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Mosl of my young Iife I vanled lo find a book lhal vouId heI
me ansver Iife's queslions. I aIvays knev, somehov, lhal lhere vas
immense inner knoving lhal couId somehov be laed. I never
found such a book and so I vrole one.

This is nol a book for one vho has nol queslioned his Iife in
earnesl and cerlainIy nol for lhe curiosily seeker. This is for lhe
sincere erson vho vanls more lhan mere inleIIecluaI ansvers. If
you are such a erson, lhen lhis book is for you.

There are lvo requiremenls in order lo benefil from lhis book.
Iirsl, read il aII in one silling, sIovIy and deIiberaleIy. Second,
LISTIN lo lhe vords inlenlIy vhelher you undersland lhem or nol.
If you read lhe book lhis vay vilh lhe inlenlion of uncovering lhe
lrulh of vho you are, you calch a gIimse of lhis lrulh.

This brief book comes righl lo lhe oinl and every slalemenl
carries a rofound message lo refIecl uon. Sludy and onder as you
read. Il is lhis inlenlion lhal viII rovide you vilh lhe hearl-
knoving of vho you are.

Here is lhe firsl facl lo kee in mind lhere is a KNOWIR
vilhin you lhal once reIeased, makes everylhing cIear. If you haen
lo be a skelic or have doubl, il's okay as Iong as you have an oen
hearl and are viIIing lo exIore. Sludy each age unliI you have feIl
ils message and lhen go lo lhe nexl.

What is a qucstinn?
The easiesl and faslesl vay lo undersland vhal a queslion is, is
lo knov lhal lhe nalure of lhe mind is lhoughl. The nalure of
lhoughl is lo seek. The vord 'queslion' means 'quesl.' Il is lhrough
queslions lhal ve Iearn and evoIve. Whcn qucstinns rcmain
uncnnscinus and thcrcInrc unrcsn!vcd, cmntinna! prnb!cms rcsu!t.
In facl, aII emolionaI suffering is crealed from unresoIved queslions
such as.
| ucn!cr unai is urcng uiin nc?
An | nissing scncining?
Wnq !c incsc inings kccp nappcning ic nc?
| ucn!cr unais gcing ic nappcn ncxi?
Wnq !c | aci inc uaq | !c?
Hcu !c | quici inc nin!?
And a lhousand olhers.

The human being is comrised of lhree IeveIs of funclioning.
There is lhe KNOWIR, SIIKIR and DOIR.

The KNOWIR is lhe suerconscious mind vhich is seIdom
used consciousIy. Il is lhe essence of our lrue nalure and yel moslIy
forgollen. Il is lhe 'I AM' of you. Ior examIe, vhen you vere a
chiId, you laIked, exerienced and feIl as a chiId. As a leenager,
exerienced as a leenager and had differenl beIiefs. As an aduIl, you
exerienced as an aduIl vilh sliII differenl beIiefs lhan a leenager.
Yct, in this cntirc timc nnc thing ncvcr changcd thc
KNOWLEDGE that ynu arc ynu!! This is lhe KNOWIR vilhin you.
If someone asked you, D) :)7 ;,)- :)7 #<.3(` your reIy
vouId be, Of course I do! and yel vho is il lhal knovs` Il isn'l a
lhoughl, il isn'l an emolion, il isn'l a memory, il isn'l lhe inleIIecl.
This KNOWING does nol reside in lhe mind. Il is lhe very
avareness lhal you are.

=-2'#,#33 .3 4.;# 2 >.'')'
Avareness is Iike a mirror, il refIecls everylhing in fronl of il,
yel il is ilseIf nol a refIeclion.
A mirror can refIecl vhal is in fronl of il vhelher il is an insecl
or an eIehanl or a house or |usl vasl oen sace. The mirror remains
ure in ils abiIily lo refIecl desile lhe many lhings il refIecls.

This avareness refIecls your lhoughls Iike a mirror does.
Hovever, since you do NOT yel KNOW lhal you are refIecling
lhoughls, lhese lhoughls aear reaI lo you. You see onIy lhese
lhoughls vhich seem so reaI inslead of lhe avareness lhal lhey
emerged from. These refIeclions become your vorId, your seIf-image,
and since ve are unavare of lhe KNOWIR lhen lhese refIeclions
become our reaIily, our vorId, and comrise aII of our lhinking,
feeIing and exeriencing. Yel, aII lhis is |usl refIeclion and reIalive lo
our essence of KNOWING (ure avareness) bul is NOT ReaIily.

KNOWING is nol our lhoughls vhich are simIy refIeclions.
(This is imorlanl il is imeralive lhal lhis is cIear before
roceeding furlher). Ask yourseIf lhis, Wncn | |cck in inc nirrcr, an |
inc rcj|cciicn in inc nirrcr? |j sc, arc incrc iuc cj nc?

You can'l see yourseIf and so need a mirror lo Iook al yourseIf.
Yel lhe refIeclion is nol you since il is bul a refIeclion. SimiIarIy vilh
your thnughts thcy arc a rcI!cctinn nI what ynu arc awarc-nI, but
nnt awarcncss itsc!I.
Avareness is nol a lhoughl a lhoughl is vhal avareness
refIecls uon. Therefore, vhalever you lhink is onIy a refIeclion and
can'l be reaIily!
?2, :)7 3(2'( () .>2/.,# ,)- ("# &42'.(: ("2( &2, #>#'/# *')>
(".3 3.>@4# ;,)-.,/A

Suose you beIieve lhal lhe image of yourseIf is reaI, vhal
haens` You are no Ionger avare lhal il is |usl an image (as in a
mirror) and so slarl defending il, rolecling il and even send
lremendous amounl of energy mainlaining il. This vouId mean lhal
mosl of your energy is senl ursuing iIIusion and lhen vonder vhy
ve suffer emolionaIIy. AII fear of re|eclion, ersonaI hurl, anger,
feeIings of being inferior or suerior are |usl hynolic slales of
iIIusion resuIling from a faIse seIf-image. In facl, aII images are |usl
images, |usl as lhoughl is bul a lhoughl. Are you beginning lo see lhe

If, al lhis oinl, you say lhal you undersland so far, lhen regard
lhis nexl imorlanl facl.
Ivery lhoughl lhal you lhink is bul a lhoughl, an image crealed
by lhe asl. This mcans that thcrc is nn rca!ity in thnught at a!!
cxccpt that which wc givc it. Therefore, if you are suffering
ersonaI hurl, anger, fruslralion, deression or fear, you are
exeriencing lhe reaIily you crealed vilh your lhoughls. Thoughls
ALWAYS manifesl lhe momenl ve beIieve lhem.

B"2( .3 2 C#4.#*A
B"2( .3 C#4.#*A Iveryone has beIiefs vhelher negalive or
osilive. We can'l funclion vilhoul beIiefs. A beIief is lhe Iove sl
rung of lhe Iadder of lrue KNOWLIDGI. KNOWING is lhe lo.

Our nalure gives us a desire lo knov, lo be cerlain, lo feeI
secure, lo have ansvers, lo feeI eace, and so on. Therefore, sincc thc
KNOWER has nnt bccn tappcd, wc uncnnscinus!y chnnsc bc!icI.
We vanl lo beIieve and cIing lo il bul il doesn'l give us slrenglh,
courage nor lrusl because, dee dovn, ve knov lhal beIief can be
shaken. KNOWING can never be shaken.

Wnq is ii sc rarc ic ncci pccp|c unc KNOW uiin ccnticiicn an!
auincriiq? Il is reaIIy very simIe. Since our lhoughls have become
such a reaIily, ve slarl lo concocl ideas, oinions, and emolionaI
feeIings and lhus creale our ovn vorId of beIiefs lo cIing lo. Since
mosl beIiefs confIicl vilh olher beIiefs ve have reIigious vars and
oIilicaI uheavaIs. eIiefs aIvays differ from one erson lo anolher.

uddha said lo never beIieve anylhing unliI your hearl
avakens lo lhe lrulh. Whcn ynu can scc a bc!icI as a bc!icI ynu
havc takcn a giant !cap nI cnnscinusncss.
Here are some beIiefs.
I beIieve I am a searale individuaI.
I beIieve lhal I am vhal I see.
I beIieve lhal I viII die someday.
I beIieve vhalever I see vilh my senses.
Yel, ve have laken our beIiefs for granled and our KNOWING
remains dormanl. UnliI ve slarl chaIIenging and exIoring vhal ve
beIieve, hov can ve hoe lo reach higher KNOWING`
The momenl you make u your mind lhal your beIief is lrue
lhen you have vhal is caIIed 'A cIosed-hearl.' CIosed hearls are so
revaIenl even among siriluaI seekers.
Here is lhe scoo lhal can shake you lo lhe core if you
undersland ils lrue meaning, and il is |c|icj is iruc!!

If beIief is lrue lhen il is a KNOWING and no Ionger a beIief.
So, vhal is KNOWING` Il is nol 'somelhing' lhal you come lo knov,
il is nol a vorIdIy is vhen lhe hearl (essence) of eing oens
lo ils iIIimilabIe ure avareness so lhal lhis KNOWING cannol be
chaIIenged, cannol be louched and is beyond any doubl vhalsoever.
Il is lhe Trulh ilseIf.

Here is anolher facl unknovn lo mosl.Trulh cannol be knovn
lhrough vords bul onIy lhrough Direcl Ixerience.
The highesl KNOWING is lhe KNOWIR and lhal is lhe same
for everyone since everyone is lhe same.Oneness!!

D#(53 &),(.,7# )7' E)7',#:
() ("# +FGBHI

Nov, because of lhis KNOWIR and our confusion of lrulh
vilh refIeclions (idenlificalion vilh lhe faIse), ve feeI incomIele.
We feeI somelhing is missing. We feeI inadequale as ve are. Al lhis
oinl ve have no idea al aII lhal our lrue essence is lhe KNOWIR.
The seeker is born lhe momenl lhere is no knovIedge of lhe
KNOWIR. Il is al lhis oinl lhal ve cIing lo beIiefs lhrough our
lhoughls and emolionaI feeIings.

%##;#' &4.,/3 () C#4.#*3
The SIIKIR feeIs Iike one singIe fragmenl from lhe iclure-
uzzIe and so goes in search of lhe vhoIe iclure vhere he can fil in.
The search is oflen uncIear lo lhe seeker. He vanls lo be
avakened siriluaIIy bul doesn'l knov vhere he is in lhal huge
maze. The seeker sliII beIieves he is bul a vave uon lhe vasl ocean
and never aIIovs himseIf lo recognize lhal he is lhe ocean ilseIf. Hcu
can a uatc |c scparaic! jrcn inc tcrq uaicr inai prc!ucc! ii?

Iveryone seeks lhe KNOWIR vilhoul having lhe sIighlesl idea
vhal lhey are reaIIy searching for. Seeking exisls for everyone vho
doesn'l knov lhey are lhe KNOWIR. Il is lhal simIe and
slraighlforvard. The soIulion is lo see ils obviousness.
Some examIes are -- seeking comanionshi vhen IoneIy,
enlerlaining sexuaI fanlasies vhen feeIing unIoved or IoneIy,
seeking a sense of imorlance vhen nol arecialed, seeking over
vhen lhe drive for siriluaI fuIfiIImenl is lhvarled by lhe vorId or
misunderslood. In facl, drug-laking, aIcohoIism, erversion, sexuaI
romiscuily and crime are aII heavy seeking. The criminaI seeks gain
or over lhrough maleriaI gain. ReIaled lo heavy seeking is lhe uII
for Ieasure, sensalion and maleriaI allachmenl or lhe need lo have
and ossess. These lhings are nol vrong in lhemseIves bul shov lhe
unresl of lhe souI.

The chiId seeks recognilion lhrough raise, an aduIl seeks il
lhrough over, money, sex, Ieasure, or sensalion, bul lhe seeking is
aIvays lovards lhe same goaI.for inner fuIfiIImenl, comIelion,
vhoIeness. In olher vords, lhe seeking is for lhe KNOWIR.

It is thc KNOWER that is whn!c, cnmp!ctc and Iu!Ii!!mcnt
itsc!I. The KNOWIR is comIele and vhoIe because il is lhe very
essence of eing or ure avareness ilseIf. Nolhing can be added or
sublracled from Iure Avareness. The Knover and Iure Avareness
are one and lhe same lhing IT }UST IS!! Il is ONIness and ovned
by no one. The ocean is one and is nol ovned by any vave, and yel
each vave is lhe ocean ilseIf.

Nov ve have discovered lhe KNOWIR and lhe SIIKIR. Nexl
is lhe DOIR. The DOIR is vho you lhink you are, NOT vho you
reaIIy are! The DOIR is lhe aclion lhal aIvays foIIovs from seeking,
for beller or vorse. The vord DOIR refers lo aclion (manifeslalion)
such as behavior, ersonaIily, allilude, lhinking, emoling or doing
anylhing al aII.

To knov vhelher your aclions in Iife are vorking oul lo your
advanlage, simIy ask yourseIf, |s nq |ijc ucrking cui sc inai | an ai
pcacc an! nappq? If il isn'l, lhen lhe resuIl has nol been lhe besl for
you. The besl ossibIe resuIl for you is lhe KNOWIR. This lrusl in
lhe KNOWIR is oflen caIIed insighl, inluilion, 6
sense, cIear-seeing.
ul don'l feeI bad, knoving lhal you haven'l been foIIoving lhe
KNOWIR is ilseIf good nevs you nov knov vhal you have been
DOING (as a DOIR).

1. KNOWIR vhoIeness, suerconsciousness, ure avareness.
2. SIIKIR subsconscious aclivily and feeIing Iike a fragmenl.
3. DOIR daiIy condilioned mind, vhal you see is lhe vay
you've been lhinking and beIieving.

!"# D.J.,/KL7#3(.),
Since lhe daiIy condilioned mind is a seeker for fuIfiIImenl,
hainess, eace, Iove and meaning lhen il Iives from a Living
Queslion. A Living Queslion is a queslion or queslions lhal have
nol been exIored, asked or resoIved and so remain as unresl,
dreariness, IislIessness, sadness, deression, fear, uncerlainly and
confusion. In shorl, a Living-Queslion is a beIief lhal has nol been
Here are a Iisl of unexIored queslions and lhe resuIling
emolion emerging from lhe queslion.

| ucn!cr ncu ||| nakc cui? -------------------- Anxiely
Hcu can | |ci gc cj nq incugnis? -------------- Tension
Wnai ui|| incq inink cj nc? -------------------- Iear
| sncu|!ni natc !cnc inai? --------------------- GuiIl
Hcu ccu|! incq !c inis ic nc? ------------------ Resenlmenl
| !cni kncu unai ic !c? ----------------------- Confusion
| !cni kncu unais urcng uiin nc? ----------- Deression

When you vilness someone '|csing incir ccc|' lhen il is cIear lhal
lhey boughl lhe Iiving-queslion hook, Iine and sinker.
If you ask someone, Wnai is qcur |iting-qucsiicn` lhey viII nol
be abIe lo ansver you for lvo reasons.
Iirsl, lhey mighl nol knov vhal you are laIking aboul, and
secondIy, lhe Iiving-queslion aIvays manifesls as an emolionaI
The Seeking-Queslions are sublIe and cannol be easiIy
exressed as verbaI queslions since lhe queslions lhemseIves have
lransIaled inlo direcl IMOTIONAL feeIing. Think of a seeking-
queslion as a vaour lhal condenses inlo moislure and lurns inlo
ice vhen frozen.

Thc !iving-qucstinn that has bccnmc Irnzcn in nur ccntcr nI
bcing is sn dccp!y imbcddcd that wc dnn't cvcn knnw wc arc
qucstinning it I!arcs up as an cmntinna! rcactinn. Bursts nI
angcr, vin!cncc, uncxpcctcd rcactinns and hystcria arc dccp!y
imbcddcd uncxp!nrcd qucstinns.

This is vhere gelling lo knov lhe KNOWIR is of aramounl
imorlance for eslabIishing eace of mind and cIarily. The
KNOWIR viII immedialeIy hil uon lhe queslions ve are asking
and lhen heIs us lo resoIve lhem.
Remember lhis aII-imorlanl oinl --- The ,2(7'# )* M=NDO
PNFM .3 2 &),(.,724 67#3(.),8 AII negalivily, regardIess of vhal
il's caIIed (deression, anger, guiIl, anxiely or fear) is nolhing
more lhan a queslion unresoIved. The LIVING-QUISTION does
nol have lo have a queslion mark (`) behind il, bul il is sliII a
slalemenl of confusion, uncerlainly, fear and insecurily. Thc
grcatcst pain nI thc cgn is whcn a bc!icI has bccn shnwn tn bc
Ia!sc. (ego refers lo lhe seeker).

%##;.,/ .3 ,2(7'24
N3 3##;.,/ -'),/A Anylhing lhal can'l be heIed is never
vrong. Il is a vay lo discover vhal is faIse unliI, lhrough lhe
rocess of eIiminalion, ve come lo lhe KNOWIR. Mosl eoIe
faII aIong lhe vay and gel sluck in fascinalion. Thc snu! nItcn
crcatcs its nwn i!!usnry rca!ity madc up nI bc!icIs sn that it
cscapcs Iacing thc truth it is tcrriIicd Irnm. And so, il never
reaches lhe innacIe of KNOWING due lo lhe fear of lhe

The onIy vay lo knov vhelher lhe mind is conlinuaIIy
queslioning is lo ask yourseIf lhese queslions.
Arc qcu ajrai! cj !cain?
Oc qcu kncu unq qcu arc ncrc cn carin?
Oc qcu un!crsian! inai NOW is a|| incrc is?
These queslions are basic and yel mosl eoIe have no idea of
lheir meaning, or much Iess, lheir ansver. And yel, I guaranlee
you lhal conlacling lhe KNOWIR in lhe SiIence of eing viII
bring you lhis KNOWING vilhoul Iifling a finger.if you aIIov
il!! The ansver lo such queslions do nol come as verbaI ansvers,
nor inleIIecluaI vords, bul a feeIing-knoving in lhe hearl lhal
says, Oj ccursc, ncu c|sc can ii |c?

Seeking is naluraI and unavoidabIe. IeoIe vho beIieve lhey
are nol seeking deIude lhemseIves. AII seeking such as arlying,
sexuaI advenlures, having a good lime, drinking or even valching
foolbaII games, elc are vays of seeking escaes lo give us
meaning, Ieasure and lemorary inner fuIfiIImenl.
AII seeking is an indirecl caII for ansvers, for soIulions.

There are limes vhen queslions slo. This is vhen lhere is lolaI
en|oymenl lo lhe oinl of 'disaearing' as a searale erson. Ior
inslance, vhen you are in Iove vilh someone and immerse in lhe
embrace of Iove-making lhere is such comIeleness in lhe acl lhal
seIf-forgelfuIness occurs. When lhere is lolaI en|oymenl lhen lhere
is inner fuIfiIImenl, hovever lemorary. Then ve seek lo kee
lhis fuIfiIImenl going and lhus deveIo addiclions. Remember
lhis, unti! wc awakcn nur KNOWER thcrc is nn ccssatinn nI

Mosl seekers become fascinaled vilh seeking and so deveIo a
vhoIe sel of beIiefs around il and gel sluck in lhal Iace. I have had
innumerabIe eoIe asking me, N "2J# C##, 3@.'.(7244: 3##;.,/ *)'
QR :#2'3 2,1 "2J# >#( 2-2;#,#1 (#2&"#'3S ('2J#44#1 () J2'.)73
@42&#3S 3(2:#1 ., 23"'2>3 2,1 '#21 244 ("# C));3 2,1 :#( N 2> ,)(
2-2;#,#1S ")- &)>#A The ansver is simIe you have nov become
addicled lo lhe search and ils fascinalion. This addiclion is lhe
hardesl lo break because il has become a IifeslyIe. Yel, ve can sliII
break free if ve ALLOW our innocence and humiIily lo lake
When lhe search had laken many years, lhen il becomes a
IifeslyIe of lhinking and beIieving, and aIlhough you lhink you vanl
lhe lrulh, yel you don'l. The Trulh vouId shaller your dreams.

I have had so many emaiIs from addicled seekers lhal I have
Iosl counl. They ask me queslions and yel resond lo my 'ansvers'
vilh, Bui | kncu a|| inai!! Imagine hov Trulh vouId shaller lheir
So here's anolher bombsheII.
O)7 &2,,)( 3##; ("# ;,)-#'TT The KNOWIR is lhe onIy Trulh
lhere is, lhe onIy ReaIily, lhe onIy eace and grace and gIory, il is
aIvays here-nov in fuIIness!!

L7#3(.),3 2'# ,#&#332':
I have mel many eoIe vho never ask queslions and vhen I
ask lhem if lhey have any, lhey reIy, | natc ncnc Yel one Iook inlo
lheir energy-fieId reveaIs cIearIy lhal lhere are many queslions Iying
unresoIved. Il isn'l lhal lhey don'l vanl lo ask queslions, il is oflen
because lhal lhey don'l knov vhal lo ask or hov lo hrase vhal
lhey're feeIing inlo a cohesive senlence.
If lhere is lhe sIighlesl discomforl in your Iife lhen lhere is a
queslion Iying unansvered and unexIored.

Queslions are lhe key lo evoIulion of consciousness. Wilhoul
queslions, ve are righl back inlo rimilive cave-man lhinking mere

Evn!utinn nI cnnscinusncss takcs p!acc
thrnugh undcrstanding thc qucstinn.

The usuaI robIem is lhis vhenever a queslion arises, ve seek
an ansver or advice or Iook for verbaI soIulions. We find ourseIves
righl back lo square-one.
The reaI 'ansver' lo a queslion Iies vilhin lhe queslion ilseIf.
Since ve seek ansvers oulside ourseIves, ve bIock lhe inlernaI
KNOWIR. Ior examIe, if ve suffer some Ioss or ersonaI ain ve
ask, Wnq an | sujjcring? This viII Iead us novhere because ve are
nol Iooking al lhe queslion ilseIf. The roer queslion is, | an
sujjcring. Wnai is sujjcring? and lhal viII heI us beller lo
undersland lhe queslion. AII emolionaI suffering is sychoIogicaI.
Thus by gelling in louch vilh lhe emolionaI sensalion in lhe body
(you'II be shovn hov Ialer) you viII be abIe lo move lhe emolion oul
of ils frozen slale.

VerbaI or vrillen ansvers are of IillIe heI unIess someone
reaIIy Iislens lo lhe meaning in lhe hearl. A verbaI or vrillen ansver
is a mass of vords vhich cannol salisfy nor fuIfiII since lhere is no
direcl exerience of lhem. The vay lo lhe KNOWIR doesn'l Iie in
|usl reading lhis book bul in foIIoving ils Direcl-Knoving exercises.
Suose someone asks, | kncu |ctc is |cauiiju| an! inpcriani,
|ui unq !c | ccniinuc ic rcscni?
The soIulion is simIe enough if lhe queslion is underslood. Il
is obvious lhal lhe queslioner doesn'l reaIIy knov lhal Iove is
beaulifuI and imorlanl. He |usl lhinks he does because he has heard
lhe vords oflen enough. Ierhas he had beIiefs aboul Iove being
sexuaI or an acl in ilseIf. Therefore, by exIoring lhe queslion, he viII
recognize lhe conlradiclion in his slalemenl and lhal very recognilion
may bring a vhoIe nev insighl and feeIing.
When Iove is exerienced, lhen one feeIs loo good lo resenl any
Ionger and lhe queslion is no Ionger an issue.

Remember lhis Tn Knnw snmcthing is tn bc that snmcthing!

KNOWING is nnt thinking abnut it. When you knov, il is
fuIIy aIive in you. Il is lhe very cenler of you. Il is lhe KNOWIR
vilhin you coming aIive and avakening.
Whal you KNOW in your hearl (cenler) you don'l queslion
simIy because you knov! You knov you exisl and lherefore do nol
queslion vhelher you do or nol. You knov you lhink and lherefore
do nol queslion vhelher you lhink or nol.

Here's anolher slalemenl lhal can bIov your ego avay il is
lhis thc KNOWER is that which is nbvinus!! Mosl eoIe are
bIind lo vhal is obvious and so ve caII lhem asIee. The masler
Gurd|ieff used lo say lhal lhe average erson may Iook aIive bul lhey
are acluaIIy snoring. When hagavan vas aroached by begging
eoIe for enIighlenmenl, he used lo say, Sc|j-rca|izaiicn is a|rca!q inc
casc, qcu jusi !cni |c|ictc ii!
Ior examIe, do you beIieve in lhe asl` Mosl eoIe do.
Do you beIieve in lhe fulure` Mosl eoIe do. Yel lake a good Iook
righl nov and leII me vhere lhe asl is` Where is lhe fulure` This
does nol mean lhal lhe 'asl' didn'l haen, bul lhe obvious lhing is
lhis, lhal vhen il haened il vas NOW. Did you knov lhal lhe
fulure NIVIR arrives because il is imossibIe` Look al lhe
obviousness of lhis. When can il haen excel nov`

Wnq arc uc sc caugni in i||usicnarq ininking sucn as iinc? Il is an
inleresling facl because lime is reIalive lo lhe Iinear lhinking Iefl-
brain. AIso lhe facl lhal our body is aging makes us beIieve lhal lime
has gone by. We measure lime by cIocks and sychoIogicaI lime.
There is aIso chronoIogicaI lime based on IabeIs such as days, veeks,
monlhs and years vhich vere crealed by lhe Iefl-brain caacily and
need for delaiI. We aIso have bioIogicaI lime vhere lhe body ages
according lo environmenlaI faclors such as lhe food ealen, our
alliludes and lhoughls. And, since ve idenlify vilh lhe body as vho
ve are lhen ve ILIIVI (vilhoul lruIy KNOWING) lhal aging is
simIy lhe change lhal's inherenl in aII maleriaI forms. Maller is
energy in a dense form and lherefore an effecl of lhe Source energy.
When you enler lhe KNOWING vhich is reaIIy YOU righl
nov, lhen you'II come lo knov lhe gIorious ReaIily lhal has aIvays
been. You can enler lhe KNOWING vhen you ALLOW yourseIf lo
see lhe obvious.

0)- 1) :)7 3(2'( 3##.,/ ("# )CJ.)73A
You slarl by knoving one facl righl from lhe slarl, and il is
Knnwing, and thinking ynu knnw, arc twn diIIcrcnt things.
Knoving is beyond any ossibIe doubl vhereas lhinking is |usl
molion of menlaI energy and images refIecling our asl condilioned
Ior examIe, you mighl lhink aboul Iife, bul vhalever you
lhink is |usl a lhoughl and onIy amounls lo a mere beIief. Hovever,
KNOWING is nol a beIief anymore lhan kindergarlen is CoIIege.
KNOWING is nol a beIief bul lhe knoving lhal you are beIieving
somelhing. Do you see lhe difference` When you beIieve somelhing,
lhe momenl you become avare lhal il is somelhing you are beIieving
lhen you KNOW il is |usl a beIief and nol Trulh. KNOWING is
aIvays cerlain.
Knoving and lhinking are lvo differenl lhings!!

KNOWING has nolhing lo do vilh hov Iong you have sludied
melahysics or dee Iife sludies. Il has nolhing lo do vilh hov many
years you have racliced medilalion or rayer. KNOWING has
nolhing lo do vilh lime.
Knoving is knoving beyond any doubl! IIease hear lhe nexl
Knoving vhal` The mind aIvays seeks 'somelhing' lo KNOW
aboul. Il is hard for lhe ordinary daiIy mind lo conceive of
KNOWING beyond lhinking. So, here's lhe nexl mind-bIoving
hrase lo remember.
KNOWING beyond any doubl haens vhen ve KNOW
knoving ilseIf!! Ior inslance, you lhink you knov you exisl, and yel
il is knoving ilseIf lhal knovs lhis!! Knoving is nol based on
'somelhing' lo knov. Il is ilseIf comIele. You KNOW lhal you
lhink, yel you can'l rove il by oinling lo a lhoughl, bul you knov il
haens vilhoul a doubl. You knov beyond a doubl lhal you are an
avare being, yel can'l rove il excel by knoving il yourseIf. This is
knoving of knoving.

U,1#'3(2,1 ("# 67#3(.),
Hcu !c uc un!crsian! inc qucsiicn? Queslions reside in lhe
unconscious vailing lo be exosed and underslood. When queslions
remain unconscious lhen ve have lhe asIee consciousness acling in
Iife Iike an aulomalon.
When queslions are nol reIeased lhrough exression and
resoIulion lhrough facing lhem, lhey remain reressed and ro|ecl
lhemseIves as negalive feeIings of anger, fruslralion, confusion,
uncerlainly, insecurily and varied feeIings of guiIl. IeeIings are
sublIe and foIIov IOUR IUNCTIONS. These four funclions are.
1. Iercelion
2. Concelion
3. Iormalion
4. Iro|eclion

This is hov il goes.
1. Iirsl ve have pcrccptinn lhal haens vhen ve are avare of
2. This ercelion is coIored by our condilioning roducing
beIiefs, vievoinls and lheories of Iife and is caIIed Cnnccpts.
3. These concels lhen creale a 'reaIily' for us lhal ve accel as
reaI and even langibIe. And lhis is caIIed 'Iormaliveness.' In
olher vords, il creales lhe vorId ve see as if reaI.
4. Since formalivenss creales a reaI reaIily lo us lhen ve ro|ecl il
lhrough our vaIk, laIk, voice, exression, allilude, manner
and lhe vhoIe ersonaIily.

Through lhis sludy of lhe four funclions ve begin lo see hov
unconscious queslions creale our vorId of ain and misery unIess
lhey are underslood and resoIved.

The KNOWIR vhich is sliII lhe unknovn lo lhe average
consciousness is ure ercelion. When ure ercelion is linged
vilh concels il resuIls in an narrov and Iimiled ersonaI reaIily.
UnIess lhe queslioner can enelrale his ovn veneer, he viII find il
imossibIe lo undersland lhe queslion.

A requisile lo underslanding aII queslions is a brulaI seIf-
honesly! This courage is accessibIe lo one vho is sincere in his
quesl for lrue knovIedge.

Lel's Iook al vhal a queslion is.
1. Il is a quesl for an ansver.
2. Il lhinks il doesn'l knov lhe ansver.
3. The ansver is aIvays lhe KNOWIR.
4. Il Iikes lo Iay al, I vanl an ansver as if lhe ansver viII
resoIve lhe queslion. This is because lhere is an iniliaI fear
vhal lhe lrue ansver mighl be.
5. Remember lhe ego is exlremeIy irrilaled by lhe reaI ansver
as il vanls suorl and symalhy for ils misery. This is
vhy seeking aIvays lakes an ouler form 'oul lhere' inslead
of Iooking al lhe queslion ilseIf.
6. The seeking in lhe queslion is aIvays for vhoIeness and
inner fuIfiIImenl.

A man in lhe audience asked Krishnamurli, |s incrc a Gc!`
The man asking lhe queslion execled a 'yes' or 'no' ansver.
Inslead Krishnamurli reIied by asking lhe man a queslion,
Wnai !c qcu ncan |q Gc!? The man squirmed. He vas nol
ready for lhal. He vouId have lo exose his feeIings vhich he
vasn'l secure aboul. Krishnamurli robed furlher reveaIing lo
lhe man severaI lhings aboul himseIf:

-- His queslion vas idIe curiosily and nol a reaI desire lo knov.
When lhere's a reaI desire lo nov, lhere's aIso lhe desire lo

-- He asked mereIy lo aear inleIIigenl lhus be counled. In
olher vords, he vas Iooking for arovaI.

-- He vas unsalisfied vilh lhe ansver reveaIing lhal he didn'l
reaIIy vanl lo knov lhe KNOWIR vilhin him.

Nov, Iel's reverse lhe silualion and find oul vhal vouId have
haened if lhe man vas sincere in his quesl for knovIedge.

! He vouId have discovered vhal God meanl lo him and hov
everyone vievs Him according lo his concels and condilions.
! He vouId have Iearned lhal lrue ansvers can onIy be found in
lhe hearl of knoving, by being lrue lo ourseIves.
! He couId have discovered lhe grealesl of aII, lhal God is lhe
KNOWIR ilseIf vilhin him.

One evening during a salsang a vocaI sludenl asked me, Wnq !ccs
ii |cincr nc uncn pccp|c igncrc nc? He vas Iooking for a acl
ansver. So I had lo lurn his allenlion invard lo Iook al his
Un!crsian! qcur qucsiicn ncu, | sai!, unai !ccs igncring ncan?
Nci paqing aiicniicn he reIied.
Wnq sncu|! incq paq aiicniicn ic qcu !uring saisang uncn a|| cj qcu is
suppcsc! ic |c |isicning ic inc spcakcr?
In lhe diaIogue lhal foIIoved he vas made avare of his
movemenls, Ioudness and egoism and hov he vas seeking
arovaI. His queslion vas ansvered lhe momenl he underslood
his queslion. He discovered he vas bolhering us in lhe same vay
lhal he comIained. And, lhis Ieads us lo an inleresling oinl.

Qucstinns arc mirrnr nI nur sccking!!
There are queslions lhal are seIf-seeking and egoic-dominanl.
There are queslions lhal are raised for lhe sake of aearing
inleIIigenl. There are queslions roeIIed by skelicism or fear.
There are queslions foIIoved by slalemenls lo rove lhal one
knovs. And, lhere are aIso queslions lhal are sincere and hearl-
given and lhese are lhe |eveIs in a salsang galhering.

Queslions are greal reveaIers, and many eoIe vho are avare of
lhis lrulh do nol queslion al aII for fear of exosing lhemseIves.
This fear of exosure, vhich is very common, Iocks lhe queslions
inside lhem and lhe resuIl is dissalisfaclion, discomforl and

There are as many IeveIs of queslions as lhere are eoIe. IhysicaI
eoIe ask hysicaI queslions. InleIIecluaI eoIe ask inleIIecluaI
queslions. MenlaI eoIe ask menlaI queslions and emolionaI
eoIe ask ersonaI queslions.

Ynu arc thc cxact !cvc! nI ynur qucstinn

The more Iife has been exIored, enquired inlo and exerienced,
lhe deeer and more lransforming lhe queslions become.
In lhe iniliaI slages, queslions are concerned vilh aearance
or hov ve see lhe vorId and hov lhe vorId sees us. SecondIy, ve
are concerned vilh lhoughls of behavior, negalivily, emolions and
ThirdIy, ve become deeer and more inleIIigenl and lhus robe
vilh lhe causes of lhings. Such eoIe do nol ask, Hcu can | |c
nappq? bul lhey go lo lhe cause of il by asking, Wnai is
nappincss? Wnq !c | ncc! ii?

O)7' 67#3(.),3 2'# :)7' 3./,2(7'#
Mosl eoIe do nol voice lheir queslions. These queslions
refIecl lhe inner allern of lhe erson, lhe energy-vibralions and lhe
auric fieId. When a dee queslion is recognized, vrillen dovn and
exIored, lhere is lhe beginning of a shifl vhere lhe lhinking,
emoling and allilude are aIlered and imroved.

The KNOWIR is lhe essence of you. vhen a recognilion of lhe
allern is reveaIed, one slarls moving cIoser lo lhe KNOWIR
Here are some allerns I have found in eoIe I have mel.
The viclim allern vhere lhinking is around oor me, I am
The allern of lhe marlyr's slalemenl, Afler aII I have done for
you. IeoIe lake advanlage of me, I feeI used.
The allern of lhe relender, There's nolhing ever vrong vilh
me said vilh a big smiIe. Inside lhey crave arovaI and raise.
The allern of lhe erfeclionisl, Il never seems quile good
The allern of lhe inleIIecluaI, I knov I am smarl and veII-
informed. Inside lhey feeI emly and fIal.
.and many olhers. You can find yours, vhich is nol difficuIl,
if you are honesl vilh yourseIf, by asking Wnai jcc|ings !cpici nc inc
|csi? Wncn | ia|k, ncu pcsiiitc cr ncgaiitc an |? An | a pasi-pcrscn unc
jcc|s !cun cr a juiurc-pcrscn unc jcc|s icnsc an! anxicus?

The allern reveaIs lhe lye of queslions lhal are Iocked inside
you. AII queslions emerge from one ma|or Living-Queslion. When
lhe Iiving-queslion is discovered and exIored, lhere is lhe oening
of lhe door aIIoving lhe KNOWIR lo reveaI ilseIf.

0)- 1)#3 ("# ;,)-#' '#J#24 .(3#4*A As ve have said before, bul
il can never be reealed enough, lhe KNOWIR sees vhal is obvious
lhrough an innocenl and uncomIicaled hearl. Therefore lhrough
lhe exIoralion of our queslions ve begin lo feeI oen, humbIe,
honesl and courageous. The Iinear Iefl-brain slarls lo lake a back seal
from ils survivaI and delaiI-orienlalion. And converseIy, lhe righl-
brain becomes more aclive in ils oenness. And here's a scoo mosl
eoIe are nol avare of lhe righl-brain is egoIess vhiIe lhe Iefl-
brain is vorId-orienlalion and ego-based. olh sides are needed for
survivaI. Hovever, as ve aclivale lhe righl-brain lhrough
exIoralion of queslions vilhoul reaching for an ansver, lhe Iefl-
brain is unoccuied. The Iefl-brain is aIvays ready lo ansver lhe
queslions in ils accuslomed fIal inleIIecluaI-delaiI vay. When you
Ieave oul lhe need for ansvers and deIve inlo lhe feeIing-nalure of
lhe queslion, lhe righl-brain vilh ils vhoIe-vievoinl is aclivaled.

The KNOWIR is nol knoving-aboul-somelhing. Il is
ALLOWID lo see lhe vhoIe iclure vilhoul Iinear lime and mind
delaiIs. In olher vords, ve Iook vilh innocence as if ve vere |usl
born lhis morning and see as if for lhe firsl lime vhal is obvious.
Lel's lake anolher LOOK al vhal is obvious. When in a reIaxed
osilion in a nice quiel comforlabIe environmenl, ask yourseIf, Who
am I` and lhis lime LOOK vilhoul reaching for an ansver (for lhere
isn'l one anyvay). IeeIing fuIIy reIaxed and oen-hearled, Iook vilh
eyes oen al a fixed sol and ask yourseIf, Whal am I righl nov`
and again feeI oul lhis queslion as if you had |usl been born inlo a
brave nev vorId. Look al vhal is obvious and has nolhing lo do
vilh any asl, nol even a minule ago. You viII enler lhe NOW
beyond asl and fulure.

Through lhis 'rocess' you viII begin lo feeI lhe enormily of
limeIessness. Irom limeIessness lhere comes lhe graduaI hinl lhal
everylhing changes bul nolhing dies, underslanding vhal every
hysicisl knovs, lhal H,#'/: .3 .,1#3('7&(.C4#S .( 3.>@4: &"2,/#3
*)'>. Then you viII feeI lransorled inlo a vasl reaIm of sace
beyond lhe boundaries of your form and begin lo gIimse lhal you
are more lhan |usl a body. Whalever you kee exeriencing is, of
course, your ovn direcl knoving. This is lhe aclive KNOWIR
shoving you vho you reaIIy are.
Hovever, if lhis doesn'l haen during lhe firsl fev sincere
allemls, il's okay. }usl remain oen, do lhe exercises lhal foIIov,
and 'Iearn' lhe reIevanl oinls lhal viII be discussed nexl.

!"# >)3( '#4#J2,( ('7("
Whal is lhe mosl reIevanl lrulh of lhe KNOWIR` This is lhe
key, oflen caIIed LOVI. Do nol confuse Iove vilh emolionaI
allachmenl or someone you ovn or ossess. Love is lhe recognilion
of oneness. If I see you as myseIf lhen I can'l heI Ioving you. And,
lhe lrulh is lhal aIlhough you are a searale human yel your IING
is lhe same one lhal I AM.
The more you discover hov you are roeIIed lovards Iove,
lhe slronger, easier and quicker becomes your avakening of lhe
The vord 'Iove' slands for aII lhal is vhoIesome such as
vhoIeness, oneness, hainess, lrulh, |oy, eace, giving, sharing, and
so on. Our need for Iove, aIlhough molivaled by lhe KNOWIR, is
usuaIIy exhibiled and inlerreled lhrough lhe need for arovaI,
ersonaI accelance, allenlion lo our ego and laking allilude. This
inlerrelalion is underslandabIe vhen ve see hov ve have forgollen
lhe KNOWIR and lhus exchanged oneness for ersonaI searalion.
The need for Iove, lherefore, creales lhe maIadies in our
reIalionshis, fear of re|eclion, fear of abandonmenl, fear of nol being
good enough, seIf-sabolage, seIf-unishmenl, guiIl, shame and
inadequacy, insecurily and guiIl. The reason for lhis is because of
one slrong LIVING-QUISTION lhal emerges from lhe need for Iove.
The Living-Queslion is I need you lo Iove me so I can feeI good
aboul myseIf! This Iiving-queslion accenlualed by need ralher lhan
ure Iove for ils ovn sake is lhe reason for mosl co-deendenl
IxIore your need for Iove in lhe foIIoving lvo exercises:

1. Sil dovn and vrile vhalever queslions o in your head. Do
nol censor anylhing you vrile. Remember lhal your head
lhrovs a Iarge amounl of queslions mosl of lhe lime. e avare
of lhem and vrile lhem dovn al greal seed.

2. Lisl some of lhe vays you seek Iove lhrough arovaI, raise,
accelance, elc.

Afler a fev veeks doing lhis every day, you viII be lhriIIed hov
easy your vriling and exIoralion becomes. You viII slarl lo
undersland hov lhe KNOWIR is Iove ilseIf.aII-knoving and

923.& @'.,&.@4#3 2C)7( ("# +,)-#'T

1. The KNOWIR is 'aII-lhere-is' knovn aIso as Iove, vilness, ure-
consciousness, God, Source and Oneness. Iverylhing emerges
Irom lhe Knover and goes back lo lhe Knover. Il is a circIe.

2. The Highesl LOVI is Love of LOVI!!

3. When you reaIize lhal lhe reaI doer is Iove, lhen you faII in Iove
vilh Iove! This is lhe highesl Iove and lhe mosl uncondilionaI.

4. The highesl avareness is lhe avareness of is SeIf-

Lct's takc it stcp-by-stcp:

I vouId Iike lo quole my dear friend Heidi Mayr vho vrole.

". woke up and suddenly knew.... just have to live now. not think about what
is happening later and ... and it is not describable... like being up front... do not
know, how to say this.....its like walking very slowly into cold water.... in the
beginning you resist, but then suddenly just step by step you realize... its not
even cold, its beautiful......

Nov you have reached lhe end of lhis book in one silling and
fiIIed vilh lhe avareness of lhe KNOWIR.
ecome very sliII righl nov and feeI lhal lhis momenl, lhis very
NOW ilseIf is lhe KNOWIR Iooking lhrough you.
ecome avare of any Iiving-queslions lhal surface such as.
Bui | sii|| !cni ju||q un!crsian!.
| !cni inink anqining nappcnc!.
Wnai an | suppcsc! ic |c cxpcricncing ncu?
| an sii|| jcc|ing inc sanc as | !i! uncn | siaric! rca!ing ii.
.and a hundred differenl ones.
These are lhe Iiving-queslions lhal bIock lhe KNOWIR. The
KNOWIR has one goaI in your Iife, onIy one greal drive and lhal is
lo heI you lo see hov beaulifuI you are in your naluraI slale. Yel
lhere are no vords lo describe il. So, lhe besl vay lo aIIov lhe
KNOWIR lo come lo you is lhrough seeing lhe Iiving-queslions lhe
mind is roducing and lhen smiIe and Iel lhem go. Iorgive lhem for
lhey don'l knov vhal lhey are doing. GenlIy, vilh each ob|eclion,
uncerlainly and doubl, be avare of il and simIy reIease il inlo lhe
void from vhich il came.

e sliII, and if you find yourseIf lhinking, |usl be avare of il and
genlIy reIease il from you. Then you'II find lhal lhese Iiving-
queslions are |usl lhoughls lhal have been vilh you for mosl of your
Iife. }usl valch lhem Iay lheir lricks and kee avare lhal lhey are
|usl lhoughls. They are harmIess as Iong as you don'l buy inlo lhem.
SIovIy you viII become avare lhal a lhoughl is |usl a lhoughl.
As you become avare of lhis, you are aIready enlering a siIenl mind
even as you read.
If a queslion arises righl nov and you feeI as if you have lo
ansver il, il is bul lhe egoic mind vanling lo gain conlroI again.
SimIy Iel il be and reIease ils hoId on you.

If you have been a greal doubler aII your Iife, imagine lhe
oening of your hearl as you become avare of il and reIease il from
conlroIIing you.
IeoIe vho doubl aIvays vanl roof. Such roof is nol
ossibIe because il is nol a mind-lhing. Doubl is mereIy an
unconscious fear and il is okay. There is no roof lhal can be had
inleIIecluaIIy bul as you reIax and reIease every queslion lhal arises
vilhoul lrying lo ansver il, you oen u your righl-brain. The aclive
righl-brain Ieaves you oen lo receive, vilhoul lhe inlerference of lhe
Iefl-brain asking for roof and vaIidalion. The KNOWIR nov has a
chance lo lransmil ils enelraling knoving lo you. This KNOWING
has no vords. Il is Iike knoving lhal you exisl. Il is knoving lhal
NOW is aII lhere is. Il is Iike knoving lhal you are reading lhis.

The vonderfuI lhing aboul lhe KNOWIR is lhis.

There is nolhing lo knov, so you cannol argue vilh il, you cannol
doubl il or fear il or do anylhing vilh il. Il is your ovn inner siIence.
When lhe KNOWIR slarls coming lo you, you begin lo feeI reIaxed,
oen and recelive. The queslions dro and you are Iefl sliII and
quiel. Nov having reIeased aII queslions, lhere is nol a murmur lo
hinder you.

Who are you` Ask yourseIf, B") 2'# :)7` sincereIy. There is
no ansver. There is nolhing bul siIence. If a fear arises, a fear of
siIence, lhen remember lhal il is nol siIence you fear bul onIy lhe
lhoughl of il. Once lhoughls cease for lhe momenl and you reIax inlo
lhis nolhingness (siril) you viII begin lo feeI lhe vaslness lhal is you.
There is no end lo you. There is no vay lo describe you excel lo
say.YOU '|usl are.'
Il is Iike being in a ilch-dark room and you are sensuaIIy
derived from seeing and hearing, and yel, you sliII knov you are
lhere. Who is il lhal knovs lhal` Il is lhe KNOWIR lhal is nov you.

Life is Iike a circIe and has no beginning or end because il |usl
IS! When ve see lhings being born and dying ve onIy see maleriaI
lhings lhal are in conslanl change. Maller is lhe refIeclion of lhe
ever-resenl energy of exislence. Do nol confuse exisling lhings vilh
ure exislence. Iure exislence is ure are and you
KNOW you are! There vas never a lime vhen you vere nol because
energy, siril, being is unborn and ils nalure is consciousness.
This KNOWIR is lhe nolhingness from vhich everylhing
emerges. Iirsl lhere is nolhingness, vhich is avare siril, lhen ve
have lhoughl, vhich manifesls as 'somelhing.' This 'somelhing'
aears and lhen disaears inlo somelhing eIse, a never-ending
circIe. AII lhings form a circIe lhal has no beginning or end.
The grealesl Iove is Iove of Iove ilseIf. Il is a circIe. When ve
deny Iove ve creale fear. The grealesl fear is fear of fear ilseIf. GuiIl
is lhe unconscious bIock lo reaIizalion and aIso vorks in a circIe.

Hov do ve slo lhe vicious circIe of fear` Hov can ve slo a
circIe from going round and round vhen lhere is no beginning or
end` You don'l slo anylhing! You |usl ALLOW yourseIf lo see lhal
aII fear is lhe fear of nolhingness, lhe fear of siril, SiIence, Love. Thc
mnmcnt ynu a!!nw 5i!cncc 'tn bc' dcspitc thc Icar nI it, thcn 5i!cncc
wi!! bcstnw upnn ynu its g!nry, grandcur and thc KNOWING nI
ynur truc naturc.
Nn nnc can givc ynu thc truth nI ynu, which is thc KNOWER.
ul you can ALLOW il by seeing lhal you are lhe circIe of exislence
lhal is unborn and undying beyond lime. The mind can NIVIR
knov lhis grandeur bul lhe KNOWIR is lhis grandeur ilseIf. Il is lhe

Nov, cIose your eyes for a momenl vhiIe sliII vilh lhis book,
Iook invard lovards your ovn cIosed eyes as if Iooking inside your
head lovards lhe cenler of your eyebrovs. Look al lhal inner quiel
and dee siIence vilhin you. }usl aIIov lhe knoving lhal you '|usl
are' vilhoul lrying lo undersland il. Afler a couIe of minules oen
your eyes again and kee reading.

SliII reading, ask yourseIf, B"2( 2> N './"( ,)-` and feeI
lhis queslion vilhoul ansvering il. Remember lhal any alleml al
ansvering aclivales your Iefl-brain funclion and lakes you avay
from lhis NOW SiIence.

M) :)7 ;,)- ("2( :)7 #<.3( 3.>@4: C#&273# :)7 ;,)- :)7
#<.3(A The key is aII knoving and nol lhinking. This KNOWING is
inherenl and nol a mind-lhing. Wilhoul knoving lhere is onIy a
greal abyss. KNOWING emerges from lhe KNOWIR. Knoving is
avareness and il is your lrue nalure. Irom lhis KNOWING lhere
emerges knoving of 'somelhing,' vhich is knovn as THOUGHT.
You cannol searale lhoughl from avareness and yel lhey are vaslIy
differenl. They are one and inlerdeendenl. You lhink because you
KNOW you lhink. A lhoughl occurs because lhere is lhe avareness
of lhe lhoughl.

Here are lhe grealesl seven vords in lhe IngIish Ianguage.
Bc 5ti!! and KNOW 'I AM' Gnd!

eing sliII means being in lhe sliIIness of SiIence. In lhis sliIIness
lhere are no Iiving-queslions, lhal is, lhey may occur bul you 'forgive'
lhem as lhey haen.
This sliIIness lhen avakens lhe KNOWIR and lhe firsl gIimse
becomes lhal you KNOW you are 'I AM.' This I AM is nol foIIoved
by a name or asl in ils lrue nalure, bul lhe gIorious eacefuI |oyfuI
knovingness of eing vho you are. }usl as your name and form
exisls in lhe reaIm of lhoughl, so is your lrue nalure ure avareness.

If al lhis oinl you have sludied lhis book in one silling and
sliII have no gIimse of vho you are, lhen knov vhal bIocked il vas
some Iiving queslion lhal mighl aear as a sublIe execlalion.
IxIore lhis Iiving-queslion and lhen, having done so, re-read lhis
book in one silling again. One lime Iaramahansa Yogananda vas
asked, Wnai is inc !ijjcrcncc |ciuccn a sinncr an! a saini. He reIied
vilhoul hesilalion. A saini nctcr gitcs up.

NOT|. |j qcu jcc| qcu natc |cncjiiic! jrcn inis, a !cnaiicn ucu|! |c
grcai|q apprcciaic!. Scn! ic.

url Harding
206-1947 Wesl 7
Vancouver, C V6} 1T2

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