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Single Earthed Neutral and Multi Earthed Neutral.

September 6, 2011 by Jignesh.Parmar 1 Comment 1 Vote

Single Earthed Neutral and Multi Earthed Neutral:

In Distribution System Three Phase loa is unbalan!e an non linear so The "eutral plays an important role in Distribution system. #enerally, istribution net$or%s are operate in an unbalan!e !on&iguration an also ser'i!e to !onsumers. This !auses !urrent &lo$ing through neutral !on u!tor an 'oltage ropping on neutral $ire. The unbalan!e loa an e(!essi'e !urrent in neutral $ire is one o& the issues in three phase &our)$ire istribution systems that !auses 'oltage rop through neutral $ire an ma%es tribulations &or !ostumers. The e(isten!e o& "eutral earth Voltage ma%es unbalan!e in three phase 'oltages &or three phase !ustomers an re u!tion o& phase to neutral 'oltage &or single phase !ustomers. *+,TI)#-.+"D/D three)phase &our)$ire ser'i!e is $i ely a opte in mo ern po$er istribution systems ue to ha'ing lo$er installation !osts an higher sensiti'ity o& &ault prote!tion than three)phase three)$ire ser'i!e. The neutrals play an important role in po$er 0uality an sa&ety problems. The multi groun e neutral system is the pre ominant ele!tri!al istribution system use in the +nite States. It allo$ an un!ontrolle amount o& ele!tri! !urrent to &lo$ o'er the earth unrestraine , posing the potential o& harm to the publi! an to animals !ausing ele!tri! sho!%s an is presume responsible &or un ete!te ele!tro!utions. The prote!ti'e groun ing use in lo$ 'oltage,600)'olt an belo$, appli!ations $ill be es!ribe an use to e(plain the ha1ar s in'ol'e $ith the present ay multi groun e neutral istribution System, use in the +nite States. This $ill allo$ the rea er to see the parallels bet$een the sa&e lo$ 'oltage istribution system an the angerous me ium 'oltage multi groun e neutral istribution system. The reasons &or the e'elopment o& the three phase, &our)$ire, multi)groun e systems in'ol'e a !ombination o& sa&ety an e!onomi! !onsi erations. The three) phase, &our)$ire multi)groun e esign has been su!!ess&ully use &or many years an is $ell o!umente in the stan ar s in!lu ing the "ational /le!tri!al Co e 2"/C3. It is Cru!ial e!isions to a opt *ulti #roun e "eutral System 4sa'e money5 by the a option o& the multi groun e neutral ele!tri!al istribution system in the !ost o& the publi!6s sa&ety.

Multi Grounded Neutral System (MEN):

2 7 21

8ig sho$s the multi)groun e neutral systems !ommonly use by the ele!tri! utilities in "orth 9meri!a. The neutral groun ing rea!tor is use by some utilities to re u!e the a'ailable groun &ault !urrent $hile at the same time still maintaining an e&&e!ti'ely groun e system. The multiple earthe neutral 2*/"3 system o& earthing is one in $hi!h the lo$ 'oltage neutral !on u!tor is use as the lo$ resistan!e return path &or &ault !urrents an $here its potential rise is %ept lo$ by ha'ing it !onne!te to earth at a number o& lo!ations along its length. The neutral !on u!tor is !onne!te to earth at the istribution trans&ormer, at ea!h !onsumer6s installation an at spe!i&ie poles or un ergroun pillars. The resistan!e bet$een the neutral !on u!tor o& the istribution system an the earth must not e(!ee 10 ohms at any lo!ation. NEC Article 250 art ! Grounding o" Systems and Circuits # $% and &'er ((igh %oltage) 293 *ultiple #roun ing: The neutral o& a soli ly groun e neutral system shall be permitte to be groun e at more than one point. 2;3 *ulti)groun e "eutral Con u!tor: #roun ea!h trans&ormer, #roun at <00 m inter'als or less, #roun shiel e !ables $here e(pose to personnel !onta!t.

Single Grounded Neutral:

8ig Sho$ Single #roun e "eutral =hi!h is i&&erent &rom *ulti #roun e System .8igure sho$s the neutral also !onne!te to earth, but the neutral !on u!tor is e(ten e along $ith the phase !on u!tors. The !on&iguration sho$n in &igure allo$s ele!tri!al loa s, trans&ormers to be pla!e bet$een any o& the three phase !on u!tors, phase)to)phase an 7or phase)to)neutral. This !onne!tion, phase to neutral $ill &or!e ele!tri! !urrent to &lo$ o'er the neutral ba!% to the trans&ormer. So &ar, this ele!tri!al !onne!tion is a!!eptable, as long as the neutral is insulate or treate as being potentially energi1e , but mo i&i!ations $ill be ma e in the &uture that $ill negate sa&ety &or the publi! an animals. The groun !onne!tion $oul typi!ally be lo!ate in the istribution substation. This may appear insigni&i!ant, but the i&&eren!es are signi&i!ant

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Ad'antages o" Multi)le Grounded Neutral Systems:

213 .ptimi1e the Si1e o& Surge 9rrestor:

Surge arresters are applie to a po$er system base on the line)to)groun 'oltage un er normal !on ition an abnormal !on itions. +n er groun )&ault !on itions, the line)to)groun 'oltage !an in!rease up to 1.>? per unit on the t$o, un &aulte . 9ppli!ation o& surge arresters on a po$er system is epen ent on the e&&e!ti'eness o& the system groun ing. The o'er 'oltage !on ition that !an o!!ur uring a groun &ault !an be minimi1e by %eeping the 1ero se0uen!e impe an!e lo$. There&ore, optimi1ation in si1ing the surge arresters on the system is epen ent on the system groun ing. 9n e&&e!ti'ely groun e po$er system allo$s the use o& a lo$er rate surge arrester. The lo$er rate surge arrester pro'i es better surge prote!tion at a lo$er !ost. 9n e&&e!ti'ely groun e system !an only be a!!omplishe using a properly si1e , multi) groun e system neutral. =ith Single #roun e "eutral System re0uire the use o& &ull line)to)line 'oltage rate arresters. This in!reases the !ost o& the surge arresters $hile at the same time re u!es the prote!tion pro'i e by the surge arrester. In a ition, i& the &ourth $ire neutral is not multi groun e , it $oul be goo pra!ti!e to pla!e surge arresters at appropriate lo!ations on that !on u!tor.

223 The 1ero se0uen!e impe an!e is lo$er &or a multi groun e system than the single point groun e neutral system. 2?3 8ree1ing an ar!ti! !on itions ha'e an a 'erse impa!t on the 1ero se0uen!e impe an!e. 9 multi)groun e system neutral $ill still lo$er the 1ero se0uen!e impe an!e o'er a single point groun . In &a!t, $ithout the multi)groun e system, it is more probable that insu&&i!ient &ault !urrent $ill &lo$ to properly operate the groun &ault prote!tion. 2<3 Cost o& /0uipment &or the multi)groun e system is lo$er. 2@3 Sa&ety Con!erns on Cable Shiel s.

*e ium 'oltage an high 'oltage !ables typi!ally ha'e !able shiel s 2"/C re0uirement abo'e @ %V3 that nee to be groun e . There are se'eral reasons &or this shiel : o To !on&ine ele!tri! &iel s $ithin the !able o To obtain uni&orm ra ial istribution o& the ele!tri! &iel o To prote!t against in u!e 'oltages o To re u!e the ha1ar o& sho!% I& the shiel is not groun e , the sho!% ha1ar !an be in!rease . =ith the shiel groun e at one point, in u!e 'oltage on the shiel !an be signi&i!ant an !reate a sho!% ha1ar . There&ore, it is !ommon pra!ti!e to apply multiple groun s on the shiel to %eep the 'oltage limite to 2@ 'olts. This pra!ti!e o& multi groun ing !able shiel s in!lu es the groun ing o& !on!entri! neutrals on po$er !ables thereby e(ten ing the nee &or multi groun ing o& neutrals on the po$er system.

*isad'antages o" Multi)le Neutral Grounding:

< 7 21 213 ,ess /le!tri!al Sa&ety in Publi! an Pri'ate Property.

=ith a multi groun e neutral istribution system it is ne!essary to ha'e an ele!tri!al !onne!tion to earth at least < times per mile to %eep the 'oltage on the multi groun e neutral &rom e(!ee ing appro(imately 2@ 'olts ma%ing it sa&e &or the linemen shoul they !ome into !onta!t $ith the neutral an the earth. 9s per "/SC -ule 0A6 C in the se!tion $ith the multi groun e neutral !on u!tor !onne!te to earth at least < times per mile an at ea!h trans&ormer an lightning arrester there are no$ multiple paths o'er an through the earth that the ha1ar ous ele!tri! !urrent !an &lo$ o'er !ontinuously, un!ontrolle . The path that this !urrent &lo$ ta%es through the earth !annot be etermine . =e !annot put an isotope on ea!h ele!tron an tra!e its path as it &lo$s un!ontrolle through the earth. It is irresponsible to permit stray un!ontrolle ele!tri! !urrent to &lo$ into an o'er pri'ate property. The "ational /le!tri!al Co e 2"/C3 re0uires the neutral in the ser'i!e is!onne!t an o'er !urrent panel boar to be !onne!te to the earth also. "o$ the se!on ary neutral is !onne!te to earth a se!on time. 9 parallel !onne!tion o& the neutral to earth no$ e(ists permitting ha1ar ous ele!tri! !urrent to &lo$ !ontinuously un!ontrolle o'er the earth.

223 /arth 8ault Prote!tion -elay setting is !ompli!ate .

Ad'antages o" Single Grounded Neutral System:

213 *ore -eliable an Sa&e System. 223 Prote!tion -elay Setting is more easy in Single #roun e "eutral:

Prote!ti'e relays nee to sense abnormal !on itions, espe!ially those in'ol'ing a groun &ault. The single point groun e system, $ith or $ithout a neutral !on u!tor, !urrent &lo$ing into the groun shoul be !onsi ere abnormal 2e(!lu ing normal !harging !urrent3. 8or sensing o& groun &aults are:

9 !urrent trans&ormer in the lo!ation $here the neutral is groun e !an be use to sense the groun &ault 21ero se0uen!e3 !urrent. 9 1ero se0uen!e CT en!losing the three phase an neutral !on u!tors.

@ 7 21

8our CT resi ue !ir!uit 2Three CT resi ual $ith neutral CT !an!ellation3. Prote!ting against groun &aults on a multi)groun e neutral system is more i&&i!ult than the single point groun e system sin!e both neutral an groun &ault !urrents must be !onsi ere . "eutral !urrent an li%e$ise groun &ault !urrent !an &lo$ in both the neutral an the groun . So, =e ha'e must !al!ulate both !urrent as the amount o& neutral !urrent $hi!h may &lo$ in the !ir!uit, an the groun &ault setting must be abo'e this neutral !urrent. This is sel& e(planatory &rom 8ig.

2?3 Sensing o& #roun 8ault !urrent :

=hile the sensing o& the groun &ault !urrent in the single point groun e system is less !omple( than the multi groun e system, the amount o& groun &ault !urrent on the single)point groun e system may be greatly limite ue to the &a!t that all groun &ault !urrent must return through the earth. This is espe!ially true $here the earth resisti'ity is high, the soil is &ro1en or the soil is e(tremely ry.

+e"erence: John P. "elson 8ello$, I/// 9"SI7I/// St 1<2)1AA1 =estinghouse /le!tri! Corporation, /le!tri!al Transmission an Distribution -e&eren!e ;oo% "8P9 >0. Je&&ery ,eib, Train)Car Crashes on the -ise,Den'er Post "e$spaper, "o'ember >, 2002 -.T. ;e!% an ,u%e Bu, Design Consi erations &or #roun ing Systems. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 8ile un er +n!ategori1e

,y)e o" Electrical o-er *istri.ution systems

September @, 2011 by Jignesh.Parmar ,ea'e a Comment -ate This

6 7 21 ,y)e o" Electrical o-er *istri.ution Systems:

/le!tri!al po$er is istribution either three $ires or 8our $ires 2? $ire &or phases an 1 $ire &or "eutral3. Voltage bet$een Phase to Phase Calle ,ine Voltage an Voltage bet$een Phase an "eutral is Calle Phase Voltage. This 8orth $ire may or may not be istribute in Distribution System an Same $ay this neutral may or may not be earthe Depen ing o& this neutral !on ition 2/arthe )not /arthe )a!!ess)not a!!ess3 there are 'arious type o& earthing System. The neutral may be ire!tly !onne!te to earth or !onne!te through a resistor or a rea!tor. This system is !alle ire!tly earthe or /arthe System. =hen a !onne!tion has not been ma e bet$een the neutral point an earth, $e say that the neutral is unearthe . In a net$or%, the earthing system plays a 'ery important role. =hen an insulation &ault o!!urs or a phase is a!!i entally earthe , the 'alues ta%en by the &ault !urrents, the tou!h 'oltages an o'er 'oltages are !losely lin%e to the type o& neutral earthing !onne!tion. 9 ire!tly earthe neutral strongly limits o'er 'oltages but it !auses 'ery high &ault !urrents, here as an unearthe neutral limits &ault !urrents to 'ery lo$ 'alues but en!ourages the o!!urren!e o& high o'er 'oltages. In any installation, ser'i!e !ontinuity in the e'ent o& an insulation &ault is also ire!tly relate to the earthing system. 9n unearthe neutral permits ser'i!e !ontinuity uring an insulation &ault. Contrary to this, a ire!tly earthe neutral, or lo$ impe an!e) earthe neutral, !auses tripping as soon as the &irst insulation &ault o!!urs. The !hoi!e o& earthing system in both lo$ 'oltage an me ium 'oltage net$or%s epen s on the type o& installation as $ell as the type o& net$or%. It is also in&luen!e by the type o& loa s an ser'i!e !ontinuity re0uire . The *ain obDe!ti'es o& an earthing system are Pro'i e an alternati'e path &or the &ault !urrent to &lo$ so that it $ill not en anger the user, /nsure that all e(pose !on u!ti'e parts o not rea!h a angerous potential, *aintain the 'oltage at any part o& an ele!tri!al system at a %no$n 'alue an pre'ent o'er !urrent or e(!essi'e 'oltage on the applian!es or e0uipment. Di&&erent earthing systems are !apable o& !arrying i&&erent amounts o& o'er !urrent. Sin!e the amount o& o'er !urrent pro u!e in i&&erent types o& installation i&&ers &rom ea!h other, re0uire type o& earthing $ill also i&&er a!!or ing to the type o& installation. so in or er to ensure that the installation goes $ith the e(isting earthing system or else to o any mo i&i!ation a!!or ingly, $e nee to ha'e a proper i ea o& the present earthing system. It $oul enhan!e the sa&ety as $ell as the reliability 9s per I/C 60?6<)? There are three types o& systems:

213 +nearthe System:

IT System.

223 /arthe System:

TT T" 2T")S, T")C, T")C)S3. The &irst letter e&ines the neutral point in relation to earth:

1. T C ire!tly earthe neutral 2&rom the 8ren!h $or Terre3 2. I Cunearthe or high impe an!e)earthe neutral 2e.g. 2,000 E3

> 7 21

The se!on letter e&ines the e(pose !on u!ti'e parts o& the ele!tri!al installation in relation to earth:

1. T C ire!tly earthe e(pose !on u!ti'e parts 2. " Ce(pose !on u!ti'e parts ire!tly !onne!te to the neutral !on u!tor

/nearthed System:
(#) 0, system unearthed ((igh 0m)edance earthed neutral)

8irst ,etter IC the neutral is unearthe at Trans&ormer or #enerator si e. Se!on ,etter TC 8rame parts o& the loa s are inter!onne!te an earthe at ,oa Si e

It is !ompulsory to install an o'er 'oltage limiter bet$een the *V7,V trans&ormer neutral point an earth. I& the neutral is not a!!essible, the o'er'oltage limiter is installe bet$een a phase an earth. It runs o&& e(ternal o'er 'oltages, transmitte by the trans&ormer, to the earth an prote!ts the lo$ 'oltage net$or% &rom a 'oltage in!rease ue to &lasho'er bet$een the trans&ormer6s me ium 'oltage an lo$ 'oltage $in ings.

Ad'antages: 1. System pro'i ing the best ser'i!e !ontinuity uring use. 2. =hen an insulation &ault o!!urs, the short)!ir!uit !urrent is 'ery lo$. ?. Figher operational sa&ety only a !apa!iti'e !urrent &lo$s, $hi!h is !ause by the system lea%age !apa!itan!e i& an earth &ault o!!urs. <. ;etter a!!i ent pre'ention the &ault !urrent is limite by the bo y impe an!e, earthing resistan!e an the high impe an!e o& the earth &ault loop. *isad'antages: 1. -e0uires presen!e o& maintenan!e personnel to monitor an lo!ate the &irst &ault uring use. 2. -e0uires a goo le'el o& net$or% insulation 2Figh lea%age !urrent must be supplie by insulating trans&ormers3. ?. .'er'oltage limiters must be installe . <. -e0uires all the installation6s e(pose !on u!ti'e parts to be Same Voltage le'el. I& this is not possible -CDs must be installe .

G 7 21 @. ,o!ating &aults is i&&i!ult in $i esprea net$or%s. 6. =hen an insulation &ault $ith re&eren!e to the earth o!!urs, the 'oltage o& the t$o healthy phases in relation to the earth ta%e on the 'alue o& the phase)to)phase 'oltage So $hen Sele!t Si1e o& e0uipments it is nee to higher insulation le'el o& the /0uipments. >. The ris% o& high internal o'er 'oltages ma%ing it a 'isable to rein&or!e the e0uipment insulation. G. The !ompulsory insulation monitoring, $ith 'isual an au ible in i!ation o& the &irst &ault i& tripping is not triggere until the se!on &ault o!!urs. A. Prote!tion against ire!t an in ire!t !onta!t is not guarantee . 10. 10. Short)!ir!uit an earth &ault !urrents may !ause &ires an estroy parts o& the plant.

Earthed System:
(#) ,, system directly earthed neutral

8irst letter TCthe neutral is ire!tly earthe . Se!on letter TC the e(pose !on u!ti'e parts o& the loa s are inter!onne!te an earthe . The trans&ormer neutral is earthe H The &rames o& the ele!tri!al loa s are also !onne!te to an earth !onne!tion

System characteristics: 1. Figh earth &ault loop impe an!e 2. ,o$ earth &ault !urrent ?. +tility !ompany nee not to pro'i e earth &or !onsumer Ad'antages: 1. sa'e earth $ires 2. The big a 'antage o& the TT earthing system is the &a!t that it is !lear o& high an lo$ &re0uen!y noises that !ome through the neutral $ire &rom 'arious ele!tri!al e0uipment !onne!te to it. ?. TT has al$ays been pre&erable &or spe!ial appli!ations li%e tele!ommuni!ation sites that bene&it &rom the inter&eren!e)&ree earthing <. Does not ha'e the ris% o& a bro%en neutral. @. The simplest system to esign, implement, monitor an use. 6. /asily &in lo!ation o& &aults. >. +pon o!!urren!e o& an insulation &ault, the short)!ir!uit !urrent is small. G. -e u!es the ris% o& o'er 'oltages o!!urring. A. 9uthori1es the use o& e0uipment $ith a normal phase to earth insulating le'el.

A 7 21 *isad'antages: 1. 2. ?. <. @. 6. >. Figh eman o& /78 relays. In i'i ual earth system nee s higher in'estment. Figher tou!h 'oltage. In u!e Potential gra ient. S$it!hing upon o!!urren!e o& the &irst insulation &ault. +se o& an -CD on ea!h outgoing &ee er to obtain total sele!ti'ity. Spe!ial measures must be ta%en &or the loa s or parts o& the installation !ausing high lea%age !urrents uring normal operation in or er to a'oi spurious tripping 2&ee the loa s by insulating trans&ormers or use high threshol -CDs, !ompatible $ith the e(pose !on u!ti'e part earth resistan!e3. G. Very high &ault !urrents lea ing to ma(imum amage an isturban!e in tele!ommuni!ation net$or%s. A. The ris% &or personnel is high $hile the &ault lastsH the tou!h 'oltages $hi!h e'elop being high. 10. -e0uires the use o& i&&erential prote!tion e'i!es so that the &ault !learan!e time is not long. These systems are !ostly. (2),N System: Neutral1connected e2)osed conducti'e )art

8irst ,etter T C the neutral is ire!tly earthe at Trans&ormer. Se!on ,etter "Cthe 8rames o& /le!tri!al loa s are !onne!te to the neutral Con u!tor. There are t$o types o& T" systems, epen ing on $hether the neutral !on u!tor an /arth !on u!tor are !ombine or not:


In T"C System 2the thir letter CC!ombine "eutral an /arth Con u!tor3, the neutral an /arth !on u!tors are !ombine in a single !on u!tor an earthe at sour!e en . This Combine "eutral)/arth $ire is than istribute to ,oa si e. In This System /arthing !onne!tions must be e'enly pla!e along the length o& the "eutral)2/arth3 !on u!tor to a'oi potential rises in the e(pose !on u!ti'e parts at ,oa Si e i& a &ault o!!urs. This system must not be use &or !opper !ross)se!tions o& less than 10 mmI an aluminum !ross)se!tions o& less than 16 mmI, as $ell as o$nstream o& a T"S system 29s per I/C 60?6<)@3.

10 7 21

System Characteristics: 1. ,o$ earth &ault loop impe an!e. 2. Figh earth &ault !urrent. ?. *ore than one earth &ault loops. Ad'antages: 1. 2. ?. <. @. "o earth $ire re0uire H allo$ o& multi)point earth, ;etter earthing !ontinuity. "eutral ne'er ha'e &loat 'oltage. Impe an!e o& earth &ault loop !oul be pre i!te . The T"C system may be less !ostly upon installation 2elimination o& one s$it!hgear pole an one !on u!tor3.

*isad'antages: 1. I& not multi)point earthe , an the neutral earth bro%en, the e(pose metalli! part may ha'e &loat 'oltage. 2. Figh earth &ault le'el, ?. inter'ene the operation o& earth &ault prote!ti'e e'i!e. <. !urrent operate type e'i!e is not appropriate , 'oltage ete!te type !oul be employe . @. Thir an multiples o& thir harmoni!s !ir!ulate in the prote!ti'e !on u!tor 2T"C system3. 6. The &ire ris% is higher an , moreo'er, it !annot be use in pla!es presenting a &ire ris% 2T"C system3. (.),N1S:

In T")S system 2the thir letter SCSeparate "eutral an /arth Con u!tor3 neutral o& the sour!e o& energy is !onne!te $ith earth at one point only, generally near to the Sour!e. The neutral an /arth !on u!tors are separately istribute to loa . In This System /arthing !onne!tions must be e'enly pla!e along the length o& the "eutral)2/arth3 !on u!tor to a'oi potential rises in the e(pose !on u!ti'e parts at ,oa Si e i& a &ault o!!urs. This system must not be use upstream o& a T"C system.

11 7 21

System characteristic: 1. ,o$ earth &ault loop impe an!e 2. Figh earth &ault !urrent Ad'antages: 1. +se o& o'er !urrent prote!ti'e e'i!es to ensure prote!tion against in ire!t !onta!t. 2. /arth &ault prote!tion e'i!e operates &aster. ?. 9llo$ multi point earth, better earthing !ontinuityH minimi1e the use o& earth &ault relay be!ause o& lo$ earth &ault loop impe an!e. *isad'antages: 1. S$it!hing on o!!urren!e o& the &irst insulation &ault. 2. The T"C system in'ol'es the use o& &i(e an rigi trun%ings ?. -e0uires earthing !onne!tions to be e'enly pla!e in the installation so that the prote!ti'e !on u!tor remains at the same potential as the earth. <. 9 tripping !he!% on o!!urren!e o& the insulation &ault shoul be !arrie out, i& possible, $hen the net$or% is being esigne using !al!ulations, an must be per&orme uring !ommissioning using measurementsH this !he!% is the only guarantee that the system operates both on !ommissioning an uring operation, as $ell as a&ter any %in o& $or% on the net$or% 2mo i&i!ation, e(tension3. @. Passage o& the prote!ti'e !on u!tor in the same trun%ings as the li'e !on u!tors o& the !orrespon ing !ir!uits. 6. high earth &ault le'el un er earth &ault !on ition, >. lo$ po$er &a!tor 2high in u!tan!e o& long !able3 G. -e0uires e(tra e0ual potential bon ing. A. .n o!!urren!e o& an insulation &ault, the short)!ir!uit !urrent is high an may !ause amage to e0uipment or ele!tromagneti! isturban!e. (c),N1C1S System:

The "eutral an /arth $ires are !ombine $ithin the supply !able. Typi!ally this $ill be a !on!entri! !able, $ith the li'e as the !entral !ore, an a ring o& $ires aroun this &or the !ombine neutral an earth. 9t the property, the "eutral an /arth are separate , $ith the earth terminal usually being on the si e o& the !utout. Insi e the !utout, the li'e an neutral are lin%e . Throughout the supply net$or%, the !ombine earth7neutral !on u!tor is !onne!te to the groun in multiple pla!es, either burie un ergroun or at the poles &or o'erhea supplies.

12 7 21

This multiple earthing is $hy a T"CS supply is o&ten !alle P*/ 2Prote!ti'e *ultiple /arthing3.


Cost &or !ore !able is !heaper than a ? !ore . 9s the outer sheath is usually plasti!, there are no problems $ith !orrosion.


=hen the !ombine earth7neutral !on u!tor is bro%en. This results in a 'oltage appearing on the e(pose metal$or% in the !ustomer6s property, $hi!h !an be a sho!% ris%. This happens as the earth an neutral are !onne!te in the !utout, an there is no ire!t !onne!tion to the groun other than in the supply net$or%. In the e'ent o& a &ault, the !urrent &lo$ing in the !ustomer6s earthing !on u!tors !an be mu!h greater that &or a T"S system. It is also possible to get unusual !ir!ulating earth !urrents bet$een properties, parti!ularly $here some properties ha'e metal $ater pipes an others ha'e plasti!


Prote!tion o& /le!tri!al "et$or%)Christophe PrJ'J.

Su. Station A.stracts

Su. Station E3ui)ments and Sa"ety Clearance +ating o" 4ighting Arrestor:

Si1e o& ,.9 C #.5 ! hase to Earth %oltage &+


5#.5 ! system %oltage6#.782 5 0.9# ! highest System %oltage

4ighting Arrestor rotection +adius:

Prote!tion -a ius 2-p3 C S3rt (( ! (2*1():4(2*:4))

1? 7 21 FC 9!tual Feight o& ,.9 DC 20 meter, <0 meter or 60 meter ,C V K T 2TCDis!harge Time L VC 1m7ms3 Cree)age *istance:

1G mm to 22 mm 7MV &or *o erate Pollute 9ir. 2@ mm to ?? mm 7MV &or Fea'ily Pollute 9ir. In FVDC System The 'alue is ouble &rom abo'e 'alue.

4ighting Arrestor +ating: -ate Voltage 1?2%' 220%' <00%' Fighest Voltage ,.9 -ating 1<@%' 120%' To 1?2%' 2<@%' 1AG%' To 216%' <20%' ??6%'

4ocation o" 4ighting Arrestor: -ate Voltage *a( Distan!e &rom /0uipment 1?2%' ?@ meter To <@ meter 220%' Close To Trans&ormer <00%' Close To Trans&ormer Si;e o" Corona +ing: -ate Voltage ,ess than 1>0 MV 1>0MV To 2>@MV *ore than 2>@MV *ore than 2>@MV Si1e o& Corona -ing 160mm -ing Put on FV en ?@0mm -ing Put on FV en <@0mm -ing Put on FV en ?@0mm -ing Put on FV en

Ca)acity o" Su. Station as )er GE+C: Si1e o& S7S 66 MV 1?2 MV 220 MV <00 MV /le!tri!al ,oa G0 *V9 1@0 *V9 ?20 *V9 1000 *V9

<rea$ing 6 Short Circuit Ca)acity o" Su. Station: Si1e o& S7S 66 MV Short Cir!uit Current 2@ M9mp &or 1 or ? se!

1< 7 21 1?2 MV 220 MV <00 MV =ault Clear ,ime: Si1e o& S7S 66 MV 1?2 MV 220 MV <00 MV 8ault Clear Time ?00 mili Se! 160 mili Se! 120 mili Se! 100 mili Se! ?1.@ M9mp &or 1 or ? se! <0 M9mp &or 1 or ? se! <0 M9mp &or 1 or ? se!

Normal ,y)e o" Conductors: Voltage 11MV ??MV 1?2MV 220MV <00MV *ain ;us T$in 9CS- Nebra 9CS- Nebra 9CS- Nebra T$in 9CS- Nebra 171<.2 mm Dia 9lu Pipe 9u(iliary ;us 9CS- Nebra 9CS- Nebra 9CS- Panthers 9CS- Nebra T$in 9CS- *oose o" *isc 0nsulator: System 11MV ??MV 1?2MV 220MV 220MV 29nti 8og3 <00MV 29nti 8og3 Minimum Clearance: Voltage 2.2MV ??MV 1?2MV 220MV <00MV Phase to /arth =ire 2G!m ?G0!m 10>!m 1>G!m ?@0!m Phase to Phase ??!m <?!m 12!m 20.6!m <0!m Se!tion Clearan!e 2>.<@!m 2>.>!m 2@!m <2.G!m 6@!m "umber < < 10 1< 2 K 1@ 2 K 2@ Strength 2M"3 120M" 120M" 120M" >0M" 120M" 120M"

1@ 7 21 Ground Clearance: Voltage ??MV 66 MV 1?2 MV 220 MV <00 MV Conductor S)acing: ,ighting Fighest Impulse Voltage Voltage ,e'el 2M'p3 11MV 12%' >0 ??MV ?6%' 1>0 1?2 MV 1<@%' @@0 220 MV 2<@%' A@0 <00 MV <20%' 1<2@ Earthing +esistance %alue: Parti!ular Po$er Station /FT Sub Station ??MV Sub Station Double Pole Stru!ture To$er &oot -esistan!e Distribution Trans&ormer 220MV Sub Station <00MV Sub Station *a( /arthing -esistan!e 0.@E 1E 2E @E 10E @E 1E To 2E 0.@E *in Clearan!e #roun Sa&ety Clearan!e $or%ing Phase to Phase to Clearan!e /arth Phase 1>Gmm ?20mm 1?00mm 2100mm ?<00mm 22Amm ?20mm 1?00mm 2100mm <200mm ?>00mm ?>00mm <600mm @@00mm G000mm 2600mm 2G00mm ?>00mm <?00mm 6<00mm *eter ?.>meter 6.1meter 6.1meter >.0meter G.Gmeter

4osses in ## $' ,rans"ormer at 75c (As )er C<0 ): Trans&ormer ?.1@*V9 <*V9 @.?*V9 6.?*V9 "o ,oa ,oss2%$3 2.A ?.2 ?.A <.@ ,oa ,oss 2%$3 O Impe an!e 20 2> ?1 ?> 6.2@ >.1@ >.1@ >.1@

4osses in >> $' ,rans"ormer at 75c (As )er C<0 ): Trans&ormer "o ,oa ,oa ,oss 2%$3 O Impe an!e

16 7 21 ,oss2%$3 6 >.1 G.< A.> 1?

6.?*V9 G*V9 10*V9 12.@*V9 20*V9

<0 <G @> >0 102

G.?@ G.?@ G.?@ G.?@ 10.0

Standard +ating o" >>?% ,rans"ormer (As )er C<0 ): Trans&ormer 6.?*V9 G*V9 10*V9 12.@*V9 20*V9 MV 66MV711MV 66MV711MV 66MV711MV 66MV711MV 66MV711MV Type o& Cooling ."9" ."9" ."9" ."9" 7 ."98 ."9" 7 ."98

@ 0m)edance "or ,rans"ormer (As )er 0S 202>): ??MV Trans&ormer 66MV Trans&ormer *V9 OImpe an!e *V9 OImpe an!e 1*V9 @O 6.?*V9 G.?@O 1.6*V9 6.2@O G*V9 G.?@O ?.1@*V9 6.2@O 10*V9 G.?@O <*V9 >.1@O 12.@*V9 G.?@O @*V9 >.1@O 20*V9 10O 6.?*V9 >.1@O 16*V9 10O G*V9 G.?@O 2@*V9 10O 10*V9 G.?@O ?1.@*V9 12.@O

*V9 ,ess Than 1*V9 1*V9 To 2.@*V9 2.@*V9 To @*V9 @*V9 To >*V9 >*V9 To 12*V9 12*V9 To ?0*V9 *ore Than ?0*V9 <us <ar Materials: Des!ription

Oimpe an!e @O 6O >O GO AO 10O 12.@O

;us ;ar an Jumper *aterial

1> 7 21 11<.2 mm ia. 9luminium pipe 11<.2 mm ia. 9luminium <00 %V e0uipment inter!onne!tion pipe <00 %V o'erhea bus L roppers in all bays. T$in 9CS- *oose 220 %V *ain ;us Pua ruple 7 T$in 9CSNebra 7 T$in 99C Tarantulla 220 %V 9u(iliary ;us 9CS- Nebra T$in 9CS- Nebra 7 Single 220 %V e0uipment inter!onne!tion 9CS- Nebra 220 %V o'erhea bus L roppers in all bays. T$in 9CS- Nebra 7 Single 9CS- Nebra 1?2 %V *ain ;us 9CS- Nebra 1?2 %V 9u(iliary ;us 9CS- Panther 9CS- Nebra 7 9CS1?2 %V e0uipment inter!onne!tion Panther 1?2 %V o'erhea bus L roppers in all bays. 9CS- Panther ?? %V *ain ;us 9CS- Nebra ?? %V 9u(iliary ;us 9CS- Nebra ?? %V e0uipment inter!onne!tion, o'erhea bus an roppers: 2i3 ;us !oupler L trans&ormer bay 9CS- Nebra 2ii3 8ee er bay. 9CS- Panther 11 %V *ain ;us T$in 9CS- Nebra 11 %V 9u(iliary ;us 9CS- Nebra 11 %V e0uipment inter!onne!tion, o'erhea bus an roppers: T$in 9CS- Nebra 7 Single 2i3 Trans&ormer bay 9CS- Nebra 2ii3 ;us !oupler 9CS- Nebra <00 %V *ain ;us

4o- %oltage and (igh %oltage Ca.le ,esting

4o- %oltage and (igh %oltage Ca.le ,esting 4&A %&4,AGE !4 E *0S,+0</,0&N CA<4ES: 0nsulation +esistance:

1G 7 21

Cables shall be teste &or insulation resistan!e $ith an insulation tester 2i.e. *egger3 at 1000 Volts &or 1 minute. The minimum insulation resistan!e to earth or bet$een phases shall be 100 meg)ohms. The instrument use &or this measurement shall ha'e a minimum resolution o& 10 meg)ohms on the 0 to @00 meg)ohm range. 9t the !on!lusion o& ,V insulation resistan!e testing, the neutrals must be !onne!te to the earth sta%es.

hasing ,est:

The !orre!t phasing o& all ,V !ir!uits shall be !he!%e at all positions $here the ,V !ables are terminate into &use bases an $here any ,V !able is run &rom point to point. This test shall be per&orme $ith an instrument esigne &or the purpose. *ains &re0uen!y 'oltage o& 2<0 Volts is not a!!eptable &or this test. The neutral !on u!tor shall be !onne!te to the earth sta%e &or this test.

Continuity ,est (resistance o" .olted connections):

8or loop ,V systems, a !ontinuity test shall be !arrie out on ea!h ,V !ir!uit to ensure that all bolte !onne!tions are !omplete an a e0uate. The test shall be !arrie out as &ollo$s: 213 9t the trans&ormer &irmly bon all < !on u!tors together 223 +n erta%e a !ontinuity test at e'ery point $here there is a ser'i!e pro'ision or open point. In a &use ser'i!e pillar the bottom ro$ o& &uses bases must be the point at $hi!h the test is un erta%en as that is the &urthest e(tent o& the net$or%. The i&&eren!e bet$een the rea ings o& ea!h phase !on u!tor an the neutral &or ea!h in i'i ual test shall not be greater than 10O o& ea!h other. 9ny i&&eren!e greater than this may in i!ate a loose or irty !onne!tion an $ill re0uire &urther in'estigation. The instrument use &or this measurement shoul ha'e a resolution to the se!on e!imal point in the 0 to @ ohm range. 9 typi!al instrument $oul be the earth 4*egger5 type an ta%ing into a!!ount the resistan!e 'alues o& the test lea s.

Earth +esistance ,est:

In any o'erhea or un ergroun net$or% the earth resistan!e at any point along the length o& a ,V &ee er is to ha'e a ma(imum resistan!e o& 10 ohms prior to !onne!tion to the e(isting net$or%. In any o'erhea or un ergroun net$or% the o'erall resistan!e to earth Shall be less than 1 ohm prior to !onne!tion to the e(isting net$or%.

## ?% AN* 88 ?% !4 E CA<4ES CA<4E: hasing ,est

The !orre!t phasing o& all FV !ir!uits shall be !he!%e at all positions $here the FV !ables ha'e been terminate . This test shall be per&orme $ith an instrument esigne &or the purpose. 2<0 Volt mains &re0uen!y is not a!!eptable &or the per&orman!e o& this test. The test may be !on u!te on either the $ire s!reens or the aluminum !on u!tors. =here the test is per&orme on the $ire s!reens, they shall be is!onne!te &rom earth.

1A 7 21 &uter Sheath 0nsulation +esistance (Screen -ire test)

The purpose o& the test is to etermine soun ness o& the outer polyethylene sheath against $ater ingress, me!hani!al amage an termite atta!%. Values belo$ 0.@ meg)ohms 2@00 %E3 !an in i!ate sheath amage. Values bet$een 1.0 an 10 meg)ohms may not in i!ate amage in a single lo!ation. 8ault &in ing !an o&ten be 'ery i&&i!ult. In ne$ !ables, 'alues o& greater than 100 mega ohms are re0uire . The integrity o& the outer sheath shall be !he!%e a&ter !ables ha'e been burie by an insulation tester 2*egger3 at 1000 Volts. The test shall be !on u!te &or 1 minute bet$een ea!h $ire s!reen an earth a&ter the !able has been Dointe an terminations installe . 8or !ables a&ter repairs, the resistan!e must not be less than 10 meg)ohms. =here FV !able !ir!uits are !ut an Doine to ne$ !ir!uits, sheath testing must be !arrie out on the e(isting ol !ir!uit prior to Doining to the ne$ !able.

(% test on !4 E ca.les already in ser'ice or )re'iously energi;ed E2ce)t "or Ne- Ca.lesB ,esting at %oltage greater than 5.0?% is not )ermitted

Stu ies !arrie out on DC high 'oltage testing o& K,P/ !ables no$ !on!lu e thatH DC testing abo'e @%V o& &iel age K,P/ !ables generally in!reases $ater tree gro$th an re u!es ser'i!e li&e. @%V is not !onsi ere a 4Figh Voltage DC Test5. The test 'oltages &or tests on K,P/ !ables is no$ limite to @%V a&ter in ser'i!e repairs an 10%V &or ne$ installations. 9 @%V *egger is suitable &or a @%V test on !ables a&ter repairs. The !hanges to this se!tion $ill also ma%e it possible &or a repaire !able to be teste by repair !re$s an ma e a'ailable &or imme iate return to ser'i!e.

9ppli!ation Test Voltage Criteria 9&ter repairs Q Sheath 1%V *egger 1 minute 10 meg)ohms min. 9&ter repairs Q Insulation @%V *egger 1 minute 1000 meg)ohms min. 9&ter repairs Q Insulation @%V DC 1 minute @.0 R9 2mi!ro)amps3 ma(.

(% test on ne- !4 E ca.le:

Prior to the per&orman!e o& this test, the s!reen $ires must be !onne!te to the permanent earth position. The !able shall be teste at the test 'oltage an the pass !riteria shall be in a!!or an!e $ith the &ollo$ing table:

9ppli!ation Test Voltage Criteria "e$ !ables Q Sheath 1%V *egger 1 minute 100 meg)ohms min. "e$ !ables Q Insulation 10%V DC 1@ minute 1.0 R9 2mi!ro)amps3 ma(

20 7 21 "e$ !ables Q Insulation 10%V DC 1@ minute 1000 meg)ohms min.

I& &urther repair $or%s are un erta%en, an they re0uire a itional Doints to be installe , the !omplete FV testing pro!e ure shall be repeate .

Alternati'e (% ,est +e3uirement on 0nsulation "or ##$% Ca.les

=here it is not pra!ti!al to !on u!t a high 'oltage test, the test re0uirements &or insulation 2!ore to s!reen $ire3 may be limite to testing &or the !on ition o& 4sa&e to energi1e5. The &ollo$ing list o& !ir!umstan!es an !on itions must be met as a minimum re0uirement: The !able !ir!uit 'oltage shall be 11%V, The !ir!uit outage uration shall be not more than <G hours, The $or% shall in'ol'e e(ten ing or repairs to e(isting !ir!uits, The insulation test shall be applie &or 1 minute bet$een ea!h phase !ore an s!reen $ith a 1000 Volt minimum insulation tester 2*egger3, Typi!ally the test result shoul be in the or er o& 1000 meg)ohms.

A E+ 0NS/4A,E* CA<4ES ,ests on 4% Ca.les

9n insulation resistan!e test shall be !on u!te $ith a 1000 Volt megger. Test results as lo$ as 10 meg)ohms on ol !able !ir!uits are !ommon an there&ore !onsi ere sa&e to energies.

,est on ##$% and 88$% Ca.les .et-een Cores and Earth

8or three !ore belte !ables, the test on any !ore shall be !on u!te bet$een the !ore an lea sheath $ith the remaining t$o !ores !onne!te to earth. The test 'oltages an pass !riteria shall be in a!!or an!e $ith the table belo$.

9ppli!ation 11%V ne$ !ables 11%V a&ter repairs ??%V Q no T86s !onne!te ??%V Q $ith T86s !onne!te

Test Voltage @%V *egger 1 minute @%V *egger 1 minute @%V *egger 1 minute @%V *egger 1 minute

Criteria 100 meg)ohms. 100 meg)ohms. 1000 meg)ohms. 1@ meg)ohms.

>>$% !4 E CA<4ES Core to Sheath ,est a"ter +e)airs:

21 7 21

9&ter repairs ha'e been !arrie out, the 66%V K,P/ !able shall be energi1e at po$er &re0uen!y &or 2< hours $ithout loa . DC testing is not permitte . The !able sheath lin% bo(7!ross bon ing system shall be put into its normal !on ition.

&uter Sheath 0ntegrity ,est:

9n insulation resistan!e test bet$een the metalli! sheath an earth shall be !on u!te . The anti)termite barrier must be !onne!te to the metalli! sheath an the insulation test per&orme to earth. The test 'oltage applie &or 1 minute shall be @%V DC applie $ith either a high 'oltage test set or insulation resistan!e tester 2*egger3.

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