $key to $value. # Both %config and config.txt will be updated. # # You may also call configModify() with additional optional options: # `l # - autoCreate (boolean): Whether the configuration option $key # should be created if it doesn't already exist. # The default is true. # - silent (boolean): By default, output will be printed, notifying the user # that a config option has been changed. Setting this to # true will surpress that output. # `l` sub configModify { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; my %args; if (@_ == 1) { $args{silent} = $_[0]; } else { %args = @_; } $args{autoCreate} = 1 if (!exists $args{autoCreate}); Plugins::callHook('configModify', { key => $key, val => $val, additionalOptions => \%args }); if (!$args{silent} && $key !~ /password/i) { my $oldval = $config{$key}; if (!defined $oldval) { $oldval = "not set";

} if (!defined $val) { message TF("Config '%s' unset (was %s)\n", $key, $oldval ), "info"; } else { message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $key, $va l, $oldval), "info"; } } if ($args{autoCreate} && !exists $config{$key}) { my $f; if (open($f, ">>", Settings::getConfigFilename())) { print $f "$key\n"; close($f); } } $config{$key} = $val; saveConfigFile(); } ## # bulkConfigModify (r_hash, [silent]) # r_hash: key => value to change # silent: if set to 1, do not print a message to the console. # # like configModify but for more than one value at the same time. sub bulkConfigModify { my $r_hash = shift; my $silent = shift; my $oldval; foreach my $key (keys %{$r_hash}) { Plugins::callHook('configModify', { key => $key, val => $r_hash->{$key}, silent => $silent }); $oldval = $config{$key}; $config{$key} = $r_hash->{$key}; if ($key =~ /password/i) { message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was *not-displayed*)\ n", $key, $r_hash->{$key}), "info" unless ($silent); } else { message TF("Config '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $key, $r_ hash->{$key}, $oldval), "info" unless ($silent); } } saveConfigFile(); } ## # saveConfigFile() # # Writes %config to config.txt. sub saveConfigFile { writeDataFileIntact(Settings::getConfigFilename(), \%config);

} sub setTimeout { my $timeout = shift; my $time = shift; message TF("Timeout '%s' set to %s (was %s)\n", $timeout, $time, $timeou t{$timeout}{timeout}), "info"; $timeout{$timeout}{'timeout'} = $time; writeDataFileIntact2(Settings::getControlFilename("timeouts.txt"), \%tim eout); } ####################################### ####################################### ### Category: Debugging ####################################### ####################################### our %debug_showSpots_list; sub debug_showSpots { return unless $net->clientAlive(); my $ID = shift; my $spots = shift; my $special = shift; if ($debug_showSpots_list{$ID}) { foreach (@{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}) { my $msg = pack("C*", 0x20, 0x01) . pack("V", $_); $net->clientSend($msg); } } my $i = 1554; $debug_showSpots_list{$ID} = []; foreach (@{$spots}) { next if !defined $_; my $msg = pack("C*", 0x1F, 0x01) . pack("V*", $i, 1550) . pack("v*", $_->{x}, $_->{y}) . pack("C*", 0x93, 0); $net->clientSend($msg); $net->clientSend($msg); push @{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}, $i; $i++; } if ($special) { my $msg = pack("C*", 0x1F, 0x01) . pack("V*", 1553, 1550) . pack("v*", $special->{x}, $special->{y}) . pack("C*", 0x83, 0); $net->clientSend($msg); $net->clientSend($msg); push @{$debug_showSpots_list{$ID}}, 1553; } } ##

# visualDump(data [, label]) # # Show the bytes in $data on screen as hexadecimal. # Displays the label if provided. sub visualDump { my ($msg, $label) = @_; my $dump; my $puncations = quotemeta '~!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\"\''; no encoding 'utf8'; use bytes; $dump = "================================================\n"; if (defined $label) { $dump .= sprintf("%-15s [%d bytes] %s\n", $label, length($msg) , getFormattedDate(int(time))); } else { $dump .= sprintf("%d bytes %s\n", length($msg), getFormattedDa te(int(time))); } for (my $i my my my = 0; $i < length($msg); $i += 16) { $line; $data = substr($msg, $i, 16); $rawData = '';

for (my $j = 0; $j < length($data); $j++) { my $char = substr($data, $j, 1); if (ord($char) < 32 || ord($char) > 126) { $rawData .= '.'; } else { $rawData .= substr($data, $j, 1); } } $line = getHex(substr($data, 0, 8)); $line .= ' ' . getHex(substr($data, 8)) if (length($data) > 8 ); $line $line $line $dump } message $dump; } ####################################### ####################################### ### CATEGORY: Field math ####################################### ####################################### ## # calcRectArea($x, $y, $radius) # Returns: an array with position hashes. Each has contains an x and a y key. # # Creates a rectangle with center ($x,$y) and radius $radius, # and returns a list of positions of the border of the rectangle. sub calcRectArea { .= ' ' x (50 - length($line)) if (length($line) < 54); .= " $rawData\n"; = sprintf("%3d> ", $i) . $line; .= $line;

my ($x, $y, $radius) = @_; my (%topLeft, %topRight, %bottomLeft, %bottomRight); sub capX { return return return } sub capY { return return return } 0 if ($_[0] < 0); $field->width - 1 if ($_[0] >= $field->width); int $_[0]; 0 if ($_[0] < 0); $field->height - 1 if ($_[0] >= $field->height); int $_[0];

# Get the avoid area as a rectangle $topLeft{x} = capX($x - $radius); $topLeft{y} = capY($y + $radius); $topRight{x} = capX($x + $radius); $topRight{y} = capY($y + $radius); $bottomLeft{x} = capX($x - $radius); $bottomLeft{y} = capY($y - $radius); $bottomRight{x} = capX($x + $radius); $bottomRight{y} = capY($y - $radius); # Walk through the border of the rectangle # Record the blocks that are walkable my @walkableBlocks; for (my $x = $topLeft{x}; $x <= $topRight{x}; $x++) { if ($field->isWalkable($x, $topLeft{y})) { push @walkableBlocks, {x => $x, y => $topLeft{y}}; } } for (my $x = $bottomLeft{x}; $x <= $bottomRight{x}; $x++) { if ($field->isWalkable($x, $bottomLeft{y})) { push @walkableBlocks, {x => $x, y => $bottomLeft{y}}; } } for (my $y = $bottomLeft{y} + 1; $y < $topLeft{y}; $y++) { if ($field->isWalkable($topLeft{x}, $y)) { push @walkableBlocks, {x => $topLeft{x}, y => $y}; } } for (my $y = $bottomRight{y} + 1; $y < $topRight{y}; $y++) { if ($field->isWalkable($topRight{x}, $y)) { push @walkableBlocks, {x => $topRight{x}, y => $y}; } } return @walkableBlocks; } ## # calcRectArea2($x, $y, $radius, $minRange) # Returns: an array with position hashes. Each has contains an x and a y key. # # Creates a rectangle with center ($x,$y) and radius $radius, # and returns a list of positions inside the rectangle that are # not closer than $minRange to the center. sub calcRectArea2 { my ($cx, $cy, $r, $min) = @_;

my @rectangle; for (my $x = $cx - $r; $x <= $cx + $r; $x++) { for (my $y = $cy - $r; $y <= $cy + $r; $y++) { next if distance({x => $cx, y => $cy}, {x => $x, y => $y }) < $min; push(@rectangle, {x => $x, y => $y}); } } return @rectangle; } ## # checkLineSnipable(from, to) # from, to: references to position hashes. # # Check whether you can snipe a target standing at $to, # from the position $from, without being blocked by any # obstacles. # TODO: move to Field? sub checkLineSnipable { return 0 if (!$field); my $from = shift; my $to = shift; # Simulate tracing a line to the location (modified Bresenham's algorith m) my ($X0, $Y0, $X1, $Y1) = ($from->{x}, $from->{y}, $to->{x}, $to->{y}); my my my if $steep; $posX = 1; $posY = 1; ($X1 - $X0 < 0) { $posX = -1;

} if ($Y1 - $Y0 < 0) { $posY = -1; } if (abs($Y0 - $Y1) < abs($X0 - $X1)) { $steep = 0; } else { $steep = 1; } if ($steep == 1) { my $Yt = $Y0; $Y0 = $X0; $X0 = $Yt; $Yt = $Y1; $Y1 = $X1; $X1 = $Yt; } if ($X0 > $X1) { my $Xt = $X0; $X0 = $X1; $X1 = $Xt; my $Yt = $Y0; $Y0 = $Y1; $Y1 = $Yt;

} my my my my if

$dX = $X1 - $X0; $dY = abs($Y1 - $Y0); $E = 0; $dE; ($dX) { $dE = $dY / $dX; } else { # Delta X is 0, it only occures when $from is equal to $to return 1; } my $stepY; if ($Y0 < $Y1) { $stepY = 1; } else { $stepY = -1; } my $Y = $Y0; my $Erate = 0.99; if (($posY == -1 && $posX == 1) || ($posY == 1 && $posX == -1)) { $Erate = 0.01; } for (my $X=$X0;$X<=$X1;$X++) { $E += $dE; if ($steep == 1) { return 0 if (!$field->isSnipable($Y, $X)); } else { return 0 if (!$field->isSnipable($X, $Y)); } if ($E >= $Erate) { $Y += $stepY; $E -= 1; } } return 1; } ## # checkLineWalkable(from, to, [min_obstacle_size = 5]) # from, to: references to position hashes. # # Check whether you can walk from $from to $to in an (almost) # straight line, without obstacles that are too large. # Obstacles are considered too large, if they are at least # the size of a rectangle with "radius" $min_obstacle_size. # TODO: move to Field? sub checkLineWalkable { return 0 if (!$field); my $from = shift; my $to = shift; my $min_obstacle_size = shift; $min_obstacle_size = 5 if (!defined $min_obstacle_size); my $dist = round(distance($from, $to)); my %vec; getVector(\%vec, $to, $from); # Simulate walking from $from to $to for (my $i = 1; $i < $dist; $i++) { my %p;

moveAlongVector(\%p, $from, \%vec, $i); $p{x} = int $p{x}; $p{y} = int $p{y}; if ( !$field->isWalkable($p{x}, $p{y}) ) { # The current spot is not walkable. Check whether # this the obstacle is small enough. if (checkWallLength(\%p, -1, 0, $min_obstacle_size) checkWallLength(\%p, 1, 0, $min_obstacle_size) || checkWallLength(\%p, 0, -1, $min_obstacle_size) checkWallLength(\%p, 0, 1, $min_obstacle_size) || checkWallLength(\%p, -1, -1, $min_obstacle_size) checkWallLength(\%p, 1, 1, $min_obstacle_size) || checkWallLength(\%p, 1, -1, $min_obstacle_size) checkWallLength(\%p, -1, 1, $min_obstacle_size)) { return 0; } } } return 1; } sub checkWallLength { my $pos = shift; my $dx = shift; my $dy = shift; my $length = shift; my my my do ->height); $x += $dx; $y += $dy; $len++; } while (!$field->isWalkable($x, $y) && $len < $length); return $len >= $length; } ## # closestWalkableSpot(r_field, pos) # r_field: a reference to a field hash. # pos: reference to a position hash (which contains 'x' and 'y' keys). # Returns: 1 if %pos has been modified, 0 of not. # # If the position specified in $pos is walkable, this function will do nothing. # If it's not walkable, this function will find the closest position that is wal kable (up to N blocks away), # and modify the x and y values in $pos. # TODO: move to Field? { my @spots; sub closestWalkableSpot { my $field = shift; my $pos = shift; unless (@spots) { @spots = ([0, 0]); $x = $pos->{x}; $y = $pos->{y}; $len = 0; { last if ($x < 0 || $x >= $field->width || $y < 0 || $y >= $field

|| || || ||

for my $dist (1 .. 7) { push @spots, map { [$_, $dist-$_], [$dist-$_, -$ _], [-$_, $_-$dist], [$_-$dist, $_] } 0 .. $dist-1; } } foreach my $z (@spots) { next if !$field->isWalkable($pos->{x} + $z->[0], $pos->{ y} + $z->[1]); $pos->{x} += $z->[0]; $pos->{y} += $z->[1]; return 1; } return 0; } } ## # objectInsideSpell(object, [ignore_party_members = 1]) # object: reference to a player or monster hash. # # Checks whether an object is inside someone else's spell area. # (Traps are also "area spells"). sub objectInsideSpell { my $object = shift; my $ignore_party_members = shift; $ignore_party_members = 1 if (!defined $ignore_party_members); my ($x, $y) = ($object->{pos_to}{x}, $object->{pos_to}{y}); foreach (@spellsID) { my $spell = $spells{$_}; if ((!$ignore_party_members || !$char->{party} || !$char->{party }{users}{$spell->{sourceID}}) && $spell->{sourceID} ne $accountID && $spell->{pos}{x} == $x && $spell->{pos}{y} == $y) { return 1; } } return 0; } ## # objectIsMovingTowards(object1, object2, [max_variance]) # # Check whether $object1 is moving towards $object2. sub objectIsMovingTowards { my $obj = shift; my $obj2 = shift; my $max_variance = (shift || 15); if (!timeOut($obj->{time_move}, $obj->{time_move_calc})) { # $obj is still moving my %vec; getVector(\%vec, $obj->{pos_to}, $obj->{pos}); return checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $obj2->{pos_to }, $max_variance); } return 0; }

## # objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer(object, [ignore_party_members = 1]) # # Check whether an object is moving towards a player. sub objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer { my $obj = shift; my $ignore_party_members = shift; $ignore_party_members = 1 if (!defined $ignore_party_members); if (!timeOut($obj->{time_move}, $obj->{time_move_calc}) && @playersID) { # Monster is still moving, and there are players on screen my %vec; getVector(\%vec, $obj->{pos_to}, $obj->{pos}); my $players = $playersList->getItems(); foreach my $player (@{$players}) { my $ID = $player->{ID}; next if ( ($ignore_party_members && $char->{party} && $char-> {party}{users}{$ID}) || (defined($player->{name}) && existsInList($config{t ankersList}, $player->{name})) || $player->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHIDING')) ; if (checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $player-> {pos}, 15)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } ######################################### ######################################### ### CATEGORY: Logging ######################################### ######################################### # TODO: merge? sub itemLog { my $crud = shift; return if (!$config{'itemHistory'}); open ITEMLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::item_log_file; print ITEMLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud"; close ITEMLOG; } sub chatLog { my $type = shift; my $message = shift; open CHAT, ">>:utf8", $Settings::chat_log_file; print CHAT "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."][".uc($type)."] $message"; close CHAT; } sub shopLog { my $crud = shift; open SHOPLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::shop_log_file;

print SHOPLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud"; close SHOPLOG; } sub monsterLog { my $crud = shift; return if (!$config{'monsterLog'}); open MONLOG, ">>:utf8", $Settings::monster_log_file; print MONLOG "[".getFormattedDate(int(time))."] $crud\n"; close MONLOG; } ######################################### ######################################### ### CATEGORY: Operating system specific ######################################### ######################################### ## # launchURL(url) # # Open $url in the operating system's preferred web browser. sub launchURL { my $url = shift; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Utils::Win32; Utils::Win32::ShellExecute(0, undef, $url); } else { my $mod = 'use POSIX;'; eval $mod; # This is a script I wrote for the autopackage project # It autodetects the current desktop environment my $detectionScript = <<EOF; function detectDesktop() { if [[ "\$DISPLAY" = "" ]]; then return 1 fi local LC_ALL=C local clients if ! clients=`xlsclients`; then return 1 fi if echo "\$clients" | grep -qE '(gnome-panel|nau tilus|metacity)'; then echo gnome elif echo "\$clients" | grep -qE '(kicker|slicke r|karamba|kwin)'; then echo kde else echo other fi return 0 }

detectDesktop EOF my ($r, $w, $desktop); my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($r, $w, '/bin/bash'); print $w $detectionScript; close $w; $desktop = <$r>; $desktop =~ s/\n//; close $r; waitpid($pid, 0); sub checkCommand { foreach (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { return 1 if (-x "$_/$_[0]"); } return 0; } if (checkCommand('xdg-open')) { launchApp(1, 'xdg-open', $url); } elsif ($desktop eq "gnome" && checkCommand('gnome-open')) { launchApp(1, 'gnome-open', $url); } elsif ($desktop eq "kde") { launchApp(1, 'kfmclient', 'exec', $url); } else { if (checkCommand('firefox')) { launchApp(1, 'firefox', $url); } elsif (checkCommand('mozilla')) { launchApp(1, 'mozilla', $url); } else { $interface->errorDialog(TF("No suitable browser detected. Please launch your favorite browser and go to:\n%s", $url)); } } } } ####################################### ####################################### ### CATEGORY: Other functions ####################################### ####################################### # TODO: move actorAdded/Removed to Actor? sub actorAddedRemovedVars { my ($actor) = @_; # returns (type, list, hash) if ($actor->isa ('Actor::Item')) { return ('item', \@itemsID, \%items); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Player')) { return ('player', \@playersID, \%players); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Monster')) { return ('monster', \@monstersID, \%monsters); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Portal')) {

return ('portal', \@portalsID, \%portals); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Pet')) { return ('pet', \@petsID, \%pets); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::NPC')) { return ('npc', \@npcsID, \%npcs); } elsif ($actor->isa ('Actor::Slave')) { return ('slave', \@slavesID, \%slaves); } else { return (undef, undef, undef); } } sub actorAdded { my (undef, $source, $arg) = @_; my ($actor, $index) = @{$arg}; $actor->{binID} = $index; my ($type, $list, $hash) = actorAddedRemovedVars ($actor); if (defined $type) { debug TF("actorAdded: %s %s (%s), size %s\n", $type, (unpack 'V' , $actor->{ID}), $actor->{binID}, $source->size), 'actorlist', 3; if (DEBUG && scalar(keys %{$hash}) + 1 != $source->size()) { use Data::Dumper; my $ol = ''; my $items = $source->getItems(); foreach my $item (@{$items}) { $ol .= $item->nameIdx . "\n"; } die "$type: " . scalar(keys %{$hash}) . " + 1 != " . $so urce->size() . "\n" . "List:\n" . Dumper($list) . "\n" . "Hash:\n" . Dumper($hash) . "\n" . "ObjectList:\n" . $ol; } assert(binSize($list) + 1 == $source->size()) if DEBUG; binAdd($list, $actor->{ID}); $hash->{$actor->{ID}} = $actor; objectAdded($type, $actor->{ID}, $actor); assert(scalar(keys %{$hash}) == $source->size()) if DEBUG; assert(binSize($list) == $source->size()) if DEBUG; } else { warning "Unknown actor type in actorAdded\n", 'actorlist' if DEB UG; } } sub actorRemoved { my (undef, $source, $arg) = @_; my ($actor, $index) = @{$arg};

my ($type, $list, $hash) = actorAddedRemovedVars ($actor); if (defined $type) { debug TF("actorRemoved: %s %s (%s), size %s\n", $type, (unpack ' V', $actor->{ID}), $actor->{binID}, $source->size), 'actorlist', 3; if (DEBUG && scalar(keys %{$hash}) - 1 != $source->size()) { use Data::Dumper; my $ol = ''; my $items = $source->getItems(); foreach my $item (@{$items}) { $ol .= $item->nameIdx . "\n"; } die "$type:" . scalar(keys %{$hash}) . " - 1 != " . $sou rce->size() . "\n" . "List:\n" . Dumper($list) . "\n" . "Hash:\n" . Dumper($hash) . "\n" . "ObjectList:\n" . $ol; } assert(binSize($list) - 1 == $source->size()) if DEBUG; binRemove($list, $actor->{ID}); delete $hash->{$actor->{ID}}; objectRemoved($type, $actor->{ID}, $actor); if ($type eq "player" && $venderLists{ID}) { binRemove(\@venderListsID, $actor->{ID}); delete $venderLists{$actor->{ID}}; } if ($type eq "player" && $buyerLists{ID}) { binRemove(\@buyerListsID, $actor->{ID}); delete $buyerLists{$actor->{ID}}; } assert(scalar(keys %{$hash}) == $source->size()) if DEBUG; assert(binSize($list) == $source->size()) if DEBUG; } else { warning "Unknown actor type in actorRemoved\n", 'actorlist' if D EBUG; } } sub actorListClearing { undef %items; undef %players; undef %monsters; undef %portals; undef %npcs; undef %pets; undef %slaves; undef @itemsID; undef @playersID; undef @monstersID; undef @portalsID;

undef @npcsID; undef @petsID; undef @slavesID; } sub avoidGM_talk { return 0 if ($net->clientAlive() || !$config{avoidGM_talk}); my ($user, $msg) = @_; # Check whether this "GM" is on the ignore list # in order to prevent false matches return 0 if (existsInList($config{avoidGM_ignoreList}, $user)); if ($user =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\]?/i || $user =~ /$config{avoi dGM_namePattern}/) { my %args = ( name => $user, ); Plugins::callHook('avoidGM_talk', \%args); return 1 if ($args{return}); warning T("Disconnecting to avoid GM!\n"); main::chatLog("k", TF("*** The GM %s talked to you, auto disconn ected ***\n", $user)); warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidGM_rec onnect}); relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1); return 1; } return 0; } sub avoidList_talk { return 0 if ($net->clientAlive() || !$config{avoidList}); my ($user, $msg, $ID) = @_; if ($avoid{Players}{lc($user)}{disconnect_on_chat} || $avoid{ID}{$ID}{di sconnect_on_chat}) { warning TF("Disconnecting to avoid %s!\n", $user); main::chatLog("k", TF("*** %s talked to you, auto disconnected * **\n", $user)); warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidList_r econnect}); relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1); return 1; } return 0; } sub calcStat { my $damage = shift; $totaldmg += $damage; } ## # center(string, width, [fill]) # # This function will center $string within a field $width characters wide, # using $fill characters for padding on either end of the string for

# centering. If $fill is not specified, a space will be used. sub center { my ($string, $width, $fill) = @_; $fill ||= ' '; my $left = int(($width - length($string)) / 2); my $right = ($width - length($string)) - $left; return $fill x $left . $string . $fill x $right; } # Returns: 0 if user chose to quit, 1 if user chose a character, 2 if user creat ed or deleted a character sub charSelectScreen { my %plugin_args = (autoLogin => shift); # A list of character names my @charNames; # An array which maps an index in @charNames to an index in @chars my @charNameIndices; my $mode; # the client also does this $questList = {}; TOP: { undef $mode; @charNames = (); @charNameIndices = (); } for (my $num = 0; $num < @chars; $num++) { next unless ($chars[$num] && %{$chars[$num]}); if (0) { # The old (more verbose) message swrite( T("------- Character \@< ---------\n" . "Name: \@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n" . "Job: \@<<<<<<< Job Exp: \@<<<<<<<\n" . "Lv: \@<<<<<<< Str: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "J.Lv: \@<<<<<<< Agi: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "Exp: \@<<<<<<< Vit: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "HP: \@||||/\@|||| Int: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "SP: \@||||/\@|||| Dex: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "zeny: \@<<<<<<<<<< Luk: \@<<<<<<<<\n" . "-------------------------------"), $num, $chars[$num]{'name'}, $jobs_lut{$chars[$nu m]{'jobID'}}, $chars[$num]{'exp_job'}, $chars[$num]{'lv'}, $chars[$num]{'str'}, $chars[ $num]{'lv_job'}, $chars[$num]{'agi'}, $chars[$num]{'exp'}, $chars[$num]{'vit'}, $chars [$num]{'hp'}, $chars[$num]{'hp_max'}, $chars[$num]{'int'}, $chars[$num]{'sp'}, $chars[ $num]{'sp_max'}, $chars[$num]{'dex'}, $chars[$num]{'zeny'}, $chars[$num]{'luk'}); } push @charNames, TF("Slot %d: %s (%s, level %d/%d)", $num, $chars[$num]{name}, $jobs_lut{$chars[$num]{'jobID'}}, $chars[$num]{lv}, $chars[$num]{lv_job});

push @charNameIndices, $num; } if (@charNames) { message(TF("------------- Character List -------------\n" . "%s\n" . "------------------------------------------\n", join("\n", @charNames)), "connection"); } return 1 if $net->clientAlive; Plugins::callHook('charSelectScreen', \%plugin_args); return $plugin_args{return} if ($plugin_args{return}); if ($plugin_args{autoLogin} && @chars && $config{char} ne "" && $chars[$ config{char}]) { $messageSender->sendCharLogin($config{char}); $timeout{charlogin}{time} = time; return 1; } my @choices = @charNames; push @choices, T('Create a new character'); if (@chars) { push @choices, T('Delete a character'); } else { message T("There are no characters on this account.\n"), "connec tion"; if ($config{char} ne "switch" && defined($char)) { message T("Please use the : \"conf char switch\" command, if you are sw itching your account.\n"), "connection"; relog(10); return 0; } } my $choice = $interface->showMenu( T("Please choose a character or an action."), \@choices, title => T("Character selection")); if ($choice == -1) { # User cancelled quit(); return 0; } elsif ($choice < @charNames) { # Character chosen configModify('char', $charNameIndices[$choice], 1); $messageSender->sendCharLogin($config{char}); $timeout{charlogin}{time} = time; return 1; } elsif ($choice == @charNames) { # 'Create character' chosen $mode = "create"; } else { # 'Delete character' chosen $mode = "delete"; }

if ($mode eq "create") { while (1) { my $message = T("Please enter the desired properties for your characters, in this form:\n" . "(slot) \"(name)\" [ (str) (agi) (vit) (int) (de x) (luk) [ (hairstyle) [(haircolor)] ] ]"); my $input = $interface->query($message); unless ($input =~ /\S/) { goto TOP; } else { my @args = parseArgs($input); if (@args < 2) { $interface->errorDialog(T("You didn't sp ecify enough parameters."), 0); next; } message TF("Creating character \"%s\" in slot \" %s\"...\n", $args[1], $args[0]), "connection"; $timeout{charlogin}{time} = time; last if (createCharacter(@args)); } } } elsif ($mode eq "delete") { my $choice = $interface->showMenu( T("Select the character you want to delete."), \@charNames, title => T("Delete character")); if ($choice == -1) { goto TOP; } my $charIndex = @charNameIndices[$choice]; my $email = $interface->query("Enter your email address."); if (!defined($email)) { goto TOP; } my $confirmation = $interface->showMenu( TF("Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to delete:\n%s", $c harNames[$choice]), [T("No, don't delete"), T("Yes, delete")], title => T("Confirm delete")); if ($confirmation != 1) { goto TOP; } $messageSender->sendCharDelete($chars[$charIndex]{charID}, $emai l); message TF("Deleting character %s...\n", $chars[$charIndex]{name }), "connection"; $AI::temp::delIndex = $charIndex; $timeout{charlogin}{time} = time; } return 2; } sub chatLog_clear {

if (-f $Settings::chat_log_file) { unlink($Settings::chat_log_file); } } ## # checkAllowedMap($map) # # Checks whether $map is in $config{allowedMaps}. # Disconnects if it is not, and $config{allowedMaps_reaction} != 0. sub checkAllowedMap { my $map = shift; return return return return $map); main::chatLog("k", TF("** The current map (%s) is not on the list of all owed maps.\n", $map)); main::chatLog("k", T("** Exiting...\n")); quit(); } ## # checkFollowMode() # Returns: 1 if in follow mode, 0 if not. # # Check whether we're current in follow mode. sub checkFollowMode { my $followIndex; if ($config{follow} && defined($followIndex = AI::findAction("follow"))) { return 1 if (AI::args($followIndex)->{following}); } return 0; } ## # boolean checkMonsterCleanness(Bytes ID) # ID: the monster's ID. # Requires: $ID is a valid monster ID. # # Checks whether a monster is "clean" (not being attacked by anyone). sub checkMonsterCleanness { return 1 if (!$config{attackAuto}); my $ID = $_[0]; return 1 if $playersList->getByID($ID) || $slavesList->getByID($ID); my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID); unless $AI == AI::AUTO; unless $config{allowedMaps}; if existsInList($config{allowedMaps}, $map); if $config{allowedMaps_reaction} == 0;

warning TF("The current map (%s) is not on the list of allowed maps.\n",

return 1; } ## # boolean createCharacter(int slot, String name, int [str,agi,vit,int,dex,luk] = 5)

# # # # # #

slot: The slot in which to create the character (1st slot is 0). name: The name of the character to create. Returns: Whether the parameters are correct. Only a character creation command will be sent to the server if all parameters are correct.

Create a new character. You must be currently connected to the character login server. sub createCharacter { my $slot = shift; my $name = shift; my ($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk, $hair_style, $hair_color) = @_; if (!@_) { ($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk) = (5,5,5,5,5,5); } if ($net->getState() != 3) { $interface->errorDialog(T("We're not currently connected to the character login server."), 0); return 0; } elsif ($slot !~ /^\d+$/) { $interface->errorDialog(TF("Slot \"%s\" is not a valid number.", $slot), 0); return 0; } elsif ($slot < 0 || $slot > 4) { $interface->errorDialog(T("The slot must be comprised between 0 and 4."), 0); # TODO: private servers allow more slots return 0; } elsif ($chars[$slot]) { $interface->errorDialog(TF("Slot %s already contains a character (%s).", $slot, $chars[$slot]{name}), 0); return 0; } elsif (length($name) > 23) { $interface->errorDialog(T("Name must not be longer than 23 chara cters."), 0); return 0; } else { for ($str,$agi,$vit,$int,$dex,$luk) { if ($_ > 9 || $_ < 1) { $interface->errorDialog(T("Stats must be compris ed between 1 and 9."), 0); return; } } for ($str+$int, $agi+$luk, $vit+$dex) { if ($_ != 10) { $interface->errorDialog(T("The sums Str + Int, A gi + Luk and Vit + Dex must all be equal to 10."), 0); return; } } $messageSender->sendCharCreate($slot, $name, $str, $agi, $vit, $int, $dex, $luk, $hair_style, $hair_color); return 1; } }

## # void deal(Actor::Player player) # Requires: defined($player) # Ensures: exists $outgoingDeal{ID} # # Sends $player a deal request. sub deal { my $player = $_[0]; assert(defined $player) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Player')) if DEBUG; $outgoingDeal{ID} = $player->{ID}; $messageSender->sendDeal($player->{ID}); } ## # dealAddItem($item, $amount) # # Adds $amount of $item to the current deal. sub dealAddItem { my ($item, $amount) = @_; $messageSender->sendDealAddItem($item->{index}, $amount); $currentDeal{lastItemAmount} = $amount; } ## # drop(itemIndex, amount) # # Drops $amount of the item specified by $itemIndex. If $amount is not specified or too large, it defaults # to the number of items you have. sub drop { my ($itemIndex, $amount) = @_; my $item = $char->inventory->get($itemIndex); if ($item) { if (!$amount || $amount > $item->{amount}) { $amount = $item->{amount}; } $messageSender->sendDrop($item->{index}, $amount); } } sub dumpData { my $msg = shift; my $silent = shift; my $dump; my $puncations = quotemeta '~!@#$%^&*()_+|\"\''; $dump = "\n\n================================================\n" . getFormattedDate(int(time)) . "\n\n" . length($msg) . " bytes\n\n"; for (my $i my my my = 0; $i < length($msg); $i += 16) { $line; $data = substr($msg, $i, 16); $rawData = '';

for (my $j = 0; $j < length($data); $j++) { my $char = substr($data, $j, 1);

if (($char =~ /\W/ && $char =~ /\S/ && !($char =~ /[$pun cations]/)) || ($char eq chr(10) || $char eq chr(13) || $char eq "\t")) { $rawData .= '.'; } else { $rawData .= substr($data, $j, 1); } } $line = getHex(substr($data, 0, 8)); $line .= ' ' . getHex(substr($data, 8)) if (length($data) > 8 ); $line $line $line $dump } open DUMP, ">> DUMP.txt"; print DUMP $dump; close DUMP; debug "$dump\n", "parseMsg", 2; message T("Message Dumped into DUMP.txt!\n"), undef, 1 unless ($silent); } sub getEmotionByCommand { my $command = shift; foreach (keys %emotions_lut) { if (existsInList($emotions_lut{$_}{command}, $command)) { return $_; } } return undef; } sub getIDFromChat { my $r_hash = shift; my $msg_user = shift; my $match_text = shift; my $qm; if ($match_text !~ /\w+/ || $match_text eq "me" || $match_text eq "") { foreach (keys %{$r_hash}) { next if ($_ eq ""); if ($msg_user eq $r_hash->{$_}{name}) { return $_; } } } else { foreach (keys %{$r_hash}) { next if ($_ eq ""); $qm = quotemeta $match_text; if ($r_hash->{$_}{name} =~ /$qm/i) { return $_; } } } .= ' ' x (50 - length($line)) if (length($line) < 54); .= " $rawData\n"; = sprintf("%3d> ", $i) . $line; .= $line;

return undef; } ## # getNPCName(ID) # ID: the packed ID of the NPC # Returns: the name of the NPC # # Find the name of an NPC: could be NPC, monster, or unknown. sub getNPCName { my $ID = shift; if ((my $npc = $npcsList->getByID($ID))) { return $npc->name; } elsif ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($ID))) { return $monster->name; } else { return "Unknown #" . unpack("V1", $ID); } } ## # getPlayerNameFromCache(player) # player: an Actor::Player object. # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if the player isn't in cache. # # Retrieve a player's name from cache and modify the player object. sub getPlayerNameFromCache { my ($player) = @_; return if (!$config{cachePlayerNames}); my $entry = $playerNameCache{$player->{ID}}; return if (!$entry); # Check whether the cache entry is too old or inconsistent. # Default cache life time: 15 minutes. if (timeOut($entry->{time}, $config{cachePlayerNames_duration}) || $play er->{lv} != $entry->{lv} || $player->{jobID} != $entry->{jobID}) { binRemove(\@playerNameCacheIDs, $player->{ID}); delete $playerNameCache{$player->{ID}}; compactArray(\@playerNameCacheIDs); return 0; } $player->{name} = $entry->{name}; $player->{guild} = $entry->{guild} if ($entry->{guild}); return 1; } sub getPortalDestName { my $ID = shift; my %hash; # We only want unique names, so we use a hash foreach (keys %{$portals_lut{$ID}{'dest'}}) { my $key = $portals_lut{$ID}{'dest'}{$_}{'map'}; $hash{$key} = 1; } my @destinations = sort keys %hash; return join('/', @destinations); }

sub getResponse { my $type = quotemeta shift; my @keys; foreach my $key (keys %responses) { if ($key =~ /^$type\_\d+$/) { push @keys, $key; } } my $msg = $responses{$keys[int(rand(@keys))]}; $msg =~ s/\%\$(\w+)/$responseVars{$1}/eig; return $msg; } sub getSpellName { my $spell = shift; return $spells_lut{$spell} || "Unknown $spell"; } ## # inInventory($itemName, $quantity = 1) # # Returns the item's index (can be 0!) if you have at least $quantity units of t he item # specified by $itemName in your inventory. # Returns nothing otherwise. sub inInventory { my ($itemIndex, $quantity) = @_; $quantity ||= 1; my $item = $char->inventory->getByName($itemIndex); return if !$item; return unless $item->{amount} >= $quantity; return $item->{invIndex}; } ## # inventoryItemRemoved($invIndex, $amount) # # Removes $amount of $invIndex from $char->{inventory}. # Also prints a message saying the item was removed (unless it is an arrow you # fired). sub inventoryItemRemoved { my ($invIndex, $amount) = @_; my $item = $char->inventory->get($invIndex); if (!$char->{arrow} || ($item && $char->{arrow} != $item->{index})) { # This item is not an equipped arrow message TF("Inventory Item Removed: %s (%d) x %d\n", $item->{nam e}, $invIndex, $amount), "inventory"; } $item->{amount} -= $amount; $char->inventory->remove($item) if ($item->{amount} <= 0); $itemChange{$item->{name}} -= $amount; } # Resolve the name of a card sub cardName { my $cardID = shift;

# If card name is unknown, just return ?number my $card = $items_lut{$cardID}; return "?$cardID" if !$card; $card =~ s/ Card$//; return $card; } # Resolve the name of a monster # This function will only look at the data in monsters.txt # DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION when you want to get the real name of a monster, # servers can change this name internally use getNPCName instead. sub monsterName { my $ID = shift; return 'Unknown' unless defined($ID); return 'None' unless $ID; return $monsters_lut{$ID} || "Unknown #$ID"; } # Resolve the name of a simple item sub itemNameSimple { my $ID = shift; return 'Unknown' unless defined($ID); return 'None' unless $ID; return $items_lut{$ID} || "Unknown #$ID"; } ## # itemName($item) # # Resolve the name of an item. $item should be a hash with these keys: # nameID => integer index into %items_lut # cards => 8-byte binary data as sent by server # upgrade => integer upgrade level sub itemName { my $item = shift; my $name = itemNameSimple($item->{nameID}); # Resolve item prefix/suffix (carded or forged) my $prefix = ""; my $suffix = ""; my @cards; my %cards; for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { my $card = unpack("v1", substr($item->{cards}, $i*2, 2)); next unless $card; push(@cards, $card); ($cards{$card} ||= 0) += 1; } if ($cards[0] == 254) { # Alchemist-made potion # # Ignore the "cards" inside. } elsif ($cards[0] == 65280) { # Pet egg # cards[0] == 65280 # substr($item->{cards}, 2, 4) = packed pet ID # cards[3] == 1 if named, 0 if not named

} elsif ($cards[0] == 255) { # Forged weapon # # Display e.g. "VVS Earth" or "Fire" my $elementID = $cards[1] % 10; my $elementName = $elements_lut{$elementID}; my $starCrumbs = ($cards[1] >> 8) / 5; if ( $starCrumbs >= 1 && $starCrumbs <= 3 ) { $prefix .= ('V'x$starCrumbs)."S " if $starCrumbs; $prefix .= "$elementName " if ($elementName ne ""); $suffix = "$elementName" if ($elementName ne ""); } } elsif (@cards) { # Carded item # # List cards in alphabetical order. # Stack identical cards. # e.g. "Hydra*2,Mummy*2", "Hydra*3,Mummy" $suffix = join(':', map { cardName($_).($cards{$_} > 1 ? "*$cards{$_}" : '') } sort { cardName($a) cmp cardName($b) } keys %cards); } my $numSlots = $itemSlotCount_lut{$item->{nameID}} if ($prefix eq ""); my $display $display .= $display .= $display .= $display .= $display .= $display .= } ## # storageGet(items, max) # items: reference to an array of storage item hashes. # max: the maximum amount to get, for each item, or 0 for unlimited. # # Get one or more items from storage. # # Example: # # Get items $a and $b from storage. # storageGet([$a, $b]); # # Get items $a and $b from storage, but at most 30 of each item. # storageGet([$a, $b], 30); sub storageGet { my $indices = shift; my $max = shift; if (@{$indices} == 1) { my ($item) = @{$indices}; if (!defined($max) || $max > $item->{amount}) { $max = $item->{amount}; } $messageSender->sendStorageGet($item->{index}, $max); = ""; "BROKEN " if $item->{broken}; "+$item->{upgrade} " if $item->{upgrade}; $prefix if $prefix; $name; " [$suffix]" if $suffix; " [$numSlots]" if $numSlots;

return $display;

} else { my %args; $args{items} = $indices; $args{max} = $max; $args{timeout} = 0.15; AI::queue("storageGet", \%args); } } ## # headgearName(lookID) # # Resolves a lookID of a headgear into a human readable string. # # A lookID corresponds to a line number in tables/headgears.txt. # The number on that line is the itemID for the headgear. sub headgearName { my ($lookID) = @_; return "Nothing" if $lookID == 0; my $itemID = $headgears_lut[$lookID]; if (!defined($itemID)) { return "Unknown lookID $lookID"; } return main::itemName({nameID => $itemID}); } ## # void initUserSeed() # # Generate a unique seed for the current user and save it to # a file, or load the seed from that file if it exists. sub initUserSeed { my $seedFile = "$Settings::logs_folder/seed.txt"; my $f; if (-f $seedFile) { if (open($f, "<", $seedFile)) { binmode $f; $userSeed = <$f>; $userSeed =~ s/\n.*//s; close($f); } else { $userSeed = '0'; } } else { $userSeed = ''; for (0..10) { $userSeed .= rand(2 ** 49); } if (open($f, ">", $seedFile)) { binmode $f; print $f $userSeed; close($f); } }

} sub itemLog_clear { if (-f $Settings::item_log_file) { unlink($Settings::item_log_file); } } ## # look(bodydir, [headdir]) # bodydir: a number 0-7. See directions.txt. # headdir: 0 = look directly, 1 = look right, 2 = look left # # Look in the given directions. sub look { my %args = ( look_body => shift, look_head => shift ); AI::queue("look", \%args); } ## # lookAtPosition(pos, [headdir]) # pos: a reference to a coordinate hash. # headdir: 0 = face directly, 1 = look right, 2 = look left # # Turn face and body direction to position %pos. sub lookAtPosition { my $pos2 = shift; my $headdir = shift; my %vec; my $direction; getVector(\%vec, $pos2, $char->{pos_to}); $direction = int(sprintf("%.0f", (360 - vectorToDegree(\%vec)) / 45)) % 8; look($direction, $headdir); } ## # manualMove(dx, dy) # # Moves the character offset from its current position. sub manualMove { my ($dx, $dy) = @_; # Stop following if necessary if ($config{'follow'}) { configModify('follow', 0); AI::clear('follow'); } # Stop moving if necessary AI::clear(qw/move route mapRoute/); main::ai_route($field->baseName, $char->{pos_to}{x} + $dx, $char->{pos_t o}{y} + $dy); } ## # meetingPosition(ID, attackMaxDistance) # ID: ID of the character to meet.

# attackMaxDistance: attack distance based on attack method. # # Returns: the position where the character should go to meet a moving monster. sub meetingPosition { my ($target, $attackMaxDistance) = @_; my $monsterSpeed = ($target->{walk_speed}) ? 1 / $target->{walk_speed} : 0; my $timeMonsterMoves = time - $target->{time_move}; my %monsterPos; $monsterPos{x} = $target->{pos}{x}; $monsterPos{y} = $target->{pos}{y}; my %monsterPosTo; $monsterPosTo{x} = $target->{pos_to}{x}; $monsterPosTo{y} = $target->{pos_to}{y}; my %realMonsterPos = calcPosFromTime(\%monsterPos, \%monsterPosTo, $mons terSpeed, $timeMonsterMoves); my $mySpeed = ($char->{walk_speed}) ? 1 / $char->{walk_speed} : 0; my $timeCharMoves = time - $char->{time_move}; my %myPos; $myPos{x} = $char->{pos}{x}; $myPos{y} = $char->{pos}{y}; my %myPosTo; $myPosTo{x} = $char->{pos_to}{x}; $myPosTo{y} = $char->{pos_to}{y}; my %realMyPos = calcPosFromTime(\%myPos, \%myPosTo, $mySpeed, $timeCharM oves); my $timeMonsterWalks; my $timeCharWalks; my %monsterStep; my %charStep; # There can not be zero step if monster moves for (my $monsterStep = 1; $monsterStep <= countSteps(\%realMonsterPos, \ %monsterPosTo); $monsterStep++) { # Calculate the steps %monsterStep = moveAlong(\%realMonsterPos, \%monsterPosTo, $mons terStep); # Calculate time to walk for monster $timeMonsterWalks = calcTime(\%realMonsterPos, \%monsterStep, $m onsterSpeed); # Character's route for (my $charStep = nsterStep); $charStep++) { # Calculate %charStep = tep); to monsterStep position 0; $charStep <= countSteps(\%realMyPos, \%mo the steps moveAlong(\%realMyPos, \%monsterStep, $charS

# Check whether the distance is fine if (round(distance(\%charStep, \%monsterStep)) <= $attac kMaxDistance) { # Calculate time to walk for char $timeCharWalks = calcTime(\%realMyPos, \%charSte p, $mySpeed);

# Check whether character comes earlier or at th e same time if ($timeCharWalks <= $timeMonsterWalks) { return \%charStep; } } } } # If the monster is for (my $charStep = To); $charStep++) { # Calculate %charStep = too fast, move to its pos_to plus attackMaxDistance 0; $charStep <= countSteps(\%realMyPos, \%monsterPos the steps moveAlong(\%realMyPos, \%monsterPosTo, $charStep);

# Check whether the distance is fine if (round(distance(\%charStep, \%monsterPosTo)) <= $attackMaxDis tance) { last; } } return \%charStep; } sub objectAdded { my ($type, $ID, $obj) = @_; if ($type eq 'player' || $type eq 'slave') { # Try to retrieve the player name from cache. if (!getPlayerNameFromCache($obj)) { push @unknownPlayers, $ID; } } elsif ($type eq 'npc') { push @unknownNPCs, $ID; } if ($type eq 'monster') { if (mon_control($obj->{name},$obj->{nameID})->{teleport_search}) { $ai_v{temp}{searchMonsters}++; } } Plugins::callHook('objectAdded', { type => $type, ID => $ID, obj => $obj }); } sub objectRemoved { my ($type, $ID, $obj) = @_; if ($type eq 'monster') { # FIXME: what if mon_control was changed since the counter was i ncreased? if (mon_control($obj->{name},$obj->{nameID})->{teleport_search}) { $ai_v{temp}{searchMonsters}--;

} } Plugins::callHook('objectRemoved', { type => $type, ID => $ID }); } ## # items_control($name) # # Returns the items_control.txt settings for item name $name. # If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'. sub items_control { my ($name) = @_; return $items_control{lc($name)} || $items_control{all} || {}; } ## # mon_control($name) # # Returns the mon_control.txt settings for monster name $name. # If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'. sub mon_control { my $name = shift; my $nameID = shift; return $mon_control{lc($name)} || $mon_control{$nameID} || $mon_control{ all} || { attack_auto => 1 }; } ## # pickupitems($name) # # Returns the pickupitems.txt settings for item name $name. # If $name has no specific settings, use 'all'. sub pickupitems { my ($name) = @_; return ($pickupitems{lc($name)} ne '') ? $pickupitems{lc($name)} : $pick upitems{all}; } sub positionNearPlayer { my $r_hash = shift; my $dist = shift; my $players = $playersList->getItems(); foreach my $player (@{$players}) { my $ID = $player->{ID}; next if ($char->{party} && $char->{party}{users} && $char->{party}{users}{$ID}); next if (defined($player->{name}) && existsInList($config{tanker sList}, $player->{name})); return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $player->{pos_to}) <= $dist); } return 0; }

sub positionNearPortal { my $r_hash = shift; my $dist = shift; my $portals = $portalsList->getItems(); foreach my $portal (@{$portals}) { return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $portal->{pos}) <= $dist); } return 0; } ## # printItemDesc(itemID) # # Print the description for $itemID. sub printItemDesc { my $itemID = shift; my $itemName = itemNameSimple($itemID); my $description = $itemsDesc_lut{$itemID} || T("Error: No description av ailable.\n"); message TF("===============Item Description===============\nItem: %s (ID : %s)\n\n", $itemName, $itemID), "info"; message($description, "info"); message("==============================================\n", "info"); } sub processNameRequestQueue { my ($queue, $actorLists, $foo) = @_; while (@{$queue}) { my $ID = $queue->[0]; my $actor; foreach my $actorList (@$actorLists) { last if $actor = $actorList->getByID($ID); } # Some private servers ban you if you request info for an object with # GM Perfect Hide status if (!$actor || defined($actor->{name}) || $actor->statusActive(' EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHIDING')) { shift @{$queue}; next; } # Remove actors with a distance greater than clientSight. Some p rivate servers (notably Freya) use # a technique where they send actor_exists packets with ridiculo us distances in order to automatically # ban bots. By removingthose actors, we eliminate that possibili ty and emulate the client more closely. if (defined $actor->{pos_to} && (my $block_dist = blockDistance( $char->{pos_to}, $actor->{pos_to})) >= ($config{clientSight} || 16)) { debug "Removed actor at $actor->{pos_to}{x} $actor->{pos _to}{y} (distance: $block_dist)\n"; shift @{$queue}; next; }

$messageSender->sendGetPlayerInfo($ID) if (isSafeActorQuery($ID) == 1); # Do not Query GM's $actor = shift @{$queue}; push @{$queue}, $actor if ($actor); last; } } sub quit { $quit = 1; message T("Exiting...\n"), "system"; } sub relog { my $timeout = (shift || 5); my $silent = shift; $net->setState(1) if ($net); undef $conState_tries; $timeout_ex{'master'}{'time'} = time; $timeout_ex{'master'}{'timeout'} = $timeout; $net->serverDisconnect() if ($net); message TF("Relogging in %d seconds...\n", $timeout), "connection" unles s $silent; } ## # sendMessage(String type, String msg, String user) # type: Specifies what kind of message this is. "c" for public chat, "g" for gui ld chat, # "p" for party chat, "pm" for private message, "k" for messages that only the RO # client will see (in X-Kore mode.) # msg: The message to send. # user: # # Send a chat message to a user. sub sendMessage { my ($sender, $type, $msg, $user) = @_; my ($j, @msgs, $oldmsg, $amount, $space); @msgs = split /\\n/, $msg; for ($j = 0; $j < @msgs; $j++) { my (@msg, $i); @msg = split / /, $msgs[$j]; undef $msg; for ($i = 0; $i < @msg; $i++) { if (!length($msg[$i])) { $msg[$i] = " "; $space = 1; } if (length($msg[$i]) > $config{'message_length_max'}) { while (length($msg[$i]) >= $config{'message_leng th_max'}) { $oldmsg = $msg; if (length($msg)) { $amount = $config{'message_lengt h_max'}; if ($amount - length($msg) > 0) {

$amount = $config{'messa ge_length_max'} - 1; $msg .= " " . substr($ms g[$i], 0, $amount - length($msg)); } } else { $amount = $config{'message_lengt h_max'}; $msg .= substr($msg[$i], 0, $amo unt); } sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $ user); $msg[$i] = substr($msg[$i], $amount - le ngth($oldmsg), length($msg[$i]) - $amount - length($oldmsg)); undef $msg; } } if (length($msg[$i]) && length($msg) + length($msg[$i]) <= $config{'message_length_max'}) { if (length($msg)) { if (!$space) { $msg .= " " . $msg[$i]; } else { $space = 0; $msg .= $msg[$i]; } } else { $msg .= $msg[$i]; } } else { sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $user); $msg = $msg[$i]; } if (length($msg) && $i == @msg - 1) { sendMessage_send($sender, $type, $msg, $user); } } } } sub sendMessage_send { my ($sender, $type, $msg, $user) = @_; if ($type eq "c") { $sender->sendChat($msg); } elsif ($type eq "g") { $sender->sendGuildChat($msg); } elsif ($type eq "p") { $sender->sendPartyChat($msg); } elsif ($type eq "bg") { $sender->sendBattlegroundChat($msg); } elsif ($type eq "pm") { %lastpm = ( msg => $msg, user => $user ); push @lastpm, {%lastpm}; $sender->sendPrivateMsg($user, $msg); } elsif ($type eq "k") {

$sender->injectMessage($msg); } } # Keep track of when we last cast a skill sub setSkillUseTimer { my ($skillID, $targetID, $wait) = @_; my $skill = new Skill(idn => $skillID); my $handle = $skill->getHandle(); $char->{skills}{$handle}{time_used} = time; delete $char->{time_cast}; delete $char->{cast_cancelled}; $char->{last_skill_time} = time; $char->{last_skill_used} = $skillID; $char->{last_skill_target} = $targetID; # increment monsterSkill maxUses counter if (defined $targetID) { my $actor = Actor::get($targetID); $actor->{skillUses}{$skill->getHandle()}++; } # Set encore skill if applicable $char->{encoreSkill} = $skill if $targetID eq $accountID && $skillsEncor e{$skill->getHandle()}; } sub setPartySkillTimer { my ($skillID, $targetID) = @_; my $skill = new Skill(idn => $skillID); my $handle = $skill->getHandle(); # set partySkill target_time my $i = $targetTimeout{$targetID}{$handle}; $ai_v{"partySkill_${i}_target_time"}{$targetID} = time if $i ne ""; } ## # boolean setStatus(Actor actor, opt1, opt2, option) # opt1: the state information of the actor. # opt2: the ailment information of the actor. # option: the "look" information of the actor. # Returns: Whether the actor should be removed from the actor list. # # Sets the state, ailment, and "look" statuses of the actor. # Does not include skillsstatus.txt items. # TODO: move to Actor? sub setStatus { my ($actor, $opt1, $opt2, $option) = @_; assert(defined $actor) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; my $verbosity = $actor->{ID} eq $accountID ? 1 : 2; my $changed = 0; my $match_id = sub {return ($_[0] == $_[1])}; my $match_bitflag = sub {return (($_[0] & $_[1]) == $_[1])}; # TODO: we could possibly make the search faster (binary search?)

for ( [$opt1, \%stateHandle, $match_id, 'state'], [$opt2, \%ailmentHandle, $match_bitflag, 'ailment'], [$option, \%lookHandle, $match_bitflag, 'look'], ) { my ($option, $handle, $match, $name) = @$_; #next unless $option; # skip option 0 (no state, ailment, look h as such id or bitflag) (we can't have this, the state resets its statuses using this) for (keys %$handle) { if (&$match($option, $_)) { unless ($actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}}) { $actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}} = 1; message status_string($actor, $name . ': ' . ($statusName{$handle->{$_}} || $handle->{$_}), 'now'), "parseMsg_status$nam e", $verbosity; $changed = 1; } #last; # stop this for loop if found (we cannot do this because of bit flag match must loop all) } elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}}) { delete $actor->{statuses}{$handle->{$_}}; message status_string($actor, $name . ': ' . ($s tatusName{$handle->{$_}} || $handle->{$_}), 'no longer'), "parseMsg_status$name" , $verbosity; $changed = 1; #last; # stop this for loop if found (we cannot do this because of bit flag match must loop all) } } } =pod foreach (keys %stateHandle) { if ($opt1 == $_) { if (!$actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}}) { $actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}} = 1; message TF("%s %s in %s state.\n", $actor, $acto r->verb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$stateHandle{$_}} || $stateHandle{$_}), "parse Msg_statuslook", $verbosity; $changed = 1; } } elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}}) { delete $actor->{statuses}{$stateHandle{$_}}; message TF("%s %s out of %s state.\n", $actor, $actor->v erb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$stateHandle{$_}} || $stateHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_ statuslook", $verbosity; $changed = 1; } } foreach (keys %ailmentHandle) { if (($opt2 & $_) == $_) { if (!$actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}}) { $actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}} = 1; if ($actor->isa('Actor::You')) { message TF("%s have ailment: %s.\n", $ac tor->nameString(), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "pars eMsg_statuslook", $verbosity; } else { message TF("%s has ailment: %s.\n", $act

or->nameString(), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "parse Msg_statuslook", $verbosity; } $changed = 1; } } elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}}) { delete $actor->{statuses}{$ailmentHandle{$_}}; message TF("%s %s out of %s ailment.\n", $actor, $actor>verb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$ailmentHandle{$_}} || $ailmentHandle{$_}), "par seMsg_statuslook", $verbosity; $changed = 1; } } foreach (keys %lookHandle) { if (($option & $_) == $_) { if (!$actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}}) { $actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}} = 1; if ($actor->isa('Actor::You')) { message TF("%s have look: %s.\n", $actor ->nameString, $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_status look", $verbosity; } else { message TF("%s has look: %s.\n", $actor>nameString, $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_statusl ook", $verbosity; } $changed = 1; } } elsif ($actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}}) { delete $actor->{statuses}{$lookHandle{$_}}; message TF("%s %s out of %s look.\n", $actor, $actor->ve rb('are', 'is'), $statusName{$lookHandle{$_}} || $lookHandle{$_}), "parseMsg_sta tuslook", $verbosity; $changed = 1; } } =cut Plugins::callHook('changed_status',{actor => $actor, changed => $changed }); # Remove perfectly hidden objects if ($actor->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHIDING')) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Player")) { message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt ring()); # message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam eString()); # $playersList->remove($actor); # Call the hook when a perfectly hidden player is detect ed # Plugins::callHook('perfect_hidden_player',undef); Plugins::callHook('perfect_hidden_player',{actor => $act or, changed => $changed}); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Monster")) { message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt ring()); # message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam eString());

# $monstersList->remove($actor); # NPCs do this on purpose (who knows why) } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::NPC")) { message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt ring()); # message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam eString()); # $npcsList->remove($actor); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($actor, "Actor::Pet")) { message TF("Found perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nameSt ring()); # message TF("Remove perfectly hidden %s\n", $actor->nam eString()); # $petsList->remove($actor); } return 1; } else { return 0; } } # Increment counter for monster being casted on sub countCastOn { my ($sourceID, $targetID, $skillID, $x, $y) = @_; return unless defined $targetID; my $source = Actor::get($sourceID); my $target = Actor::get($targetID); assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; if ($targetID eq $accountID) { $source->{castOnToYou}++; } elsif ($target->isa('Actor::Player')) { $source->{castOnToPlayer}{$targetID}++; } elsif ($target->isa('Actor::Monster')) { $source->{castOnToMonster}{$targetID}++; } if ($sourceID eq $accountID) { $target->{castOnByYou}++; } elsif ($source->isa('Actor::Player')) { $target->{castOnByPlayer}{$sourceID}++; } elsif ($source->isa('Actor::Monster')) { $target->{castOnByMonster}{$sourceID}++; } } ## # boolean stripLanguageCode(String* msg) # msg: a chat message, as sent by the RO server. # Returns: whether the language code was stripped. # # Strip the language code character from a chat message. sub stripLanguageCode { my $r_msg = shift; if ($config{chatLangCode} && $config{chatLangCode} ne "none") {

if ($$r_msg =~ /^\|..(.*)/) { $$r_msg = $1; return 1; } return 0; } else { return 0; } } ## # void switchConf(String filename) # filename: a configuration file. # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if $filename does not exist. # # Switch to another configuration file. sub switchConfigFile { my $filename = shift; if (! -f $filename) { error TF("%s does not exist.\n", $filename); return 0; } Settings::setConfigFilename($filename); parseConfigFile($filename, \%config); return 1; } sub updateDamageTables { my ($sourceID, $targetID, $damage) = @_; # Track deltaHp # # A player's "deltaHp" initially starts at 0. # When he takes damage, the damage is subtracted from his deltaHp. # When he is healed, this amount is added to the deltaHp. # If the deltaHp becomes positive, it is reset to 0. # # Someone with a lot of negative deltaHp is probably in need of healing. # This allows us to intelligently heal non-party members. if (my $target = Actor::get($targetID)) { $target->{deltaHp} -= $damage; $target->{deltaHp} = 0 if $target->{deltaHp} > 0; } if ($sourceID eq $accountID) { if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($targetID))) { # You attack monster $monster->{dmgTo} += $damage; $monster->{dmgFromYou} += $damage; $monster->{numAtkFromYou}++; if ($damage <= ($config{missDamage} || 0)) { $monster->{missedFromYou}++; debug "Incremented missedFromYou count to $monst er->{missedFromYou}\n", "attackMonMiss"; $monster->{atkMiss}++; } else { $monster->{atkMiss} = 0; } if ($config{teleportAuto_atkMiss} && $monster->{atkMiss}

>= $config{teleportAuto_atkMiss}) { message T("Teleporting because of attack miss\n" ), "teleport"; useTeleport(1); } if ($config{teleportAuto_atkCount} && $monster->{numAtkF romYou} >= $config{teleportAuto_atkCount}) { message TF("Teleporting after attacking a monste r %d times\n", $config{teleportAuto_atkCount}), "teleport"; useTeleport(1); } if (AI::action eq "attack" && mon_control($monster->{nam e},$monster->{nameID})->{attack_auto} == 3 && $damage) { # Mob-training, you only need to attack the mons ter once to provoke it message TF("%s (%s) has been provoked, searching another monster\n", $monster->{name}, $monster->{binID}); $char->sendAttackStop; $char->dequeue; } } =pod } elsif ($targetID eq $accountID) { if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($sourceID))) { # Monster attacks you $monster->{dmgFrom} += $damage; $monster->{dmgToYou} += $damage; if ($damage == 0) { $monster->{missedYou}++; } $monster->{attackedYou}++ unless ( scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}} ) || scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}}) || $monster->{missedFromPlayer} || $monster->{missedToPlayer} ); $monster->{target} = $targetID; if ($AI == 2) { my $teleport = 0; if (mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{name ID})->{teleport_auto} == 2 && $damage){ message TF("Teleporting due to attack fr om %s\n", $monster->{name}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_deadly} && $damage >= $char->{hp} && !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')) { message TF("Next %d dmg could kill you. Teleporting...\n", $damage), "teleport";

$teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_maxDmg} && $damage >= $config{teleportAuto_maxDmg} && !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') && !($config{teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap})) { message TF("%s hit you for more than %d dmg. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}, $config{telepo rtAuto_maxDmg}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock} && $ field->baseName eq $config{lockMap} && $damage >= $config{teleportAuto_maxDmgI nLock} && !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')) { message TF("%s hit you for more than %d dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}, $config{telepo rtAuto_maxDmgInLock}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif (AI::inQueue("sitAuto") && $config{telep ortAuto_attackedWhenSitting} && $damage > 0) { message TF("%s attacks you while you are sitting. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_totalDmg} && $monster->{dmgToYou} >= $config{telepor tAuto_totalDmg} && !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') && !($config{teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap})) { message TF("%s hit you for a total of mo re than %d dmg. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}, $config{telepo rtAuto_totalDmg}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap} && $monster->{dmgToYou} >= $config{telepor tAuto_totalDmgInLock} && !$char->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION')) { message TF("%s hit you for a total of mo re than %d dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}, $config{telepo rtAuto_totalDmgInLock}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{teleportAuto_hp} && percent_hp( $char) <= $config{teleportAuto_hp}) { message TF("%s hit you when your HP is t

oo low. Teleporting...\n", $monster->{name}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{attackChangeTarget} && ((AI::ac tion eq "route" && AI::action(1) eq "attack") || (AI::action eq "move" && AI::ac tion(2) eq "attack")) && AI::args->{attackID} && AI::args()->{attac kID} ne $sourceID) { my $attackTarget = Actor::get(AI::args-> {attackID}); my $attackSeq = (AI::action eq "route") ? AI::args(1) : AI::args(2); if (!$attackTarget->{dmgToYou} && !$atta ckTarget->{dmgFromYou} && distance($monster->{pos_to}, calcPosition($char)) <= $ attackSeq->{attackMethod}{distance}) { my $ignore = 0; # Don't attack ignored monsters if ((my $control = mon_control($ monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) { $ignore = 1 if ( ($contr ol->{attack_auto} == -1) || ($control->{a ttack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv}) || ($control->{a ttack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job}) || ($control->{a ttack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp}) || ($control->{a ttack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp}) || ($control->{a ttack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou} || $monster-> {dmgFromYou})) ); } if (!$ignore) { # Change target to close r aggressive monster message TF("Change targe t to aggressive : %s (%s)\n", $monster->name, $monster->{binID}); stopAttack(); AI::dequeue; AI::dequeue if (AI::acti on eq "route"); AI::dequeue; attack($sourceID); } } } elsif (AI::action eq "attack" && mon_control($ monster->{name},$monster->{nameID})->{attack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{m issedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) { # Mob-training, stop attacking the monst er if it has been attacking you message TF("%s (%s) has been provoked, s earching another monster\n", $monster->{name}, $monster->{binID}); stopAttack(); AI::dequeue();

} useTeleport(1, undef, 1) if ($teleport); } } =cut } elsif ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($sourceID))) { if (my $player = ($accountID eq $targetID && $char) || $playersL ist->getByID($targetID) || $slavesList->getByID($targetID)) { # Monster attacks player or slave $monster->{dmgFrom} += $damage; ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{dmgToYou} : $monst er->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) += $damage; $player->{dmgFromMonster}{$sourceID} += $damage; if ($damage == 0) { ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{missedYou} : $monster->{missedToPlayer}{$targetID}) += 1; $player->{missedFromMonster}{$sourceID}++; } $accountID eq $targetID && $monster->{attackedYou}++ unl ess ( scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgFromPlayer}} ) || scalar(keys %{$monster->{dmgToPlayer}}) || $monster->{missedFromPlayer} || $monster->{missedToPlayer} ); if (existsInList($config{tankersList}, $player->{name}) || ($char->{slaves} && %{$char->{slaves}} && $char->{sl aves}{$targetID} && %{$char->{slaves}{$targetID}}) || ($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}} && $char->{part y}{users}{$targetID} && %{$char->{party}{users}{$targetID}})) { # Monster attacks party member or our slave $monster->{dmgToParty} += $damage; $monster->{missedToParty}++ if ($damage == 0); } $monster->{target} = $targetID; OpenKoreMod::updateDamageTables($monster) if (defined &O penKoreMod::updateDamageTables); if ($AI == AI::AUTO && ($accountID eq $targetID or $char ->{slaves} && $char->{slaves}{$targetID})) { # object under our control my $teleport = 0; if (mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{name ID})->{teleport_auto} == 2 && $damage){ message TF("%s hit %s. Teleporting...\n" , $monster, $player), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_deadly'} && $damage >= $player->{hp} && !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') ) { message TF("%s can kill %s with the next %d dmg. Teleporting...\n",

$monster, $player, $damage), "te leport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_maxDmg'} && $damage >= $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxD mg'} && !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') && !($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'tele portAuto_maxDmgInLock'} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap})) { message TF("%s hit %s for more than %d d mg. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player, $config{$play er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxDmg'}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_maxDmgInLock'} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap} && $damage >= $config{$player->{configPref ix}.'teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock'} && !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') ) { message TF("%s hit %s for more than %d d mg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player, $config{$play er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock'}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif (AI::inQueue("sitAuto") && $config{$play er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting'} && $damage) { message TF("%s hit %s while you are sitt ing. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_totalDmg'} && ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{d mgToYou} : $monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) >= $config{$player->{configPrefix }.'teleportAuto_totalDmg'} && !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') && !($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'tele portAuto_totalDmgInLock'} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap})) { message TF("%s hit %s for a total of mor e than %d dmg. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player, $config{$play er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_totalDmg'}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_totalDmgInLock'} && $field->baseName eq $config{lockMap} && ($accountID eq $targetID ? $monster->{d mgToYou} : $monster->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) >= $config{$player->{configPrefix }.'teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock'} && !$player->statusActive('EFST_ILLUSION') ) { message TF("%s hit %s for a total of mor e than %d dmg in lockMap. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player, $config{$play

er->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock'}), "teleport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ($config{$player->{configPrefix}.'telepo rtAuto_hp'} && percent_hp($player) <= $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportA uto_hp'}) { message TF("%s hit %s when %s HP is unde r %d. Teleporting...\n", $monster, $player, $player->verb (T('your'), T('its')), $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'teleportAuto_hp'}), "tel eport"; $teleport = 1; } elsif ( $config{$player->{configPrefix}.'attackC hangeTarget'} && ( $player->action eq 'route' && $p layer->action(1) eq 'attack' or $player->action eq 'move' && $player->action(2) eq 'attack' ) && $player->args->{attackID} && $player>args->{attackID} ne $sourceID ) { my $attackTarget = Actor::get($player->a rgs->{attackID}); my $attackSeq = ($player->action eq 'rou te') ? $player->args(1) : $player->args(2); if ( !($accountID eq $targetID ? $att ackTarget->{dmgToYou} : $attackTarget->{dmgToPlayer}{$targetID}) && !($accountID eq $targetID ? $ attackTarget->{dmgToYou} : $attackTarget->{dmgFromPlayer}{$targetID}) && distance($monster->{pos_to}, calcPosition($player)) <= $attackSeq->{attackMethod}{distance} ) { my $ignore = 0; # Don't attack ignored monsters if ((my $control = mon_control($ monster->{name},$monster->{nameID}))) { $ignore = 1 if ( ($contr ol->{attack_auto} == -1) || ($control->{a ttack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_lvl} > $char->{lv}) || ($control->{a ttack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job}) || ($control->{a ttack_hp} ne "" && $control->{attack_hp} > $char->{hp}) || ($control->{a ttack_sp} ne "" && $control->{attack_sp} > $char->{sp}) || ($accountID e q $targetID && $control->{attack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster ->{missedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) ); } unless ($ignore) { # Change target to close r aggressive monster message TF("%s %s target

to aggressive %s\n", $player, $player ->verb(T('change'), T('changes')), $monster); $player->sendAttackStop; $player->dequeue; $player->dequeue if $pla yer->action eq 'route'; $player->dequeue; $player->attack($sourceI D); } } } elsif ($accountID eq $targetID && $player->act ion eq "attack" && mon_control($monster->{name}, $monster->{nameID})->{attack_au to} == 3 && ($monster->{dmgToYou} || $monster->{m issedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) { # Mob-training, stop attacking the monst er if it has been attacking you message TF("%s has been provoked, search ing another monster\n", $monster); $player->sendAttackStop; $player->dequeue; } useTeleport(1, undef, 1) if ($teleport); } } } elsif ((my $player = $playersList->getByID($sourceID) || $slavesList-> getByID($sourceID))) { if ((my $monster = $monstersList->getByID($targetID))) { # Player or Slave attacks monster $monster->{dmgTo} += $damage; $monster->{dmgFromPlayer}{$sourceID} += $damage; $monster->{lastAttackFrom} = $sourceID; $player->{dmgToMonster}{$targetID} += $damage; if ($damage == 0) { $monster->{missedFromPlayer}{$sourceID}++; $player->{missedToMonster}{$targetID}++; } if (existsInList($config{tankersList}, $player->{name}) || ($char->{slaves} && $char->{slaves}{$sourceID}) || ($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}} && $char->{part y}{users}{$sourceID} && %{$char->{party}{users}{$sourceID}})) { $monster->{dmgFromParty} += $damage; if ($damage == 0) { $monster->{missedFromParty}++; } } OpenKoreMod::updateDamageTables($monster) if (defined &O penKoreMod::updateDamageTables); } } }

## # updatePlayerNameCache(player) # player: a player actor object. sub updatePlayerNameCache { my ($player) = @_; return if (!$config{cachePlayerNames}); # First, cleanup the cache. Remove entries that are too old. # Default life time: 15 minutes my $changed = 1; for (my $i = 0; $i < @playerNameCacheIDs; $i++) { my $ID = $playerNameCacheIDs[$i]; if (timeOut($playerNameCache{$ID}{time}, $config{cachePlayerName s_duration})) { delete $playerNameCacheIDs[$i]; delete $playerNameCache{$ID}; $changed = 1; } } compactArray(\@playerNameCacheIDs) if ($changed); # Resize the cache if it's still too large. # Default cache size: 100 while (@playerNameCacheIDs > $config{cachePlayerNames_maxSize}) { my $ID = shift @playerNameCacheIDs; delete $playerNameCache{$ID}; } # Add this player name to the cache. my $ID = $player->{ID}; if (!$playerNameCache{$ID}) { push @playerNameCacheIDs, $ID; my %entry = ( name => $player->{name}, guild => $player->{guild}, time => time, lv => $player->{lv}, jobID => $player->{jobID} ); $playerNameCache{$ID} = \%entry; } } ## # useTeleport(level) # level: 1 to teleport to a random spot, 2 to respawn. sub useTeleport { my ($use_lvl, $internal, $emergency) = @_; my %args = ( level => $use_lvl, # 1 = Teleport, 2 = respawn emergency => $emergency, # Needs a fast tele internal => $internal # Did we call useTeleport from inside useT eleport? ); if ($use_lvl == 2 && $config{saveMap_warpChatCommand}) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); sendMessage($messageSender, "c", $config{saveMap_warpChatCommand

}); return 1; } if ($use_lvl == 1 && $config{teleportAuto_useChatCommand}) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); sendMessage($messageSender, "c", $config{teleportAuto_useChatCom mand}); return 1; } # for possible recursive calls if (!defined $internal) { $internal = $config{teleportAuto_useSkill}; } # look if the character has the skill my $sk_lvl = 0; if ($char->{skills}{AL_TELEPORT}) { $sk_lvl = $char->{skills}{AL_TELEPORT}{lv}; } # only if we want to use skill ? return if ($char->{muted}); if ($sk_lvl > 0 && $internal > 0 && ($use_lvl == 1 || !$config{'teleport Auto_useItemForRespawn'})) { # We have the teleport skill, and should use it my $skill = new Skill(handle => 'AL_TELEPORT'); if ($use_lvl == 2 || $internal == 1 || ($internal == 2 && !isSaf e())) { # Send skill use packet to appear legitimate # (Always send skill use packet for level 2 so that save Map # autodetection works) if ($char->{sitting}) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); main::ai_skillUse($skill->getHandle(), $use_lvl, 0, 0, $accountID); return 1; } else { $messageSender->sendSkillUse($skill->getIDN(), $ sk_lvl, $accountID); undef $char->{permitSkill}; } if (!$emergency && $use_lvl == 1) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); $timeout{ai_teleport_retry}{time} = time; AI::queue('teleport'); return 1; } } delete $ai_v{temp}{teleport}; debug "Sending Teleport using Level $use_lvl\n", "useTeleport"; if ($use_lvl == 1) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); $messageSender->sendWarpTele(26, "Random");

return 1; } elsif ($use_lvl == 2) { # check for possible skill level abuse message T("Using Teleport Skill Level 2 though we not ha ve it!\n"), "useTeleport" if ($sk_lvl == 1); # If saveMap is not set simply use a wrong .gat. # eAthena servers ignore it, but this trick doesn't work # on official servers. my $telemap = "prontera.gat"; $telemap = "$config{saveMap}.gat" if ($config{saveMap} n e ""); Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); $messageSender->sendWarpTele(26, $telemap); return 1; } } # No skill try to equip a Tele clip or something, # if teleportAuto_equip_* is set if (Actor::Item::scanConfigAndCheck('teleportAuto_equip') && ($use_lvl = = 1 || !$config{'teleportAuto_useItemForRespawn'})) { return if AI::inQueue('teleport'); debug "Equipping Accessory to teleport\n", "useTeleport"; AI::queue('teleport', {lv => $use_lvl}); if ($emergency || !$config{teleportAuto_useSkill} || $config{teleportAuto_useSkill} == 3 || $config{teleportAuto_useSkill} == 2 && isSafe()) { $timeout{ai_teleport_delay}{time} = 1; } Actor::Item::scanConfigAndEquip('teleportAuto_equip'); #Commands::run('aiv'); return 1; } # else if $internal == 0 or $sk_lvl == 0 # try to use item # could lead to problems if the ItemID would be different on some server s # 1 Jan 2006 - instead of nameID, search for *wing in the inventory # could lead to problems if the name is different on some servers # 11 Mar 2010 - instead of name, use nameID, names can be different for different servers my $item; if ($use_lvl == 1) { #$item = $char->inventory->getByName("Fly Wing"); $item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(601); unless ($item) { $item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(12323); } # only if we don't have any fly wing } elsif ($use_lvl == 2) { #$item = $char->inventory->getByName("Butterfly Wing"); $item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(602); unless ($item) { $item = $char->inventory->getByNameID(12324); } # only if we don't have any butterfly wing } if ($item) { # We have Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing.

# Don't spam the "use fly wing" packet, or we'll end up using to o many wings. if (timeOut($timeout{ai_teleport})) { Plugins::callHook('teleport_sent', \%args); $messageSender->sendItemUse($item->{index}, $accountID); $timeout{ai_teleport}{time} = time; } return 1; } # no item, but skill is still available if ( $sk_lvl > 0 ) { message T("No Fly Wing or Butterfly Wing, fallback to Teleport S kill\n"), "useTeleport"; return useTeleport($use_lvl, 1, $emergency); } if ($use_lvl == 1) { message T("You don't have the Teleport skill or a Fly Wing\n"), "teleport"; } else { message T("You don't have the Teleport skill or a Butterfly Wing \n"), "teleport"; } return 0; } ## # top10Listing(args) # args: a 282 bytes packet representing 10 names followed by 10 ranks # # Returns a formatted list of [# ], Name and points sub top10Listing { my ($args) = @_; my $msg = $args->{RAW_MSG}; my @list; my @points; my $i; my $textList = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $list[$i] = unpack("Z24", substr($msg, 2 + (24*$i), 24)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $points[$i] = unpack("V1", substr($msg, 242 + ($i*4), 4)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $textList .= swrite("[@<] @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>> >>", [$i+1, $list[$i], $points[$i]]); } return $textList; } ## # whenGroundStatus(target, statuses, mine) # target: coordinates hash

# statuses: a comma-separated list of # mine: if true, only consider ground # # Returns 1 if $target has one of the sub whenGroundStatus { my ($pos, $statuses, $mine) =

ground effects e.g. Safety Wall,Pneuma effects that originated from me ground effects specified by $statuses. @_;

my ($x, $y) = ($pos->{x}, $pos->{y}); for my $ID (@spellsID) { my $spell; next unless $spell = $spells{$ID}; next if $mine && $spell->{sourceID} ne $accountID; if ($x == $spell->{pos}{x} && $y == $spell->{pos}{y}) { return 1 if existsInList($statuses, getSpellName($spell>{type})); } } return 0; } sub writeStorageLog { my ($show_error_on_fail) = @_; my $f; if (open($f, ">:utf8", $Settings::storage_log_file)) { print $f TF("---------- Storage %s -----------\n", getFormattedD ate(int(time))); for (my $i = 0; $i < @storageID; $i++) { next if (!$storageID[$i]); my $item = $storage{$storageID[$i]}; my $display = sprintf "%2d %s x %s", $i, $item->{name}, $item->{amount}; # Translation Comment: Mark to show not identified items $display .= " -- " . T("Not Identified") if !$item->{ide ntified}; # Translation Comment: Mark to show broken items $display .= " -- " . T("Broken") if $item->{broken}; print $f "$display\n"; } # Translation Comment: Storage Capacity print $f TF("\nCapacity: %d/%d\n", $storage{items}, $storage{ite ms_max}); print $f "-------------------------------\n"; close $f; message T("Storage logged\n"), "success"; } elsif ($show_error_on_fail) { error TF("Unable to write to %s\n", $Settings::storage_log_file) ; } } ## # getBestTarget(possibleTargets, nonLOSNotAllowed) # possibleTargets: reference to an array of monsters' IDs # nonLOSNotAllowed: if set, non-LOS monsters (and monsters that aren't in attack MaxDistance) aren't checked up

# # Returns ID of the best target sub getBestTarget { my ($possibleTargets, $nonLOSNotAllowed) = @_; if (!$possibleTargets) { return; } my $portalDist = $config{'attackMinPortalDistance'} || 4; my $playerDist = $config{'attackMinPlayerDistance'} || 1; my @noLOSMonsters; my $myPos = calcPosition($char); my ($highestPri, $smallestDist, $bestTarget); # First of all we check monsters in LOS, then the rest of monsters foreach (@{$possibleTargets}) { my $monster = $monsters{$_}; my $pos = calcPosition($monster); next if (positionNearPlayer($pos, $playerDist) || positionNearPortal($pos, $portalDist) ); if ((my $control = mon_control($monster->{name},$monster->{nameI D}))) { next if ( ($control->{attack_auto} == -1) || ($control->{attack_lvl} ne "" && $control->{a ttack_lvl} > $char->{lv}) || ($control->{attack_jlvl} ne "" && $control->{ attack_jlvl} > $char->{lv_job}) || ($control->{attack_hp} ne "" && $control->{a ttack_hp} > $char->{hp}) || ($control->{attack_sp} ne "" && $control->{a ttack_sp} > $char->{sp}) || ($control->{attack_auto} == 3 && ($monster->{ dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou} || $monster->{dmgFromYou})) || ($control->{attack_auto} == 0 && !($monster-> {dmgToYou} || $monster->{missedYou})) ); } if ($config{'attackCanSnipe'}) { if (!checkLineSnipable($myPos, $pos)) { push(@noLOSMonsters, $_); next; } } else { if (!checkLineWalkable($myPos, $pos)) { push(@noLOSMonsters, $_); next; } } my $name = lc $monster->{name}; my $dist = round(distance($myPos, $pos)); # COMMENTED (FIX THIS): attackMaxDistance should never be used a s indication of LOS # The objective of attackMaxDistance is to determine the ran ge of normal attack, # and not the range of character's ability to engage monster s

## Monsters that aren't in attackMaxDistance are not checked up ##if ($nonLOSNotAllowed && ($config{'attackMaxDistance'} < $dist )) { ## next; ##} if (!defined($bestTarget) || ($priority{$name} > $highestPri)) { $highestPri = $priority{$name}; $smallestDist = $dist; $bestTarget = $_; } if ((!defined($bestTarget) || $priority{$name} == $highestPri) && (!defined($smallestDist) || $dist < $smallestDist)) { $highestPri = $priority{$name}; $smallestDist = $dist; $bestTarget = $_; } } if (!$nonLOSNotAllowed && !$bestTarget && scalar(@noLOSMonsters) > 0) { foreach (@noLOSMonsters) { # The most optimal solution is to include the path lengh ts' comparison, however it will take # more time and CPU resources, so, we use rough solution with priority and distance comparison my my my my if tPri)) { $highestPri = $priority{$name}; $smallestDist = $dist; $bestTarget = $_; } if ((!defined($bestTarget) || $priority{$name} == $highe stPri) && (!defined($smallestDist) || $dist < $smallestDist)) { $highestPri = $priority{$name}; $smallestDist = $dist; $bestTarget = $_; } } } return $bestTarget; } ## # Returns 1 if there is a player nearby (except party and homunculus) or 0 if no t sub isSafe { foreach (@playersID) { if (!$char->{party}{users}{$_}) { return 0; } } return 1; } ## $monster = $monsters{$_}; $pos = calcPosition($monster); $name = lc $monster->{name}; $dist = round(distance($myPos, $pos)); (!defined($bestTarget) || ($priority{$name} > $highes

# Returns 1 if we are safe to query actor name by given actor ID. sub isSafeActorQuery { my ($ID) = @_; foreach my $list ($playersList, $monstersList, $npcsList, $petsList, $sl avesList) { my $actor = $list->getByID($ID); if ($actor) { # Do not AutoVivify here! if (defined $actor->{statuses} && %{$actor->{statuses}}) { if ($actor->statusActive('EFFECTSTATE_SPECIALHID ING')) { return 0; } } } } return 1; } ####################################### ####################################### ###CATEGORY: Actor's Actions Text ####################################### ####################################### ## # String attack_string(Actor source, Actor target, int damage, int delay) # # Generates a proper message string for when actor $source attacks actor $target . sub attack_string { my ($source, $target, $damage, $delay) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; return TF("%s %s %s (Dmg: %s) (Delay: %sms)\n", $source->nameString, $source->verb(T('attack'), T('attacks')), $target->nameString($source), $damage, $delay); } sub skillCast_string { my ($source, $target, $x, $y, $skillName, $delay) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; return TF("%s %s %s on %s (Delay: %sms)\n", $source->nameString(), $source->verb(T('are casting'), T('is casting')), $skillName, ($x != 0 || $y != 0) ? TF("location (%d, %d)", $x, $y) : $target ->nameString($source), $delay); } sub skillUse_string { my ($source, $target, $skillName, $damage, $level, $delay) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG;

assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; return sprintf("%s %s %s%s %s %s%s%s\n", $source->nameString(), $source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')), $skillName, ($level != 65535) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $level) : '', T('on'), $target->nameString($source), ($damage != -30000) ? ' ' . TF("(Dmg: %s)", $damage || T('Miss') ) : '', ($delay) ? ' ' . TF("(Delay: %sms)", $delay) : ''); } sub skillUseLocation_string { my ($source, $skillName, $args) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; return sprintf("%s %s %s%s %s (%d, %d)\n", $source->nameString(), $source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')), $skillName, ($args->{lv} != 65535) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $args->{lv}) : '', T('on location'), $args->{x}, $args->{y}); } # TODO: maybe add other healing skill ID's? sub skillUseNoDamage_string { my ($source, $target, $skillID, $skillName, $amount) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; return sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s%s\n", $source->nameString(), $source->verb(T('use'), T('uses')), $skillName, T('on'), $target->nameString($source), ($skillID == 28) ? ' ' . TF("(Gained: %s hp)", $amount) : ($amou nt) ? ' ' . TF("(Lv: %s)", $amount) : ''); } sub status_string { my ($source, $statusName, $mode, $seconds) = @_; assert(UNIVERSAL::isa($source, 'Actor')) if DEBUG; # Translation Comment: "you/actor" "are/is now/again/nolonger" "status" "(duration)" TF("%s %s: %s%s\n", $source->nameString, ($mode eq 'now') ? $source->verb(T('are now'), T('is now')) : ($mode eq 'again') ? $source->verb(T('are again'), T('is again ')) : ($mode eq 'no longer') ? $source->verb(T('are no longer'), T(' is no longer')) : $mode, $statusName, $seconds ? ' ' . TF("(Duration: %ss)", $seconds) : '' )

} ####################################### ####################################### ###CATEGORY: AI Math ####################################### ####################################### sub lineIntersection { my $r_pos1 = shift; my $r_pos2 = shift; my $r_pos3 = shift; my $r_pos4 = shift; my ($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $y1, $y2, $y3, $y4, $result, $result1, $result2) ; $x1 = $$r_pos1{'x'}; $y1 = $$r_pos1{'y'}; $x2 = $$r_pos2{'x'}; $y2 = $$r_pos2{'y'}; $x3 = $$r_pos3{'x'}; $y3 = $$r_pos3{'y'}; $x4 = $$r_pos4{'x'}; $y4 = $$r_pos4{'y'}; $result1 = ($x4 - $x3)*($y1 - $y3) - ($y4 - $y3)*($x1 - $x3); $result2 = ($y4 - $y3)*($x2 - $x1) - ($x4 - $x3)*($y2 - $y1); if ($result2 != 0) { $result = $result1 / $result2; } return $result; } sub percent_hp { my $r_hash = shift; if (!$$r_hash{'hp_max'}) { return undef; } else { return ($$r_hash{'hp'} / $$r_hash{'hp_max'} * 100); } } sub percent_sp { my $r_hash = shift; if (!$$r_hash{'sp_max'}) { return 0; } else { return ($$r_hash{'sp'} / $$r_hash{'sp_max'} * 100); } } sub percent_weight { my $r_hash = shift; if (!$$r_hash{'weight_max'}) { return 0; } else { return ($$r_hash{'weight'} / $$r_hash{'weight_max'} * 100); } } #######################################

####################################### ###CATEGORY: Misc Functions ####################################### ####################################### sub avoidGM_near { my $players = $playersList->getItems(); foreach my $player (@{$players}) { # skip this person if we dont know the name next if (!defined $player->{name}); # Check whether this "GM" is on the ignore list # in order to prevent false matches last if (existsInList($config{avoidGM_ignoreList}, $player->{nam e})); # check if this name matches the GM filter last unless ($config{avoidGM_namePattern} ? $player->{name} =~ / $config{avoidGM_namePattern}/ : $player->{name} =~ /^([a-z]?ro)?-?(Sub)?-?\[?GM\ ]?/i); my %args = ( name => $player->{name}, ID => $player->{ID} ); Plugins::callHook('avoidGM_near', \%args); return 1 if ($args{return}); my $msg; if ($config{avoidGM_near} == 1) { # Mode 1: teleport & disconnect useTeleport(1); $msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, teleport & disconnect for %d seconds", $player->{name}, $config{avoidGM_reconnect}); relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1); } elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} == 2) { # Mode 2: disconnect $msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, disconnect for %s seconds", $player->{name}, $config{avoidGM_reconnect}); relog($config{avoidGM_reconnect}, 1); } elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} == 3) { # Mode 3: teleport useTeleport(1); $msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, teleporting", $player->{name }); } elsif ($config{avoidGM_near} >= 4) { # Mode 4: respawn useTeleport(2); $msg = TF("GM %s is nearby, respawning", $player->{name} ); } warning "$msg\n"; chatLog("k", "*** $msg ***\n"); return 1; }

return 0; } ## # avoidList_near() # Returns: 1 if someone was detected, 0 if no one was detected. # # Checks if any of the surrounding players are on the avoid.txt avoid list. # Disconnects / teleports if a player is detected. sub avoidList_near { return if ($config{avoidList_inLockOnly} && $field->baseName ne $config{ lockMap}); my $players = $playersList->getItems(); foreach my $player (@{$players}) { my $avoidPlayer = $avoid{Players}{lc($player->{name})}; my $avoidID = $avoid{ID}{$player->{nameID}}; if (!$net->clientAlive() && ( ($avoidPlayer && $avoidPlayer->{di sconnect_on_sight}) || ($avoidID && $avoidID->{disconnect_on_sight}) )) { warning TF("%s (%s) is nearby, disconnecting...\n", $pla yer->{name}, $player->{nameID}); chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s (%s) nearby and disconnect ed ***\n", $player->{name}, $player->{nameID})); warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avo idList_reconnect}); relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1); return 1; } elsif (($avoidPlayer && $avoidPlayer->{teleport_on_sight}) || ($avoidID && $avoidID->{teleport_on_sight})) { message TF("Teleporting to avoid player %s (%s)\n", $pla yer->{name}, $player->{nameID}), "teleport"; chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s (%s) nearby and teleported ***\n", $player->{name}, $player->{nameID})); useTeleport(1); return 1; } } return 0; } sub avoidList_ID { return if (!($config{avoidList}) || ($config{avoidList_inLockOnly} && $f ield->baseName ne $config{lockMap})); my $avoidID = unpack("V", shift); if ($avoid{ID}{$avoidID} && $avoid{ID}{$avoidID}{disconnect_on_sight}) { warning TF("%s is nearby, disconnecting...\n", $avoidID); chatLog("k", TF("*** Found %s nearby and disconnected ***\n", $a voidID)); warning TF("Disconnect for %s seconds...\n", $config{avoidList_r econnect}); relog($config{avoidList_reconnect}, 1); return 1; } return 0; } sub compilePortals { my $checkOnly = shift;

my my my my my my

%mapPortals; %mapSpawns; %missingMap; $pathfinding; @solution; $field;

# Collect portal source and destination coordinates per map foreach my $portal (keys %portals_lut) { $mapPortals{$portals_lut{$portal}{source}{map}}{$portal}{x} = $p ortals_lut{$portal}{source}{x}; $mapPortals{$portals_lut{$portal}{source}{map}}{$portal}{y} = $p ortals_lut{$portal}{source}{y}; foreach my $dest (keys %{$portals_lut{$portal}{dest}}) { next if $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{map} eq ''; $mapSpawns{$portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{map}}{$des t}{x} = $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{x}; $mapSpawns{$portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{map}}{$des t}{y} = $portals_lut{$portal}{dest}{$dest}{y}; } } $pathfinding = new PathFinding if (!$checkOnly); # Calculate LOS values from each spawn point per map to other portals on same map foreach my $map (sort keys %mapSpawns) { ($map, undef) = Field::nameToBaseName(undef, $map); # Hack to cl ean up InstanceID message TF("Processing map %s...\n", $map), "system" unless $che ckOnly; foreach my $spawn (keys %{$mapSpawns{$map}}) { foreach my $portal (keys %{$mapPortals{$map}}) { next if $spawn eq $portal; next if $portals_los{$spawn}{$portal} ne ''; return 1 if $checkOnly; if ((!$field || $field->baseName ne $map) && !$m issingMap{$map}) { eval { $field = new Field(name => $map) ; }; if ($@) { $missingMap{$map} = 1; } } my %start = %{$mapSpawns{$map}{$spawn}}; my %dest = %{$mapPortals{$map}{$portal}}; closestWalkableSpot($field, \%start); closestWalkableSpot($field, \%dest); $pathfinding->reset( start => \%start, dest => \%dest, field => $field ); my $count = $pathfinding->runcount; $portals_los{$spawn}{$portal} = ($count >= 0) ?

$count : 0; debug "LOS in $map from $start{x},$start{y} to $ dest{x},$dest{y}: $portals_los{$spawn}{$portal}\n"; } } } return 0 if $checkOnly; # Write new portalsLOS.txt writePortalsLOS(Settings::getTableFilename("portalsLOS.txt"), \%portals_ los); message TF("Wrote portals Line of Sight table to '%s'\n", Settings::getT ableFilename("portalsLOS.txt")), "system"; # Print warning for missing fields if (%missingMap) { warning TF("----------------------------Error Summary---------------------------\n"); warning TF("Missing: %s.fld\n", $_) foreach (sort keys %missingM ap); warning TF("Note: LOS information for the above listed map(s) wi ll be inaccurate;\n" . " however it is safe to ignore if those map(s) are not used\n"); warning TF("----------------------------Error Summary---------------------------\n"); } } sub compilePortals_check { return compilePortals(1); } sub portalExists { my ($map, $r_pos) = @_; foreach (keys %portals_lut) { if ($portals_lut{$_}{source}{map} eq $map && $portals_lut{$_}{source}{x} == $r_pos->{x} && $portals_lut{$_}{source}{y} == $r_pos->{y}) { return $_; } } return; } sub portalExists2 { my ($src, $src_pos, $dest, $dest_pos) = @_; my $srcx = $src_pos->{x}; my $srcy = $src_pos->{y}; my $destx = $dest_pos->{x}; my $desty = $dest_pos->{y}; my $destID = "$dest $destx $desty"; foreach (keys %portals_lut) { my $entry = $portals_lut{$_}; if ($entry->{source}{map} eq $src && $entry->{source}{pos}{x} == $srcx && $entry->{source}{pos}{y} == $srcy && $entry->{dest}{$destID}) { return $_;

} } return; } sub redirectXKoreMessages { my ($type, $domain, $level, $globalVerbosity, $message, $user_data) = @_ ; return if ($config{'XKore_silent'} || $type eq "debug" || $level > 0 || $net->getState() != Network::IN_GAME || $XKore_dontRedirect); return if ($domain =~ /^(connection|startup|pm|publicchat|guildchat|guil dnotice|selfchat|emotion|drop|inventory|deal|storage|input)$/); return if ($domain =~ /^(attack|skill|list|info|partychat|npc|route)/); $message =~ s/\n*$//s; $message =~ s/\n/\\n/g; sendMessage($messageSender, "k", $message); } sub monKilled { $monkilltime = time(); # if someone kills it if (($monstarttime == 0) || ($monkilltime < $monstarttime)) { $monstarttime = 0; $monkilltime = 0; } $elasped = $monkilltime - $monstarttime; $totalelasped = $totalelasped + $elasped; if ($totalelasped == 0) { $dmgpsec = 0 } else { $dmgpsec = $totaldmg / $totalelasped; } } # Resolves a player or monster ID into a name # Obsoleted by Actor module, don't use this! sub getActorName { my $id = shift; if (!$id) { return 'Nothing'; } else { my $hash = Actor::get($id); return $hash->nameString; } } # Resolves a pair of player/monster IDs into names sub getActorNames { my ($sourceID, $targetID, $verb1, $verb2) = @_; my $source = getActorName($sourceID); my $verb = $source eq 'You' ? $verb1 : $verb2; my $target; if ($targetID eq $sourceID) { if ($targetID eq $accountID) { $target = 'yourself';

} else { $target = 'self'; } } else { $target = getActorName($targetID); } return ($source, $verb, $target); } # return ID based on name if party member is online sub findPartyUserID { if ($char->{party} && %{$char->{party}}) { my $partyUserName = shift; for (my $j = 0; $j < @partyUsersID; $j++) { next if ($partyUsersID[$j] eq ""); if ($partyUserName eq $char->{party}{users}{$partyUsersI D[$j]}{name} && $char->{party}{users}{$partyUsersID[$j]}{onli ne}) { return $partyUsersID[$j]; } } } return undef; } # fill in a hash of NPC information either based on location ("map x y") sub getNPCInfo { my $id = shift; my $return_hash = shift; undef %{$return_hash}; my ($map, $x, $y) = split(/ +/, $id, 3); $$return_hash{map} = $map; $$return_hash{pos}{x} = $x; $$return_hash{pos}{y} = $y; if (($$return_hash{map} ne "") && ($$return_hash{pos}{x} ne "") && ($$re turn_hash{pos}{y} ne "")) { $$return_hash{ok} = 1; } else { error TF("Invalid NPC information for autoBuy, autoSell or autoS torage! (%s)\n", $id); } } sub checkSelfCondition { my $prefix = shift; return 0 if (!$prefix); return 0 if ($config{$prefix . "_disabled"}); return 0 if $config{$prefix."_whenIdle"} && !AI::isIdle(); # *_manualAI 0 = auto only # *_manualAI 1 = manual only # *_manualAI 2 = auto or manual

if ($config{$prefix . "_manualAI"} == 0 || !(defined $config{$prefix . " _manualAI"})) { return 0 unless $AI == AI::AUTO; } elsif ($config{$prefix . "_manualAI"} == 1){ return 0 unless $AI == AI::MANUAL; } else { return 0 if $AI == AI::OFF; } if ($config{$prefix . "_hp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->hp_percent, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{hp}, $config{$prefix."_hp" })); } } if ($config{$prefix."_sp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->sp_percent, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{sp}, $config{$prefix."_sp" })); } } if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus"} =~ /\S/) { return 0 if (!!$config{$prefix."_homunculus"}) ^ ($char->{homunc ulus} && !$char->{homunculus}{state}); } if ($char->{homunculus}) { if ($config{$prefix . "_homunculus_hp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hpPerc ent}, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hp}, $ config{$prefix."_homunculus_hp"})); } } if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_sp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{spPerc ent}, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{sp}, $ config{$prefix."_homunculus_sp"})); } } if ($config{$prefix."_homunculus_dead"}) { return 0 unless ($char->{homunculus}{state} & 4); } } if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary"} =~ /\S/) { return 0 if (!!$config{$prefix."_mercenary"}) ^ (!!$char->{merce

nary}); } if ($char->{mercenary}) { if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_hp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hpPerce nt}, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hp}, $c onfig{$prefix."_mercenary_hp"})); } } if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_sp"}) { if ($config{$prefix."_mercenary_sp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{spPerce nt}, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{sp}, $c onfig{$prefix."_mercenary_sp"})); } } if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusActive"}) { return 0 unless $char->{mercenary}->statusActive($config {$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusActive"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_mercenary_whenStatusInactive"}) { return 0 if $char->{mercenary}->statusActive($config{$pr efix . "_mercenary_whenStatusInactive"}); } } # check skill use SP if this is a 'use skill' condition if ($prefix =~ /skill/i) { my $skill = Skill->new(auto => $config{$prefix}); return 0 unless ($char->getSkillLevel($skill) || $config{$prefix."_equip_leftA ccessory"} || $config{$prefix."_equip_right Accessory"} || $config{$prefix."_equip_leftH and"} || $config{$prefix."_equip_right Hand"} || $config{$prefix."_equip_robe" } ); return 0 unless ($char->{sp} >= $skill->getSP($config{$prefix . "_lvl"} || $char->getSkillLevel($skill))); } if (defined $config{$prefix . "_aggressives"}) { return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getAggressives(), $config{$pr efix . "_aggressives"})); } if (defined $config{$prefix . "_partyAggressives"}) { return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getAggressives(undef, 1), $co

nfig{$prefix . "_partyAggressives"})); } if ($config{$prefix . "_stopWhenHit"} > 0) { return 0 if (scalar ai_getM onstersAttacking($accountID)); } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenFollowing"} && $config{follow}) { return 0 if (!checkFollowMode()); } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) { return 0 unless $char->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStat usActive"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) { return 0 if $char->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusIn active"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_onAction"}) { return 0 unless (existsInList($con fig{$prefix . "_onAction"}, AI::action())); } if ($config{$prefix . "_notOnAction"}) { return 0 if (existsInList($conf ig{$prefix . "_notOnAction"}, AI::action())); } if ($config{$prefix . "_spirit"}) {return 0 unless (inRange(defined $cha r->{spirits} ? $char->{spirits} : 0, $config{$prefix . "_spirit"})); } if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref ix . "_time"}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) } if ($config{$prefix . "_inLockOnly"} > 0) { return 0 unless ($field->bas eName eq $config{lockMap}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_notWhileSitting"} > 0) { return 0 if ($char->{si tting}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_notInTown"} > 0) { return 0 if ($field->isCity); } if ($config{$prefix . "_monsters"} && !($prefix =~ /skillSlot/i) && !($p refix =~ /ComboSlot/i)) { my $exists; foreach (ai_getAggressives()) { if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}, $monste rs{$_}->name)) { $exists = 1; last; } } return 0 unless $exists; } if ($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}) { my $exists; foreach (ai_getMonstersAttacking($accountID)) { if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}, $ monsters{$_}->name)) { $exists = 1; last; } } return 0 unless $exists; }

if ($config{$prefix . "_notMonsters"} && !($prefix =~ /skillSlot/i) && ! ($prefix =~ /ComboSlot/i)) { my $exists; foreach (ai_getAggressives()) { if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notMonsters"}, $mon sters{$_}->name)) { return 0; } } } if ($config{$prefix."_inInventory"}) { foreach my $input (split / *, */, $config{$prefix."_inInventory" }) { my ($itemName, $count) = $input =~ /(.*?)(?:\s+([><]=? * \d+))?$/; $count = '>0' if $count eq ''; my $item = $char->inventory->getByName($itemName); return 0 if !inRange(!$item ? 0 : $item->{amount}, $coun t); } } if ($config{$prefix."_inCart"}) { foreach my $input (split / *, */, $config{$prefix."_inCart"}) { my ($item,$count) = $input =~ /(.*?)(?:\s+([><]=? *\d+)) ?$/; $count = '>0' if $count eq ''; my $iX = findIndexString_lc($cart{inventory}, "name", $i tem); my $item = $cart{inventory}[$iX]; return 0 if !inRange(!defined $iX ? 0 : $item->{amount}, $count); } } if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) { return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($char), $config{$p refix."_whenGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) { return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($char), $config{$prefi x."_whenNotGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenPermitSkill"}) { return 0 unless $char->{permitSkill} && $char->{permitSkill}->getIDN == Skill->new(auto => $conf ig{$prefix."_whenPermitSkill"})->getIDN; } if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotPermitSkill"}) { return 0 if $char->{permitSkill} && $char->{permitSkill}->getIDN == Skill->new(auto => $conf ig{$prefix."_whenNotPermitSkill"})->getIDN; } if ($config{$prefix."_whenFlag"}) { return 0 unless $flags{$config{$prefix."_whenFlag"}};

} if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotFlag"}) { return 0 unless !$flags{$config{$prefix."_whenNotFlag"}}; } if ($config{$prefix."_onlyWhenSafe"}) { return 0 if !isSafe(); } if ($config{$prefix."_inMap"}) { return 0 unless (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_inMap"}, $fiel d->baseName)); } if ($config{$prefix."_notInMap"}) { return 0 if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_notInMap"}, $field ->baseName)); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenEquipped"}) { my $item = Actor::Item::get($config{$prefix."_whenEquipped"}); return 0 unless $item && $item->{equipped}; } if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotEquipped"}) { my $item = Actor::Item::get($config{$prefix."_whenNotEquipped"}) ; return 0 if $item && $item->{equipped}; } if ($config{$prefix."_zeny"}) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{zeny}, $config{$prefix."_zeny"})); } # not working yet if ($config{$prefix."_whenWater"}) { my $pos = calcPosition($char); return 0 if ($field->getBlock($pos->{x}, $pos->{y}) != Field::WA LKABLE_WATER); } if (defined $config{$prefix.'_devotees'}) { return 0 unless inRange(scalar keys %{$devotionList->{$accountID }{targetIDs}}, $config{$prefix.'_devotees'}); } my %hookArgs; $hookArgs{prefix} = $prefix; $hookArgs{return} = 1; Plugins::callHook("checkSelfCondition", \%hookArgs); return 0 if (!$hookArgs{return}); return 1; } sub checkPlayerCondition { my ($prefix, $id) = @_; return 0 if (!$id); my $player = Actor::get($id);

return 0 unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::You') || UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Player') || UNIVERSAL::isa($player, 'Actor::Slave') ); # my $player = $playersList->getByID($id) || $slavesList->getByID($id); if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref ix . "_time"}{$id}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) { return 0 unless $player->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenSt atusActive"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) { return 0 if $player->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatus Inactive"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_notWhileSitting"} > 0) { return 0 if ($player->{ sitting}); } # TODO: Optimize this if ($config{$prefix . "_hp"}) { # Target is Actor::You if ($char->{ID} eq $id) { if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange($char->hp_percent, $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{hp}, $config{$pref ix."_hp"})); } # Target is Actor::Player in our Party } elsif ($char->{party} && $char->{party}{users}{$id}) { # Fix Heal when Target HP is not set yet. # return 0 if (!defined($player->{hp}) || $player->{hp} == 0); return 0 if ($char->{party}{users}{$id}{hp} == 0); if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { # return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($player), $1) ); return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{party}{ users}{$id}), $1)); } else { # return 0 if (!inRange($player->{hp}, $config{$ prefix . "_hp"})); return 0 if (!inRange($char->{party}{users}{$id} {hp}, $config{$prefix . "_hp"})); } # Target is Actor::Slave 'Homunculus' type } elsif ($char->{homunculus} && $char->{homunculus}{ID} eq $id) { if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) { return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{homuncu lus}), $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{homunculus}{hp}, $ config{$prefix . "_hp"})); } # Target is Actor::Slave 'Mercenary' type } elsif ($char->{mercenary} && $char->{mercenary}{ID} eq $id) { if ($config{$prefix."_hp"} =~ /^(.*)\%$/) {

return 0 if (!inRange(percent_hp($char->{mercena ry}), $1)); } else { return 0 if (!inRange($char->{mercenary}{hp}, $c onfig{$prefix . "_hp"})); } } } if ($config{$prefix."_deltaHp"}){ return 0 unless inRange($player->{deltaHp}, $config{$prefix."_de ltaHp"}); } # check player job class if ($config{$prefix . "_isJob"}) { return 0 unless (existsInList($config {$prefix . "_isJob"}, $jobs_lut{$player->{jobID}})); } if ($config{$prefix . "_isNotJob"}) { return 0 if (existsInList($config{ $prefix . "_isNotJob"}, $jobs_lut{$player->{jobID}})); } if ($config{$prefix . "_aggressives"}) { return 0 unless (inRange(scalar ai_getPlayerAggressives($id), $c onfig{$prefix . "_aggressives"})); } if ($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}) { my $exists; foreach (ai_getMonstersAttacking($id)) { if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_defendMonsters"}, $ monsters{$_}{name})) { $exists = 1; last; } } return 0 unless $exists; } if ($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}) { my $exists; foreach (ai_getPlayerAggressives($id)) { if (existsInList($config{$prefix . "_monsters"}, $monste rs{$_}{name})) { $exists = 1; last; } } return 0 unless $exists; } if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) { return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($player), $config{ $prefix."_whenGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) { return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($player), $config{$pre fix."_whenNotGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_dead"}) { return 0 if !$player->{dead}; } else {

return 0 if $player->{dead}; } # Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave if ($config{$prefix."_whenWeaponEquipped"}) { return 0 unless $player->{weapon}; } # Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave if ($config{$prefix."_whenShieldEquipped"}) { return 0 unless $player->{shield}; } # Note: This will always fail for Actor::Slave if ($config{$prefix."_isGuild"}) { return 0 unless ($player->{guild} && existsInList($config{$prefi x . "_isGuild"}, $player->{guild}{name})); } # Note: This will always be true for Actor::Slave # This will always be true for character that is not in any guild if ($config{$prefix."_isNotGuild"}) { return 0 if ($player->{guild} && existsInList($config{$prefix . "_isNotGuild"}, $player->{guild}{name})); } if ($config{$prefix."_dist"}) { return 0 unless inRange(distance(calcPosition($char), calcPositi on($player)), $config{$prefix."_dist"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_isNotMyDevotee"}) { return 0 if (defined $devotionList->{$accountID}->{targetIDs}->{ $id}); } my %args = ( player => $player, prefix => $prefix, return => 1 ); Plugins::callHook('checkPlayerCondition', \%args); return $args{return}; } sub checkMonsterCondition { my ($prefix, $monster) = @_; if ($config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) { return 0 unless timeOut($ai_v{$pref ix . "_time"}{$monster->{ID}}, $config{$prefix . "_timeout"}) } if (my $misses = $config{$prefix . "_misses"}) { return 0 unless inRange($monster->{atkMiss}, $misses); } if (my $misses = $config{$prefix . "_totalMisses"}) { return 0 unless inRange($monster->{missedFromYou}, $misses); }

if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusActive"}) { return 0 unless $monster->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenS tatusActive"}); } if ($config{$prefix . "_whenStatusInactive"}) { return 0 if $monster->statusActive($config{$prefix . "_whenStatu sInactive"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenGround"}) { return 0 unless whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($monster), $config {$prefix."_whenGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_whenNotGround"}) { return 0 if whenGroundStatus(calcPosition($monster), $config{$pr efix."_whenNotGround"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_dist"}) { return 0 unless inRange(distance(calcPosition($char), calcPositi on($monster)), $config{$prefix."_dist"}); } if ($config{$prefix."_deltaHp"}){ return 0 unless inRange($monster->{deltaHp}, $config{$prefix."_d eltaHp"}); } # This is only supposed to make sense for players, # but it has to be here for attackSkillSlot PVP to work if ($config{$prefix."_whenWeaponEquipped"}) { return 0 unless $monster->{weapon}; } if ($config{$prefix."_whenShieldEquipped"}) { return 0 unless $monster->{shield}; } my %args = ( monster => $monster, prefix => $prefix, return => 1 ); Plugins::callHook('checkMonsterCondition', \%args); return $args{return}; } ## # findCartItemInit() # # Resets all "found" flags in the cart to 0. sub findCartItemInit { for (@{$cart{inventory}}) { next unless $_ && %{$_}; undef $_->{found}; } } ##

# findCartItem($name [, $found [, $nounid]]) # # Returns the integer index into $cart{inventory} for the cart item matching # the given name, or undef. # # If an item is found, the "found" value for that item is set to 1. Items # cannot be found again until you reset the "found" flags using # findCartItemInit(), if $found is true. # # Unidentified items will not be returned if $nounid is true. sub findCartItem { my ($name, $found, $nounid) = @_; $name = lc($name); my $index = 0; for (@{$cart{inventory}}) { if (lc($_->{name}) eq $name && !($found && $_->{found}) && !($nounid && !$_->{identified})) { $_->{found} = 1; return $index; } $index++; } return undef; } ## # makeShop() # # Returns an array of items to sell. The array can be no larger than the # maximum number of items that the character can vend. Each item is a hash # reference containing the keys "index", "amount" and "price". # # If there is a problem with opening a shop, an error message will be printed # and nothing will be returned. sub makeShop { if ($shopstarted) { error T("A shop has already been opened.\n"); return; } return unless $char; if (!$char->{skills}{MC_VENDING}{lv}) { error T("You don't have the Vending skill.\n"); return; } if (!$shop{title_line}) { error T("Your shop does not have a title.\n"); return; } my @items = (); my $max_items = $char->{skills}{MC_VENDING}{lv} + 2; # Iterate through items to be sold findCartItemInit(); shuffleArray(\@{$shop{items}}) if ($config{'shop_random'} eq "2");

for my $sale (@{$shop{items}}) { my $index = findCartItem($sale->{name}, 1, 1); next unless defined($index); # Found item to vend my $cart_item = $cart{inventory}[$index]; my $amount = $cart_item->{amount}; my %item; $item{name} = $cart_item->{name}; $item{index} = $index; $item{price} = $sale->{price}; $item{amount} = $sale->{amount} && $sale->{amount} < $amount ? $sale->{amount} : $amount; push(@items, \%item); # We can't vend anymore items last if @items >= $max_items; } if (!@items) { error T("There are no items to sell.\n"); return; } shuffleArray(\@items) if ($config{'shop_random'} eq "1"); return @items; } sub openShop { my @items = makeShop(); my @shopnames; return unless @items; @shopnames = split(/;;/, $shop{title_line}); $shop{title} = $shopnames[int rand($#shopnames + 1)]; $shop{title} = ($config{shopTitleOversize}) ? $shop{title} : substr($sho p{title},0,36); $messageSender->sendOpenShop($shop{title}, \@items); message TF("Shop opened (%s) with %d selling items.\n", $shop{title}, @i tems.""), "success"; $shopstarted = 1; $shopEarned = 0; } sub closeShop { if (!$shopstarted) { error T("A shop has not been opened.\n"); return; } $messageSender->sendCloseShop(); $shopstarted = 0; $timeout{'ai_shop'}{'time'} = time; message T("Shop closed.\n"); } ## # inLockMap() #

# Returns 1 (true) if character is located in its lockmap. # Returns 0 (false) if character is not located in lockmap. sub inLockMap { if ($field->baseName eq $config{'lockMap'}) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub parseReload { my ($args) = @_; eval { my $progressHandler = sub { my ($filename) = @_; message TF("Loading %s...\n", $filename); }; if ($args eq 'all') { Settings::loadAll($progressHandler); } else { Settings::loadByRegexp(qr/$args/, $progressHandler); } Log::initLogFiles(); }; if (my $e = caught('UTF8MalformedException')) { error TF( "The file %s must be valid UTF-8 encoded, which it is \n " . "currently not. To solve this prolem, please use Notepad \n" . "to save that file as valid UTF-8.", $e->textfile); } elsif ($@) { die $@; } } sub MODINIT { OpenKoreMod::initMisc() if (defined(&OpenKoreMod::initMisc)); } sub buyingstoreitemdelete { my ($invIndex, $amount) = @_; my $item = $char->inventory->get($invIndex); if (!$char->{arrow} || ($item && $char->{arrow} != $item->{index})) { message TF("Inventory Item Removed: %s (%d) x %d\n", $item->{nam e}, $invIndex, $amount), "inventory"; } $item->{amount} -= $amount; $char->inventory->remove($item) if ($item->{amount} <= 0); $itemChange{$item->{name}} -= $amount; } return 1;

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