You are on page 1of 14


Name in full


Date^ /!4a,rcJ, II . 19 TX JCk^^ FQiAyl^

Complete address on field

Complete forwarding address (^>^03 B/me-r

^<?/-5(2 '-53 'Z/ka.itfi XAltlffi



/V Ha*n}h^

Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:








Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:




/^o / Cily'IiaImL5

Hith, Si-Zone,


_ Zone,


City. Peort'o,


Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3) and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders:

(List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of

each letter, thanks.)
Nflmfa Street,










Othiri - Of. Ckarl^S Ke-il^y^ Former

- Bijers ^
" "

ChuyU ^
, Sfisf ^


bif. E. VfM 5)^. QA''-


" X>On

CAu fcV, ^

Name and address of hometown npwspapftr

Idaho Statesaian
Boise, Idg'ho ^37^*^

Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:





Place of BTRTH_^^oi':r.,ur-. Cy-c::":on

Day of hirfti 11 Mnnth.KcV, VAar l9^r3 ,


^Cr:r-i-. Park Christian Chnrch nity.^

PatP. RtatP Ciegon

December 195^-

On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to

Mflrripd, X



Bethel Christian Church

Date of marT-iagP -

- n- T

Where married?
' T r ^ ' .

1 p"D.n[[ c 1 1 c t,

Who solemnized your wedding?

po.stOT, Cha.pla 1 ,

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth: (If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth day, month, and year

Curtis Bruce Fo^.ilcr

Futiene, Cre^on

Oct. /


Christine rlarie Fov.'ler

SuRene, Cref;on

Karch 11


Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates;



Bethel Christian Church(Eucenev ^ 1

Ca1:ridp:c Chtn. cHurcTT

Youth Direciz^tor

I96I 1962-6^1^6U-'-l'p68

Student Minister
Ca.}crid,^e, Oref^on
I'lt, Surrmiit Chtn Church


Minister Iwhiie studeifC

. (r-!t., Ind.)

_ _at C.T,S.)


Res . Director :Syc<?-Diore Childrens Home ^ idpis)

SCHOOLING (high school and later):

Name of school
B0I se H.Sr.bnnI
N o r t hve s t C ht n

_Hoire . Idaho

Number of years

Degrees and date granted

H.S, PiuloDia. I96I

, Coll

P'u^rno. Ororron
^ Tnr^ipn.':^

^ (-{- )

[4. Min. 1 Q72


Christian Thec?-02. ..Snr^i nr.yy Tnd-n1

Also: Some worlc at TJ. of Orcfc/Indiana. U. lied Center(Chaplaincy Program)

What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope to accomplish on the mission field? Your o\\ti story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space): Influences: The need/My need to serve/Scriptures (Great Commission, etc.)

Purpose :To share the Gospel to. the end thatj)psople

nevj birth Iri.

Christ & share in he special relationship of redemption with God through Jesus the Christ to the end that they might have abundant &

eternal life...that others everywhere mi^ht experience the same relationship to God that He has graciously given to me.

Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:

Teaching on undergad level: Bible(N.T.) and Pastoral Counseling

Small group work, both with students & on field

Evangelism, both one-to-one and group (preaching) as well as small group worli

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

Bible College Teacher^_IL_. Public School Teacher_

nnr>fnr Nurse^_^^ Social worker_^_ Music teacher.

Radio ministry.

RaHio follnwiip.

nhT-igHan SprviVA Tamp

Name other:

Maintenance of mission equipment_.__ BenevolenceOffice wnrlr


Father's name and home aHHrpgfi-I-'3?^neth H. y^ct-rler 623: strAPt. Feorla

Bydrallc His nfif>npation - 1 r0r

Living_;__ Deceased^_^ Illinois HHnol'


jg he a Christian?

What positions of leadership has he held in the local qhurch?

S.S. teacher ("both yotith

churcli "hoaid

adults) Eas been chairman cf most coiaiTittte-eG

Active on board of cvfngeliGres.ter ir'corla ii'vsngeii2T:ic assoc.; in il.

TTTu i. Christian int. . i.. . j u now da? j nCurrentlv Chmn of Elders/Chmn cf missions What service does he /

Mother's full maiden name: Ej Ruth Gilstrc..p

Str^CSt'ce 3- fcther'F
Is she a Christian? Vac -- /NTn

Zone State

pec. ^tTuTTTjacher
' 11 T t !"

Her occupation if employed outside the v>nmp - - -- - - -jr..

child" r^'*p ^ i St

What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local nlinrnh:? - 1,.^. ... -1 ^ ..T

- - ^

J. ,

. C



I- . ... .


.71 ^ c r > r

L-.-L ; .

FORWARDING AGENT: (i'or |t only)


;L:iuip]7lnu/iil.iii,r ^-r/'' 1ng) gSVERAL MEW CCMGL'EGATICNS MISSION WCRIIS



Jerry SpauldingICU Biisiness Kgr,

Christian: Boice

29^^ l^i-t'h, St, M

& Trapitlln Streets

Zone___-Tfilfiphonp.- . -^-lyth. -^-i'-ith. St. 'Ohtns' (jntn: Indi^TsTTPITl IncI]?Ts 7^^ TTPITl T. ii. iTh. -u.^r


Forviairding of uionies

What duties are performed by the forwarding agent:

Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?

In what form should funds be g^nf?


it 6i\'n de ^eht dA'i'eoZ


i. 1 o throunh loca], church Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?,

Send to Businos Kgr, ICU (address above)

Desi/'note : -iTriye

If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how tp do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think

might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:

( Horizons story

June 15, 1972

by W.E,Mc



Pic )

l i s t names)

The elders and leaders of the East 49th Streetjt Christian

Church, Indianapolis, Indiana introduce Bruce and Judy Fowler in this way: " IVlr. & Mrso Bruce Fowler transfered their membership
to this congregation in February 14, 1971, Brother Fowler is a

committed man who believes in the Lordship and Saviorhood of

Jesus Christ He i s convinced of the essential truth of the

Scriptural doctrines believed and proclaimed by tha restoration movement In a very liberal theological seminary his faith was

tested and proved firm and steady.

He is^spiritually-sensitive

person, and has a great capacity for honest Christian loveo

and his wife are deeply e devoted to each other and to their two young childreno
in a

His conviction that God is calling him to teach

new academic mission in Puerto Rico i s the result of a

humble faith, and we commend him to the brotherhood as one

worthy of approval and supporto"

The elders and leaders at

Richwoods CChristian Church, Peoria, Ildiinois share also: "We

know Bruce to be a man of spiritual depth and good Christian

maturity combined v/ith a burning passion for souls"

The elders

of First Christian Church, Oakridge, Oregon write: " While Bruce

was here as a minister he was always ready and most capable to

help others, no matter whet their problem or situation may have


Bruce K Fowler was born November 11, 1943 at Newburg, Oregon.

He became a Christian in Portland, Oregon.

He graduated from high

school in Boise, Idaho.

He receivedJ the B.Th in 1968 from In 1972 he received

Northwest Christian College, Eugene, Oregon.

Master of Ministries froni/!KiK5X8^KJX

Christian Theological

( page - 2 - POWLBR TO PUERTO RICO )

Seminary9 Indianapolis, Indiana. His servicS report includes:
Mrs. Judith

preaching9 counseling, teaching and administrationo

Ann McFarland Fowler was born July 21, 1943 at Caldwell, Idaho

She became a Christian and graduated from high school at Boise,


She is a licensed Cosmetologist and took some training

at Northwestern Christian College in Eugene, Oregono Judy were married May S, 1962.

Bruce and

They have tv/o children; Curtis

Bruce Fowler born October 28, 1964 and Christine Marie Fowler
born March 11, 1966 in Eugene, Oregon,

Bruce plans to teach, counsel, preach and evangelize as he

works with International Christian University in Puerto Rico. Judy plans to keep their hdjme and help as she can in ICUo target date to go is early September, 1972. Their

Total funds needed

to get the Fowlers set up on the mission field amount to $5222.00.

$800o00 per month is needed for livinglink when they are on the
field. Funds can be sent to; Jerry Spaulding, ICU Business Manager,

2942 Ec. 14th Street, Casper, Wyoming 826ol or to; Bruce and Judy
Fowler, KSS 6203 Elmer Street, Boise, Idaho 83703.
### ### ###


Date K;^^rch 21, 1972

Name in full

Judith Ann (McFarland) Fculer



Complete address on field

;oQq T:'irr-t-

Complete forwarding address

ler.ho ??703


Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:

Strp-fttCity 7:nnp fifatp

Street. TlnnA, Rtfltp

Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:


^f-9th. Street ChTistir-.n

Eicbv:oods Christian Church


. 1801 r. /4-9th. St.

^ Z one State -

, 2Ml6 lU Sterlinr
Z one State

C ity



C ity -

1^1 > 6l6ffi^-

Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3) and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom mendations as soon as possible. Thanks, Send what you have now, and the others later.

Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of each letter, thanks.)








ilSee letter froa Z.

Others forthcomin.^ from;

Street Christian Church, Ind ianapolis


-Dr. Charles Kelley, former Missionary, E. ^9th. St. Church, Indpls, Ind.
-Elders of Central Christian Church, Boise, -1st. Christian Church, Boise, -Eichwoods Christian Church, Peoria, 111

-Steve Fenn, Pastor, Broadway Christian Church, Bellingham, Wash.

-Don Smith, Pastor, Central Church of Christ, Eugene, Oregon

Name and address of hometown n^wfipflpor

Idaho Statesman
Bclce, Idaho

Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
Th^ Ind lans.'Dolis' MTj^vJS

Ii'd j.anapo], j.vS STA?'


T^ri "oH C: f
Ca"^ cV:'"1

I'lc' ii" na
r-t C-. l-> /V

Place of BIRTH.




Day of birth
Where baptlgpH?




lieclroclr Christian Church


State ^

g-H To n /"'V-n-r'r-Vi ^Dfltft.


"y Cecil V/arner, Sr., Prstcr On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to




Where married?

Date of marriage

^"i'l.lfjcre J.

Eurrene, Oregon (Lane County)

Bethel Christian Church

Who solemnized your wedding?



List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth: (If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)

Place of their birth

day, month, and year

Curtis Bruce Fo*':ler Christine Marie Fowler

Eu.aene > Cresron



196^ 1966



Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place Service
pDstcr's V.'ifc...Seo files

Bruce FoT'Tler

SCHOOLING (high school and later):

Name of school Location

Number of years

Degrees and date granted

}3oi8c KiQ^b Schoo],,


H.S. Diploma, I96I

Licensed C c s m.01010g 1 s t

ExCelSis !^saiity Selbool, .:3oi3e,

(Idaho: I96I
0-rr.rrr^n Some Trork at 1 0^9 )

Korthucst Chritran Collect f Eugene,


What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):

Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field: Primarily caring for family.. .aiding in husband^s ministry helping in ministry of ICU vrherever needed

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

Bible. College. TeacherPublic School Teacher^

Doctor__^ Nurse^_^^ Social worker_^^ Music teacher.

Radio ministryRadio followup,

Maintenance of mission ftginpmpnt

.Christian Service Camp^_^^ Linguistics.

BenevolenceOffice work^__^ Name other:

PARENTS: Leslie M. McFarland

Father's name and home



6203 Slmer

strPPt Boise


Zone_ State. FAPILN_S ; have led

His nnpiipflHnnTg he a Christian? yesi^

What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?

Hl^h School youth croups and taught S.S. classes

What Christian service does he now do?

(Sa-e aF- -rather
Is she a Christian? Vpr Kn.


Mother's full maiden name: Elizabeth E-unlcc Hammond



airplayee of Her occupation if employed outside the >inmp n-r Tfinlm

What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local ohnrr.h ?

''Irr-: Prc.nidcat

Chtn. i/omf^n' c Fellov:^3hip/Directed DVES/ Etc.


Where attend nhttrnh?

Zone^__^ Rtatft _
^ X=^o


- '7nnP


What duties are performed by the forwarding agentt.a


Does the forwarding agent receive a gaiary?,

Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only ?.

In what form should funds be

If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think

might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:




Catano Station


Box 66,

San Juan,

Puerto Rico 00632


September 1, 1972

Our Jjear Christian Friends,


gEP 1 3 1972

here have shown us there's much to be doneand we're having fun getting

Here we are in Puerto Rico! These first two weeks

Sunday, Bruce was able to go to the Women's Prison, and is in hopes of

working in the men's prison with his students.

Two women prisoners accepted


Christ as their Savior at the close of our service,

how's that for an answer to prayerl) with 4 bedrooms, so that when you come
to see us you'll have a place to stay, it's right on the beach in a resi dential section of Levittown. There is a nice fenced yard, and the ocean

God gave us a nice home to rent reasonably (the very day we arrived,.,

view was Jesus' special way of saying that when He answers a prayer, He
doesn't Just go halfwayI Thank you for prayingl School for Curtis and Christy and teaching for Bruce at ICU will begin next week. The children's teachers are great Christian people who came to Puerto fiico as missionaries to teach our children (and as many of the Puerto
riican children as His school will hold). What a faith-filled team God has put together for His work here I Most of them have come on more faith than

financial commitment, and are learning the same things we are about God's faithfulness in providing through His people.

Bruce has been very busy preparing his classes as well as going to the

streets and beaches talking to people about Jesus and His love.

Many speak

English, but until we can get better in Spanish we are finding that a smile

is understood bilingually,

Sunday evening Bruce preached at an Sngllsh-

speaking church, and afterward we went to the town square and sang praises, passed out tracts, and shared Christ, Our Sundays will be spent starting

churches and doing other mission work around the Island and otht-rs n- trby,

people are so hungry for Jesus, and grateful for His Interest in their lives, Much more than in the states, i t seems to us.

i^^e are praising God for all of you who made it possible for us to get to Puerto Hlco, and we thank you for your love, your prayers, and supi'ort. Jegus will continue to be the center of the school and our lives, and the
Holy Spirit will be our only director,
Jesus' love to you

Please pray for us and ICU as we start this new adventure in faith that

Bruce, Judy, Curtis and Christy Fowler





International Christian University

Box 66, Catamo Station

San Juan,

Puerto Rico 00632

Hovember 6, 1972
TAHOOI The lord is surely with us and haa been doing some wonderful things
here in iHierto Rico. We are wondering how our prayers for you all have been

Classes for the forty or so students are in full swing, and of course requiring twice as much study from the teachers as from the students# Bruce is spending four times as much time at the desk as was ever spent as a student.

Bruce has been teaching basic psychology adapted toward the missionary recruit *s
being able to unjinrstontJ himself and those to whom he is sent. In addition he is

teaching in the New Testament department. Some of the missionary-recruit students

are adults with families who sold their homes and left their farms or busineaes to answer the call of Clod to be missionaries in other countries i*here there are

no New Testament churches. Others are students right out of high school (most are straight A scholars) seeking a degree from ICU in missions, and all are dedicated
to being Ood*s leadable people. What a fantastic Christian fellowship! We meet

often during the wedc for praise and.fellowship (chapel services, evening prayer
me=^tings, street meetings, etc.)
At the moment there are about 100 of us in the ICU family, each being encour

aged to find his own thing, (or find what God has for him to do) in the total
ministry on this island and others nearby. Let me tell you some of the exciting ways

that God is using ICtJ: Che person (Jim I^) is mostly interested in starting new
congregation around thn island. Another (Jerry Long) has been leading public
street meetings on the town square. At the street meetings many tracts and Bibles are passed out and one of us preaches. Judy and some others ladies are organising Sunday School type meetings for the missionaries children and other Bhglish

speaking children here in Levittown (the suburb where ICU is). Blruce has been
particulary interested in the prison He goes each Sunday morning with

h others to worship with the women at the Women's prison. Some of us also go to
a men's prison camp on Saturdays. Of course, each of us is vrarking in all the

areas (we take turns preaching for exanqsle, and are working in teams mostly) but
everyone is free to develop and head up the ministry in which he feels most
effective. Many lives have been touched, and we have had baptisms already as a result of every one of these ministries. Praise to our wonderful Lord!

i-re go dovjn to "our special place" on the beach in the evening to have our baptisms in the moonlit surf when someone responds to Jesus* love.
The Ehglish speaking congregation that has been established here In Le?vittown is really growing! Praise His Power I Sunday morning the ICU team is scattered all over the island in various kinds of ministries ...Sunday evenings we gather at a I^isciples of Christ tuilding to share in praise, preaching
and fellowship.

God has been ansvrering your prayers for us: He really has been blessing us in terms of our personal peace, and preparation and insists for teaching classes, and an every widening vision of what God would like to do through us here in Puerto

Page 2

Qod also blessed us with four bides which we can use year round here and

saves on gas 1 last we^ a man ran into Judy (on her bicycle) bat the bike
1ft now repaired and the many scrapes and bruises are healing* %>anl8h classes continue to be one of our high priorities; we are having fun laughing with the PuertorrLquenos at our pronunciation* They

just beam when we say "como se dice-q espanol?" (How do you sayin Spanish) They are use to dealing with arrogant tourista Americanos (Gringos) and are grateful for the contrast of the missionaries who want to becene a part of their culture and the American tourists who despise it. Please continue to pray for us specifically about this that God may be manifest through us whether we are buying groceries, preaching on the street, or chatting over the backyard fence with the neighbors. Spontaneous everyday
personal contacts continue to be one of the most productive evangelistic means so far; Just as it is there. The culture here allows for more openess to strangers than is usually accepted In the states, and thus seem easier to make personal evangelistic contacts.

Our plan at ICU is to begin a new congregation in one of the main cities every two or three months.-In the one that was started last month In the town of Mayaguez, the people have already takei over their own preaching responsiblLties and other functions of the church business and no longer need a missionary. Rpom a new mission to self-supporting In one month! YAHOO! What God can do when you don't get in His way! Vfe have set ourselves a goal of talking to every single person in Levittown

and have some Gospel literature (a Bible, or some good tracts in Spanish)
in every home vrLthin the next few months. I don*t remember how many thousands live In Levittown, but the missionary children have already made inroads in it. They distribute literature and invitations to church as part of their
Sunday School program eveiy week.

Many exciting things have been haqppening at -Viq ia^ppiyson 1 Praise to God! The women are getting excited about their fai'th and at lastneount wanted to be baptized. The most exciting thing about it is the way they are expressing their faith and talking to the other women about Jesus# The

reason these women have not been baptized is that there is no w^^^,Qr them

day to baptize them. We need some sort 15^ a protSBle baptistry to "^^e
in to them. Any ideas?

to be/in the prison and so far we have not been_jlaleL-ta^fit^4i]i]^^^[^


wn you pray with us about several of our need^'s: We need a way to get nore literature printed in Spanish. We have met several times to pray together

as a "*for a printing press. Also the men's prison doors are still
closed to us. Thank you so much for your prayers...and for your financial

support. Please pray with us that we will continue to be good stewards of it. Wbuid love to hear from you individually about what God is doing vrithin
you and your church.

Praise with us just now for the vronderful way Jesus' love is so freely given to us and for the strength that only God can give through HLs Power! YAHOO! Thank you lord Jesus for this day and for these people
^o love us and pray for us.
Jesus' love is for You,

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