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History Preserving the Past Web site announcement Do you want to make a difference during your summer vacation?

? Join an international team of volunteers working to preserve and protect the medieval town of Saint !arc" in #rance$ %o e&perience re'uired( We can train you to) *ssist archaeologists in their work +epair and protect old stone buildings Do historical research ,each others what you-ve learned .ou must be at least /0 years old and in good health$ 1nglish is the language of the pro2ect" so you don-t need to speak #rench$ We work on the village from !onday morning until Saturday noon$ Saturday afternoon we have e&cursions to nearby attractions" and Sunday is our free day$ *ll meals and lodging are provided 3volunteers live in restored stone houses4$ .ou pay only the cost of your flight$ 1.1milie Duval is a volunteer for 5eritage 6orps$ 7ko) 3r48 pl$7ko)98$ :isten to her and complete the profile$ Position) 5ometown) ,oulouse" in the $$ Student at ) !a2or) Special interest) Work with 5eritage 6orps) /$ ;;;;;; archaeologists made lists /$ helped to rebuild :e <lanc ;;;;;$$ with stone =$ this year) $$ 2$ 1milie is giving the volunteers a talk on the history of the village$ :isten and fill in the
missing information$

%o one knows e&actly how old Saint !arc is$ ,he earliest artifacts we-ve found are coins and pottery from the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ times$ <y the$$$$$$$$$$$"$$$$$$$$$$$ it had become 'uite a large town" with about ;;;$ people$ >t was very ;;$" because it was located in a rich wine producing area$ >t had at least eight ;;;$$and many streets of stone or wooden houses$ !ost of the houses had a shop on the ground floor" and the family lived ;;$$Wine from the region was sold as far away as ;;;;; >n /?@A" an ;;;;; hit Saint !arc$ * number of the old stone buildings were destroyed" and people were afraid to live there$ ,he earth'uake also made the river $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" and the town lost all its water$ :ife here became very difficult" and more and more people left the town$ <y ;;;;;$$" all the buildings $$$$$$$$$$$$ abandoned$ #armers let their herds use the area and carried away some of the stones to use in new ;;;;$ !ost people in the area forgot that a large town had been here$ >n /BBC a ;;;;; at the university of Paris got interested in the site" and his students began e&cavating it$ ,hey were surprised to $$$$$$$$$$ that Saint !arc had once been the ;;; town in the area$D Geography 3. a. 6ountries E %ationalities in 1nglish$

b. %ame the most important historical periods in 1nglish$

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