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ARTICLE WRITING: Are you a textaholic? Do you spend over an hour each day texting your friends?

Do you frequently neglect work, study, and leisure activities to check your phone for text messages? Are you moody and irritable if you are separated from your mobile phone? Do you hardly ever use your phone to talk any more, and do your thumbs hurt from texting too much? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then the chances are that you are a textaholic. A textaholic can be defined as someone who is addicted to sending and receiving text messages. The main symptoms are a compulsion to text which takes precedence over everything else and withdrawal symptoms if messages fail to come in, leading to agitation, depression and a lack of self-esteem. Other problems include insomnia, eye strain and repetitive strain injury due to constant messaging, not to mention spiraling phone bills. The root of the problem, as with many addictions, is the desire to escape from emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety and relationship problems. Experts warn that text addiction is likely to become the most common form of addiction in the future, especially among the young. So what can you do if you think you may be a textaholic? The key is to get your life back in balance. Make sure you resist the urge to answer every message you receive, and consider leaving your mobile phone behind occasionally when you go out. Most importantly, make a point of spending quality time with friends and family , and make time to re-learn the art of face-to-face conversation instead of conducting your relationships by means of text messages. Not only will you save time and money, but you may rediscover the pleasure of true communication.

Write a similar article about a shopaholic/a coffee addict/a workaholic.

............................. OPINION ESSAY WRITING: Public money should be used to fund the arts


Introductory statement : Value of art in a civilized society Supporting statement: Art enriches peoples lives Controversial question: Should they be publicly funded?


Main opinion: The government should subsidize them Arguments : a) Artists couldnt survive b) The arts contribute cultural heritage c) The arts play a social role d) The arts are important for their own sake


Counter-argument : Money-better spent on the poor, on health, education Refuting counterargument : A healthy society values art; it should be accessible to everyone


Conclusion: A spectrum of activities should be funded Supporting statement : Enjoyment of the arts is part of being human.

Few people would contest the value of the arts in a civilized society. Great art enriches peoples lives by providing pleasure, stimulation and an escape from the pressures of everyday life. However, it is also true that many of the arts, such as classical music, the ballet, and the visual arts have always attracted a minority audience. The question is whether the arts should be publicly funded, or whether it is the consumers who should pay.

It is my view that the government should subsidize the arts, for a number of reasons. First of all, without subsidies, many artists would undoubtedly be unable to survive financially. Government grants can enable them to work with artistic freedom and integrity, whereas if they worked independently or relied on private subsidies they might be subject to market pressures and the need to make profit. Secondly, the arts contribute to a nations cultural heritage and can create a sense of social cohesion and identity. They can also play an important role in education, community regeneration and even crime prevention. Nevertheless, the main argument for public funding of the arts is not social usefulness, but rather because they are important for their own sake. Of course, there are those who argue that public money would be better spent on meeting the needs of the poorer members of society and on healthcare, education and social welfare schemes, rather than catering for the interests of an elite. Personally, I believe that a healthy society is one in which art and creativity are valued alongside these basic needs. Indeed, a civilized society ought to make the arts accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or income. In conclusion, the arts should be funded across a broad spectrum of activities, for example; by supporting community or school theatre projects, or bringing sculptures and art installations to public places. This is not for purely social reasons, but because enjoyment of art is part of what it means to be human.

Television is dumbing down our culture. It is not worth going to the cinema when you can watch a DVD. Education systems often stifle creativity.

Museums and art galleries should not charge an entrance fee. Censorship should not interfere with freedom of expression in the arts.

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