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Marriage Yoga

Marriage Yoga in Jaatakam / Kundali

Contributed by Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu Marriage is a sacred bond which creates the relationship as wife and husband between two different sexes. Marriages are made in heaven. Is it true? Of course, to some extent. It is the destiny that acts between the wife and husband to live long together with happiness or unhappiness. Sometimes, the wedlock breaks at the initial stage or after some years. In some cases the individuals live without marriage at all. hat are the factors responsible for all these features? !he individual horoscopes will reveal their. !he astrologer can indicate in a way, what will take place in future, but what else, except the "lmighty can say with certainty what will definitely happen. #ow let us discuss briefly some points astrologically on marriage in the $oroscope of individuals. !he planet %enus, who is karaka for marriage& the 'th, (nd, )th, *th, and the +thlords are responsible for marriage life. ,esides this, the placement of other planets and the aspects of the planets to the above houses are to be studied. Marriages may be early, late or denial. -arly marriage is possible in the following cases. /. !he 'th lord should be in 0endra or trikona with the constellation of benefic planets. (. !he 'th house should be aspected by benefic planets and no papakartari yoga is present. 1. %enus should be well placed in 0endra and trikona in the star of benefic planet. %enus should not be in the company of malefic planets. ). 2agna lord should be strong or aspected to the 'th house. *. !he placement of benefic planets in the 'th house. 3. !he (nd house should be free from affliction and with benefic rays. '. !he )th, for happiness, *th for children, and /(th for bed comforts. So the lords of these houses should be free from afflictions.

!he late marriages may take place where there is slight malefic influence to the 'th house, 'th lord and %enus besides having benefic influences to the

above which override malefic influences. 4enial of marriage is possible where there is strong malefic influence to the 'th house, 'th lord, %enus, (nd house, and (nd lord. ,reak in wedlock is possible even though there are benefic positions for marriage, the malefic influences prevail more and override the benefic influences. !his leads to divorce or death of the partner. e cannot elaborate unless the individual horoscopes are being studied elaborately and decide the result. !he +th house denotes longevity of the natives. In the case of female horoscopes, if there are benefics in the +th house or aspected by the benefic planets to the +th house would confer soubhagyam which means the wife predeceases her husband. 5everse is the case for opposite results. Mars 4osha. !his is an important aspect to be considered while deciding the marital prospects. Mars dosha occurs where Mars is placed in the ( nd or )th, or 'th, or +th, or /(th houses from ascendant or Moon, or %enus. hile matching the horoscopes of the male and female, if one of them is having Mars dosha marriage should not be performed. If both are having Mars dosha, marriage can be performed according to the strength of the same. !here are some exceptions to the rule and the same are stated below. 4ifferent classic texts stated different exceptions and sometimes contradict each other. "fter analy6ing many horoscopes the following are to be considered while matching horoscopes. /. If there is any con7unction with or aspected by 8upiter, or benefic Mercury or waxing Moon to the Mars. (. 9or :ancer and 2eo ascendants there is not Mars dosha. 1. 9or "ries and Scorpio lagnas )th Mars, for !aurus and 2ibra lagnas /(th Mars, for ;emini and %irgo lagnas (nd Mars, for :apricorn and :ancer lagnas 'th Mars, for Sagittarius and <isces lagna +th Mars, for "=uarius and leo lagnas no dosha wherever Mars is situated. ). !here is a saying that for "ries, :ancer, 2eo, Scorpio, Saggittarius, and <isces lagnas no mars dosha. *. hen Mars is in movable sign, no Mars dosha exists.

!here are controversial astrological works between 8ataka :handrika,

#aradeeyam, and 0alidasa. 9urther, no mention about Mars dosha has been given in any standard works of ancient origin like <arsara $ora, <haladeepika, ,rihat 7ataka, 8ataka <ari7atha, 8atakalankara, Satya :harya>s, <ancha Siddhanta etc. $ence too much emphasis need not be given to Mars dosha. It is the astrologer who has to go deep into the strength of other planets besides the position of Mars in the horoscope and 7udge the influence of Mars on the individual. Mars and Saturn. !he planets Mars and Saturn are enemies. !hese two planets create havoc in respect of married life. !he combination of Mars and Saturn in any house is undesirable especially in the houses of lagna, (nd, )th, 'th, +th, and /(th houses. It is also undesirable to have Mars and Saturn in angles to each other. !heir aspect to each other also creates unhappiness in married life. In the above cases, where if unsullied benefics like 8upiter, %enus, and waxing Moon are in con7unction with Mars and Saturn or aspect to Mars and Saturn will mitigate the bad effects to some extent. ,esides the above, the 'th lord should not be in the evil houses of 1rd, 3th, +th, and /(th. %enus should also be free from affliction. Mars and %enus combination is bad for marital happiness since Mars is fiery planet and %enus is watery planet. ,oth are enemies, they create over sex and separation if they are not associated with benefic planets. 9or information sake, we furnish here under the benefic and malefic planets. ,enefic <lanets. 8upiter, %enus, waxing Moon, unsullied Mercury, and functional benefics. Malefic <lanets. Sun, Mars, Saturn, 5ahu, 0ethu, waning Moon, and functional malefics. ,esides this, the planets who own bad houses like 1rd, 3th, +th, and /(th. 9urther it is desirable to have con7unction of 'th lord with karaka %enus in any house. ,ut please note that in the case of !aurus and 2ibra langnas the 'th lord is Mars and his association with %enus is not bad as he happens to be the lagna lord. 5ahu in the 'th house creates death or divorce to the spouse unless he is in the star of benefic planet or in con7unction with benefic planets or aspected by benefic planets. Second marriage should be predicted only if karaka %enus is not strong and well placed in the horoscope with benefic planets company or aspect. 9inally, matching of horoscope of boy and girl is very important before proceeding for marriage.

Marriage Astrology Tips For Male

Marriage Astrology Explained Marriage is one of the most important aspects of life for the vast majority of people, and of course it involves more than just a physical union between two people. Instead, a marriage involves deep feelings of caring for each other, it involves couples sharing responsibilities, and it involves strong emotion attachment. y the very laws of nature, men and women are bound to be united, so to a great e!tent, the concept of marriage as we "now it is merely a reflection of what nature commands. As the centuries have come and gone, out ancestors have provided a vast amount "nowledge and advice for those entering into marriage, and interestingly enough, much of that advice is based on marriage astrology. Practically every race, culture, and creed on the planet ac"nowledge the fact that the planets can and do influence our lives in one way or another, and that includes relationships and marriage. In this page, I'm going to share with you a few tips whi h you an use in order to read the !th house of a hart whi h pro"ides an insight into marriage, and the resultant happiness it should #ring for a ouple$ In order to avoid any confusion however, I#m going to separate the tips into two categories $ those specifically for men, and those for women.

Marriage Astrology %ips for Males In the following instan es, there's strong possi#ility of loss of wife or progeny& %hen the lord of &th house is present in 'th house, or when the lord of 'th or (th house is present in the &th house) *enus in +corpio which is &th house) Mercury in ,aurus identical with &th and -upiter in the &th in depression) %ea" Moon in the 'th and malefic in .st, &th, and ./th houses indicate wifeless and childless. If the +un and Rahu are in &th house, this indicates possible loss of wealth as a result of a relationship with a woman. In marriage astrology the om#inations whi h follow #elow tend to yield fa"ora#le results&

If the 0ord of the (th house is in centre, owned by a benefic aspect, it indicates a wife is chaste, dutiful and comes from a noble family. If Cancer is in the &th house, occupied by Mars and +aturn, it indicates a wife will be beautiful and chaste. 1urthermore, a man can e!pect to have an e!cellent wife if the lord of his house is conjoined with the lord of the ascendant. %hen the lord of the ascendant is present in the &th house, along with a benefic, it indicates a wife who stems from a good family. ,he Moon, if occupying the .st or &th house within her own or e!altation sign, and aspected by a benefic or the &th house failing in a benefic sign, tends to indicate a virtuous wife. If the &th house, its lord, and also *enus, are all in even signs, and they#re all bright and strong, it would indicate an outstanding wife. 'ne should howe"er #ear in mind that o#ser"ations of the !th house often fail due to the fa t that people don't take other houses into onsideration when making mat hmaking predi tions in marriage astrology$ If an astrologer has the necessary e!perience, he or she will always ta"e the 2th house which relates to the mind, and the 3th house which relates to fortune, into consideration. In fact, the e!perienced astrologer also focuses on the second house because of it connection to family issues.

4enerally spea"ing, the rules regarding the &th house are the same for both men and women, but even so, there are some points which are uni5ue to female charts. Many astrologers agree that this most li"ely has to do with the psychological ma"e$up of the women. 6er auspiciousness is read from loo"ing at the (th house, beauty from the 3th house, husbands and attractiveness from the &th. A woman#s associations and her chastity are shown in the 2th house.

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