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Academy of Management Executive. 1999, Vol. 13, No.

Reinforce for performance: The

need to go beyond pay and
even rewards
Fred Luthans and Alexander D. Stajkovic

Executive Overview
Perhaps the most talked about, if not actually implemented, practical solution for
making human resources more productive is pay for performance. Yet many researchers
and practitioners doubt the true effectiveness of this approach. To help solve this
controversy, we suggest drawing from reinforcement theory and behavioral management.
This approach can be used to explain the simple statements: You get what you reinforce,
but you do not necessarily get what you pay for. We first critically review the traditional
pay for performance practices and address the question of whether rewards, not
reinforcers, do more harm than good. Next, we discuss the theoretical foundation that you
get what you reinforce. Finally, we outline the behavioral management steps of
organizational behavior modification (O.B. Mod.}. When O.B. Mod. has been
systematically applied over the years using both monetary and nonmonetary reinforcers.
our recent meta-analysis found that performance on average increased 17 percent. The
contingencies and practical implications of this behavioral management approach that
advocates reinforce for performance instead of pay or even reward for performance are

Management practitioners, professors, and stu- and the Union Pacific Railroad, which experienced
dents identify two major issues going into the 21st a severe decline in performance and safety.
century: globalization and information technology. This is not to say that people are the answer to
As an afterthought, most will also cite the impor- everything, nor that areas such as information
tance of people in gaining competitive advantage. technology are not important. There is little ques-
While considerable deserved attention is being tion that IT can lead to improvements not only in
given to developing global strategies and informa- productivity, but in such areas as better customer
tion systems, the human side of enterprises still service. For instance, the use of hand-held comput-
tends to be slighted or given a low priority. As ers by Hertz and Avis lot attendants eliminated
Pfeffer notes in his recent book. The Human Equa- lines at check-in and return counters. It can also
tion: "Rather than putting their people first, numer- result in cost savings such as software that allows
ous firms have sought solutions to competitive customers direct access through the Internet to find
challenges in places and means that have not the status of packages. This procedure saved
been very productive—downsizing and outsourc- FedEx an estimated $16 million in its first year.
ing in a futile attempt to shrink or transact their The development and innovative application of
way to profit, and doing myriad other things that IT, however, may not be sufficient in sustaining
weaken or destroy their organizational culture in competitive advantage. As Bill Gates argued in
efforts to minimize labor costs—even as they re- reaction to the Justice Department's antitrust case
peatedly proclaim, 'people are our most important against Microsoft, little of today's technology is
assets'."^ Some recent widely publicized debacles proprietary.^ Technology is easily obtained and
that depict what Pfeffer is talking about include replicated and only levels the playing field. An
such well-known firms as Boeing Aircraft, which organization's valued human assets cannot be
was caught shorthanded in filling customer orders. copied. As one executive put it: "Machines do not
50 Academy oi Management Executive May

make things, people do."^ Rapidly advancing tech- based on survey data, anecdotal testimonials, and
nology makes human resources even more critical one-time company cases. "^ This has resulted in
to organizational success. Similarly, the general mixed and even confusing guidelines of how,
manager of Boise Cascade observed: "Capital and where, and even if, to use pay for performance to
machinery make it possible, people make it hap- improve employee performance.
For sustainable competitive advantage going
into the 21st century, human resources are still the Traditional Approach
major force for creating distinctive core competen- Incentive pay approaches can be traced to Taylor's
cies.^ As the CEO of Chrysler (now Daimler-Chrys- scientific management at the beginning of the cen-
ler) succinctly stated: "The only way we can beat tury. Traditionally, these pay-for-performance
the competition is with people."^ The real chal- plans have been associated with piece-rate sys-
lenge is to find ways to manage human resources tems for blue-collar factory workers, commissions
as effectively as possible in order to attain world- for salespeople, and merit pay or bonuses for su-
class performance. pervisors and managers.
Most organizations today use some type of re-
The Teal challenge is to find ways to ward system based on pay. For example, a recent
survey of Fortune 1000 firms found that a majority
manage human resources as effectively of organizations used monetary reward systems,
as possible in order to attain world-class and another survey reported that 80 percent of U.S.
performance. companies use some form of merit pay." Most re-
cently, with the recognition and use of work groups
and teams, gainsharing plans have become in-
The alternatives offered to enhance employee per- creasingly popular.
formance are not always discernable or easy to
implement. Finding out and replicating what
makes Southwest Airlines able to turn around 80 New Pay for Performance
percent of its flights in 15 minutes, while other
airlines on average need 45 minutes, can be a With the latest emergence of process-based, net-
difficult assignment, since at Southwest the man- work organizations and knowledge workers, a new^
agement of human assets is a very complex dy- pay-for-performance framework has emerged. Ed-
namic process7 This article offers a practical solu- ward Lawler, who is most closely associated with
tion for effective human resources management compensation and reward systems, cautions that
that is relatively easy to implement and has been "the new pay is not a set of compensation practices
proven to work. The approach we propose is based at all, but rather a way of thinking about the role of
on reinforcement theory and is systematically and reward systems in a complex organization."'^
simply applied through the steps of organizational Compensation experts Patricia Zingheim and Jay
behavior modification, or O.B. Mod.^ The effective- Schuster have identified several specific new pay-
ness of this behavioral management approach for-performance techniques:'^
was recently supported by our comprehensive
1. Commissions beyond sales to customers. As
analysis of 20 years of empirical evidence.^
with all the new pay plans, the commissions
The basis of the behavioral approach is that paid to sales personnel would be aligned with
employee behavior is a function of its contingent the organization's strategy and core competen-
consequences. Something that strengthens and cies. The commission may be determined by
leads to an increase in the frequency of a behavior customer satisfaction and/or sales team out-
is called a reinforcer, not a reward. Behaviors that comes such as meeting revenue or profit targets.
positively affect performance must be contingently 2. Rewarding leadership effectiveness. This newly
reinforced rather than indiscriminately rewarded. emerging technique is based on factors beyond
Pay is by far the most recognized reward in human the financial success of the organization. In par-
resource management, and pay for performance is ticular, it may include an employee satisfaction
closely equated with a reward system. or commitment measure to recognize a manag-
er's skills in handling people.
3. Rewarding new goals. This approach rewards
Pay lor Performance
ail relevant employees who contribute to such
With some exceptions, most of the evidence re- goals as customer satisfaction, cycle time, or
garding the effectiveness of pay for performance is quality measures.
1999 Luthans and Stajkovic 51

4. Pay for knowledge workers in teams. With the ings appear impressive, we still lack experimen-
increasing use of teams, pay under this ap- tally derived causal evidence that would indicate
proach is linked to the performance of knowl- more effective guidelines for application.
edge workers or professional employees who The new pay techniques have no direct empiri-
are organized into reengineering, product devel- cal research to date, and support for their perfor-
opment, interfunctional, or self-managed teams. mance depends on testimonies and anecdotal ev-
5. Skill pay. This technique recognizes the need for idence. Carol De La Cruz, vice president of human
flexibility and change by paying employees resource development for AT&T Credit, said ol her
based on their demonstrated skills rather than firm's new pay plan: "We expect to see significant
the jobs they perform. Although it is currently productivity gains in the organization in the years
used with procedural production or service to come."'^ A recent survey sampling Fortune 1000
skills, the challenge is to apply this concept to firms concluded: "Companies using reward inno-
the more varied, abstract skills needed in the vations tend to view them as successful."2°
new paradigm organizations, such as develop- Since the effectiveness of both traditional and new
ment of cross-cultural communication skills. pay-for-performance techniques has depended on
6. Competency pay. This approach rewards the such evidence, many questions remain about their
more abstract knowledge or competencies of application.
employees, such as those related to technology,
the international business context, customer
service, or social skills. Do Rewards Really Work?
An unconvinced few still support the position that
New pay goes beyond rewarding the number of rewards do more harm than good. Alfie Kohn, au-
products, services or sales revenues and profits. It thor of Punished by Rewards, declares that "any
puts monetary rewards on customer service, lead- incentive or pay-for-performance system tends to
ership, employee satisfaction, cycle time, quality, make people less enthusiastic about their work
teams, skills, and competencies. and therefore less likely to approach it with a com-
mitment to exceUence."^^ He unequivocally states:
"The bottom line is that any approach that offers a
New pay goes beyond rewarding the reward for better performance is destined to be
number of products, services or sales ineffective."^2 These statements are largely based
revenues and profits. It puts monetary on Kohn's own assumptions, and are in stark con-
rewards on customer service, leadership, trast to a large body of reinforcement theory that is
employee satisfaction, cycle time, backed by empirical research. In contrast, Albert
Bandura insightfully notes that "social scientists
quality, teams, skills, and competencies. who warn that high pay will ruin the interest and
motivation of . . . workers, rarely counsel low re-
ward of professional services and creative ef-
Evidence of the Effectiveness of Pay fort s."^^
for Performance Edward Deci and his colleagues conducted widely
Both traditional and new pay techniques have publicized laboratory experiments in the 1970s that
largely depended on testimonial evidence and found that rewards decreased subjects' intrinsic
questionnaire responses for evaluation.''* Although motivation, task interests, and creativity.^^ These
a few methodologically rigorous empirical studies controversial findings have generated considerable
on merit pay'^ and gainsharing'^ note the prob- follow-up research, with mixed results.^^
lems and complexities of pay for performance, the A comprehensive review of about 100 relevant
literature is still dominated by mostly glowing re- studies over the past two decades found a number
ports coming from survey information. A compre- that indicate that some rewards may have a detri-
hensive survey sponsored by the American Com- mental effect, and an equal number of studies that
pensation Association (ACA) placed a dollar value found no effect, or a positive effect.^^ Another re-
on the positive impact of pay for performance tech- view of 96 studies found that the only detrimental
niques. It found a 134 percent net return; i.e., for effect of rewards was the time spent carrying
every $1 of payout, a gain of $2.34 was attained.''^ A out laboratory activity following a performance-
recent survey of 400 British and 100 American firms independent or noncontingent reward.^^
found that those using pay for performance had on A recent review of studies accumulated over a
average over twice the shareholder returns of quarter of a century concluded that: (1) the detri-
those with low variable pay.^^ Although these find- mental effects of rewards occur under highly re-
52 Academy of Management Executive May

stricted, easily avoidable conditions; (2) mecha- designed to produce what it is producing. If it has
nisms of instrumental and classical conditioning quality problems, cost problems, productivity prob-
are basic for understanding incremental and det- lems, then the behaviors associated with those
rimental effects of reward on task motivation; and undesirable outcomes are being reinforced. This is
(3) positive effects of rewards on performance are not conjecture. This is the hard, cold reality of
easily attainable using procedures derived from human behavior."^^
behavioral theory.^^ A major challenge for today's management is to
recognize this behavioral reality. As Steven Kerr
pointed out in his classic article on "Rewarding A,
You Get What You Reinforce
While Hoping for B,"^^ reinforcers currently main-
Although cognitively-based arguments have been taining the dysfunctional behaviors must be elim-
used extensively to counter pay for performance, inated and the functional performance behaviors
reinforcement theory has not necessarily been must be reinforced. As we are suggesting, rein-
used to support it. Yet even such pioneers of the force, not necessarily reward or pay, for perfor-
cognitive approach to organizational behavior as mance.
Victor Vroom recognize that "without a doubt the In suggesting that you get what you reinforce
law of effect or principle of reinforcement must be and that managers should reinforce and not nec-
included among the most substantiated findings of essarily reward or pay for performance, we are
experimental psychology and is at the same time recognizing two major premises from reinforce-
among the most useful findings for an applied ment theory. The first is that a reinforcer is not
psychology concerned with control of human be- the same as a reward. A reward is something that
havior."^^ A brief review of reinforcement theory is perceived as valuable by the reward giver,
can serve as a useful point of departure for a be- whereas a reinforcer always increases the
havioral management approach to pay for perfor- strength and frequency of the desired functional,
mance. performance-related behaviors. Thus, not every re-
ward is a reinforcer, but every reinforcer is a re-
ward. Second, by reinforcing we mean systematic
Reinforcement Theory application of reinforcement theory are outlined in
Reinforcement theory had its beginnings in Pav- the procedures of the O.B. Mod. approach to behav-
lov's conditioning experiments and has evolved ioral management.
through Skinner's operant conditioning to Bandu-
ra's social learning and social cognitive theory.^°
Its basic premise, that human behavior is a func- The O.B. Mod. Approach
tion of contingent consequences, has survived The O.B. Mod. model, shown in Figure 1, represents
stormy debates over the past 30 years. As Bandura a problem-solving, analytical, and action-oriented
forcefully points out in his book on social cognitive approach to identifying and contingently manag-
theory: "If people acted . . . on the basis of informa- ing critical performance-related behaviors of par-
tive cues but remained unaffected by the results of ticipants in all types of organizations. It provides
their actions, they would be too insensible to sur- managers with a systematic, easy-to-apply behav-
vive very long."3' When this premise is applied to ioral management framework to identify, analyze,
the workplace, it yields the concept that you get and modify employees' behaviors for performance
what you reinforce. improvement. Most succinctly, the O.B. Mod. model
Today's organizations may have visionary strat- can be summarized by five one-word steps: iden-
egies, networks, team-based designs, and the lat- tify, measure, analyze, intervene, and evaluate.^
est advanced information technologies in place, The first step of the O.B. Mod. application model
but unless organizational participants are rein- is to identify critical observable performance-
forced for their performance-related behaviors, related behaviors. These behaviors must be ob-
these strategies, designs, and technologies may servable and performance-related. Since not every
have little impact. In fact, empirical evidence sup- behavior accounts for an equal portion of the vari-
porting reinforcement theory has long established ance in performance outcomes, the behaviors must
that the antecedent cues, such as strategies, de- be critical to the task in question. The guideline is
signs, technologies and even leadership styles, to identify the 20 percent of critical behaviors that
have the capability to direct employee behavior account for about 80 percent of the performance
only if reinforcing contingent consequences are outcome.
forthcoming. As one behavioral management con- The second step of the O.B. Mod. model is to
sultant points out: "A company is always perfectly measure the baseline frequencies of the critical
1999 Luthans and Stajkovic 53

- Observable
IDENTIFY - Measurable
f Behaviors for change - Task-related
- Critical to the task

- Direct observation /o
- Time sampling
Baseline frequency
- Archival data
of response - Historical data Time

ANALYZE Behavioral
Functional consequences contingencies

- Industry
f - Structure

- Processes
Develop Consider org. - Technology
intervention context

Apply - Positive reinforcement

intervention - Financial
- Non-financial
- Social
Measure - Combination
post-test irequency

- Continuous
Maintain the Schedules of - Intermittent
modification Reinforcemen! - Ratio
- Interval

For performance

O.B. Mod. Application Model

behaviors identified in step one. Although there such as quality or productivity. However, trained
are many ways to record frequency of the re- observers can also directly record behavioral fre-
sponse, the key is to reliably record frequencies of quencies. Baseline frequencies of the critical be-
occurrence. Because of their unobtrusiveness and haviors should be displayed in a graph when pos-
reliability, archival records tend to be a desirable sible, such as frequency over time.
source of data for measuring behavioral outcomes The next step of the O.B. Mod. model is to ana-
54 Academy oi Management Executive May

lyze the behavioral antecedents and contingent havioral change, performance improvement, sus-
consequences in the performance-related context. tained learning, and a positive affective reaction
This analysis attempts to answer two questions: on the part of the organizational participant. Al-
(1) What are the antecedents of the critical perfor- though determining the behavioral change, learn-
mance-related behavior identified and measured ing, and reaction are important for the overall
in the first two steps? and (2} What are the contin- evaluation of the O.B. Mod. approach, the most
gent consequences for desired behavioral re- important question is whether the intervention
sponses? Antecedents of the critical performance- strategy did indeed lead to performance improve-
related behavior must be identified in the ment in observable and measurable terms. Charts
functional analysis in order to determine what fac- of behavioral frequency are most frequently used
tors cue the behavior or set the occasion for the in behavior modification to evaluate the difference
behavior to be emitted. Examples of antecedents between baseline and treatment conditions. Quan-
include variables such as equipment, technologi- titative analysis, using appropriate statistical
cal processes, job design and/or performance tests, should also be used to quantitatively test for
training. If the antecedents are not present, the the effectiveness of the O.B. Mod. application.
employee cannot exhibit the behaviors. However,
the key to the whole approach is the contingent
consequences since the antecedents assume only Evidence of the Effectiveness of O.B. Mod.
stimulus control properties in the presence of rein- O.B. Mod., using a reinforce-for-performance
forcing contingent consequences. Thus, identifying premise, has been applied and researched over
the reinforcing contingent consequences of the the years in a wide variety of manufacturing, ser-
critical performance-related behaviors is the most vice, and not-for-profit organizations, and even
important process in this analysis step of the O.B. across cultures.^^ A recent meta-analysis of all the
Mod. model. empirical findings of the research on the O.B. Mod.
After the functional analysis, an intervention is model over the past 20 years examined two major
applied to increase the frequency of functional per- questions: (1) What was the average treatment ef-
formance behaviors or decelerate dysfunctional fect on task-performance across all examined stud-
behaviors. The intervention strategies involve con- ies? and (2} Did any variables systematically mod-
tingently administered positive reinforcers to ac- erate the relationship between reinforcement
celerate functional behaviors, and extinction—or, contingencies and performance?^^
as a last resort, punishment—of dysfunctional be- The study indicated an impressive 17 percent
haviors in order to decrease their frequency. The average improvement in performance. This in-
extinction and punishment interventions are al- crease represents a greater gain in performance
ways followed by positive reinforcers of the behav- improvement than, for example, those obtained
iors that are now moving in the functional direc- from meta-analysis of approaches such as goal
tion for performance improvement. setting.3'' The study also revealed that two vari-
The final step of the O.B. Mod. model is to test the ables—^type of organization and type of reinforce-
effectiveness of this behavioral approach to perfor- ment intervention—significantly moderated the re-
mance improvement. An empirical evaluation of lationship between the O.B. Mod. applications and
performance outcomes is conducted to determine task performance. Table 1 shows a brief summary
whether the intervention did, in fact, lead to be- of the meta-analytic results transformed into per-

Table 1
Percentage Performance Improvement in Manufacturing and Service Organizations According to
Different Types of O.B. Mod. Reinforcers
Perforniance Social Simultaneous Simultaneous Simultaneous
Type of Overall Monetary Feedback Atten/Recog. application of application of application of
Organization Eflect (I) (H) (in) I&U U&IU L U, & UI

Manufacturing 33% 39% 41% N/A N/A 41% 44%

Service 13% 14% 6% 15% 30% 30% 9%

Note 1. Overall effectiveness of O.B. Mod. in terms of performance improvement regardless of type of organization and reinforcer
is 17 percent. The results are drawn from the Stajkovic and Luthans meta-anaiysis cited in endnote 9.
Note 2, All percentages presented in this table are based on the value of the unbiased average effect size statistic (d.) (from Hedges
and Olkin's 1985 meta-analysis book) respectively for each category. All d. < .03 statistical significance.
1999 Luthans and Stajkovic 55

centages and classified according to type of organ- to work on time. They are contingently adminis-
ization and type of reinforcement intervention. tered to employee behaviors identified in the first
The meta-analysis found that the magnitude of step as critical to performance improvement.
the relationship between O.B. Mod. applications All three of these O.B. Mod. reinforcement inter-
and performance could be first distinguished de- ventions produced significant results. However,
pending on the type of organization. The average some of these effects were not statistically differ-
increase in performance—33 percent in manufac- ent from each other. For example, in manufactur-
turing and 13 percent in service organizations—is ing organizations, although the simultaneous ap-
important for practicing managers, since the ser- plication of monetary, performance feedback, and
vice sector has reached almost 80 percent of the social reinforcers produced the strongest effect on
U.S. economy and is still growing. The difference performance, the size of that effect was not statis-
in application effectiveness of O.B. Mod. between tically different from the effect produced by the
manufacturing and service organizations could be performance feedback alone. Also, the effect for
explained in two ways: (1) the definition and accu- monetary reinforcers was not statistically different
rate assessment of performance outcomes; and from the one for performance feedback.
(2) the nature of the employee behaviors and work Based on these findings, it does not appear cost-
processes involved in the delivery of performance effective for human resource managers to spend
outcomes. The first point refers to the difference extra time and financial resources to simulta-
between the definition and measurement of the neously apply monetary, performance feedback
more vague and complex service organization per- and social reinforcers, when non-financial rein-
formance outcomes (e.g., customer satisfaction, forcers alone produce the same results.
return business) versus tangible performance
outcomes (e.g., productivity and quality) in manu-
facturing organizations. The second point refers to Based on these findings, it does not
the difference between specifying service delivery
employee behaviors and processes and the em-
appear cost-effective for human resource
ployee behaviors and processes that go into mak- managers to spend extra time and
ing a tangible product. Service performance be- financial resources to simultaneously
haviors and outcomes are more complex and less apply monetary, performance feedback
identifiable than those found in manufacturing and social reinforcers. when non-
organizations. financial reinforcers alone produce the
The results in Table 1 indicate that different O.B. same results.
Mod. reinforcement interventions, including mon-
etary and non-financial such as performance feed-
back, and social recognition and attention, tend to Although pay has been found to be a reinforcer, not
produce different gains in performance both in just a reward, in the O.B. Mod. approach, other
manufacturing and service organizations. The O.B. reinforcers of performance feedback and social
Mod. performance feedback intervention involves recognition and attention appear to be as effective.
providing objective, usually graphed information Table 1 also indicates that service organizations
about the employee's performance behaviors. Ex- varied in performance while using the O,B, Mod.
amples are frequency of performing preventative interventions. Non-financial interventions, such as
maintenance, but most often data are obtained performance feedback, produced the weakest, but
from manufacturing archival productivity and still statistically significant, results in service or-
quality. This feedback contingently administered ganizations. However, when social reinforcers of
as an O.B. Mod. reinforcement intervention to em- attention and recognition are used in combination
ployee performance behaviors follows the guide- with performance feedback, and monetary and
line of being positive, immediate, graphic, and performance feedback reinforcers are applied to-
specific. The social reinforcers as an O.B. Mod. gether, these combinations produced the strongest
intervention involve trained supervisors and man- effects on task performance in service organiza-
agers providing verbal or written recognition (e.g., tions. To complicate matters further, the effects of
"I saw that you stayed past quitting time to finish monetary reinforcers were not statistically differ-
that important project I gave you at the last ent from those produced by social reinforcers. In
minute") and attention ("I noticed that you were service organizations, as in manufacturers, the
helping the new guy out when I passed your work same effects on performance can apparently be
station"). These social reinforcers do not praise or obtained by applying social reinforcers as by ap-
thank people for doing assigned duties or coming plying costly financial ones.
56 Academy of Management Executive May

When simultaneous application of monetary re- must again be emphasized: {1} pay can signifi-
inforcers, performance feedback, and social atten- cantly increase performance, yet (2) pay is not the
tion and recognition was statistically compared only, nor necessarily the best, reinforcer for perfor-
with simultaneous application of nonfinancial re- mance improvement. For example, a large firm
inforcers and social attention and recognition, the with two manufacturing facilities recently imple-
latter produced significantly stronger effects on mented the O.B. Mod. approach using monetary
performance. It appears that when monetary rein- incentives in one of the plants, and supervisors'
forcers are used in combination with feedback and feedback and social recognition and attention in
social attention and recognition, the costly rein- the other. Performance improved using all three
forcer may have actually diminished the effect of types of reinforcers—money, feedback, and social.
the whole intervention. In fact, performance im- In a service-sector application, bank supervisors
provement decreased from 30 to 9 percent. used contingently administered feedback and so-
cial recognition and attention reinforcers for teller
customer service behaviors. This included using
Conclusion the customer's name, providing a balance, and
As with any scientifically-based approach, sound making eye contact. These behaviors led to in-
theory and basic research provide the foundation creases in measured customer satisfaction. In this
and point of departure for more effective applica- same bank, the earlier use of monetary rewards
tion. Many areas of organizational behavior and had had no measurable effect on customer satis-
human resource management, most notably self- faction. The money turned out to be a reward, not a
efficacy^^ and goal setting, but also areas such as contingently administered reinforcer that strength-
job design, have followed and draw from theory ened teller customer service behaviors or produced
and research in order to make more effective ap- customer satisfaction. The feedback and social
plications. Pay for performance has not. Reinforce- recognition and attention contingently adminis-
ment theory, through the O.B. Mod. process imple- tered by the supervisors through the O.B. Mod.
mentation, now supported by the meta-analytic approach was indeed a reinforcer for the tellers
results of 20 years of research, can provide the because it had the intended effect of increasing
needed foundation and contingency guidelines for customer satisfaction.
more effective application of pay for performance. Based on the theory and research evidence put
Specifically, both the management literature forth in this article, we suggest that you may get
and real-world experience indicate that there may what you reward, but you do get what you rein-
be less than satisfactory results with the tradi- force. Thus, a more comprehensive and effective
tional pay-for-performance reward system. Rein- application guideline for performance improve-
forcement theory and meta-analytic research re- ment would be: Reinforce for performance. Pay for
sults indicate the problem may be in the way the performance may not always lead to performance
system has been applied and managed. Reinforce- improvement, but reinforcing for performance will
ment theory would say that pay may be a reward, always improve performance.
but not necessarily a reinforcer, and our meta-
analysis found that monetary, nonfinancial, social
and the combined reinforcers tend to yield differ-
ing impacts on performance. The implication for Endnotes
practice is that the feedback and social reinforcers ' Pteffer, J. 1998. The human equation: Building profits hy
may have as strong an impact on performance as putting people first. Boston: Harvard Business School Press:
pay. xv-xvi.
^ Gates, B. 1998. Compete, don't delete. The Economist. June
13: 19-21.
^ Pleffer, J. 1995. Competitive advantage through people: Un-
The implication for practice is that the leashing the power of the workforce. Boston: Harvard Business
School Press: 9.
feedback and social reinforcers may •* Pleiier, The human equation: 305.
have as strong an impact on performance ^ See: Cappelli, P., & Crocker-Hefter. A. 1996- Distinctive hu-
as pay. man resources are firms' core competencies. Organizational
Dynamics, Winter: 7-22.
^ This quote is found in Sherman, S. 1993. Are you as good as
Before concluding that pay is somehow not as the best in the world? Forfune, December 13: 96.
^ O'Brien, B. 1992. Southwest Airlines is a rare air carrier; It
important as it was thought to be, or, even worse, still makes money. The Wall Street Journal, October 26: Al.
reexperiencing the controversy initiated by Deci's ^Luthans. F., & Kreitner, R. 1975. Organizational behavior
research many years ago, two important points modification. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman; and Luthans, F., &
1999 Luthans and Stajkovic 57

Kreitner, R. 1985. OrganizafionaJ behavior modification and be- ^^ Eisenberger, R., & Cameron, J. 1996. Detrimental effects of
yond. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. reward: Reality or myth? American Psychologist, 51: 1157.
^ Stajkovic, A. D., & Luthans, F. 1997. A meta-cmalysis oi the ^^ Cameron, J., & Pierce, W. D. 1994. Reinforcement, reward
effects of organizational behavior modification on task perfor- and intrinsic motivation: A meta-analysis. fleview of Educa-
mance, 1975-95. Academy of Management /ournai, 40: 1122-1149. tional Research. 64: 363-423.
'"For example, see: Gupta, N., & Shaw, J. D. 1998. Let the ^^ Eisenberger & Cameron, op. cit.: 1153.
evidence speak: Financial incentives are effective. Compensa- ^^ Vroom, V. H. 1964. Work motivation. New York: Wiley: 13.
tion and Benefits Review. March/April: 27-32. ^^ See Skinner, B. F. 1953. Science and human behavior. New
" The results oJ the Torfune 1000 survey is reported in Led- York: Free Press; Bandura, A. 1969. Principles of behavior mod-
ford, G. E., Lawler, E. E., & Mohrman, S. A.. 1995. Reward inno- ification. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; Bandura, A.
vations in Fortune 1000 companies. Compensation and Benefits 1977. SociaJ /earning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall;
Review. July-August: 76-80. The merit pay percentage is re- Bandura, A. 1986. Socia] foundations of thought and action.- A
ported in Mitra, A., Gupta, N.. & Jenkins, G. D. 1995. The case of social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall;
the invisible merit raise: How people see their raises. Compen- Bandura, A. 1997. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New
sation and Benefits Review. May-June: 71. York: Freeman; and Stajkovic, A. D., & Luthans, F- 1998. Social
'^ Lawler, E. E. 1995. The new pay: A strategic approach, cognitive theory and seli-efficacy: Beyond traditional motiva-
Compensation and Benefits Review, July-August: 14. tional and behavioral approaches. Organizational Dynamics,
'^See: Zingheim, P. K., 8f Schuster, J. R. 1995. Introduction: Spring: 62-74.
How are the new pay tools being deployed? Compensad'on and ^' Bandura, Sociai foundations of (iiougftt and action: A social
Benefits Review, July*August: 10-11.
cognitive theory, op. ci(.: 228.
'* For example, see: Ledford, Lawler, & Mohrman, op. cit., and
^^ Daniels, A. C. 1995. Bringing out (he best in people. New
Imberman, W. 1996. Gainsharing: A lemon or lemonade? Busi-
York: McGraw-Hill: 27.
ness Horizons. January-February: 36-40.
^^ Kerr, S. 1995. On the folly of rewarding A, While hoping for
'^ Mitra, Gupta & Jenkins, op. cit.
B. Academy of Management Executive. February: 7.
'^ Hanlon, S. C. Meyer, D. C, & Taylor, R. R. 1994. Conse-
^* Luthans & Kreitner, op. cit.
quences of gainsharing: A field experiment revisited. Group
^^ For example, see Luthans, F., & Davis. T. R, V. 1990. Apply-
and Organizational Management, 19: 87-111.
ing behavioral management techniques in service organiza-
'' This comprehensive survey is reported in Gibson, V. M.
tions. In D. E. Bowen, R. B. Chase & T. G. Cummings (Eds.),
1995. The new employee reward system. Management Review,
Service monagemen( effectiveness; 177-209. San Francisco: Jos-
February: 18.
sey Bass; Luthans, F., Paul, R., & Baker, D. 1981. An experimental
'^ These surveys are reported in The Economist. 1998. Pay
analysis of the impact of contingent reinforcement on salesper-
preview. August 29: 56-60.
sons' performance behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 66:
'^ De La Cruz is quoted in Management Review. 1995. Align-
214-223; Welsh, D. H. B., Luthans. F., & Sommer, S. M. 1993.
ing work and rewards. February: 22.
Managing Russian factory workers: The impact of U.S.-based
'-° Ledford, Lawler & Mohrman. op. cif.: 79.
behavioral and participative techniques. Academy of Manage-
^' See: Kohn, A. 1993. Why incentive plans cannot work. Har-
ment Journal. 36: 58-79; and Luthans, F,, Stajkovic, A. D.,
vard Business fleview, September-October: 62-63.
Luthans, B. C, & Luthans, K. W. 1998. Applying behavioral
^^ Kohn, A. 1993. Punished by rewards. Boston: Houghton Mif-
flin: 119. management in Eastern Europe. Euiopean Management Jour-
nal, 16: 466-475.
^^ Bandura, A. 1986. Sociai foundations of thought and action.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall: 236. ^ Stajkovic, & Luthans, A meta-analysis of the effects of
^•' Representative of this stream of research is Deci, E. L. 1971. organizational behavior modification, op. cit.
Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. ^'See: Wood, R. E., Mento, A. J.. & Locke, E. A. 1987. Task
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 18: 105-115 and complexity as a moderator of goal effects: A meta-analysis.
Leeper, M. R., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. E. 1972. Undermining Journal of Applied Psychology, 72: 416-425. This meta-analysis
children's intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward: A test of the found that goal setting had an overall effect of 10.39 percent on
'overjustification' hypothesis, /ournai of Personality and Social task performance.
Psychology, 28: 129-137. ^ See: Stajkovic, A. D., & Luthans, F. 1998. Self-efficacy and
^^Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. 1985. Intrinsic motivation and work-related performance: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bul-
self-determination in Jiuman behavior. New York: Plemun Press. letin. 124(2):240-261.

Fred Luthans is the Geoige

Holmes Distinguished Profes-
sor of Management at the Uni- Alexander D. Stajkovic is visiting
versity of Nebraska. A former assistant professor of manage-
president of the Academy of ment at the University of Califor-
Management and recipient of nia, Irvine. His current research
the 1997 Distinguished Educa- interests include self-efiicacy,
tor Award, he is currently editor examining the effects of different
of Organization ai Dynamics incentive motivators, and the
and Journal of World Business. psychological dimensions of en-
He is the author of Organ- trepreneurial behaviors and in-
izational Behavior (8th ed., ternational management. Con-
Irwin/McGraw Hill). Contact: tact:

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